American Legion Post 642

Chicora Banner Application

American Legion Post 642

PFC Charles E Ace
United States Army

PFC Leonard L Anderson
Company B 300th Engineer Combat Battalion/WWII
United States Army

Pfc Douglas Vernon Andre
C Co., 2nd Battalion, 2nd Infantry, 1st Infantry Division - Vietnam - Operation Bushmaster II
United States Army

SP-4 Daniel R. Angert
101st Airborne, 25th Infantry Division - Grenada
United States Army

PFC Dale E. Anthony
Armored Cav. Troop D 24th Constab Squad Korean Era - Germany Occupation
United States Army

Cpl Leo Baccanti
7th Army WWII
United States Army

T5 Robert J. Baptiste
116th Cavalry Recon - WWII
United States Army

Specialist 4 Raymond R. Barnhart
584th Ordnance Det (NIKE-AJAX)
United States Army

PFC Dale L. `Bud` Barnhart
31st Dixie Div - Korean War Era
United States Army

SMSgt Edward W. Baughman
WWII, Korean War, Vietnam
United States Army Air Forces

Cpl Joseph Berteotti
Infantry - WWII
United States Army

Pfc Donald Black
762 Quartermaster - Korean War
United States Army

CPT David  Black
2nd Stryker Cavalry Regiment
United States Army

Cpl Ellsworth Blystone
United States Army

S/SGT Ralph G. Boltz
80th Infantry Division - WWII - Central Europe
United States Army

Sgt Raymond C. Boyle
1st Cav Div - Vietnam
United States Army

Pfc Harold F. Callihan
Americal Division - WWII - Guadalcanal
United States Army

SGT Richard L. Callihan
Btry A, 2nd How Bn, 34th Arty - Berlin Crisis
United States Army

SP-4 Fred Callihan
1st MSL BN 32nd ARTY (Germany) - Vietnam Era
United States Army

SSgt James E Campbell
United States Army

Pfc Kenneth L Campbell
417 Inf Reg, 76 Inf Div / WW II
United States Army

Pvt Keith G. Christie
United States Army

PFC James E Claypoole
385th Military Police BN WWII Austria
United States Army

TSgt William L. Clingensmith
Korean War
United States Army

Sgt Kenneth L. Collier, Sr.
United States Army

Cpl Merl V. Collins
United States Army

PFC Fred Collins
United States Army

PFC William L. Coradi Sr
106 Infantry 3rd Infantry Regiment - WWII
United States Army

T5 Dick Craig
1879th Engineer Aviation - WWII
United States Army

PFC Earl R Craig
Military Police/Korean
United States Army

E-5 Danny Craig
Co 2nd Bn 7th Cav
United States Army

Pvt Lloyd Dierken
Company C,19th Engineers - WWI
United States Army

Pfc Arthur R. Dodd
Co L, 36th Infantry Division, 142nd Infantry Regiment - WWII
United States Army

SSgt Dexter Leroy Donaldson
Turret Gunner B17 - WWII (Europe)
United States Army Air Corps

TEC 5 Donald A. Double
WWII - Japan
United States Army

Cpl Van Arthur Double
633rd.Engr. Light Equipment Co. Korea Conflict
United States Army

Sgt Thomas P. Double
282nd Assault Helicopter Co. - Vietnam War
United States Army

T-4 Alfred C. Dunlap
United States Army

PFC Melvin 'Bud' Dunlap
3rd Armored Division - PeaceTime
United States Army

TEC 5 Robert L. Dunmyre
7th Cavalry - WWII
United States Army

Cpl Kenneth R. Dunmyre
World War II - Infantry
United States Army

PFC Merle Edward Easley
86th Mt INF, 16 Mt.Div - WWII
United States Army

S.F.C Ronald D.  Emery
24th Division 8th Army/Korean War
United States Army

Sgt Michael P. Fallecker
0475 QM CO. Enduring Freedom
United States Army

Staff Sergeant Harry R. Fleeger
WW II - Korean War (POW)
United States Army

Captain John M Fleeger
4th Infantry/WWII
United States Army

Cpl Thomas R. Fleeger

United States Army Reserve

PFC Larry Fleeger
Infantry - Vietnam
United States Army

Sgt Ronald E Ford
459th Signal Bat. Vietnam
United States Army

Sgt Henry `Henie` Freiters
Company G, 20th Infantry Regiment - Korean War
United States Army

SP4 Charles A. Freiters
United States Army

PFC Frederrick Freiters
A-CO 320th MED BN
United States Army

SSgt Lewis W Fugini
325th Engineer Battalion - WWII
United States Army

T/Sgt Robert `Bob` Fugini
175th Infantry Regiment - WWII
United States Army

Cpl John F. Garing
710th Ordnance Battalion - Korea
United States Army

PFC Rita M `Strobel` Geibel
325 Rec Photo Lab, 8th Air Force - WWII
United States Army Air Force

SSgt George ''Pete'' Geibel
88 INF Div/WW II European Theater
United States Army

E-5 Cameron Harp
Alpha Co, 1-112th Infantry - OIF/OEF Era
United States Army

PFC Melvin A. Hayes
Co.B, 361st Inf Regt - WWII (Europe & Africa)
United States Army

Cpl Richard J. Helfrich, Sr.
1st Armored Division - WWII - Korean Conflict
United States Army

S/Sgt Richard `Dick` Hemphill
796 Antiaircraft Artillery Weapons Battalion 10th Armored Division Germany/WWII under George Patton
United States Army

Spec 4 Richard Hemphill Jr
United States Army

Sgt Donald Hershberger
1st Cav/Vietnam
United States Army

Sgt (E-5) Ashlee  Hershberger
332nd Engineer/OIF/OEF(Operation Iragi Freedom/Operation Enduning Freedom
United States Army Reserve

T/Sgt George C. Hertweck
HQ & HQ Detachment, 176th ORD BN - WWII
United States Army

Pvt John Edward Hetrick
Vietnam Era
United States Army

Corporal Robert  Hile Sr
3rd Armored Cav/Korean Era
United States Army

Cpl James H. Hiles
1st Cavalry Div (Medic) - Korean War
United States Army

SP5 Charles A Hiles
HHC 2D BN 87th Inf Vietnam
United States Army

SGT William `Jack` Hiles
2nd Army Inf Korean War
United States Army

T/3 Russell Hillwig
533rd Ordnance Heavy Maintenance Co, Tank /WW II
United States Army

PFC Melvin N. Holben
United States Army

Cpl David A. Hutchison
7th Army (Germany)/Vietnam Era
United States Army

E4 Dale E. Hutchison
IX Corps - Japan
United States Army

Sgt Roland Jackson
BTRY A 811th - WWII
United States Army

MSgt Joseph Jackson
587 Squadron, 394th Group (Marauders) - WWII
United States Army Air Corps

Pfc Robert P. Kaylor
26th Infantry Division - MP - WWII - European Theater of Operation
United States Army

1SG Richard W. Kaylor
Miltary Police Corps - Rwanda - Bosnia - Cuba - Iraq - Afghanistan
United States Army

SGT Alvin Glenn King
550th Eng. Lt. Pontoon Co. WWII
United States Army

Pfc Donald `Ed` Knoll
12th Inf, 1st Inf Div, Medic - Berlin Crisis
United States Army

Cpl Jacob H. Kriebel
1389th AAF BU Air Transport Command - WWII
United States Army

Sgt Joseph George  Kusick
KIA - Vietnam War Laos
United States Army

PFC Jacob Laughery
Combat Engineer GWOT Afghanistan
United States Army

Cpl William Liberto
Korean War
United States Army

T. Sgt Jack Lucas
ERC-ENGR HQ &CO.409 ENGR Const, BN/Korea-2nd Army 4 Area
United States Army

Cpl Clarence R. Maley
Co. G, 32nd Inf. Reg. - Korean War
United States Army

E5 Larry McCall
25th Infantry - Vietnam
United States Army

T/4 Allen 'Smiley' McCollough
6th Cavalry Reconnaiseance Sq - WWII
United States Army

SP4 Robert E. McCollough
Quarter Master Petroleum Products Analysis & Supply
United States Army

Tech 4 Harold L.  McCollough Jr
617th ORD ARMD Maint BN, 3117th ORD ARMD Maint Co - WWII
United States Army

SP-4 John L. McCue
Fifth Army - Vietnam Era
United States Army

M/Sgt Paul E. McDevitt
1st Inf - WWII - 24th Inf - Korea
United States Army

Tech 3 Robert E. McElroy
1st MM ORD CO - WWII - Rhineland - Central Europe
United States Army

SP4 Richard McElroy
26th ARTY - Cold War - Germany
United States Army

 Clarence Lee McElroy
Ft. Lewis, WA - WWII Era
United States Army

M/Sgt John E. McNallen
WWII - Pacific Theatre
United States Army

SP5 F. Theodore `Turkey` Mellish
18th Airborne Corps - Vietnam Era
United States Army

M/Sgt Paul V. Mennor
World War II - Pacific Theater
United States Army

TEC5 John S. Mennor
71st Coast AAA Reg - WWII
United States Army

T/Sgt George F. Mennor
India China Div Air Transport Command - WWII
United States Army Air Forces

PFC Richard Eugene Mennor
22nd Arty - Peacetime
United States Army

Pvt Francis M Michael
Co.F, Reg 57, PA Vol Infantry/Civil War
United States Army

SP4 Bernard Leland Michael
82nd Airborne
United States Army

SP4 Richard E. Moore
HqCo 2BN 17INF(Korea)/Vietnam Era
United States Army

SSgt Arthur D Mourer
2071st Eng AVA UT Det/WWII
United States Army

Tec 5 Paul W Mourer
115th INF 29th DIV/WWII
United States Army

Sgt George E Mourer
247th Combat Eng/ WWII
United States Army

Tec 5 J. Kenneth Mourer
247th Eng Combat Bn/WWII
United States Army

S/Sgt H. I. Murray
World War II - China, Burma, India Theater
United States Army

CPL Alvin R. Murtland
79th Fighter Squadron - WWII
United States Army Air Force

SP4 Gerard A. Neff
HHC 39th Engr BN - Vietnam
United States Army

CPL Michael N Neff
12th INF REGT, 4 Div/Korea
United States Army

SP-3 Wendelin Herman Neff
5th ORD Co. (DS) - Korean War
United States Army

SP3 Herman A. Neff
Tank Company G Infantry Regiment - Berlin Germany (1956-1958)
United States Army

SP 5 Frederick J. Northime Jr.
4th USArmy - Korean War - 4th Bn 28 Arty - Vietnam Era
United States Army

CPL Leo V. O''Donnell
United States Army Air Corps

T/5 Sven I. Overbo
3942 QM Truck Co - WWII
United States Army

PFC Robert L. Pennington
45th Infantry/WWII
United States Army

Cpl Paul R. Pistorius
Infantry - Korean War
United States Army

SP 4 Clair L. Pistorius
806th Engineer Company
United States Army

Sgt Gerald F. Pistorius
United States Army

PFC (T) Ronald J. Pistorius
USAR Artillery - Korean War
United States Army

SP4 Guy A. Pistorius
Co B - 806th Engineer Battalion
United States Army

Sgt Paul G. Price
WWII - Pearl Harbor survivor
United States Army

Pvt John Thomas Price
Co. A, 77th SIG SV BN - WWII - Korean War Era
United States Army

CLP Francis `Bus` Price
82nd Airborne - WWII
United States Army

S/Sgt Donald L. Price
140 AAF Base Unit - WWII Era
United States Army Air Force

PVT Michael F. Price
Auto Mechanic - Peacetime
United States Army

2nd Lt Aneita I Rabbitt
Army Nurse - WWII
United States Army

PFC Charles E. Rabbitt
Army Medical Corps - World War II
United States Army

SSgt John Kenneth Rabbitt
307th Bomb GP, 371st Bomb Sq - WWII
United States Army Air Force

Sergeant W.J.`Bill` Rattigan
12 May1942 - 16 Oct 1943 -WWII
United States Army

Sgt John B `Jack` Rider
Occupation Recovery/Occupation Germany
United States Army

SP4 Robert 'Bob' Ripper
Headquarters Detachment 69th Maintenance - Vietnam
United States Army

Pvt Charles T. Ritzert
Company G, 125th Infantry Regiment, 32nd Division - WWI
United States Army

CPL Herbert R. Ritzert
349th Infantry Anti-Tank Company - WWII
United States Army

Cpl William J. Ritzert
HQ and HQ C0, 7th Cav Regt - Occupation Japan (1953-1955)
United States Army

Capt Charles V Ritzert
72nd Military Police Company WWII
United States Army

SGT / T-4 Frank V Rob
136th AAA Bn, First Army World War II
United States Army

Captain John V. Rob
1st Cavalry Division Vietnam
United States Army

Colonel Samuel J. Rob
CFC-A Afghanistan
United States Army

Sgt Stewart H. Robinson
Asiatic, Philippines - WWII
United States Army

PFC Patrick E. Rodgers
Dixie Division - Korean War
United States Army

 Raymond E. Rossi, Jr
25th Infantry, 2/27 Wolfhounds - Vietnam War
United States Army

Pfc Joseph L. Roudebush
101st Airborne - Korea
United States Army

PFC Charles 'Chuck' Ryan
Armor Div(Half Track Operator)/WW II European Theater
United States Army

T/5 William C. Saylor
706th Tank Battalion - WWII - Pacific Theater
United States Army

PFC Herman W. Scherer I
Troop C 92nd Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron/WW II
United States Army

Cpl Kenneth J. Schnur
Korean War
United States Army

PFC Carol Ann Schnur
CO B - 1st Battalion - 4th Platoon
United States Army

Sgt Bertrand Schnur Sr.
28th Infantry Division - Korean War
United States Army

Cpl Leroy Schrecengost
Korea 1952-1955
United States Army

SP4 Thomas Hayden Sherwin
Vietnam Era
United States Army

Corporal Patsy J. Silverio
829th Quartermaster Railhead Company - WWII
United States Army

1st Sgt Pete Silverio
WWII - Invasion of Okinawa
United States Army

SP4 Robert Slater
Germany 1961-1963
United States Army

E-8 Gary F. Smith
35th Signal Brigate/OIF/OEF
United States Army

Cpl Dennis J. Snyder
16th MP BDE/503rd MP BN - Operation Joint Guard
United States Army

PFC Eugene (Gene) Steiner
HQ BTRY 28th ARTY Group
United States Army

Cpl Ronald E. Stitt
40th Signal Korean War
United States Army

Major Thomas L.  Stoughton
Air Borne - US Army Medical Corps
United States Army

PFC James Strobel
110 Mountain Ski Div of the 86th Regiment/WWII
United States Army

Pvt John Alfred Turner

United States Army

 James Turner
United States Army

Cpl Richard R. Vensel
6th Armored Division - Korean War
United States Army

PFC Clyde J. Waltman
482nd AAF - WWII
United States Army Air Force

TSgt H. Authur Wick
384th Bombardment Group - WWII - B-17 Sunrise Crew
United States Army Air Corps

SGT Ronald G Williams
341 Med. Co Korean Conflict
United States Army

Pfc Lester E. Williamson
Co B, 45th Medical Bn - Korean War
United States Army

CPL George F. Zanella
United States Army Air Forces

PFC E-3 (T) Floyd Zang
Light Weapons Infantry Peace time Korea
United States Army

Technical Sergeant Robert M Bemben
171st Air Refueling Wing Operation Enduring Freedom
Air National Guard

SP5 Wayne E. Campbell
28th Division, Co A, 167th QM BN
Army National Guard

SFC John R. Craig
HHC 2nd BN 110th Infantry
Army National Guard

Lt Col Michael E. McLaughlin
KIA - Operation Iraqi Freedom
Army National Guard

SP4 John A. Price
167th Quartermaster Battalion - Vietnam Era
Army National Guard

Chicora is proud to honor our men and women
who are or have served this country through our banner program.


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Technical Banner Questions
Harry Munson
Click to email Program Development

Services provided

HTM Designs

 Edward E. Anderson
WWII - Pacific Theater
United States Navy

 Harley V. Angert

United States Navy

PO2 David N. Bard
USS Jesse L Brown - OIF/OEF
United States Navy

AT-3 Nelson B. Barger Jr.
/Cuban Crisis
United States Navy

Ens George A. Beck
United States Navy

QM3 Bruce A. Brodmerkel
/ korean
United States Navy

FM1c Philip `Pete` Callihan
United States Navy

AMS2 Larry Dee Campbell
Attack Squadron (VA-146) - Vietnam
United States Navy

Rear Admiral Norman D. Campbell
CDR of Pacific Fleet Strike Fighter Wing - Cuba & Vietnam
United States Navy

AE2 Richard K. Campbell
Patrol Squadron 16 (VP-16) - Vietnam Era
United States Navy

DS2 Bruce Donald Carlson
USS Chicago (CG-11) - Vietnam
United States Navy

RM3 Gary L. Christie
USS Wright (CC2)/Vietnam Era
United States Navy

MOMM2 Charles Kenneth Craig
Pacific Theater(Pearl Harbor & Wake Island) - WWII
United States Navy

1st Class Lawrence J. Curtis
Seaman/WW II
United States Navy

Lt Richard K. Dunmyre
USS Yorktown/
United States Navy

S1c Norbert W. 'Blue' Eyth
6th Fleet - Vietnam Era
United States Navy

E4 Stephen M. Farone
USS Abraham Lincoln - Gulf War
United States Navy

S1c George Charles Faulconbridge
7th Fleet WWII
United States Navy

HM3 Gary Fennell
Bravo Co 1st Bn 7th Marine - Vietnam
United States Navy

S1c C. Robert Fleeger
USS Warrington (DD-843) - WWII
United States Navy

MoMM3/c Sylvester `Sid` Geibel
USS LST #138
United States Navy

PO1 Alvin A. Goodgasell
WWII - Korean War
United States Navy

AT2(AW) Ralph William ''Bill' Gregor Jr
United States Navy

AMH2 Stanley I. Gruver
United States Navy

CS3 Charles Hetrick
Destroyer Fleet - Vietnam
United States Navy

FN William J. Hile Sr.
USS Muliphen (AKA-61)
United States Navy

EN2 Ronald W. Huff
Vietnam Era - USS Recovery
United States Navy

SN2c Francis E. Landgraf
United States Navy

MM3 Michael T. Maley
USS Shea - Korean War
United States Navy

LT John Michael McNallen
USS Turner Joy (DD-951) - Vietnam
United States Navy

Lt Patrick W. McNallen
DesRon 28 - Cold War
United States Navy

S1c Joseph A. Mennor
World War II
United States Navy

MM Richard Miller
USS Quincy - WWII
United States Navy

EM2 Harry R. Murtland
USS Engage - Vietnam Era
United States Navy

CYN3 James W Parker
U S Atlantic Fleet Vietnam
United States Navy

S/2c Joseph Phillips
USN TADC - World War II
United States Navy

CPO Charles J. Pistorius
Korean & Vietnam Wars
United States Navy

GM3c Lester B. Pyle
WWII & Korea
United States Navy

PO3 Herman W. 'Chic' Scherer Jr.
7th Fleet,Amphibs (LPA-248, LST-901) - Vietnam
United States Navy

ADJ 3 Gerald Scherer, SR.
Fighter Squadron126 Vietnam Era
United States Navy

PH3 Roy Seybert
USS Enterprise Vietnam
United States Navy

FTM2 Edward E Snyder Jr
USS Mitscher (DDG-35) Vietnam Era
United States Navy

EO2 Brett A Stivason
NMCB 40/Operation Iraqi Freedom
United States Navy

PO Ralph Stoughton
United States Navy

AD3 Ronald A. Swartzlander
1964-1968 - Vietnam
United States Navy

LT Agnes ''Price'' Vesely
Navy Nurse Corps/WWII
United States Navy

WT2 William J. Young
USS Schroeder (DD-501) - WWII
United States Navy

Cpl David Anderson
3rd Marine Division - Vietnam
United States Marine Corps

LCpl Colin Bailey
United States Marine Corps

PFC Quinton Bailey
4th LE - Operation Enduring Freedom
United States Marine Corps

PFC Gary Banner
1st, 2nd, 3rd/
United States Marine Corps

CPL Louis R. Birckbichler
2nd FSR Lebanon - Grenada
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Frank L. Campbell
WWII - Pacific Theater
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Fred Campbell
2nd Division - Beirut - Lebanon
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Tim Coleman
1st Battalion 8th Marines 2nd Marine Division Operation Silverwake Albania
United States Marine Corps

Sgt Brandon M. Collier
2nd Battalion - 10th Marines - Operation Enduring Freedom
United States Marine Corps

Corporal William Conrad
USS Wisconsin - WWII
United States Marine Corps

E4 William Crilley
3rd Battalion, 1st MARDIV - Iraq
United States Marine Corps

Corporal Alan W. Fleeger
CLB-5 & 3/7/OIF/OEF
United States Marine Corps

LCpl Bryce Foreback
3/25 Kilo
United States Marine Corps

Cpl O. Jack Gaiser
United States Marine Corps

E-5 Carrick Harp
Military Police Co. B, 4th Law Enforcement Battalion - OIF/OEF Era
United States Marine Corps

PFC Louis W. Holzwarth
Infantry - Korean Era
United States Marine Corps

PFC Carl E. Jones
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Gregory King
2nd battalion 7th Marines Desert Shield, Enduring Freedom, Iraqi Freedom
United States Marine Corps

LCpl Shane Wesley McDonald
2nd Battailon, 10th Marines Deployed
United States Marine Corps

Pfc John James McElroy
1st Eng. BN, B Co., 1st Marine Division - Vietnam
United States Marine Corps

PFC William V. Rodgers
Plt 169
United States Marine Corps

LCpl Hunter Rowe

United States Marine Corps

Cpl Dustin A. Scheerbaum
2nd Marine Divison - OIF/OEF
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Donald Snyder
2nd Marine Aircraft Wing
United States Marine Corps

Cpl William Joseph Snyder, Jr.
1st Battalion - 6th Marines 2nd Marine Division
United States Marine Corps

Pfc Donald E. Steiner
United States Marine Corps

E-4 Cpl Robert F Steiner
MACH Six/Vietnam
United States Marine Corps

GySgt Richard F Timblin
2 Tours Vietnam
United States Marine Corps

SrA Alfred 'Pete' Burns
WWII - Korean War - Vietnam War
United States Air Force

E-4 Matthew J. Collins
United States Air Force

A1c Ellis E. Cooper
Korean War
United States Air Force

MSGT - Retired James R. Cooper
Civil Engineering - Korean War, Vietnam War, Cold War
United States Air Force

Senior Airman James D. Edwards Jr
17th Training Support Squadron - War on Terror
United States Air Force

E7 Nicholas J. Fallecker
United States Air Force

SMSGT Tana M Frangioni
HQ-AFSOC/A1 US Indo-Pacific Command, Pacifica Air Forces Command, US Central Compound Pentagon
United States Air Force

SRA Jarret Haug
Aircraft Guidance and Control System Technician
United States Air Force

Sgt John R. Kaylor
366th Combat Support Group - Vietnam
United States Air Force

Senior Airman Joseph Magnani
49th Air Combat Command/Gulf War
United States Air Force

SSgt Stanley A. McCollough
22nd Bomb Wing/WWII & Korean
United States Air Force

1st Lt William W McKenzie
SAC/ Cold War - Korean War
United States Air Force

Sgt William L. Northime
Crew Chief - MAC(4360MS)
United States Air Force

MSgt Todd Preston
363rd ABW - OIF / OEF
United States Air Force

SSgt George H. Ramsey
Korea War
United States Air Force

CMSgt J. Daniel Rider
Coldwar Initiatives, Operation Northern / Southern Watch OIF / OEF / ONE
United States Air Force

Sgt Victor Serafine Jr.
63rd MAC - Vietnam (70-71)
United States Air Force

SSgt Joshua J. Seybert
28th Air Wing - Greater War on Terror
United States Air Force

SMSgt Richard G  Shoemaker
United States Air Force

TSgt Cody L. Smith
911th Security Forces - Afghanistan - Operation Resolute Support
United States Air Force

SSgt Michael F. Steiner
Red Horse Squadron (1982-1989)
United States Air Force

A1c Harold Leroy Stevenson
Korean War
United States Air Force

Airman II Edward F Uber
Det 2 Security Wing - Vietnam
United States Air Force

A1c Arlene Northime Wonsey
4603rd Airbase Squadron - Vietnam Era
United States Air Force