E-4 David B. Beck
1st Infantry B-2-18 Vietnam United States Army
PFC Robert S. Berwick
14th Armored Div.- WWII - European Theater - France, Germany United States Army
SGT Lawrence E. Bolind
WWII 21st Engineer Combat Battalion United States Army
PFC Marcel `Cork` Bouchon
WWII - Battle of the Bulge United States Army
Cpl Dominick Bovalina
31st Infantry Division - Korean War United States Army
Pfc Ernest Clay Braswell
31st Infantry Division, Korean War United States Army
Reid Breidegam
82nd Airborne Division United States Army
Col Jon Brierton
Army Corps of Engineers - OIF - OEF United States Army
TEC5 Lesko A. Bugay
Company C, 61st Signal Battalion - WWII United States Army
Pfc Carl C. Cain
WWI France and Germany / WWII Auxiliary Military Police United States Army
TEC5 George A. Cain
WWII Rail Spliters Battle of the Bulge United States Army
PFC James E. Cain
Korea, Artillery United States Army
SP4 John Herman Campbell
Vietnam United States Army
S/Sgt Albert J. Caruso
228th Station Hospital - WWII United States Army
H. Jack Chamberlain
Korean War, Codebreaker, Germany United States Army
SGT John T. Cheesebrough
420th AAF Base Unit - WWII United States Army Air Corps
PVT John T. Cheesebrough
WWI - August 1918 to December 1918 United States Army
SP5 David Coates
HHC 36th SIG BN - Vietnam United States Army
Major Kevin Coates
Operation Enduring Freedom(101st Airborne), Operation New Dawn(2/8 1st Cav) United States Army
S/Sgt Joseph C. Collins
19th Heavy tank Co. 24th Div. Korean War United States Army
Cpl L. James Corbett
Infantry Korean war United States Army
Sgt Norman H. Cridge
8th & 9th AAF - WWII United States Army Air Forces
PVT Jorden Dawgiello
75th Ranger Regiment United States Army
PFC William J. DeForte
2nd BN 36th ARTY 4th Army United States Army
PVT Otis Wilson Dietz
United States Army
SP4 Robert Dorsch
630th Military Police Company United States Army
CMSgt Raymond F. Dougherty
U.S. Army HQ (Vietnam) and 171st ARW United States Army
SFC Joseph L. Douglass
630th Transportation - Desert Storm, Desert Shield United States Army
PFC John W. Doyle
94th Infantry Division, WWII, Nuremberg Trials United States Army
PFC Charles Earl Eaton
11th Infantry, 5th Infantry Division - WWII United States Army
Cpl Lloyd C. Faux
2nd Division/38th Regiment, Korea United States Army
T/Sgt Joseph Fodor
305th Bomb Group - World War II United States Army Air Forces
T/5 Henry Anthony Franchek
World War II United States Army
Sgt Ronald J. Frauens
145th Aviation Bn (MAC-V) - Vietnam United States Army
SP4 Charles H. Galba
12th Field Hospital 1960-1963 United States Army
Sgt Abel Gallant
WWII 734th FA BN Battery A Europe United States Army
Cpl Leon P. Gerstner
Headquarters 306th Bombardment Group (Heavy) United States Army
E-5 Thomas `Tom` Grago
Vietnam War, Crew Specialist 708 Maint. Co. 8Th In. United States Army
Pfc Earl E. Hartwig
15th U.S. Infantry, 3rd Division Korean War United States Army
Cpl W. Vance Hays
319 Infantry 160 Brigade 80th Division WWI United States Army
SP 5 Wm. Daniel Heck
Vietnam - CO C, 6th Battalion United States Army
Sgt Douglas Hoppe
101st Airborne Division United States Army
MSG Kenneth Howard
B Company 2/75 Ranger Panama United States Army
1st Lt Robert `Bob` Hozak
WWII, Korea Corp.of Engineers United States Army
CPT Ellen M. Hozak
Desert Storm Ordinance Corp United States Army
SGT Robert Hughes
61st H.E.M. Kitzeghen Germany United States Army
SP4 Dewayne E. Hughes
10th Mountain Division, Fort Polk, LA United States Army
Cpl George Jula
14th Communications Squadron - WWII United States Army
Tec 5 Frank W. Kerin
Co A, 393rd Infantry - World War II United States Army
SGT Regis T. Killmeyer
7th Cavalry United States Army
PVT e-3 John A. Kolas
HQ 294th MP CO Vietnam United States Army
SGT Bernard Kosco
Korean War, 8039th Au, Infantry Motor Pool United States Army
Cpl Walter F Kovac
WWII & Korean War United States Army
Sgt Steve Kovach
WWII 431st Anti Aircraft Artillery Battalion United States Army
LTC Kevin A. Kropf
HHC/1-109th IN (Bosnia) HHC/56th SBCT (Iraq) OJF - OIF United States Army
SP-4 Wm. Keith Kropf
41st Engineer Co. - Vietnam United States Army
S/Sgt Harry R. Lewis Sr
20th Infantry, Co. C - World War II United States Army
SSG William P. Lutz
72nd signal Battalion Company B Vietnam United States Army
SPC Jamison P. Mahoney
1/17th Artic Warrior United States Army
Cpl William Maple
12th Fighter Squad - WWII United States Army Air Corps
SP4 Ronald W. Martin
Camp Century, Greenland Polar Research and Development - Vietnam Era United States Army
Cpl Alfred D. Marzzarella
Signal Corp. Korean War United States Army
S/Sgt Armand A. Mascaro
WWII 39th Infantry, 9th Division United States Army
SGT Albert G. McAteer
Fifth Air Force WWII New Guinea Campaign United States Army Air Corps
Sgt John R. McConnell
Infantry, Airborne - Korean War United States Army
Pfc Paul J. McMichael
9th Medical Battalian Korean War United States Army
S/Sgt William J McMullen
3546th ord medium am co., WWII United States Army
SSgt Samuel S. Meanor
WWII 4th Division Infantry Utah Beach Battle of the Bulge European Theater United States Army
SP4 Terry W. Messner
60th Scout Dog PLT - Vietnam United States Army
SP4 Warrendale Messner
Operating Engineer - Vietnam United States Army
SP4 E4 George Gary Messner
RA Arty Vietnam War United States Army
S/Sgt Joseph Miller
Co E, 155th Inf Regt, 31st Inf Div - WWII United States Army
PFC Donald Eugene Miller
Vietnam United States Army
PVT James W. Morrow
Engineering - World War II United States Army
Staff SGT Donald E. Morrow
7th Infantry Division Korean War United States Army
SSG Richard C. Newman
390 AAA AW BN (SP) United States Army
SFC John P. O`Neal
36 Engineering BN Vietnam United States Army
PFC Gilbert L. Pargeon
Headquarters and Headquarters Troop 2nd Constabulary Squadron WWII United States Army
SGT Joseph John Perock
World War II - European Theater - Normandy United States Army
PFC Clarence D. Phillips
Long Lines Signal Group (8226th AU) - Korean War United States Army
PFC Andrew J. Polasko
Fort Belvoir, VA United States Army
SPC Zachary Rech
JRTC OPS GRP United States Army
SP-4 John `Jack` Relko
593rd Signal Co. - Vietnam United States Army
Sgt Richard Rivardo
304 Signal Bat. United States Army
Sgt Louis Rivardo
1/C A Bat. 15th Field Artillery Korean Campaign United States Army
Frank Rivardo
Cavalry United States Army
Private Michael Sauers
4th PA Calvery Regiment Company L Cival War United States Army
Spec/4 Ed Sauers
Infantry, Combat Regiment - Korea United States Army
SPEC 4 George W. Schultz
First Signal Brigade Vietnam War United States Army
S/Sgt John Skvarj
101st Airborne, 45th Infantry Division - Korean War United States Army
Michael Slomkowski
United States Army
CW2 Christopher R. Soder
1st Combat Aviation Brigade Ft Riley Ks Operation Iraqi Freedom Operation Enduring Freedom United States Army
Lt William B. Stawiany
Military Police - 2nd Infantry Division United States Army
S/Sgt Paul L. Stephens
39th Bomb Group, 62nd Squadron, WWII - Guam United States Army Air Corps
Howard W. Stewart
Japan United States Army
SP4 Edward C. Swaoger
Vietnam, Assault Helicopter Company 116 - Crew Chief United States Army
S/Sgt George `Bill` Thomas
WWII 446th Bomb Group (H) England United States Army Air Corps
SP5 James W. Tomazich
HHB 2/44ADA(HERC) USARPAC-ROK United States Army
SGT Alvin J. Trautman
WWII 9th Air Force United States Army Air Corps
E-8 Robert Clinton Updyke
1st Battalion 1st Aviation, Big Red One, Desert Storm United States Army
SP4 Gary Wagner
Vietnam War 237th Engineer Battalion United States Army
MSG Frank D. Weible
5th Group Special Forces (Airborne) Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation Enduring Freedom United States Army
2nd Lieutenant John W. Wesoloski
305th Infantry Regiment, 77th Division United States Army
PFC James John Wherry
C Btry, 737th AAA United States Army
SP4 Robert Darrell Wilson
Korea, Fixed Wing Crew Chief, General Support Platoon United States Army
Staff SGT Patsy Yanni
WW II 605th Tank Destroyer Battalion United States Army
S/Sgt George F. Yecko
WW II 3rd Division, 7Th Infantry Regiment United States Army
Cpl Moreland A. Yolton
99th Infantry - World War II United States Army
John A. Yolton
WWII United States Army
Paul V. Young
WWII 330th Bomb Squadron,93rd Bomb Group United States Army Air Forces

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HTM Designs

Coxswain Victor Allison
WWII Armed Guard unit SS James G. Blaine United States Navy
SF3 George C. Armstrong
USS PC-1201 - Guantanamo Bay Cuba - WWII United States Navy
CPO Richard A. Benton
USS Bennington - Korean War United States Navy
BM3 Robert W. Bradburn
Diver United States Navy
F2C John Russell Cain
USS Hanson WWII United States Navy
S1c Hugh Wallace Campbell
World War II United States Navy
S1c Everett C. Cheesebrough
USS Portsmouth - WWII United States Navy
HM3 Gerald Gileot
Surgical Techinican Veitnam Era United States Navy
SC1 John Gorczyca
USS SC-754 - World War II United States Navy
MM2 Jacob C. Guzel
WWII USS Bunker Hill United States Navy
S1c Richard D. Henry
USS Sherburne (APA 205) - WWII - Korean War United States Navy
GM1 Carson J. Leber
16th Fleet - WWII United States Navy
S1c Marlet `Whitey` Leber
USS Chauncey (DD-667) - WWII United States Navy
S1c Harry S. Leber
USS Nevada, USS Wyoming - WW I United States Navy
Seaman Michael J. Loper
USS Buchanan (DDG-14) Guided Missile Destroyer - Vietnam United States Navy
SN Bertis Stephen Loper
World War II S.S. Oliver Evans - Liberty Ship 1109 United States Navy
S2c Lloyd W. Plance
USS Turner DD834 WWII United States Navy
Seaman 1st class V-10 Maxine Faye Pustover
WWII United States Navy
Baker 2nd Class V-6 Louis Anton Pustover
WWII United States Navy
SN Paul M. Redick
USS Edgecombe (APA-164) - World War II United States Navy
RD3 John Anthony Reed
USS Hancock (CVA-19) Vietnam United States Navy
CPO Patrick Phillip Riley
Cuban Missile Crisis / Vietnam United States Navy
Y3c Goldie Geraldine Roth
WWII Navy Personnel Separation unit United States Navy
PO2 Wayne Rumburg
VF-121 - Vietnam United States Navy
S2c Edward William Sarachine
WWII Banana River Fl. Operational Training Unit VPR2#3 NAS (46399) United States Navy
AD2 David J Sauers
Desert Storm United States Navy
EM2 William J. Sippel
USS Constellation (CV-64) United States Navy
FA Frank J. Skvarj
USS Aylwin (DE-1081) - Vietnam War Era United States Navy
E-3 Richard A. Speer
Cuban Missile Crisis United States Navy
PO Jake James Tomazich
USS YMS-81 - WWII United States Navy
PO1 James B. Watson
Commander Submarine Force, US Pacific Fleet, Vietnam War United States Navy

Sgt Michael Ayers
Weapons Company - Scout Sniper - OEF United States Marine Corps
Cpl Andrew T. Bittner
1st Battalion, 5th Marines United States Marine Corps
SSgt Andrew T. Bittner
III EOTG United States Marine Corps
Cpl Nathan `Bud` Boling
WWII USS Boise United States Marine Corps
Cpl Harold E. Cain
3rd Battalion, 4th Marines, Fleet Marine Force - WWII - Western Pacific United States Marine Corps
PFC Bill Cole
Battleship USS Iowa United States Marine Corps
Cpl Cameron R. Dawson
2nd Battalion, 9th Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division United States Marine Corps
SSgt Howard E. Eichner
1st Marine Div., 1st Battalion, Co B, Engineers - Korea - Chosin Reservoir United States Marine Corps
Cpl Devin M. Foster
1st & 2nd Platoon Truck Co. - Iraqi Freedom United States Marine Corps
Pvt Edwin William Jordan
F CO, 2nd Bn, 8th Mar, 2nd Marine Div - WWII United States Marine Corps
SSgt James R. Moody
World War II United States Marine Corps
LCpl Frank W. Neal
2nd Eng Bat. Support Co. United States Marine Corps
Cpl Catherine Jane Purdy Lindy
Navy 990 WMD-3 MCAS - Korean War United States Marine Corps
Sgt Kenneth L. Ray
2/9 3Mar Div. Vietnam United States Marine Corps
E-5 Robert Clinton Updyke
VMA-311 Tomcats - Vietnam War United States Marine Corps
Cpl David George Wherry
USMC-SS Korean War United States Marine Corps
Sgt Chad Wilson
Operation Enduring Freedom, 1st Battalion 6th Marine Regiment United States Marine Corps
LCpl Herbert G. Yothers
H&S CO, 1st Bn, 6th Mar, 2nd Mar Div, Vietnam United States Marine Corps

SMSgt Gerard E. Beer
171st ARW - Kosovo, Desert Storm United States Air Force
SSgt Jonathan Bliss
49th Security Forces Squadron - OIF/OEF - Iraq/Kuwait - Inca Gold (Curacao) United States Air Force
Sgt Joseph G. Bucci
2037 Com Squadron and TAC United States Air Force
SSgt Robert D. Cain
Korea United States Air Force
A 1C Russell `Pete` Cain
Korean War United States Air Force
Capt Jan G. Cummings
SAC (Strategic Air Command) Vietnam United States Air Force
Sgt Wayne C. Forsythe
Vietnam War Era United States Air Force
SSgt Joseph George
4415th Flight Operations Squadron - Korean War United States Air Force
A1C Theodore W. Homol
60th Maintenance Squadron - Korean War United States Air Force
SSGT David R. Jungling
Nakhon Phanom Air Force Base, Vietnam War United States Air Force
Lt Col Elizabeth Killmeyer
Gulf War, Operation Restore Hope, GWOT Nurse Corps. United States Air Force
SrA Frank Kriznik
United States Air Force
TSgt Michael J. Kubatka
Desert Shield, Desert Storm, Iraqui Freedom United States Air Force
Major William E. Leber
34th Air Refueling Squadron - Korean and Vietnam Wars United States Air Force
CMSgt John J. Lee
911 Air Force Base Iraqi Freedom, Enduring Freedom, Inherent Resolve United States Air Force
A1C Frederick Macher
49th Tactical Fighter Wing - Vietnam United States Air Force
SSgt Marshall L. Maness
3511th Maintenance Squad Korea United States Air Force
Sgt Steve McAteer
49th FIS 21st Norad Division Vietnam United States Air Force
MSgt Thomas W. McMullen
433rd tactical fighter group, Vietnam United States Air Force
SGT John Milanek
69th MAC - Travis AFB United States Air Force
Major Herbert W. Moore
469th Tactical Fighter Squadron - Vietnam United States Air Force
Sgt Louis Preininger
28th OMS Helicopter support United States Air Force
A1C Ray Sauers
28th Combat Defense Squadron Strategic Air Command United States Air Force
MSgt William C. Stewart
Strategic Air Command 456th AMMS - Korea and Vietnam United States Air Force
A1c John R. Vrana
60th Fighter Interceptor Sqdn United States Air Force

SGT Jonathan Bayly
201st FA 30th Armored Brigade Combat Team Operation Spartan Shield Army National Guard
PFC Jacob Alan Eberhardt
28th Expeditionary Combat Aviation Brigade Army National Guard
MSgt Anne Killmeyer Goodman
1978-1999 112 TFG/171 ARW Air National Guard
TSGT Helen (Killmeyer) Hennessey
Desert Storm 1983-2000 171 ARW Air National Guard
MSGT Monica (Killmeyer) Heyl
1983-2015 112 TFG/171 ARW Air National Guard
SSGT Christopher Killmeyer
1984-1994 112 TFG Air National Guard
MSGT Regis T. Killmeyer
Desert Storm, 1952-1993 112 TFG/171 ARW Air National Guard
SMSGT Kathleen (Killmeyer) Lynch
1980-2005 Air National Guard
Cpl Joseph A. Milewski
HQ Battery 1st Battalion 108th Artillery Vietnam Army National Guard
SFC Jane Doyle Seifert
28th Signal battalion Army National Guard
SFC Frederick George Seifert
28th Infantry Division Army National Guard

Captain Amy E. Kovac
1995-2019 9-11 United States Coast Guard

E-5 Edward C. Swaoger
WWII Merchant Marines