PVT Nicholas Alatsis
Artillery Division - WWII United States Army
Sp 4 Ronald J Altomari
Field Artillery United States Army Reserve
Pvt Charles D Altomari
83rd Division - WWII United States Army
Pvt James P Altomari
36th F.A. - WWII United States Army
SPC John `Yunny` Apessos
United States Army
Cpl John Apodiakos
42nd AAF Base Unit/WW2 United States Army Air Force
Medic Gus August
Korean War United States Army
Sgt. Leonard W. Babinski
102nd Infantry - WWII United States Army
Tec 5 Anthony ''Buff'' Baldini
163rd Engineer Combat Battalion - WWII United States Army
Cpl James M Barron, Sr.
150th OIFCRD / Korea United States Army
1st Lt. Adam P. Beaumont
988th MP Company - Iraq 2006 United States Army
Private Arnold J. Beneccio
MP Detachment Station Complement / WW2 United States Army
Pvt David H. Bergstedt
Military Police - WWII United States Army
S/Sgt Elliott L. Bianchi
640th Tank Destroyer Battalion - WWII - Philippine Islands Campaign United States Army
S Sgt Joseph F Bonafed
WWII United States Army Air Force
1st Lt. Father Michael J Bucci
347th Bomb Squad - WWII United States Army Air Corps
SSGT Romeo 'Butch' Bucci
23rd Infantry Americal Division, Pacific Theater, Bronze Star WWII United States Army
S/Sgt Paul J. Buchko
11th Airborne - World War ll United States Army
Sgt Thomas Burger
Co. D 709 MP - WWII United States Army
T/Sgt John S. Catanzaro
42nd Engineer Construction Battalion - WWII United States Army
PFC James Cherocci, Jr
3rd Armored Div- Korea United States Army
Sgt John Cieply
Tank Division/1946-49 United States Army
Cpl Robert Coccari
11th Airborne/WW2 United States Army
SPC5 David L Cook
842nd Qtr Master - Vietnam United States Army
PFC George W. Cook, Jr.
Co. 357-H WWII United States Army
TEC 4 Patsy Cornelia
552nd Engineer, Heavy Ponton Battalion Co H/S/WW2 United States Army
PFC Edgar E Crabb Jr.
Peacetime late 1950's United States Army
Thomas P Dalfonso
Infantry/WW2 United States Army
Staff Sgt. Edmund Daumit
XIX Tactical Command - WWII (Normandy) United States Army Air Force
SP4 Larry Viso Davis
36th Infantry United States Army
S/Sgt. Michael M DeCurtis Jr
Company E 103rd Infantry - 43rd Division - WWII United States Army
Private Gino Roscoe DeMarino
Korean War (stateside) United States Army
T-4 Paul Denitti
3rd Army, 6th Armored, 15th Tank Battalion - WWII United States Army
PFC Nello C DiBiaso
Company A 17th Infantry/ PTO Philippines United States Army
PFC Cataldo DiMascio
552 Engineers - WWII United States Army
Pfc Eugene W. DiMichele
28th Division - Korean United States Army
Sgt Pat J. Dodaro
368th Bomb Squadron, 306th Bomb Group/WW2 United States Army Air Corps
Sgt Leonard M. ''''Links'''' Dominick, Sr.
Co. A, 763 Tk Bn/WW2 United States Army
Tech Sgt. Edward V. Drabik
9th Infantry - WWII United States Army
Cpl Richard M Dudas
Germany Occupation Force, 1953-1955 United States Army
Capt John A. Dudas
54th FA BDE, 111th FA, 29th INF DIV - Persian Gulf United States Army
Capt Dr. Thomas P. Dudas
Dental Corps 1957-1959 United States Army
Sgt John A Dudas
WW2 1940-1945 United States Army Air Corps
Joseph M Dudas Jr.
WW2 Occupied Italy United States Army
PFC John Dzatko
17th Field Artillery Battalion/WW2 United States Army
Staff Sgt John T Dzimiera
US 10th Army Air Force/WW2 United States Army
S/Sgt Michael E Dzurik
35th Transportation Corps, Service Group/WW2, Pacific United States Army
Cpl Armand Egidi
22nd Depot Repair Squad, 86th Air Depot Group/WW2 United States Army
SGT Mike Egros
Co. B 1-110th 28ID / Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Army
PFC William F Essey
1330th Army Air Force Navigator 'Flying the HUMP' - WW2 United States Army Air Force
Cpl Jack Evonko
WWII United States Army
Sgt Andrew G Fabian
94th Infantry Div./WW2 United States Army
PFC Edward F Fal
984th Ord Dep Co, Normandy, Rhineland, Ardennes - WWII United States Army
PFC Lawrence A Fantauzzi
Co. E, 12th Infantry Regiment/WW2 United States Army
SSG Edward A Filipowski
Infantry - WWII United States Army
Celestine Fiorill
Company B-303, Engineer Battalion - WWII United States Army
Sgt. John F. Fiorillo
170th Field Artillery Battalion, Americal Division - WWII United States Army
PFC Arthur Francia
COA 21st Inf.,11th Armored Div./WW2 Central Europe United States Army
SP4 Frank Francia
Infantry Americal Division - Vietnam United States Army
Corporal Vincent `Jim` Francia
596th Air Warning Battalion, 1st Fighter Group - WW2 United States Army Air Forces
Sgt Edward A Francowic
B Co., 263rd Inf., Panther Div./WW2 United States Army
Pfc Roger S Frew
Korean War United States Army Reserve
PVT David W Frew
Company B Army Signal BN - WW2 South Pacific (A.E.F.) United States Army
Cpl Robert Milton Frew
981st Field Artillery BN - Central Europe WW2 United States Army
MP James A. Frew
World War II United States Army
TEC5 Herbert F Frew
COA - 9th ARMD INF BN - WW2 United States Army
SSG Alvin C. Frick
11th Airborne - WWII United States Army
Sgt Eugene Fritz
Co.F, 8th Infantry/WW2 United States Army
T/Sgt Romeo E Furio
65th Bomb Squad/WW2 United States Army Air Corps
Sgt. Chester E Galaski
'F' Battery 2nd Battalion / WWII Tunisian Campaign United States Army
PFC Silvio Garofalo
HQ Btry, 134th FA BN/WW2 United States Army
PFC Frank Gaudio
Korea United States Army
PFC Joseph Gazdik
872nd Airborne/WW@ Phillipines, New Guinea United States Army Air Force
SP4 Ronald S. Godla
HQ Central Army Group (NATO) AG Division United States Army
Sgt William J. Greco
860th Bombardment Squadron, 493rd Bombardment Group - WWII United States Army
Pvt Andrew Donald Grogan
WWII and Korean War United States Army
Sgt. Louis Guerra
Co. D 110th Infantry - WWII United States Army
PFC Robert J Guzensky
66th Division (Black Panther) - WWII United States Army
CPL William S. Hans
Infantry - Korea United States Army
Sgt Matthew E Helon
28th Division / WWII - Battle of the Bulge United States Army
Private John C Hlatky
7th Inf., 3rd Div./WW2 United States Army
PFC Albert R Hornack
228th Chemical Base - WWII United States Army
PFC Michael Horvath
Infantry Division United States Army
PFC Darryl E Houseman
Infantry 2nd Plt, D Co., 5 BN, 3 BDE/ Vietnam United States Army
T/Sgt William L Hughes
99th Div., 3rd Bn, 393rd Regiment, Battle of the Bulge - WWII United States Army
T/Sgt Albert Imbrescia
Co. C, 38th Infantry - WWII United States Army
Pvt Angelo L Imburgia
274th Infantry/WW2 (KIA 5 Jan 1945) United States Army
Pfc Charles A. Jackowski
Co D369th Med BN, 29th Inf Div - WWII United States Army
Pvt Joseph ''''Tom'''' Janosik
Korea United States Army
PFC Toni Gail Rone Johnson
Gulf War & Operation Desert Storm United States Army
Cpl James R. Johnston
11th Airborne Division - Korea United States Army
PFC Clifford E Jones
83rd Infantry Division / WWII United States Army
Private Michael Kalamaras
WW1 United States Army
PFC Louis G. Katsuleris
Infantry Replacement - World War II - ETO United States Army
Pvt Michael F. Kerekes
World War II United States Army
2nd Lt. George Kernisky
WWII United States Army Air Corps
Staff Sargeant John Kernisky
6th Armored Division, 44th Armored Infantry Battalion, Company ''A'' - WWII United States Army
E6 Staff Sgt. Floyd Kizzie
82nd Airborne, 5th Special Forces/Korea, Vietnam, Peace time United States Army
Cpl Alfred Klimcke
Germany/1956-1960 United States Army
PFC John Komar
WW2 United States Army
PFC George John Koneffko
Battery A 630th Field Artillery Battalion - WWII United States Army
Pfc Russell `Bud` Koons
WWII United States Army
T/5 Gust Kootsouradis
19th Ord Bn - WWII United States Army
CPL Nick Kostelac
28th Division / Korea United States Army
Sgt. Leonard A Kotch
Army Band/Korean United States Army
Pfc Willard Krasik
Co.E, 36th Armored Inf Reg,3rd Armored Div - Wounded in the Battle of the Bulge/WW2 United States Army
Pfc John `Red` Krawczyk
1359th MP - WWII United States Army
PFC Wlater Kraynek
680th Ordnance, 7th Army/ WW2 United States Army
Pvt Andrew J Kurey
HQ 8th Army/WW2 Japan 1945-47 United States Army
T5 John Kutska
Pacific Campaign - WWII United States Army
Sgt John Lancas
World War II United States Army
Pvt Frank David Lauteri
63rd Infantry Reg., Anti-Tank Co. - Korea United States Army
Second Lt. Clifford F. Learnard
WWII United States Army Air Corps
E-4 Drew W Lepresti
507th Maintenance/Gulf War Desert Shield Desert Storm United States Army
PFC John Pershing Lewis
HqCo 1st BN 422nd Infantry - WWII United States Army
PFC Andrew Macko
8th Infantry Div., 13th Infantry Reg., Company F - WWII United States Army
E6 Anthony Eric Madison, Jr.
Ft. Hood (Texas)/ 2005 -present United States Army
E-4 Anthony Eric Madison, Sr.
Water Purification Reserves/Gulf War Desert Storm United States Army
PFC Frank Maiolini
8th Infantry Signal Corps, Normandy and Battle of the Bulge - WWII United States Army
Cpl Gunner Joseph D Maiolini
42nd Rainbow Div/WW2 Battle of the Bulge United States Army
SP/5 Patsy G Maione
11th Armored Calvary, Cold War 1959-1962 United States Army
Sgt Steve N Major
47th Bomb Group - WWII - Korea United States Army Air Corps
CPL Joseph Mancini
HQ Co 31st Infantry Division - Korean Conflict United States Army
Staff Sgt Robert J Mandarino
3501st US Army Air Force Base Unit/WW2 United States Army
Pfc James Manes
Korea United States Army
Cpl. William J. Manus
553rd Military Police Co. - Korea (peacetime) United States Army
Cpl Stanley T Marinos
Battery A, 294th Anti Aircraft Artillery - WWII United States Army
Pfc Steve Marinos
WW2 United States Army
CPL Anthony J Mascetta
HQ Co. 3rd Bn. 5th RCT - Korea United States Army
Sgt Edmund Masci
1945-1947 United States Army
CPL Adam Masci
Engineer/Korea 1952-54 United States Army
Cpl William ''''Bill'''' Mattozzi
Signal Corp/Korea United States Army
Master Sgt Frank Mayernik
Seabees/WW2 United States Army
Technician 5th Grade Frank T Mazur
3rd Reconnaissance Troop Mechanized - WWII United States Army
Pvt Stephen J Menzler
Army Air Corps/WW2 United States Army
Pvt William J Menzler
Infantry/WW2 United States Army
Private John Michaels, Jr.
WW2 United States Army
Private Frank Michaels, Sr.
WW2 United States Army
Pvt George Mislo
43rd Tank Company, 102nd Infantry Regiment - Korea United States Army
Tech Sgt Arthur Moncini
94th Division Band - WWII United States Army
1SG Eli F. Myers Jr.
Co.D, 110th Infantry Reg, 28th Inf Div./WW2 United States Army
Cpl Eli F. Myers, Sr.
Co. E, 320th Inf./WW1 Argonne Forest United States Army
Pvt Ross J Naccarato
83rd Chemical Battalion - WWII United States Army
Pfc Donald Neil
744th Railroad Operating Batt - WW2 United States Army
Pvt John W Nelson
Co. D 376th Infantry / WWII United States Army
PFC John G Onda
603rd Combat Eng., Special Troop/ WW2 United States Army
Sgt Paul P Pacak
14th Combat Engr BN/Korea United States Army
T-5 Joseph Pallini
980th Ord Dep Co/WW2 Normandy N. France United States Army
Master Sgt Peter P. Palmintera
680th Dump Truck Co.,615th Ord. Bn./WW2 Battle of Bulge, Korea United States Army
Sgt Anthony S. Panepinto
6th Division Squad Leader - WWII United States Army
TEC 5 Ross J Panepinto
4168th QM DEP CO - WW2 United States Army
T4 Master Sgt. August Pantaleo
WWII United States Army
Sgt Alex Papantonakis
89th Recon Troop MECZ - WWII United States Army
SSG Harold L. Pascoe
WWII - Korea United States Army
Sgt Donald Payne Sr
2BN 25Div (Wolfhounds)/ Vietnam United States Army
Pfc George Peresolak, Jr.
WW2 United States Army Air Force
LTC Eugene G. Piasecki
Special Forces, US Special Operations Command United States Army
MSgt Eugene T Piasecki
187th Airborne, Green Beret - WW2, Korea, Vietnam United States Army
SSgt George Pierotti
Co. B 80th Chemical Battalion Mechanic;- WW2 Asiatic Pacific Theater United States Army
Cpl John A. ''''Jocko'''' Piper
Korea United States Army
CPL Steve ''Hank'' Poprosky
28th Div. Anti-aircraft gunner/WW2 United States Army
S Sgt Francis H Post
Hq Co. 2d Rangers Bn - WWII Rhineland, Normandy, N. France United States Army
Cpl George Povich
Battery A 17th Field Artillery Battalion - WWII United States Army
Sgt. Anthony Pustinger
3rd Serv. Comm. - WWII United States Army
PFC Donald Rattay
588 Engr. Combat/1960-1963 United States Army
E-7 Ignatius F. Rattay
33rd Infantry/ 1934-1938 United States Army
Pfc Sam L Reda
4265th AAF Base Unit - WW2 United States Army Air Corps
PFC Joseph L Reda, Sr
38th Chem. Maint. Co./WW2 United States Army
Sgt Otto E. Redlich
Med Tech 33rd General Hospital Unit - WWII United States Army
Corporal Orlando Reginelli
3rd Armored - Korean War United States Army
SSG Ernest C Renzetti
Infantry - WW2 United States Army
Cpl James Vincent Restivo
83rd Artillery - WWII - Normandy, Rhineland, Ardennes United States Army
1st Lt. Anthony Rizzuto
394th BG, 587th SD - WW2 United States Army Air Forces
T/4 William Rizzuto
24th Special Service Co. - WW2 United States Army
Captain Fred Rodman
25th Infantry Div/Vietnam United States Army
Sgt Thomas A Rone
WWII - Asian-Pacific Theater United States Army Air Corps
Cpl William Salak
10th Corps, 26th Signal Battalion - Korea United States Army
Staff Sgt. William Sapone
266 Field Artillery Battery Battalion - WWII United States Army
Andrew F Sassak
WWII United States Army
Pfc John J Savarino
263rd Medical Battalion - WWII United States Army
Col. James M Schoonmaker
Civil War United States Army
PFC James P Scirotto
36th Inf., 111th Eng. - WWII United States Army
PFC Anthony Scuteri
90th Div., 315th Eng. Battalion/WW2 United States Army
S/Sgt John Shusta
2519th AAF Base Unit - WWII United States Army Air Force
TEC3 Carl S. Sickles
3115th Signal Service Co. - World War II (1942-1946) United States Army
Pfc Nick Smerilli
United States Army
Private John C. Smith
Company C 320th Infantry/WW2 - Rhineland & N. France United States Army
Cpl. Theodore F Sokol
Battery A 172nd Field Artillery Battalion - WWII United States Army
2nd Lt. Jack L Sonafelt
WWII - 1596 AAFBU United States Army Air Corps
T/5 Paul R. Sowko
WW2 United States Army
Cpl Patsy D Spadafore
11th Airborne - WW2 United States Army
Specialist Jonathan R. Stark
Alpha Co.1st, 112th Inf./Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Army
PFC Ralph E Stone
188 Artillery Div., Radio Operator and Cannoneer - Korea United States Army
PFC Walter Strahosky
Co K 27th Inf/WW2 Luzon Campaign United States Army
Staff Sgt Albert J Strahosky
490th Bomb Squad,10th Air Force/WW2 United States Army
M/Sgt Albert L. Suchy
544th Bombardment Squadron - WWII United States Army Air Corps
Pvt James Suppa
B17 Gunner 706th AIR MAT SQ - WWII United States Army Air Forces
Pfc Carl A Swade
1st Recon Co., 1st Division - Germany / Korea United States Army
PFC Anthony Tabacca
Infantry/Occupied Europe United States Army
Victor Tesolin
WW2 Phillipines United States Army
SFC Steve Tetteris, Jr
B Co., 5th RG, 1st Cavalry/Korea 1951-52 United States Army
PFC Julius W Troth
Engineer/WW2 United States Army
Pvt William Vance
59th Base HQ and Air Base / WWII United States Army Air Force
PFC Joseph J Vizza
1st Div,18th Co-MP Training/Korea United States Army
Cpl Herman Ward
95th Infantry Division - Korea United States Army
Master Sgt John Samuel Wiker
320th Infantry/ Mexican Expedition & WWI - France United States Army
PFC Leonard W. Winn
3rd Armored 45A / Korea United States Army
PFC Frank Wright
101st Airborne/1955-1957 United States Army
Technical SGI Edward Yankosky
39th Troop Carrier Squadron, Jungle Skippers - WWII - New Guinea United States Army Air Corps
Sgt James 'Tex' Yates
82nd Airborne - Korean United States Army
PFC Vilho 'Bill' Yoki
Company A, 26th Infantry Reg., 1st Infantry Division - WWII - Battle of the Bulge United States Army
Tec 3 Andrew Yuhasz, Sr.
WW2 United States Army
PFC Philip S. Zilka
Korean War United States Army
Corporal Stanley A Zyski
MP DET 1467th SCU - WWII - European, African, Middle Eastern Theaters United States Army

Pfc Anthony A Crisi
1958 United States National Guard
Staff Sgt. John A. Dudas
28th Division, 110th Infantry - Korea - Germany Army National Guard
SP5 Perry J. George
Co. C, 1st BN, 110th INF Army National Guard

Seaman first class Roland 'Berry' Giannini
South Pacific - WWII United States Coast Guard
2nd class mate William F Peshok
Motor machinist / WWII United States Coast Guard

Deckhand Seaman Joseph Canestrale
WWII Merchant Marines
Seaman Columbo DeAngelis
WW2 Merchant Marines

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who are or have served this country
through our banner program.
French Women Extend Gratitude To Fallen Soldier During Monessen Visit

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Contact Harry Munson
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HTM Designs

PO1 Joseph (Peppy) Altemara, Jr.
WWII United States Navy
Seaman 2/c George Andrachek
Pacific Theater - WWII United States Navy
PC3 Matthew Scott Benyak
USS Truett (FF-1095) - Grenada Invasion - Beirut United States Navy
YN3 John R. Benyak, Jr
USS Pillsbury (DER-133) - Korea United States Navy
Seaman 3rd class Frank Biseda
Armed Guard-Gunner/WW2 United States Navy
SN Andrew Buchko
WWII United States Navy
PO1 Daniel P. Buchko
Vietnam United States Navy
PO2 Dwyane J. Byron
Boiler Operator 2 - Korean War United States Navy
S1 Donald E. Byron
World War II United States Navy
Carpenters Mate 3c Joseph F Ciccarelli
69th Naval Const. Battalion - WWII United States Navy
SN John Mayernik Corey
USS Leviathan Cruiser and Transport Forces - WWI United States Navy
Seaman 1st class Frank R DeLuca
4th Special, Seabees/WW2 Okinawa United States Navy
SN1c Vernon DeMillion
WWII United States Navy
AN Andre Dudas
United States Navy
LTCDR Michael Dudas
Iraq-Afghanistan 1993-2013 United States Navy
S1c Andrew Dyky
WW2 United States Navy
Cox Raymond Esola
USS Whitney - WWII United States Navy
BM2 Samuel E. Essey
5th Division - WWII United States Navy
HM-2 George Essey
USS Lake Champlain (CVA-39) H Div. / Korean War United States Navy
GM3 George V Falbo
USS Vicksburg, Pacific - WWII United States Navy
Edward ''Peanie'' Francia
WWII United States Navy
PO3 Delmar Keith Frew
Korean War 1951-1955 United States Navy
SF2 Thomson Malcolm Frew
Shipfitter T 2nd class - WW2 United States Navy
FN Duane A Frew
USS Sagamore (ATA-208) - WW2 United States Navy
E5 Edward H Furio
V81 Squadron, Vietnam United States Navy
Chief Petty Officer Steve Edward Galaski
BB62 USS New Jersey/WW2 PTO United States Navy
PO 3rd Class Domenic Galilei
VT-25/WW2 Pacific United States Navy
MM2 Joseph J Gallo
Korea United States Navy
TM3 Anthony Gido
Submarine, USS Tambor, USS Hammerhead - WWII United States Navy
AE John T Golomb
Naval Aviation, South Pacific, Saipan and Tinian - WWII United States Navy
LTJG Kent Green
USS Ronald Reagan, Pacific Fleet United States Navy
Master Chief Irene Growney
Air Transport Squadron 3 NAS - WWII United States Navy
SN2c Pearson Harkema
Pearl Harbor - WWII United States Navy
AM3c George Kachur
Metalsmith 3/c, SV-6 - WW2 United States Navy
QM3 John G. Kaminsky
1958-1962 United States Navy
DM3 Fred E. Kernisky
USS Eldorado AGC 11 - Korea United States Navy
MM1 Paul W Komar
USS Sierra AD-18, USS Ainsworth DE1094, USS Ponce LPD-15 - Vietnam United States Navy
MM1 Paul Komar
LST Atlantic Fleet Norfolk - WWII United States Navy
ET3 Robert F Kotch
USS Valley Forge, USS Wasp, USS Valcour - Korea United States Navy
PO3 Chester J. Kowalski
USS Rhind (DD404) - WWII United States Navy
Eugene Joseph Kowalski
WWII United States Navy
AMM2c Joseph Kuzma
WWII United States Navy
BM3 Phillip Lopresti
USS Missouri (BB-63), USS Salem (CA-139) / Korea United States Navy
Chief Petty Officer Calvin R Lucas
Chief Ships Serviceman/Vietnam United States Navy
Michael Maisano
WWII United States Navy
Seaman Eugene Maisano
Korea United States Navy
Anthony Maisano
Aviation Support - WWII United States Navy
GMSN Robert A Mascetta
3rd Division USS Coral Sea - Korean War United States Navy
EM2 Lawrence Masci
USS James Owens DD-776, USS Turner DDR-834, USS Everglades AD-24/1963-67 United States Navy
Coxswain Mike Matush
Amphibious Force 7th Fleet United States Navy
SN John 'Snake' Mayernik, Sr.
USS Intrepid - WWII United States Navy
Radioman 2nd Class Theodore Mermigas
USS Van Valkenburgh/WW2 South Pacific United States Navy
PO1c Nick Milinovich
Seabees, WW2 United States Navy
Seaman 1st Class Joseph Mussano
USS Mertz (DD-691) Part of Adm. Halsey''s 3rd Fleet - WWII United States Navy
Martin F Muzar
EM2 Electricians Mate,2nd class DD933 USS Barry/Vietnam United States Navy
GM3 William Myers
USS Philadelphia / WWII (Africa and Europe) United States Navy
CM2 Leonard `Finn` Nevala
WWII United States Navy
John J Penich
USS Franklin CV13,SKD 3/C/WW2 United States Navy
SN Day Day Perozzi
USS San Pablo/ WW2 United States Navy
PO3 John E Persico
USS LST-503 Amphibious Force - Korean War (1950-1954) United States Navy
S1c Peter Petros
USS Franklin, USS Lexington - WWII United States Navy
SN Charles E `Chuck` Piper
WW2 United States Navy
Patrick J Plavko
Served from 1984-1997 United States Navy
John S Plavko
WWII United States Navy
Chief Petty Officer Santo Restivo
Pacific/WW2, USAF - Korea and Vietnam United States Navy
PHM1 H. Denver Rhome
WW2 United States Navy
MM2 Myron Sepitko
USS Arneb (AKA-56) - Vietnam United States Navy
E6 Frank C Stanisz
USS Peterson OD969, USS Monterey CG61/Desert Storm and Desert Shield United States Navy
EM1 Earl ''''Buzzy'''' C. Stevenson
WW2 United States Navy
ET2 Anthony J Swantner
USS Shenandoah AD-26, USS Gearing DD710 United States Navy
SN Alfred Tarquinio
WWII United States Navy
SN William H Taylor
WWII United States Navy
SA John ''Butchie'' Turkovich
Vietnam Era United States Navy
AD Bernard F. Veschio
World War II United States Navy
CPO Melvin Zubritsky
WW2 United States Navy
MM1c Vincent E Zuza

Sgt John Russell Benyak
3rd Marine Aircraft WIng / Grenada Invasion - Beirut United States Marine Corps
Pvt Angelo (Sonny) Giannini
WW2 United States Marine Corps
Lance Cpl John Gnora
Korea United States Marine Corps
Sgt Angelo E Loulis
1st Marine Division - WWII United States Marine Corps
Sgt Wiljo Maatta
World War 2 United States Marine Corps
PFC Joseph Michaels
WW2 United States Marine Corps
Corporal Pete Minniti, Jr
Korea United States Marine Corps
Cpl Anthony C. ''''Snooky'''' Murphy
3rd Marine Div/Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Pvt John J. ''''Moses'''' Murphy, Jr.
3rd Marine Div/WW2 United States Marine Corps
Sgt Kenton Shatzer
Infantryman Rifleman - Operation Enduring Freedom United States Marine Corps
Cpl Fred Kenneth Usher
6th Base Depot, Engr. Co., Asiatic Pacific / WWII United States Marine Corps
Sgt Lyman E Williams
Fourth Division/WW2 United States Marine Corps
Cpl. Robert (Rab) Yannitto
4th Division, Co A, - Saipan & IWO Jima - WWII United States Marine Corps
Pfc Mike Yusko
8th Defense Battalion - WWII United States Marine Corps
PFC Edward G Zboyovsky
Platoon 73/Korea United States Marine Corps

Senior Airman Larry A Aldrich, Jr.
Maintenance Squad Tyndal AFB/ 1995-2002 United States Air Force
A1c Herman Alvarez
USAF Thunderbirds, Okinawa, Las Vegas / 1957-1961 United States Air Force
Maj William Apodiakos
446th Bomb Group - WWII and Korean War United States Air Force
2nd Lt. Lewis Arabia
8th Air Force - 487th / WWII (Europe) United States Air Force
A/2C John Cheroki
Korea United States Air Force
TSgt S. Ron Chromulak
Career Air Force United States Air Force
Lt. Colonel Norman E Cole
461st Consolidated Airlift Squadron/Desert Storm/Shield United States Air Force
S/Sgt Gilbert Collie
42nd Air Wing/Korea United States Air Force
Sgt Falco V Como
Air Training Command- Vietnam Era United States Air Force
SSGT Samuel F Dalfonso
Sqdn 3747, Flight 1085 - Korea United States Air Force
S Sgt Michael DePaolo
Fire Protection/Gulf War United States Air Force
Cpl James Philip Dorow
United States Air Force
A1C H. Thomas Dunn, Jr.
Vietnam 1964-1968 United States Air Force
A1c Jack J. Evonko
Vietnam United States Air Force
Sgt Florian Fedorchik
FEAMCOM APO 323 - Korea United States Air Force
Sgt Nino Forlini
75th Airlift Command - Vietnam War (1968-1970) United States Air Force
Airman first class Donald E Frolo
Det #3 ACW Sq. (PACAF) - Vietnam Era United States Air Force
1st Lt Alfred J Greco
United States Air Force
Flight Officer Thomas A Irvine
1st - 511th/WW2 ETO United States Air Force
Sgt Joseph J Jannotta
HQ 91,SMWg,SAC/Vietnam (Thailand) United States Air Force
Major Michael A. Kerekes
Vietnam War United States Air Force
Sgt. Charles R. Kline
Vietnam United States Air Force
S/Sgt Joe Koval
Fifth Division - Korea United States Air Force
Staff Sgt. William R Lucas
Hydraulic technician/Vietnam United States Air Force
A2c Basil 'PeeWee' Luciani
Vietnam United States Air Force
A1c Robert A Martin
Peace time 1957-1961 United States Air Force
Staff Sgt Anthony Mascetta
England/Korea United States Air Force
SSgt Nicholas A. Mascetta, Sr.
23rd Squadron, 5th Bombardment Group Tail Gunner, 13th Air Force - WWII United States Air Force
Airman 2nd Lawrence R Myers
6925 RGM - Korea United States Air Force
LT Richele M Neff
Nurse United States Air Force
Staff Sgt Fred T Organ
507 Division/WW2 United States Air Force
A/1C John Peresolak
Fifth Air Force - Korean War United States Air Force
Staff Sgt Mark C Persico
75th Civil Engr. Squad/Desert Shield/Storm 1986-1999 United States Air Force
Pfc Angelo Pro
3575th Pilot Training Wing- Korea United States Air Force
Master Sgt. Thomas J Rauscher
Korean and Vietnam War United States Air Force
Sgt Nicholas Relich
605th TAC / Korea United States Air Force
S/Sgt Bill R. Ross
53rd Troop Carrier - WWII - European Theater United States Air Force
SSGT Delroy L Ross
1st Fighter Wing - Gulf War - Desert Storm United States Air Force
SrA Delroy L Ross
SOCCENT - Operation Enduring Freedom United States Air Force
S/Sgt Andrew ''Cook'' Sagona
S.A.C. Jet Engine Mechanic - Korea United States Air Force
Staff Sgt Elizabeth Laird Timmons
Commisary, 20 years 1979-1999/Desert Storm United States Air Force
Cpl Joseph Tomcanin
Air Support Europe/WW2 United States Air Force
SSgt Thomas M. Totin
1369th Aerospace Medical Group - 1966-1970 United States Air Force
T/Sgt Marshall E. West
NATO / Vietnam United States Air Force
MSgt Gregory S Woodson
320th Special Tactics Squadron - 1984-2005 United States Air Force