PFC Luther Andrews
WWI United States Army
PFC Kermit C. Barnett
325 Glider IN Division United States Army
PFC Larry Bishop
82nd Airborne Div. M.P. United States Army
Cpl Oran A Blackwood
751st Tank Battalion - WWII United States Army
Bobby Box
United States Army
Pfc Lee W. Brannon
151st Infantry - World War II - New Guinea United States Army
Sgt John Mike Brown
1971-2000 United States Army
LTC Edward K. Cagle
Engineer - Gulf Division 75th Training Command Operation Provide Comfort II: Operation Iraqi Freedom: Operation Enduring Freedom United States Army
PFC Robert L. Cagle
Vietnam War United States Army
SP4 Robert Carpenter
United States Army
Pfc Mitchell H. Carpenter
2nd Division Medic Co 9th Infantry Regiment/Korean War United States Army
SP4 John Clark
70th Engineering Battalion - Vietnam United States Army
SP4 Jerome O'Neal Cleghorn
Infantry/ Vietnam United States Army
Sgt Teddy Edward Denson
3rd Infantry Div. 1/10th FA - Iraq United States Army
SP4 James Harold Denton
CO D 317th ENGR BN United States Army
Kelly J. Ergle
101st Airborne - 1993-1996 United States Army
PFC Robbie Everett
127 Ordinance United States Army
SFC Garry Fowler
1970-1991 United States Army
PFC Cecil C. Gaither
WWII United States Army
PFC Hollis R. Gaither
Co D 2nd Battalion 1st Cavalry - Vietnam United States Army
Willie T. Gilbreath
WWII United States Army
Pfc Arthur D. Gilliland
Vietnam United States Army
SP4 J.D. Green
3 D Infantry Divison United States Army
Pvt Charles Haley
COH 28th Infantry United States Army
Pvt Philip A. Hall
United States Army
PFC Raymon `Ray` Hampton
253rd Armored Field Artillery Battalion - World War II - European Theater United States Army
Cpl Alfred Lowell Hampton
Armored Division - Korean War United States Army
SPC James P. Heyden
1st Cavalry Division - Gulf War - Operation Desert Storm 1966-1991 United States Army
T-3 Leon A. Hightower
World War II - Combat Infantry - France, Belgium, Germany United States Army
SPC Daniel Hill
1st Battalion 6th Infantry Regiment United States Army
Spec 4 Richard (Rick) Hood
588th Engineer Battalion United States Army
Seargent Windel Hutcheson
1st Division, 28th Infantry, A Company, Lima Platoon / Vietnam United States Army
SP5 Phillip Hutcheson
178th Ordinance Detachment, 6th Division / Vietnam United States Army
Sgt Myra Langley Jacques
Alabama National Guard United States Army
Tech5 Dock Glin Johnson
WWII United States Army
SSG Jessie Lee
Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) - Operation Enduring Freedom - Global War on Terroism United States Army
TEC5 H.H. `Brownie` Lee
World War II United States Army Air Forces
SP4 Gary R. Luker
199th Infantry Division - Vietnam United States Army
Col Theodore Macdonald
Corps of Engineers / WWII - Korea - Vietnam United States Army
Cpl Joe D. (Buddy) Maze
Signal Corps United States Army
Pvt Armos P. McCain
156th Infantry - North Africa United States Army
PVT Aubrey G. McCain
WWII United States Army
SP4 Glenn McCain
1st Armored Division United States Army
Corporal Dustin Miller
25th Infantry Division United States Army
PVT Tommie Moore
WWII - European Theater United States Army
John E. Morgan
Germany (1962-1964) United States Army
Troy Oliver
Military Police - WWII - England United States Army Air Corps
SP4 (T) Harry Pierce (H.P.) Owens
Artillery United States Army
Spec 4 Clyde W. Pair
Communications Signal Core - Korean War United States Army
Sgt Melton J. Partridge
Co.D. 94th Engineering Battalion-Construction/Germany-Italy 1966-67 United States Army
SP3 Glenn L. Perry
Btry B 2d FA BN/ Korea United States Army
SFC Gordon D. Pigg
Korean War United States Army
Sgt James Douglas Pirkle
7th Army - Europe - Berlin Crisis 1961-1964 United States Army
Sgt Leroy Pirkle
Military Police - Korea (1963-1966) United States Army
Cpl Jackie H. Powell
MP - Korea United States Army
T/5 Olen D. Powell
720th R.O.B WWII Normandy United States Army
Sgt Landon Robinson
127th MP Company - Operation Enduring Freedom - Kuwait United States Army
SFC Eddie Sivils
25th Inf Div., Co A, 1st 14 Inf - Vietnam United States Army
Sgt Terry Lee Smothers
Vietnam United States Army
Staff Sgt Farris C. Southern
WWII United States Army Air Corps
E5 Buford L Spain
Artillery in Germany/ Vietnam United States Army
Terry Stallings
United States Army
PFC James B. 'Dick' Sterling
HQ Co 1st BN 117th Infantry - WWII United States Army
PFC Burton C. Sterling
WWII 711 Twin Engine Training Squadron United States Army Air Corps
Sgt Kenneth R. Sudduth
101st Airborne / 1962-1965 United States Army
Sgt Ellous B. Thompson
United States Army
PFC Arnold Elbert Tidwell
14th Armored Div - WWII - France United States Army
PFC Aubrey `Slim` Tingle
Korean War 1950-1953 United States Army
PFC Larry L. Umphrey
101st Airborne Division 502 United States Army
Sgt Delton Vaughn
6th Missile Battalion - Vietnam Era United States Army
PVT James Chester White
Co. K 321st Infantry - Meuse Argonne Offensive Sept. 19 - Nov. 11th 1918 United States Army
SPC E4 Wesley Wilkins
44th Medical Brigade-72nd Medical Detachment Veterinary/Operation Enduring Freedom-Operation Spartan Shield United States Army
SP4 Morrell C. Wilkins
2nd Battalion 19th Infantry - Vietnam United States Army
Sgt Tech 4 Earl Williams
23rd Field Hospital - WWII United States Army
Cpl John J. Williams
Co F, 109th Infantry, 28th Division - WWII - Rhineland Northern France Central Europe Normandy Ardennes Mortar Gunner 607 United States Army
T/4 Cornice B. Willingham
Company G 142nd Infantry Regiment - WWII United States Army
Pfc Hansel (Buster) Wilson
105th Wildcat Division - WWII United States Army
Tech 4 Glenn Max Wood
Headquarters Northern Combat Area Command / WWII / Burma - Central Burma United States Army
MSG Ezra J. Woodard
Vietnam United States Army
Pfc Henry Jack Wydner
World War II United States Army

Addison is proud to honor our men and women
who are or have served this country through our banner program.
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HTM Designs

PO3 Bobby Andrews
Engineman - Vietnam United States Navy
SN2 Cordell Bell
WWII United States Navy
GMG3 Gary Lee Blackwood
USS Charles F. Adams (DDG-2) - Vietnam War United States Navy
SH3 James Herman Blackwood
USS Solar (DE-221) - WWII United States Navy
IT2 Dustin Shane Bladow
COMSIXTHFLT Naples, Italy - Operation Inherent Resolve United States Navy
PO1 Jeff Allen Brannon
United States Navy
QMSN Jessyka Chantel Brown
United States Navy
BM3 Tony Brown
United States Navy
YN2c Toby Benton Denson
U.S.S. Claude V. Ricketts DDG5 / U.S. John F. Kennedy CV67 United States Navy
Gene ''Jack'' Dollar
WWII United States Navy
SK Petty Officer 1st Class David A. Freeman
USS Enterprise / 911 Conflict Afghanistan & Iraq United States Navy
RM2 Aubrey Gene Hicks
WWII United States Navy
SF1 Kaja Johnson
USS Proteus/South Pacific - WWII United States Navy
PO Mike Langley
Gunnery United States Navy
Seaman 2nd Class Leonard Morgan
USS VINCENNES - WWII United States Navy
BM1c George Ernest Morgan
WWII - USS LCI-607 Pacific United States Navy
Seaman 1st Class Mitchell F. Owens
USS Phoenix - World War II United States Navy
ENFN Rayford 'Cotton' Pair
USS Sperry (AS-12) 6th Fleet (1957-1961) United States Navy
IT2 Damian Riendeau
Global War on Terriorism United States Navy
ND2 Kurtis Robinson
EOD Mobile Unit 3 United States Navy
Coxswain William Coy Smothers
WWII United States Navy
Clifton Stallings
World War II United States Navy
FC3 Russell B. Wade
WWII - KIA - Iceland United States Navy
MMCM Tommy Walker
Vietnam/Lebanon United States Navy
SC2 Wesley T. White
WWII United States Navy
E-4 Bobby L. Wilkins
USS Lake Champlain (CG-57) United States Navy

Gunny Sgt. William Allison
2nd Marine Division United States Marine Corps
SGT Hurley McKinley Cross
WWII and Korean Wars United States Marine Corps
Cpl Feltus Darel Hamm
1st Marine Aircraft Wing - Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Corporal Nickolas S Maze
1st Battalion 10th Marines United States Marine Corps
Cpl Franky Melson
CLR-15 1st Supply BN United States Marine Corps
Pfc Travis D. Sinyard
2018 - Active United States Marine Corps

Sgt Larry W. Alston
151 Engineer Battalion Army National Guard
E-5 Yogi Cutcher
151 Engineer Batallion Army National Guard
Sergeant Blake Jones
168th Engineering/Operation Iraqi Freedom United States National Guard
PFC Michael A. Mann
Army National Guard
Gary Wayne McLamb
151st Combat Engineers Army National Guard
Specialist Laura Wend Miller
3625th Maintenance Company Army National Guard
Sgt Larry W. Morgan
131st Signal Battalion United States National Guard
Sgt Hershel W. Seymore
115th Signal Battalion Army National Guard
Pfc Timothy Earl Trussell
Double Springs, AL. United States National Guard
Mack W. Watts
1987-1993 United States National Guard
MSG Paul Wayne Womack
200 TSC / Operation Iraqi Freedom Army National Guard

Jase Anders
United States Air Force
Lowell T. Brannon
Korean War United States Air Force
A1c Alton M. Geeslin
Korean War United States Air Force
MSgt Arlen L. Langley
1957-1977 United States Air Force
TSgt Caroline Langley
Desert Storm (1977-1997) United States Air Force
Cpl Olen Wesley McCain
Foster Air Force Base - WWII United States Air Force
Captain Terry Morgan
Security Police/A.F. Office of Special Investigations Desert Shield/Desert Storm Sept. 1975-Oct. 1995 United States Air Force
Cpl G. Odell Netherton
432nd Bomber Squad 17th Group - WWII United States Air Force
Ronnie Putman
United States Air Force
Corporal Billy Sterling
123rd Fighter Bomber Wing / Korea United States Air Force
Sgt Theo Tingle
1948-1950 United States Air Force
TSgt James J.B. Tingle
1951-1972 United States Air Force
A/3C Jimmy Ray Tuggle
Air Transport (MATS) - Korea 1954-1957 United States Air Force
MSG Patrick Waid
460th SCS United States Air Force