SSgt George `Boots` Abood
Belly Gunner / WWII United States Army Air Corp
Pfc Michael Aiello
2nd Radio Squadron (Mobile) - WWII United States Army
Cpl Louis J. Ali
566th Signal Air Warning Btn - WWII United States Army
E-5 Kirk B. Anderson
581st Airborne Artillery United States Army Airborne
Pfc Louis Anderson
29 Div/175 Infantry / WWII United States Army
PFC Peter J. Antenucci
WWII - 376th AAAW Bn, Btry D United States Army
PFC Peter J. Antenucci
Btry D 376th AAW Bn - WWII United States Army
SSgt James B. Baine
91st Bomber Group (Heavy), 324th Bomber Squadron - WWII United States Army Air Forces
S/Sgt Walter J. Baine, Sr
1923rd ENGR (AVN) - World War II United States Army
Peter J. Baldi
Aerial Gunner 611 - World War II United States Army Air Forces
Sgt John J. Barbisch Jr.
25th Inf - Vietnam United States Army
US ARMY AIR CORPS - WORLD WAR II United States Army Air Corps
204TH MEDICAL BN - KOREA United States Army
SP4 Robert T. Bedner
Co B, 9th Battalion, 2nd Brigade - Vietnam United States Army
Pfc Glen E. Bee
12th Cavalry Regiment United States Army
Sgt Rudolph Beltrame
WWII United States Army
Cpl Henry Benvenuti
United States Army Air Corp
Sgt Mario J. Berteotti
754 Engineering Co. / WWII United States Army
William Berteotti
WWII United States Army
Sgt George Bertus
Infantry - Korean War United States Army
Cpl Joseph Bettine
Korean War United States Army
Sgt Ludwig Bigi
1408 AAF Base Unit / WWII - European - African Eastern Campaign United States Army
Pfc Peter P. Binotto
WWII - Battle of the Bulge United States Army
SP4 Brian R. Bogdan
458th Engineer Battalion United States Army
SPC Troy Bogdan
75th Inf, 101st ABN, 25th Inf / Cold War United States Army
Cpl Robert Bogdewiecz
WWII United States Army
Sgt George Bogdewiecz
WWII United States Army
Cpl Francis X. Bott
13th FA Bn - WWII - Asiatic-Pacific Theater United States Army
SFC Donald Bourg
Korean War / 2nd Infantry United States Army
SSgt Richard R. Bourg
136th Infantry Co. B / WWII Pacific Theatre Battle of Phillipines United States Army
Sgt Raymond J. Bourg Sr.
3rd Army, 4th Armored Div / WWII United States Army
Capt John R. Bowman
Post Judge Advocate Camp Shanks, Pearl River / WWII United States Army
T/Sgt John R. Brancewicz
211 Army Air Force -Base Unit / Italy - European War United States Army
VIETNAM United States Army
SSGT Emil A. Brentin
861st Ord HM Co / WWII United States Army
CO William J. Buchleitner IV
Airborne / Irag Afghanistan United States Army
Sgt. Harry W. Buzzatto
Army of Occupation Japan United States Army
SPC-5 Charles D. Buzzatto III
519th Military Intelligence - Vietnam United States Army
1SG - RET Charles D. Buzzatto IV
Military Police / Kuwait, Desert Storm, Kosovo, Iraq United States Army
SSgt Peter Calabro
15th Army Air Force, 340 Bomb Squadron, 97th Bomb Group / WWII United States Army Air Corp
Michael A. `Boots` Capo
WWII United States Army
Cpl Peter D. Caporali
541st Engineers/Color Guard United States Army
1LT Anthony Capozzoli
Artillery / Korean War United States Army
Tech Sgt James Ross Carlisle II
1476 Engineer Maint Co / WWII United States Army
709TH ORD BN - KOREAN WAR United States Army
PFC Marie Mick Carr
WAC / Korea United States Army
MSgt Raymond Bud Carr
WWII / Korea United States Army
Pfc Andrew J. Carrozza
WWII United States Army
1LT David Wayne Carson
WWII /347th Bomb Squadron United States Army Air Force
1LT David M. Chabala
416th Signal Aviation Co. Korea United States Army
P-Sgt Michael J. Chabalie
WWII United States Army
SP3 Thomas M. Chabalie
United States Army
Cpl Eli Chabassol
Korean War United States Army
SPC Wade Chabassol
United States Army
Pfc Joseph R. Chicchi
WWII / Band United States Army
SP5 Frank `Fritz` Chickis III
Co C, 43rd Engr Bn, 931st Engr Gp / Vietnam United States Army
PFC Frank A. Chickis Jr.
1808th Srevice Command / EAME theatre - WWII United States Army
279TH INF REGIMENT - KOREA United States Army
5TH INF REGIMENT - KOREA United States Army
LtCol Robert D. Cicchinelli
25th Infantry / Vietnam United States Army
Pfc Eugene Cimarolli
WWII - Co F 4th Infantry United States Army
Sgt Elmer Collavo
WWII United States Army
TSgt Joseph Colosimo
WWII United States Army
Sgt Louis R. Colussy
226th Ordinance / Korean War United States Army
Pvt Peter P. Conroy Sr.
28th/109th Field Artillery,Battery C WWI United States Army
SSG Joseph Constant
Korea United States Army
Pfc Walter `Blackie` Cormack
WWII - HQ Battery 754th Field Artillery United States Army
PFC Jim Corrins Sr.
3rd Army European Campaign / WWII United States Army
WORLD WAR II United States Army
Sgt Boyd Culp
Vietnam - 14th Combat Engineers United States Army
MP John Dalbo, Jr.
Korea United States Army
1086TH ENGINEERING - WORLD WAR II United States Army
Pfc Elmer Danziger
WWII - Quartermaster Corps United States Army
T/Sgt Edmund W. Danziger
WWII, European - 44th Bomb Grp, 68th Squadron United States Army Air Corps
SSgt James Daugherty
Front Gunner - World War II - POW United States Army Air Forces
Sgt Gilbert Davis
35 Inf Regt / Korean war United States Army
LtCol John P. DeBlasio
308 Civil Affairs / Iraqi Freedom United States Army
PFC Charles Degrosky
Korean War / Signal Corps United States Army
SP4 Frank Dempster
Company C, 728th MP BN - Korea United States Army
Sgt Samuel Depe
101st Airborne / Battle of the Bulge United States Army
Cpl Ralph DiNardo
Engineer/ Korea United States Army
E-2 Frank Paul Diodati
Artillery United States Army
Sgt Romie Domenico
Airborne / WWII United States Army Airborne
SSgt Lawrence E. Donovan
Combat Engineers / Korean War / POW 33 months United States Army
Sgt Richard Dotchin
65th Infantry - Korean War United States Army
Spec 4 William A. Drain
101st Airborne / Korean Conflict United States Army
Cpl Elio Dreon
62nd Troop Carrier / WWII United States Army Air Corp
E5 John J. Drobycki
Vietnam Era United States Army
Pfc Joseph J. Duda
WWII United States Army
Sgt Scott Dunbar
Military Police / Desert Storm United States Army
Pfc John F. Duncan
101st Airborne - Korea United States Army
Cpl Ray Fagan
Korean War / 526th AAA Msl Bn / Battery C United States Army
World War II United States Army Air Corps
Pfc John Farenzena
World War II - K I A - 6 Jun 1944 - Omaha Beach United States Army
Pfc Joseph H. Fisher Sr.
5th Infantry Div / Korean war United States Army
SSGT Felix Flores
Army/ 82nd Airborne / Iraq, Afghanistan United States Army
SSGT Louis Fogiato
79th Infantry Div/ European Theater - WWII United States Army
Staff Sergeant Arnold Forte
11th Cavalry - Vietnam United States Army
Pvt August Gobbi Frattini
WWII / 112th Cavalry United States Army
2nd LT Helen D. Fray
USS Comfort / WWII Pacific Campaign United States Army
Pfc Henry F. Fray
431 AAA AW Battalion / WWII European-Africa-Middle East Campaign United States Army
3RD BN 84TH ARTY - VIETNAM ERA United States Army
SP6 David M. Fuscaldo
6th Bn, 517 Arty, 32nd AADCOM / Vietnam Era United States Army
E TRP 11TH CON SQ - WW2 United States Army
Sgt 1st Class Donald Lane Garber
Korean War/ 3rd Div 10th Combat Engineer United States Army
Major James Morrison Gaston
1st Regt PA Reserve Cavalry United States Army
SSgt Frederick W. Geib
Korean War United States Army Air Force
George Gerard
Vietnam Era - 325 Infantry/ 82nd Airborne United States Army
SSGT Robert J. Gillespie
WWII United States Army
Tech5 Cpl Leo Gonze Sr.
3rd Army United States Army
Sgt Earl E. Gratton
Korea 82nd Airborne United States Army Airborne
2nd LT Frances T Gruden
WWII United States Army
TSgt Peter Gualazzi
89th Tank Bn / Korea United States Army
CW4 -Retired Vickie Hajduk
WAC / Army Nat''l Guard (ARNG) United States Army Air Corps
SP4 Victor Hajduk
MP - Post Korean War United States Army
Sgt Louis S. Harris
WWII United States Army
SP4 Kevin Heasley
548th Engr / A Co. - Grenada United States Army
SFC Michael L. Henderson
3rd Ranger Battalion / Grenada 1983 United States Army
Tech-4 William A. Henigman
Maint Bn, 2nd Armored Div / WWII United States Army
Pfc Thomas Herceg
Germany United States Army
Sgt Harold Jennings Hess
WWII - 12th Quarter master, QMC United States Army
8730 TRANS PORT CO - WORLD WAR II United States Army
PVT William Hirst
6th Co.Trench Mortar Battery - World War I United States Army
E4 Thomas E. Hirst
5th Mechanized Inf - Vietnam Era United States Army
Sgt Robert Hofrichter
Ordinance / German Occupation United States Army
Cpl Thaddeus `Ted` Hrapla
157th Infantry Regiment - World War II United States Army
Cpl Nicholas J. Hudacek
Korea United States Army
MSgt Wesley Hutchison Sr.
487th Heavy Bomb Group, 8th Army Air Force/ WWII Great Britain United States Army Air Corp
CW4 Robert Itzel Sr
Korea / Vietnam - 28th Div United States Army
Sgt Joseph W. Janocha III
1st Cav / Vietnam United States Army
Cpl Tom Jones Jr.
1st Armored Div / WWII North Africa United States Army
SSGT Joseph P. Kamovitch Sr.
16th Armored Eng Battalion/ WWII United States Army
KOREAN WAR United States Army
Sgt John P. Karney
QMC - Korean War United States Army
SSgt Lawrence A. Kaucic
102nd Div, 405th Regiment / WWII United States Army
SP4 Donald Paul Kazmarski
B Battery, 2nd Btn,5th ADA United States Army
Sgt Ken Kean
25th Infantry / WWII Pacific / Korea United States Army Air Corps
Sgt - MP Vernon A. Kean
Korean War United States Army
SSGT Charles W. Kiefer
WWII United States Army
Sgt Rudolph M. Kiefer
22 Inf Regt AAF / WWII United States Army
Sgt James Kirker
WWII European / African Campaign United States Army
LT Catherine Ritenour Kirker
WWII - Civil Air Patrol United States Army Air Corp
E-5 William Koch
Vietnam United States Army
1st Lt. Edward L. Jack Kolessar
19th Inf , 24 Div., Co G / korea United States Army
Sgt Daniel `Babe` Kraf
WWII United States Army
SSGT George M. Kramer
B Co., 588th Eng Combat/Vietnam United States Army
Sgt Robert G. Krek
Signal Corps United States Army
Pvt Felix Krek
88th Infantry/ N.Afrrica, Sicily, Italy - WWII United States Army
Pfc Earnest F Krek Sr.
Korean War United States Army
T4 John A. Kruluts
174th Station Hospital / WWII - South Pacific United States Army
TEC5 Steven Kuglar
37th Inf Div Combat Medic 6th FA Battalion / WWII Purple Heart United States Army
SP4 Stephen Kuglar
5th Army HQ Company / Vietnam Era United States Army
Sgt Edward P. Kuhner
99th Infantry Division - WWII United States Army
Cpl Frank A. Kuna Sr.
Infantry / WWII Battle of the Bulge United States Army
SP4 Fred C. Lasota
11th Armored Cav / Germany United States Army
SP5 Ronald Leierzapf
91st Finance / Vietnam United States Army
Sgt Lawrence J. Lennon
Co A. 1/6, 198th LIB / Vietnam United States Army
Sgt Joseph Lesjak
Military Police/ WWII United States Army
Private Todd W. Lion
Nuclear, Biologic & Chemical Warfare / Desert Storm United States Army
Sgt James Litvinuk
WWII United States Army Air Corp
TSgt Leo Longo
WWII - 882nd Ordnance United States Army
1LT Victor `Buddy` Louisa
WWII - 44th Bomb Group United States Army Air Corp
Pfc Nathan Love
1908th Engineer Aviation BN - WWII - Pacific Theater United States Army
SSgt Russell MacGregor
Signal Corps / Vietnam United States Army
Cpl Michael D. Maderic
1st Cav, 1st Squad / Bosnia United States Army
Cpl John D. Magliocca
102nd 406 / WWII United States Army
Pfc Frank J. Magliocca
Artillery / WWII United States Army
SSgt Thomas Maioli
185th Air Corp / Berlin WWII United States Army Air Corp
Cpl George Maioli
3rd Infantry / Korea United States Army
Cpl Frank P. Maleski
Co L, 315 Inf, 3rd army - WWII Normandy United States Army
Sgt Harry L. Mankey
502nd AAA Bn. Transportation / Asiatic-Pacific Theatre WWII United States Army
2nd Lt Leigh O. Mann
96th Bomb Group - WWII - Co-Pilot United States Army Air Force
Sgt1c Ralph A. Marinacci
Korea United States Army
PFC Walter V. Martinick
580th Anti Aircraft Artillery AW Btn United States Army
Pvt John Martinick, Jr.
World War II United States Army
Pfc Ernest Martino
WWII - 8th inf, 4th Div United States Army
Cpl Charles C. Martino
WWII - Co L 23rd Infantry Regiment United States Army
Pfc Frank Martorana
3rd / WWII United States Army
WO James K. McAleer III
1 AVN Bde ( Golden Hawks) - Vietnam United States Army
Cpl William T. McCaffrey
WWII United States Army
MSGT John McCracken
World War II United States Army
Sgt William C. McCreedy
WWII United States Army
Cpl Hardy `Mac` McLeod
101st Airborne Division - WWII - Pacific Theater United States Army
Cpl Vincent Micheli
809th Eng Bn / Co A - Korean War United States Army
Pvt Antonio Micheli
26th Infantry / WWI United States Army
Pvt Steve Mihalineck
860th Ord HAM Co / WWII United States Army
Cpl Frank Mikec
WWII United States Army Air Corps
SSgt Carl Mikus
WWII United States Army
PFC Harry Miller
Battery A, 731st Field Artillery/ Battle of the Bulge - WWII - Europe United States Army
Sgt Gabriel `Red` Miller
WWII United States Army Air Forces
Sgt John W. Mincin
97 Bomb Wing United States Army Air Force
Sgt John E. Mincin
WWII United States Army
SP4 Joseph `Ted` Miscovey
630th Transportation Unit - Vietnam United States Army
6BN, 32FA, SVC BTRX - VIETNAM United States Army
Regis Moore
WWII - KIA - Battle of the Bulge United States Army
William Moore
WWII United States Army
Charles J. Moore
WWII United States Army
PFC Bruno S. Murdaca
United States Army
Sgt Richard Murray
United States Army Air Corp
Capt Evan Murray
82nd Airborne / 2015 - present United States Army
Sgt James Mutton
MAC-V - Vietnam United States Army
Private Anthony Naples
Co. A, Chemical Mortar Bn, 5th Army / WWII United States Army
SSGT Almo Nardini
304th Infantry Reg,76thInf Div - Surgical unit - WWII United States Army
T4 James L. Nee
239 Engineer Construction Bn / New Guinea, South Philippines Liberation United States Army
T/Sgt James B. Nelson
207 AAF Bn/ WWII European theatre United States Army Air Corps
Cpl Andrew Nowak
Korean conflict United States Army
Pfc Samuel E. Nutbrown
116th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division - WWII - Normandy, France United States Army
E-5 Ronald O`Korn
4th ENG BN - Vietnam United States Army
1st Lt Robert `Huck` O`Neil
Air Corps - Korean War United States Army
69TH DIVISION / 271ST INFANTRY - WWII United States Army
Cpl John Pancari
WWII United States Army Air Corp
MP Jerry Pappert
United States Army
E-4 Marshall Pappert
Military Police United States Army
George H. Park
WWII United States Army Air Force
E-4 Raymond D. Partee Sr.
82nd/101st ABN Div / Vietnam United States Army
Pfc Angelo Pennetti
WWII United States Army
Sgt Richard V. Pesavento
Korean War United States Army
T/Sgt Ernest Petrich
667th Field Artillery Bn - WWII United States Army
SP4 Giuliano Petrocelli
693 Eng / Germany & France United States Army
PFC Richard Pintar
4117th AAF Base Unit / WWII United States Army Air Force
Pfc Raymond H. Potts
World War II - HQ Co 1 - Replacement Training Cnt United States Army
Pfc Rody J. Potts
World War II - Co B, 119th Infantry Reg, 28th Inf Div United States Army
Private Aldo Pruner
WWII United States Army
Sgt Almo J. Pruner
Korea United States Army
Sgt Nick Radulovich
WWII United States Army
Col Stephen E. Rash
1st Cav Division / Vietnam United States Army
E-5 Salvino Recrosio
503rd AVN BN - 3rd Armored Division United States Army
Col Harry Reilly
77th Infantry - WWII - Pacific Theater United States Army
Cpl Robert Reinstadtler
WWII - Europe United States Army
Pfc Cyril G. Rigot
Korean War United States Army
Pvt. Robert J. Rionda
WWII - Pearl Harbor/ Guadalcanal - 25th Infantry Div United States Army
Pfc William Ritenour
WWII United States Army
Pfc Betty Jean Ritenour Hunter
1708 SCU WAC / WWII United States Army
Cpl John L. Robich
39th Inf Div United States Army
Sgt Jeffrey David Robinson
Automated Logistics - OEF - OIF x2 United States Army
101ST AIRBORNE - United States Army
1st Sgt Gregory J. Rosati
WWII / Korean War United States Army
Sgt. Theodore J. Rosati Sr.
WWII United States Army
Sgt Edward Ruffennach
94th Infantry Div / WWII - Europe United States Army
PFC William B. Rupnik
WWII United States Army
CSM Michael Sabarese
Korean War United States Army
SPEC4 Joseph L. Sarasnick
Germany United States Army
TEC4 Charles E. Sarasnick
WWII United States Army
Sgt John Sasfai
Infantry / WWII ----- POW United States Army
A.E. `Big Pete` Saunders
Vietnam War Era United States Army
Spec/5 John Schellhaas
221st Signal Co - Vietnam United States Army
Sgt Edward H. Schneider
WWII - Southwest Pacific Theater United States Army Air Corp
Pfc Frank William Schullek
338th Inf, Co B, - WWII - European African Middle Eastern Campaign United States Army
TEC5 John C. Sekel
63rd Infantry - WORLD WAR II United States Army
Sgt Raymond J. Selva
3rd Armored Div United States Army
Sgt Wassil Serniak
WWII 106th Military Police United States Army
Pfc Jack Shadish
658 Field Artillery - WWII United States Army
Pfc William Shadish
Korea United States Army
Sgt George J. Shady
WWII / Radio Gunner United States Army
Cpl Walter Sherp
63rd Division - WWII United States Army
2nd Lt Robert Norman Shipe
5th Regimental Combat, A Co, 1st Bn/ Korean War United States Army
PFC Raymond T. Smelko
5th Armored Div United States Army
PFC Bud Snyder
WWII - Battle of the Bulge / Co. K, 29 Inf Reg United States Army
E4 Joseph Solomon
Vietnam United States Army
PFC Donald Soyka
Korean United States Army
E-4 Jim Spicer
2nd Bn, 1st Infantry Div - Cold War United States Army
E-4 Frank J. Spiegel
20th Engineers / Vietnam United States Army
PFC Frank T. Stanson
10th Infantry - WWII - European, African Theaters United States Army
Pfc Charles J. Stasik
Company C 180th Infantry / WWII United States Army
E-5 C. Wayne Straight
peace time United States Army
1LT Robert W. Strang
725th Bomb Squadron/ WWII United States Army
PFC Ronald E. Styche
101st Airborne, Artillery / Korean War United States Army
Sgt Joseph E. Styche
Signal Bn/ WWII United States Army Air Corps
Cpl Joseph Burl Sutton
WWII United States Army
TSgt John `Jack` Tarr
Pacific theater & Post War Japan / WWII United States Army
Sgt Gilbert J. Taylor Jr.
1st Ranger Battalion, 75th Regiment United States Army
Pfc Raymond F. Thielet
WWII United States Army
Sgt Justin Thomas
307th MP Co. / Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Army
PFC Robert F. Tinney
United States Army
Pfc Bernard Tokarczyk
3rd Armored Division - Korea United States Army
Cpl Edward L. Tome
Armored Div / Korea United States Army
PFC Charles A. Tornabene
WWII United States Army
SP4 Roland Tremonti
1st Armored Div / Bay of Pigs / Cuban Crisis Era United States Army
PFC Edmund Tremonti
WWII United States Army
PFC Joe `Zep` Uriah
37th Cavalry Recon Group / WWII Pacific Theater United States Army
T4 Thomas F. Ursitz
Cannon Co 311 / WWII United States Army
E4 Laurel S. Ursitz
10 Mt Div, Afghanistan United States Army
Colonel James E. Vaglia
Vietnam United States Army
Cpl Tony A. Vercek
WWII United States Army
Pfc Louis W. Volle Jr.
82nd Airborne / Korean War United States Army
1ST CAV DIV - KOREA/VIETNAM United States Army
SGT Ryan Vrabel
227 MP DET - WAR ON TERRORISM United States Army
Sgt Fred Vrabel
221st Airborne Medical Company / WWII United States Army
SP4 Fred Vrabel
Vietnam Era United States Army
Sgt Raymond J. Wagner
Armour 70th Tank Battalion - WWII United States Army
SPC 4 Mike Wallace
1985 - 1989 United States Army
Cpl Philip E. Walsh
723rd Tank Btn United States Army
Thomas J. Wanko
Engineering / Korea United States Army
SPC - E-4 Metro G. Warholak
WWII / Co. C, 594th Eng, Boat & Shore Regiment United States Army
Sgt Daniel D. Watson
173rd Airborne - Vietnam United States Army
MEDIC - KOREA United States Army
Cpl John Wheat
Infantry / Korea United States Army
SP3 William T. Whiteman
Co B, 110th T Bn / Korea United States Army
T/Sgt Clarence Widmar
256th Engineer Battalion - World War II United States Army
T/Sgt Jim Wisbon
71st Infantry - World War II United States Army
2nd Lt. Kenneth C. Wojtczak
Vietnam - USAR Con Group United States Army
1st Sgt Charles E Wojtczak
178th FA Bn, Hq Battery / European Theatre United States Army
Tec5 Norman L. Wolschlager
753rd Chemical Depot Co Aviation / WWII United States Army
1st Lt Frances LaJevic Wusseles
World War II - Pacific Theater United States Army
SGT Bernard M. Yakima
8th Division - Germany/France - WW II United States Army
Sgt Joseph Yatsko
8th Air Force / WWII United States Army Air Corp
Cpl Aurelia Randall Yatsko
WWII United States Army
Pvt Frank Yuvancic
Btry D - 581st AAAAN Bn / WWII - European Theatre United States Army
Pfc Henry `Bolo` Zaney
Medic / Korean War United States Army

MSGT Frank S. Holland
171st Air Refueling Wing United States National Guard

Bridgeville Borough is proud to honor our men and women
who are or have served this country through our
Banner Program
The Military Banner Program salutes our brave men and women who serve,
or have served in the military by displaying a 24 x 18" military banner
to be exhibited for years to come in the community and home between
Memorial Day and Veterans Day.
These banners represent a source of pride not only in our service men and women, but for the community as a whole.
The Military Banner Program in Bridgeville, managed by the Bridgeville Parking Authority, asked Jack if he would deliver the banners and
Jack said yes he would be proud to do it.
Jack Ghelarducci, a Life Scout at Troop 834 in Scott Township, is a senior at Chartiers Valley High School. He also attends Parkway West Technical School where he is studying masonry. Jack is an avid bowler and has been on leagues at Sports Haven for the past ten years and is a member of the Chartiers Valley Bowling Team for the past four years and has been team captain for two years.
As an Eagle Scout Project, Jack has refurbished the Bridgeville Veterans Memorial on Washington Pike. Concrete as been replaced, the memorial stone has been cleaned and a silhouette of a soldier will be added.
For the project, Jack received donations from Bridgeville Home Depot, Silhol Builders Supply Co., and Rome Monument. The support he received from the troop, the community, and fellow Eagle Scouts during the project was outstanding.
Scout Matt Maxzotti, Boy Scout troop 834 is shown mapping the location of Bridgeville military banners. Ongoing project.
Bridgeville saluted
Letter to the Trib Total Media Editor
Saturday, May 30, 2015, 9:00 p.m.
My wife and I have made an annual trip to Bridgeville for the last few years to honor a true American hero on Memorial Day.
Ed Danziger is the last surviving member of my father's B-24 crew from World War II. It both surprised and pleased us that Bridgeville has chosen to honor Ed and many other veterans with the “Bridgeville Salutes” campaign.
The flags along the streets with the photos of these young men are overwhelming in reminding us of the dedication, resolve and commitment of an entire generation of heroes.
Thank you for recognizing their service.
Tim Kiggins
Sanford, N.C.
January 19, 2015
Bridgeville Parking Authority's Chairman Mike Connolly presents a $900 check to the Wounded Warrior Rep. Jeff Curtis
from funds raised through the Bridgeville Military Banner Program
How can you get involved?
It is simple.
Take a Military Picture along with an application
(provided below)
to the
Bridgeville Parking Authority
304 Hickman St., Suite 2
Bridgeville, PA 15017
Gino Forte
(412) 221-4404
Click Here for your Military Banner Application
Jack Ghelarducci delivering a banner to Robert and Adele Marinacci.
Jack is a scout from troop 834.
After months of accepting and processing applications, overseeing production and delivering banners to the homes of those participating, Rich McElhoes, Doreen and Joe Solomon along with Eagle Scout Jack Ghelarducci and the Bridgeville Community have exceeded all expectations. ***
More than 160 Bridgeville Families have joined the program, with more joining every week, in honoring friends and family members in this Salute to those that have served our great county. ***
The Bridgeville Community should be very Proud.

This Memorial Day Bridgeville Borough Representatives make a Special Presentation to the families of 5 Bridgeville Families that lost loved ones in times of battle presenting them with personal Military Banners of their
family member that was Killed in Action.
Larger banners of those Killed in Action will be display by the Borough between Memorial Day through Veterans Day.

Below Family Members of WWII KIA Veteran Pfc Owen R. Lewis hold their banner

Veteran Thomas Hughan Jr. with the poster depicting him in the Army
that will be hung with other veterans on Bridgeville business
district utility poles.
Rick McElhoes, left, and Joe Solomon are from American Legion Post 54.
Click Here for the complete Article
Services provided

HTM Designs

MSGT Frank S. Holland
171st Air Refueling Wing United States National Guard
SPC-E5 Thomas Hughan Jr.
Vietnam Era Army National Guard
Pvt Christian Lesnett
Captain Reed's Co. - PA Militia - American Revolutionary War Army National Guard
Pvt Frederick Lesnett
Captain Reed's Co. - PA Militia - American Revolutionary War Army National Guard
Sgt Edward Marchesky
1st Bn, 107th Field Artillary Army National Guard

FN Avery L. Adams
USS Manley / USS R.L. Wilson / Vietnam United States Navy
SN1c Joseph Ali
WWII / USS Proteus United States Navy
Gunner2c James Ali
WWII United States Navy
Seaman 2c Alexander Asti
Guadalcanal / USS Juneau United States Navy
BM3 Tony Astorino
USS Keokuk / Iwo Jima - WWII Pacific United States Navy
PO3 Vincent `Babe` Baselj
Seabees MCB 5 / Guam United States Navy
E4 Robert Boff
Operation Desert Strom United States Navy
c/2c v6 Bernard Bogdewiecz
Ships Serviceman / WWII United States Navy
VA-115 / USS MIDWAY United States Navy
Yeoman Edward T. Calabrese
Korea United States Navy
MM3 John A. Capozzoli
Korean War United States Navy
GM3c Ray Hunter Carson
WWII United States Navy
ENS John F. Caspero, Jr.
USS Newport News (CA-148) / Cuban Missile Crisis - Vietnam United States Navy
USS BARTON - COLD WAR 1949-1950 United States Navy
SS Joseph J. Chilleo
Korea United States Navy
SEABEES 105 NCB - WWII United States Navy
Donald O. Cimarolli
Vietnam Era United States Navy
Cook Ernest Cimarolli
539 Seabees / WWII United States Navy
2C Craig L. Coleman
WWII United States Navy
GM3 Bradley Colson
United States Navy
HMC William C. Constant
Gulf War United States Navy
HM3 Curtis D. Copeland
Korean War United States Navy
BM2c Paul Danilo
WWII United States Navy
MM2 John L. Danilo
US Subs / WWII United States Navy
SN1c Giles C Driscoll Jr.
WWII / Pacific Theater United States Navy
Ensign Cliff Durocher
WWII United States Navy
LCDR Ret David J. Erdodi
Vietnam / Cold War United States Navy
SM3 Emanuel `Bud` Estatico
Newport News, Communications/ Cuban Crisis United States Navy
CPO Lawrence J. Fisher
WWII United States Navy
AN Vincent S. Franz
Korea United States Navy
EM2 Howard P. Fraps
USS Currituck (AV-7) - Vietnam United States Navy
Seaman 1st Class William R. Godwin
Korea - Mine Force United States Navy
ET3 Jose Gonzalez
USS Pittsburgh / SSN-720 United States Navy
USS South Carolina - Iranian Hostage Crisis 1980 United States Navy
FM1c James Kohlmyer
USNTC Sampson - WWII Pacific United States Navy
PO3 Richard J. Kouche
WWII, Korean wars United States Navy
YN2c William J. Krainak
WWII United States Navy
S1c Frank Krieger
European & Pacific Theatre, Battle of Normandy and Okinawa - WWII United States Navy
Robert Laval
USS Gendreau - World War II United States Navy
SN1c Chuck Lesko
WWII United States Navy
BM2 Thomas G. Lion
USS Munsee / USS Zelima - Vietnam United States Navy
EN3 Albert W. Lowman
USS Fargo United States Navy
DP1 Lisa Constant Lyon
United States Navy
E-3 Jack Martincic
amphibous / Vietnam United States Navy
BT3 David Martincic
USS Jonas Ingram / Vietnam United States Navy
PO3 Charles D. Martino
Vietnam / USS Davis DD937 United States Navy
MA3 Frank McGlone
WWII United States Navy
PO2c Paul M. Meurer
Electrican Mate / Vietnam United States Navy
BKR2C James A. Miller
USS Griggs / WWII United States Navy
SN1c Joseph C. Mills
WWII United States Navy
SN John S. Mizia
WWII United States Navy
Seaman Carl J. Mokwa
WWII / 17th Battalion United States Navy
S1c Daniel E. Moore
WWII United States Navy
AE2 Michael J. Mozick
HM-14 - Persian Gulf United States Navy
ET2 Russ Nagy
Vietnam Era United States Navy
WT3c Steve Nestarec
WWII - USS John Rodgers United States Navy
SC1st Frank Pancari
7th Fleet / WWII United States Navy
PO3 Edmond O. Pelino
WWII United States Navy
SN2c John F. Roessler Jr.
WWII United States Navy
GMA James Shady
WWII United States Navy
PO2c Alfred N. Spriggs
WWII / Construction Battalion United States Navy
QM3 (SS) Arthur W. Spriggs
USS Bumper (SS-333) WWII United States Navy
US NAVY - USS DELAWARE United States Navy
CPO Edward Carlton Stone
WW II, Pacific Operations - Radar Operator United States Navy
E6 Brenda Lee Styche
Desert Storm United States Navy
E-6 Ronald E. Styche Jr.
Gulf War United States Navy
CSG Albin Sveda
Vietnam United States Navy
SN1c Gerald M. Taucher
WWII / Air Corps United States Navy
CM1c Frank J. Tome
107th Construction Btn, Seabee / Southwest Pacific United States Navy
SC3c John Townsend
49th Div, Seebees - WWII United States Navy
SN Joseph Albert Tyrone
USS Earle B. Hall APD107 / Korean United States Navy
BT1 Fred Valentino
Korea United States Navy
SN1c Harold C. Wagner
WWII - 1st Division / Deck / USS Erben 631 United States Navy
Edward Abie Wagner
WWII United States Navy
PO3 George Warholak
WWII / A093 United States Navy
ARM 3C John Wolf III
Air Corps / WWII United States Navy
Edward D. Wolf Jr.
UDT2 / Korea United States Navy
SP/1c Peter J. Wusseles
World War II - Pacific Theater United States Navy
Capt / Chaplain Fr. Richard C. Yagesh
United States Navy
MM2 Earl Zaney
WWII United States Navy
William E. Zupancic
WWII United States Navy

GSgt Bill Ainsworth Sr.
6th Division / WWII Pacific Theater United States Marine Corps
Sgt Raymond Banks
Korean War era United States Marine Corps
Cpl Albert W. Baumgartner
6th Div,29th Reg, B Co./ WWII Okinawa, Asiatic Pacific United States Marine Corps
Pvt Richard M. Berteotti
Korea United States Marine Corps
TSgt Charles L. Biringer
1st Div. Amphibian Tractor - WWII - Korea United States Marine Corps
Jack S. Cargnoni
2nd BTN, 3rd DIV / Vietnam Era United States Marine Corps
SSgt Robert P. Civettini
Korea United States Marine Corps
Sgt James H. Corrins Jr.
Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Pfc William E. Davis
WWII United States Marine Corps
PFC Robert Deklewa
Pacific Theatre / WWII United States Marine Corps
Cpl Charles Dunbar
2nd Marine Div / Viertnam United States Marine Corps
Cpl Matthew John Franchick
Operation Iraqi / Enduring Freedom United States Marine Corps
Col Maureen Fullerton Wojciechowski
Vietnam / Desert Storm Eras United States Marine Corps
Sgt William S. Gastgeb
First Division / WWII Pacific United States Marine Corps
Sgt William K. Gould
1st Battalion, 278th Platoon United States Marine Corps
Pvt Edward Carl Green
WWII / MP United States Marine Corps
LCpl Anthony Edwin Gresky
Korean War United States Marine Corps
Sgt William J. Grillo
2nd Marine Air Wing/Communications HQ Cherry Point / Korean War United States Marine Corps
Sgt Craig Grossi
Recon / Afghanistan United States Marine Corps
Cpl Lawrence A. Kaucic Jr.
2nd Marine Airwing / Vietnam era United States Marine Corps
PFC Clarence `Fuzz` Kern
United States Marine Corps
2ND SQ MARINE - OIF1 / OIF2 United States Marine Corps
Sgt Willard H. King
Korea United States Marine Corps
Pvt Stephen G. Kovach
WWII United States Marine Corps
Lt Buck `Paul` Lafferty
Korean War United States Marine Corps
3RD MARINE DIV United States Marine Corps
Pfc Ronald Lesko
2nd Bat. / Korea United States Marine Corps
Pfc Owen R. Lewis
WWII / Okinawa, Ryuky Islands/ 7th Marines, 2nd Batt, E Co. United States Marine Corps
Cpl Kevin Martincic
MP Bravo Co. United States Marine Corps
Cpl Alfred Martino
WWII United States Marine Corps
LCpl Donald McCall
United States Marine Corps
Cpl Joshua McCartney
Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Marine Corps
SSGT Robert W. McElhoes
WWII United States Marine Corps
SSgt Richard A McElhoes
Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Cpl Louis W. Meassick
2nd Btn, 6th Marines / WWII Pacific Theater, Saipan United States Marine Corps
Cpl Nicholas Medvid
WWII - 18th Defense Btn / Pacific Theater / Tinian United States Marine Corps
PFC Joseph M. Meurer
7th Command United States Marine Corps
Cpl John Micheli
Truck Company United States Marine Corps
Cpl Carl Morton IV
2nd Marine Division / Afghanistan War United States Marine Corps
Cpl Terrence E. O`Mahoney
Vietnam United States Marine Corps
LCPL Fred C. Parisi
Second Marine Division United States Marine Corps
Sgt Doug Poskin
USS Ranger CV-4 Marine Detachment - WWII United States Marine Corps
Cpl Devlin J. Robinson
2nd Battalion 8th Marine Div. Gulf Co. / Operation Iraqi Freedom / Operation Enduring Freedom United States Marine Corps
LCpl William H. Segeleon
2nd Law Enforcement Battalion / Kuwait United States Marine Corps
Major John E. Skelley
WWII - Guadalcanal United States Marine Corps
Cpl Ronald H. Stalma
Vietnam - 3rd FSR, 3rd Marine Division United States Marine Corps
Sgt Ronald E. Thevenin
Korean War United States Marine Corps
Cpl Frederick P Thorpe
Mag 11 / Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Sgt Anthony Tome
Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Cpl James Trombetti
3rd, 4th, 5th Div United States Marine Corps
Cpl Stanley J. Underwood
1st Marines/11th Motor Transport - Vietnam Era United States Marine Corps
LCpl George T. Verdinek
Vietnam - 3rd Marine Division - KIA United States Marine Corps
Cpl Ronald Windsheimer
2nd Battalion / Vietnam 1960-1964 United States Marine Corps
GySgt John Wolf IV
Persian Gulf & Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Pfc Edward D. Wolf Sr.
WWII United States Marine Corps
Sgt Albert C. Zonca
WWII United States Marine Corps

A1c Leon Alauzen
Korean War United States Air Force
Sgt Ralph Betonte
Vietnam United States Air Force
Sgt Kenneth Brown
Vietnam United States Air Force
Sgt Carmen Calabro
WWII Era United States Air Force
A1c Steve Chachula
Strategic Air Command (SAC) - Cuban Missile Crisis 1963-1964 United States Air Force
A1c Bob Chickis
21st MACK Airlift Command / Vietnam Era United States Air Force
VIETNAM 1961-1965 United States Air Force
A1c Rudolph `Buddy` Dadum
Cuban Missile Crisis United States Air Force
Cpl Robert A. Dalby
Korean War United States Air Force
Sgt Hans W. Dalke
366th AMS / Vietnam United States Air Force
Sgt George Danilo
Korean War/Jet Mechanic United States Air Force
SSgt William C. Davis
363TWF/CRS United States Air Force
SMSgt Janice Young DeLeon
Gulf War United States Air Force
1st LT Louis A. Dernosek, Jr
9539th Squadron - WWII United States Air Force
E4 John F. Eger
33 AMU,363 AGS 9th Air Force Tactical Air Command/Desert Storm United States Air Force
Sgt Fred Exler
2179th Communication Squadron / Vietnam United States Air Force
SSGT Carl M. Franko
Korea United States Air Force
SSgt Bert Ghelarducci Jr.
Staff & Tech Sgt / Berlin Air Lift United States Air Force
SSGT Michael Gibbons
Vietnam United States Air Force
Sgt Donald Griffin Jr.
6254th Air Base Sq / Vietnam United States Air Force
Sgt Edward Gross
Korean War United States Air Force
SSgt Dennis Grossi
Vietnam United States Air Force
SSGT James R. Grossi
Vietnam United States Air Force
A1c Andrew Guidos
Korean War United States Air Force
A3c George Kasper
101st Airborne United States Air Force
5010TH ABW United States Air Force
Sgt Michael C. Kiszer
Security Force/Gulf War, Desert Storm United States Air Force
A2C Richard S. Kovach
Korea United States Air Force
A1C Russell F. Kovach
Med Cen /AFIC United States Air Force
SSgt Russ Kovach
Korea United States Air Force
A1C Winford W. Love
6940th Support Group (USAFSS) - Vietnam Era United States Air Force
S/Sgt Santo P. Magliocca
WWII United States Air Force
SSGT Laurie E. McDonald
Retired - Korea United States Air Force
MSgt Ken McLeod
Vietnam / Cold War/ Gulf War United States Air Force
SSgt Russell E. McLeod
Vietnam United States Air Force
MSgt Russell E. McLeod II
8EAMS / Desert Storm,Iraqi Freedom, Desert Shield United States Air Force
Maj Gen Kenneth Merchant
United States Air Force
TSgt William P. Miller
WWII United States Air Force
Sgt Robert E. Miller
Vietnam United States Air Force
A3C Samuel H. Minney II
Vietnam Era United States Air Force
A1c Aldo F. Mosso
628th Aircraft Control & Warning Squadron - Korean War United States Air Force
Cpl Jerry Nelson
Korea United States Air Force
SRA Jeffrey A. Ogrodowski Jr.
37th Security Forces United States Air Force
SSGT Thomas Paholsky
HQ Squadron, 3650th AFTW / Korea United States Air Force
Col E. X. Pappert
United States Air Force
E4 Keith Patterson
21 CES (AAC) United States Air Force
415 MUN MAINT SQUADRON - VIETNAM United States Air Force
A/1c Alan Rick
3759th CE Group - Vietnam United States Air Force
SSGT Leo M. Rosati
8th Air Force Korea United States Air Force
LtCol Charles N. Schardong
Vietnam Era United States Air Force
A2c Robert F. Shaw
2nd A.F.D.S. - Korean War - 1950-1954 United States Air Force
A1C Edward J. Smelko
340th TAC Hospital SAC / Korean War Era United States Air Force
Sgt Bradley W. Straight
305 CES / peace time United States Air Force
171ST ARW - DESERT STORM/OEF/OIF/OND/OOD United States Air Force
SSGT Richard Tremonti
78th Fighter Group / Korean War United States Air Force
Monti Trimble
Air Police United States Air Force
Cpl Joseph N. Zampini
WWII United States Air Force

USCG STATION NEW ORLEANS - ODS United States Coast Guard
USCGC Owasco (WHEC-39) - WWII United States Coast Guard
QM2 Robert H. Hughan
Cutter Bibb - Early Vietnam Era United States Coast Guard
SN1c Jerry Martincic
Oscar/ 42 Vietnam Era United States Coast Guard
U.S. COAST GUARD United States Coast Guard
MM2c Edward Ritenour
USS Lancing DE388 / WWII United States Coast Guard
MMM2 Leonard H. Spriggs
WWII United States Coast Guard
Sp (X) 3c C. Jeanne Steele Kean
WWII United States Coast Guard
CM3c John J. Trautman
USS Everett PF (1) / WWII United States Coast Guard

WORLD WAR II Merchant Marines
Frank Martincic
WWII Merchant Marines
Henry `Bolo` Zaney
WWII Merchant Marines