SP4 Michael Joseph Angello
86th Transportation Company - Vietnam Era United States Army
SP5 John `Jack` Augustine
Cold War - 1955 to 1958 United States Army
PFC John Goodwin Baillie
World War II United States Army
Pfc William `Nap` Baillie, Jr.
World War II - 25th Infantry 'Tropic Lightning' United States Army
PFC Cyril Baranec
World War II United States Army
Pvt Andrew Bartek
L Company, 320 Inf - World War I United States Army
SP4 Marion Bartosiewicz
Vietnam War United States Army
Sgt Carmen Bartuccio
WWII United States Army Air Forces
S/Sgt George A. Bator
WWII - Co. B 56th Armored Infantry Battalion United States Army
PVT Oren C. `Skinny` Baum
WWII - Casual Company #1 United States Army
TEC4 Marcel J. Bauwin
World War II United States Army
MSG Mark Allen Beckett
Persian Gulf United States Army
Sgt Edward Bernot
WWII - 390th Fighter Squadron United States Army Air Corps
SP3 Lloyd Bish
Korean War United States Army
SSG Larry D. Bittner
Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation Desert Storm United States Army
PFC John A. Bittner
Operation Inherent Resolve United States Army
Sgt Rickie Lee Boarts
Gulf War - 332nd Engr Co United States Army
S/Sgt Michael `Mink` Boback
WWII United States Army
PFC Frank Bohan
WWII - 216th Army Air Force United States Army Air Forces
PFC Michael Bordick
Co. E- 162nd Inf - WWII United States Army
SSG Wilbur Charles Bowser
Cold War, Korean Conflict, Vietnam United States Army
Sgt James M. Bowser
1244th Military Police Company - Aviation - WWII United States Army Air Forces
Pvt Johnnie Andrews Brundidge
World War II United States Army
PFC Frederick Buriak
Company K, 325th Glider Infantry - WWII United States Army
Technician Fifth Grade Paul Buriak
188th Port Company - WWII United States Army
Pvt Ronald R. Ceraso
Korean Conflict Era United States Army
Cpl Edward Charney
WWII - Med. Det. 295th Eng. Combat BN United States Army
1st Sgt Andrew Chimka
World War II United States Army
PFC Leo J. Cieply
Korean Conflict Era - G Co., 31st Inf. Regt., 2nd Bn., 7th Div. United States Army
PFC Joseph Andrew Cippel
Korean War United States Army
SP4 Joseph A. Cirrincione
Vietnam United States Army
SPC Adam J. Cogley
Global War on Terror United States Army
Pfc Clyde L. Coleman
HQ & HQ Sq, XII Tactical Air Command - WWII United States Army Air Forces
SFC Ronald Coleman
Vietnam United States Army
Sgt Leo E. Cook
Coastal Artillery - WWII United States Army
Sgt Earl R. Cooper
Korean War United States Army
SP5 William Thomas Costanzo
Vietnam Era - 154th Trans Det Fourth Army United States Army
TEC4 William T. Costanzo
WWII - 3535 Ord Co. United States Army
SP4 David Dale Cousins
Vietnam United States Army
Sgt Ernest C. Cousins Sr
106th AAF Base Unit - WWII United States Army Air Forces
T/5 Charles Richard Culp
WWII United States Army
Cpl Wilbur Davis
WWII - Okinawa United States Army
Cpl Ralph S. DiGregorio
Korean Conflict Era United States Army
Sgt Stephen Dilick
Cold War United States Army
Cpl Earl W. Dilley
Squadron A 3502nd Army Airforce Base Unit - WWII United States Army Air Forces
PFC Tom Dinga
Company C 343rd Engineer Regiment, WWII United States Army
1SG Michael Dobrosky
Global War on Terror United States Army
PVT2 Frank A. Dranko
Korean War United States Army
PFC Robert E. Dykes
WWII United States Army
Cpl G. Kenneth Edwards
Korean Conflict Era United States Army
CPL James E. Emmonds
106th Infantry 423rd Regiment Company A - WWII United States Army
1st Lt Aldo L. Falsetti
468th Bombardment Group, 794th Bombardment Squadron, 20th Air Force - WWII United States Army Air Corps
Sgt Louis D. Faulx
Co C, 1874th Eng. Avn. BN - WWII United States Army Air Corps
Sgt Mark Faykosh
101st Airborne Div - Vietnam War United States Army
Sgt Paul R. Fennell
WWII United States Army
SP4 Wesley B. Fennell
Cold War United States Army
T/5 Arthur `Ben` Flanders
WWII - Company A, 552nd Engineers Heavy Pontoon Battalion United States Army
T/Sgt Leroy C. Flick
RCN CO, 814th TD BN - WWII United States Army
Pfc Charles F. Fox
World War II - Rome-Arno Campaign United States Army
Cpl Rudolph Fuller
HQ 8th Army - Korean War United States Army
Cpl Dewey H. Gauker
Korean Conflict United States Army
Cpl Edward G. Germy
Korean Conflict - 29th Tank Battalion 'Hell on Wheels' United States Army
Tec 4 Finley Grates
WWII United States Army
SFC George A. Grates, Jr.
Helicopter Crewchief - Vietnam United States Army
Tec 5 Paul G. Harmon
WWII United States Army
PFC Keith D. Heffner
17th Cav, 1st Aviation Brigade - Vietnam War United States Army
PVT Frederick C. Held
WWII - 500th Engineers Light Ponton Company United States Army
Sgt Francis K. Helit
WWII - Algerian - French Moraccan - Italian campaign United States Army
Sgt Frank J. Hrabovsky
Co. C, 47th INF, 9th INF DIV - WWII - Battle of Cherbourg United States Army
SSG Frank `Moose` Hrabovsky
Vietnam United States Army
Sgt Paul Hrabovsky
WWII United States Army
Pfc John W. Hufhand
WWII United States Army
Sgt Christine Jack
Military Police - Iraq and Afghanistan United States Army Reserve
SPC Jamie J. Jack
Cold War and Germany United States Army
Cpl Edward S. Janovsky
WWII United States Army
SP5 Barry K. Keeler
Vietnam Era United States Army
Cpl Paul R. Kerr
116th AAF BU - World War II United States Army
Cpl Frank `Shanghai` Kijowski
WWII United States Army
PFC Edward J. Kijowski
Vietnam War United States Army
PFC Leonard P. Kijowski
7th Infantry Div, 32nd Regt - Korean War United States Army
PFC Leo S. Kijowski
Co F, 8th Cav Regt - Korean War United States Army
S/Sgt Edmund `Lefty` Kijowski
598th Bomb SQ, 397th Bomb GP - World War II United States Army Air Forces
SSgt Alex T. Kijowski
467th Fighter Squadron, 508th Fighter Group - WWII United States Army
PFC Walter Joseph Kijowski
World War II United States Army
Tec 5 Paul P. Kijowski
Co. A, 593rd Eng Boat & Shore Regt - WWII - Asiatic-Pacific Theater United States Army
CW4 Donald V. King
Vietnam, Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Army
Cpl Rollin Oliver King
World War II - Co A, 803rd Engineer Aviation Bn United States Army
Cpl Charles Walter King
World War II United States Army
PVT Woodrow `Woodie` Kirkwood
Korean Conflict United States Army
SSG Todd Kirkwood
Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Army
Colonel Ed Klaput
Vietnam War - I Corps Hue/Phu Bai 1967-68 - Cold War United States Army
Cpl Robert J. Kovalovsky
Korean Conflict - 7822 AU - Germany (1953-1955) United States Army
SFC John M. Kozlosky
Company K, 112th Infantry, 28th Div - WWII - POW United States Army
Cpl Paul A. Kozuch
40th Squadron, 6th Bomber Group - WWII United States Army Air Forces
Pvt Joseph J. Kozuch
Co. K, 357th Infantry 90th Division - WWII United States Army
Private Steve M. Kozuch
Company I 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment - WWII United States Army
SP4 John S. Krecota
BTRY D, 2ND MSL BN, 56TH ARTY- Cold War - Germany United States Army
SP4 John R. Kunkle
1/12th Infantry 4th Div - Vietnam War United States Army
Technical Sergeant Lud Labutka
company E 502d Parachute Infantry, WWII United States Army
Sgt Joseph S. Lalish
WWII - Co.B 773 Tank Destroyer BN United States Army
Sgt Charles J. Lefchik
WWII - Company United States Army
Sgt Edward Lefchik
World War II - Battery A, 967th Field Artillery Battalion United States Army
SP4 Gerald Lerner
Germany United States Army
Captain Jack Levavitt
Korean Conflict Era United States Army
Cpl Ralph R. Lindsay
554th AAF BU - WWII United States Army Air Forces
SSgt Wayland Livengood
WWII - 484th Bomb Group United States Army Air Forces
SP4 Ken Livengood
Vietnam United States Army
First Sgt. James `Red` Lockhart
WWII - Seaman Landing Craft in Pacific United States Army
Sgt William A. Lunz
WWII - 3226th Ordnance Depot Company United States Army
Sgt Arlie Robert Mangus
Vietnam United States Army
SSgt Angelo J. Mantini
Co A, 19th Regiment, 24th Infantry Div - WWII United States Army
PFC Frank S. Marcinek
Vietnam - Co. D, 1st Bn, 3rd Inf United States Army
Lt Michael A. Martinez
Korean War United States Army
Sgt Herman C. McAfoose
Vietnam United States Army
SP4 Clyde W. McClymonds Jr
SP 4/C US Army, 25th Division reinforced unit 36th Infantry, Vietnam War United States Army
Sgt Clyde W. McClymonds, Sr.
WWII - Co. D, 112th Infantry United States Army
Pfc Archie R. McElfresh
Infantry - WWII - Battle of Luzon United States Army
Sgt Delmar P. `Mac` McElfresh
World War II United States Army
Pfc Russell `Shorty` McGregor
HQ & Service Co., 552nd Engineers Heavy Pontoon Battalion - WWII United States Army
T5 James J. McGuire
WWII United States Army
PFC Lawrence S. Meades
207th Signal Company - Cold War United States Army
Sgt Joseph E. Michaux
Medical Detachment, 127th General Hospital - WWII United States Army
PFC Joseph Miklos
Co. C, 513th Parachute Infantry, 101st Airborne - WWII - Normandy United States Army Air Forces
Pfc John A. Miklos
WWII - 482nd Med Collecting Co United States Army
PFC Jesse G Milligan
WWII United States Army
SPC5 James G Milligan
Vietnam United States Army
Major Edward W. Morda
USAAF - WWII United States Army Air Forces
Pfc Mike Mraz
26th Inf Regt. - WWII United States Army
TEC 4 Lewis Nicoda
WWII United States Army
TEC5 Nason A. Nimerosky
Medical Detachment 779th Tank Battalion, WWII United States Army
CPL James A. Nortrup
Korean War United States Army
Cpl William W. Oleksak
WWII - 199th Port Company Transportation Corp. United States Army
SFC Joseph B. Oliver
Hq & Hq Co. 51st Signal Bn. - Korean Conflict Era United States Army
2nd Lt Marjorie Kolodicek Opalka
WWII - 307th General Hospital United States Army
Sgt Michael T. Opalka
WWII - 24th Air Depot Group United States Army
Sgt Nick Oresick
95th Bomb Squadron , 17th Bomb Group - WWII United States Army Air Forces
PFC William Ortmann
Korean War United States Army
Pfc Edward Ortmann
WWII United States Army
S/Sgt Nick Panchik
WWII United States Army
SPC John Panchik
WWII United States Army
TEC4 Wallace Panchik
HQ Company 563rd signal Aircraft Warning Battalion - WWII United States Army
Sgt Andrew Panchik
WWII United States Army
Pfc Samuel Panchik, Jr.
WWII United States Army
SP4 Jerald R. Pauline
Battery B 6/32 Battalion - I Field Force Vietnam (IFFV) United States Army
Maj Albert R. Pechan
WWII United States Army
Sgt Ray `Wimp` Peters
1347th Army Air Forces - WWII United States Army Air Forces
S/Sgt Richard H. Peters
WWII United States Army
SSG Ron Petras
Persian Gulf United States Army
1st Sgt Joseph `Pivo` Pivarnik
Company A, 13th Mountain Medical Battalion, WWII United States Army
PFC Leo S. Placha
Korean War United States Army
Pfc Stephen E. Popolis
Co M, 318th Infantry Regiment, 80th Division - WWII United States Army
Sgt Carl Porter
Korean War United States Army
Staff Sergeant Charles `Pooch` Prazenica
Company M 38th Infantry Regiment - WWII United States Army
TEC3 Harry Procyshen
533rd Engineer Boat & Shore Regiment, WWII United States Army
SFC Jayson `Bones` Reppard
Iraqi Freedom United States Army
Cpl Joseph `Jerry` Retzer
Co. F, 31st Inf Reg - Korean War United States Army
TEC4 Bernard J. Richards Sr.
409th Infantry Division - WWII United States Army
SP5 Lloyd `Peanut` Riggle
Cold War United States Army
PVT Kenneth C. Ritchey
Korean Conflict Era United States Army
Cpl MaryAnn Romancheck
WWII United States Army
Corporal Lee Ruffner
Battery B 129th Auto Aircraft Artillery Gun Battalion, WWII United States Army
Sgt Floyd `Flick` Rupert
Cold War United States Army
Sgt Irvin Russick
WWII - 320th Fighter Control Squadron United States Army Air Corps
Cpl Edward P. Sanoba
20th Tank Battalion, 20th Armored Division - WWII United States Army
SP4 Harry H. Schaeffer
Korean War United States Army
TEC5 Albert J. Scripps
WWII - 475th Infantry 2nd BN United States Army
SP4 James R. Sell
Vietnam War 1964-1966 864th Engineers United States Army
SP4 Darwin Shaner
Vietnam - A Co., 17th Engr Bn, 2nd Armd Div United States Army
Cpl Harry B. Shaul
WWII - Radio Operator 1252 AAF Base Unit United States Army Air Forces
Sgt James W. Shumaker
G.W.O.T. - Co. A 1/112th Infantry United States Army
SP-3 Robert T. Shumaker
Korean War United States Army
SFC Steve Smerick
1/75th Ranger Regiment, Army Special Operation Command- Operation Iraqi Freedom / Operation Enduring Freedom United States Army
S/Sgt James H. Smith
Battery A 70th AAA - WWII United States Army
Sgt Donald R. Smock
756 Tank Battalion - WWII United States Army
PFC John J. Sotak
9111th Technical Service Unit, Climatic Research - WWII United States Army
Cpl Herman `Bill` Spang
WWII - Medical Detachment, 12th Cavalry United States Army
SP4 George R. Stivason
Vietnam - 515 Trans Co. United States Army
Pvt Vance Stivason
Korean War United States Army
PFC John `Tuby` Suwala
Battery A 184th AA Gun BN - WW II United States Army
Technician Fifth Grade Joseph `Dow` Suwala
Battery C Harbor Defense of Portland, WWII United States Army
MSG Shawn D. Swartz
Operation Desert Storm; Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Army
Sgt Joseph M. Szalankiewicz
World War II United States Army
Sgt Stanley F Szalankiewicz
825th Engineer Aviation Battalion - WWII United States Army
T/4 Frank J. `Lammie` Szul
WWII - Medical DET 17th A.I.R. 12th United States Army
Cpl Robert `PeeWee` Szymanski
Korean War United States Army
TEC4 Sylvester C. Szymanski
274th Port Company 503rd Battalion - WWII United States Army
SP-5 Charles `Eddie` Taladay III
Vietnam Era United States Army
Cpl Bernard A. Tarnek
Korean War United States Army
Sgt Charles `Chuck` Temsik
Korean War United States Army
TEC 5 James A. Thiry
193rd Chemical Depot Company - WWII United States Army
Cpl James Tomaswick
Korean Conflict Era United States Army
PV2 Thomas L. Toy
Korea United States Army
SSgt Walter `Vudge` Troyan
Co. A, 349th Inf Regt, 88th Div - WWII United States Army
Sgt Nicholas `Nick` Tullai
Co D 13th Inf Regt - WWII United States Army
2nd Lt David C. Ullom
World War II United States Army Air Forces
First Lieutenant Nicholas `Kie` Ursiak
B-17 Bomber pilot, 385th Bombardment group 8th Air Force - WWII United States Army Air Forces
Sgt Arthur J Valasek
Co C, 252nd ENGR COM BN, WWII United States Army
Cpl August T. Valasek
324th Infantry, Medical Detachment - WWII United States Army
PFC Robert E. Valasek
89th Bombardment Squadron, 38th Bombardment Group - WWII United States Army
Sgt Leopold A. Valasek
431st Bombardment - WWII United States Army Air Forces
Cpl George J. Varholla
493rd Bomb Squadron - WWII United States Army
SP3 Albert James Wagner
3rd Armored Division (Spearhead) - Okinawa United States Army
SP4 Fred L. Walbert
Korea United States Army
Sgt Edward R. Walbert
Military Policeman - Vietnam War United States Army
SPC Geri `Ding` Walker
Cold War United States Army
PFC Daniel Warcholak
Korean Conflict - 68th ENG DEPOT CO United States Army
Pvt Altimore Ware
51st Co., 13th Bn, 153rd Depot Brigade - WWI United States Army
Pvt Altimore Ware
51st Co., 13th Bn, 153rd Depot Brigade - WWI United States Army
PFC Russell G. Warner
WWII United States Army
Cpl Robert Allen Williams
WWII - BTRY B, 773rd FA BN United States Army
T/5 William `Bill` Wingard
Co G, 187th Glider Infantry Regiment, 11th Airborne Div - WWII United States Army Airborne
TEC5 John Wojcik
420th Port Company, Transportation Corps, WWII United States Army
SP4 Ronald Wojcik
Vietnam Era United States Army
Sgt Donald Wyant
Korean War United States Army
SP1 Robert Zanetti
Vietnam - 101st Airborne Division 2d BN 11 Arty United States Army
Cpl Joseph A. Zanetti Sr
World War II United States Army
1st Lt Rudolph J. Zelek
WWII - 45th Squadron, 316 Troop Carrier Group United States Army Air Forces

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HTM Designs

SN Edwin `Ed` Asay
World War II United States Navy
SN John A. `Jack` Bittner, Jr.
Korean War United States Navy
ETR2 Walter Boguslawski
USS MADDOX - Vietnam United States Navy
Coxswain Michael S. Bordick
World War II United States Navy
EM3 James Richard Bordick
Vietnam Era - Keflavik, Iceland United States Navy
SN Elmer Ellsworth Bowser
USS GALVESTON - Vietnam Era United States Navy
RM1 Richard D. Brandstetter USN
Vietnam Era United States Navy
F1c Anthony Cesare
WWII United States Navy
BMCS Michael A. Cesare
Operation Desert Storm United States Navy
CM2 Michael Charney
WWII - Asian-Pacific Theater United States Navy
F1C Dominic E. Cirrincione
WWII - USS Auk (AMST) United States Navy
COX Russell `Jack` Cooper
World War I United States Navy
S2c David Lee Cousins
USS Wisconsin - WWII (1944-1946) United States Navy
WT2c Harry Crail
USS Hunt (DD-674) - World War II United States Navy
CS3 Bernard Eugene Denardo, Sr.
Korean Conflict Era United States Navy
S1c Peter F. Dzugan
World War II United States Navy
CYN3 Harold `Frenchie` French
Vietnam Era - Naval Communication Station, Greece United States Navy
SC2 Richard JR. French
WWII - Coco Sole, C.Z. United States Navy
GM2 Silvio L. Frieri, Jr.
WWII United States Navy
YNT3 Joseph A.`Gish` Gispanski Sr.
Korean War United States Navy
Bkr3c Adolph D. Gladysiewski
WWII United States Navy
CSC James J. Goodman
Global War on Terror United States Navy
SF3 George A. Grates, Sr.
Seabees - World War II United States Navy
S1c Charles E. Green
WWII United States Navy
PNSN Richard L Hand
Korean War United States Navy
ETN3 David Paul Hassa, Sr.
Vietnam United States Navy
F1c James L. Hoffman
WWII - South Pacific United States Navy
SN James Hrabovsky
USS Bordelon - Korean War United States Navy
CTSN Jack Hrabovsky
Korean War United States Navy
ABE3 David J. Hrabovsky
Cold War - USS Enterprise (CVN-65) United States Navy
SN Thomas R. Ion
Cold War - USS Duncan United States Navy
HM1 Christopher L. Ion
Cold War United States Navy
S1c Kenneth K. Keeler
WWII United States Navy
SFP3 John M. Kellner
Vietnam Era - USS Damato United States Navy
FTM2 James F. `Butch` Kellner
Vietnam War United States Navy
GM3 Richard E. King
WWII United States Navy
AK3 Harold `Jack` Kirscht
WWII United States Navy
AMM3c Kenneth C. Kirscht
WWII United States Navy
S1c Victor Kizik
World War II United States Navy
RM3c David E. Klingensmith
World War II United States Navy
ABF2 Ronald W Klingensmith Jr
USS Nimitz (CV-68) - Cold War United States Navy
S1c Albert C. Kovac
WWII United States Navy
HM2 Ronald A. Lerner
Vietnam Era United States Navy
MM3 Henry P. Lhote
WWII United States Navy
Lt Paul Lhote
Persian Gulf United States Navy
RM2c Frank Lorence
WWII United States Navy
Slc Joseph Magdy
World War II United States Navy
YNC Genevive Kozak Mantini
W.A.V.E.S. - World War II United States Navy
SC3 Ralph `Dan` Martin
World War II United States Navy
QM1c Peter Meleason
WWII United States Navy
AB3 Paul `Spike` Meleason
Korean War United States Navy
SM2 Albert M. Mohney
WWII - American Theater United States Navy
SA Mike D. Moyta
Korean War United States Navy
TM1 Richard L Myers
Vietnam Era United States Navy
AMM1 Andy `Ruffhead` Odrey
World War II United States Navy
LT Frederick Ortmann
WWII United States Navy
ARM3 Bernard `Bunny` Ortmann
Aviation Radioman - WWII United States Navy
EM1c Waldon Campbell Pepper
World War II - Seabee United States Navy
RM1c Nick Relich
World War II United States Navy
ETN3 Bernie Richards, Jr.
Vietnam United States Navy
SN James K. Richardson
United States Navy
DK3/ SSG Charles `Chuck` Righi
Navy - Vietnam Era / Army National Guard Co. A, 1/112th Infantry - Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Navy
EM3 Ray E. `Butch` Rupert
USS England - Vietnam United States Navy
CGM Stanley W. Sadeski
World War II United States Navy
RD3 Charles `Bill` Salsgiver
Cold War United States Navy
YN3 Lois L. Santelmo
Vietnam United States Navy
S/1c Frederick John Say
USNTS & USN ACG - WWII United States Navy
S1c Catherine A. Schofield
V-10 , USNR - World War II United States Navy
RD2 Angelo F. Scopel
Korean Conflict Era United States Navy
GM 3 James C. Shoop
WWII United States Navy
SK3 David A. Simmons
Vietnam United States Navy
S1c Bernard Smerick
WWII United States Navy
HT2 Michael Steele
USS Hermitage (LSD 34) United States Navy
CTTCM Daryl R. Stitt
Korean Conflict - Vietnam Era United States Navy
PO3/SFC Darrell Stivason
Beirut / Lebanon Conflict United States Navy
EN2 Karl Douglas Swigart
Cold War and Cuban Missile Crisis United States Navy
RM3c Jack Thomaswick
WWI - United States Navy
BU3 John W. Tirpak
Seabees - Vietnam United States Navy
SSMB3 John Troyan
World War II United States Navy
S1C George C. Vojna
WWII United States Navy
EM3C Fred L. Walbert
WWII United States Navy
F2C Leroy F. Walters
World War II United States Navy
SHSN Paul E. Wick
WWII and Korean War United States Navy
BT2 John P. Wintgens
Korea United States Navy
Y3 Margaret Wintgens
W.A.V.E.S. - WWII United States Navy
SK2 Tom Zanoli
Korean Conflict United States Navy
S1c Paul Zubik
World War II United States Navy

Sgt Zenon Bauwin
Korean War United States Marine Corps
PFC Dawson L Boarts
United States Marine Corps
Cpl Lawrence E. Bordick
Vietnam Era United States Marine Corps
Sgt Charles F. Butz
Korean War United States Marine Corps
LCpl Richard A. Cousins, Jr.
VMA-223 2nd MAW, MAG-14 - Cherry Point MCAS United States Marine Corps
Cpl Michael `Bolo` Csir
WWII United States Marine Corps
PFC Paul Elash
WWII United States Marine Corps
PFC Robert Leroy Fair
WWII United States Marine Corps
Cpl William `Bill` Freeman
Cold War United States Marine Corps
Sgt Michael F. Golab
Vietnam Era United States Marine Corps
Pfc David L. Harvey
Co C, 1st MP Bn, FMF - Vietnam United States Marine Corps
PFC Max C Hileman
Global War on Terror United States Marine Corps
Capt Kendall J. Ignatz
Global War on Terrorism United States Marine Corps
Sgt Terry J. Ion
Cold War United States Marine Corps
Cpl Nicholas `Nick` Kasun
WW II - K Co., 3rd Bn, 5th Regt, 1st Marine Div United States Marine Corps
Cpl Michael R. Klingensmith
2nd PLT, Trk Co., HqBN, 4th Mar.Div.FMF, Cold War United States Marine Corps
Sgt Donald R. Kough
Vietnam War United States Marine Corps
Sgt Joseph M. Krukar
Korean Conflict United States Marine Corps
Cpl Emily M. Labutka
WWII United States Marine Corps
Cpl Paul L. Luketic
Vietnam War United States Marine Corps
TSgt Nicholas `Nick` Madzy
World War II United States Marine Corps
Pfc Ross A. McGinnis
C CO, Ist BN, 26th Infantry United States Marine Corps
PVT Jaden T. Mechling
United States Marine Corps
Sgt Richard `Lefty` Meixelberger
Korean War United States Marine Corps
Sgt James W. Miller
Vietnam United States Marine Corps
SSgt John C Novak
Korean War United States Marine Corps
Cpl Gary P. Ortmann
United States Marine Corps
PFC Jacob J. Ortmann
World War II United States Marine Corps
Sgt Michael Panchik
WWII United States Marine Corps
Cpl Steve Poundstone
Fox Company, 2nd Battalion, 9th Marines, 3rd Marine Div - Vietnam War United States Marine Corps
Cpl Charles Allen Stroup
Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Cpl Frank `Lammie` Szymanski
WWII United States Marine Corps
LCpl James V. Vensel
Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Cpl Valentine Wojton
Korean War United States Marine Corps
Sgt Chris D. Yanoff
Cold War 1978-1981 United States Marine Corps

A1c William J. Anthony
Korean War United States Air Force
TSgt Michael S. Bordick
Vietnam United States Air Force
Lt Col Grace M. Charney
Space Command (DSP) - Operation Desert Storm United States Air Force
SrA Mark Dilick
Global War on Terror United States Air Force
A1C Alan Baker Fair
Korean Conflict Era United States Air Force
SSgt Billie Jean Faulx
Vietnam War United States Air Force
Sgt Albert Charles Garay
Vietnam United States Air Force
S/Sgt Stan `Stush` Gladysiewski
Korean Conflict Era United States Air Force
SSgt Jason R. Hartman
Global War on Terror - Okinawa, Korea, Afghanistan United States Air Force
A1C George T. Hilty
Cold War and Cuban Missile Crisis United States Air Force
TSGT Delton D. Ion, Jr.
Operation Desert Shield/Storm United States Air Force
A1C Delton R. Ion, Sr.
Korean Conflict Era - 73D Bomb SQ (SAC) United States Air Force
SSgt Lloyd R. Jack
Korean War United States Air Force
A/1C Edward L. Leard
Korean Conflict Era United States Air Force
Sgt Robert J McKernan
Vietnam War United States Air Force
S/Sgt Paul Miklos
95th TRP CARR Sq, 440th TRP CARR - WWII United States Air Force
PFC Joseph Miklos
WWII - Co. C, 519th Infantry United States Air Force
1st Lt William B. Montgomery
844th Bombardment Squadron, 489th Bombardment Group (Heavy), Eighth Air Force, WWII United States Air Force
A1c James P. Novak
Korean War United States Air Force
2LT Paul Opalka
World War II United States Air Force
SSgt Andy Opalka
Korean War United States Air Force
A1C Leo F. Oresick
??? see note below United States Air Force
1st Lt Robert D. Peck
WWII United States Air Force
A1c Ronald Jean Pendleton
Korean Conflict United States Air Force
SrA Kolt K. Righi
1st SOCMS - Operation Freedom's Sentinel - Afghanistan United States Air Force
SSgt Earl R. Rupert
Vietnam United States Air Force
S/Sgt Marvin Russell
4706th Air Defense Wing (ADC) - Korean War United States Air Force
A1C Justin Schaeffer
Global War on Terror United States Air Force
A1C Edward H. Shaffer
Korean Conflict United States Air Force
SSGT Herbert J. Vonderkall
Korean War United States Air Force
SrA James Weigand
30 SFS - Vandenberg AFB United States Air Force

PFC Keith Bartoe
Global War on Terror Army National Guard
SPC Michael Bell
Co. A, 1/112th Infantry - Operation Iraqi Freedom Army National Guard
Pvt Joseph A. Cirrincione
Cold War - Co. C 112th Inf. Army National Guard
SPC Jacob John Czekanski
Co. A, 1/112th Infantry - Operation Iraqi Freedom Army National Guard
PFC Lewis T Frerotte
Company C, 112th Infantry, Korean Conflict Era Army National Guard
Sgt Gary E. Guthrie
Vietnam, Cold War and GWOT Army National Guard
Sgt Carl J. Morgain
A Co., 1/112th Mech. Infantry, 28th Division Army National Guard
Sgt Aaron M. Thompson
Company A 1/112th Infantry - Operation Iraqi Freedom Army National Guard

S1c Pauline Bernot
WWII - OB Georgetown United States Coast Guard
SC3c Joshua P. Galbraith
World War II United States Coast Guard
AM3 Kenneth R. `Kenny` Kirscht
Vietnam Era United States Coast Guard
S1c Charles L. Yanoff
World War II United States Coast Guard