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American Legion Post 868

PVT Louis A. Abel
Korean War
United States Army

SP5 Gordon N. Adams Jr
Co A, 76th Engineer - Vietnam
United States Army

SSgt Walker A. Beveridge
335th Inf., 85th Div. - WWII
United States Army

Cpl Francis G. Buchanan
Battery B 398th - Korean War
United States Army

Sgt Joseph H. Buhl
168th Infantry 34 Diviso // WWII
United States Army

PVT Roland F. Butler
United States Army

PFC Otello Calastrini
HQ CO MP B1 1sr division// WWII
United States Army

CPL  Leonard G. Chakan
3rd Infantry Division // Pentomic Division
United States Army

SP4 T William E.  Charlton, Jr
CO A, 1st BN 11th Infantry, 1st Brigade 5th Div // Vietnam
United States Army

Tech. Sgt. William C. Clark
Co.G 335th Inf.Regt// WWll// European Theatre
United States Army

S-Sgt John C. Clark
WWll//European Theatre
United States Army Air Corps

Cpl William P. Coury
989th Air Engineer Squadron //WWII
United States Army Air Corps

S/Sgt Emil Dananay
6th Bomb Group, 24th SQD - WWII
United States Army Air Corps

Pfc Joseph F. DeSocio
580th QM Service Co. - Korean War
United States Army

1Lt Dennis Donati
HQ 1st BN 83rd Field Artillery// Vietnam
United States Army

Sgt Daniel J. Enciso
10th Mountain Divison 91st MP Battalion - Operation Iraqi Freedom
United States Army

PVT Satamo  Enciso
61st Signal Battalion // WWII
United States Army

PCT 1 William  Enciso
US Army
United States Army

TEC 5 Edward C. Enciso
Battery C 4th Coast Artillery // WWII
United States Army

PFC Tony Enciso
362nd QM Ser Co. // WWII // Battle of New Guinea
United States Army

PVT Joseph W. 'Bill' Fisher Jr.
5th Army, Battery A, 536th Field Artillery Bn - WWII
United States Army

Pvt Albert C. Galie
3rd Army, 5th Div., 11th Inf.Reg// WWII European Theatre
United States Army

Sgt Daniel R. Guzzo
Co. B, 31-3rd Bgde, 1st Platoon
United States Army

PFC Conrad E. Hoover
United States Army

TSgt Alvin R. Jablonski
349th Inf. Reg. Co. C (Blue Devils) - WWII - Trieste, Italy
United States Army

PFC Eugene E. Jackson
101st Airborne Easy Company - WWII
United States Army

PFC Robert H. Jackson
45 Infantry//WWII
United States Army

Cpl John Kido Sr.
War Dogs - WWII - Southeast Pacific
United States Army

Pfc Szolton S. (Sonny) Klein
173RD Airborne Brigade, 503RD Infantry Regiment, 1ST Battalion, C Company// Vietnam
United States Army

PFC Wilbert A. Krugle Jr.
HQ DET. 8TH Army Stockade// WWII
United States Army

TEC4 Domineck 'MiMi' Larussa
409th Provisional Quartermaster // Asiatic Pacific Theater - WWII
United States Army

Sgt Bruce E. Leslie
World War II
United States Army Air Force

Pvt George G. Leslie
72nd Pursuit Squadron - WWII - KIA at Pearl Harbor
United States Army Air Force

1SG S. Sam Lombardo
World War II
United States Army

PFC Richard J. Ludwiczak
Cuban Missile Crisis
United States Army

Cpl Henry R. Marello
Korean War
United States Army

Cpl Richard A. Massimino
Company A, 85th Chemical Mortar Battalion - WWII
United States Army

Sgt Frank  Mazza
25th Divison // 36th Unit Evacuation Hospital
United States Army

Sgt. Vincent R. Milito
3rd Division //Korean War
United States Army

1LT Donald M. Morgan
101st Airborne Divison - Korean War
United States Army

LT Elias E. Moses
15th Air Force, 461st Bomb Group - WWII - European-African-Middle Eastern Theaters
United States Army Air Force

Captain William F. Nee
91st Bombardment / WWII
United States Army Air Corps

T4 James L. Nee
239th Engineer Construction Battalion - Philippines Liberation - WWII
United States Army

SGT Fred Pagliari
33rd Infantry Panama Canal // WWII
United States Army

SGT Harry  Pagliari
77th Division Machine Gun Mortar - WWII - Korea
United States Army

T5 Joseph R. Palumbo Sr
99th Infantry - WWII
United States Army

S/Sgt Anthony Pastura
7th Div, 184th Inf - WWII - Pacific Theater, Philippines, Ryukus
United States Army

S/Sgt John E. Pellish
106th Division 422nd Regiment - WWII - Battle of the Bulge
United States Army

TEC 5 Joseph E. Pieples
Co.E, 532nd EB & SR// WWII
United States Army

PVT. Marlin G. Powell
WWII - 9206th T.S.U. QM. Det.
United States Army

Cpl. Joseph C. Powell
Co. F 320th Infantry - WWI
United States Army

Cpl William J. Powell
10th Army - WWII
United States Army

PFC John V. Powell
794th Anti Aircraft Battery C // France // WWII
United States Army

1st Lt Harold Preisendefer
52nd Aviation Reg.// Vietnam
United States Army

SGT Edward Premick
180th Infantry, 51st Division The Thunderbirds / Korean War
United States Army

PVT Dominic Russo
1st Calvary// Korea
United States Army

Sp4 Guido M. Santucci
MP// Vietnam
United States Army

Cpl William `Scrubby` Skrabut
40th Infantry, 40th MP - Korean War
United States Army

PVT Michael  Stapinski
WWII ** Northern France Rhineland // Co E 121st Inf Regt
United States Army

PVT Mario Tempest
WWII - Rhineland / Central Europe
United States Army

S1c Herman R. DeMao
Port Security Baltimore// WWII - Naples Italy
United States Coast Guard

Arnold is proud to honor our men and women
who are or have served this country through our banner program.


How can you get involved?
Simply Click the Banner Application Link above

Technical Banner Questions
Harry Munson
Click to email Program Development

Services provided

HTM Designs

PHM3 Rudolph Adamiak
United States Navel Hospital// WWII
United States Navy

LCDR Scott Ballina
USS Nornandy (CG-60)///Bosnia,Operation Deliberate Force // Iraq Operation Desert Fox
United States Navy

S1c William P. Campbell Jr.
USS Lake Champlain - WWII
United States Navy

YN2 Daniel S. Enciso
Patrol Squadron Nine // California
United States Navy

SFC John  Fisher
American Area // WWII
United States Navy

EM3 John B. Giunta
United States Navy

PO3 Conrad E. Hoover JR.
Hull Tech// Grenada
United States Navy

SN John J. Morgan
USS Eberle, USS Rowe - WWII - Pacific Theater
United States Navy

E4 Joseph R. Palumbo Jr

United States Navy

PO3 Milton M. Pitts Jr.

United States Navy

CCS George Roskovich
Chief Commissary Steward - WWII - Korea
United States Navy

CPO Daniel R. Tort Sr
Grenada - Desert Storm
United States Navy

Cpl Arthur Berg
Bulk Fuel / Auto Supply (1955-59)
United States Marine Corps

1st Lt Daniel J. Dulnikowski

United States Marine Corps

LCpl Edgar I. McKinley Jr.
1st Marine Airwing - Vietnam
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Jack Nee
United States Marine Corps

PFC Milton M. Pitts
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Omar Pitts Sr.
Tactical Air Command (TAC)
United States Marine Corps

MSgt Lou Gagliardi
Strategic Airport Command
United States Air Force

A1C Joseph F. Hoover
7227 CMBT SPT GROUP// Vietnam Era
United States Air Force

TSgt John W. Manga
760th AC & W Squadron // Korea
United States Air Force

Sgt Mark S. Mazur
Supply Divison// Vietnam Era 72-76
United States Air Force

A3c Donald A. Monico
SACK // Korea
United States Air Force

MSGT Adam Opalinski
512 AMXS// Operation Enduring Freedom// Afghanistan
United States Air Force

Sgt Gerald E. Pellish
Air Traffic Control Operator - Southeast Asia - Vietnam Era
United States Air Force

SGT Thomas D. Rushnock
Security Police - Vietnam
United States Air Force

SSgt Anthony R. Santucci
Korean War
United States Air Force