Pfc William C. Albright
HQ Co Med Det, 273rd Inf, 69th Div - WWII - European Theater United States Army
E-6 Donald Ansell
Career Military 1943-1990 United States Army
SFC Melvinlene Arnold
453rd Finance Battlion - Operation Iraq Freedom United States Army
S/Sgt Melvin L Baker
Co A, 398th Regiment, 100th Division - WWII United States Army
SSG Todd J. Bennett
Parachutist - Afghanistan - Global War on Terrorism United States Army
Sgt Jack Benoist
Infantry (Forward Observer) - Korean War United States Army
PFC James M. Blood
Troop B, 102nd Cavalry Regiment - WWII, Normandy, Northern France United States Army
SFC Dennis D. Bohr
441st PSC, 79th ARCOM (1970-1991) United States Army Reserve
T/5 Howard A. Bookwalter
1369th SV Unit, QMC - WWII United States Army
Sgt Timothy A. Bowles
1st Cavalry Division - Vietnam United States Army
MSgt Garland L `Sarge` Bowshier
Army Aviation, WWII S America, Europe, Korea, Vietnam, Enlisted: 10-11-1937 to 1-31-1971 United States Army
PFC Richard J Boyer
Served from 9/7/1961 - 9/6/1963; Bay of Pigs United States Army
Sgt Dennis Bretz
517th Artillery United States Army
Pfc Harry E. Brewbaker
Germany United States Army
Pvt Gerald Brewbaker
1954-1956 United States Army
SPC Kevin L. Brothers
Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Army
Pfc Clifford D. Bryner
World War II K I A North Africa United States Army
Cpl Dominic Calla
Battery C, 320th Field Artillery, WWI United States Army
PFC Vern F. Campbell
United States Army Air Forces
SP4 Ronald R. Cassel
Co. A (Moatengators) 2nd Bn - 187th Inf (Airborne) Ft Kobbe, Panama 84-87 United States Army
Sgt William H. Comp
41st Field Artillery Battalion - WWII United States Army
Pvt David Winfield Conrad
Co H, 7th PA Reserves / Infantry - Civil War United States Army
Pvt Kenneth E. Cook
501st PIR, 101st ABN DIV - WWII - Battle of the Bulge United States Army
Tec 5 Paul J. Criescinzi
Ordnance - WWII - Liberation of Dachau United States Army
Spec 8 David B. Crozier
3 Tours - Vietnam United States Army
Pfc George A. DeMartyn
Company K, 351st Infantry - WWII - African Theater United States Army
Pfc William P. DePuy
Anti-tank Co, 110th Regiment, 28th Infantry Division - WWII - European Theater United States Army
Sgt Edgar L. Derendinger
29th Infantry Div - WWII United States Army
S/Sgt Elton H. Dietz
94th Infantry Division - World War II United States Army
T/4 Tony DiPaolo
World War II (1942-1945) United States Army
Pfc Louis `Geno` DiPierro
380th Bomb Group, 529th Squadron - WWII - South Pacific United States Army Air Forces
Sgt David B. Donmoyer
5th Special Forces Group (ABN) - Vietnam 1965-1967 United States Army
MSgt Ernest Donofrio
1st Infantry Division - WWII - ETO (1940-1945), Korea (1950-1951) United States Army
Tec 4 Robert Lee Egan
Company B 770th RYOPNBN WWII Army Occupation Medal Japan United States Army
Cpl Guido Eramo
Korean War United States Army
Tec 5 Robert L. Erb
World War II United States Army
PVT Harold Fake
United States Army
PFC Jack A Fanus
Cuban 32nd Med Depot 67th Med Gp 4th US Army August 15, 1962 Medal of Honor United States Army
SP3 Raymond J. Finkle
Combat Military Police and Confinement Specialist 1954-1957 United States Army
TEC5 George W. Fordney
World War II (1942-1945) United States Army
Cpl Brady J Freeman
2nd Division Co 556 Heavy Trucking Korean March 1951 - Feb 1953 United States Army
SP3 Owen Lee Gephart
Infantry United States Army
Pvt Spurgeon E. Gohn
383rd Infantry, 577th Replacement Co. - WWII United States Army
PVT James E. Goodman
Armored Division - WWII - European Theater United States Army
PVT William J. Goodman
Heavy Truck Driver - Vietnam 1966-1969 United States Army
Pfc George A. Green
9th Traffic Regulating Group - WWII United States Army
Sgt John H. Gross
2nd Central Medical Establishment - World War II United States Army Air Forces
1st Lt M. Lucille Hamberger
Army Nurse Corp. 126th Evacuation Hospital WWII United States Army
1LT Crystal Hammond
36th Engineer Brigade, 62nd Eng BN United States Army
Cpl Marlin C Harman
49th Engineer Maintenance Battalion Korean War United States Army
SP5 Francis M. Heverly
Tripler Army Med Center. March 1966 - February 1968 United States Army
Pfc Harry Hockenberry
World War II; 204th Military Police Company in the European Theater of Operations 1944-1946 United States Army
Col Dean M. Hoffman
Joint Special Operations Command, Operation Joint Forge, Operation Joint Guardian, Operation Iraqi Freedom & Operation Enduring Freedom United States Army
SP4 David Hull
502nd Infantry Division, Ft Campbell; 6th Infantry Division Berlin United States Army
US CIC Allan F Hull
World War II, 1st Infantry Division 26th Regiment, Special Agent of Counter Intelligence Corp, United States Army 1944-1946 Bronze Star United States Army
SPC Scott Hunt
7th Transportation Group Operation Uphold Democracy United States Army
Cpt Tess Hurley
Field Artillery - 4th ID Afghanistan United States Army
SSG John M. Ivanoff
HHB 28th Division Artillery (Sept 1977 - Dec 1998) United States Army
Sgt Earl Jacobs
World War II - European Theater United States Army Air Corps
Sgt Lawrence Jacobs
1st Cavalry Division - Vietnam War United States Army
Cpl Nevin L. Keckler
30th Infantry - WWII United States Army
E4 Edward L. Keys
8th Infantry Div, MP, Airborne - Vietnam Era United States Army
E-7 John W. Kichman
18 Airborn Core, Iraq 2004-2005, alls 1/175 Rangers (SOCOM) 1987-1990 United States Army
Sgt Charles E. Kisner
Combat Engineers - WWII France, Germany D-Day Invasion - Day 2 United States Army
PFC Max J Kistler
Co C 13th WF 8th Div WWII France and Germany Scout in the Army United States Army
E-5 John Henry Klinepeter
1/11 Acr Co D. Vietnam United States Army
PFC George W. Kulp
588th Combat Engineer - Vietnam United States Army
Col Christopher Latchford
HQ 10th Mountain Division Afghanistan/Enduring Freedom. US Army Nov 1974 - Dec 2013 United States Army
SP5 Randal F. Leiby
XXI Corps (1963-1968) United States Army Reserve
SP4 Matthew Leiby
1st Armored Division - Desert Storm United States Army
Sgt Robert S. Leonard
6th BN, 32nd Armor - Vietnam (1967-1970) Cam Ranh Bay United States Army
A3C James J. Leonard
630th Aircraft Control Squadron - Korea - Panama (1946-1953) United States Army Air Forces
SP4 James L. Leonard
177th ASA, Camp Humphrey - Security Agency - Korea (1963-64) United States Army
SSG Jonathan G. Loomis
10th Mountain, 22nd Infantry Regiment, HHC United States Army
SSG Jimmy Lee Lupold
Eighth Army, 42nd Arty - Vietnam Era United States Army
Spc Randy Magaro
4th ID, 404th ASB - Iraq (2004-2009) United States Army
Pfc Richard S. Magaro
Thunderbirds - Korean War (1951-1953) United States Army
Corporal John I Maley
World War II United States Army
Sgt Charles J. Malone
World War II United States Army
SP3 John D. Mangle
97th MRU - Korean War United States Army
PFC Patrick L. March
United States Army
SFC Edward F. Marshall
Army Security Agency - Korea / Vietnam United States Army
Pfc Aldo J. Mastrine
Medic - Korea United States Army
SFC Nelson Leroy Maus
Btry C HQ - World War II United States Army
Cpl Robert George McAlister
Korean War (1952-1954) United States Army
Cpl Leo M. McKee
172nd Port Co. - World War II United States Army
Pfc Albert Dean Meehan
426th Field Artillery Battalion Mt Zugspitze, Germany United States Army
1SGT Albert E Meiller
565th AWBN WWII Ardennes, Rhineland, Central Europe 1942-1946 United States Army
SP/4 R.E. `Gene` Melby
PRDC - Past Commander Legion 751 United States Army
PV1 Allen E Miller
Army Security Agency - Vietnam United States Army
SSG Barry G. Miller
199th Light Infantry BDE - Vietnam - 1958-1978 Retired United States Army
Sgt Richard K. Miller
759th Railway Operating Battalion - WWII United States Army
Sgt George W. Miller
Tank Division - World War II United States Army
SP4 Kenneth Miller
Gen Supply Spec United States Army
Pfc William L. Minich
U.S. Army Garrison - Vietnam United States Army
Pfc Robert T. Mohn
38th Cavalry Regiment - World War II United States Army
S/Sgt Robert C Morton
28th Infantry Division Korean War 1949-1953 United States Army
SP4 Marlin A. Mumper
27th Engineer Battalion (AIRBORNE) 1976-1979 United States Army
Cpl Dale H. Ness
977th Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion (AW) - WWII United States Army
SFC Joseph W O`Keefe
WWII 1943-1945 225th Chem Dept Co Normandy, Korea 1945-1948 32nd Inf Reg. Korea 1950-1951 724th Trans Bat Rail Ops United States Army
Sgt Christopher Orris
US Army & PA National Guard, 2 tours Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Army
Lt John B Owen
Infantry & Military Intelligence (1996-2002) United States Army
M/Sgt Leonard J. Ozio
World War II United States Army
Sgt Richard D. Pickel
ER 13 76 224 United States Army
SPC Robert K. Pugh
Iraq (2006-2007), active United States Army
Pvt Robert D. Putt
134th Inf Regt, 35th Inf Div - World War II - Battle of the Bulge United States Army
PFC William J. Putt
HV Mortar Co, 32D Inf Regt, 7th Div - Korea POW - 33 months United States Army
Ray F. Putt
104th US Cavalry - K- Troop Peacetime 1933 United States Army
Sergeant Donald Richard Putt
38th Infantry, Germany-Peace Time Armored Tank Division United States Army
T/5 Eugene Samuel Ricupero
1944-1946 Conductor Railway Luzon Philippines WWII United States Army
SP/4 Edgar E Roche
1st Personnel Service Bn with 1st air cavalry, Vietnam United States Army
SP4 Bobby Rudeck
85th Combat Support Hospital United States Army
Sgt George R. Saxton
Combat Engineers - World War II United States Army
Robert Scalia
Korean War United States Army
Cpl Willard D. Shellenberger
464th Army Air Force - WWII United States Army Air Forces
Pfc Bruce Shellenberger
78th Co, Transportation Corps - WWI - France United States Army
Cpl Paul `Chub` Shover
65th Engr Depot Company - Korea (1953-1954) United States Army
Sgt James K. Shover
HQ Squadron, 9th Air Division - WWII - Europe United States Army Air Forces
Private Lee Clifford Shover
629th Aero Squadron WWI, served May 1, 1917 - December 19, 1918. Died at Camp Hicks Dec 19 1918 United States Army
Pvt Vaughn S. Shuler
115th Infantry, 29th Division - WWII - European Theater United States Army
Cpl James Thomas Siddle
Military Policeman - WWII - Pacific Theatre of Operation United States Army
PVT Lewis W. Smith
WWII - Medical Tech. United States Army
Pfc Richard David Smith
10th Mtn. Division 85th Regiment - WWII United States Army
Earl M Spence
WWII United States Army Air Corps
PFC Thomas A Stago
Company A 314th Infantry WWII United States Army
Captain Stedman P Stauffer
European Theater, WWII 8th Infantry Division United States Army
Lloyd Stetler
WWII United States Army Air Forces
SPC Richard J. Stewart
Service Battery, 1st Battalion, 17th Field Artillery - Gulf War Era 2001-2003 United States Army
Sgt William A Stoner
ARCOM, Vietnam United States Army
Tec5 Ray E. Straub
75th Div 290th Infantry Regiment WWII European-African-Middle Western Campaign Medal, Good Conduct Medal, WWII Victory Medal, Combat Infantry Badge for efficiency in performance of duty United States Army
Pvt Robert G. Sultzaberger
2nd Div. 9 TNF - WWII United States Army
SP4 Terry R. Sultzaberger
HHB 6/33RD FA - A CO. 12TH ENG. 8TH INF United States Army
Sgt Jerry D. Sutton
9th Infantry Vietnam 1967-1969 United States Army
Cpl Harvey A. Swab
110th Infantry - Korean War United States Army
PFC E3 Dale Russell Thomas
Past Commander of American Legion Post 751, Founder of American Legion Riders Chapter 751 United States Army
Charles W. and Mary A. Tyson
World War II United States Army
1SG Italino `Italy` Villani
Co D, 27th Tank Bn - WWII (1941-1944) United States Army
TEC5 Robert L. Wagner
Quartermaster Graves Registration Co - WWII - European Theater United States Army
S/Sgt Robert J. Wentz
H Co., 3rd Bn, 21st Engineers - WWII United States Army
Cpl Kyle O. Wentz
I-502, A Co, 2BCT, 101st Airborne - Enduring Freedom United States Army
SFC Daniel J. Wevodau
A TRP 1-104 Cavalry Regiment - Bosnia, Iraq United States Army
Sgt Ross Wheeler
3rd BDE, 1st Cav Division Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Army
SP4 Larry Williams
11th Armored Cavalry - Vietnam War United States Army
T/5 Eugene L Wittle
77th Signal Company Pacific Theatre United States Army
PFC George W. Wittle
Co C, 319th Infantry - WWII - Rhineland, Ardennes, Central Europe United States Army

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HTM Designs

SC3 Meade E Aungst
World War II United States Navy
PO1 Frederick M. Babbitt
USS Valley Forge, USS Bainbridge - Vietnam United States Navy
Seaman Recruit Paul Carl Barthel
Vietnam 1969-1971 Company 288/28th Battalion United States Navy
BT3 Barry L. Bender
Services Date 1957-1961 United States Navy
FA Robert C. Bowers
USS Salamonie - World War II - Asiatic-Pacific Theater United States Navy
FN Frank Bretz
USS Durham (LKA-114) - Operation Desert Storm United States Navy
LCDR Ronald L Brewbaker
Vietnam United States Navy
PO3 Walter `Bovie` E. Brewbaker
USS Mullinnix (DD-944) - Vietnam War United States Navy
SN1c Walter E Brewbaker
ATR 56 - WWII (1943-1946) United States Navy
MM2 Danny Brown
Amphibious Assault - Grenada - Beirut United States Navy
Roy Bryner
World War II United States Navy
GM2c John C. Bushey
USS Carroll (DE-171) - WWII - European Theatre Ribbon, Pacific Theatre Ribbon, American Theatre Ribbon, Victory Medal United States Navy
PO2 Robert Bushman
USS Chikaskia (AO-54) - WWII United States Navy
MR2 Robert Conrad
USS Piedmont (AD-17) - Korean War United States Navy
Kenneth E. Cook Jr
Navy Construction (Seabees) United States Navy
FC3c Walter `Ding` Coulson
USS Earl K Olsen DE 765 WWII United States Navy
PR1 Joseph M Derick
WWII Korean War United States Navy
EM3 John C. DeSantis
Fleet Auxiliary Oiler - WWII (1942-1946) United States Navy
AZ1 Walter Joseph Dum
Atkron - 66 Vietnam USS Kitty Hawk CV63, USS America CV66, USS Intrepid CV11 United States Navy
Robert Enders
Gunners Mate Striker 1955-1957 United States Navy
GM3 Robert E. Fake Sr
World War II - Pacific Theater United States Navy
GM3c Glenn H. Funt
NTC Sampson NY, USS Tortuga (LSD-26) WWII United States Navy
YN2 Barry Lee Gertzen
CINCLANFLT United States Navy
Alexander R Glaser
USS Forrest Sherman DDG-98 2013 -2017 United States Navy
HT2 Howard T Gouse
USS Peterson DD-969 - Operations in Libya United States Navy
PO Walter Gouse
USS LST-537 - World War II - D-Day, Omaha Beach United States Navy
William Haggerty
World War II United States Navy
AN E. Kenneth Heilner
USS Lake Champlain CVS-39 Cuban Missle Crisis United States Navy
David Ray Hersh
USS Ranger (CV-L1) United States Navy
YNC Lloyd H. Horst
USS Stevenson (DD-645) - WWII United States Navy
AE3 John D. `JD` Kohr
Gulf War United States Navy
MM2 Walter E. Kuntzelman
Dezron 20 - Vietnam United States Navy
Cox Jacob Newton Laverty
WWII May 5, 1943 - January 26, 1947 United States Navy
SR Charlie Leonard
2nd Division, USS Nitro (AE-23) - Vietnam War United States Navy
SN George R. Lyons
Louis Park Area - Vietnam United States Navy
PO3 Christopher J. Magaro
USS Francis Scott Key United States Navy
PO1 Robert L. Magaro
Seabee, WWII and Vietnam, Served at Camp David under Presidents Nixon & Ford United States Navy
FN Donald L McCommon
ACU1 Vietnam 1967-1970 United States Navy
S2c Robert M. Meadowcroft
Amphibious Forces Assault on Okinawa April 1945 Operated LCM United States Navy
SN Shirley Miller
USN-1 United States Navy
PO3 Michael J. Orris
Detachment Alpha (1973-1977) - Antarctica Winter Over Service Medal 75-76 United States Navy
CPO John H. Powley
Atlantic Fleet; Korea, Vietnam, Cuban Missile Crisis United States Navy
S2c John S. Putt
USS Crescent City (APA-21) - WWII - NTC Great Lakes IL United States Navy
SN Russell Ready
World War II United States Navy
FN Edward J. Rhoades
USS Mindoro (CVE-12) United States Navy
DK3 Carol A. Rizzardo
Disbursing - Vietnam United States Navy
RM3 Frank Rizzardo
Communications Division - Vietnam Era United States Navy
S1c George Morris Rohrbach
52nd NCB - World War II United States Navy
F2 Harry Rudy
World War II United States Navy
SC2 Hilton `Bud` Schick
World War II Served on USS Twining United States Navy
ETN2 Matthew Ryan Schmick
USS Harry S Truman (CVN-75) - Afghanistan (Operation Enduring Freedom) United States Navy
SN David Schory
United States Navy
E-4 Bruce Shellenberger
Vietnam War, USS Grenwich Bay United States Navy
YN3 James Thomas Siddle
Vietnam United States Navy
CPO Robert J. Stratchko
USS Iwo Jima, USS Ft McHenry, USS Bataan, USS Gerald Ford United States Navy
RD3 Floyd K. String
Korea - 1951-1955 United States Navy
PO2 David Sunday
USS Doyle FFG-39, 1995-1999 Operation Desert Strike United States Navy
ESFSN Robert W. Troutman
Air Base Crash Crew Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (1955-1959) United States Navy
RM2 David W Tyson
Task Force 117 aka Mobile Riverine Force, Vietnam United States Navy
Anne and Paul Wade
United States Navy
E-3 Erik N. Wevodau
Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation New Dawn United States Navy
Jack C. Wevodau
Seabees - Antarctica United States Navy

Sgt Theodore S. Balko
H Co, 2nd Battalion, 3rd Regiment, 1st Marine Division - Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Pfc Harry R. Brewbaker
world War II - Saipan - Iwo Jima United States Marine Corps
Pfc Edward Burke
Occupation of Haiti -1924-25 (1923-1927) United States Marine Corps
Major Richard W. Caldwell
1st Marine Div MARFORPAC Post Vietnam, Persian Gulf CINCPACFLT Commander in Cheir, US Pacific Fleet, MCAS Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii United States Marine Corps
PFC Lindsay C. Depew
5th Marine Division - WWII - Iwo Jima United States Marine Corps
Cpl Ernest Donofrio
1st MAW/HMM-165 - Vietnam (1966-1967) United States Marine Corps
SSgt Ryan A. Fiscus
Marine Wing Support Squad 373 - Iraq - Operation Enduring Freedom United States Marine Corps
Cpl George A. Green
Company A - Vietnam Era (1969-1975) United States Marine Corps
Cpl Tyler Jackson
2nd Marine Division 10th Marine Regiment HQ United States Marine Corps
CPL Connor R. Killeen
Unit 1 EOTG GWAT United States Marine Corps
Sgt James F. Kramer
2nd Battalion, 11th Marine, 1st Mar Div -Korean War United States Marine Corps
SSgt Elwood H. Long
World War II, Korean War United States Marine Corps
Sgt Shawn Magaro
3rd Battalion, 6th Marines - OIF/OEF Member of Operation Steel Curtain and Operation Iron Fist (2005) United States Marine Corps
Pvt Sam Mastrine
United States Marine Corps
Cpl Harry McCombs
9th Combat Engineer Vietnam 1st Marine Division, Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry, Combat Action Ribbon United States Marine Corps
MT/SGT Bernard T. McMahon
3rd Marine Aircraft Wing - WWII United States Marine Corps
Sergeant Kenneth R. McPherson
served from Feb 1953 - Feb 1956 United States Marine Corps
CPL Bryan J Morrow
1988-1992 United States Marine Corps
Sgt John W. Morrow
2nd Marine Division - Cuban Missile Crisis (1962-1966) United States Marine Corps
LCpl Clarence Wrightstone
2nd Marine Division (2nd MARDIV) United States Marine Corps
LCpl Edward A. Yocum
Ace - Beirut United States Marine Corps

Sgt Joseph P. Acri
303rd Munitions Maint. Squadron - Vietnam - Bien Hoa Air Base (1969-70) United States Air Force
A1C Robert C. Aungst
201st / 823rd Red Horse - Middle East (1979-1982) United States Air Force
Lt Col Sarah Beck
Operation Enduring Freedom United States Air Force
William Bodenheimer
1956-1961 United States Air Force
Major William Bodenheimer
1997-2001 United States Air Force
Sgt Frederick A Bollinger
2045th Com Group. 1973-1977 United States Air Force
Sgt Michael G Bostdorf
Pacific Air Command, Vietnam 635th SPS 1971-1975 United States Air Force
Sgt George E. Brougher
United States Air Force
Sgt Edward Bryner
215th AAF Base - World War II United States Air Force
TSgt Paul F Bryner
Vietnam War United States Air Force
E3 Steven R. Bryner
Air Freight 3709 (1980-1983) United States Air Force
Sgt Marshall K. Colson
4366 SEC PLCC (MAC) - Vietnam United States Air Force
MSGT Thomas M. Crist
United States Air Force
MSgt James `Jim` Derstine
Crash, Fire, Rescue 1966 - 1990 United States Air Force
CMSgt Edward W. Diehl
Iraqi Freedom United States Air Force
TSgt Alvin Leyton Diehl
Korea - Vietnam United States Air Force
Sgt Glen Dunbar
2051 Communication Squad Vietnam United States Air Force
SSgt Jason Matthew Faley
5th Special Forces Group, Udari Range, Kuwait Air Force Meritorius Service Award, Air Force Acheivement Award United States Air Force
Dennis M. Fry
United States Air Force
MSgt Charles M Gatten
81st Tactical Fighter Wing 1978-1990 United States Air Force
Sgt John GIlbert
Security Police United States Air Force
SSgt Gabriel Goldsborough
4th Expeditionary Special Operations Squadron - Afghanistan United States Air Force
A1C Tolbert L. Guistwhite
354th TAC SQD, Myrtle Beach AFB 1959-1963 United States Air Force
Sgt Robert Harshbarger
1966-1969 United States Air Force
Sgt Harold E. Harshbarger
400th MMS Okinawa - Vietnam War United States Air Force
A1C Wayne E Hoffman
795 ACW Sq (AAC) United States Air Force
Sgt Andrew Huling
49th Fighter Wing - Afghanistan United States Air Force
S/Sgt Lloyd `Jim` Jackson
Eastern Air Defense Command Korea Crew Chief - F-94C Fighter/Inter Jet United States Air Force
Sgt John T. Killeen
1876th Comm Sqd - Tan Son Nhut AB, Vietnam United States Air Force
A1C Gail A. Killeen
USAF Hospital SAC - Vietnam United States Air Force
Sergeant Larry D Leiphart
Vietnam, 4252 Strategic Bomb Wing, Missions: Rolling Thunder, Arc Light United States Air Force
Ernest J. Liddick
Vietnam United States Air Force
SSgt Russell L. Martin
348th Squadron - Vietnam War (1968-1972) United States Air Force
Sgt Nicholas Mastrine
active United States Air Force
SSgt Richard E Mentzer
Communications Korean United States Air Force
A1c Howard R.`Butch` Moore
34 A DIV Air Police United States Air Force
Sgt John R. Nolan
United States Air Force
A1c Charles P. Pisano
German Occupation - Rhein-Main Air Base Frankfurt, Germany (1954-1958) United States Air Force
Juan and Hillary Rivera
Operation Iraqi Freedom - Operation Enduring Freedom United States Air Force
A3C Boyd G. Rudy
3960 Combat Defense SQ United States Air Force
SrA Michael P. Sanderson
Security Forces/Security Police United States Air Force
A1c John Pete Shaffer
McGuire AFB United States Air Force
Corporal Roger Henry Shover
served January 5, 1953 - December 5, 1956 United States Air Force
SSgt Corey A. Stone
512CES Fire Department - Operation Enduring Freedom (2001-2015) United States Air Force
TSgt Harold R. Stonebraker
193rd Special Ops Wing C.E. Squad Operation IRAQI Freedom A.F. Nov 1969-Jun 1972, PA Ang Aug 1984-Aug 2005 23.5 years total United States Air Force
Sgt John C. Sullivan
United States Air Force
A2C Barry R. Weaver
1955 - 1959 United States Air Force
TSgt Patrick G. Wentz
633 F55/F5DA - Operation Enduring Freedom United States Air Force

SP5 William R. Fry
Headquarters Co. 104th Armored Cavalry Army National Guard
Spc 5 James Morrow
HHT 104th Armed Calvary Regiment 1965-1971 Army National Guard