PFC Frank D. Blauser
Vietnam War Era United States Army
Pfc Aaron R. Dick
Cold War (1958-1961) United States Army
PFC Vernon W. Fine
Korean Conflict United States Army
PFC James L. Fleming
Korean Company E 45th Infantry Divisions United States Army
Cpl Robert E. Fleming
Korean War United States Army
SGT Boyd W. Fulk
7th Infantry - WWII United States Army
Pvt John F. Ganoe
101st Airborne, Paratrooper - Vietnam War Era United States Army
PFC Perry 'Jack' Gardner
WWII United States Army
Pfc Charles Eugene Gates
WWII Dec 7, 1941 - Dec 31, 1946 United States Army
Pfc Carlyle C. Irwin
60th Infantry, 9th Infantry Division - WWII United States Army
PFC Donald L. Jackson
Vietnam War Army Security Agency, ASA 1963-1965 United States Army
Cpl Richard A. Leavy
Korean Conflict United States Army
Pfc Fred D. McCoy
World War II United States Army
SGT Richard G. McHenry
WWII United States Army
Pvt Judy L. (Arendt) Miller
Medical Corps - Cuban Missile Crisis United States Army
PFC Robert L. Montgomery
WWII United States Army
SP4 Joseph L. Page
352nd Quartermaster Co. 1981-1988 United States Army
Spec/4 Steven Wayne Page
Vietnam War United States Army
TSgt Robert L. Platt
WWII United States Army
Sgt Richard B `Spider` Preston
Korean Conflict United States Army
PN2/SFC Byron D. Rabb
Navy - USS Ute (AT-76) - Army - Cold War, Vietnam War United States Army
PFC Robert M. Shoup
Korean Conflict United States Army
T5 Eugene E. Thompson
277th Port Company - WWII United States Army
Cpl Bryan J. Wentling
331st FA BN, 86th Div - WWII United States Army

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who are or have served this country through our banner program.
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HTM Designs

S1c Orval Corbett
World War II United States Navy
FC3 John A. Defibaugh
USS Phoenix (CL-46) - WWII United States Navy
F1C Ralph C. Edinger
US Navy - WWII / US Army - Korean Conflict United States Navy
John S. Ganoe
WWII United States Navy
SSgt Robert L. Page
Korean Conflict United States Navy
S1c Charles L. Page
USS Union (AKA-106) - WWII United States Navy
SN James R. Preston
WWII United States Navy

Sgt Raymond (Bud) Arendt
WWII - Iwo Jima United States Marine Corps
Sergeant James E. Benninger II
GWOT United States Marine Corps
Sgt Ronald L. Fleming
Korean Conflict United States Marine Corps
Cpl Rick Galena
Vietnam War United States Marine Corps
T/Sgt William M. Overheim
WWII United States Marine Corps
Sgt Percy Charles Page
WWII United States Marine Corps
Cpl Thomas Byers Page
Korean Conflict United States Marine Corps
Cpl Gary Dean Page
1958-1966 United States Marine Corps
Sgt Robert C Page
Persian United States Marine Corps

SSgt Kelsey M. Boocks
United States Air Force
A2C Carl E. Jackson
Vietnam 3/1960 - 12/1963 United States Air Force
TSgt Mitchell Overheim
1984-2004 United States Air Force

SP4 Donald E. Gardner
Army 1983 - 86 / NG 1989 – 92 Army National Guard