PFC Bennie J. Anderson
82nd Airborne Division - WWII (1944-1946) United States Army
Specialist E4 Bennie Carson Baker
Sept 23, 1957 - Sept 22, 1960 served in Germany Service Cross United States Army
SGT John A. Bendetti
Iraqi Freedom United States Army
LtCol Carl W. Coltrane
Vietnam United States Army
SFC Francis R. Dwyer
World War II - Battle of the Bulge United States Army
SP/4 E-4 (T) Sterling Ward Gillikin
1959 CO A 2d ARB 41 St Inf APO 35 Good Conduct Medal Lt Wpns Inf'man United States Army
CPT Herbert B. Houghtaling
WWII - European Theater - France, Belgium, Germany United States Army
Pfc Charlie H. Jenkins
Military Police, 52nd Armored Infantry Battalion - WWII United States Army
SSG William B. Kearney
Army National Guard (1968-1970) USAR (1970-1984) United States Army Reserve
SP4 John L. Kennedy
1st Aviation Brigade, 1st AVN BDE VIETNAM WAR United States Army
S/Sgt David H. King
World War II United States Army Air Corps
PFC Arthur A. Marske
WWII United States Army
TEC4 Elsie Martin
World War II United States Army
LTC John R. Martin
WWII 509th Parachute Infantry Battalion United States Army
CAPT W.B. McLean
WWII - North Africa and Italy (1942-1945) United States Army
SP4 Willie M Moore
Fireman - Aviation United States Army
M/Sgt Stanley G. Morris
2nd Air Commandos, Rescue Pilot - WWII - China-Burma-India Theater United States Army Air Corps
Corporal David H. Peck
First Army Division - Operation Enduring Freedom United States Army Reserve
Major George J. Ritchie
WWII European Theatre - 8th Air Force, 34th Bomb Group, 7th Squadron, Lead Bombardier United States Army Air Corps
1st Lt William A. Shackelford
Infantry - Korean War (1946-1951) United States Army
PFC Elijah T. Smith
Infantryman United States Army
Major Willie Allen Stallings
Company E, 2nd Battalion, 60th Infantry, 9th Infantry Division - Vietnam United States Army
SPC Harry L. Summers
1st Cavalry Division - Korean War United States Army
TEC5 Bert S. Taylor
WWII December 19, 1942 - January 21, 1946 United States Army
SSG Alpheus E. Taylor
1st Airborne Division - Vietnam 1965-1966 United States Army
CW4 Charles A. Teachey
Vietnam - Persian Gulf United States Army
Medic Thomas C. Turnage
Korea (1952-1953) United States Army
CH (MAJ) Douglas G. Williams
Vietnam 1967 - 1968 Army Chaplain 1981-2000 United States Army
Maj Gen Weston H. Willis
30th Infantry Division - WWII United States Army
PFC Brian C. Willis
Operation Enduring Freedom/Big Red One/Military Police United States Army

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who are or have served this country through our banner program.
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HTM Designs

PO Nicholas Barzetti
WWII Aviation Mechanic United States Navy
CDR Mick Brown
Naval Aviator, Airwing Chief of Staff, Squadron commanding Officer - Vietnam United States Navy
GM2 Roy H. Keller
USS Micka (DE-176) Destroyer Escort - World War II United States Navy
S1c William Young Lewis
WWII United States Navy
Lieutenant Steve Malay
Naval Air Transport Squadron 3, Naval Flight Officer, Vietnam 1962-67 United States Navy
SA Robbie Underhill
Invasion of Grenada United States Navy
SKG3 Ronald H. Waters
Korean War United States Navy

LtCol Stuart M. Barker
Era of Service 1989-2019 United States Marine Corps
Captain Bobby F. Bequette
2nd Marine Division, Band Director, Korea and Vietnam United States Marine Corps
GySgt Ray M. Bishop
Korean and Vietnam Vet United States Marine Corps
John E. Bishop
Operation Desert Storm United States Marine Corps
Sgt Fred R. Byrd
Vietnam Veteran United States Marine Corps
Cpl Keith Byrd
Marine Detachment-USS America United States Marine Corps
SSgt John Eschbach
Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Marine Corps
Sgt Daniel E. Fortin
Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Col Jimmie L. Green
MAG-12, 1st MAW - Vietnam (1955-1985) United States Marine Corps
GySgt Brian C. Grenier
1982 - 2002, 2nd Marine Div. II MEF, 1-507th Parachute Infantry US Army Reg, Beirut Evac, Liberia Evac. Desert Storm, Philippines, Fed. Republic of Yugoslavia, Force Recon, Black Hat Airborne Instructor United States Marine Corps
LtCol Frederick E. Grube
Korean War - Vietnam War (1945-1973) United States Marine Corps
Capt Ronald I. Harkless
Naval Aviator - Vietnam War - Tet Offensive (1960-1970) United States Marine Corps
MSgt William M. Harrison
1st and 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing - Korean / Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Cpl Benjamin H. Harrison
Marine Wing Support Group 27 United States Marine Corps
LCPL Joshua C. Hayden
United States Marine Corps
GYSGT David Hochman
Counter Insurgency Ops - Central/South America/Philippines - Panama Just Cause United States Marine Corps
Capt William H. Holz
Vietnam F-4B Phantom 400 Missions United States Marine Corps
Sgt Albert J. Inman
Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Marine Corps
MSgt Michael E. Kopanski
Persian Gulf War United States Marine Corps
Staff Sergeant Elliott Larsen
Desert Storm United States Marine Corps
Cpl Thomas B. Leffingwell
2nd Marine Division United States Marine Corps
1stSgt Donald L. Miller
1976-1996 Retired United States Marine Corps
Colonel David Monroe
Cold War, War on Terror, Libya - 2011 United States Marine Corps
Cpl Harry A Munson
Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Marine Corps
Sgt Laura C. Nelson
Operation Iraqi Freedom Operation Enduring Freedom United States Marine Corps
LCpl Robert V. O`Chat
1962-1964 United States Marine Corps
LCpl David S. Parr
Battalion Landing Team 1st Bn, 2nd Marines - Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Marine Corps
LCpl Ronnie Phillips
Vietnam War 1965-1969 United States Marine Corps
MSgt William O. Schwetzke
Korean Conflict/Vietnam War Battle of the Chosin Reservoir - Member of The Chosin Few July 1948 - March 1971 United States Marine Corps
LtCol Ray L. Springfield
Vietnam United States Marine Corps
1st Sgt Albert Stafford
Vietnam War (1952-1974) retired United States Marine Corps
Lieutenant Colonel Cleo P. Stapleton
First Provisional Brigade Korean War, 3rd Marine Division Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Cpl David W. Walden
Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Marine Corps
GySgt Philip Zimarino
Vietnam, 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines Postal Detachment United States Marine Corps

A1C Corey Case
United States Air Force
A1C F. Millard Harrison
62nd Fighter Interceptor Squadron - Korean Conflict United States Air Force
MSgt Christopher Hladky
2001 - Present United States Air Force
MSgt Everitt L. Littleton
Spectre A-C 130 Gunship, Avionics Instruments United States Air Force
SSgt W.R. `Bud` Sadler
Indochina, Vietnam, Korea (1964-1989) United States Air Force
SSgt Jennifer L. Teachey
Operation Enduring Freedom United States Air Force
Sgt Luther Wooten
Vietnam United States Air Force

LTC Frederick `Fred` Reigher
30th Infantry Division NC National Guard Aircraft Mechanic Helicopter Pilot Mustang Enlisted to Officer Army National Guard
Sgt James A. Slape
Afghanistan - Operation Freedom`s Sentinel Army National Guard

PO2 Tyler Lewis
2008 Conflict - Russian Invasion of the Country of Georgia United States Coast Guard
BMCS Donald T. Robinson
Era of Service 1954-1974 United States Coast Guard