
Ambridge Banner Application

Ambridge Connection

SP/4 Mitchell Abraham
25th Military Police Co. - CuChi, Vietnam 1966
United States Army

SSG Frank Aloe
112th Gen. Hosp., WWII
United States Army

Cpl Joseph W. Baran
10th Division - Korean Conflict
United States Army

PFC John R. Battisti
1st Division, Infantry - Invasion of North Africa
United States Army

Sgt. William C. Baysura
Infantry - WWII Battle of the Bulge - Bronze Star
United States Army

PFC Richard Bedalota
11th Armored Cavalry Regiment, Vietnam
United States Army

P Theodore `Ted` Beley
83rd Chemical Battalion - World War II - Anzio Landing
United States Army

Cpl Donald Louis Bell
3rd Armored Division - Korea
United States Army

PFC Americo `Smitty` Biancucci
1st Infantry Division - 18th Inf. Regiment - WWII
United States Army

E-5 Charles A. Blake
2nd Regt, USATCA - Cold War Service
United States Army

Cpl Paul E. Bohn
Medical Corps - Vietnam
United States Army

PFC Frank J. Bosanac
82nd Airborne - Vietnam
United States Army

E-6 Paul W. Brown
101st Airborne Division / National Guard 28 Inf. Div.
United States Army

Cpl Richard Bufalini
Ordnance Supply Specialist - Korean War
United States Army

PFC Robert Carlisle
Vietnam War
United States Army

PFC Perry Carlisle
3rd Battalion - World War II
United States Army

SPC Dann Carr
1st Cav. - F.D.C.
United States Army

SP4 Ronald Carrodus
United States Army

Sgt Joseph T. Cassidy
618 EN BN
United States Army

Cpl Edward Cassidy
73rd Tank Battalion - Korean War
United States Army

Cpl Joseph Thomas Cassidy
Korean War - Tank Co. - 31st Inf. Reg.
United States Army

Sgt John O. Connolly
356th Fighter Group - WWII
United States Army Air Forces

PFC Brandon Cox
82nd Airborne, Geronimo Company / 2 Tours in Afghanistan - Operation Enduring Freedom
United States Army

T/5 Stephen U. Crano
14th Portable Surgical Hospital - WWII & Korean
United States Army

T/3 John Cybak
3207th SA, 607th BA Maint Bn - WWII
United States Army

PFC Samuel A. DeMailo
301st AAF BU / WWII
United States Army

MSgt Louis DeMailo
8th Air Force - World War II
United States Army Air Corps

Pfc Alex Derochis
Artillery - World War II
United States Army

 Edward Dugan
101st Airborne
United States Army

TEC 5 Frank Dzikowski
Co. D, 4th Medical Battalion - WWII - Utah Beach, D-Day
United States Army

Staff Sergeant Frank Essek
44th Infantry Div., Company H 71st - WWII - Europe
United States Army

Cpl Paul S. Evans
World War II
United States Army

PVT Robert E. Ferry
Btry C, 4th AAA AW BN - Korean
United States Army

1st Sgt Samuel R. Fittante
Cannon Co., 342nd Infantry Regiment, 86th Infantry - WWII 1945-46, Central Europe
United States Army

Sgt Robert J. Freisleben
Hq & Hq 5Q USAF - WWII
United States Army Air Corps

SSgt Steve Furis
Co. I, 71st Infantry - WWII
United States Army

E4 Gary Alan Fye
4th Infantry - Vietnam War
United States Army

SSG Joseph M. Galietti
1st Inf. Div. Air Assault / Operation Iraqi Freedom (27 months)
United States Army

CSM Joseph Galietti
Quarter Master Corps - Vietnam War
United States Army

Sgt Michael F. Galvan
A Btry, 1st Bn 83rd Artillery, Nui Dat Vietnam
United States Army

Pfc William V. Gandjos
A Co, 1st Bn, 26th Inf, 1st Infantry Div - Vietnam War
United States Army

SP4 Leonard S. Gaza
Americal Div. Tank Driver - Viet Nam
United States Army

PFC Grady Gill
405th Port Co. - WWII
United States Army

SP4 Jerome E. Gill
Strategic Command (STRATCOM) - Vietnam Era
United States Army

Cpl Alonzo J. Gintner
World War ll
United States Army

Cpl John J. Grabner
Company A, 363rd Engineers - WWII
United States Army

Corporal Salvatore A. Guido
HQ 5th Infantry Division - Korea
United States Army

Cpl Richard Joseph Halicek
HQ & HQ Co., 35th Inf. Regt., Korean War
United States Army

PV2 Don A Henry
Co B 1st Bn Sch Bde
United States Army

M/Sgt Harry Hideck
HQ. Comm. Gp. / USATC Armor - WWII & Korean War
United States Army

Cpl William Hladio
HQ & HQ Co. - Korean Conflict
United States Army

Tech Sgt. 4 Mike Hladio
428th Armored Field Artillery Battalion - Asia/Pacific
United States Army

SFC Anthony Hlozek
1972-1996 Vietnam - Desert Storm
United States Army

SP4 Richard S. Hoko Sr.
80th Artillery Battalion, BTRY C - Vietnam
United States Army

PFC Michael A. Huppenthal
69th Infantry, Headquarters Div., WWII
United States Army

Sergeant Carl A. Huwar
57th Battalion-Air Defense - Reno Hill, Korea (Vietnam Era)
United States Army

Cpl Carl Huwar
WWII Veteran - African Campaign
United States Army

PFC James V. Iorfido
Btty A323rd F.A. 32nd Div - WWI
United States Army

TEC5 John Ivancik
Co. B, 36th Engineer Regiment - World War II
United States Army

SSgt William Ramsay Jackson
29th Division, 115th Regt., Cannon Co. - WWII
United States Army

Corporal Alex Janis
3rd Infantry/Artillery
United States Army

Pfc Edward M. Jasinski
Supreme Headquarters, American Expeditionary Force - WWII - Normandy, Northern France
United States Army

TEC 5 Harry M. Jesky
Anti-Aircraft - Panama Canal Zone - WWII
United States Army

T/Sgt George P. Joseph
15th Air Force, 97th Bomb Grp., WWII - European Theater
United States Army Air Forces

PFC Lewis Kaczmarczyk
464 Base HQ - WWII - Aleutian Islands
United States Army Air Forces

PVT Marvin O. Key
3505th QM Truck Co. - WWII
United States Army

PFC-Tec 5 Mike J. Klaich
1st Infantry Division - Combat Engineer - World War II - European Theater
United States Army

Cpl Edward Klak
1st Division / Korean War
United States Army

Pvt Henry Klak
WWII - Japan
United States Army

SP4 Paul Kokoski
3rd Armored Division - Viet Nam
United States Army

Sgt Michael Komlos
World War II - North Africa, Sicily, Italy
United States Army Air Forces

T/4 Joseph `Putsy` Kopac
Quartermasters Corps, Detachment Service Co. - WWII
United States Army

E-4 Joseph J. Kopac
1st Air Cavalry, 101st Airborne - Vietnam
United States Army

MSG George J. Kowalsky
352nd Military Police Co. - Persian Gulf (1974-1996) Retired
United States Army

PFC Stanley Krol
Aus Arty
United States Army

Cpl Joe Krol
2-1 Infantry
United States Army

Pvt Albert Krol
Co. A, 13th Battalion, World War I
United States Army

T/Sgt Peter P. Kubia
152 Engineer Battalion - WWII - Pacific Theater
United States Army

S/Sgt William Kubick
969th Engineering BN - Korean War
United States Army

Cpl Paul J. Kuniewicz
Air Corp. - WWII
United States Army

T/Sgt Manuel J. Kutlenios
Troop Ship - World War II - South Pacific Theater
United States Army

5/Sgt William Kwiatanowski
1250 AAF BU - WWII
United States Army Air Forces

T/Sgt George A. Kyrargyros
879th Sig Co Dep AVN - WWII
United States Army

SP5 Henry J. Labik
69th Signal Battalion / Vietnam War
United States Army

SSG Donald J. Larrick
99th ARCOM
United States Army

Cpl Lawrence P. LaSpada
1st Infantry Division (The Big Red One) - WWII - North Africa -Sicily
United States Army

T/4 John Leach
Co. C, 334th Engineer Regiment, WWII - Rhineland / Central Europe
United States Army

Pfc Henry Len
WWII and Korean Conflict
United States Army

E-5 Jerry Lesak
United States Army

S/Sgt Frank Markvan
108th Engineer Battalion - WWII - Asiatic - Pacific Theater
United States Army

S/Sgt Lawrence A. Martin
116th Infantry Reg. - 29th Infantry Division - WWII
United States Army

SSG Dale T. Martin
Iraqi Freedom - Desert Storm
United States Army

S/Sgt Jerry L. Maruca
566th BS, 389th Bomb Group - WWII - European Theatre
United States Army Air Corps

T/Sgt Satino F. Maruca
5th Air Force, 2nd Squadron, 2nd Bomb Group - WWII - Asian-Pacific
United States Army Air Corps

MSgt W. J. (Mac) McCarthy
33rd Field Artillery - World War II & Korea
United States Army

Cpl Duncan McCombie
3rd Armored Div. - Korea
United States Army

E-4 Rich McCracken
5th Special Forces Group - Vietnam War (1968-69)
United States Army

Sgt Richard F. Michalik
339th Trans Co. - Vietnam War
United States Army

Sgt Harry Molchen
101st Airborne Division
United States Army

PFC Steve E. Mosura
47th Infantry Regiment / Africa, Sicily, France, Germany
United States Army

E-4 John Mrkonja
1st Army / Vietnam
United States Army

Sgt John Murga
3rd Infantry Div., Big Red 1 - WWII
United States Army

PFC William Murga
Quartermasters - WWII
United States Army

 Lawrence Mutschler
Evacuation Hospital #13, World War I, France
United States Army

Sgt Lawrence Mutschler
324th Inf, 44th Division, F Co (Wildcats) - WWII
United States Army

1SG Andrew P. Mycyk
101st Airborne Division / Operation Desert Storm, OIF, OEF
United States Army

Sgt Joseph `Knobby` Nadzak
United States Army

PFC Carl Nenadovich
AAF, WWII - Philippine Islands
United States Army Air Corps

Cpl Michael Nestor
1537th AAF Base Unit - WWII
United States Army

Cpl William B. Ninehauser
11th Armored Division - WWII
United States Army

Cpl John `Jack` A. Ogrizek
1st Battalion, 12th Infantry, 4th Infantry Div. - Vietnam
United States Army

PFC Raymond Oprisko
Btry B, 3D Gun Bn, 81st Arty, Baumholder, Germany
United States Army

Cpl William Orlowski
USAREUR, 7th Army, Korean War
United States Army

SP4 Bennie Joe Paolantonio
Co A, 1st Bn, 5th Cavalry Regt, 1st Cavalry Div (AM) - Vietnam PH
United States Army

Cpl John Perciavalle
Co D, 318th INF Regt, 80th INF Div - WWII - Rhineland, Central Europe
United States Army

SP4 Michael Petalino
516th MP Plt. - Vietnam
United States Army

 Ronald D. Petalino
208th MP Co.
United States Army

PFC Chester Pietrzykowski
324th Infantry Regiment, 44th Div. - WWII - France
United States Army

PFC Felix Piontek

United States Army

PVT-2 Albert Pisano
140th Tank Battalion, APO 6, Med Aidman - Korean War
United States Army

Cpl Frank D. Pisano
29th Infantry Division - WWII
United States Army

 Joseph R. Pisano
World War II
United States Army

Sgt Ernest F. Pitts
882 Bombardment Squadron, 38 Bombardment Group, WWII - Asiatic Pacific Theater
United States Army Air Corps

1st Sgt Alfred R. Pitts
550th AAA, WWII & Korea (ERC Arty)
United States Army

Sgt Edward J. Pitts
610 Army Air Forces, WWII
United States Army

Cpl Frank W. Pitts
1602 A Btry AAA - Korean War
United States Army

E-4 Michael Quinn
1st-AD, Persian Gulf
United States Army

PFC Albert J. Rabovsky
110th T Harbor Craft Co.
United States Army

SP4 James Rapp
628th Maint. Spt. Co. (DS) - Vietnam War
United States Army

Pfc Ray Rhodes
9202nd TSU TC, Military Police - WWII (1942-1946)
United States Army

Pvt Jasper Rhodes
305th Engineers, Co. A - WWI - (1917-1919)
United States Army

SP4 Donald W. Riley
2nd Infantry Division - Berlin Crisis
United States Army

Sgt Gerald Robinson
Korean War
United States Army

SFC Louis Rodriguez
Co. D, 3rd Bn., 1st Infantry - Vietnam War
United States Army

Pfc Frank Roppo
2nd Division - Korean Conflict
United States Army

Cpl Arthur M. Roppo
140th Tank Bn - Korean Conflict
United States Army

SP4 James C. Ross
101st Airborne Division - Vietnam War
United States Army

Pfc John Rusnak
11th Infantry - Battle of the Bulge
United States Army

Cpl Edward A. Santry
11th Armored Division - WWII
United States Army

Spc James P. Savage
C Co., 3rd BN 7th IN FC
United States Army

Cpl. James E. Sekanick
Special Vehicle Operator 932 - World War II
United States Army Air Forces

SP4 Joseph P. Selley
614 Maint. Co - USAREUR 7th Army - Vietnam Era
United States Army

Sgt Patrick M. Shearer
82nd Airborne Division - Grenada
United States Army

Sgt Frank H. Simoni
51st Engineer Combat Battalion - WWII - Battle of the Bulge
United States Army

SP4 Paul T. Sovich
1st Battalion 50th Infantry 2nd Armored Division - Vietnam
United States Army

Cpl Robert G. Sparcie
2nd Division - Korean War
United States Army

 Joseph Strano
Tank Division - WWII
United States Army

T/4 Michael F. Strano
909th Field Artillery Bn, 84th Infantry Div - WWII
United States Army

Cpl Roy E. Stubbins
354 MP Co - Camp Pickett, VA US Air Force
United States Army

SSgt Nick Tisak
82nd Airborne / Korean War
United States Army

TEC/5 Joseph T. Trella
52nd Chem Impreg. Co. - World War II
United States Army

PFC George Tyma
83rd Cml Mortar Battalion
United States Army

T/5 Carl F. Urbanik
37th Ord. Maint. Co. Anti-Aircraft -- WWII
United States Army

SP1 Joe Vargo
Co. B 2/1 - 196th Infantry Brigade - Americal Division - Vietnam War
United States Army

Sgt Karen E. Vaughn
United States Army

Sgt Mary Vetterly
United States Army Nurse Corps - Korean War
United States Army

PFC Carl J. Villella
Korean War
United States Army

Capt Richard L. Vukovcan
USARV, 1st Logistics Command, 71st Transportation Bn, 3rd & 4th Corps - Vietnam
United States Army

1st Lt Jacqlyn Swartz Vukovcan
97th Gen. Hospital, USAR EUR - Vietnam Era
United States Army

1st Lt Philip M. Wagner
Btry D, 1st Bn., 44th Arty - Vietnam
United States Army

Sgt Fred Williams
C Company, 71 Inf. 44th Division - WWII
United States Army

S/Sgt Stephen Witowich
78th Trans Co.
United States Army

SP4 Andrew Zabrucky
Third Armored Calvary - Active Duty 1957-1959; Active Reserve 1959-1963
United States Army

Ambridge is proud to honor our men and women
who are or have served this country through our banner program.


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Technical Banner Questions
Harry Munson
Click to email Program Development

Services provided

HTM Designs

QM2 Stanley Baran
USS LCS(L)-50 - WWII - South Pacific
United States Navy

SHSN Terry Bonager
S-3 Division, USS John F. Kennedy (CV-67) 1987-1990
United States Navy

BM3 John Connelly
Beach Master Unit 1 - Vietnam (1967-1969)
United States Navy

AE3 Donald J. Despines
HS-1 NAS Quonset Point - Anti-Submarine Warfare - Vietnam Era
United States Navy

AO2 Alan J. Despines
VA-195, Vietnam War
United States Navy

RM2 John C. Durkin
USS Mauna Loa (AE-8) - North Africa
United States Navy

SN John L. Giammaria
USS Enterprise - Vietnam War
United States Navy

CPO John M. Gliptis
WWII - Pacific Theater
United States Navy

GMGSN Joseph L. Guyer
USS Meredith - Vietnam War
United States Navy

Y3 Kenneth E. Hare
World War II
United States Navy

PO3 Andre Hough
United States Navy

S1c Edward Iorfido
United States Navy

SN Nick Jula
World War II
United States Navy

PhM1 Walter R. Kasper
World War II
United States Navy

FN Steve (Chippy) Krol
Atlantic Reserve Fleet, WWII and Korea
United States Navy

CS3 George Ronald Kroner
USS Thresher (SSN-593) - Cold War
United States Navy

SH2 Eugene Kuhn
USS Conway / Vietnam
United States Navy

BM2 Anthony P. Labik
World War II
United States Navy

EM2 Charles Aloysius Lehn
USS WASP/USS Kadashan Boy - WWII
United States Navy

WT2 Anthony J. Len
USS LST-574 - World War II
United States Navy

 Walter S. Lewicki
Vietnam War
United States Navy

GM  Milton G. Macie
USS Hailey (DD-556) - World War II
United States Navy

S2C Sam Mancinetti
South Pacific - WWII
United States Navy

HM2 Peter George Manoleras
1st Marine Division - Korean Conflict
United States Navy

PO William L. Martin
See Bees - WWII
United States Navy

PO3c Regis R. Martin
Pharmacist - WWII
United States Navy

 James F. McCarthy
Beirut, Lebanon
United States Navy

GM3 Peter Melnyk
Amphibious Forces - World War II
United States Navy

E-4 Michael A. Mikulich
NSA - Cua Viet, Vietnam
United States Navy

SH2 Michael J. Pless
Uss Fiarfax County LST 1193 - Peace Time
United States Navy

 Harry M. Reed
LST 498 - WWII
United States Navy

SM3 Robert C. Rhodes
USS Algol / Vietnam
United States Navy

Capt C.D. Rowley
Vigilante Squad - Vietnam
United States Navy

 Harry `Sam` Snyder
United States Navy

S3c Robert J. Stepaniak
USS DuPage (APA-41) - WWII - South Pacific
United States Navy

PO2 Daniel R. Sutton
NMCB 23 Unit
United States Navy

Commander Timothy T. Welsh
2nd Marine Aircraft Wing - Aerospace Physiologist - Active Duty
United States Navy

S2 Nick Witowich
Seabees - World War II
United States Navy

 Mike Bariski
4th Battalion - WWII
United States Marine Corps

LCPL Richard F. Bartosch
2nd and 4th Marine Division - Vietnam War
United States Marine Corps

PFC Martin J. Bufano
11th Defense Battalion - WWII - Southwest Pacific Theatre - Solomon Islands
United States Marine Corps

2nd Lt Ken Canonge
Edson''s Raiders - 1st Marine Raider Battalion - WWII - Pacific Theater
United States Marine Corps

Sgt Michael J. Carr
Vietnam War
United States Marine Corps

Sgt Eugene Casello
6th Marine Division - Korean War
United States Marine Corps

Sgt Hank Dingfelder
HMX-1 President Helicopter Squadron- Operation Northern Watch
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Ercole DiNinno
5th Division - WWII - Iwo Jima
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Brian M. Doyle
United States Marine Corps

SSgt William Dreyer
2nd Marine Div., 2nd Amphibious Assault Bn. - Iraq
United States Marine Corps

PFC Samuel Fernandez
Korean War
United States Marine Corps

 Louis `Lugers` Frolo
Korean & WWll
United States Marine Corps

Sgt O.A. `Gigs` Gagliardi
1st Division / Korean War
United States Marine Corps

Sgt Alex J Garcia
D Co., 21st Inf. Bn. - Korea
United States Marine Corps

PFC Raymond Garcia

United States Marine Corps

Cpl Benjamin G. Gingerella
2nd MarDiv (PSD) - Operation Iraqi Freedom
United States Marine Corps

Sgt Richard Heitzenrater
2nd Marine Air Wing - Vietnam War
United States Marine Corps

Sgt Ronald X. Heitzenrater
MP Co., Service Bn - Vietnam War (1969-1975)
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Paul Hovan
2nd Marine Airwing
United States Marine Corps

Sgt Paul Kalabokes
4th Division / WWII - Saipan / Iwo Jima
United States Marine Corps

Cpl John S. Kopac
3rd Battalion, 3rd Marines
United States Marine Corps

Sgt Richard `Lenny` Kosela
2nd Marine Division, Korean War
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Andrew W. Krol
5th and 14th Defense Battalions - WWII
United States Marine Corps

S/Sgt Andrew Larrick
VMSB-343 - WWII - Pacific Theater
United States Marine Corps

PFC Samuel Lightman
Quang Nam, Vietnam
United States Marine Corps

Sgt Frank T. Martin
Platoon Sgt - Paris Island - WWII
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Ronald P. Martin
Korean Conflict
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Charles (Bob) Morrison
5th Marines 13th Engineer Battalion - Viet Nam
United States Marine Corps

Sgt Mary Deborah Ortiz
Vietnam War
United States Marine Corps

Sgt Sam Papasodero
Korean War
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Joseph Pucci
1st Marine Div, 7th Engineer Bn - Vietnam War
United States Marine Corps

PFC Frank `Sonny` Skocich
H&S 2nd Bn. 26th Marines - 1st Div., Vietnam
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Martin Sova
1st BN, 10th Marines, Battery B
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Michael Sova
2nd Supply BN
United States Marine Corps

PFC George P. Strano
World War II
United States Marine Corps

MSgt Paul E. Tisak
5th Marines / Operation Iraqi Freedom
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Richard J. Topolski
Rifle Sharpshooter / Korean War
United States Marine Corps

Cpl George L. Ventura
Co. A Henderson Hall, Arlington VA
United States Marine Corps

Pfc Richard Verigood
Korean Conflict
United States Marine Corps

LCpl Jody C. Villella
2nd Marine Aircraft Wing - Afghanistan - Iraq
United States Marine Corps

Sgt John Albert Wargo
Gunner - CH-46A - Sqdn HMM-164
United States Marine Corps

 Richard A. Alavania
Korean Conflict
United States Air Force

Sgt Edward S. Baran
HQ - Weaver Air Force Base - 1946-1949
United States Air Force

S/Sgt James G. Bennis
Aerial Engineer (2750) - WWII
United States Air Force

SSgt Dennis W. Blake
BMTS 3707, 1964-1968
United States Air Force

PFC Andrew J. Chinchilla
348th Bombardment Squadron 99th Bombardment Group - WWII
United States Air Force

S/Sgt Edward J. Dzubak
Korean War
United States Air Force

Sgt Gary E. Hare
Vietnam War
United States Air Force

Colonel Nicholas Hlesta
World War II - Germany
United States Air Force

Colonel Michael John Hritsik
366 Tactical Air Squadron
United States Air Force

A1C George Kowalsky
Korean War
United States Air Force

Spc3 Blake G. Lagleva
90th Force Support Squadron - Active Duty
United States Air Force

 Peter J. Pazzanita
Afghanistan & Iraq
United States Air Force

 Michael Prichinello
United States Air Force

SSgt James Quinn
8th Air Force / Korean War
United States Air Force

E-8 William Carl Rhoades
S.A.C. - Korea and Vietnam
United States Air Force

SMSgt Mike Sovich
Korean War
United States Air Force

A1c Mary Ann Sudia
Korean Conflict
United States Air Force

E4 Thomas R. Zehnder
341st Communications Squadron / Vietnam
United States Air Force

TEC-4 Walter Bill Baran
9301 TSU Ord. / WWII, South Pacific / Merchant Marines and US Army
Merchant Marines

SN Donald B. Hare
World War ll
Merchant Marines