City of Butler

City of Butler Banner Application

American Legion Post 117

PFC Patrick J. Acquaviva
259th Inf Reg. 65th Div - WWII
United States Army

T/Sgt Leonard M. Acquaviva
2nd Armored Div - WWII - Battle of the Bulge
United States Army

SP4 Larry B. Angert
708TH M.P. CO
United States Army

SSgt John A. Anthony
127th Infantry - World War II
United States Army

S/Sgt Lyle K. Bachman
322nd Eng. Combat Bn Med Det - WWII
United States Army

Tech 5 Robert J. Baptiste
Troop C, 116th Cavalry Recon - WWII
United States Army

CAPT Donald P. Barber
Co. H 22nd Inf. 4th Inf. Div. - WWII
United States Army

Pvt James B. Barnhart
United States Army Air Force

Cpl John P. Bartley
United States Army

SGT Gale R. Barto
11th Airborne 29th Infantry - WWII
United States Army

T/Sgt Richard Bayer
18th Inf. - WWII - North Africa
United States Army

CPL Andrew Baysura
32nd Infantry 7th division - Korean War
United States Army

Sgt William Bennetti
141st Infantry Company E - WWII
United States Army

SFC Frank J. Bennetti
Airborne - Korean War
United States Army

Cpl Russel E. Benninger
Korean War
United States Army

Cpl Robert Bergbigler
Reconnaissance Cavalry Troop C - WWII
United States Army

PFC Joseph A. Betro
Infantry - WWII
United States Army

E-4 William Arthur Bieber
Germany (1965 - 1971) - Communications
United States Army

Cpl Ralph J. Birckbichler
United States Army

PFC Harry E. Blair
1st Infantry Division/ WWII
United States Army

PFC Kevin E. Blystone
Persian Gulf
United States Army

T/Sgt Harry J. Boben
489 Bomber Group - WWII
United States Army Air Force

Sgt Clyde A. Braun, Sr.
Btry D, 97th AAA Gun Bn - WWII - Pacific Theater
United States Army

SSGT William G. Bright
7th. AAF, ww2
United States Army Air Corps

Major Merle D. Brown
198th Infantry - Vietnam - Chaplain
United States Army

PFC Ben  Brown
101st Airborne - Operation Iraqi Freedom
United States Army

 Dean S. Brown
United States Army

2LT John Bugra
303rd Bomb Group - World War II
United States Army Air Corps

PFC LeRoy R. Bunyan
Military Police - WWII
United States Army

Maj. Gen. Richard Butler
American Revolution
United States Army

1st Lt Joseph L. Caparosa
86th Battalion 3863rd Quartermaster Corps - WWII
United States Army

2nd Lt Irma H. Caparosa
Army Nurse Corps - WWII
United States Army

PFC Joseph B. Cavaliero
469th Med Det - Korean War
United States Army

Spec 5 Raymond L. Chiappini
360th Transportation Co. - Vietnam
United States Army

CPL Gale D. Christie
United States Army

T4 Ralph  Christie Sr.
136th AAA Battalion - WWII
United States Army

SP4 George K. Colley, Jr
COB 1ST BN 17 INF Vietnam
United States Army

SSgt Patrick H. Conerty
39th Fighter Squad - WWII - Asiatic-Pacific Theater
United States Army Air Force

PFC Otis J. Confer
United States Army

Sgt William D. Conklin
11th Light Inf. - Vietnam War
United States Army

S/Sgt Wayne D. Culbertson
South Pacific - WWII
United States Army Air Force

SGT Howard L. Cunningham
World War II
United States Army

CPL David R. Curry
39th Bomb Group - WWII - Tail Gunner B-29
United States Army Air Corps

Pvt Richard W. Curtis
World War II
United States Army

SGT John P. Cyprian
Desert Storm
United States Army

SFC Peter A. Cyprian
10th Group Special Forces/Persian Gulf OIF/OEF
United States Army

PFC Glenn N. Davis
Co. K, 301st Infantry - WWII - Rhineland, Central Europe
United States Army

PFC Ralph D. Day
WWII - Pacific Islands
United States Army Air Corps

T-3 Domenic G. DeMatteis
140th Battalion - WWII
United States Army

Sgt Henry W. Dietz
Co. O, 112th Inf, 28th Inf Div - Korean War
United States Army

Sgt Howard C Dillaman
405th AAA ww2
United States Army

1st Lt Charles E. Dillon
32nd Infantry (Red Arrow) Div. - WWII
United States Army

E5 James F. Dittmer
11th Armored Cavalry - Vietnam 68-69
United States Army

E5 Terry Lee  Dittmer
Vietnam War - 240th Assault Helo Co.
United States Army

TEC 5 Joseph R. Dittmer
157th Inf. Regt. - WWII
United States Army

 Patrick Doerr
United States Army

Cpl Donald Domhoff
Korean War
United States Army

Cpl John  Dominsky
Korean War
United States Army

PFC Mike Dominsky
Antitank Co., 7th Division, 31st Infantry - WWII
United States Army

SP4 Lawrence E. Dorenkamp
39th Transportation Battalion/ Vietnam
United States Army

PFC Henry Dottle
1260th Engineer Battalion - WWII
United States Army

Spec 4 Michael W. Dowling
18th MP Brigade, 95th MP Battalion - Vietnam
United States Army

SGT LaVern E. Dunbar
United States Army Air Corps

Pfc Herbert J. Eichner
78th Infantry - WWII - Battle of the Bulge
United States Army

Corporal Saul Emigh
3rd Armored Division, 33rd Armored Regiment/ WWII
United States Army

PFC Vincent L. Farnen
Med. Det. 1253rd Eng Service Bn - WWII
United States Army

SFC Samuel M. Fazzino
United States Army

Cadet Alan D. Fennell
United States Army Air Corps

SGT Richard W. Finnegan
Medical Corps - WWII
United States Army

PV2 Bernard J. Fitzpatrick
United States Army

Sgt Robert C. Flick
Gunner B-29, 871st Bomber Squadron, 497th Bomber Group - WWII
United States Army Air Force

SP5 Charles D. Foringer
Americal Division - Vietnam
United States Army

LT Andy Franko
340th Bomber Squadron 97th Bomber Group
United States Army Air Force

PFC Theodore Frye
8th Inf 4th Inf Div - WWII
United States Army

SGT Boyd W. Fulk
7th Infantry - WWII
United States Army

CPL Noah Galczynski
82ND Airborne Operation Inherent Resolve
United States Army

T-5 Audrey Joe Gallagher
344th Ord. Depot - WWII
United States Army

SP/5 Joseph Gallagher
1st Cavalry Division - Vietnam
United States Army

Cpl William J. Gass, Jr.
20th Transportation Co 1st Div. - Vietnam
United States Army

Sgt Robert L. George
Vietnam War - 319TH ENG CO
United States Army

SSgt Marvin E. Gilson
Engineers - Korean War - Vietnam War
United States Army

CPL John A, Glasgow
Co. A 453rd ENG BN - Korean War
United States Army

SP3 Leonard A Green
Army Security - Korean War
United States Army

1st Lt Patrick H. Greenert
B-17 Gunner - Europe - WWII
United States Army Air Corps

Tech-5 Charles R. Gregg
394th Infantry Regiment, 99th Infantry Division - WWII
United States Army

Major Joseph L. Grenci
OSS Detachment 101/ China-Burma-India Campaign
United States Army

T/Sgt Anthony Grenci
Office of Strategic Services (OSS) - WWII
United States Army

E-4 Austin J. Grupp
Military Police
United States Army

SSgt George J. Gullo
Med. Supply Unit - Vietnam
United States Army

SP/5 Ronald D. Hamilton
125 Air Traffic Control / Vietnam
United States Army

Cpl James H. Hartman
98th Signal Battalion - WWII
United States Army

Staff Sgt William E Hasenflu
1st Squadron 61st. Cavalry Currhee Cav.506th Inf. Regiment 101st Airborne - Afghanistan
United States Army

Pvt John G. Hays
Korean War
United States Army

PFC Edward F. Heasley
17th Cavalry 23rd Inf Div - Vietnam
United States Army

Cpl Charles P. Heist Jr.
315th Fighter Squadron, 324th Fighter Group - WWII
United States Army Air Corps

SGT Joseph W. Heitzer
418th Bomb Squad - WWII
United States Army Air Force

CW4 William F. Henderson
11th Airborne Div - WWII - Korean Conflict - 1st Cavalry Div - Vietnam
United States Army

T-5 Eldin O. Hibbs
80th Div., 319th Inf, Co. B - WWII
United States Army

E-4 Bob Hilliard
Korean War - Vietnam Era
United States Army

SGT Paul P. Hilovsky
82nd Airborne 509th - WWII
United States Army

Spc 5 Harry  Hinderliter
24 Th Inf
United States Army

PFC Robert N. Hinton
Constabulary Unit - WWII
United States Army

SP4 Charlie Horstman
7th Army Germany
United States Army

 Carl L. Horstman
United States Army

PFC Frank Horstman
101st Reg. 26th Division / WWII
United States Army

MSgt George R. Housekeeper
Korean War
United States Army

MSG Kenneth R. Howard Jr.
2/75th Ranger Regiment - Panama
United States Army

SGT W.C. ''Bill'' Ifft
WWII - Pacific Theater
United States Army

Pfc Richard Isovitsch
2nd Battalion, 35th Infantry - Korean War
United States Army

Cpl Ed Janoski Sr.
18th Inf 1st Div - Korean war
United States Army

Pfc Albert G. Jeuther
World War II
United States Army

PFC Ernest C. Johnson
53rd MP Co - Korea
United States Army

Pvt Thomas W. Johnson Sr.
7th Inf - WWII - Germany
United States Army

SP4 Edward T. Kiezkowski
15th Engineers Co. - Vietnam
United States Army

SFC Thomas R. Kisner
1st Sqdn, 1st Cav, Americal Div - Vietnam
United States Army

SP4 Clyde W. Klingensmith
Co. B, 1st Bn, 52nd Inf. Bde., Americal Div. - Vietnam
United States Army

PFC Paul L. Langland
1260 Combat Engineer Battalion/ WWII
United States Army

Sgt Terry Lantz
Desert Storm, Operation Iraqi Freedom
United States Army

Col Paul Leasure Sr
Signal Corps - WWII
United States Army Air Corps

SP4 William E. Lesnik
D Co., 1st Bn, 7th Cavalry - Vietnam War
United States Army

SGT Richard P. Lewis
640th Tank Destroyer Batt. - WWII
United States Army

Spc Dolly E. Littlejohn
4th Army Division
United States Army

SGM Carl W. Littlejohn
4th Inf Division - Vietnam
United States Army

Tec 4 Carl R. Longwell
United States Army

FSgt Samuel M. Lovric
United States Army

A2c Milan V. Lovric
414th Fighter Squadron - Vietnam
United States Army Air Force

SP4 Sam Lovric II
1st Div., 1st Combat Engineers - Vietnam
United States Army

SGT Clarence J. Lunn
314th Dep. Supply Squadron - WWII
United States Army Air Corps

Tec 3 Michael Macko
95th Gas Treatment Battalion - WWII
United States Army

CPL James 'Tommy ' Mainhart
31st Inf 7th Div - Korean War
United States Army

Pfc Pete Mamula
8th Air Force - WWII
United States Army Air Corps

S/Sgt John Marchuk
392nd Bomb Squadron - WWII
United States Army Air Force

1SG Joanne  Marcus
WAC Co - USAG - Korean and Vietnam Wars
United States Army

Sgt Andy J. Matonak
United States Army Air Corps

SGT George A. Mazzanti Sr
322nd Carrier Wing MP
United States Army Air Corps

 Arthur H. McAnallen
1st.Battalion, 21st Infantry - Korean War
United States Army

SGT John A. McCall
489th Amphibian Truck Company - WWII - Philippines
United States Army

PFC Robert P. McDermott
16th Armored Division - World War II
United States Army

 Fred McKnight
United States Army

Pvt James McKnight

United States Army

 Ralph V. McKnight
14th Combat Eng. - Korean War
United States Army

Lt Col Michael E McLaughlin
2nd Brigade Combat Team 28th Inf Div - Afghanistan
United States Army

Cpl Donald P. Mclaughlin
Korean War
United States Army

S/Sgt Earle Q. McNutt
37th Infantry Training Bn - WWII
United States Army

S/Sgt Earle Q. McNutt
Co.B, 37th Infantry - WWII
United States Army

SP5 David J. McQuistion
Vietnam War
United States Army

SGT Milo Miller
Saipan - WWII
United States Army

Pfc Harry Minto
4830th SU, 8th Service Command Unit - WWII
United States Army

MSgt Jeffrey T. Minton
Desert Storm, Operation Iraqi Freedom
United States Army

S/Sgt Frederic E. Mitch
Radio Repair - WWII
United States Army

E-5 Charles R. Montag
Nna Trang Signal Bn Vietnam
United States Army

Sgt Joseph A. Monteleone
15th Infantry 3rd Division - Korean War
United States Army

SGT Anthony D. Morabito
United States Army Air Corps

CPL Andrew Musko Jr.
Korean War
United States Army

Cpl Robert N. Muto
26th Inf Div - Korean War
United States Army

PFC Ralph M. Nebel
HG Co. 4th Infantry/ WWII
United States Army

SGT Timothy M. Neely
1st Cavalry - Vietnam
United States Army

SGT James E. Neff
10th Mountain Division - WWII
United States Army

Cpl Jack Neudorfer
Co A, 4th Bn, ARTC - WWII
United States Army

M/Sgt Harold Newell
Co D, 112th Inf, 28th Div - WWII
United States Army

SGT Richard L. Nodge
529th Transportation Co. - Vietnam
United States Army

TEC5 Louis E. Notareschi
592nd Engineers
United States Army

E-6 Floyd C. Noullet
335th Air Offenive Europe - WWII
United States Army Air Force

Pvt Maric B Nowakowski
63rd Infantry - WWII - Battle of the Bulge
United States Army

PFC Carmen A Oliva
Co.L 105th. inf ww2
United States Army

PFC Bernard F. Osche
United States Army

PFC Edward L. Osche
United States Army

MSG Donald E. Oviatt
United States Army

Pvt Frank Parise
United States Army

PFC Raymond Pfeifer Sr.
79th Infantry Division - WWII
United States Army

PFC Peter G. Pichler
169th Infantry - WWII
United States Army

Pvt Frank R. Pinto Sr.
United States Army

SP4 Oliver W. Pritts
Infantry - Delta Co. - Vietnam
United States Army

Tech 5 Wilbert ''Web'' Rasely Sr.
United States Army Air Corps

SSGT John W. Rearick Jr
148 - 3rd Division - WWII
United States Army Air Force

Cpl Harold V. Reed
WWII - Korean War
United States Army

TEC4 Reno Regis Sr.
United States Army

Pfc Theodore P. Rekich
United States Army

S/Sgt Glenn J. Reott
A Co, 13th Signal Battalion
United States Army

Tech5 Floyd E. Rettig
2827th Engineer Combat Battalion - WWII
United States Army

SGT Sylvis Rettig
United States Army

Air Cadet Clarence H. Rettig
United States Army Air Force

Pvt Maurice Rice
1st Cavalry - WWII
United States Army

Pvt Emilio A. Russo
204th AAA (AW) Battalion - WWII
United States Army

CPL John 'Jack' W. Sanders
81st Infantry Division - WWII
United States Army

E-4 Steven E. Santypal
5th Bn, 87th Inf Div, 3rd Platoon, 3rd Squad - Operation Just Cause
United States Army

S/Sgt Raymond J. Sarteschi
Co K, 315th Infantry - WWII
United States Army

SP5 (t) Ralph A. Sarver
59th Fld. Svc Co. - Vietnam War
United States Army

PFC Ralph E. Schnur
Co C, 16th Regiment, 1st Infantry - WWII
United States Army

MSG Richard J.  Shingleton
97th Infantry - WWII
United States Army

Pfc Kathy Shuler
58th Military Police - Persian Gulf
United States Army

Pfc Harry J `Skip` Shuler Jr
WWII - American Theater, Panama, Galapagos
United States Army

Pvt Paul J. Simmer
1st Infantry - WWII
United States Army

PFC John J.  Smith
66th Airborne - WWII
United States Army

LTC Cloyd A. Smith
101st Airborne - Iraqi/Enduring Freedom
United States Army

CPL David E. Smith
HQ. Co. 2214th ASU Korea
United States Army

SGT Jeffrey S. Smith
101st Airborne Div Vietnam
United States Army

Cpl David H. Smith
United States Army

SGT Carl R. Smith
Korean War
United States Army

Pvt George Snyder
United States Army

SP5 Vincent J. Sommariva
5th Special Forces Group - Vietnam
United States Army

SP4 Fred Spohn
4th Infantry Div. - Vietnam
United States Army

LT William E. Staaf
United States Army Air Force

SP4 James T. Steighner
11th Armored Cav - Vietnam
United States Army

SGT Earl L Stiteler
AAF 833rd Bomber Sqd. - WWII
United States Army Air Corps

SGT William B. Stivason
2nd Div, 9th Inf, Co. F - WWII
United States Army

Major Vance L. Stroup
550th Ord. Co. - WWII - European Theater
United States Army Reserve

Sgt John F. Sutton
United States Army Air Corps

SGT William E. Swartout
148th MP Platoon / Vietnam
United States Army

Pfc Louis Swidzinski
101st Airborne - World War II
United States Army

M/Sgt Charles M. Thomas Jr.
World War II
United States Army Air Corps

1st Sgt Bernard A. Tiberi
United States Army

S/Sgt Robert M. Tirk
3rd Bombardment Division, 410 B.S. - WWII - Europe
United States Army Air Corps

PFC Wilson G. Tirk Sr
World War II
United States Army

1st Lt William S. Titus
WWII - Korean War
United States Army Air Force

PFC Joseph C. Tomsey Sr.
63rd Infantry Division 7th Army - WWII
United States Army

PFC Robert H. Tritsch
United States Army

Cpl Domenic A. Trombatt
13th Air Force, 9th Bombardment Group - WWII
United States Army Air Corps

S/Sgt Ensign Myron Tunstall
445th Bomb Group, 700 Bomb Squadron - WWII
United States Army Air Force

Major Charles B. Turnblacer
Medical Reserve Corps, 114th Evacuation Hospital - WWII
United States Army

Cpl Joseph V. Vaulet
445th Antiaircraft Artillery - WWII
United States Army

1/SGT Leonard 'Hank' Vero
18th Medical Lab / WWII
United States Army

Tec4 Samuel A. Vero
Med. Det. 4th Inf./ WWII
United States Army

Pfc Carl H. Vinroe, Jr
World War II
United States Army

PFC Gerald M. Volchko
HQ Co. Research Support Group - Vietnam era
United States Army

T-5 Floyd E. Wagner
843rd Ordnance Depot Co. - WWII
United States Army

TSgt Ray Walchesky
C Troop 13th Constabulary - WWII
United States Army

Spc Steven Walter
123th Inf - Operation Iraqi Freedom
United States Army

Cpl Bill Walters
88th Infantry - WWII
United States Army

SGT Ralph V. Warheit
United States Army Air Corps

CPL Nicholas Warhola
Med. Co., 112th Inf, 28th Div - Korean War
United States Army

PFC Kenneth L. Weed
417th Infantry - WWII
United States Army

SP4 Martin W. Weleski
A Co., 3rd Bn., 196th Inf. Bde., Americal Div. - Vietnam
United States Army

Corporal Jackie J. Wick
82nd Division - WWII
United States Army

Sgt Robert F. Widenhofer
719th Bomb Squadron, 449th Bomb Group - WWII
United States Army Air Force

Sgt Wilbert M. Widenhofer
2530th AAF Base Unit - WWII
United States Army Air Forces

 Arthur M. Wright
78th Infantry - WWII - Battle of the Bulge
United States Army

Sgt Glenn R. Wylie
C Co., 2nd Bn., 27th Inf.,25th Inf. Div. - Vietnam
United States Army

Major Ralph M. Wymer
Medical Corps - WWII - Korean War
United States Army Air Corps

SGT Charles A. Yenkala
331st Air Repair Sqdn - WWII
United States Army Air Forces

T/Sgt Albert R Yenkala
Co. E, 112th Inf., 28th Div. - WWII
United States Army

Tec 4 Edward M. Yenkala
HQ Co., 771st Tank Destroyer Bn - WWII
United States Army

Pvt Alex Zaliponi
Co. C, 90th Chemical Mortar Bn - WWII
United States Army

S/Sgt Daniel M Zarnick
12th Corps - WWII - Korea
United States Army

Spc 4 Frank J. Bennetti III
Alpha Co 112th Infantry Operation Iraqi Freedom
Army National Guard

Maj Robert James Donaldson
Iraq - Bosnia
Army National Guard

SSGT Tanner Edwards
1-107th Field Artillery - OEF/Afghanistan
Army National Guard

SGT James T. Kenaan Sr.

Army National Guard

Sgt Carl J. Morgain
A Co., 1/112th Mech. Infantry, 28th Div. - Operation Iraqi Freedom III
Army National Guard

PVT Willis Schnur
Army National Guard

Sgt Richard J. Schontz
Medical Unit Company - Korean War
Army National Guard

S/Sgt Waide H. Stivason
Co. H, 112th Infantry, 28th Div. - WWII
United States National Guard

WT2 Alvin J. Tait
United States Coast Guard

Seaman Stephen J. Geibel
Merchant Marines

2ND William Zirnsak
Merchant Marines

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who are or have served this country through our banner program.


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Technical Banner Questions
Harry Munson
Click to email Program Development

Services provided

HTM Designs

E1 Carl P. Acquaviva
United States Navy

END3 James J. Adley
USS Maury (AGS-16)
United States Navy

E-6 James J. Adley
USS Jefferson City (SSN-759) Attack Sub
United States Navy

E4 Raymond M. Atkinson
Second Marine Division / WWII
United States Navy

FC1 Donald F. Batchellor
WWII - USS Omaha (CL-4)
United States Navy

PO2 Donald Beeman
Naval Security Force - Operation Enduring Freedom
United States Navy

DTC Kathleen Bistransin-Young
USS Puget Sound - Desert Storm
United States Navy

PO3 Charles J. Blair
USS Columbus (CA-74) - Korean War
United States Navy

S1C Herbert E. Bowser
USS Goff (DD-247) - WWII
United States Navy

EMFN David L. Browne
United States Navy

CPO Robert. N. Bump
Vietnam War
United States Navy

ADJ.3 LeRoy J. Bunyan
U.S. Naval test Pilot school V.F.32 USS. John F. Kennedy
United States Navy

S1c William R. Carmody
SS ESSO Augusta USS Washita - WWII
United States Navy

CEG1 Andrew Chaff Sr
Seabee - WWII - Korea
United States Navy

CPO Terrence G. Chenot
Hard-Hat Diver - Vietnam
United States Navy

PHM2 Peter J.  Cherry
World War II
United States Navy

E5 David Cricks
USS Helena - Vietnam
United States Navy

LT Rebecca L. Dickey
COE CSW (NATO Representative) Kiel, Germany
United States Navy

 Harry Duke
USS Santa Fe (CL-60) - WWII
United States Navy

HM3 Rod Dunkle
Desert Shield - Desert Storm
United States Navy

Gunner Mate Stanley W. Evans
United States Navy

RD1 F. Leighton Fennell
USS Allen (DD-66) - WWII
United States Navy

FTGSN William Fennick
USS Scorpion (SSN-589)
United States Navy

E-4 Robert G. Fisher
United States Navy

PO1 Paul C. Fleeger Sr.
United States Navy

 John E. Fleske
WWII - Seabee
United States Navy

RM3 Frank Franko
USS Kaskaskia (AO-27) - WWII
United States Navy

FCC Stephen Freeman
USS Stark (FFG-31) - Desert Storm (1973-1993)
United States Navy

FCC Stephen Freeman
Desert Storm
United States Navy

S1c Joseph C. Furka
Armed Guard - WWII
United States Navy

MML3 Richard A. Gall
WWII - Korean War
United States Navy

EM2/c Marcel Gall
U.S.S. Liddle (APD-60) - WWII
United States Navy

S1c Leo S Geagan Jr.
ww2 USS.Franklin D, Rooseavelt
United States Navy

AE3 Shawn P. Gold
VF-32 - Desert Storm
United States Navy

MCPO James A. Green
7th Fleet - Vietnam War
United States Navy

PO2 Lawrence Groger
USS Oconto (APA-187) - WWII - Pacific Theater
United States Navy

AMS2 Charles E. Heath
United States Navy

E3 James E. Hennessy
Seabees - Korea
United States Navy

SN Harold L. Hilliard
USS Essex (CV-9) - WWII
United States Navy

CS3 Richard A. Huff
7th Fleet - Korean War
United States Navy

EM1 Sylvester Kapalka
Korean USS Gainard USS Manuel de 357
United States Navy

S1c Reid Kelly
USS Intrepid (CV-11) - WWII
United States Navy

EM2 Kris T. Kennedy
USS Raleigh (LPD-1)
United States Navy

CPO Gerhard Klann
Seal Team One, Two, Six; UDT 11, 12 - Vietnam War
United States Navy

CTT2 Brian E. Klotz
CINCLANTFLT - Desert Storm
United States Navy

SN Tailur Lechner
Air Department Flight Deck
United States Navy

SFC Ralph A. Lemmon
USS Monrovia, USS Hancock - WWII
United States Navy

AM2 Ralph M. Logan
Patrol 57 - Korean War
United States Navy

RM2 Gregory D Loos

United States Navy

PO3 Michael Luich
United States Navy

BM Wilbert Lunn
United States Navy

 Joseph Lutz
USS Frontier (AD-25) Plank Owner - WWII
United States Navy

S1c John D. Mackalica
USS Saratoga - Vietnam
United States Navy

HM3 Eugene A. Mercurio
World War II
United States Navy

EM2 Chester V. Nebel Sr.
WWII - Asiatic-Pacific - Invasion of Okinawa
United States Navy

S1 Vincent J. Neff
United States Navy

PO1 Jack Neiman
Tonkin Gulf
United States Navy

E-5 Robert L. O`Donnell
USS Swordfish - Vietnam Era
United States Navy

S2 Elmer Osche
United States Navy

 Andrew Ottoviani
United States Navy

MM2 Harry C. Palmer
Korean War
United States Navy

TM2 Dick Parker
USS McDermott DD-677 - WWII
United States Navy

SN David Pataky
USS Saratoga (CV-60) - Vietnam
United States Navy

LTJG John Pataky
USS Cottington - WWII
United States Navy

A1c Warren L. Pickett
Korean War
United States Navy

S2c Thomas F. Pizer

United States Navy

E-6 Edward J. Prebula
United States Navy

BT3 Joseph T. Rassman
USS Franklin D. Roosevelt (CVA-42) - Suez Canal Crisis
United States Navy

AO Chief Benjamin J Rattigan Jr.
United States Navy

BKR3 Wendell L. Rearick
USS Sepulga - WWII
United States Navy

SA Jean L. Hilliard Rearick
United States Navy

CM3 Alvin G. Rettig
United States Navy

RD2 Victor T. Rikal, Sr.
USS Frank E. Evans (DD-754) - Vietnam
United States Navy

PO1 James D. Robinson
World War II
United States Navy

MM3 Harry D. Schmeider
WWII - Pacific Theater
United States Navy

F2 Floyd L. Schnur, Sr
American Campaign - WWII
United States Navy

SN David L Skal

United States Navy

S2c George N. Slater
USNTS Sampson, NY - Saipan - Asiatic-Paciflic - WWII
United States Navy

BTCS Joseph A. Sleigher
USS Hancock - USS Everett F. Larson - USS Franklin D. Roosevelt - Vietnam
United States Navy

SA Stephan T. Smith
USS Shangri-La (CV-38) - Vietnam War
United States Navy

ADJ 3 Thomas C. Smith
United States Navy

F1 William E. Snyder
United States Navy

LT George B. Steere
Atlantic - Pacific Fleet - WWII - Korean War - Vietnam War
United States Navy

TM3 David W. Stewart
USS Cod (SS-224) - WWII
United States Navy

ABH2 Robert G. Stewart
USS LaSalle - Vietnam
United States Navy

S1c George Susnjar
USS Shea (DM-30) - WWII
United States Navy

MM2 Robert A. Sweeney
United States Navy

LT Russell A. Thomas
United States Navy

MM3 John  Thomas Jr
USS Navarro - WWII - Asiatic-Pacific Theater
United States Navy

SN Frank Toth
USS Wright (CVL-49) - WWII
United States Navy

S1c John  Twerdok
WWII - Asiatic-Pacific
United States Navy

AQ3 Ralph V. Warheit II
VF191 / Vietnam
United States Navy

Seaman Bill West

United States Navy

STS1-SS Georg V. Wolfe
Abraham Lincoln (SSBN-602) - Vietnam Era
United States Navy

SM3 Bob Zarnick
United States Navy

MM1 William Zarnick
World War II
United States Navy

RDM3 Michael Zavacky
USS Indus (AKN-1) - WWII - Pacific Theater
United States Navy

Sgt Leo J. Albinger
1st Marine Air Wing - Korean War
United States Marine Corps

Pfc Paul E. Angert
B Co.1st Bn 7th Marines 1st MarDiv III MAF - Vietnam
United States Marine Corps

SGT Angelo N. Angiolieri
Vietnam War
United States Marine Corps

PFC Gerald R. Baptiste
United States Marine Corps

LCpl Paul Barkley, Sr.
1st Marines - Vietnam War
United States Marine Corps

CPL Archie R Black
4th. mcrrd korean
United States Marine Corps

GySgt Thomas Brothers
Aircraft Electrician
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Oliver T. Brown
Marine Fighter Squadron 122 - Korean War
United States Marine Corps

PFC William R. Campbell
United States Marine Corps

SGT Lori Ceder
MCAS - New River
United States Marine Corps

E-4 Andrew Codispot
3/25 Kilo Co./ Enduring Freedom Afghanistan (Sangin)
United States Marine Corps

Pfc R. Dennis Coyle
K Co, 3rd Bn, 5th Marines, 1st Marine Div III MAF - Vietnam
United States Marine Corps

CPL Gary E. Culbertson
2nd Marine Div 2nd Battalion - Lebanon
United States Marine Corps

LCPL Kevin R. Cyprian
Persian Gulf
United States Marine Corps

LCpl Michael L. Dowell
3rd Marine 2nd BN 4th MAR - Vietnam
United States Marine Corps

CPL William Draper
Korean War 1951-1954
United States Marine Corps

CPL Zach Emigh
2nd Batt 8th Marines - Operation Enduring Freedom - Afghanistan
United States Marine Corps

CPL Ryan W. English
325 Weapons Co. Operation Iraqi Freedom
United States Marine Corps

Cpl James R. Farnen
Vietnam 1969-1971
United States Marine Corps

LCpl Robert C. Fennick

United States Marine Corps

Corporal Willis L. Gates
Korean War
United States Marine Corps

SGT Rita Grenci
United States Marine Corps

SGT William M. Halle
United States Marine Corps

S/SGT Ronald W. Harbison
VMF(N)-513 / Korea
United States Marine Corps

LCpl Carl N. Hesidenz
3rd Marine Div, 7th Engineers - Vietnam
United States Marine Corps

SGT Eldin G. Hibbs
VMFA-334 - Vietnam
United States Marine Corps

CPL John 'Bucky' Hindman Jr.
MCAF - Vietnam War
United States Marine Corps

PFC Raymond Hongisto
1st Marine Division - WWII - South Pacific
United States Marine Corps

Pvt Atlee H. Honse
Motor Pool - Bay of Pigs
United States Marine Corps

Sgt Melvin D. Jack
Korean War
United States Marine Corps

SSGT Chad K. C. Krumpe
HMLA-733 - Operation Iraqi Freedom
United States Marine Corps

SGT Ed Lawniczak
10th Marines - Korea
United States Marine Corps

SGT Raymond P. Link
HMM-363, 1st MAW - Vietnam
United States Marine Corps

SSgt Eugene L. McClure
Desert Storm
United States Marine Corps

SGT Robert  McGowan
6th Division
United States Marine Corps

SGT James R. McGrady

United States Marine Corps

CPL Don McKnight
United States Marine Corps

SSGT Albert R McKnight
ww2 and Korean
United States Marine Corps

SGT Gary L. Neely
3rd Batt.26th Marines - Vietnam
United States Marine Corps

PFC Hunter Neyman
3rd Battalion, 4th Marines (3/4)
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Harold M. Pacifico
4th Marine Division - WWII
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Gary L. Petrigni
United States Marine Corps

SGT George Plunkard
Amphibious Force - Vietnam
United States Marine Corps

SGT Richard P. Schlatz
United States Marine Corps

Sgt Stanley R. Schubert
Vietnam 1962-1966
United States Marine Corps

 Dean L. Selfridge
Korean War
United States Marine Corps

SGT Charles (Butch ) Setzenfand
B Co., 1st BN, 7th Marines, 1st MAR DIV, III MAF - Vietnam
United States Marine Corps

SGT Tyler J. Seybert
3rd MEF Civil Affairs - GWOT
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Walter Skibicki

United States Marine Corps

PFC Paul Stasko Jr.
G co. @nd. Batt 1st Marine Div Vietnam
United States Marine Corps

LCpl Harry E. Sutton
Vietnam Era
United States Marine Corps

MSgt John A. Thomas
Desert Storm
United States Marine Corps

SGT Thomas A. Truesdale
United States Marine Corps

  U.A.W. Local Union 3303

United States Marine Corps

Cpl William C. Wagner

United States Marine Corps

SGT Jeanne Vaulet Withers
Control Tower Service - WWII
United States Marine Corps

Sgt Trevor Zaliponi
MALS-24 - Operation Iraqi Freedom
United States Marine Corps

CMSgt Richard (Dick) Allen
Fire and Crash Rescue (1946-1969)
United States Air Force

SMSgt Valjean Barger Schooley
Tactical Air Command - Desert Storm
United States Air Force

A1C Ernest Baxter
15th Air Transport Squadron - Korean War
United States Air Force

SSGT Dean L. Bell
11th Airforce/ WWII
United States Air Force

A1c Paul E. Boben
4th Commo Squad - Korean War Era?
United States Air Force

E-4 Robert J. Criley Jr.
14th Civil Eng.
United States Air Force

 Walter E. Crouch
3919 Opr.squadron
United States Air Force

S/Sgt Michael Curcio
95th Maint. Squadron - Korean War
United States Air Force

SSgt Richard G. Curry
20th Air Force 60th Squadron - WWII - Pacific
United States Air Force

SSgt David B. Geibel
Vietnam Era
United States Air Force

Sgt Thomas J. Higgins
United States Air Force

SrA Blanche G. Jackson
Cold War - RAF Bentwaters England
United States Air Force

E-4 John McPherson
633rd Special Ops - Vietnam War
United States Air Force

 Marilyn R. McPherson

United States Air Force

A1c Thomas W. McPherson

United States Air Force

Sgt Duwayne C. Mortimer
6154th Food Service Squadron - Korean War
United States Air Force

Sgt Robert E. Neal
3535th Navigator Training Wing - Vietnam
United States Air Force

SSgt Gordon L. Payung
133rd Aero Medical Evacuation Flight - Cuban Crisis
United States Air Force

A1c Paul Steighner
Korean War
United States Air Force

A2c Kathryn I. Stevenson
Korean War
United States Air Force

SMSGT Donald E. Thompson
WWII - Korea - Vietnam
United States Air Force

Staff Sgt Jack Turner
Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Iraq
United States Air Force

SRA David Walter
319th AMXS - OIF / OEF
United States Air Force

CPL Robert Weiland
30th Tech Support Squadron - Korean War
United States Air Force

SSgt Louis Wesoloski
Korean War
United States Air Force

E-4 Thomas P. Wilson
1836th EI SQ - Vietnam War
United States Air Force

A1C Albert E. Worsley, Jr.
41st Air Transport - Korean War
United States Air Force

SGT Thomas J. Young
1877th Communications Squadron - Vietnam
United States Air Force