SSgt John Adams
551st Bomb Squad 385th Bomb Group - WWII United States Army Air Force
Sgt John J. Argentieri
3298 Signal Service Platoon - WWII United States Army
Pvt Joseph Asztemborski
United States Army
1SG Gerard B Bachner
Company E 102nd Infantry Regiment - WWII United States Army
SP-4 Gerry Bahur
101st Airborne - CO A 159th AVN. BN United States Army
SP2 John M. Barrett
196th Infantry Brigade - Vietnam war United States Army
Spec 4 Alexander R. Bennett
Artillery - Vietnam United States Army
C.Frederick Bettilyon
13th Field Artillery Battery United States Army
Buck Sgt John Bowen
5th Army Division - WWII - under George Patton United States Army
E-5 James Braun
Vietnam 1st cavalry division United States Army
Tech 4 Felix ''Bill'' Brutico
79th Infantry Division, 313th Infantry Regiment - WWII United States Army
SGM Jerry M. Bucci
5th Infantry Division United States Army Reserve
PFC James R Burrell
562nd Anti- Aircraft Artillery Battalion Battle of the Bulge United States Army
2LT Louis S. Butterworth
Korean War United States Army
PFC Clifford Cavill
11th Airborne - WWII United States Army
S/Sgt Joseph G. Chraska
356th Fighter Group - WWII United States Army Air Forces
SP4 Richard A. Cord
Korea United States Army
PFC Richard Kenneth Crowley
WW II United States Army
Sgt Fran Dady
173 A Vietnam United States Army Airborne
SP4 Michael P. Daly
Vietnam United States Army Reserve
Pvt George Danchik
34th (Red Bull) Infantry Division Co. Fox, 135th Infantry , Siegfried & Gustav Lines Naples, Italy United States Army
Cpl William J. Davis III
2D Constabulary Regt Korean United States Army
PFC Clifford C. Dehn
179th Ordnance Battalion - WWII United States Army
Pvt Carl Depretis
WWII United States Army
1st Lt Louis E. Deutsch
8th Air Force, 466th Bomb Group, 705th Squadron - WWII - European Theater United States Army Air Forces
Sgt Major William E. Doty
Vietnam 82nd airborne green Beret special forces United States Army
T/Sgt Francis J. Dougherty
94th Division - WWII United States Army
CMSgt Raymond F. Dougherty
USARV 171 ARW Vietnam Desert Storm United States Army
SGT Robert J Dryer
Korean United States Army
CSM Patrick J Duffy
Artillery WWII, Korea, Vietnam United States Army
Gregory R. Edixon
Vietnam United States Army
Conrad A. Eiben
Korean War United States Army
Cpl Jimmy Eiben
23rd Infantry Regiment United States Army
S/Sgt Alfred Ernst
World War II United States Army
PFC Louis Falce
100th Division - WWII United States Army
S/Sgt Chester Fenlock
346th Inf, Co. B United States Army
Cpl Theodore J. Fischer
Military Police - Korea United States Army
SP-4 James R. Fisher
Army Security Agency - Korean War United States Army
Cpl Clyde W. Fox
Company C 288th Engineer Combat Battalion WWII United States Army
Sgt Joseph A. Frushell
524th Military Police - WWII - Battle of the Bulge United States Army
PFC William Gatzy
503rd Parachute Infantry Regiment South Philippines Luzon WWII United States Army
CPL Edward W. Gigliotti
4th Aircraft Repair Unit - WWII - Pacific United States Army Air Corps
SP4 Richard J. Godesky
578th Ordnance Ammunition Co. - WWII United States Army
Spc Dwayne Hast
101st Airborne Infantry (Rakkasan) - Gulf War United States Army
Pfc John P. Havrila
82nd Airborne United States Army
Pfc Chip Hearn
Field Artillery - Vietnam United States Army
Sgt Tom Hearn
24th Infantry - WWII United States Army
Sgt Wlliam J. Hey
World War II United States Army Air Corps
PFC Christ J. Holzhauser
CompanyK 326th Glider Infantry Regiment 13th Airborne Division Central Europe United States Army
MSgt Chrysostom J. Huebner
Korean United States Army
Sgt Kurtis Richard Hutchison
Infantry United States Army
Sgt Eugene `Gino` Jesensky
Vietnam United States Army
SSG Phillip Johnson
see below United States Army
Sgt Albert D. Jones
2nd Infantry Division Company A 72nd Tank Battalion Korean War United States Army
Sgt Francis R. Kappert
231st Armed FA BN - WWII United States Army
S/Sgt Joseph Kasel
Korean War United States Army Air Force
Pfc Harry Kaszak
38th Inf Reg - Korean War United States Army
Sgt Herbert L. Keller
53rd Troop Carrier Squadron - World War II United States Army Air Forces
Sgt Herbert L. Keller
53rd Troop Carrier Squadron - WWII United States Army Air Forces
Cpl John R. Klavon
Spearhead Vietnam United States Army
Joseph R. Klimo
WWII United States Army Air Corps
Cpl Frederick Klug
Korean War United States Army
SPC4 Jacqueline Kohnle
HHD 3rd Finance Group United States Army
PFC Gilbert J. Kowalski
665th Engrossing Topo Co - WWII United States Army
Frank L. Krandel
United States Army
CPL Ronald A. Kraszewski
Korean War / The Flying Eagles United States Army
Pfc Richard Kroll
349th Infantry Regiment - WWII United States Army
PFC Edward T. Krosky
Infantry Gunner 90MM Headquarters Company Eastern Defense Commard WWII United States Army
Cpl Dennis P. Lavelle
Vietnam 9th Infintry Division Squad #4 United States Army
TEC5 Eugene J. Lepiane
82nd Engineer Combat Battalion - WWII United States Army
SFC Norbert Lis
25th Infantry Tropic Lightning - WWII/Korea United States Army
Sgt Robert E. Loadman
94th Infantry Division WWII United States Army
PFC Chester ''Chet'' Lombardi
Trp. B 3rd Recon Sq Radio Operator 1957-1963 United States Army
SFC Ronald W. Loy
28th INF DIV, 1st BN, 107th FA United States Army
Sgt Norbert H. Luffy
475th Fighter Group - South Philippine Liberation United States Army Air Corps
SP4 Chester Machi
Vietnam United States Army
Spec/4 Raymond W. Mackenzie
10-26-59 2-1-62 United States Army
SP4 (t) James H. McCann
7th Armored Division - Vietnam War United States Army
SSG John McConnell
173rd Airborne - Vietnam United States Army
SP4 John McKibbin
Korean United States Army
Tec 5 William E. Mehrenberg
World War II United States Army
Henry G. Meyer
United States Army
Pfc Stanley J. Milinski
Medic - 395th Medical Collecting Co. - WWII United States Army
Cpl Jesse W. Miller
3021st AAFBU - WWII United States Army Air Force
Sgt William Moran
199th Infantry Brigade 5th BN 12th INF Red Catchers - Vietnam United States Army
PFC Robert J Nath
WWII United States Army
Sgt Charles J. Nogal
Korean War 1952-1955 United States Army
SGT John G. Ohnhaus
Vietnam United States Army
Tec 3 Ernest J. Palamides
WWII United States Army
Cpl Wallace Parker
WWII - POW United States Army
SP4 James G. Paul
Naval Air Station 55th Transportation Battalion - Korea (early Vietnam) United States Army
Spc Evan S. Penner
352nd MP Company operation iraqi freedom operation enduring freedom United States Army
Sgt Walter J. Pittek
3rd Armor Division - Vietnam War United States Army
SFC Steve Pitts
2nd Armored Division United States Army
S/Sgt Robert M. Reid
United States Army
CPL John Revo
WWII United States Army
CPL Nicholas Revo
743rd Tank Battalion - WWII United States Army
Tec5 Peter J. Rota
Fauglia, Italy July 17th 1944 United States Army
Sgt Paul A. Saracinskas (Saras)
World War II - Africa United States Army
Cpl Raymond Joseph Scheller
United States Army
Cpl Joseph P. Schmitt
378 Fighter Squadron - WWII United States Army Air Corps
Cpl Mark D. Schultis
Korean War United States Army
CPL Patricia Sherwin
HQ AFFE Comp. SEC Camp Zama, Japan - Korean War United States Army
Cpl William Siatkowski
Infantry Korean War United States Army
Sgt John `Jack` F. Slesinski
7th Division - Korea United States Army
Pfc Raymond E. Stark
Korean War United States Army
Sgt George L. Staub
Co. E, 1st Bn, 3rd Infantry - The Old Guard United States Army
S/SGT Harry ''Pete'' Stephenson
WWII United States Army
Sgt John L. Stypula
WWII United States Army
Cpl Louis Szuch
korean war 439 Canst. Bat. United States Army
SP4 Ronald Terleski
Armory Calvary Division United States Army
S/Sgt Jack D. Turina
14th Signal Operation Co. - Korean War United States Army
Cpl Clyde B. Underwood
United States Army Air Force
SSGT Eric W. White
382 ENG Sapper OIF 2 United States Army
Robert M. Wilkinson
Ft. Monmoth N.J. United States Army
SP4 Vincent Wolf
Pentagon - Vietnam United States Army
Cpl Walter Yastion
1824 Battery 60 FABN - Occupation Germany United States Army
Pvt Edward Joseph Yeager
A Battery 32nd Field Artillery United States Army
PFC Gustave F. (Buddy) Yeager
1st Division, 16th Infantry World War II United States Army
Ronald A. Zevola
Vietnam United States Army

Sgt Edward S. Sligar
112th Fighter-Interceptor Group Air National Guard
Sgt Edward S. Sligar
Tactical Fighter - 112th Fighter Bomber Group Air National Guard

PO2 Frank W. Etzel Jr
Korean War - Damage Control United States Coast Guard

Baldwin Borough is proud to honor our men and women
who are or have served this country through our banner program.

Technical Banner Questions
Contact Harry Munson
Click to email Program Development
Services provided

HTM Designs

S2c Samuel Abbott
World War II United States Navy
PO2 Dorothy J. Anderson
WWII United States Navy
SN John P. (Buck) Backo
United States Navy
CM2 Joseph J. Bakowski
Seabees - WWII United States Navy
EM2c Kenneth A. Baldinger
USS Kalinin Bay WWII United States Navy
John R. Boyle Jr.
United States Navy
PO2 Richard S. Boyle Jr.
NMC 13-3rd Battalion Charlie Company United States Navy
S1c Robert William Brazen
Seal Beach Naval Ammunition And Net Depot (NAND) - WWII United States Navy
Ron Burger
United States Navy
E-4 Randolph Cowan
Vietnam War Era 1964-1970 United States Navy
RM3c Edward Frank Dallas
World War II United States Navy
ABU3 Edgar G. Depp
USS Midway - Machinist Mate General 1957-1961 United States Navy
Ruthe D'Hert
WWII United States Navy
S1c Walter F. Dobson Sr.
WWII United States Navy
EM2c Jacob E. 'Jake' Dryer
USS Thetis Bay (CVE-90) - WWII United States Navy
CTR3 Danielle C. Graves
NCTAMS LANT United States Navy
SN Robert Walter Guseman
Vietnam United States Navy
SN Bernard Gutkowski
Staten Island United States Navy
GM3 Charles G. Haigis
Korea United States Navy
MM3 Robert H. Hunzinger
Korean War United States Navy
ADR3 Donald Jordan
Cuban Missile Crisis United States Navy
AM3 Francis ''Fritz'' Kaduck
Pacific Theater United States Navy
AE3 David J. Kappert
Aviation Electrician - Vietnam United States Navy
EM3 Philip C. Keller
WWII United States Navy
EM3 Philip C. Keller Jr.
WWII United States Navy
GM2 Matthew J. Krewin
USS Arkansas - WWII United States Navy
AO2 George Kukich
World War II United States Navy
John G. Lieb
United States Navy
GM3 James J. McGreevy, Jr
Merchant Marines WWII United States Navy
S1c Howard James McPeak
World War II United States Navy
MM2c Harvey A. Means
USS Arkansas - WWII - Normandy, Mediterranean, Pacific United States Navy
SM2 Michael George Mervosh
WWII United States Navy
Capt Mark Edward Milius
Coastal Riverine Squadron 10 - Middle East United States Navy
SN Kenneth W. Moeller
Vietnam Supply Division United States Navy
SN Carl W. Niedermeyer
Vietnam War United States Navy
BT2 Frank Pastorius
USS Lake Champlain (CG 57) United States Navy
RM3c Albert ` Herky` Pavucsko
World War II United States Navy
RMSN Jeff Pavucsko
Gulf War United States Navy
Joseph Peterson
Korean War - USS Bradford (DD-545) United States Navy
MCPO August Schumacher
Korean War - Vietnam War United States Navy
SN Donald R. Schwenning
Korean War - Robert K Huntington (DD-781) United States Navy
Y3 Eugene Skerba
USS Killen (DD-593) - WWII United States Navy
AT1 Michael Stack
Airborne Electronic warfare desert shield desert storm United States Navy
AE2 Donald G. Steggert
UF-74 - Vietnam United States Navy
SA Paul A. Taylor
USS Taconic United States Navy
Coxswain Chester W. Usowski
WWII use south dakota battleship United States Navy
Chief John W. Wagner
Instructor - US Naval Reserve United States Navy
Capt William T. Wagner
COMDESRON 15 - Operation Enduring Freedom United States Navy
Richard Weber
Vietnam he was an electrician on a LSD Ship in Panama Canal United States Navy
GM1 Earl H. Wilkinson
WWII - Korean War United States Navy

SGT Clifford L. Anderson
3rd Marine Division WWII United States Marine Corps
Sgt Gregory Baker
HMM-263 - Vietnam United States Marine Corps
PFC Alexander R. Bennett
Transportation Iraq Conflict United States Marine Corps
Pfc Charles N. Chilleo
WWII United States Marine Corps
Cpl Joshua M. Ewing
1st Battalion 8th Marine 2nd Marine Division - OIF United States Marine Corps
Sgt Richard L. Ewing Jr.
1st Fast Company 3rd Platoon - OIF, OEF United States Marine Corps
Cpl Matthew Falk
2nd Battalion 5th Marines 2nd LAAD - Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Marine Corps
CPL Lloyd R. Frederick
2nd Mar Div - FMF - Korea United States Marine Corps
PFC Thomas J Grejda
Vietnam 1st Marine Div/3rd Battalion United States Marine Corps
PFC Robert Don Johnson
Vietnam 2nd Marine Division United States Marine Corps
LCpl Joseph Kratt
Vietnam 1968 United States Marine Corps
Cpl Anthony L. Lesesne
Desert Storm/Gulf War United States Marine Corps
Cpl John J. Lew
WWII United States Marine Corps
Cpl James J. Lindenfelser
2nd Guard Company (1954-1957) United States Marine Corps
Cpl James Lostetter
3rd Marines United States Marine Corps
PFC Joseph Martin
Vietnam War - (1970-1971) United States Marine Corps
Sgt Matthew D. Miller
1st Battalion 12th Marines Global War On Terrorism United States Marine Corps
LCpl Bradley K. Miller
Marine Wing Support Squadron MWSS 471 United States Marine Corps
Cpl A. Raymond Neff
United States Marine Corps
Sgt Joseph A. Peretin
2nd Marine FNF, 3rd Bn, 8th Marines United States Marine Corps
Cpl Justin Rhule
1st Marine Division, 2nd Combat Engineer Battalion - Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Marine Corps
PFC Robert Wayne Staggers
WWII United States Marine Corps

A1c Daniel Booth
Security Forces - Operation Enduring Freedom United States Air Force
SSgt Frank L. Bruno Jr
60th Field Maintenance Sq (MAC) - Vietnam War United States Air Force
SSgt Joseph G. Chraska
361st Fighter Squadron - WWII United States Air Force
Buck Sgt Leslie H. Dean
6556th Guided Missile Squadron - Korean War United States Air Force
Captain John F. DeRoss
WWII United States Air Force
MSgt James Fernacz
Persian Gulf United States Air Force
SSgt Regis Hess
22nd Space Operations Squadron - OIF / OEF United States Air Force
A1C Brian Christopher Hutchison
United States Air Force
T/Sgt Don A. Johnson
Korean War (1950-1956) United States Air Force
SGT Michael A Kosco Jr
Operation Just Cause United States Air Force
SrA Jeremy McHugh
355th Communications Sq - Operation Inherent Resolve United States Air Force
Francis Pascaretta
WWII United States Air Force
MSGT Thomas C. Pauley
911th Airlift Wing Reserves OEF/OIF United States Air Force
Sgt Thomas A. Ritter
6921 St Security Wing Vietnam United States Air Force
SrA Jamie Sauro
United States Air Force
MSgt William H Schutte III
171st Air Refueling Wing - Vietnam United States Air Force
A1c Robert Wayne Staggers
Vietnam United States Air Force
A1C Gerald J. Tortella
2nd AACS Squadron (Mobile) - Korean War United States Air Force
Pfc James A. Vogel
Air Police - Vietnam Era United States Air Force
SSgt Dale M Voigt
147th military Airlift Squadron PA air National Guard 1957-1966 United States Air Force
Capt Eddie Weaver
92nd Operation Group, 376th Expeditionary Operations Group, 21st Intelligence Squadron - Operation Enduring Freedom United States Air Force
SSgt Glen Edward Williams Sr.
United States Air Force
Captain Kristen M. Winter
security forces Global war on terrorism United States Air Force