Sgt Oliver Lee Akins
Infantry - WWII & Korea United States Army
1SG Bill John Allison
Co E 10th MP BN OST - VIETNAM United States Army
CW3 Michael Baldwin
Company E, 52nd Aviation - Second Persian Gulf War, Iraq, Afghanistan, Operation Enduring Freedom United States Army
SFC Christine Banks
304th MP Battalion - OIF/OEF United States Army
Sgt Elli B. Barron
80th Signal Co - Infantry - WWII United States Army
Sgt O. Paul Bishop
2nd BN/28th Regt (Black Lions) 1st Infantry (Big Red) - Vietnam United States Army
PFC Odis L. Bishop
WWII United States Army
PFC Guion Joseph Bonnabel
Mighty 8th Army Air Corp Division, WWII United States Army Air Corps
E-7 Kevin P. Brown
1st Inf., 115th Sig., Co. A - Operation Iraq Freedom United States Army
SP-2 Earl Dean Brumley
HQ CO, 1ST BN, 85th Inf. Regt. - Korea United States Army
SP5 James Ray Calvert
Engineering Corp.Vietnam 1966-1968 United States Army
Lt Col Julian Richard Campbell
B-26 Bomber Pilot - WWII - Korean & Vietnam Wars United States Army Air Corps
Private Louis Frank Chambless
Georgia Quarter Master Corps WW1 United States Army
SP 4 Melvin D. Chambless
Comp D 2nd Battalion 8th Cavalry Regiment 1st Cavalry Div - Vietnam United States Army
Tec5 Voyt T. Cleghorn
Bomb Disposal Squad - WWII United States Army
Sgt Weston Cleghorn
1-26th, A-Co, 101st Airborne - Ft Campbell United States Army
S/SGT William Doyle Clement
43rd Division 103rd Inf. - WWII - Southwest Pacific United States Army
CMSgt Pamela & Gary Conklin
United States Army Air Force
Pfc Lawrence Cook
Co A 51st Armored Infantry Battalion - WWII United States Army
Pvt Cecil Wallace Cook
WWII United States Army Air Corps
PFC Marvin l. Cook
Korean War United States Army
S/Sgt Homer Cox
874th Bombardment Squadron - WWII - Asiatic-Pacific Theater United States Army Air Corps
Pvt Preston Arthur Cox
American Expeditionary Forces - World War I - France United States Army
Pfc Robert W. Culler
World War II - Invasion of Italy United States Army
PFC Jeffery Neal Culler
Paratrooper United States Army
SP4 Dannie Michael Curtis
6th Bn, 29th Field Artillery, 4th infantry Division - Vietnam United States Army
Major Randall S. Deaver
Retired Army - Gulf War United States Army
Spec 4 Hershell L Densmore
270 M P Div United States Army
SPC James Dickey
186th Engr Co. - Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Army
CPT Shannon Dotson
Bosnia 1996-1997 Armor United States Army
Sgt Horace Ray Durham
6th Special Forces Group United States Army
PFC Noah E. Edwards
124th Infantry - MP - WWII United States Army
Sgt Gary R. Edwards
7th Psychological Operations Group - Vietnam United States Army
Estes Brothers
United States Army
PFC V.C. Evans
154 Signal Corp. 14th Armored Div./WW 2 United States Army
SSGT Carl H. Fincher
123rd AF BU 49th Co Service Group - WWII United States Army Air Corps
SP4 Carl G. Fincher
173rd Airborne Vietnam United States Army
PFC Wilson Fincher
3rd Infantry, 41st Field Artillery Bn - Europe WWII (1943-1945) United States Army
SP 4 Jeffery Karl Fleetwood
United States Army
Anthony Fredrick
82nd Airborne Division United States Army
T 5 Ervin Jackson Freeman
WWII - Rhineland Ardennes - Central Europe United States Army
Pvt Leldon Melvin Freeman
WWII United States Army
Major Gordon D. Ganey
87th MAC Germany 1981-1983 United States Army
Spec/4 George E. Gibson
HHD 52nd Aviation BN 1st Aviation Brigade - Vietnam United States Army
SPC 5 Barry Godbee
Co D, 926th Engineer Battalion (1970-1976) United States Army Reserve
Cpl M J. Goodwin
Korea Pork Chop Hill Aus Infantry Co B 164 47 Div First Cavalry United States Army
PVT Marlin A. Goodwin
World War II United States Army
PFC Charles Basil Graff
68th AIB 14th Armored Div. - WWII United States Army
PFC Burton Guenther
World War II United States Army
SP-5 Frank W. Guthrie
63rd Signal Battalion - Vietnam United States Army
Sgt Fred `Barney` Hamner
314th Bomb Wing (Air Operations), 20th Air Force - WWII United States Army
PVT William R. Hamner
19th Louisiana Infantry Regt - Civil War (CSA) United States Army
Sgt George Washington Hamrick
Company H. 55 GA. Infantry - Civil War - Confederated States Army United States Army
PFC Bailey Auston Heath
173rd/4th 319th United States Army
Cpl James Alton Hendon
351st Airdrome Sq AAF - WWII - Central Burma United States Army Air Force
William E. Hendon
WWII - infantry United States Army
PVT Marion A. Hill
First number drawn for WWI United States Army
PFC Homer Henry Hill
Battery C, 927th Field Artillery - WWII United States Army
S/Sgt Lester Hill Sr.
160th Infantry - WWII - Philippines United States Army
TSgt George Lee Hodges
WWII - 376th Bomb Group United States Army Air Forces
Sgt E5 Christopher Dustin Hood
55th Combat Camera 18th Airborne Corps United States Army
Pvt Charles Lindsay (Pete) Howell
720th Railway Division - WWII - France United States Army
SP 4 Van Hutchins Jr.
544th Engineer Company - Vietnam United States Army
PFC Truman H. James
Korea United States Army
SSG Wendell James
C Co., 877th Engineer Battalion - Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Army
Cpl Virgil L. Kennedy
D Battery, 205th AAA - WWII United States Army
Sgt Junior W. Key
Parachute Infantry - WWII United States Army
SP4 Jerry Kilpatric
1959-1962 United States Army
Pfc Hubert Knight
WWI - France - 59th Squadron Medical Dept United States Army
PFC Robert C. Lane
Korean War United States Army
PFC Louis E. Laseter
Wagon Artillery, WWI United States Army
PFC Pamela Lifson-Fay
3rd ID - Cold War - Germany United States Army
SP4 David Forrest Little
USASA MP - Vietnam United States Army
1st SGT Ashley Hewitt W. Lovett
First Alabama Cavalry - Civil War (Union Army) United States Army
PFC Robert H. Malohn
131st Engineers - WWII - Asiatic-Pacific Theater United States Army
Captain Hobson Manasco, MD
Medical Division - WWII United States Army
Sgt T. Alvin Mauldin
WWII - Pacific Theater United States Army Air Force
PFC John J. Mauldin
249th Engineer Combat Bn - WWII - Battle Of The Bulge United States Army
Pvt Thomas E. 'Gene' McLarty
2nd Battalion 119th Field Artillery - WWII United States Army
SGT Laborn B. Middleton
United States Army
SFC Jimmy G. Mixon
Co C 47inf. 4th Inf Div - Vietnam (1960-1962) United States Army
PVT John M. Mobley
Company K. 123 rd Infantry United States Army
Pfc Amos M. Murphree
WWII - South Pacific United States Army
T/5 Hoyt L. Murphree
WWII - Australia, New Guinea, Philippine Islands United States Army
T/Sgt Jack Newsome
793 Military Police - Medical Detachment - WWII United States Army
Major Gary L. O`Gwin
115th ESB OIF 05-06/OEF 11-12 United States Army
Sgt R. L. Patton
2nd Infantry Division (Indianhead) - Korean War United States Army
SPEC 4 Ed Payne
Special Weapons/Internal Guidance (1958-61) United States Army
Cpl Travis J. Phillips
243rd Signal Operations Company - WWII United States Army
PFC Joseph E. Pirkle
127lst Engineer Combat Battalion - WWII United States Army
Sgt Philip A. Pisani
HHC 6th BN 32nd Armor - Vietnam War United States Army
Spec 4 Jerry Wayne Ragsdale
2nd Battalion 35th Artillery - Vietnam United States Army
Sgt James M. Rickett
B Troop, 1st Squadron, 1st Cavalry United States Army
E-3 Dawson Rivers
3/2 SCR I. Co OEF 10-11 United States Army
CPT Joel Jody Robbins
Crazyhorse Troop, 1st Squadron, 3rd Cavalry Regiment United States Army
CW4 William C. ''Bill'' Roberts
107 Transportation Truck Co. - WWII and Korean Wars United States Army
E5 Freddie L. Rudd
606 Ordnance Co. - Vietnam United States Army
Pvt Sherman E. Scott
Company B 91st Infantry Division - WWII United States Army
T/Sgt William Curtis Smith
WW2 United States Army
SGT Blaine Hilton Smith
Korean War United States Army
T/Sgt Lecil Norman Smith
3547th Ordnance Medium Automotive Maintenance Co. - WWII United States Army
SP4 Jackie Kenneth Spiers
2nd Logistical Command - Philippines (1966-1968) United States Army
E-4 David Stahle
United States Army
S/Sgt Wallace Andrew Stewart
335th Infantry, 84th Airborne Div - WWII - Battle of the Bulge United States Army
Sgt Obed Talley
World War II United States Army Air Corps
Cpl O.Z. Thornton
66th Armored Regiment, 2nd Armored Division (Hell on Wheels) - WWII - Normandy - European Theater United States Army
1st Lt Wayne L. Tidwell
701st MP Battalion, Company A - Korean War United States Army
MSG Jonathan Ray Trussell
Iraq/Afghanistan/Kosovo - USAG Stuttgart United States Army
T/Sgt James Howell Turner
720th Railroad Division- WWII - Europe United States Army
SFC Wilbur L. Tutor
101st Airborne - Vietnam United States Army
Michael W Tyler
/Vietnam United States Army
Tec 4 Warren B. Tyler
WWII United States Army
PFC Thomas Tyree
44th ARMD Infantry BN 6 ARMD DIV - WWII United States Army
Pvt Dolphus D. Tyree
Company B, 71st Chemical Co. - WWII United States Army
SP4 James Lee Umphrey
Quartermaster Corps - Korea - Nov 4, 1953 - Oct 14, 1955 United States Army
Dorthen Wadsworth
United States Army Air Forces
Sgt Thomas M. Wadsworth
Co D. 12th Cavalry TN - Civil War United States Army
Pvt Ray Wadsworth
323rd Division/WWII United States Army
SP3 Willard H Wadsworth
C Btry 197 AFA BN - Korean War United States Army
Sgt Demp Walker
35th Infantry - WWII United States Army
PVT G. L. Walker
Engineer - Korean War (1951 -1953) United States Army
2LT Claudie C. Williams
111th Inf. Regt./WWII, Western Pacific United States Army
PFC Belton Elmo Wilson
4th Platoon, Company L, 3rd Battalion, 2nd Infantry Division United States Army
PVT Walter Evon Wilson
Company K, 60th Infantry, 9th Infantry Division - WWII United States Army
S/Sgt Keith Anton Winkler
WWII - European Theater, Pacific Theater United States Army
PFC Clark Woodard
Infantry - World War I United States Army
SP4 Richard Rodgers Woodbury
101st Airborne, Vietnam United States Army
T Sgt Thomas F. Wooten
Company G 112th Infantry, WWII United States Army
Major Lee Wooten
WWII United States Army
E-6 Joseph E. Wooten
WWII - Okinawa - Saipan United States Army
PFC Harold Jackson Wooten
88th Infantry - WWII United States Army

SSG Gary W. Akins
161st Medical Co. (1971-1992) Army National Guard
SSG Perry Eddy
151st Engineers (1972-1992) Army National Guard
Sgt C. V. Key
Army National Guard
Sgt Gary Williams McLamb
Army National Guard
Cecil Coy Smith
Cuban Missile Crisis 1962 Army National Guard
Lonnie Williams
Army National Guard

Lt Col Robert Ross Cooper
Desert Storm United States Air Force
SSgt Byron Farmer
EMS United States Air Force
SSgt Joseph O. Glassco
90th SMW/117th TRWANG/Desert Storm United States Air Force
SSgt Ryan J. Hall
19th Medical Operations Squadron - Afghanistan United States Air Force
SrA Lester Hill
6988th Security Squadron - Vietnam United States Air Force
SSgt Jimmy Clyde Hill
6986 SCTY GP Vietnam United States Air Force
SR Airman Elijah Hunter Johnson
23rd Mission Support Group 2010-2016 United States Air Force
A/2c William Bratton Jones
638th Aircraft Control and Warning Squadron United States Air Force
James Knight
323rd Fighter-Bomber Wing United States Air Force
SSgt Randall Eugene Lopez
Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Air Force
SrA Michael J. McDaniel
Elm USAF RGN Hosp (AAC) Elmendorf AFB, AK United States Air Force
AIC Wayne Nichols
Cuban Missile Crisis United States Air Force
A3c Rosa Lee Nicholson
Vietnam United States Air Force
A2C Samuel R. Odom
Korea ( Kimpo) 1954 United States Air Force
TSgt Lori Patten
Intelligence (SAC) 1977-1985 United States Air Force
Amn Gil Rauch
Korea United States Air Force
Staff Sergeant Michael T. Rickett
81st Medical Group United States Air Force
A2C Charles D. Rivers
3510th Combat Crew United States Air Force
Airman First Class John W. Rutland
Cuban Crisis Bomber Planes - 4245th Armament and Electronics Maintenance Sq. United States Air Force
S/Sgt Ralph R. Sellers
37th Squadron Mobile Radio Intercept Operator - Vietnam United States Air Force
SrA Scott A. Strickland
6920th Electronic Security Group - Misawa, Japan United States Air Force
PVT Scott L. White
WWII United States Air Force
SGT Ralph E. Williams
7th Airforce,1881st Comm Squad, 1876th Comm Squad - Vietnam - 2 tours United States Air Force
!st Lt Robert Judson Wills Sr.
Korea United States Air Force
Douglas L. Woodard
Vietnam United States Air Force

Captain Donald Estes
Aviation (1971-1998) - Retired United States Coast Guard
F1 Al Myra Flowers
Patrol Frigate USS Orange (PF-43) -WWII United States Coast Guard

Charles V. Hockenberry
WWII Merchant Marines

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HTM Designs

AECS Scott A. Barton
Iraqi Freedom / Enduring Freedom Helmineron 15, Helmineron 14 United States Navy
E-4 Jon Jacob ''Jake'' Benson
United States Navy
EN3 Dale Farmer
USS Ashland (LSD-1) United States Navy
SN Jeremy Fischer
USS Thorn (DD 988) - Desert Storm United States Navy
Lt Trevor Givens
VP 46 United States Navy
Richard Gregory
Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squadron Light 41 (HSL-41) United States Navy
SN2c Harold Max Hamner
WW2 1944-1946 USS Admiral R. E. Coontz United States Navy
BM2 Joshua Steton Hayes
USS Carter Hall (LSD-50) (2005-2009) United States Navy
MOMM3c Samuel Pascal Horsley
USS LST-174 - WWII United States Navy
Agnes James
WWII - WAVES United States Navy
LTJG Marvin W. Johnson
Asiatic Pacific Campaign, WWII United States Navy
S1 Grant L. Johnson
USS Oakland (CL-95) - World War II United States Navy
E6 Jared Key
Gulf War - SUB United States Navy
AN Harry Kenneth Kilpatric
United States Navy
F2C James Leon Kilpatric
USS Iowa (BB-61) - WWII (1945-46) United States Navy
Byron Edgar Linton
WWII United States Navy
QM2 Walter Forrest Little
USS LSM-480 - WWII - Pacific Theater United States Navy
SN Ellis Preston Lovett
WWII United States Navy
PO1 Barney L. Manning
Torpedo Squadron USS Bennington - WWII United States Navy
SK1 (SW) Amanda Waldrep Maxwell
USS Germantown (LSD-42) United States Navy
ENFN Daniel Maxwell
USS Harpers Ferry (LSD-49) / USS Germantown (LSD-42) 2000-2004 United States Navy
S2 Charlie McCormic
WWII United States Navy
FM John Frank Page
WWII United States Navy
Lt JG Kenneth D. Pickens
Nimitz Battle Group BRAVO - Desert Storm/Persian Gulf United States Navy
CPO Otis R. Robison
World War II - Iwo Jima United States Navy
CPO Dewey P . Sandage
Fleet Air Wing 2 (FAW-2) - WWII United States Navy
FC3 Russell B. Wade
WWII - KIA - Iceland United States Navy
SM2 William Alston Wade
ComCru Div 13 - WWII - Iwo Jima United States Navy
S1c Lawton R. Waldrep
USS Henry A. Wiley, USS Mervine (DM-31) - MIne Sweeper - WWII United States Navy
C.C. Waldrep
WWII United States Navy
EN2 Kennith M. Walker
USS Twining - Sacred Order of Golden Dragon - Korean United States Navy
SA Rudolph Watts
USS Mattaponi (AD41) United States Navy
BM2c Vernon J. Wilkins
USS Enterprise (CV-6) - WWII United States Navy

CPL Joseph Bongiovanni
1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment - Vietnam United States Marine Corps
SSgt Trevor Butters
Gulf War, Mogadishu, Iraq War -1st Recon Battalion United States Marine Corps
SGT Bruce A. Fay
3rd Marine/Vietnam United States Marine Corps
LCpl Jerry Wayne Fleetwood
3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Div FMF - Vietnam United States Marine Corps
LCpl Hannah Hendon
3rd Tracks Charlie Co, 1st Marine Division United States Marine Corps
LCpl Donald Lindley
H&S BN FMF United States Marine Corps
SSgt Bobby H. Phillips
4th BN, 14th Marine Div., FNF - Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Pfc Thomas Felton Smith
24th Marines, 4th Division - WWII United States Marine Corps
Sergeant Jonathan M. Stuart
3rd EOD Co, 1st Platoon United States Marine Corps
Pfc Jimmy Ray Waldrep
B Co, 1st BN, 26th Marines, 3rd MARDIV, III MAF - Vietnam War United States Marine Corps
SSgt Edward D. Walker Sr.
1st Marine Airwing (MAW) - Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Sgt Jacob Wooten
Marine Wing Support Squadron 273 (MWSS) - OIF United States Marine Corps