Finleyville/Union Township

Finleyville/Union Twp Military Banner Application

American Legion Post 613

PFC Samuel J. Aiken
WWII Company A 397th Infantry
United States Army

PVT Francis Nelson Allridge
164th Inf. Regt Americal Div. Co. C - WWII
United States Army

Pvt Noah F. Allridge
56th Coast Artillery Bat. - WWII
United States Army

SGT Richard P. Allridge
B-13 4th Reg''t F.A.R C. 305
United States Army

SGT E-5 Allen Robert Ambrogi
Selective Service 1st Field Force Kontum S. Vietnam
United States Army

PFC William Andrewson
2nd Infantry Div. - Korea
United States Army

CPL Roger A. Antis
M*A*S*H 55th Vietman
United States Army

SP4 George 'Bennett' Balliard
MP - Vietman
United States Army

PFC Edward J. Banahasky Jr.
98th Fighter Squadron - WWII
United States Army

SP4 Frank Baranowski
Army Corps of Eng. 101st Airborne
United States Army

Pvt John F. Baumgarten, Sr.
81st Div. 130th Bn B Co. - WWII
United States Army

SP4 Ronald W. Bewick
Co. C 1st Batt. 110 Inf Vietnam
United States Army

Tech5 John Bishop
341st Reinforcement CO 3rd Army WWII
United States Army

SGT. Carl E. Bonanni
111th Signal Corp. WWII/Korea
United States Army

PFC William 'Scubby' Bores
HQ Co. 4th Engineer BN
United States Army

PFC Donald R. Bores
102nd SIG Bat. Korea
United States Army

 George Boyka
United States Army

 George Boyka
United States Army

CPL Robert J. Boyle
Korean War - Military Police
United States Army

CPL Ronald L. Brewer
501 Renovation Platoon Korea
United States Army

Tech5 Joseph L. Burdelsky
1197th Military Police WWII
United States Army

SP4 Salvatore D. Calo
H/H Btry 313th AAA Group
United States Army

SGT1c Simon Campbell
135th Inf. Reg. 47th Inf. Div
United States Army

Wagoneer Allen Campbell
336 Machine Gun Bn. 87th Div A.E.F. WWI
United States Army

PFC James B. Campbell
US. Army Band
United States Army

PFC Emil Capicotto
CO B 301st Infantry
United States Army

SGT Harry  Carter Jr.
39th Photo Recon. Sq. WWII
United States Army Air Corp

TEC4 Leo J. Cernaloger
COD 33rd Arm D BN WWII
United States Army

SGT1c Frank J. Chernuta
106th Infantry Div. WWII
United States Army

Captain George F. Jr. Cicci

United States Army

S/Sgt John J. Clark
247th AAF - WWII
United States Army Air Forces

PFC James A. Curdie
3rd Infantry Div. Signal Corps WWII
United States Army

SP/4 Joseph C. Cushey
29th Evac. Hospital/ Fort Devens Mass.
United States Army

Sgt John E. Cushey
Korean War
United States Army

S/SGT Joseph F. 'ACE' Dahm
6th Bomber Group Tinian Island WWII
United States Army Air Corp

PFC Clement Daugherty
8th. Calvary Ist. Infantry
United States Army

Pfc Norbert T. Detig
339 Gen Hosp Medic
United States Army

SPC E4 Timothy S. Dewitt
82nd Airborne/1st Infantry - Panama - Desert Storm
United States Army

TEC4 Wilbur F. Diess
708th Ordnance Co. WWII
United States Army

S/SGT William G. Dubbs
689th MP Co.
United States Army

S/SGT William 'Dubie' Dubbs
Ord. Army
United States Army

PVT 1st Class Frank M. Dupree
11th Airborne Div. Paratrooper Korea
United States Army Airborne

PFC Estel Dale Ely
282nd Field Artillery WWII
United States Army

SGT John Emerick
19th Air Base Sq. WWII Bataan Death March Survivor
United States Army Air Corp

SPC Daniel A. Englert
1st Bat. 28th Infantry Reg. Desert Storm
United States Army

PFC Joseph H. 'Smokey' Esswein
26th Infantry WWII
United States Army

PFC Edward C. Evans
3rd QM 3rd Inf. Div. Korea
United States Army

PFC Robert J. Farkas
United States Army

SP4 Jim Fassbach
99th ARCOM USAR Arty
United States Army

SGT John V. Fetchko
CO B 2nd Bat. 505 Infantry 3rd Army Vietnam
United States Army

PFC Charles E. Fields
23rd Infantry WWII
United States Army

CPL Cecil Fitch
Normandy Infantry WWII
United States Army

Spec-4 Jerry J. Foster
United States Army

PVT Joseph Henry Frederick
211th Engineer Train WWI
United States Army

CPL Andrew Funtal
AUS SIG Corps Korea
United States Army

SGT Russell Gadd
Tech. 4 Co. B 185th Eng. Combat BN
United States Army

SGT1c Michael F. Sr. Garry
330th Infantry CO. L WWI
United States Army

CPL Edward B. Garry
323rd Bomber Sq. 91st Bomber Grp. WWII
United States Army Air Corps

TEC4 John 'Jack' Garry, Sr.
743rd Field Artillery WWII
United States Army

LTC Chester 'CHET' Gasior
475th QM Grp. Enduring Freedom, Iraqi Freedom
United States Army

Specialist Kelli L. George
14th QM Detachment Water Purfication Desert Shield / Desert Storm
United States Army

Tech5 John Gerba
Company E, 118th Infantry - World War II
United States Army

TFGT Boris J. Gezzer
63rd Infantry Div. - WWII
United States Army

PVT John L. Gilmore
Warrenton VA
United States Army

PFC Steve Glova
HQ. CO. 45th Infantry Division WWII
United States Army

T/5 Emil M. Gondella
106th Signal Co. Ardennes Forest - WWII
United States Army

SGT John 'Jack' Green
39th Engr. SUP PT CO. Korea
United States Army

PFC Arthur G.  Green Sr.
765 Bombardment Squadron WWII
United States Army

PFC Melvin Guskey
Co. F, 594th, 4th Amphibious Brigade - WWII - South Pacific
United States Army

PFC Benjamin R. Hamilton
United States Army

SGT Elmer 'Tim' Harriett
10th Recon Group WWII
United States Army Air Corp

SP4 Walter B. Harriett Jr.
3rd Infantry/Military Police Vietnam
United States Army

PFC Ernest Harrison
478th Anti Aircraft Artillery WWII
United States Army

Pfc Robert `Homer` Hart
45th Infantry Div. Korea 'Thunder Birds'
United States Army

SP/4 Carl 'Fuzzy' Haywood
Vietnam - 384th Maint. Co.
United States Army

SP4 Merle 'Hank' Henry
2BG 19th MNT BN Germany
United States Army

SP/4 Terry  Henry
1st Logistical Command Vietnam/Germany
United States Army

S/Sgt William V. Higbee
485th Bomb Group 15th Air Force - WWII
United States Army Air Force

 Clair E. Hufnagel
Helicopter Div. Korea
United States Army

CPL George E. Humes
121st Trans Trk Co. Korea
United States Army

SP5 Donald Truxton Huttig
United States Army

SGT Robert A. Jackson
Mechanized Korea
United States Army

Corporal  Samuel H Jester
Civil War
United States Army

Chaplain, Doctor and Soldier David Jones
Revolutionary war and War of 1812
United States Army

CPL John A. Kavka
Transportation Corps - World War II
United States Army

1LT Robert C. Keeney
Invasion of France, North Africa, Italy WWII
United States Army

SGT Robert G. Keeney
4453rd A&E Vietnam
United States Army Air Force

SGT Arnold H. Kegel
28th Div. Co. M 111th Infantry
United States Army

SGT Robert A. Kennel
Co. D 501 Parachute Infantry KIA WWII
United States Army

TSGT Norman E. Kenny Sr.
45th Fighter Sq. 15th Fighter Grp. WWII
United States Army Air Corp

SP5 Joseph G. Ketter
Co. C, 33rd Armor - Germany
United States Army

S/SGT Fred Kirchner
WWII 11th Engineers
United States Army

TEC4 Roger H. Knefelkamp
Combat Enginer/Cryptographer Italy WWII
United States Army

SGT John 'Skunk' Konton
European Theater WWII
United States Army

 John `Jaye` Konton

United States Army

PFC Kenneth H. Koppitz
Signal Corp WWII
United States Army

PFC Andrew Kovacs Jr.
Bty. B 870th FA Bn USAAF WWII
United States Army Air Force

Cpl William L. Kraus
Infantry WWII
United States Army

1LT Eric Krempasky
10th Mountain Division (1LT)
United States Army

PVT Robert F. Kriegelsteiner
97th Airdrome Squadron AAF WWII
United States Army

PVT Robert F. Kroll
Infantry WWII
United States Army

SP4 John P. Kubis
527 PSC Vietnam
United States Army

Sgt Michael J. Kukol
248 General Hospital Philippines 1946 - 1947
United States Army

SPC4 Lisle Lambing
Btry. A 4th BN 1st Arty (ARADCOM)
United States Army

CPL Edward Lani
14th Mobile Replacement & Recovery Sq. WWII
United States Army Air Corp

SP4 Charles W. 'Cookie' LaSota
United States Army

SP4 James T. Lawrence
HDQ / HDQ 9th Logistics Co.
United States Army

CPL Ervan C. Lees
4th Armor Vietnam
United States Army

T/5 Thomas G. Lewis
WWII - 1653rd Engr. Utility Det.
United States Army

SP/4 John R. Livingston
C Co. 228th Aviation Reg.
United States Army

SP/4 John Livingston
1st CAV
United States Army

Sgt George A Lohret
571st Anti Aircraft Artillery WWII
United States Army

Cpl James P. Lusk
United States Army

Cpl Francis W. Lusk
1st Div. 26th Infantry - Korea
United States Army

PFC David M. Lusk

United States Army

PVT George Lutes
22 Cavalry Pa. Ringgold Battn. CO D Civil War 1862-1865
United States Army

S/SGT Wilbur Charles Lutz
Asiatic-Pacfic Theater Japan WWII
United States Army

PFC David A.  Lycett Sr.
United States Army

CPL Harry W. Lytle
Proof by Trial - WWII
United States Army Air Corp

Pfc Albert  Lytle
WWII - 10th Armor - Patton's Army
United States Army

E4 Steve G. Mahlberg
793rd MP Battalion - Vietnam
United States Army

SP4 James V. Maimone
Crew Chief U6A 3rd ID 3rd Aviation BN CW/Germany
United States Army

SGT James A. Mancini
229th Avn. Bn 1st Air Cav. Div. - Vietnam
United States Army

SGT1c Louis T. Manko
82nd Inf. Div. Anitaircraft Art. Weapons Bat. - Korea
United States Army

Captain David Mares
C/I -107FA (89th MP BGE) OIF
United States Army

SP5 Gerald T. Martik
United States Army

CPL John M. Marusich
4th Division Korea
United States Army

SGT John B. Matey
Btry A 1st Bn 333rd Arty
United States Army

Capt Ian J. Mathies
316th ESC - Operation Enduring Freedom
United States Army

SSgt Archibald Mathies
351ST Bombardment Group - WWII - Congressional Medal of Honor - KIA
United States Army Air Corp

1LT Ian J. Mathies
2nd Cav. Operation Enduring Freedom
United States Army

CPL David J. Mathies
8th AF - WWII
United States Army Air Corp

Master SGT Raymond Matthews

United States Army

E4 Robert M. McConnell Jr
7th Army Signal Corp Vietnam
United States Army

CPL Robert M. McConnell Sr.
United States Army Air Corp

CPL Walter D. McNary
3350th Army Air Force Base Unit PO Valley - WWII - Rhineland - Europe
United States Army Air Forces

SP5 Joseph A. Metrovich
2nd BN 44th Arty - Vietnam War
United States Army

Pfc Clement  Middleton
1318th Service Unit - WWII
United States Army

CPL Edward 'Buzz' Miller
9th Inf. Div - WWII
United States Army

SFC Craig Miller
10th Mountain Div.- Iraq - Afghanistan
United States Army

PFC Aidan Miller
Co. C 3rd BN 101st Airborne Div. War on Terrorism
United States Army

 Norman G. Milligan
United States Army

E5 Robert Lynn Morris
199th Aviation Co.
United States Army

CPL Amos 'Moe' Morris
United States Army

Cpl David Morrison
WWI - France 1918
United States Army

E4  Dennis Murray
6th Missile Bat. 56th Artillery (HAWK)
United States Army

Cpl Harry V. Myers
United States Army

SP/4T Richard A. Nebash
Army AUS UNASGD - Vietnam
United States Army

Sgt Raymond Noakes
1st Cavalry Division - Vietnam
United States Army

Platoon Sgt Robert C. Oates
88th Div. - WWII
United States Army

TEC4 Bill Ostrander
New Guinea / S.Philippines - WWII
United States Army

2nd Lt Harry Pachesky Jr.
WWII - 8th Army Air Force
United States Army Air Corp

Sgt William Parish
Second Rocket FA Battery - Korean War
United States Army

Cpl Albert J. Patton
Artillery - Vietnam
United States Army

CPL Patrick R. Patton
2169th Armor Infantry - Iraq Desert Storm
United States Army

PVT Phillip Paul
WWII - 29th Infantry Division
United States Army

SP5 Richard D. Pemberton
538th Engr - Vietnam
United States Army

PFC John Pinchok
United States Army

E4  Scott A. Piper
CO D 876 ENG
United States Army

S/SGT Joseph J. Polacek
7774th Signal Bat. - WWII European Theater
United States Army

SSGT Alex Popp
501st AAA Gun Battalion Battery B - WWII - Korea
United States Army

PVT Albert E. Powell
142nd Inf. Reg. 36th Inf. Div. - WWII
United States Army

CPL George C. Powell
Co. A 110 Infantry 28th Div. - Korea
United States Army

PVT Velimir Radosevich
United States Army

Captain David W. Rellis
8th Div. 28th Infantry Regiment - Korea
United States Army

SP5 William H. Rellis
Combat Engineers - WWII - Europe
United States Army

SGT Harlen F. Rhodes
Squadron B 1377th Base Unit - WWII
United States Army Air Corp

TEC4 Lewis F. Richardson
Co. A 1266th Eng Combat Bat. WWII Europe
United States Army

Cpl David Allen Ritchie
WWI - KIA 10/11/1918 - France Argonne Forest Offensive 320th Inf Reg. 80th Infantry Division
United States Army

CPL Albert E. Robinson
747 Mechanic / Engine Squadron
United States Army Air Corps

PVT George P. Rokach
United States Army

SP/4T William A. Roley
7th Infantry USAR Control Central - Vietnam
United States Army

PFC John Roman
Korea - WWII
United States Army

PFC William Roman
CO A 35th BN 6th Infantry Japan WWII
United States Army

SP4 John W. Rumbaugh
70th Aviation Detachment USARSUPTHAI Vietnam
United States Army

SP4 Raymond B. Rybar Jr.
3rd Brg. 82nd Airborne - Vietnam
United States Army

CPL Raymond B. Rybar Sr.
28th Infantry Div,.
United States Army

SP4 Herbert P. Saghy
79th Engineers - Vietnam
United States Army

E5 Robert C. Schallenberger
Artillery, Meteorology - Vietnam
United States Army

PFC John 'Ray' Schotting
Air Transport Command - WWII
United States Army

Master SGT Robert Stewart Scott
6th Armored Div.Tank Destroyer N. Africa Italy - WWII
United States Army

S/SGT Joseph Sevick
CO F 102nd Infantry WWII
United States Army

SGT Nicholas Sewchok
Infantry - Vietnam
United States Army

TEC3 Ralph Simpson
Normandy 482nd Engr. Maint. Co. - WWII
United States Army

CPL Andrew E. Slavonic
2113th AAF - WWII
United States Army Air Force

Sgt John `Jack` Slifko
WWII 4105th AAF
United States Army Air Corps

Private William Slowaitis
United States Army

SP/4 William C. Slowaitis
69th Chemical Co. - Vietnam
United States Army

SP5 Rodger D. Smay
A/169 Engineer Battalion - Vietnam
United States Army

PFC John F. Smolick
Btry. B 402nd. F. A. Bn. WWII
United States Army

Staff SGT. Edward Sochoka
Co. F, 11th Infantry - WWII
United States Army

CPL Raymond E. Spencer
Co. E 160th Infantry - Korea
United States Army

SGT Tech-4 Robert O. Staley
Germany WWII
United States Army

Tech5 John Stark
1287th Combat Engineer
United States Army

CPL Ramond H. Steiner
3rd Army Div. Korea
United States Army

S/SGT Keith J. Surmick
4th Infantry - Iraq
United States Army

SP4 Peter C. 'Sonny' Swidorsky
United States Army

SP4 Joseph J. Tonecha
630th Transportation Company - Vietnam
United States Army

S/Sgt Joseph Uziel
413th Medical Collecting Company - WWII - Central Europe, Rhineland
United States Army

E6 Daniel Valperga
19th SFG OEF and OIF
United States Army

SGT Wilbur  VanVoorhis
European Theater - WWII
United States Army

CPL John G. VanVoorhis
CO. A 28th Div 110 Infantry - WWII - European Theater - POW
United States Army

SSGT James L. VanVoorhis
Pacific Theater - WWII
United States Army

CPL Thomas D. Volkar
82nd Engineers - WWII
United States Army

PFC Harold Wagner
United States Army

PFC James 'Jim' Wagner

United States Army

SGT Earl K. Wain
45th Division Korea
United States Army

Pfc John W. Walker
Germany - WWII
United States Army

SGT. Wesley E. Wall
841st Engineer Aviation Bn - WWII
United States Army

SP/4 James H. Wellington
HQ Co. 2nd BN 27th Infantry - Vietnam
United States Army

SGT Kyle Wessel
23rd MP Co. ABN - O.I.F
United States Army

TEC4 Robert 'Buddy' Williams
HQ CO. 2nd Bat 385th Inf Reg - WWII - Rhineland Campaign
United States Army

Pvt Howard E. Zimmer
Brty A 7th Tng Bn USAT AD
United States Army

SGT Charles Zukauckas
Cannon CO. 105 Houser WWII
United States Army

PFC Walter Zukauckas
2nd Division Military Police Korean War 1953-1955
United States Army

S/SGT Louis Zur
United States Army

Robert P. "Bob" Jones, Sr
served in the U.S. Navy during the Vietnam War
continued his serve as vice commander of the American
Legion Post 613, Bob was also the executive director
of the Finleyville-Union Township Military Banner
Program honoring numerous hometown veterans
which continues to this day.
Our most sincere condolences
You will be forever missed

Finleyville/Union Township is proud to honor our men and women
who are or have served this country through our banner program.


How can you get involved?
It's simple.
Click the Application link above.

Please Click Here to view our Pub Crawl

John F. Baumgarten, Sr., under his military banner in Finleyville. Pvt. Baumgarten will be 100 years old Sunday, August 28, 2016

To date Bob has generated approximately 250 Military Banners
for his Community and Legion.
Click on photo to view video.
Click here for a printed copy of Commander Koller's Veterans Day Speech

Did you ever wonder how hard it is to have a loved one who is a member of the United States military deployed overseas in a dangerous foreign country?

What happens when household repairs and maintenance arise that depended
upon the spouse to take care of? A broken water heater, leaky roof,
flooded basement, backed up plumbing, etc.

Well that is exactly what Heroes Supporting Heroes (HSH) is all about!
To support military members, their families, senior citizens and others in need!

Click Here for information about the Heroes Helping Heroes Program

Technical Banner Questions
Harry Munson
Click to email Program Development

Services provided

HTM Designs

PO1c Allan Allridge
Vietnam - Gulf War
United States Navy

MM3 Gilbert E. Balliard
125th Seabees - WWII & Korea
United States Navy

PO 3rd Class George C. Barbour III
Oceana Naval Base
United States Navy

E3 Justin M  Barkey
United States Navy

EM3 Peter J. Barszczowski
United States Navy

AO3 Donald H. Bartrug
USS Randolph
United States Navy

S1c Frederick J. Bickerton Sr.
South Pacific USS St. George - WWII
United States Navy

HA1C Joseph H. Bores, Jr.
United States Navy

SN Frank C. Bove
United States Navy

 Stefan Boyka
United States Navy

PO2 James Donalo Caserta
Sea Rescue Team
United States Navy

SCPO Ken Checque
Gulf War, OP. Iraq Freedom, OP. Enduring Freedom
United States Navy

SM2 Ronald Lee Curdie
USS Mount Katmai AE-16 Vietnam
United States Navy

SM1 Stanley Curdie
United States Navy

SM1 Stanley Curdie
LST-749 WWII 1942-1945
United States Navy

MMM3 Thomas Aaron Cushey
WWII - USS Bronstein
United States Navy

YN2 Ron Dunbar
Vietnam USS Franklin D. Roosevelt CVA-42
United States Navy

PO 1st Class Thomas M Evans
United States Navy

RM2c Merle J. Frederick
5th Beach Battalion/ USS Fayette WWII
United States Navy

PO3 Edward M. Frye
USS Pawcatuck (AO-108) - Vietnam
United States Navy

PO 3rd Class Bert V. Furlong
USS Compton/Atlantic Fleet
United States Navy

SN Elmer 'Bucky' Gabauer
USS Rowan Korea
United States Navy

WT3c Edward Glod
United States Navy

AO2 Barry A. Grimm
USS Forrestal CVA 59 Vietnam
United States Navy

SM3 Walter B.  Harriett Sr.
United States Navy

RDM3 Robert Louis Jasko
USS Kittyhawk (CVA-63) - Vietnam
United States Navy

E3 Robert P. Jones
NOB Norfolk Vietnam
United States Navy

HM3 Paul M Jones
2nd Bat. 2nd Marine Div. Korea
United States Navy

PO 1st Class Thomas E. Josephi
United States Navy

PO1c John J. Kapusta
Aviation Radioman
United States Navy

CPO Andrew Kavka
USS Ellet (DD-398) WWII
United States Navy

GMG3 Timothy Koontz
USS William V. Pratt Farragut Class Destroyer
United States Navy

SA-CR William E. Lash
USS Neversail WWII
United States Navy

SN  James H. Lawrence
WWII - SS Robert B. Forbes
United States Navy

FFCL Obed D. Lewis
WWII - USS Achelous
United States Navy

MoMM3 William G. Lohret
United States Navy

SN2 Norman  Lytle
USS Chicago CA136 - WWII
United States Navy

E4 James C. Massey
VA-165 Squadron
United States Navy

SN1c Arnold Michler

United States Navy

BM Chief PO Joseph Najowicz
USS Independence (CVA-62) - Vietnam
United States Navy

SN Thomas G Parry
United States Navy

BM2 John Colin 'Fuzzy' Parry
USS Ranger (CVA-61) - Vietnam
United States Navy

SN1c John Calvin 'Jack' Parry, Jr.
European / Pacific Theater - WWII
United States Navy

GM1 Leonard R. Patton
United States Navy

MM3c Leonard G. Patton
United States Navy

CM3c Joseph S. Pontier
United States Navy

 Wayne B Porter
Vietnam 1956 - 1959
United States Navy

MS3 David Powell
USS Harold J Ellison DD 864
United States Navy

SN1st Class Don Powell
Uss Intrepid - Korea
United States Navy

SN1c Joseph Pranevich
United States Navy

Seaman 1st Class William R. Russell
USS Laertes - WWII
United States Navy

PO 2nd Class Charles H. Seghi
USS Hartley (DE-79) - Vietnam
United States Navy

E-4 Howard M. Sigler
VA 212 - Vietnam
United States Navy

PVT David A. Stark
Vietnam 1960-1964
United States Navy

PO2c Ernest Ellis Thomas
www II Iwo Jima
United States Navy

SN1c Donald  VanVoorhis
USS Kennebec - WWII Euorpean Theater
United States Navy

PO2c David B. Vickers
CVA61 USS Ranger - Vietnam
United States Navy

PO1 William H. Vickers
NAS Bermuda Vietnam
United States Navy

PO2 James C. Welsh
Special Weapons
United States Navy

MM3C Wayne P. Wilson
USS Farragut DDG-37 Nov. 1982 - Nov. 1986
United States Navy

GM3 Irving P. Wolfe
United States Navy

PO-3 Andrew Zelinsky
USS Arleign Burke Gulf War
United States Navy

PVT Jay D. Adams
United States Marine Corps

CPL Frank J. Ali
Marine Aviation Unit One MCAB - WWII
United States Marine Corps

S/SGT William G. Allridge
3rd Marine Div - Iwo Jima - WWII
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Justin Andrzejewski
1st Unit CLB24 2nd 8th ESB
United States Marine Corps

LCpl Harold Breinig
5th Marine Div. Explosive Ord. Demolition Vietnam
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Christopher Capicotto
VMA-542 Marine Attack Squadron 542
United States Marine Corps

CPL Leonard Francis Checque
United States Marine Corps

LCpl James H.  Christman
H Q Squadron Cold War
United States Marine Corps

SGT David E. Condie
A Co. 7th Eng. Bat. 1951-1953
United States Marine Corps

Pfc Charles 'Scotty' Crayton
Anti-Aircraft Battalion WWII
United States Marine Corps

Sgt Ronald L. Crim
Vietnam War - H & MS-15, MAG-15 - Japan
United States Marine Corps

SGT Roy J. Fagan
4th Div. 10th Cavalry Korea
United States Marine Corps

CLP Michael E. Franks
3RD Marine Div. Vietnam
United States Marine Corps

CPL Dwayne Gohacki
VMGR 252
United States Marine Corps

Lt. Col Jeff Haniford
CH 53E Pilot Desert Storm/Shield OEF
United States Marine Corps

CPL Frank Henry
4th Battalion Korea
United States Marine Corps

SGT Daniel  Hutchko
Enduring Freedom Afghanistan
United States Marine Corps

Cpl George B Kebles
United States Marine Corps

CPL George B. Kebles
United States Marine Corps

Sgt Gary Kriston
Vietnam 2nd Battalion 3rd Marines F-Company
United States Marine Corps

PFC Paul Lacko
1st Marine Div.7th Marine Vietnam
United States Marine Corps

PFC Lance R. Lawrence
2nd Combat Engenering Battalion
United States Marine Corps

SGT David A. Lycett, Jr.
United States Marine Corps

WO4 Richard A. Mangino
Panama, Afganistan, Iraq
United States Marine Corps

CPL George J. Manko
1st Marine Div. Fleet Marine Force - WWII
United States Marine Corps

CPL Stephen P. Manko
Casual Company 2nd Div. - WWII
United States Marine Corps

SSGT William L. Moore
VMF-323 Death Rattlers - Korea
United States Marine Corps

LCpl John A. 'Jack' Neidermeyer Jr.
2nd Marine Div.
United States Marine Corps

CPL Troy A,. Patton
Combat Enginering
United States Marine Corps

LCpl James D. Paul
United States Marine Corps

PFC Richard J. Pemberton
United States Marine Corps

Tech SGT AVN Joel J Petek
Pacific Theater - WWII
United States Marine Corps

CPL John 'Jack' Ringling
Pearl Harbor - WWII
United States Marine Corps

PVT George D. 'Dude' Russell
United States Marine Corps

CPL Daryl L. Russell
Vietnam - 3rd Marine Div. 2/26
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Allan J. Wargo
1st Battalion, 7th Marines - Operation Enduring Freedom
United States Marine Corps

Sgt Edward J. Zalagens
United States Marine Corps

SGT John A Allridge
United States Air Force

Captain Joseph H. III Bores
903 Air Refueling Sq. Vietnam
United States Air Force

Capt Robert P Boyd
WWII 8th Air Force 389th Bombardment Group (H)
United States Air Force

SGT William 'Elky' Castor
40th Fighter Interceptor Squadron Korea
United States Air Force

TSgt Edward D. Checque
Intelligence IRAQ
United States Air Force

AFC Ronald Earnest Davis
50th Bomber Squadron Korea
United States Air Force

SGT Robert Allen Harris
FMS Field Maint. SQD Vietnam
United States Air Force

Captain Estevan Herrera
964th AACS Afghanstan
United States Air Force

S/SGT Arvin L. Kegel
2472nd Air Command Korea
United States Air Force

Col Donn P. Kegel
16th Special Operations Squadron
United States Air Force

A2C John K. Kerr
Cuban Conflict
United States Air Force

SGT Allen O. Lewis
4th Troop. CAR SQ. AAF WWII
United States Air Force

AFC Robert L. Lusk
United States Air Force

AFC Dean A. Mathies
374 LRS Operation Enduring Freedom
United States Air Force

TSgt Dean A. Mathies
911th Air Wing - Operation Enduring Freedom
United States Air Force

SGT John R. McBride
United States Air Force

E3 Robert C Milligan
Vietnam War
United States Air Force

E3 Robert C Milligan
Vietnam War
United States Air Force

Tech SGT Theodore C. Opfer
Pearl Harbor Survivor WWII
United States Air Force

Sgt Paul D. Shaffer
635 SPS PACAF 1969-1973
United States Air Force

1st Lt Nancy M. Smida
33rd Aero-Med Evac. Sqd. of 911 Tag - Desert Storm
United States Air Force

SGT John G. Smida
7300 MDAP-NATO France / Korea
United States Air Force

A1C Harry 'Bernie' Wagner
Korea / Germany / England
United States Air Force

A1C Gerald 'Jerry' Webb
United States Air Force

A2C Ron E. Wicks
United States Air Force

2nd Lt Mateo Herrera
D/112th.56th SBCT 28th ID
Army National Guard

Master SGT Rolland Holsopple
PA National Guard Academy
Army National Guard

1ST SGT Harold Holsopple
4th BN 166th Reg (GS)
Army National Guard

1st Sgt John Koller
Co D, 876 ENGR. BN 1972-1999
Army National Guard

SPL4 Larry B. Lewis
Co D, 876th Eng Battalion - Desert Storm
Army National Guard

SSG Jerry L Newland
Army National Guard

E5 James P. Piper
CO D 876 ENG
Army National Guard

PFC Stanley J. Zmuda

Army National Guard

SC3c William R. Evans
Philippine Islands - WWII
United States Coast Guard

SN2 James E. Garry
USS Charlotte WWII
United States Coast Guard

Carp1c Michael F Garry, Jr.
USS Wakefield WWII
United States Coast Guard