Pfc Harry Ackerman
United States Army
Pfc Mike Albert
WWII United States Army
Pfc E. Brownie Albert
Korea United States Army
Sgt Joseph `Ping` Alvarez
WWII United States Army
SSgt Raymond P. Amatangelo
WWII - European Theatre, Co Reg 1060, Purple Heart Rcpt United States Army Air Corp
SSgt Joseph A. Amatangelo
United States Army Air Force
Pfc Ernest Amatangelo
WWII United States Army
Constants Amati
WWII United States Army
Pfc Anthony Amati
WWII - MIA - POW United States Army
Cpl Ermundo P. Amicucci
Korea - 2nd Armored Inf Div United States Army
TEC5 Michael G. Andras
WWII - Co L 272nd Infantry United States Army
Sp4C Stephen Andras
United States Army
Cpl George E. Apostolos
WWII - 405 Bomber Sq, 38 Bomber Gp, 5th Air Force United States Army Air Corp
Tech Sgt Emil J. Badzik
WWII - Co C 38th Armored Inf Bn United States Army
Pfc George Bagay
WWII - China, Burma, India United States Army
Pfc Andrew F. Bagay
WWII United States Army
TSgt Louis Balazs, Jr.
WWII - 387th Ord Motor Maintenance Co United States Army
Pfc Albert `Baba` Baldini
WWII United States Army Air Force
Pvt Joseph Balogh
WWII - Battle of the Bulge, 75th Division United States Army
Pfc Ken Barbao
Korea - 34 Inf United States Army
Charles A. Bartoe
29th Infantry Division - World War II United States Army
Cpl John M. Bedner
Korean War United States Army
MSgt Eugene F. Beistel
WWII - Pearl Harbor Survivor - 329th Army Air Force Unit United States Army Air Corp
SP5 Michael A. Beresh
Vietnam - Long Binh - Headquarters Co United States Army
Pfc Stephen Berestecky
WWII - Comp H32 Inf Reg, 7th Inf Div United States Army
Pfc Steve Bill
251st QM Co 71st Div - WWII United States Army
CPT Frank T. Bill
WWII - European Theater United States Army
Sgt Peter E. Bludis
WWII - 230th Field Artillery Battalion United States Army
Cpl Joseph A. Bludis
WWII - Btry 478th AAA Automatic Weapons - New Guinea - S Philippines United States Army
T-3 Howard Allan Bowers
WWII - 6th Port HQ TC United States Army
TSgt James V. Brizzi
WWII - 75th Inf Div United States Army
Pvt1c Nicholas D. Bunardzya
WWII - 2nd Bomb Group, 20th Squadron United States Army Air Corp
Pfc Anthony P. Bunardzya
WWII - 356th Sch Sq United States Army Air Corp
Edward C Burkhardt
158th Bushmasters - WWII United States Army
Pvt Marco Capone
WWI United States Army
Pvt Paul Capone
WWII United States Army
SP4 Richard Carbone
Vietnam - 81st MNT CO United States Army
Pvt Alphonse Carbone
WWII - 738th Tank Battalion United States Army
Sgt Joseph A. Carbone
WWII - Co B, 100th Chem Mortar Battalion United States Army
Tech-4 Alfred Carbone
46th Medical Depot Co United States Army
SP5 Ronald W. Chadwick
Vietnam - Army Security Agency United States Army
TSgt Walter F. Chadwick
WWII - 7th Armored United States Army
Pfc Frank `Nuch` Cicconi
Korea - 196th Inf Reg, Signal Corps - Alaska United States Army
M.P. Paul J. Cohill
WWII - 84th Infantry Div-'Railsplitters' United States Army
Sgt Nicholas Cole
WWII - B Battery 357th Anti Aircraft Arty Search Bn United States Army
SGT Gordon H. Colley
WWII - 9th Inf Div, 47th Inf Reg - Algeria, Tunisa, Sicily & Normandy Utah Beach D+4 (June 10) United States Army
Rifleman Joseph H. Colley
WWI - France - Kings Royal Rifles United States Army
Pfc Henry W. Cook
WWII - Stationed in Alaska United States Army
Pfc John H. Cross
United States Army
S/Sgt Samuel R. D`Emidio
World War II United States Army Air Corps
Pfc Chris D`Emidio
WWII - 632 Combat Engineers United States Army
Sgt Anthony F. Danek
WWII - 82nd Airborne Div United States Army
Kevin Davis
United States Army
SSgt Joseph Martin Debowski
European Theater - 2nd Air Div. 856th Bomber Squad United States Army Air Corp
Sgt Charles Dekowski
Korean War United States Army
Sgt J. Alphonse R. Delesandro
WWII United States Army Air Corp
Pfc Paul A. Delsandro
N African & Italian Campaign United States Army
TSgt Albert P. Delsandro
WWII - 318th Fighter Sq United States Army
Pfc John P. Delsandro
WWII - Saipan United States Army
Sgt Cal `Alfred` DeMarino
WWII - 25th Infantry Division United States Army
Pfc Michael Demcisak
WWII - Pacific Theater, Cn. Co. 123 Inf United States Army
Pvt Joseph Demcisak
European Theater of Oper, Normandy Invasion, POW in Germany United States Army
Sgt George Demcisak, Jr.
Pacific Theate, Battery A 150th F.A. Battalion United States Army
Pfc Peter J. Dibiasi
WWII - Normandy, Rhineland, C Europe, 315th Inf Regt United States Army
Sgt Dominic J. Dibiasi
WWII - European Theater 1941-1946 United States Army Air Force
Tec 5 John E. Dobias
WWII - Europe United States Army
Cpl William S. Doziski
Korea - 2nd Army Medic United States Army
SSgt William W. Drahushak
WWII - 77th Signal Co United States Army
Pvt Paul Dudro
WWII - 168th Infantry United States Army
Sgt George Dunyak
WWII United States Army Air Corp
Cpl Michael Dutko
WWII United States Army
Spec4 John E. Emery
Vietnam Era United States Army
Pfc John Emery
WWII - 3rd Armored Div Combat Engineers United States Army
Pfc James C. Emler
WWII United States Army
Pfc Elmer Erdely, Sr
WWII - Pacific Theatre, 11th Airborne United States Army
Col Gordon K. Fetkenhour
Vietnam United States Army
T-5 Raymond Fincik
WWII - 1590 Engineer Combat United States Army
T-5 Alfred V. Fioravanti
WWII - Medic Corp United States Army
Pfc Philip L. Forty
Korea - Comp "D" 110th Infantry United States Army
Cpl Roger Francis
Signal Corp / Korea United States Army
Pfc Frank `Pusk` Frascatore
WWII - Co 1 12th Inf Regiment 4th Inf Div United States Army
Pfc Alfred A. Fronzaglio
158th Infantry Bushmasters - New Guinea - Asiatic-Pacific Theater - WWII United States Army
Pfc Richard Fronzaglio
144th Sig Bn, 4th Armored Div Germany United States Army
Pfc Jerome Fronzaglio, Sr
United States Army
Sgt Joseph `Finks` Garcia
Korea - 62nd Engineers Div. United States Army
Pfc Richard Generie
WWII United States Army
SP5 Terrance Gnora
Vietnam - 1st Logistical Command United States Army
T-5 Paul Gnora
WWII - 163rd Combat Eng United States Army
Sgt Frank Godfrey
WWI - France - 336 Machine Gun Battalion United States Army
Sgt Herman A. Gonzales
WWII - Battle of the Bulge United States Army
Sgt Edward R. Gray
WWII - Korean Conflict, RA Inf, Regular Army United States Army
Sgt Joseph A. Grcich
WWII United States Army
SSgt Joseph A. Grcich
WWII - Phillipines, 24th Div, 19th Inf United States Army
Pfc Anthony Greco
25th Infantry United States Army
Cpl Ralph J. Greco
Korean Conflict United States Army
Cpl Ralph J Greco
Korean Conflict United States Army
Pfc Donald Greene
Korean Conflict United States Army
Ken Griffey, Sr.
1970-1976 United States Army Reserve
Pvt Rudolph Griger
WWII United States Army
E-3 W. James Groomes
Vietnam - 32 Signal Bn United States Army
SSgt Fred Grossi
WWII - 94th Infantry United States Army
MSgt Frank S. Haluch
WWII - Signal Service Battalion United States Army
Pfc Ralph R. Halverson
WWII - Medical Detachment, 4447th Northington Gen Hosp United States Army
T-5 Joseph E. Havrilla
WWII - 83rd Ordnance Comp United States Army
Pfc Lawrence Hefner
Korea - Purple Heart United States Army
Sgt William `Bill` Helinski
Vietnam War United States Army
TSgt John Hendrick
WWII - N France, C Europe, 104th Cav Recon Sq, 804th Tank Destroyer Bat United States Army
Pvt William C. Hendrickson
WWII United States Army
Sgt E4 Modesto Hevia
WWII - 362nd Fighter Sq, 357th Fighter Gp, Europe, Normandy, N France, Rhineland, Ardennes, C Europe United States Army Air Corp
Sp4 Barry C. Hickman
Vietnam - 1st Field Forces Artillery United States Army
Sgt John Holik
WWII - Asiatic Pacific Theatre, Co D, 32nd Div, 127th Inf United States Army
Paul Holowich
United States Army
Pfc Henry `Hank` Hora
Korean Conflict United States Army
Pfc Alex Hora
WWII - Pacific Theater - Arty Gun Bn Battery B United States Army
T5 Edward L. Hora
WWII - Pacific Theater - 475 Inf Reg United States Army
Joseph A. Hornak
Vietnam Era United States Army Reserve
Cpl John Glenn Howis
WWII United States Army
Sgt Edward Huhra
WWII United States Army Air Corp
Pvt B. Emil Hyk
WWII - Battle of the Bulge POW, 7th Armored Division, Troop E, 87th Cavalry United States Army
Sgt Ronald L. Janney
Vietnam - 304th Signal Battalion United States Army
1LT Anthony A. Japak
WWII - Rhineland, N France, Normandy United States Army Air Corp
Pfc John P. Jasinski
WWII - Battle of Bulge, Rhineland, Ardennes, C Europe United States Army
Sgt Donald `Jake` Jericho
Vietnam Era - Recovery Spec, Sharp Shooter United States Army
Pfc James `Jake` Jericho
Korea United States Army
TSgt Charles E. Jericho, Jr.
WWII - 375th Troop Carrier, Tokyo Trolley United States Army Air Corp
Sgt Jamie Jericho-Dickie
Lebanon, Grenada, Panama, P Gulf, Iraq, Afghan, SHAPE HQ, Nato United States Army
Robert Vernon Jones
WWII 1945 United States Army
Pvt Paul Kalinik
Co D 6th Bn - Korean War United States Army
Pilot Joseph Kallok, Jr
WWII United States Army Air Corp
Pfc Joseph M. Kassa
United States Army
Cpl George Kepic
Korea 1951-1953, 2nd Inf Div United States Army
Cpl Margaret `Peg` Kepic
WWII - WAAC United States Army
Sgt Albert S. Koday
WWII - 1259th Engineer Combat Battalion United States Army
Pvt Adam J. Koday
WWII - 974th Artillery Battalion United States Army
SP4 Robert J. Kopanic
USMPC 793 Military Police United States Army
TCE 5 George L. Kosko
WWII - East Indies, Southern Philippines United States Army
TSgt Pete Kovalak
WWII - 289th Inf United States Army
SPC Corey J. Kowall
A-CO 2508 PIR/Operation Enduring Freedom United States Army
Pvt Stephen Kozar
WWII - Normandy, Africa - Medical Aidman 657 United States Army
Pfc Edwin A. Kupiszewski
WWII - Battle of the Bulge - 47th Inf Reg, 9th Inf Div - KIA United States Army
TSgt Michael 'Mitch' Kuzemka
WWII - POW Battle of Bulge - Troop B, 87th Cav Rcon Sq, 7th Armored Div United States Army
Pfc Stephen Kuzemka
WWII - Italy, 88th Infantry Div United States Army
Medic William ''Bill'' Kuzemka
WWI - France, Belgium, 59th Field Hospital United States Army
Cpl Frank Lario
Korean Conflict United States Army
Howard Law
United States Army
Pvt Eugene A. Lazzari
Korean War 1952-1954 United States Army
Sp4 William R. Leckie
C Co. 4th Engineer Bn. Combat Engineer United States Army
MSgt James A. Loftus
WWII - Air Corp United States Army
Sgt Harry Loftus
le Shima United States Army Air Corp
Sgt Alec Lonich
WWII - Europe United States Army
Pfc Philip A. Luci
WWII - 95th Inf, Normandy, France, C Europe United States Army
Cpl Arthur Thomas Ludwick
WWII United States Army
SSgt George Macik, Jr
Pacific Theater United States Army
Pfc Louis 'Fats' Majoris
WWII United States Army Air Corp
Pfc Albert M. Malencia
WWII - Battle of the Bulge United States Army
Pfc Joseph A. Malie, Jr
Vietnam United States Army
Sgt Kenneth A. Manko
Vietnam - 1968-1969 ''Crazy Cat'' Aviation Co United States Army
Robert C. Mariani
WWII United States Army
Pvt Wallace J. (Toprani) Martin
8th Bomber Squadron - WWII United States Army Air Corps
Med Tech 15 Jaime Martinez
France - 61st Armd Inf - WWII United States Army
Sgt Regie R. Martinez
Air Offensive Europe & Rhineland 475th Air SUGP - WWII United States Army Air Corp
Pfc Manuel Martinez
England & France - Motor Pool United States Army
TSgt Joseph Marynchak
WWII United States Army
SP4 Lou Matsick
Vietnam United States Army
Sgt John Mayernik
WWII United States Army
Sgt Andrew A. Mayernik
WWII United States Army
Pfc William Mazanetz
WWII - Injured in Combat United States Army
Master Sgt John S. McCans
WWII - 16th Armored Div, 26th Tank Batallion United States Army
Pfc Joseph Paul Mertz
WWII - European, African & Middle East Theatres United States Army Air Force
MSGT Samuel Moses
WWII - Pacific Theater - Pearl Harbor United States Army Airborne
SSgt Joseph Mouyard
WWII - 2nd Tactical Command Sq United States Army Air Corp
Sgt Chuck Muia
Korea - Basic Training w/ 101st Airborne United States Army
Private 1st Class Charles F Mullen
Artillery Battalion United States Army
Tec-5 Edward J. Niziolek
Btry A 357th CA S/L WWII United States Army
SSgt John E. Oros, Jr.
WWII - 725th AA S/L Btry United States Army
Tech 4 Frank Osiol
WWII - Co. D 47th Tank Bn 14th Armd Div United States Army
Tech 5 John Osiol
WWII - Asiatic Pacific Theater, S. Philippines United States Army
Pfc Walter Osiol
WWII United States Army
Tec 5 Theodor J. Oslowski
WWII - Normandy, Bastogne - 101st Parachute Screaming Eagles United States Army
Pfc Walter J. Oslowski
WWII - 97 4th F.A. Bn United States Army
SSgt Peter G. Oslowski
WWII - Co C 13th Infantry United States Army
Camill D. Pagliari
WWII United States Army
T-5 Mike Pandrock
WWII - Btry C 656th FA United States Army
Sgt Joseph Pansino
WWII - Europe/129th 7th Army United States Army
Sgt Marion R. Paradise
WWII - 592nd AAF Base Unit United States Army Air Corp
Cpl Thomas E. Pavlikowski
Korea - Artillery United States Army
E4 Steve Perchak
Afghanistan - 25th Infantry United States Army
SP4 Ronald G. Pergola
Vietnam - 508 Transp Detachment, 48 Transp Group United States Army
Joseph L. Perrotta
Army Reserve - Vietnam Era - Air Force Reserve - retired 1998 United States Army Reserve
SP4 Joseph Petroske
Hq Btry 94th Arty Gp USARS EVEN United States Army
SP4 Richard Petroske
HQ and HQ Company HQDA United States Army
SP5 Michael Petroske
Vietnam - 1st Cavalry Div United States Army
MSgt Thomas E. Petrus
WWII - 15th Cavalry United States Army
Cpl Thomas A. Petrus
Korean War - Co L 200th Inf United States Army
Pfc Harry A. Pienkowski
WWII - 97th Quartermaster Co. United States Army
Pfc Frank Pokol
WWII - Normandy-European Theater United States Army
Pfc Anthony Polkabla
WWII United States Army
Larry Price
1987-1990 United States Army
Lynn Price
1986-2006 United States Army
PFC Felix A Pritchett
United States Army
SPC4 Dennis Pucel
Vietnam - First Field Force United States Army
SSgt Edward Pustelak
WWII United States Army
Pfc Walter J. Pustelak
WWII United States Army
Sgt Frank Rimsek
Desert Storm - Mog Bosnia, 3rd Inf 4/8 Cavalry United States Army
E4 Ryan H. Rimsek
101 Airborne Inf Div United States Army
Sgt Joseph S. Ritacco
WWII - 483rd AAF Base Unit United States Army Air Force
Cpl Melvin G. Roberts
WWII - England Medical Corp United States Army
Pfc Raymond E. Robson
WWII - Signal Mtr Maintenance Bn United States Army
Pfc Jerome F. Rodgers
United States Army
Cpl Michael J. Rodjom, Jr.
WWII - 81 Repair Sq Air Depot Group United States Army Air Corp
SSgt Joseph Rodriguez
WWII - 96th Fire Control Sq, US Air Corp United States Army
T-5 Arthur ''Arch'' Rodriguez
WWII - Tokyo Japan, GHQ War Crimes Trials United States Army
Cpl James Ross
Korea - 25th Division 8th Field Artillery United States Army
Captain Edward Roth, MD
WWII - Medical Corps United States Army
Pvt Joseph A. Rozik
WWII - Bayreuth Germany United States Army
Sp4 John J. Rudinec
Vietnam - KIA - Army Medic United States Army
SP4 Thomas Rutherford, Jr.
Vietnam - 199th INF BDE 7th Spt USARPAC United States Army
Pvt Walter R. Rygiel
WWII - 104th Inf Div 45 United States Army
Cpl Joseph G. Sabol
WWII - 500 1st Triple A, Gunnery Div United States Army
Pfc K. William Schempp Jr.
WWII United States Army
Sgt Herb L. Scott
World War II – European and Pacific Theaters United States Army
Pfc Harry J. Scrip
WWII - 28th Division United States Army
SP4 William J. Seader
Vietnam - 1st Armored Division United States Army
Pfc Arthur Sewell
WWII - France United States Army
Cpl Dale Shawley, Sr
Korea - 25th Inf, Tropic Lightning United States Army
SSgt Anthony Shemony
WWII - 56th Transp Corps Svc Co United States Army
1LT Nick Shulock
433rd Troop Carrier - 5th AF - WWII United States Army Air Corp
A1c Charles Sloan, Jr.
Korean Conflict United States Army
Pvt Raymond W. Smedley
WWII - France United States Army
Pvt Ralph L. Smedley
WWII - Pacific Theater United States Army
Cpl John B. Stefko
Normandy Beach, France 29th Div - WWII United States Army
Pfc George S. Stefus
Germany during Korean Conflict - 15th Evac Hosp United States Army
Drill SSgt Michael Stimak
WWII - PTO United States Army
SSgt Robert ''Babe'' Stoioff
WWII - 712 Tank Battalion United States Army
Sgt Mitsi ''Jim'' Stoioff
WWI - Combat Engineers United States Army
Tech Cpl Albert J. Sukel
WWII United States Army
Cpl Paul Sukla
WWII United States Army
Spec5thClass Del M. Suppo, Sr.
Vietnam United States Army
2nd Lt Chester Suski
Korean War United States Army
Staff Sgt Joseph Svrcek
WWII - 3rd Army, 4th Armored Division United States Army
Sgt Joseph C. Syrko
2nd Army (Artillery) - Korean War United States Army
Pvt Frank Szymczyk
WWII United States Army
T-5 Edward D. Tabish
WWII - Germany, Czech - Comp H 23rd Inf United States Army
Cpl Michael ''Tippy'' Tirpak
Korean Conflict - 8140th AU Japan United States Army
PFC Stephen Tokach
WWII United States Army
Pfc Michael Tominello
Vietnam United States Army
WO1 Stephen Tomovich
USACID United States Army
Sp4 John G. Tomovich, Jr.
1/22 Regulars United States Army
Sgt Geno Tonarelli
Surgical Tech - European Theatre, Rome-Arno, Rhineland - WWII United States Army
SSgt Joseph P. Trona
WWII - Normandy Beach 29th Div United States Army
Julius G. Troth
Vietnam - 173rd Airborne Paratrooper United States Army
Joseph Turkovich
3rd Ordnance Ammo Bn United States Army
Cpl William Turkovich
Medical Corps, 6th Medical Bn, Co B United States Army
Sgt Stephen Turkovich
WWII - Normandy - France United States Army
Pfc Michael S. Vargo
WWII - 1377th Army Air Force, Mechanic - Iceland United States Army Air Corp
Sgt Mike Vayansky
WWII - 121st Station Hospital United States Army
Pvt George Vayansky
WWII - 724th MP Battalion, Tech 5th Grade - Philippines United States Army
Pfc Bernard E. Vayansky
WWII - KIA - Battle of Bulge United States Army
Tech4 Paul Vayansky
Cook - Carlisle Barracks - WWII United States Army
Pfc Joseph A. Veliky
WWII - Europe, 308th Engineer Battalion United States Army
T-5 Glenn Vernile
WWII - Normandy, 632nd Eng Equip Co United States Army
Sgt Robert ''Bob'' Vogini
WWII - 180th Inf Regiment, 45th ''Thunderbird'' Div United States Army
Pfc John C. Vojtas
283 Engineer Combat Battalion - 1944-1946 United States Army
Pfc Francis M. Vrable
WWII - Asiatic Pacific Theater, Anti-Tank Gunner 610 United States Army
Pfc John J. Watroba
Korean War United States Army
1st Lt Lenora J. Weaver-Hormell
WWII - 45th General Hospital, RN - N. Africa, Italy United States Army
Cpl Donald Roy Wickerham
WWII United States Army
T Sgt Willard ''Bill'' Wickerham
WWII - 982nd Engineers United States Army
Pfc Timothy Wilcher
Desert Storm / Desert Shield - 92nd Engineers United States Army
Sgt Paul E Williams
WWII - 29 Academic Squadron United States Army Air Forces
SSgt John A. Wojnar
WWII - Battle of the Bulge - Tank Battalion United States Army
Pfc Eugene Wyvratt
WWII - POW United States Army
Colonel Marten Yavorsky
Korea United States Army
Tech 4 William Yohe
WWII United States Army
WO Fred 'Tony' York
European Theater France - WWII United States Army
Spc Blaine ''Zenny'' Zentek
Operation Iraqi Freedom , 1-77 Armor Reg 1st Inf Div United States Army
Sgt Anthony Zuccarini
Korea - 72nd Tank Battalion 2nd Infantry United States Army
Military banner for Lt. Peter J. Bickford of Monongahela
on display at the national cemetery at Strijen in the Netherlands.
Anton de Man, who is in charge of the recognition of Bickford and his crewmates who were killed 9/16/44
when their Lancaster bomber crashed near Strijen during World War II, is shown at the right. The man on the left is the
cemetery caretaker.
The U.S. Flag they are displaying was donated to the cause by Monongahela City Council and will be displayed permanently next to the banner at the cemetery.
Donora is proud to honor our men and women
who are or have served this country through our banner program.
How can you get involved?
Simply Click Here for your Military Banner Application
Take a ride through Donora, PA - November 2015
Technical Banner Questions
Contact Harry Munson
Click to email Program Development
Services provided

HTM Designs

Sgt Gregory `George` Amoroso
Korea - 1948-1952, 3082 Aviation Depot United States Air Force
Pvt Joseph Barna
WWII - 8th Air Force United States Air Force
SSgt Joseph Beresh
WWII - 445th Bombsquad, 321st Bombgp, 12th Air Force United States Air Force
A1c Brian Brice
United States Air Force
A1c Robert `Bobby` Brice
United States Air Force
Major Lee M. Brletich
War on Terror - Iraq/Afghanistan - Special Forces United States Air Force
Lt Col Lee M. Brletich
Special Tactics Officer - War on Terror - Iraq, Afghanistan United States Air Force
A1c Edward A. Bulko
Thunderbirds United States Air Force
A1c Thomas Bulko
71st Rescue Sq, Moody AF Base, GA United States Air Force
SSgt Joseph Cepaitis
Vietnam - 35th Transportation Squadron United States Air Force
A2c Dennis P. Chiedor
Cuban Crisis - 363 RTech Sq United States Air Force
A1c Michael B. Dunyak
100th OMS - Cuban Missile Crisis 1962 United States Air Force
A1c Alfred Ferguson
322nd Air Div, 5th Aerial Port United States Air Force
SSgt Frederick Fronzaglio
Korea - Vietnam 1949-1969 United States Air Force
SSgt Joseph A. Fronzaglio
03/1954 to 03/1975 United States Air Force
Sgt Gibby Gibasiewicz
Vietnam United States Air Force
SSgt Lynward D. Greene, Jr
Korean Conflict United States Air Force
E-3 Richard Perry Harlack
Vietnam Era - Thailand - 635 Supply Sq, PACAF, Fuel Specl 63150 United States Air Force
Sgt John Kepic
WWII United States Air Force
Captain Jerry Kozar
United States Air Force
Col Nicholas Kuzemka
Vietnam - SE Asia - HQ USAF, AFSC/AFLC, SDIO United States Air Force
AB Donald Edward Law
6214th Combat Support Group (PACAF) United States Air Force
SAC Anthony A. Massafra
Korean War - Strategic Air Command United States Air Force
Cpl Robert James Moses
Korean War United States Air Force
Sgt Robert James Neil
Vietnam - 366 Tactical United States Air Force
A1c Ronald A. Pacy
Korean Conflict - Security Serv, RAF Chicksands United States Air Force
A1c Richard J. Repka
Korea - Lansberg AFB Germany, 7351 Air Base Sq, United States Air Force
A1c Stanford Roth
WWII United States Air Force
A1C Stephen J. Rudinec
Korea United States Air Force
Sgt Gary Rutherford
Vietnam - 366 mms. United States Air Force
MSgt William R. Sarber
Vietnam - Desert Shield / Storm / Calm - Medical United States Air Force
Sgt John F. Szymczyk
Korea - 911th MAG United States Air Force
Sgt Bill Tautkus
Vietnam War United States Air Force
A1c Paul P. Toninecz
Vietnam United States Air Force
Major Christopher Ulish
Iraq United States Air Force
Lt John J. Veliky
WWII - Pacific - 5th Air Force, 8th Fighter Gp, 40th Fighter Sq United States Air Force
A1c Paul E. Vojtas
Jet Mechanic 1952-1956 United States Air Force
Pfc William B. Welsh, Jr
Korean Conflict United States Air Force

S1C Edward Paul Bagay, Sr
WWII United States Navy
AO1 Gene R. Baldini
Vietnam - Desert Storm - VFA-147 United States Navy
EM3c Rafael Linsley Beresh
WWII - USN-I United States Navy
OS2 Michael A. Beresh II
Persian Gulf & Mediterranean, USS Normandy United States Navy
S1C Michael Beresh, Sr
WWII - European, N African Area United States Navy
Pr3 Robert C. Bettinelli
1965-1969 United States Navy
SM3 Francis Bludis
USS Luce (DLG-3) - Vietnam United States Navy
SSM 3/C Jesse Brandemarte
WWII United States Navy
LTJG Elizabeth D. Brennan
Korea United States Navy
SN Jeffery Brice
United States Navy
John A. Brletich
World War ll United States Navy
SN Andrew Buchko
WWII United States Navy
SN Charles Byrd
United States Navy
S1c Edward Capozza
WWII United States Navy
S1C Edward Capozza
WWII - Atlantic Fleet United States Navy
SCPO Tim Chilzer
United States Navy
RM1c Frank Chiprich
WWII - Pacific - USS Kalinin Bay United States Navy
T-5 Vincent P. Clark
Gulf War - Desert Storm - USS Enterprise United States Navy
SKD2C Edward Joseph Debowski
Pacific Theater - USS Shanon DM25 MINE Div 7 United States Navy
S2C Anthony A. Debowski
WWII United States Navy
BT2c Jerry Delsandro
Vietnam - Engineering Div United States Navy
OS3 Clyde Dickie
Vietnam United States Navy
SN Innes `Bo` Dickie
Vietnam United States Navy
BM2c Innes Dickie
WWII United States Navy
Radioman Thaddeus R. Duda
WWII - South Pacific United States Navy
ADR2 Alexander J. Ferguson Jr
VC-35, VC-5, VQ-1 - Vietnam United States Navy
PHM Dorothy Flower
WWII United States Navy
S1C Dino Forlini
WWII - USS LSMR 527 United States Navy
CPO-SS Frederick N. Fronzaglio
Vietnam United States Navy
SN George Gnora
WWII United States Navy
PO2c William A. Greco
WWII - USS Wichita United States Navy
Thomas Griger
WWII United States Navy
MEG2 Howard `Herk` Hart
Korea - USS Newport News United States Navy
RM3 William E. Hershiser
Korean Conflict United States Navy
GMG3 Lawrence `Larry` Hickman
USS Lloyd Thomas United States Navy
Lloyd `Sonny` Hormell
United States Navy
BM3c Harvey R. Horton
WWII - Pacific Theater United States Navy
ME3 Walter R. Horton
Korean War USS McKean DD784 United States Navy
S2C Ernest E. Jobes
WWI - Us Destroyer Florence ''H'' - KIA United States Navy
SN C. Michael Johnson
Vietnam - USS MacDonough United States Navy
WT2C Calvin S. Jones
WWII United States Navy
SN Cyril `Gus` Jurik
WWII United States Navy
F1C Ladimur `Willie` Kalenik
WWII - USS Biddle United States Navy
E-3 Edward Koday
WWII - Atlantic & Pacific Theaters United States Navy
GM3c Charles S. Kogler, Sr.
WWII - Coast Guard United States Navy
SN Peter A. Kopena
British West Indies, Seabees MCB #7 United States Navy
Patrick M. Kosh
USS FDR (CV-42), Photographic Squadron VD-2 United States Navy
Sn Joseph Gene Krupa
WWII - 1941-1945 United States Navy
S2C Joseph Kupiszewski
WWII - Guam, 38 Spec, SB Port Hueneme, CA United States Navy
PO3c Eric Landish
Operation Desert Storm USS Kauffman FF6-59 United States Navy
PO3 Andrew M. Lario
Vietnam - VFP63 USS Hancock United States Navy
SN1c John J. Lignelli
WWII United States Navy
SN James Guinea Lomax
WWII United States Navy
EM3 Vonie Long
USS Nimitz - USS Vulcan (USNR) ACB-2 United States Navy
Stephen Lucas
WWII United States Navy
Michael Lutz
Korean Conflict 1950 United States Navy
PO3 George G. Macik
Vietnam United States Navy
MoMM3/c Frank Patrick Malie
World War II - Pacific Theater United States Navy
MMM1c Andrew M. Manko
WWII - Patrol Torpedo Boats United States Navy
Corpsman Albert J. Marflak
Vietnam - M Company, 3rd bn 5th Marines United States Navy
S1C Louis Marraccini
WWII - USS Pegeon United States Navy
SC1c Theodore Martinez
WWII - Pacific/Asiatic - USS Bright & USS Abbott United States Navy
MA119 Paul Martinkus
WWII - CAFU #22 Naval Air Station, Quonset Point, RI United States Navy
RM3c John B. Mason
WWII - USS Seekonk AOG-20 United States Navy
SN John Mastro
WWII United States Navy
S1C John Matsick
WWII United States Navy
PO Noah Mayernik
United States Navy
GM 1c Paul G. Mayernik
WWII - USS Indiana United States Navy
LtJG Helen Jean Mazanetz
Non-Conflict Service 1958-1960 United States Navy
S2c Edward E. Moravec
WWII - USS North Carolina United States Navy
SN John Moses
United States Navy
Seaman 1st Class Stan Musial
1944-1946 - WWII United States Navy
Lt Gerome W. Osiol
Vietnam United States Navy
SN George Pandrock
WWII - USS Holder United States Navy
PO3 John Pandrok, Jr.
WWII & Korean Conflict United States Navy
Melvin Peatross
United States Navy
E-5 Armand Pelliccione, Jr
Vietnam - Seabees MCB9 United States Navy
MM2 Stephen Perok
USS TARAWA - CVS-40 (1956-1960) United States Navy
YN3c Donald J. Ririe
WWII - Pacific Theater of Operations United States Navy
HA1c Donald E. Rosborough
WWII United States Navy
SN Charles Ross Sr.
Korea United States Navy
PO3c Susan M. Rudinec
United States Navy
S1C John Sabo
WWII - USS Reno United States Navy
MM2c Joseph E. Sasz
WWII United States Navy
S3C Robert E. Siebert
WWII - Okinawa United States Navy
E-2 Charles A. Sloan
United States Navy
PO2 Thomas R. Smedley
Pearl Harbor United States Navy
S1C Russell Edward Smith
WWII - Pacific Theater - Pearl Harbor United States Navy
AD Edward J. Starzenski
WWII - South Pacific United States Navy
GM2c Charles Stimak
SS N King, US Naval Armed Guard, USS Babbitt United States Navy
CM2c John ''Mitsi'' Stoioff
WWII - 9th Bn Seabees United States Navy
Sr Chief Louis J. Suppo
WWII - Vietnam United States Navy
SN1c Rudolph Svrcek
WWII - US Aconcagua United States Navy
Lt. Gerald L. Szakal
United States Navy
STM1 Samuel H Taylor
WWII United States Navy
SN Robert W. Turnbull
WWII United States Navy
GM3c Nicholas Uhriniak
WWII - Pacific Theater United States Navy
BM Joe Vayansky
WWII United States Navy
Bn3 Samuel M. Vukich
Vietnam - 2nd Div United States Navy
EM2c Andrew Warholic
WWII United States Navy
S1C Matthew J. Wyvratt
WWII - Pacific Theater SS Benjamin Hawkins United States Navy
S3C Fred J. Zomber
United States Navy

E-4 Thomas Oprosky
876th Combat Engineer Army National Guard
A1C Edward T. Seeley
Aeromedical Evacuation Specialist (1962-1968) Air National Guard
Spec 4 Carl D. Totedo
Vietnam Army National Guard

EM-3 Frank J. Fazzini
Group New York - 1970-1974 United States Coast Guard

Stewards Mate 2c Roman J. Galiffa
Atlantic War Zone - WWII Merchant Marines
Walter Rosborough
WWII Merchant Marines

Cpl Robert Scott Ackerman
United States Marine Corps
Sgt Walter ''Wally'' Fronzaglio
Vietnam Era - 2nd & 3rd Divisions 1958 to 1970 United States Marine Corps
Sgt James H Gault, Jr
Vietnam United States Marine Corps
1st Sgt Joseph J. Hornak
WWII - Guadalcanal - 1st Marine Division United States Marine Corps
Cpl Clyde E. Jericho
Korea - 1st Marine Div United States Marine Corps
Pfc William B. Leckie
United States Marine Corps
Pfc Richard P. Malinchak
Korean Conflict United States Marine Corps
Cpl David L. Rimsek
Operation Desert Storm - 1st Marine Div United States Marine Corps
Cpl Andrew F. Sasko
WWII United States Marine Corps
Cpl John Hubert Short
WWII - 1946-1950 United States Marine Corps
SSgt Joseph F. Skraitz
WWII United States Marine Corps
Cpl David J. Tautkus
Vietnam - 3rd Bn 1st Marines United States Marine Corps
Cpl Gary Tautkus
United States Marine Corps
LCpl Mina Tomovich Thompson
United States Marine Corps
Cpl Raymond F. Williams
Vietnam - 3rd Laam Bravo Batt United States Marine Corps