Pfc Lucian Adkins
69th Armored Regt., 1st Armored Division - WWII United States Army
SP4 Timothy L Aubry
Vietnam War United States Army
Tec/5 Virgil G. Barber
BTRY C 315th FA BN - WWII United States Army
Pfc Larry E. Barber
1st US Army 42nd Field Hospital - Vietnam War United States Army
Pfc Charles B. Barber
WWII - 1942-1945 United States Army
Sgt Alfred F. `Knute` Barker
AF Assembly Station, HQ and HQ 2750 AFB WWII United States Army Air Forces
Pfc James Edward Barker
58th Guard Co - World War I United States Army
1LT David L. Brinkman
4th Squadron, 7th US Cavalry, 2nd Inf. Div. United States Army
PV2 Matthew L. Brinkman
Old Guard - 1st BN 3rd Inf. Div. United States Army
E4 Donald Brinson
United States Army
Sgt Freddie Brinson Jr.
324th Engineer Detachment - Desert Storm United States Army
Pfc Tilford C. Brown
World War II United States Army
SP4 Richard Douglas Brown I
H/H Co. 2nd Bn 36th Inf - Vietnam War era - Germany United States Army
SP4 Ronald E. Call
32nd Air Defense 2/57 Battalion - Vietnam era United States Army
S/Sgt Bernard J. Carlier
325th Glider Inf - World War II United States Army
Cpl Fred G. Carson
Airborne - Korean War United States Army
S/Sgt William F. Cates
WWII - Philippines - New Guinea United States Army
Sgt Charles D. Coleman
5th Division United States Army
SP5 Gerald B. Comberger
Vietnam War United States Army
T/5 Clarence R. Cronin
Co. C 94th Signal Battalion - WWII - ETO United States Army
Pfc Clay E. Davis
World War II United States Army
S/Sgt Wilson R. Davis
51st Armored Infantry Battalion - WWII United States Army
Spec/4 Carol Tucker DeLuca
Vietnam War United States Army
Sgt Adam Dozier
101st Airborne - OEF/Afghanistan United States Army
Sgt Kyle M. Edwards
82nd Airborne - GWOT - Afghanistan United States Army
Pfc Clifford Ellis
World War II United States Army
Pfc James Vincent Frazier III
5th Battalion, 28th Field Artillery 1970-1976 United States Army Reserve
S/Sgt Ralph E. Gauche
Fifth Medical Laboratory - WWII United States Army
Pvt Edward H. Gilfilen
WWII United States Army
E-5 Larry J. Guinn
Vietnam War United States Army
Sgt Emery Andrew Holden
Vietnam War United States Army
SPC Jake Holt
1-40 Cavalry - OEF - Afghanistan United States Army
Sgt John Patrick Houk
United States Army
Sgt Patrick Hubbard
24th Division - Vietnam War United States Army
Pvt Frank A. Huber
Battery B, 54th Field Artillery Training Battalion - WWII United States Army
S/Sgt Robert J. Huber
459th BG, 758th Squadron - WWII - North African and Italian Campaigns United States Army Air Corps
SP/3 Lawrence Hundley
12th Armored Infintry, 2nd Armored Division United States Army
Sgt Deron Thomas Johnson
101st Corps Support Group - 101st Airborne Div (Air Assault) - Desert Storm United States Army
Pfc William A. Jordan
World War II - South Pacific Theater United States Army
Pfc Elmer H. Kleemeyer
WWII United States Army
SPC Brian Kleemeyer
3rd Infantry Division - 101st Airborne Division - Operation Desert Storm United States Army
Spec-4 Garry E. Luke
HHC, 4th BN, 30th INF, 5th US Army - Vietnam United States Army
Sgt Allen Lynch
B Co. 2-25 Aviation Regiment - OEF/OIF United States Army
TSgt Edwin Glen McFadden Sr.
WWII (Army) - Korean War (Air Force) 3554th Main Squadron 355th M&S Group United States Army
Tec 4 Howard Joseph McMullen
120th Ordnance Medium Maintenance Co - WWII United States Army
CW3 Normand Michaud
Vietnam War United States Army
Pfc John D. Patton
WWII - Battle of Normandy - Battle of St. Lo United States Army
Cpl Allison B. Rains
Co B, 8th Infantry - Korea United States Army
Pfc Charles (Frank) Roberts
WWII - South Pacific United States Army
Pfc Carl Siders
450th Engineer Company United States Army
Cpl Joseph Smith
World War II - Pacific United States Army Air Corps
Pfc Curtis P. Smith
1st Signal Brigade, 587th Signal Co -Vietnam War (1969-1970) United States Army
Pfc Franklin R. South
101st Transportation - Korean War United States Army
Cpl Andrew Stegbauer
40th Div. 160th Infantry Regt. Medical Co. - Korean War United States Army
TEC5 James Stegbauer
51st Military Police- Korearnstegbauer@aol.com United States Army
SFC Kenneth Arthur Stevenson Sr.
Vietnam War United States Army
Robert Franklin Valentine Jr.
Vietnam War United States Army
Robert Franklin Valentine Sr.
WWII United States Army
1st LT Daniel L. Wolfer
Pilot - World War II United States Army Air Corps
Douglas Wayne Woods
Vietnam War United States Army

SSgt Harry Butler
thebutlersmh@yahoo.com Army National Guard
SrA Mariah Nicole Cornett
178th Logistics Readiness Squadron Air National Guard
MSgt William Paul Cornett
162nd Attack Squadron Air National Guard
A1C Taylor Mackenzie Cornett
124th Intelligence Squadron - Ohio Air National Guard Air National Guard
A1C Clay Davis
121st Air Refueling Wing Rickenbacker, Columbus, Ohio Air National Guard
Pfc Michael Glenn Davis
Army National Guard
SrA Lindsey Davis
178th MDG - Springfield, Ohio Air National Guard
CPL Nathan A. Guenther
1191st Engineering Co, 216th Engineer Battalion - Afghanistan - Operation Enduring Freedom Army National Guard
Sgt William W. 'Bill' Holden
Co C 1/147th Inf Bn - Vietnam War Army National Guard
SSG Edwin McFadden Jr.
147th Infantry Army National Guard
A1C Scott L. Mullis
162nd Squadron, 178th Wing Air National Guard

Sgt Jesse W. Bowman
Vietnam War 1965-1969 United States Air Force
A1C Jerry R. Brown
100th Bomb Wing - Vietnam War United States Air Force
Sgt Paul H. Burwinkel
16th SOS Spectre Squadron - Vietnam War United States Air Force
Sgt Jerome Lester Burwinkel
C-130 Aircraft Mechanic - MAC Base United States Air Force
Sgt Robert 'Bob' G. Call
Korean War United States Air Force
Sgt Robert G. Call
19th Bomb Wing - Korean War United States Air Force
A1c Clifford Joseph Crone
Korea United States Air Force
A1C Cody A. Holden
Security Forces United States Air Force
A2C Joseph N. Houk
337th Fighter Squadron (ADC) United States Air Force
A1C Joseph E. Huber
605th Air Commando SQ, Howard AFB Canal Zone, Panama-Vietnam Era/ Dominican Republic United States Air Force
A1C Kenny Huber
62 Military Airlift Command - Cuban Missile Crisis and Vietnam United States Air Force
MSgt Steven Robert Johnson
AFSOC - Gulf War, Desert Storm, OIF, OEF - Afganistan - Iraq United States Air Force
Capt Rachel Koopmeiners
374th Medical Group United States Air Force
Sgt Joseph D. Smith
36th Armament & Electronics Squadron (1966-1970) United States Air Force
Sgt Harold `Marty` Sparks
842 CES (SAC) United States Air Force
Sgt Roger L. Weathers
United States Air Force
A1C Thomas J. Wolfer
452nd Bombardment Wing (Light) - Korean War United States Air Force
SSgt Donald Richard Wolfer
Korean War United States Air Force

Fayetteville is proud to honor our men and women
who are or have served this country through our banner program.
Technical Banner Questions
Contact Harry Munson
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HTM Designs

E-4 Bill E. Adkins
USS George Washington (CVN-73) - Desert Thunder/Southern Watch United States Navy
CMCA Larry J. Adkins
Battalion 84 - Vietnam War United States Navy
S1 John T. Aubry
WWII United States Navy
MM3 Joseph E. Aubry
Vietnam War United States Navy
AN Tyler S. Aubry
USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) - Operation Inherent Resolve United States Navy
S1C Raymond Francis Barber
WWII United States Navy
GM Earl `Pat` Barker
Korean War - 1952-1956 United States Navy
SFM2 Robert A. Brinkman
USS Willard Keith (DD-775) - Vietnam - 1963-1967 United States Navy
LT Stephen John Burwinkel
VS-37 Aviation & Anti-Submarine Warfare Tech United States Navy
EM2 Anthony L. Burwinkel
USS Newport (LST-1179) - Vietnam War United States Navy
HT2 Rick Carson
United States Navy
DT1 Sharon Davis
United States Navy
RM2 Mark Davis
United States Navy
MM C. Joe Evans
United States Navy
SN Charles W. Evans
WWII United States Navy
AD3 Donald Albert Gardner
United States Navy
E-4 Paul E. Holden
VT-21 (Redhawks) - Vietnam War United States Navy
E-4 Timothy J. Holden
USS Lexington (CV-16) - Vietnam War United States Navy
ET Sidney A. Jordan
USS Forrestal (CV-59) 1954-1958 United States Navy
PO2 Austin Parker
United States Navy
RM2 Jack Patton
Vietnam War United States Navy
PO2 William 'Bill' Pritchard
Vietnam era United States Navy
LTJG Frank P. Ruggieri
Scouts and Raiders (SACO) - WWII United States Navy
AE3 Jerry Tissandier
United States Navy
SN Freddie Jason Tussey
USS Fremont (APA-44) - Korean War United States Navy
HM2 Tina Marie Valdez
HMH-466 Wolf Pack - OIF - OEF United States Navy
SN Robert A. Verwold
USS Springfield (CLG-7) - Vietnam War United States Navy

Cpl James Joseph Barker
Camp Elliott, San Diego, CA United States Marine Corps
LCpl Joseph M. Binder
Communications Company, 4th MARDIV United States Marine Corps
LCpl Luke Davis
Kilo Company, 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marines (America`s Battalion) United States Marine Corps
Cpl Michael W. Huber
1st FSSG - Camp Pendleton, CA United States Marine Corps
Cpl Harry W. Huber
1st Division - Korean War United States Marine Corps
Pfc Charles William King
WWII - Guadalcanal United States Marine Corps
Cpl Joseph Patrick Pope
MP Charlie Company - GWOT United States Marine Corps
Cpl Ralph E. Quallen
1st Marine Div Mike 3/7 2nd Platoon - Vietnam War United States Marine Corps
SSgt Brian D. Smith
26 MEU IMEF- War on Terror United States Marine Corps
Cpl Robert Stegbauer
1st Amphibian Tractor Battalion - Korean War United States Marine Corps
LCpl Logan T. Stewart
Infantry United States Marine Corps