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American Legion Post 760

Army Recruiting Office


Sgt William H. Abbott
United States Army

SSgt George `Boots` Abood
Belly Gunner - WWII - POW
United States Army Air Corps

PFC James H. Ackley
Medium Tank Crewman - 6th Armored Division - WWII
United States Army

Pvt Russell T. Ahlers
HQ Co, 3rd BN, 5th Cav Reg - Korea
United States Army

Tech 5 Herbert Allen
United States Army

SP5 John `Jack` Allen
343 ASA Company
United States Army

Officer Kurt B. Anderson

United States Army

1LT Kurt B. Anderson
Airborne Grenada
United States Army

Pfc Clark Paul Anderson Jr
United States Army

Pfc Albert A. Angeletti Sr
417th Infantry Co H Rhineland Campaign - WWII
United States Army

CPL Robert J . Arelt
WWII - Armored Division - Europe
United States Army

Cpl William C. Aubele
Fifth Army - WWII
United States Army

Cpl John C. Augenstein
464th Air Service Group
United States Army Air Force

Major General Thomas E. Ayres
United States Army

SP4 Andrew E. Barati
65th Eng. BN - 25th Infantry - Vietnam
United States Army

Captain Samuel F. Barone
WWII - Medical Corps - 21st Infantry
United States Army

Captain Clifford Barraclough
United States Army Air Corps

E-5 Raymond J Bauer
2nd Infantry
United States Army

SP5 Donald D. Baux
589th Engineer Battalion - Vietnam War
United States Army

MSgt Harry `Buba` Bayts
Korean War
United States Army

Pfc Walter A. Bele
Korean War
United States Army

Pfc William C. Bele
Korean War - 25th Div
United States Army

Sgt Samuel J. Bell
WWII - 26th Medical Depot Co.
United States Army

SP5 Richard A. Bender
United States Army

SPC Tyler Beranek
28th MP Co. - Operation Inherent Resolve
United States Army

Sgt Joseph Bichler
1717th Field Station 8606 AAU - Germany
United States Army

Cpl Louis T. Bier
51st Signal Battalion - WWII - Korean War
United States Army

SSgt Stephen F. Billisits
WWII - 8th AF 1st Bomber Div.
United States Army Air Corp

PFC Richard I. Black
United States Army

Cpl James E. Blair Jr
Korean War
United States Army

Pfc Joseph B. Blosel
WWII - 90th Reconnaissance Troop MECZ
United States Army

Pvt Felix Joseph Bombara
United States Army

E-4 Roderick L. Boucher
4th Armored Division - Germany
United States Army

1SG Arthur M. Brandenburg
Air Defense Missile Battalion
United States Army

Pvt William Braum
558th Ordnance Tank Maintenance - WWII
United States Army

Cpl Donald E. Breisinger

United States Army

SP4 Jay E. Briggs
United States Army

Captain Clarence S. Brown
Pilot B-17 - WWII
United States Army Air Corps

PFC Earl H. Brown
WWII - 103rd Infantry Division
United States Army

Specialist 5th Class Bill Brown
97th Engineer Battalion USAREUR Company C-Vietnam
United States Army

SP4 Gary Bruce
163rd Military Police Company
United States Army

Pfc John L. Bruckner
2nd Engineering Grp - Korea
United States Army

Private E-1 John J. Buch
Military Police 517th Korean War
United States Army

Private William Burge
Tank Destroyer Division WWII
United States Army

E3 Charles  Byrd

United States Army

SP5 Wilbur James Cable
519th MI BN - Vietnam
United States Army

SSG/E-6 David Campbell
Engineer 99th ARCOM Vietnam, Desert Storm
United States Army

Cpl Joseph J. Campisi Sr
397th Infantry Regiment - WWII
United States Army

Sgt Joshua Cannon
502nd Infantry, 101st Airborne Operation Iraqi - Enduring Freedom
United States Army

2LT Jack E. Cantwell
KIA - France - WWII
United States Army

Cpt Ray Carney
United States Army

Sgt Anthony Carr
25th Infantry - Korea
United States Army

TSgt William F. Carson
WWII - HQ Co., 53rd Medical Port Transportation Corp.
United States Army

SSgt Nick Centofanti

United States Army

SGT Thomas Cevarr
China Burma India Theater (CBI) - WWII
United States Army Air Corps

Sgt Bernadine V. `Sobczak` Cevarr
World War II
United States Army

E4 Carl Charnesky
25th Division - Vietnam
United States Army

1SG Joseph Chmelynski
Wounded Combat Veteran - WWII - 1940 - 1945
United States Army

E-5 Timothy A. Christopher
5th Cavalry
United States Army

Major Erek Clacks
1st Cavalry Division - Desert Storm / Shield
United States Army

MSgt Benjamin Clark
WWII - 101st Artillery Battle of the Bulge
United States Army

SSgt John P. Cleary Jr
82nd Airborne 2/325 Air. Gulf War
United States Army

CPL John `Lefty` Cleary Sr
Korean War
United States Army Air Corp

Sgt Wayne Close
9th Infantry, 15th Combat Engineer Vietnam
United States Army

E-4 Richard Colaizzi
212th MP Co - Sentry Dog Handler - Vietnam
United States Army

PFC Alfred Cole
104th AAF Base Unit - WWII
United States Army Air Forces

PVT Thomas Louis Collura
11th Cavalry - Vietnam
United States Army

Sgt Chriss M. Colucci
United States Army

PVT Franklin A. Cone

United States Army Reserve

Cpl Samuel A. Connell
96th Infantry Division - Pacific Theater WWII
United States Army

E4 Glenn M. Connor
1st Cav. Division 5/7 Air Cavalry - Vietnam
United States Army

SP5 Marjorie `Chris` Connor
Signal Corps - European Theater
United States Army

CW4 - Retired William Conway
1st Cavalry, 13th Signal Bn - Korean War Era - Army National Guard - retired
United States Army

S/Sgt Carl `Sam` Cooley
5th Airdrome Squadron - World War II
United States Army Air Forces

Sgt Victor Cornacchione
United States Army

SSgt Frederick N. Cornelius
965th Engineer Maintenance Company
United States Army

PVT Richard R. Cornish Sr

United States Army Reserve

Cpl Robert J. Cortopassi
306 Engineering Peace Time
United States Army

Tec 5 James S. Couch
Medical Lab Tech WWII
United States Army

Pvt Harold E. Crowley Jr
United States Army

Major Matt Dabkowski
3rd Styker Brigade 2nd Inf. Div. Operation Iraqi Freedom
United States Army

TSgt Frank Danyo
United States Army

WO4 Richard A. Davies
Helicopter Pilot - 101st AVN BN - Vietnam
United States Army

1LT Charles L. Davis
Infantry, 10th Mountain Division
United States Army

Pfc William N. DeAngelo
WWII - Company F 8th Infantry
United States Army

SP4 Donald P. DeAngelo
1st Division - Vietnam
United States Army

1LT Robert A. DeBortoli
WWII - 1283rd Engineer Combat BN
United States Army

SP4 Christopher Dedes
United States Army

Spc Kevin J. Deighan
25th Infantry Division Operation Iraqi Freedom
United States Army

SP3 Allen T. Delano Jr
Korean War
United States Army

Pvt Donald D. DeLisio
27th Infantry Regiment 'Wolf Hounds' - WWII
United States Army

Pfc Frank DeLuca
7th Army Artillery - Korean Conflict
United States Army

Captain Joseph R. Denti

United States Army Air Force

Pfc Shawn M. Derbish

United States Army

SSgt William J. Desmond
WWII - 29th Fighter Squadron
United States Army

Pfc Frank J. DeVuono
Corps of Engineers
United States Army

Pfc Oreste S. DiDonato
Military Clerk Typist/ Correspondent 334th Engineer Special Regiment WWII
United States Army

SSgt Joseph `Bud` Dietz
WWII - Anti Aircraft Artillery
United States Army

Tec5 Louis L. DiGorio
United States Army

SPC Anthony DiGorio
82nd Airborne - Cold War
United States Army

Pfc William J. Dimmock
Fire Fighter - WWII - Japan - Pacific Theater
United States Army Air Forces

SP4 Charles K. DiSalvo
1st Cavalry - Korean War
United States Army

SP5 Charles Diulus
855th General Supply Co. - Vietnam War
United States Army

SPEC-4 Barry Dixon
3rd Cavalry Regiment
United States Army

Cpl Joseph Eugene Domaracki
United States Army

Sgt Patrick Donahue
56th MP Company
United States Army

Tec4 Stanley A. Dunal
17th Airborne - Battle of the Bulge - WWII
United States Army

E4 Shannon Dunn
United States Army

SP4 Gregg Dusch
United States Army

SPC Joseph L. Edgar
52nd Combat Aviation Battalion. Vietnam
United States Army

1LT Peter S. Edwards Jr
Fighter Pilot - 307th Fighter Squadron - WWII - ETO
United States Army Air Corps

CAPT Thomas Espy
Civil War KIA - 62nd PA Volunteer
United States Army

2nd LT Frank A. Evanovich
5th Air Force, 6th Air-Sea Rescue - WWII
United States Army Air Force

Sgt Robert P. Faessel
Korea 42nd Engineer Constr. Batt.
United States Army

Pfc Dominic S. Falcione
Artillery - Korean War
United States Army

SFC Robert Faux
197th Infantry Brigade - Desert Storm
United States Army

Spec/5 Richard Fedio
BTRY A, 3rd BN, 7th ARTY - Vietnam War Era
United States Army

Pfc Michael  Fedlock
United States Army Air Force

Cpl William H. Ferguson
109th Engineers Division - Korean War
United States Army

PFC Charles Fiedler
Military Police - World War II
United States Army

TEC Robert W. Fischer
5th Infantry Regiment - WWII
United States Army

Major John Fitzgerald
170th Infantry Brigade Operation Enduring Freedom
United States Army Reserve

SSgt John Foster
United States Army

Sgt Madison Foster-Alauzen
MP 28th MP Co. Operation Freedom`s Sentinel
United States Army

SFC Ronald F. Founds
8th Air Force - WWII
United States Army Air Force

Pfc Thomas G. Fox
WWII European Theatre
United States Army

SP5 Robert L. Fraker Jr.
525th Military Intel Group MACV - Vietnam
United States Army

PVT Frank Francesco Jr
KIA - 142nd Infantry, 2nd Battalion - WWII
United States Army

1LT Robert C. Franke
United States Army

Cpl Richard J. Freeman
809th Engineer Aviation Battalion - Korean War
United States Army

PFC Ralph F. Froehlich
United States Army

SSG Cristian Frost
Cannon Crewmember 2nd Modular Trng Bn 166th Reg.
United States Army

SPC Frank Furrick
Fifth Army Group - Vietnam War
United States Army

Sgt Domenick Galati
53rd Signal Battalion 1962-1968
United States Army

Sgt Richard A. Gardner
63rd Infantry - Pacific Theater - WWII
United States Army

Pvt James M. (Big Jim) Gasper
36th Infantry Division - World War II
United States Army

Cpl Frank Getty Jr
United States Army

PVT Willam B. Giehll
90th Replacement Battalion
United States Army

SPC Leo J. Gildea
Operation Enduring Freedom
United States Army

SGT Leo F. Gildea
Persian Gulf
United States Army

SP4 Damian J. Gildea Jr
Officer Evaluation Center
United States Army

LTC Thomas P. Gleason
101st ABN DIV (AASLT), 82nd ABN DIV - Cold War
United States Army

Sgt Ellsworth B. Gosnell Jr.
Anti Aircraft Artillery Gunner AAA 748th Battalion Battery C WWII
United States Army

Cpl Ralph A. Graeser
Korean War - 1st Armored Div
United States Army

S/Sgt Charles F. Gran
Ball Turret/ Gunner, 718th Squadron, 449th Bomb Group, 15th Airforce WWII
United States Army Air Corps

Cpl William Charles Gray
HQ 5th Infantry Division - IGMR - WWII and Korean War
United States Army

Sgt Carl L. Grebner Jr
8th Air Force - WWII
United States Army Air Force

SP-4 Daniel C. Gribbin
23rd AG Detachment - Vietnam
United States Army

Cpl Alfred Griffin
United States Army

SP5 Donald G. Grimes
25th Infantry Division - Vietnam
United States Army

S/Sgt Raymond J. Guttendorf
66th Infantry Division - World War II
United States Army

Pfc Larence E. Hart
Heavy Artillery (1953-1955)
United States Army

Sgt John Hayes
WWII - Europe Mediterranean 60th Carrier - 28th Troop Carrier
United States Army Airborne

CPL Frederick J. Heilman
Korean War
United States Army

Pfc Richard A. Heisler

United States Army

Pfc Paul L. Henney
United States Army

SP3 Herman J. Heyl
Infantry - Korean War
United States Army

Pvt William Hirsh
United States Army

MSgt Arthur W. Holmes
United States Army

Sgt Arthur `Huck` Holzer

United States Army

E-4 Arthur E. Howcroft, Jr.
173rd Airborne - Vietnam
United States Army

PFC Eugene `Bud` Howe
39th Regiment 9th Infantry Division - WWII
United States Army

CPT Joseph Hummel
316th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary)
United States Army

Sergeant Connor Huston
UAS Platoon 75th Ranger Regiment RMIB Afghanistan
United States Army

SP4 Ronald R. Huston
Korean War - 369th ORD Co
United States Army

Pfc Stanley Hutchinovitch
Aleutian Islands - WWII
United States Army

Cpl Lawrence T. Ihnat
United States Army

Sgt Lee R. Irwin
Korea - 64th Eng. Base Japan
United States Army

Sgt Andrew Jacobs
20th Engineer Brigade (Airborne) - Iraq - Afghanistan
United States Army

Pfc Louis E. James Jr
80th Division 319th Infantry - WWII
United States Army

Cpl George J. Janosik
Korean War
United States Army

Sgt Edward Janus
Co. C 876th Airborne Engineers - WWII
United States Army

Tec4 Robert E. Jones
United States Army

Sgt Paul O. Jones Jr.
Korea - 5th Infantry Division
United States Army

PFC Robert P. Jordan
Rifleman 96th Infantry WW II
United States Army

SP4 Edward V. Kach
United States Army
United States Army

Lt. Col. Albert L. Kahn
Army Corps of Engineers - WWII
United States Army

Sgt Stanley E. Kaplan
WWII - 27th 105th Infantry
United States Army

Sgt Russell Karl
95th Infantry Division - WWII
United States Army

E4 Devin A. Karwowski
509th Eng Co 5th Engineer Bn - OIF
United States Army

T/5 Anthony Kasky
477th Ambulance Company - World War II
United States Army

Pfc Edward Kessler
WWII - 101st Airborne, 502nd P.I.R.
United States Army

Pfc Frank King
HQ Co., 2nd Battalion Group, 10th Infantry Regiment - Germany
United States Army

Cpl Bill Kirstein
24th Division Artillery - Korea
United States Army

PFC Howard J. Klein
9th Div 60th Inf Regt - WWII
United States Army

E4 John E. Klein
Pearl Harbor - WWII
United States Army

Sgt William Kohler
40th Division, 185th Regiment - WWII
United States Army

SSgt John A. Kohut
580th Replacement Co. - WWII
United States Army

T5 George J. Kolsun
11th Airborne 18th Glider Infantry. WWII Headquarters Com Platoon
United States Army

SSgt John P. Konyk
WWII European/Pacific Theater, Pearl Harbor
United States Army

Pfc Mike Konyk
World War II - D-Day
United States Army

TSgt Jack Konyk
1971-1983 Air National Guard
United States Army

Cpl Paul R. Kruszka
Korean Conflict
United States Army

Sgt Mike Kurtz
120th Signal Radio Intel 33rd Inf. WWII
United States Army

Sgt Russell A. Kurtz
3rd Battalion, 509th Parachute Inf. 4th Airborne Combat, 25th Div. KIA February 11, 2007 - Fallujah, Iraq
United States Army

SSG Patrick F. Kutschbach
!0th Special Forces - OEF - KIA
United States Army

Mess Sgt Michael N. Kuzak
Battery A, 255th Field Artillery Battalion - WWII
United States Army

Cpl Erwin E. Labbett
Okinawa - WWII
United States Army Air Corps

Cpl Richard Lampenfield
101st Airborne - Korean War
United States Army

SP5 Don C. Land
11th Armored Cav. 9th Log. Cmd Thailand/Vietnam
United States Army

Sgt Calvin A. Landau
WWI - Europe
United States Army

Pfc Robert E. Landau
110th Infantry - WWII - Normandy
United States Army

Sgt Calvin A. Landau Jr
103rd Division - WWII - ETO
United States Army

Cpl James P. Lang
Co B, 1st Bn, 14th A/C - Korean War
United States Army

TEC5 Angelo Lappa
Small-Arms/Weapons Mechanic - WWII
United States Army

CPT Ivan M. Laucik
825th Engineer Aviation Bn - World War II
United States Army

SP4 Edgar Robert Laurie
United States Army

2nd Lt Robert V. Laux
B-17 Pilot, 381st Bomb Group - World War II
United States Army Air Corps

Sgt Robert C. Lawrence
Engineer Mechanic/Pilot WWII
United States Army

1LT John F. Laxton
WWII - 45th B Squadron
United States Army Air Corp

E5 Dennis W. Lejeck
3rd Infantry - Desert Shield - Desert Storm
United States Army

T/Sgt Bert F. Lester
Cryptographic Tech - World War II
United States Army

 William R. Lewis
Ground Forces - World War II
United States Army

Pfc Joseph A. Lieb
HQ Co, 3rd Bn, 104th Infantry - WWII
United States Army

Pfc Charles P. Lind

United States Army

S/Sgt Albert Lorenzato
911th FA BN - WWII
United States Army

1LT Louis W. Lorincy
WWII - 656th Tank Destroyer
United States Army

Cpl George F. Lowmiller
Korea - 3rd Armored Division
United States Army

Pvt John Luisi
12th Regiment - WWII
United States Army

1st Sgt James J. Lynch
WWII - 967th FABN & Korea - 765th FABN
United States Army

Cpl Angus MacDonald
35th Regiment - Korean War (1952-1954)
United States Army

2nd Lt Richard Charles Machak

United States Army

CPT Frank Edward Magri
Engineer 92nd Engineer Battalion Vietnam
United States Army

Pfc Jack Marks
Vietnam Era - K9 Handler
United States Army

Pvt Stanley Markunas
Army Corp of Engineers - Korea
United States Army

SSgt John Marnik
WWII - 79th Division
United States Army

Cpt Nancy J. Martin
Clinical Psychologist 1493D Med. Det. (CSC) Bosnia - NATO
United States Army

 Don Martin, Sr.
8th Division WWII - Stateside
United States Army Air Corps

PFC Frank T. Mascenik
55th Armored Infantry - Battle of the Bulge WWII
United States Army

Captain Edward F. Maziarz
Vietnam - 1st Infantry Div. HQ Co.
United States Army

E-5 John H. McClellan
Vietnam - 25th Infantry
United States Army

Cpl John Joseph McCloskey
Military Police - Korean War
United States Army

Capt Lorinda Kanagy McCormick Dabney
121st Signal BN 1st Inf. Div
United States Army

T/Sgt Paul Robert McCuean
Heavy Machine Gun Operator WWII - Red Diamond
United States Army

SPC Dennis K. McFarland
101st Airborne Division (AIRMOBILE) - Vietnam
United States Army

Sgt Edward J. McFarlane Sr.
Communications Specialist WW II
United States Army

Pfc William F. McKnight
United States Army

Sgt Colleen Weidl McNamara

United States Army

TEC5 Harry F. McPoyle
Cook & Army Band - WWII - Pacific Theatre
United States Army

TEC5 Roy McQuiston
United States Army

Pfc Donald Mead
United States Army

1st LT Maurice E. Meinert
8th Field Artillery - Korean War
United States Army

Cpl Norris Mercer
United States Army Air Corps

 James Mercuri
United States Army

Sgt Steve M. Miller
United States Army

E-7 William L. Miller Sr
Crew Chief - 8th Air force/ 911th - WWII - Korea
United States Army Air Corps

Cpl Jack W. Moore Jr
8th AAA Group
United States Army

Cpl Leo J. Moran
WWII - 12 AF 322nd Srv, Grp HQ
United States Army Air Corp

1LT William H. Moran Jr
WWII - KIA 701 Bomb Sqd 445th Bomb Grp
United States Army Air Corp

Sgt William Morris
85th Air Drone Squadron - WWII
United States Army

Pvt Kenneth B. Morris
Co E, 17th Armored Engineer Battalion - WWII
United States Army

T/Sgt Robert B. Morrison
106th Inf. Div. - WWII - Battle of the Bulge
United States Army

PVT Edward Guy Mosher
Army Transport Command - WWII
United States Army Air Corps

Cpl Joseph Mosko
United States Army

SP5 Richard J. Mosko
424th Signal Co. - Vietnam War
United States Army

SSgt George J. Mowod
WWII - 90th Division
United States Army

Cpl Richard W. Mueser
21st Evacuation Hospital - Pusan - Korean War
United States Army

SP4 Robert P. Mur
Vietnam - Mechanic
United States Army

Cpl William J. Muraca
3505th AAFBU - WWII
United States Army Air Force

Cpl Harry G. Murtaugh
Korea - 1st Cavalry Division
United States Army

CAPT Thomas Leo Myron
WWII - 12th Weather Squadron 59th Weather Wing
United States Army Air Force

2LT John D. Nicholson
KIA WWII Pilot - 446th Bomb Group H
United States Army Air Corp

Infantry C.D. Nicholson Sr
United States Army

Pvt Joseph Noblick
106th Div., B Co., 34th Div., K Co.
United States Army

Cadet Amelia `Dorothie` Nath Noll
United States Army

SP4 John Normile
Army Corps of Engineers
United States Army

Sgt Jack Ronald Nystrom III
3rd BDE, 1st ID - OEF (2011-2012)
United States Army

SP4 Timothy C. O`Connor
Military Police
United States Army

Sgt Thomas E. O`Keefe Jr
WWII - 1059th Signal Corps
United States Army

Sgt Edward J. O`Neill
United States Army

CPT Michael A. O`Neill
Terminal Command Thailand - Vietnam War
United States Army

TEC5 Ralph J. Opferman
United States Army

Sgt Richard H. Opferman
WWII - Japan
United States Army

1LT Norman R. Opferman
United States Army

Pfc John V. Opferman
United States Army

Cpl Michael G. Opferman
Korea - SVC Co 27th Inf. APO25
United States Army

COL Lance Oskey
506th Infantry Regt, 101st Airborne Div - Iraq - Afghanistan
United States Army

 Philip Palermo
United States Army

S/Sgt Frank B. Pantano
382nd Military Police Battalion - WWII
United States Army

SP4 Alice E. Parrish
MP DET EUSA - Women's Army Corps (WAC) - Vietnam Era
United States Army

1LT David E. Parrish
Vietnam - 4th Infantry Division
United States Army

LT Richard E. Parrish
WWII - 8th Air Force
United States Army Air Corp

PFC Steve Partyka
28th Infantry, 9th Battalion - Korean War
United States Army

Pvt William S. Partyka
Korean War
United States Army

Sgt Paul W. Pecina
Company G 13th Infantry
United States Army

SPC Matthew C. Perea
101st Airborne Division - Operation Enduring Freedom
United States Army

Sgt Walter Perry
WWII - Co/B 573rd SIG AW BN
United States Army

E5 William T. Peters
Vietnam - 80th Gen. Support
United States Army

SP4 Stephen Peterson
305th Military Police
United States Army

LT Charles J. Pfeifer
VC-12 Squadron - Korea
United States Army

Pfc Roy Milton Pfeil
WWII - First Infantry
United States Army

Pfc Paul Andrew Pfeil
HQ Co., 3rd Bn, 7th Cav Regt - Signal Corps
United States Army

Cpl Edward W. Pfeil
1455th AAF BU - WWII
United States Army

Pfc Robert E. Pfeil
HQ Battery, 979th FA BN - Korean War
United States Army

SPC Gary Robert Pilardi Jr
4th Infantry - OIF - Mosul
United States Army

SP4 Edward N. Poljak
820th Ordnance Co., Ammo Depot Phu Tai Vietnam
United States Army

Sgt Matthew Poye Jr
WWII - 8th Army Toyama Military Gov''t Team
United States Army

Sgt William A. Pritchard
4th Division - WWII
United States Army

SP4 Robert Pschirer
HQ & Operations Detachment
United States Army

Pfc Joseph Pudlak
BTRY B 91st AFA BN 1st AD - Korea
United States Army

Pfc Thomas J. Purcell
United States Army

Pvt Joseph C. Pusateri
United States Army

S/Sgt John August Pusateri
66th Infantry Division WWII
United States Army

Pfc John J. Rachuba
9th Corp Artillery
United States Army

TEC5 Robert `Bob` Raeder
3rd Army, 14th Armored Division - World War II
United States Army Air Corps

Pfc Walter Rakowich
3rd Bn, 3rd Armored Cavalry - Korean War
United States Army

1st Lt Jacques P. Rhodes
B-26 Marauder 17th Bombardment Group - WWII
United States Army Air Force

Spc4 David `Bub` Richards
HHC 2D Brigade 28th Infantry. - Vietnam Era
United States Army

Pfc Caleb Richardson Sr
United States Army

T/4 Theodore R. Rieger
132nd Ordnance Bn - World War II
United States Army

Sgt John C. Riley
155th AACS - British Guiana
United States Army Air Force

SP3 Robert M. Ripper
Korean War
United States Army

Sgt Frank Riznow
United States Army

Sgt Dennis E. Riznow
2nd Battalion 94th Artillery
United States Army

SP4 Edward Robinson
Cuban Crisis
United States Army

 Michael Rock
17th Airborne Division, 680th Battalion - WWII
United States Army

Pfc William J. Rockacy
3rd Army - European Theater - WWII
United States Army

Sergeant Al Roop
Infantry 8th Infantry Division
United States Army

Pfc Raymond J. Rosa Jr

United States Army

SGM Richard F. Rostauscher
Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003-2004)
United States Army

 Edward `Cap`t` Rotz
Operations 9th Airforce 89th Squadron Unit 438 Group Troop Carrier WWII
United States Army Air Corps

Sgt George W. Ruck
WWII - 242nd Inf Div. Rainbow Div
United States Army

SP4 Ronald L. Rudolph
3rd Army
United States Army

PFC William W. Ruhl
63rd Tank (Armored) BN , 1st Infantry Div
United States Army

SP4 Richard Rush
773rd Field Artillery
United States Army

SPEC4 Martin Ryczkowski
1st Battalion 44th Artillery. - Vietnam
United States Army

CAPT James F. Sasser
713th Signal Aircraft Warning Company
United States Army Air Corps

Cpl Peter F. Scabilloni Sr
25th Infantry Div. Tropic Lightning - Korean War
United States Army

SPC Ruth E. `France` Scanlon
United States Army

Pfc Ernest Scarillo
415th Infantry
United States Army

Pvt Norman G. Schaff
United States Army

Cpl Edward H. Schaffer
Fort Knox / Korean War
United States Army

Sgt Frederick C. Schmidt
5th Armored Div, Cavalry - Korean War
United States Army

Pfc Raymond F. Schmidt

United States Army

PFC Karl Schmieder
25th Division - 27th Regiment - Korean War
United States Army

Sgt David A. Schmitt
1st Cavalry Div / 70th Tank Bn
United States Army

TSgt Richard D.  Schroeder
WWII - 475th Anti-Aircraft Artillery
United States Army

TSgt Herman F. Schutte
464th Coastal Anti-Aircraft Batt. - WWII
United States Army

CPL Ronald E. Serafini
24th Division - Korean War
United States Army

Sgt Brandon Shay
475th Quartermaster
United States Army

Sgt Gerald Edward Shelpman

United States Army

SP4 Ronald James Shelpman
United States Army

 David William Shelpman
United States Army

PFC Herman `Rocky` Skerlong
Machine Gunner - BAR 80th Division WW II Battle of the Bulge
United States Army

Pfc Joseph Slifko
World War II - Italy
United States Army

Sgt Thomas Victor Smith Jr.
H CO, 7th Div, 31st Inf Regt Mortar Co. Post-Korean Conflict
United States Army

Cpl Thomas Victor Smith Sr.
1255th Engineer Combat Battalion WWII Battle of the Bulge
United States Army

SP4 Robert Sprandle

United States Army

Sgt Steven M. Stepien
World War II
United States Army

SSG Robert V. Stovash
Army Security Agency
United States Army

SMA John A. Strazza
101st Airborne - WWII
United States Army

2nd LT Joseph W. Stubenbort Jr
Korean War
United States Army

SFC  Michael W. Sutton
Desert Storm - 514th AMB Co.
United States Army

1st Sgt John J. Swayna
United States Army

SPEC4 Marty Szott
1st Infantry Division - Vietnam
United States Army

Sgt Theodore Szott
United States Army

TEC 5 Henry J. Szymanski
631st Ord Amm Co - ETO - WWII
United States Army

Cpl Chester L. Tacka
94th Infantry, 301st Regiment - WWII - ETO
United States Army

T5 Frank C. Tamlitts
United States Army

Sgt Eugene Thomas
United States Army Air Corp

Tec4 Leonard Tischler
WWII - Infantry
United States Army

Sgt Steve Tranquilli
United States Army

Cpl Carl E. Traurig
Co. A 766th Railway Shop BN - WWII
United States Army

Pvt Anthony Trnosky
Lineman 10th Corps, Field Artillery WWII
United States Army

Sgt Felix F.  Trozzi
155 Artillery - Pacific
United States Army

Spec 4 Edward J. Trusnovic Jr
1st Cav 82nd Airborne - Vietnam
United States Army

Sgt Stan Urbank
United States Army

Cpl John Urbank
558th MP Company - Korean War
United States Army

SP4 Francis J. Vagni
3rd BDE, 3rd ACR - Vietnam War
United States Army

Col Michael P. Veith
Desert Storm
United States Army

Pfc Al Veseleni
WWII - Infantry
United States Army

Sgt Clement W. Vigliotti
288th Field Artillery Observation Battalion - Germany - WWII
United States Army

SP4 David W. Vogel
United States Army

Cadet Nurse Doris M. Volbers
Army Medical Corps - WWII - Cook County Hospital, Chicago
United States Army

SP4 Stanley V. Wagner

United States Army

Cpl George Wagner
45th Infantry Division / 45 MP Co. - Korea
United States Army

Sgt David A. Walker Jr
Btry A, 753rd AAA Gun BN - WWII
United States Army

Cpl Thomas K. Walters
Company A, 293rd Engineer BN - Germany (1953-1955)
United States Army

SSgt Bucky Ward
326th CRC
United States Army

Sgt  Edward E. Warmus
5th Infantry Division. - Korean War
United States Army

Pfc Arthur E. Waterman
WWII - Normandy Invasion. 90th Infantry, Patton''s 3rd Army
United States Army

Corporal Ralph Watters
11th Airborne
United States Army

Sgt Richard J. Weber
4th Armored Division - WWII
United States Army

Sgt Jerome L. Weidl

United States Army

LTC Arthur Weinblum
475th QM Group - 3rd Army - Desert Storm
United States Army

Pfc John Weinheimer
Co B 285th Engineer Combat Battalion - WWII
United States Army

Colonel John (Jack) Welsh
18th Airborne Corps
United States Army

Cpl Raymond N. Werner Sr
World War II
United States Army

Cpl Gilbert Whitmer
336th Combat Engineers
United States Army

Pfc William H. Willman, Jr
Military Police 1956 -1958 2nd Bde, 6th Inf Berlin
United States Army

Sgt Donald Wilson
Cavalry Unit Aviation Bat
United States Army

Pfc Melvin Witt
United States Army

Sgt Robert E. Woods
106th Division
United States Army

Sgt Donald C. Wustin
Battery B, 107th Field Artillery Battalion - Korean War
United States Army

PFC Watson Wysocki
Corps of Military Police WW II
United States Army

Cpl George T. Yaksich
442nd Bombardment Squadron - WWII
United States Army Air Corp

PFC Adrienne (Drewicz) Yancura
Cadet-WAC Aviation - Armored School - WWII
United States Army

Sgt Joseph Yonish
15th AF, 301 Air Base Squad - WWII
United States Army Air Corps

Sgt Jorge Zarate
307th MP Co. - Operation Enduring Freedom
United States Army

Pfc Edward Joseph Zawilla
WWII - Army Corps of Engineers
United States Army

Sgt Albert E. Zeffiro
368th Fighter Sqd - 359th Group - WWII
United States Army

TSgt Dennis Daudet
171st ARW/CE - Desert Shield
Air National Guard

Captain Daniel Halaszynski
90A Logistics Officer HHC 128th BSB - Operation Spartan Shield
Army National Guard

MSgt Frederic J. Jones
PA Air National Guard 112th Fighter Group 1965-1979
Air National Guard

O-3 Captain Robert C. Meussner Jr
1st Plt 28th MP Co - Operation Iraqi Freedom-Ramadi
Army National Guard

SSG Christopher P. Ollio
B Co., 1-110th, 2nd BCT - Operation Iraqi Freedom
Army National Guard

SP4 Theodore Wallace
Military Police
United States National Guard

CPO John A.  Caligiure
Vietnam War Era
United States Coast Guard

E3 Seaman Frank L. Marks
USCGC Cherokee WMEC-165
United States Coast Guard

E3 Richard L. Nicotera

United States Coast Guard

YNC Joseph F. Rigatti
United States Coast Guard

FM Leo Brooks Bebout
WWII - Fireman - Engine Room
Merchant Marines

Engineer August `Ted` Pace
Merchant Marines

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Anna Counihan, Kate Anderson, Sarah Goldenberg, Allie Scarlett, and Riley Smith

Sgt Russell Kurtz Memorial Fund
Veteran Unemployment Rate Was Higher Than 20 Percent Last Year:
If you are a American-Legion resident, current or past, and
have been hit by recent financial difficulties your
ability to pay will not restrict our salute to you.

The Russell Kurtz Memorial Fund was put in place to provide
a free single banner with bracket and strapping for
public display to those that cannot afford the program
Click Here for Banner Information   


By Susan Schmeichel for The Almanac
Please click here for the article

For additional program information
Commander/Mayor Jack Allen

Technical Banner Questions
Harry Munson

Click to email Program Development

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for information on the
American Legion post 760

Services provided

HTM Designs

Navy Recruiting Office


Lt JG William Alderson
Korean War
United States Navy

Ensign George C. Armor
WWII - Pacific Theatre
United States Navy

PM3c Earl J. Augustine
United States Navy

AB Bernard M. Avon

United States Navy

SN Jerry Baker

United States Navy

SO2 Gerald J. Barry
USS Rupertus (DD-851) - Korean War
United States Navy

PO3 Dennis J. Barton
U.S. Navy SEABEES - Vietnam
United States Navy

 Joseph Beaver
7th Fleet Band - Japan
United States Navy

CPO Dino Bello
USS Brown - Postmaster - Pacific
United States Navy

LTJG John F. Benson
Bay of Pigs
United States Navy

S1 Raymond Bialecki
Armed Guard - World War II
United States Navy

SN Thomas Boehm
Carrier Airborne Early Warning Squadron 12
United States Navy

E5 Rudolph J . Boff Jr
Sub Squadron 6 - Vietnam Era
United States Navy

SN John F. Bonaccorsi
Korean War
United States Navy

AMM2c Angelo Bontempo
United States Navy

Coxswain Lawrence G. Boyer Jr
United States Navy

PO3 Albert L. Bradl
USS Coral Sea - Aircraft MTC - WWII
United States Navy

EM1c Roy Ernest Burford
WWII - Pacific Theater
United States Navy

FN1c James H. Burns
Korean War
United States Navy

PHM1 John Francis Cassidy
Hospital Corpsman - WWII and Korea
United States Navy

PN3 David J. Cevarr
USS Preserver (ARS-8) Vietnam
United States Navy

TM George Cholovich
United States Navy

SR Leonard D. Chorney
USS Kitty Hawk (CV-63)
United States Navy

S1 Ralph Cianelli
5th Division -WWII
United States Navy

PO3 Hugh R Cleary
Seaconron 21 Gulf War
United States Navy

SN Rudolph Coates Jr

United States Navy

PO 2 Charles Louis Combi
United States Navy

SN Samuel A. Connell
United States Navy

QM3 Frank C. Cwiklinski
USS Vogelgesang (DD-862)
United States Navy

SN Henry M. Davis
VP-21 Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) - Vietnam War
United States Navy

SCPO Thomas V. DeMars
Korea - Persian Gulf
United States Navy

Sn Peter P. DeNillo, Jr.
Korean War
United States Navy

CT3 Ronald P. Derringer
Wahiawa, Hawaii (1971-1974)
United States Navy

SN1c Felix J. DeSantis
United States Navy

YN3 Louise M. Desmond
WWII USN Training School Stillwater, OK
United States Navy

AM3 Bernard F. Diehl
Composite Squadron VC-4 - Korean War
United States Navy

S2c Richard Francis  Doolin
World War II
United States Navy

RM3c Anthony C. Faessel
WWII - A.C.U. #6
United States Navy

MM3c Earl A. Faust
WWII - South Pacific
United States Navy

CWO3 Kate Felts
Cryptology Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm
United States Navy

CPO Frank C. Ferry
Gulf War - Bosnia
United States Navy

AD2c Henry J Fisher
United States Navy

YN3 Michael D. Flynn
United States Navy

SFC James F. Fox
WWII USS Hecuba (AKS12)
United States Navy

SF2c James F. Gallagher
WWII - Solomon Islands CB Detachment 1009
United States Navy

SM1c Robert Gary
USS Wyoming (BB-32) - WWII
United States Navy

BM James T. Gilliam
United States Navy

YN Thomas E. Gray
United States Navy

TM3 Richard Graziani
USS Amick (DE-168) - WWII
United States Navy

EW1 William K. Greaver Jr
Cold War
United States Navy

RM2 William K. Greaver Sr
United States Navy

CT2 Carl L. Grebner III
Naval Security Group - Vietnam Era
United States Navy

HA1c Fred T. Green
United States Navy

Seaman 1st Class Stephen R. Hanus
United States Navy

CPO Thomas B. Harris

United States Navy

CO Stephany Hartstirn
Operation Enduring/Iraqi freedom
United States Navy

SN Louis C. Herrle
4th Division - Korea
United States Navy

M1 Robert A. Hirsh
USS Mount Baker (AE-4) - World War II
United States Navy

YM Calvin J. Hodder
WWII USS Southhampton
United States Navy

SN Charles J. Holzer
Ditch & Rescue Patrol
United States Navy

RD3 Rae E. Houke
USS Dour - World War II
United States Navy

CM2c Raymond E.  Hunt
122nd & 64th Naval Const. BN WWII
United States Navy

SH2 Frank L. Huwe
Pacific Theater American Theater - WWII
United States Navy

SN Kenneth L. Jackson

United States Navy

PM2c George  James
United States Navy

MOMM2 Charles M. Kennedy
United States Navy

 James A. Kenny
James E. Keys DD 787 Vietnam
United States Navy

CT3 Andrew J. Keremes
Radio Operator - Korean War
United States Navy

E4 Joseph Kletch
United States Navy

SN Bill Kossan
United States Navy

AN Joseph `Joe` Kowalski
United States Navy

MMR3c John Kraves
USS Arkansas (BB-33) - WWII
United States Navy

PO2 Henry Kulikowski
Advanced Training Unit 700 - Korean War
United States Navy

CPO Bruce M. Laipple
Operations Specialist - Desert Storm
United States Navy

PO Edward Lanetz
Korean War
United States Navy

HT2 Timothy R. Larkin
USS Ranger (CV-61) - Iran Hostage Crisis
United States Navy

PHM3c James W. Levis
USS LST-508 USS Hope - WWII - ETO - Asiatic-Pacific
United States Navy

 Joshua J. Libell
Machinist Mate Nuclear John F. Kennedy CVN 79
United States Navy

LCDR Ray Pershing Litton
Pearl Harbor - WWII
United States Navy

SN Robert Aaron Lytle
United States Navy

CD3c Brian O. MacDonald
WWII - Korea
United States Navy

SN James J. Mackey

United States Navy

GM Paul Roy Marlin
USS Nevada - WWII
United States Navy

AD3 Charles R. Martin
Helicopter Utility Squadron Two (HU-2)
United States Navy

Ensign Richard E. Martin
United States Navy

CPO C.F. Martin
WWII - Korea - Atlantic Fleet
United States Navy

MM3 Charles P. Mazzarini
Vietnam War
United States Navy

SN1c Robert McEwen
WWII - USS Thatcher
United States Navy

LCDR James A. McGrath
Intelligence Desert Storm
United States Navy

MT1c Joseph C. McGuire Jr
Korea - Vietnam
United States Navy

Pfc Paul `Pete` McHugh
United States Navy

MMC Paul McKenzie
USS Patrick Henry (SSBN-599) - Vietnam Era
United States Navy

RM-3 Dan McPoyle
Radio OC Division - Vietnam War - Pacific
United States Navy

PO2 James R. Metzmaier
LST 880 - Korea
United States Navy

E3 Frank Michael
6th Fleet
United States Navy

QM Theodore J. Mikuta
USS Haines - WWII
United States Navy

RDM2 Russell Clark Miller
USS LST-942 - WWII - South Pacific
United States Navy

OS2 Patrick Miller
Operations Specialist USS Ingersoll 1988 - 1992
United States Navy

CMDR Carl W. Minniear
USS Phoenix - Pearl Harbor
United States Navy

BT3 Robert A. Moceika
USS Hobson (DMS-26) - WWII (1943-1952)
United States Navy

SN Joseph Mowod
United States Navy

MOMM3 William Mulholland
7th Fleet - USS LST-574 - WWII - Asiatic-Pacific Theater
United States Navy

Seabee Joseph M. Mullen
13th Battalion Alaska Dutch Harbor WWII
United States Navy

AX3 Dennis Nagel
Patrol Squadron 30
United States Navy

EMFN Kenneth Nagel
USS Detroit AOE - 4
United States Navy

SN Edward Allan Naylor
Korean War
United States Navy

PO James J. Nestor
United States Navy

AT3 C. D. Nicholson
United States Navy

AEM1 George `Bud` Noll
United States Navy

GM3c Robert O`Connell
United States Navy

CDR Charles Oakley
Vietnam Era
United States Navy

CDR Geoff Oakley
12th Dental Co - Operation Restore Hope
United States Navy

LT Marnie Oakley
12th Dental Company
United States Navy

LCDR Marnie Oakley
Dentist 12th Dental Company 2nd Dental Battalion
United States Navy

SN Norman Olup
WWII - Korea
United States Navy

E4 John Opferman
United States Navy

PTRC3 Clifton Perry Jr
Seabees - World War II
United States Navy

E5 John Phelps
USS Lowry DD770 - Cuban Missile Crisis
United States Navy

SN Ronald James Pilardi
Cuban Missile Crisis
United States Navy

Shipman William Pete Polito
United States Navy

RM2 Floyd Bryan Porter Jr
WWII - Philippine Liberation. Asiatic-Pacific Arena
United States Navy

ACMM Steve Previs
United States Navy

SSMB3 Nick Pribish
USS Iowa - World War II
United States Navy

SN1c Albert L. Quigley
LST-1071 - WWII
United States Navy

Ensign Joseph F. Quinn
United States Navy

SN Ted Rack
USS Princeton (CVL-23) - WWII
United States Navy

CPO Judith L. Raleigh
Air Traffic Control Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm
United States Navy

MM1c Thomas A. Rennie
United States Navy

LT Arthur T. Reynolds
VPB-118 - WWII - Pacific
United States Navy

SOG2 Glenn A. Rhyner
United States Navy

GM3c David H. Richert
USS Muliphen AKA -61
United States Navy

SSML3 George T. Richmond
World War II - Pacific Fleet
United States Navy

FN1C Angelo `Tut` Rigatti
United States Navy

SM1 Edmund R. Rigatti
United States Navy

HM3 Roger A. Rigatti
Korea - USS Sigourney (DD-643)
United States Navy

BM3 Robert D. Roberts
WWII - PB 49
United States Navy

FCCS-SW Warren J. Roberts
USS Peleliu (LHA-5)
United States Navy

CM2c Eugene J. Rockacy
Seabees - WWII - 8th BN
United States Navy

PO2 Bruno Rodi
United States Navy

PO3c David D. Roessler
Fox Division - Vietnam
United States Navy

EA2 Timothy B. Roney
NMCB-23, DET 1223
United States Navy

SN Carl Rosa
WWII - Pacific Theatre
United States Navy

BM3 Roy R. Rubican
2nd Division - Bay of Pigs
United States Navy

F1c Albert V. Scala
World War II
United States Navy

SN James K Scanlon
Vietnam War
United States Navy

Y2 George K. Scanlon
WWII - Korean War
United States Navy

SN Scott A. Schademan

United States Navy

SN John G. Schademan Jr

United States Navy

 Joseph Schaffer
USS Ross (DDG-71) - GWOT
United States Navy

Airman Donald O. Scheeser
Korean War
United States Navy

SF3 Robert C. Schmidt
United States Navy

IC2 David M. Schultz
Engineering Division / Interior Communications - Vietnam
United States Navy

Yeoman William `Bill` Schultz
USS Great SitKin (AE-17) - Cuban Missile Crisis
United States Navy

5-E Gene Selko
United States Navy

SN1 Leo J. Sell
WWII - USS Salt Lake City, L Division
United States Navy

SN Leonard A. Sikora

United States Navy

E4  Charles P. Simon
Vietnam - Seabee - MCB One
United States Navy

YN Jacob R. Simon
United States Navy

SN Scott A. Sloan
Vietnam - USS Moinester
United States Navy

HM3 Joseph P. Smith
NAVHOSP - Desert Storm
United States Navy

CPO Dirk Stahl
Submarine Service
United States Navy

CPO Harold Stahl
WWII - Korea
United States Navy

CWO3 John A. Stanko
United States Navy

PHM3c Homer E. Stanley
WWII - U.S.S. Consolation AH-15
United States Navy

CPO James V. Steffan Jr
USS Yorktown, PT-515 - European & Pacific Theaters - WWII
United States Navy

PC3 Donald P. Steigner Jr

United States Navy

SPC2c Kenneth Stephenson
United States Navy

SPC2c Dr. Sally  Stephenson
United States Navy

Lt Marion Streiner
WWII - Naval Nurse
United States Navy

SA James J. Summers II
United States Navy

E3 Kevin Surdyk
United States Navy

SN William Szott
Seabees - WWII
United States Navy

SN Stanley Szott
United States Navy

SN1c James F. Tate
United States Navy

E-4 William G. Thornton
USS Coral Sea Vietnam
United States Navy

AN James Toner
United States Navy

SN1c Jack A. Turberville
WWII - USS Midway
United States Navy

Airman Gary Turney
Vietnam (1972-1978)
United States Navy

CMDR Regis H. Turocy
National Naval Medical Center - Specialty Advisor-Surgeon General
United States Navy

LT Gene C. Valentine
Naval Support Force - Antarctica - Operation Deep Freeze
United States Navy

SN Samantha DePalma Vennare
AIMD - Operation Enduring Freedom
United States Navy

Coxswain Edward J. Vodzak
World War II - South Pacific
United States Navy

Lt William A. Volbers
Pilot (VB-110) - WWII - Dunkswell, England
United States Navy

EN2 Jack Wagner
USS Capricornus - Vietnam Era
United States Navy

MM2 Louis R. Ward
USS Tranquility
United States Navy

PO2  Philip W. Ward
USS Bennington CV A-20
United States Navy

Commander Charles J. Wazenegger
3rd Division - Weapons - Personnel Office
United States Navy

Ensign Anton `Tony` West
United States Navy

SN Harry Allan Wheeler
Supply Division - Vietnam War
United States Navy

CDR Gilbert G. Whitmer Jr MD
Operation Iraqi Freedom
United States Navy

EM3 William Wilkeson
Vietnam War - 1965-1969
United States Navy

SN Clair Wingertsahn
United States Navy

YN3 Lawrence P. Winkowski
Yeoman/Clerical USS Robert A. Owens
United States Navy

BM3 Robert Winovich
United States Navy

Commander Robert C. Wyda
JAG - Guantanamo Bay / Iraq/ Afghanistan
United States Navy

ART2 Joseph Yancura
Aviation - World War II
United States Navy

PO AME2C Richard C. Young
RVAH-11 - Vietnam
United States Navy

Marine Recruiting Office


Cpl George Andreen
Grunt Echo co 2/5 2D Battalion 5th Marines Vietnam (1969-1970)
United States Marine Corps

Pfc Stephen Angeletti

United States Marine Corps

Sgt Ernest J. Antoniazzi
C Co, 1st Batt, 6th Reg, 2nd Div.
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Adam G. Armstrong
India Battery, 3rd Battalion. 10th Marines 2nd Division
United States Marine Corps

Pfc Collin Armstrong
Combat Logistics Regiment 27
United States Marine Corps

PFC Paul H. Auen
Military Police MCB, Quantico, VA 1945-1946
United States Marine Corps

Cpl George William Barton
2nd Division - WWII - Pacific Front
United States Marine Corps

Pfc Charles J. Belliotti
Co. F, 2nd MAR DIV - Vietnam Era
United States Marine Corps

LCpl Leonard Bowers
110th Field Artillery Battalion
United States Marine Corps

LCp Thomas W. Brown
2nd Military Police Company Desert Storm
United States Marine Corps

Cpl John M Champlin
1st Platoon Trucking Co. - Gulf War
United States Marine Corps

Sergeant Marc Chieffallo
0311 Infantry 2nd Bn 3rd Mar Golf Co OIF/ OEF
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Raymond L. Connell
United States Marine Corps

SFC Richard R. Cornish
Operation Enduring Freedom
United States Marine Corps - National Guard

Cpl Thomas Aquinas Cusick
1st Marine Division - World War II
United States Marine Corps

Pfc Robert `Bullet` Daley
WWII Battle of Saipan 3/6 2nd Division Company C
United States Marine Corps

Sgt Joseph V. Delaney
Third Marine Division, 3rd Platoon - Vietnam War
United States Marine Corps

Pfc James R. Drew
WWII - Battle of Guam - E Co. 3rd Marine Division 2nd Batt.
United States Marine Corps

Sgt Haya Eason
MWSS-273 - 1st Marine Aircraft Wing
United States Marine Corps

Pfc William C. Ericson

United States Marine Corps

Sgt David Espinar
2nd SRIG
United States Marine Corps

LCpl Dylan Feden
1/3 A Co Headquarters Platoon
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Robert J. Fleckenstein
Iwo Jima - first wave
United States Marine Corps

Lt Col Robert `Boo` Friedman
CO, Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 323
United States Marine Corps

Sgt Bud Gastgeb
3rd Batt - 8th Marines/2nd Division Cold War 1953-56
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Joseph E. Grousosky
4th Marines - WWII - Pacific
United States Marine Corps

Sgt Elmer F. Heaps
1st MARDIV - Infantry - Amphibious - Korean War - 1951-1952
United States Marine Corps

Sgt Eric Vaughn Heisler
13th MEU WESTPAC 16-1 - Operation Inherent Resolve
United States Marine Corps

Sgt Standard T. Hiller
WWII - Pacific Theater
United States Marine Corps

Sgt Anthony L.  Hull
Platoon 3004 - 2nd Tank Bat.
United States Marine Corps

Sgt Daniel A. Johnson
United States Marine Corps

SSgt Robert J. Jolley
WWII - Korea
United States Marine Corps

Sgt Shawn E. Kane
1st Radio Battalion - Persian Gulf War
United States Marine Corps

2nd Lt. Leo John Kelly III
4th Marine Reg. 3rd BN/India Co. - KIA. - Vietnam
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Thomas Steven Kotz
MCB Camp Lejeune, NC
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Philip A. Latona
WWII - Pacific Theatre
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Duane R. Lawrence
Post Korea
United States Marine Corps

MGySgt Ralph V. Litzenburger
1st Marine Division - Korea
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Joshua Maloney
Operation Iraqi Freedom
United States Marine Corps

Sergeant Tyler P. Manning
0311 Rifleman 2nd Battalion 6th Marines
United States Marine Corps

Sgt Douglas Martin
VMGR 352 - 3RD Air Wing
United States Marine Corps

LCpl Steven McAuley
3rd Marine Division - Vietnam War
United States Marine Corps

CWO-4  Daniel Fiori Mihalcik
Ground Combat Vehicles - Iraq - Afghanistan
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Thomas Miller
Military Police
United States Marine Corps

Sgt Clifford Morton
10th Marines
United States Marine Corps

Cpl James T. Mulhair
Charlie Co. 1st BN 6th Marines - US Embassy Warsaw, Poland
United States Marine Corps

Pfc Louis Nicotera
United States Marine Corps

E5 John Nowak
Vietnam War
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Jonathan I. Pagano
MALS - 16 Operation Enduring Freedom
United States Marine Corps

Sgt Joseph C. Parinella
Supply Department - Korean War
United States Marine Corps

Pfc Paul W. Popovich
United States Marine Corps

SFC Leonard F. Prokopchak
Vietnam - Artillery Da Nang - Germany - Patriot Missiles
United States Marine Corps

LCpl Michael E. Prokopchak
2nd Mar Div, 1st Mar Div - Vietnam
United States Marine Corps

Col Michele E. Prokopchak
2nd Mar Div, 4th Mar Div, 1st Mar Div - Vietnam, 1st Gulf War
United States Marine Corps

Sgt Patrick T. Quinlan
Combat Logistics Battalion 8 - Operation Iraqi Freedom
United States Marine Corps

LCpl Anthony J. Raffaele
United States Marine Corps

Pfc Nathan Reitmeyer
Embassy Guard - 2nd BN 7th Marines
United States Marine Corps

Sgt Robert W. Roessler
22nd Regiment - WWII
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Roland John Roth
United States Marine Corps

Sgt Stanley E. Sharek
Military Police - Marine Security Augmentation Unit
United States Marine Corps

Sgt Jack R. Shea Jr.
Auto - Equip Tech 1974 - 1979
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Harold R. Shelpman, Jr.
Korean War
United States Marine Corps

Cpl David J. Sholtis
Operation Enduring Freedom
United States Marine Corps

Sgt Robert M. Soldo
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Robert J. Stiglich Jr
Bravo Company 1st BN 7th Marines
United States Marine Corps

Sgt Robert Streiner
WWII - South Pacific
United States Marine Corps

Pfc Charles Michael  Swaim
Vietnam - KIA 02/10/1967 - H&S CO, 3RD BN, 26TH MARINES, 3RD MARDIV
United States Marine Corps

 Tim Taylor

United States Marine Corps

MSgt Clyde M. Trout
HQ 3rd Battalion, 10th Marines - Beirut
United States Marine Corps

Sgt Frank J. Vatter
2nd Marine Division - Korean War
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Audrey J. Vatter
2nd Marine Division - Korean War
United States Marine Corps

Sgt Rudy Nicholas Vaughn
1st Marine Div. 5th Marine Reg.
United States Marine Corps

SSgt Matthew W. Vaughn
Marine Expeditionary Forces - Operation Iraqi / Enduring Freedom
United States Marine Corps

GSgt Thomas George Vogel
United States Marine Corps

LCpl Jeffrey M. Walsh
United States Marine Corps

Cpl John F. Weinheimer Jr.
1st Marine Division, 3rd Battalion, 7th Marines - Vietnam
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Murray W. Williams
169th Platoon Rifle Instructor WWII
United States Marine Corps

Sgt Franklin C. Woolensack
Vietnam - 2nd Marine Batallion
United States Marine Corps

Staff Sgt E-6 Stephen F. Zemba
1st Marine Division Asiatic Pacific Islands Campaign WWII Korea
United States Marine Corps

PFC Justin Zietak
Infantry Operation Iraqi Freedom 4th MarDiv
United States Marine Corps

Sgt Joe Zovko
11th Marines - Vietnam
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Bob Zvara
1st AmTrac Bn, 3rd MARDIV - Vietnam
United States Marine Corps

Army Recruiting Office


1LT Tom Beaver
Headquarters Command - Vietnam Era
United States Air Force

SRA M. Russell Beeson
Operation Safe Haven / Operation Southern Watch / Operation Desert Fox
United States Air Force

SMSgt John L. Black
Vietnam - 377th Quick Turners
United States Air Force

LT Col Earl A. Blomberg
Vietnam - HQ Airlift Cmd - Office of the Insp Gen
United States Air Force

A1c Peter J. Bonura
Korean War
United States Air Force

Major Ronald L. Boron
Dyess AFB, Abilene TX - Vietnam War
United States Air Force

MSgt Merle R. Brickner Sr
Korea - 911th
United States Air Force

SrA Jayme M. Cassedy
49 MDSS - Operation Enduring Freedom
United States Air Force

1st Lt.  Frank Cepits
384th Bomb Group - 546th Squadron. WWII - B-17 Pilot
United States Air Force

AC 1  Joseph A. Cevarr
497 F. I. S. - Cold War
United States Air Force

MSgt Paul Currie
171st Air Refueling Wing - Desert Storm
United States Air Force

A1C Richard A. Custer
79th Tactical Fighter Sqd
United States Air Force

Sgt Ron Cywinski
United States Air Force

SSgt Frank Dabkowski
Korean War - 78th Field Maintenance Squadron
United States Air Force

Captain Walter Donnellan
Korean Conflict
United States Air Force

2nd LT Frank Leslie Pinkham Edwards
United States Air Force

SMSgt Douglas J. Eggert
Operation Enduring Freedom
United States Air Force

E4 Henry P. Endler Jr
Airframe & Powerplant Mechanic - Vietnam War
United States Air Force

A1C Clarissa J. Fabus
Air National Guard - 171st ARW
United States Air Force

A1c Clifford L. Fair
Air Force Detachment - El Centro Naval Base - Vietnam
United States Air Force

A1c Arnold H. Giehll
United States Air Force

A1c Paul R. Greenaway
Korean War
United States Air Force

 Isiah T. Griffith
Nuclear Weapons Maint. Global Strike Command 90th Munitions Squadron
United States Air Force

Lt Col David Grumet
United States Air Force

A1C Zachary J.  Harney
30th Airlift Squadron
United States Air Force

A/3C John `Jack` Hegarty
Instrument Repairman
United States Air Force

A1c Andrew Hertneky
United States Air Force

Capt Kenneth Hodgson
37th Airlift Squadron
United States Air Force

MSgt William Robert Homer
91st Strategic Reconnaissance Squadron - Korean War
United States Air Force

E4 SGT Clarence `Skip` Hornak
Det 11, 1 Combat Eval Group/Vietnam
United States Air Force

 John Hozella
Vietnam War
United States Air Force

A1c Brian E. Irwin
United States Air Force

LT Jack W. Jenny
WWII - 718th, 449th Bomb Group
United States Air Force

LtCol Kevin H. Ketterman
171st Air Refueling Wing - Desert Storm - Gulf War
United States Air Force

E5 SGT Tim Kirsch
31st Aircraft Gen Squad/Operation Eldorado Canyon-Libya
United States Air Force

A1C Mike Kosor
Vietnam War
United States Air Force

E-3 H. Troye Kovach
Vietnam Era - HQ CONAC
United States Air Force

E4 Matthew J. Krzywiecki

United States Air Force

S/Sgt Henry R. Kubala
326th Bombardment Sqdn - WWII - B-17 Tail Gunner
United States Air Force

SSgt Kevin Love
97th Intel Sqd - OEF - Inherent Resolve
United States Air Force

SSgt Johanna P. Maloney
171st Air Refueling Wing
United States Air Force

SSgt Roy W. Martin
364th Fighter Group - WWII
United States Air Force

SSgt Michael J. Matiyasic
11th Civil Engineering Squadron - OIF/OEF
United States Air Force

SMSgt Gary May
171st Air Refueling Wing - Vietnam - Kosovo - Desert Storm
United States Air Force

A1C David R. Meyer
336th Fighter Bomber Squadron - Korean War
United States Air Force

Sgt Don Miller
Vietnam - 1969-1973
United States Air Force

SMSgt Mitchell Morton
United States Air Force Band
United States Air Force

SGT Louis Charles Naples
48th Supply Sq - USAFE - Vietnam
United States Air Force

MSgt Denny H. Neely
Vietnam - Desert Storm - Operation Enduring Freedom
United States Air Force

Sgt James O`Mara
351st Strategic Missile Wing - Vietnam
United States Air Force

A1c Kenneth Oechslein
United States Air Force

Colonel Eugene X. Pappert
911th TAG
United States Air Force

Sgt Gary J. Peterson
SAC - USAFSS - Vietnam Era
United States Air Force

Lt. Col Michael J. Prokopchak
WWII - Korea - Vietnam
United States Air Force

SrA Stephanie Rose Pusateri
49th Wing - REAPER - 849 AMXS - Operation Enduring Freedom
United States Air Force

A1c Joseph F. Quinlin
WWII - European Campaign
United States Air Force

A3c David L Richie
6091 Recon Squadron - Korea
United States Air Force

SSgt Robert B. Schoenberger
112 Air Base Group 171st ARS
United States Air Force

Sgt Vincent V. Schulte
Vietnam War
United States Air Force

 Robert Gene Shelpman
Korean War
United States Air Force

 Karl William Shelpman
United States Air Force

TSgt Michael J. Smith
57 Weapons Sqaudron (ACC) - OIF OEF OND
United States Air Force

CAPT John W. Sommer
Strategic Air Command
United States Air Force

A1C Daniel T. Spinda
Vietnam War, 21st Tactical Air Support, Intelligence Spec.
United States Air Force

Colonel Dan Steele
Aircraft Mx Air Mobility Command GWOT
United States Air Force

Col James J. Summers
WWII - Korea
United States Air Force

Captain Ralph Tartaglia
Strategic Air Command 1959-1962
United States Air Force

SSgt John Ubinger
93rd Supply Squadron - Strategic Air Command - Korean War
United States Air Force

SSGT E 5 Anthony F. Vagni
2A656 Aircraft E+E 43D Air mobility Group Iraq Operation Enduring Freedom
United States Air Force

Cpl Joseph Volpatti
8th Air Force 300 5th Bomb Group - WWII
United States Air Force

Cpl John Wannemacher
9th Air Force Service Command
United States Air Force

SSgt Edward C Wuenstel
Radioman/Courier - Cold War
United States Air Force

SSgt Thomas J. Yankowski
366th Aircraft Maintenance Sqd
United States Air Force

MSgt David W. Zabkar
Vietnam War Era
United States Air Force

TSgt Thomas M. Zeffiro
Security Forces Squadron - Operation Iraq Freedom
United States Air Force

A1C Jerome Zemaitis

United States Air Force

MSGT Kenneth E. Zupkow II
Special Mission Aviator 21st Special Operations Squadron OEF, OIF, OIR
United States Air Force