SP4 William E. Adams
MP - USARPAC - Vietnam United States Army
Pvt Hollis Adams
Korean War United States Army
SSG Dorothy Adams
Operation Enduring Freedom United States Army
SPC Frankie Adams
Operation Enduring Freedom United States Army
Pfc C.W. 'Dock' Alexander
WWII United States Army
SP4 T. Kenneth Alexander
515th MP Company United States Army
E-4 Carl Alexander
1st Infantry - Big Red One Vietnam War 1968-1969 United States Army
Sgt Calvin D. Baccus
United States Army
Tech 5 Louis Lacy Baker
Company C 193rd Tank Battalion - WWII United States Army
Pfc Lewis Jack Baldwin
2nd Infantry Division - WWII United States Army
CPL Levon Batchelor
Korean War United States Army
CPL J.D. Batchelor
WWII United States Army
SP4 Grady L. Batchelor
Cuban Missile Crisis United States Army
SPC Phillip A. Batchelor
Combat Engineer - Company B 1343rd Engineer Battalion United States Army
SPC Jeremy B. Blevins
142nd Signal BDE - Alabama Army National Guard United States Army
Sgt Milton Eddie Bonds
Company C, 538th Engineering - Vietnam United States Army
Pvt Howard R. Bonds
Company B 114th Infantry - WWII - ETO United States Army
Cpl Cleutis R. Borden
65th Engineers Battalion - Vietnam War (1967-1970) United States Army
PFC James Brewer
82nd Airborne Division - Korean War United States Army
SSgt James Dalton Brown
9th Inf. Div. - WWII - Korea United States Army
LTC 05 Edward K. Cagle
Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Provide Comfort, Gulf Division 75th Training Command United States Army
Sgt Willard M Crittenden
SV CO 14th ARMD DIV - WWII United States Army
Cpl Crantford L. Elliott
Korean War United States Army
LTC Cindy Eskridge
278th Chemical Battalion - Operation Enduring Freedom United States Army
T/Sgt Tolbert L. Farris
1st Infantry Division - World War II United States Army
Pfc William Flake
WW2 United States Army
Pvt Ralph Garcia
1st Infantry Division (Big Red One) - Vietnam United States Army
SP4 Bobby M Garrison Sr
Vietnam - 725th MT BN United States Army
Pfc Leonard Gilbreath
Patton 68 Armor United States Army
Hubert Godsey
United States Army
Billy John Goodwin
3rd Platoon 3rd Squad - WWII (1948-1952) United States Army
Milford Tilton Grace
World War II United States Army
Sgt Alan Gray
173 Airborne Division - Vietnam War United States Army
Sgt Billy T. Green
Korean War United States Army
Lewis Don Gurley
United States Army
CPT Travis Harrant
Iraq/Afganistan United States Army
PFC James M. 'Sam' Harris
WWII - European-African-Middle Eastern Theater United States Army
Sgt Denton Henderson
Artillery - General Patton's Army - World War II United States Army
PFC William Ollie Hill
WWII United States Army
1SG Blake Hood
Iraq War - Operation Noble Eagle United States Army
SPC Quinton Humphries
101st Airborne Division - Vietnam United States Army
Pfc William Clarence Hyche
48-1st AAA Battalion - WWII - European Theater United States Army
E7 Randy Jones
Operation Desert Storm United States Army
Cpl Charles H Jones
United States Army
PFC Joshua Michael Kelley
United States Army
SSG William D. Kennedy
Vietnam United States Army
Cpl Kenneth A. Koorndyk, Sr.
World War II United States Army Air Forces
SGM Billy Ray Laney
5th Special Forces - Vietnam War United States Army
PFC Floyd Ralph Lester
World War II United States Army
SSG Tyler Marks
25th Infantry Division United States Army
Tec 5 Charlie A. Martin
WWII United States Army
SP 5 Royce McDonald
67th Trans Co - Vietnam United States Army
SP 4 Joe McDonald
379th Company 6th Battalion United States Army
PFC Bill McRae
Korean War United States Army
Spec 5 John D. McSpadden
8th Ordnance Company United States Army
PFC Eirvin P. Mobley
Vietnam United States Army
PFC Hershel Naylor
United States Army
PFC Cecil E Naylor
WW2 United States Army
SP4 Bobby Nelson
United States Army
PFC Doyce D. Overton
Cuban Missile Crisis United States Army
Carl Kenneth Overton
Co E, 30th Infantry - Germany 1949-1952 United States Army
SPC Joseph Palmer
877th Engineer Battalion United States Army
PFC Donald V. Patton
WWII United States Army Air Corps
1st Lt Donald S. Posey
Transportation Corp (1959-1969) United States Army
1st Lt James H. Posey
Transportation Corp (1959-1969) United States Army
SSG Clovis Pruitt
Vietnam War United States Army
SP4 Jerry K. Pruitt
Vietnam United States Army
Spec Leon Robins
4th Battalion 60th Artillery Armored Div - Vietnam United States Army
Larry W. Robins
Vietnam United States Army
E5 Elmo P. Robinson Jr.
Med Co. Third US Army - Vietnam War United States Army
S/Sgt Elmo Robinson Sr.
1st Infantry Division - WWII United States Army
CPT Gary L. Rogers
Vietnam United States Army
Pvt Carroll Anthony Shipley
EZ Company- Vietnam United States Army
Lt. Colonel Edd Snoddy
WWII United States Army
S/Sgt William K. Stone
HQ CO 9th Inf - WWII United States Army
SSgt James H. Thomas
Korean War United States Army
Sgt Jerry P. Thorn
Vietnam & Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Army
SFC Terry W. Tidwell
Co. C 877th ENRG. BN - Iraq United States Army
PFC Quimby Milton Tidwell
5th Transportation Battalion (Aircraft Maintenance) - Vietnam United States Army
PFC William G. Waldrop
Quartermaster - Korea 1952-1954 United States Army
CPL William H. `Willie` Walker
557th Bombardment Squadron - World War II United States Army Air Corps
LTC Roger Watkins
142 Signal Battalion United States Army
SP4 Wayman Clovis White
4th US Army (USAREUR) United States Army
PFC Cranford Whitman
United States Army
S/Sgt J.H. Whitson
55th Pursuit Group - WWII 1942-1945 United States Army Air Corps
Sgt Burnis Young
1965 - 1967 United States Army
SPC Martin Young
168th Engineer Battalion - Operation Enduring Freedom United States Army

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who are or have served this country through our banner program.
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HTM Designs

E3 James Ashley
M Division - Vietnam United States Navy
FN Victor Ashley
Grenada United States Navy
Blaine Cagle
Korean War United States Navy
GM2 Eddie S. Densmore
Boat Captain - River Division 513 - Vietnam War United States Navy
PO3 Kali Speer Gilbert
Strategic Communications Wing One United States Navy
Tommy Ray Hocking
Korea United States Navy
AM2 John Otis Hunter
USS Oriskany (CV-34) United States Navy
H.M. Keeton
WWII United States Navy
EN2 Benny McGee
Vietnam War 1966-1970 United States Navy
IS2 Stacy McGee
USS Blue Ridge (LCC-19) - Desert Storm United States Navy
EM-2 John Morgan McVay
USS Indianapolis (SSN-697) United States Navy
GM Lee W. O'Mary
USS Carter (Destoyer Escort) - WWII United States Navy
PO3 Logan Ryan Overton
USS Buffalo (SSN-715) United States Navy
YN2 Joseph Pruitt
United States Navy
S2 Wilton T Wallace
World War II United States Navy
Quartermaster 2nd Hoyett Wolfe
WWII and Korean Conflict LST 606, Asiatic - Pacific Theater United States Navy

Sgt George W. Bonds
WW2 United States Marine Corps
Sgt Lamar C. Elliott
Vietnam & Korean War United States Marine Corps
Cpl Johnny Fortenberry
Vietnam War Era 1969-1975 United States Marine Corps
Sgt Joshua Skip Garrison
2nd Marine Division - Iraq and Afghanistan United States Marine Corps
PVT Jon K. Gilbreath
2nd Marine Divison United States Marine Corps
Sgt Roger D. Gilbreath
2/4 3rd MarDiv - Vietnam Era United States Marine Corps
CPL Spurgeon Dewayne Grace
Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Cpl Jon G. Green
2nd Marine Aircraft Wing - OIF/OEF United States Marine Corps
Master Tech James W Hadder
First Marine Division - WWII United States Marine Corps
Lt Col Bo McVay
VMO-2 - Vietnam United States Marine Corps
LCpl Earl Edmon Randolph III
United States Marine Corps
LCpl Jimmy Ray Townsend
United States Marine Corps
L Cpl Bobby N Wallace
Vietnam United States Marine Corps
LCpl Seth Ward
3rd Battalion, 7th Marines United States Marine Corps
GySgt Kermit R. Wilson
WWII - Korean War - Vietnam (1940-1969) United States Marine Corps

1st Lt. Tom Bartlett
Air Defense Command, 408 Fighter Group, Vietnam United States Air Force
SSgt Grady L. Batchelor
Desert Storm United States Air Force
SRA Christopher Casey Bonds
Northern and Southern Watch United States Air Force
A1C Kady E. Bonds
412th Security Forces Squadron United States Air Force
CMSgt John Comeens
United States Air Force
E7 John Comeens
United States Air Force
Col Donald B. Dodd
United States Air Force
TSgt Richard D. Elliott
Air Force Communication Service Air Traffic Controller United States Air Force
SSgt Matthew C. Frazier
Operation Enduring Freedom - U.A.E & Afganistan United States Air Force
Sgt Clyde Garrison
United States Air Force
Sgt James D. Harris
6232 Combat Support Group, Vietnam United States Air Force
E6 James Wendell Humphries
Special Operations - Vietnam United States Air Force
SSgt Evan Hutcheson
GWOT United States Air Force
E3 Emily Jacques
2nd Security Forces United States Air Force
E2 Andrea Jacques
48th SFS United States Air Force
MSgt Kendall Jetton
2nd Civil Engineer Squadron, Air Combat Command United States Air Force
E5 Roy M. Jones
Offutt AFB (1996-2000) United States Air Force
Sgt G.G. Nelson
Vietnam War United States Air Force
A1C Samuel E. Taylor
Vietnam - 80th Tact Ftr. Sq. ADC United States Air Force
Captain George W. Taylor
362nd TEWS - Vietnam War United States Air Force
AIC Randy K. Walker
351st MSL Maint SQ (SAC) United States Air Force
Sgt Joseph Todd Walker
Desert Storm United States Air Force
SRA Charles A. Ward
United States Air Force
SrA Steven Ward
United States Air Force
MSgt James C. Whitman
1975 - 1995 United States Air Force
CMSgt John Frank Wilson
B-24 Bomber Pilot - WWII United States Air Force

SFC Neeley Adams
OIF & OEF Army National Guard
TSgt Carson J. Adkins
Company A, 151st Infantry Army National Guard
SPC Josh Bennett
20th Special Forces Group, GSB, A.CO 2018-Present Army National Guard
Major Eldon R. Curtis
Army National Guard
SSG Franklin Truman Daniel
1962-1982 United States National Guard
Pvt G.W. Elliott
107th Truck Transportation Unit - Korean War United States National Guard
Captain Billy R Farris
Korean War Army National Guard
Pfc Herman Flake
Vietnam - Operation Iraqi Freedom Army National Guard
E5 Jeff Flake
Operation iraqi Freedom & Operation Enduring Freedom Army National Guard
E5 Adam Flake
Operation Iaqi Freedom & Operation Enduring Freedom Army National Guard
SSG Bill Lee Gates
1967-1992 Army National Guard
SSG Randy Lee Gates
1985-2009 - Iraq Army National Guard
PVT Gary K. Gilbreath
Btry C 1st, Tng Bn, 1st Tng Bde (AD) FBT 4th US Army Army National Guard
SGT Angel Gurley
Operation Iraqi Freedom - Operation New Dawn Army National Guard
Pfc Samuel W Kelly
2020-Present 11B Infantry Army National Guard
E4 George Wayne Martin
877th Engineer Battalion Army National Guard
Joey Montgomery
Operation Enduring Freedom Army National Guard
SFC Robert Moody
OIF & OEF Army National Guard
Wes Moody
Operation Iraqi Freedom Army National Guard
2nd Lt. Alton Mullican
United States National Guard
SPC Joseph Palmer
877 EN BN - OEF Army National Guard
SPC4 Leo Pruitt
United States National Guard
Sgt Terry Pruitt
1343rd Combat Engineers United States National Guard
SSG Tommy L. Pruitt
135th Supply & Service Bn United States National Guard
Cpl David Pruitt
United States National Guard
PSG Bobby Pruitt
United States National Guard
PSG Luther C. Pruitt
1343rd Combat Engineers Army National Guard
SFC Bobby R. Reynolds
Det 1 Comp C 877 ENGR BN Army National Guard
SSG Johnny B. `Buck` Richie
Company B, 115th Signal Battalion - Operation Iraqi Freedom Air National Guard
Major Edward Oneal Shipman
Army National Guard
E4 Jackson O. Steele
Army National Guard
Sgt Larry W. Tidwell
877th Engineer Battalion - Operation Iraqi Freedom Army National Guard
SSG Hubert Claude Williamson
ARNGUS / ALARNG Army National Guard
PSG John E. Winkles
Combat Engineer United States National Guard
PFC Caleb Young
167th Infantry Battalion Army National Guard
SPC Colton Young
Currently Deployed Army National Guard

SK1 Bill Tittle
United States Coast Guard
Jimmy Webb
1960-1964 United States Coast Guard