
McKeesport Banner Application

American Legion Post 361

SP4 Carol L. Ackerman
Medical Corps - Vietnam
United States Army

Corporal Michele A Anselmo
179th Infantry Regiment 45th Infantry Division / WWII
United States Army

CPL John W. Arnfield
82nd Infantry Airborne / WWII
United States Army

1LT Richard M. Arnovitz
Vietnam War
United States Army

SSG Michael Babyak
Co A, 311th Medical Bn - WWII
United States Army

Staff Sgt Jon G Babyak
26TH Infantry Comp C The Big Red One/D-Day/Omaha Beach
United States Army

SGT Glenn W Beech
WWII - 558th AAF
United States Army Air Force

TSGT John Bendzuch
WWII - Company E 20th Infantry
United States Army

SGT Robert  Bentley
101St Airborne/Vietnam
United States Army

PFC George  Boros
5th Infantry Division - Korea
United States Army

PFC James F Brooks Jr.
C Co, 1st Bn, 12th Cavalry, 1st Cav Div - Vietnam War
United States Army

PFC Harry `Hank`  Burns
89th Infantry Comapny C/WWII
United States Army

PFC Tyrone G Burse
B Co, 2nd Bn, 327th Infantry, 101st Airborne Div - Vietnam War
United States Army

SGT George E  Byers

United States Army

SGT Thomas W Calhoun
United States Army Air Force

PFC Wilbur A Campbell
83rd INF Div/WWII
United States Army

SP5 Michael A. Chemsak
HHC, 24th ENGR GR, USAREUR - Vietnam War Era
United States Army

TEC4 Michael C. Chemsak
United States Army

SP4 Eugene P Cherepko
101st Airborne Division / Vietnam
United States Army

PFC Dominick A Cipicchio
3rd Armored Division/Korean War
United States Army

SGT Robert J Connelly
1257th Engr C Bn /WW11
United States Army

TSGT James N Cooper
United States Army

T5 William B Cox
81st Division/WWII Pacific/korean war
United States Army

MSGT Roy E Cox
29th Div Transportation/WWII, Korea,Vietnam,Cold War
United States Army

PFC Duane H Cox
24th Evac Hosp/Medic/Artillary Vietnam
United States Army

CPL Milo Crnkovich
634th Field Artillery Battalion/WW!!
United States Army

 Richard  Dellapenna
1st Cavalry Division - Korean War
United States Army

Staff Sergeant Mario J. DiCecco
6th Infantry Division 63rd Infantry Regiment/WWII
United States Army

Corporal Peter J DiCecco
United States Army

Cpl Earl E. DiGregory
337 Infantry Regiment 85th Infantry Division/WWII
United States Army

SPC Scott Dirle Jr.
Infantry, Afghanistan
United States Army

PFC John  Dobos Jr.
Company M 328th Infantry - WWII
United States Army

1st SGT John F Domingo
United States Army

SFC Donald R. Donaldson
272nd Mp Co, I Field Force - Vietnam War
United States Army

CPL William Erdody
Cok 304 inf 76/WWll
United States Army

Pfc Bert Fejes
Battery C 88G Fd BN
United States Army

TEC5 Chris Filotei
509th Engineer Company/WWII
United States Army

TEC SGT Alexander 'Allan' D. Foster
583D Signal Air Warning Battalion/WWll
United States Army

SP4 Vincent E. Galka
A Co, 159th Assault Spt Helo Bn, 101st Airborne Div - Vietnam War
United States Army

SP4 Curtis T. Gay
HHD, 1st Logistical Command - Vietnam War
United States Army

SP4 John A  Germek Jr.
E Co, 1st Bn, 12th Cavalry, 1st Cav Div - Vietnam War
United States Army

T/Sgt Frank  Gibel
CO B 229TH TB/WWll
United States Army

SGT Anthony Gibel
Company L 304th Infantry Regiment/WWll
United States Army

Staff Sergeant Mike Godich
United States Army

SP4 Howard Donald Gonzales
1st Cav Div - Vietnam
United States Army

SSG(T) John W. Gradich
173rd Airborne - Vietnam War
United States Army

PFC Albert Michael Hanna
Serv Battery/10th FA Battalion/WWII
United States Army

SSG John A Harper
ARCOM 4th Infantry Div/Vietnam
United States Army

PVT Robert S Harper
United States Army

SGT J. Gregory Haughey
320th Infantry/WWI
United States Army

Specialist four Richard G Hernandez
25th Infantry Div/Vietnam
United States Army

Tec4 Sgt  Stanley Hoffman
Radio Operator - Battle of PO Valley, Italy - World War II
United States Army

SGT William J Holland
304 TC Sqdn 442 TCGA/WWll
United States Army

SP5 James Robert Holland Jr.
HHD 39th Transportation Battalion - Vietnam
United States Army

PFC James F Jackson
WWII, Hqs Base SV SQ 328
United States Army Air Force

LCPL George M Jacob
746 Tank Battallion/War Between USSR and Germany
United States Army

PFC Norman W. Johnson
HHC, 2nd Bn, 2nd Infantry, 1st Inf Div - Vietnam War
United States Army

SP4 Raymond J Johnson
HHC 4th Bn, 37th Armor - Vietnam War
United States Army

PFC William A Kerr
Combat Infantry/Normandy Beach France
United States Army

SP4 Mike Kerston
United States Army

SPC Danny Lee Ketterman Jr
Chemical Operations Specialist 3rd Armored Division/Operation Desert Storm
United States Army

PFC Kenneth G. Kline
B Co, 2nd Bn, 7th Cavalry, 1 Cav Div - Vietnam War
United States Army

Corporal Robert Kugler
Korea, 7th Infantry Division
United States Army

TEC 4 Fred R. Kugler
World War II
United States Army

TSGT Joseph J Leonardo
Combat Medic/WWII Papuan Campaign and Buna Campaign
United States Army

TSGT Patsy Leonardo
108th Engineer Combat Battalion / WWII
United States Army

SP4 James R. Long
A Co, 3rd Bn, 12th Infantry, 4th Inf Div - Vietnam War
United States Army

S/Sgt Roy William Lundberg
Company M 21st Infantry 24th Division/WWII
United States Army

SPC Brian  Maizer
299th Engineer Company - War In Iraq
United States Army

SGT Thomas Maldonado
United States Army

CAPT Terry J. Martell
Vietnam War
United States Army

PFC Robert P Marthus
205th Signal Repair Company / Korea
United States Army

CPL John Martinez
Sherman Tank Div/Battle of the Bulge France/WW11
United States Army

SP4 Charles R Michel
577th T Company Fort Eustis Va
United States Army

SP4 William R Michel
50TH Ordnance Company
United States Army

PFC Harry R Miller
504th MP Battalion - Vietnam
United States Army

Ssgt Oscar F Minnick
United States Army

PFC Stanley T Mols
157th Infantry - WWII
United States Army

Pvt Paul R. Morris
68th Armored Field Artillery Bn - WWII
United States Army

PFC Michael J Nemchick
C Co, 2nd Bn, 8th Cavalry, 1st Cav Div - Vietnam War
United States Army

Tech 4 Charles Nickelson
3145th Od Auto Maint Co - WWII - A/P Theater
United States Army

PFC Peter Nicora
82 MD Artillery/3rd Gun Battalion
United States Army

TEC5 Walter Niskoski
1263D Engineer Combat Battalion/WWll
United States Army

SGT Ernest Oatneal
HHC, 2nd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division - Vietnam
United States Army

PFC Virgil M. Ohler
Company A, 350th Infantry/WWII/Korean War
United States Army

TEC4 Chester F Ornowski
76th Infantry Division/WWII
United States Army

SFC Ocie L Paige
401 Infantry Division.Vietnam
United States Army

PFC Joseph R Pater
84th Infantry Division/WWII
United States Army

PFC Joseph Pellecchia
HQ Co, 2nd Armed Rifle BN 41st Infantry - Vietnam War Era
United States Army

PVT Arthur B. Pero
Fort George G Meade Maryland/Korea
United States Army

PVT Stephen A Petrick
Company K 39th Infantry/WWII
United States Army

Corporal Stanley  Petrulis
42nd Rainbow Division - WWII
United States Army

SSG James Pileggi
318th Air Service Squadron - WWII
United States Army Air Force

PFC Michael D. Pliska
Vietnam War
United States Army

MAJ Jack C. Plumb
Vietnam War
United States Army Air Force

SPC Francis T. Rozgonyi
US Army Central Command - Iraqi Freedom/Global War on Terrorism
United States Army Reserve

1st Sgt George R. Schlicht
615th Port Company - WWII
United States Army

CPL(T) Glenn F. Sievern
HQ & HQ Det 335 ORD BN/Korea
United States Army

CPL(T) Harold `Bud` Sievern
CO K 5th REGT Cavalry/Korea
United States Army

PFC(T) George R Sievern
4TH Armory Division/Germany
United States Army

SGT Andrew Simon
69th Combat Engineer Battalion - WWII
United States Army

SGT Joseph A Simonetta
33rd Infantry Regiment 84th Division - WWII
United States Army

PFC Frank Simonetta
United States Army

Corporal John J Slater
844th QM Gas Support Company - WWII
United States Army

SGT(T) John R Smider Jr.
Fort Dix NJ/Korean War
United States Army

Captain George Smith
Afghanistan, 3rd BCT 101st ABN Div
United States Army

Cpl Jamel Solomon
XVIII Airborne Corps - Paratrooper - WWII
United States Army

PFC Tibor  Sotak
1st Cavalry Div 5th BN 7th Cavalry, C Co
United States Army

PFC Tibor Sotak
1st Cavalry Division, 5th Battalion, 7th Cavalry, C Company - Vietnam War
United States Army

PVT Donald W Spang
United States Army

TSGT Joseph J Sprentz
515th Bomber Squadron, 376th Bomber Group, Heavy - WWII
United States Army Air Force

Private Joseph Strangis
United States Army

Private Sam  Strangis
Korea - C BTRY 15th AAA AN BN SP
United States Army

SGT R.A. Pete  Suckfiel
3rd Infantry Division/Vietnam
United States Army

Sgt Ed Suckfiel
1st Battalionm, 20th Infantry/Vietnam
United States Army

Sp4 James M  Suckfiel
228 Signal Company - Vietnam
United States Army

PVT Albert  Tedesco
Co G 314th Infantry/WWll
United States Army

SP4 Lee D. Thomas
B Btry, 2nd Bn, 77th Artillery, 25th Inf Div - Vietnam War
United States Army

SGT Walter J. Tomkowitz
174th Engineer Combat Battalion - WWll
United States Army

PFC Frank V. Toth
11th ArmD Inf Bn/WWII
United States Army

Sgt Louis G. Volpato
Army Corps of Engineers - WWII
United States Army

SGT Charles Wargo
3922 ND Single Service Company/WWII
United States Army

SSG Thomas J. Winkelvoss
C Co, 4th Bn, 9th Infantry, 25th Inf Div - Vietnam War
United States Army

 Maximillian Winters
United States Army

SSG Peggy J Wood
1004 QM Co 99th ARCOM/Operation Iraqi Freedom
United States Army Reserve

SGT Gilbert R Yniguez
7th Infantry/Vietnam
United States Army

SGT Gilbert J Yniguez
28th Infantry/Gulf War
United States Army

Tec 5 Andrew Zobel
46 FA BN 5Div/Radio Operator/WW11
United States Army

Messman Harry S McDaniel
Manassas T2-SE-A1 - WWII
Merchant Marines

Seaman 2nd Class Alfred Morrell
Port of Bari, Italy, WWII
Merchant Marines

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who are or have served this country through our banner program.


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Technical Banner Questions
Harry Munson
Click to email Program Development

Services provided

HTM Designs

MM3 Abigail S Altieri

United States Navy

CM2c Richard A Anderson
118th NCB Naval Construction Battalion/Asiatic-Pacific - WWII
United States Navy

SHB3 Peter M Begandy
WWII - USS Ault (DD 698)
United States Navy

SHB2 Peter M Begandy
Korea - USS Stockham (DD 683)
United States Navy

AD1 Dale A Bills
NRS Columbus Ohio
United States Navy

HN Ronald J Bishop
Marine Air Group 13/Vietnam War
United States Navy

SN James Blankenship
USS Winslow (DD 359)
United States Navy

PO3 Elwood O Brunsell
Construction Battalion 95/World War II
United States Navy

GM3 Zelus Vern Deckard
USS Garrard (APA 84)
United States Navy

SN David M Dirle
USS Newport News (CA-148) - Vietnam War
United States Navy

Petty Officer 3rd class George Dirle
WW II - USS Livingston (AP-163)
United States Navy

BM2 John T Domingo
Vietnam - Assault Craft Unit I
United States Navy

Seaman Frank Drnevich
United States Navy

AIR3 Herbert R. Fiddler
Torpedo Squadron 20 - WWII
United States Navy

FN Thomas J Filotei
USS Robert L Wilson (DD-847)/Vietnam
United States Navy

BKR1 Steve E Galaski
United States Navy

ME2 Henry Gibel
USS Lette (CVS-32)/Korea
United States Navy

PO2 Richard C Hemminger
Bahrain/Persian Gulf/Vietnam War Era
United States Navy

Seaman Apprentice J. Richard  Jones
Korea, USS Vesole (DD 878)
United States Navy

BT3 Fred R. Kugler
United States Navy

MM2 David  Kutzfar
USS Willard Keith (DD 775)/Vietnam
United States Navy

Seaman First Class Attilio 'Teo' Leonardo
SS West Grama - D-Day Invasion - WWII
United States Navy

HMC George `Doc` Lewis
First marine Division/Vietnam
United States Navy

PHM3c George Vincent Lewis
Medical Field S>S> Camp Lejune NC/WWii
United States Navy

Petty Offcier Howard Lindberg
USS Guest (DD-472) - WWII
United States Navy

Seaman First Class John Lovas
United States Navy

TM3 Rudolph Martinjak
USS Normanscott/USS Stribling WWII
United States Navy

BM2 Joseph D Matta
USS Andromeda (AKA-15)/WWII
United States Navy

BMC(retired) Joseph D. Matta
NAVRESCEN Pitttsburgh PA/WWII/Vietnam
United States Navy

HM2 Patrick R. McNelis
Vietnam War
United States Navy

RM3 Donald  Nemchick
USS Constellation (CVN-64) - Vietnam
United States Navy

GM2 Joe B Newlin
USS (LST-137) - WWII
United States Navy

AD3  John Ohrman
WWII - Asiatic Pacific Theater
United States Navy

BU3 Gerald Pellecchia
Seabees//Vietnam War
United States Navy

CK2c William Samuel Prest
USS Washington (BB-56) - WWII
United States Navy

PO2 Alex `Lucky` Roka
Vietnam War
United States Navy

B3c George J. Rose
USS Nitro (AE-23)/WWII
United States Navy

SKSN John W Rose
NAS GTMO Bay Cuba/Vietnam
United States Navy

Shipfitter 3rd class John A. Ruggier
USS Brinkley Bass (DD-887)/WWII
United States Navy

Seaman First Class John 'CY' Simon
NTS Sampson NY - WWII
United States Navy

S/2c Leo Solomon
Naval Amphibious Base (NAB) - WWII - Pacific Theater
United States Navy

S1c Phillip Spinosi
World War II
United States Navy

SH2 John Joseph Strangis
Korea - USS Cabildo (LSD-16)
United States Navy

Fireman Jack D Trich Sr
United States Navy

AO2 Jerry R. Warren
Patrol Squadron 22/Vietnam War
United States Navy

PhM1c DeWayne  Wivagg
USN MG Okinawa - WWII
United States Navy

TSgt Charles (Sonny) Bauman
United States Marine Corps

Pfc ALfred C. Belpuliti
United States Marine Corps

SGT Michael  Bills
MAG-15 - Vietnam
United States Marine Corps

LCpl Harold Joseph Brazen
MABS-12, MAG-12, 1ST MAW, FMFPAC - Vietnam
United States Marine Corps

LCpl Frederick D Brown
1st Marine Div - Vietnam
United States Marine Corps

Corporal Thomas H. Douglas
3rd Battalion 26th Marines M Company/Vietnam
United States Marine Corps

GySgt Michael J. Faix
Marine Reserve Center Pittsburgh/Vietnam
United States Marine Corps

Corporal David Burton Foster
Belleau Woods WWI
United States Marine Corps

SGT Theodore Gibala

United States Marine Corps

GySgt Raymond Gibel
III Marine Amphibious Force, 1st MAW, HMM 364 - Vietnam war
United States Marine Corps

SGT Walter Gibel
Asiatic/Pacific Area/WWll
United States Marine Corps

MSGT Paul Gibel
93rd Supply Squadron /WWll
United States Marine Corps

CPL Francis A Glaub
Casual Com, MB Naval Base Philadelphia/WWII
United States Marine Corps

PFC Richard L. (Buddy) Graham Sr.
3rd Battalion Platoon 255 - Vietnam War
United States Marine Corps

Gunnery SGT Patricia  Hinerman
WWII - Rosie the Riveter
United States Marine Corps

PFC Louis H Huff II
F Co, 2nd Bn, 4th Marines, 3rd MARDIV - Vietnam war
United States Marine Corps

PFC Michael Husok
Marine Barracks/NSD Mechanicsburg PA/WWII
United States Marine Corps

LCPL Ronald J Katchur
SU#1,CasCo,H&B,MCB,Camp Pendleton,Ca/Vietnam
United States Marine Corps

SGT Robert W Katchur
3rd Battalion, 6th Field Artillery/Vietnam
United States Marine Corps

CPL Erica James Kelly
HMLA-775 - Iraq
United States Marine Corps

Corporal Thomas J Konopka
MCAS Camp Pendleton/War in Afghanistan
United States Marine Corps

LCPL Anthony Marshall
MarBks Pearl Harbor
United States Marine Corps

Corporal Paul V McLaughlin
United States Marine Corps

CPL Eric S Miles
1stFSSC Camp Ped/Persian Gulf
United States Marine Corps

SSGT David Lloyd George Moser
Vietnam War
United States Marine Corps

PFC Wesley A Moyle
1ST Marine Division (REIN)FMF/Vietnam
United States Marine Corps

Lance Corporal Joseph Pasqualino
8th Division/2nd Division
United States Marine Corps

LCPL Joseph L. Pero
United States Marine Corps

CPL Joseph C `Mooney` Petrick
2nd Marine Division
United States Marine Corps

Pvt Franklin J Phillips
Spanish-American War/ Battle of Peking / Boxer Rebellion - Congressional Medal of Honor
United States Marine Corps

LCPL Gregory F. Popowitz
B Co, 3rd Recon Bn, 3rd MARDIV, III MAF - Vietnam war
United States Marine Corps

Corporal Duane R Prosser
United States Marine Corps

CPL Paul Ruggier
2nd Marine Division/Vietnam
United States Marine Corps

LCpl Shaun Sparico
3rd FSSG - Okinawa, Japan
United States Marine Corps

LCPL Thomas J Sweeney
C Co, 1st Bn, 26th Marines, 3rd MARDIV, III MAF - Vietnam war
United States Marine Corps

PFC Jack D Trich Jr
4th Marine Division / Vietnam
United States Marine Corps

PFC William R Vadas
Korea War
United States Marine Corps

SGT Robert C Wallace
United States Marine Corps

SGT Stephen G Wargo
United States Marine Corps

PFC James E. West
Mortar Btry, 3rd Bn, 12th Marines, 3RD MARDIV, III MAF - Vietnam war
United States Marine Corps

GySgt Jay A West
VMA 311/Vietnam
United States Marine Corps

LCPL Mark G Winters
Okinawa Japan
United States Marine Corps

GySgt John J. Wood
2nd Marine Division - Desert Storm
United States Marine Corps

LCpl William Woodworth
1st LAAM Battalion 1st MAW / Vietnam
United States Marine Corps

SGT Colin W Clarke
Security Service/Vietnam
United States Air Force

SSGT Edward Allen Harmon Sr.
Eglin Air Force Base - Desert Storm - Firefighter
United States Air Force

SSgt Joseph Hudak III
86th Security Police Squadron - Vietnam
United States Air Force

TSGT Donald K Kugler
Air Weather Service/Vietnam
United States Air Force

MSGT (Retired) Eric Lester
8AFIZAF SAF Logistics/Vietnam/Desert Swarm
United States Air Force

SSGT Glenn E Lynn
1706th Air Refueling Wing - Desert Storm
United States Air Force

COL Donald C Pipp
Pentagon/Desert Storm
United States Air Force

MSGT Alexander Simon
15th Combat Support Group - WWII - Vietnam
United States Air Force

Staff Sergeant James P Spresser
3450th Technical Training Group - WWII
United States Air Force

SGT William T Starry Jr.
1st Air Commandos 7th Special Operation Group/Vietnam
United States Air Force