Captain Joseph M. Basil
Battery A. 925th Field Artillery Battalion - World War II United States Army
SGM John J. Blair
SSG - 55th MMC - Bosnia, SGM - 354 CA BDE- Iraq, SGM - DLA - Afghanistan United States Army
Specialist Philip James Brandi
1956-1958 United States Army
Pvt Charles P. Bryan, Sr.
World War II United States Army
Major William J. Butterbach
WWII United States Army Air Corps
E-5 Blaine A. Capurso
547th Eng. Bn 7th Army - Vietnam United States Army
PFC Cosimo D. Capurso
ORDC-USAR - Korean War United States Army
Sgt Victor Collavo
84th Infantry - Battle of the Rhine and Battle of the Bulge United States Army
S/Sgt Thomas J. Connolly
Company C 28th Infantry 8th Division - WWII - Hurtgen Forest United States Army
Pfc Donald Delligatti
Adjutant General Corps United States Army
CPL Ernest F. DeRose
HQ BTVY 276th Arm D Field Artillery BN - Korea United States Army
SGT John L. DeSantis
Field Artillery - WWII United States Army
Sergeant Carl F. DiSimo
WWII - C/302nd Infantry, 94th Division United States Army
Lt. Col. Walter A. Domalik
Vietnam United States Army
S/Sgt George P. Fenton
3247th Signal Corps - WWII United States Army
PFC David W. Gaupp
41st Transportation Co. Korean War United States Army
Staff Sergeant Robert Gibellino
515th Parachute Infantry, Squad Leader - WWII United States Army
Private Samuel Gioia
WWII United States Army
SPC Robert Gorka
4/319 FA 173rd ABCT - OEF United States Army
Corporal Raymond Gradkowski
Korean War United States Army
Corporal John W. Guenther, Jr.
504 Anti aircraft Artillery Missile Battallion - World War II United States Army
Corporal John W. Guenther, Jr.
504th Anti-Aircraft Missile Battalion - WWII United States Army
Cpl William Harper
33424526 Btry D 501 AAA Gun Bn - WWII United States Army
Sp-4 Jim Hartbauer
101st Airborne - Vietnam United States Army
SP4 Walter Heckla
1st Armored Division - Vietnam Era United States Army
Captain Thomas P. Heselbarth
Bomb Disposal - WWII/Korea United States Army
Specialist 4 Robert Hornstrom
Second Infantry Division - Korean DMZ Conflict United States Army
S/Sgt Richard E. Johns
26th Infantry - World War II United States Army
Corporal Ronald F. Klammer
Operations - Korean United States Army
PFC Arthur W. Koziell
1956-1958 United States Army
CPL Joe Krashna
103rd Medical BN - Korea 51-53 United States Army
TEC5 Rita Mae Jones Legler
69th WAC Hospital Co. Medical Technician - WWII United States Army
T-Sgt George E. Legler
84th SIG Co Teletype Mechanic - WWII United States Army
S/Sgt Guido J. Lorenzi
860th Bomb Squadron - WWII United States Army Air Corps
SP5 James R. Lynn
CoD 7Bn 2Bde, 1st US Army - Vietnam United States Army
Private First Class John J. Mackin
246th AAF Base Unit - WWII United States Army Air Forces
Corporal Raymond V. Magreni
Signal corps - WWII United States Army Air Force
Cpl John E. McDonough
(5th RCT) 5th Regimental Combat Team - Korea United States Army
Cpl James C. McNeely
515th Parachute Infantry - World War II United States Army
Pfc Alexander V. Mercolini, Jr.
SVC Co. 38th Inf Regt - Korean War United States Army
Sergeant Thomas J. Moran
Battery C 107th Field Artillery Battalion - WWII United States Army
Captain Rocco Muffi
459 Signal Battalion - Vietnam United States Army
SSgt. John A. Novelli
9th Div Co. A 60th Inf. WWII North Africa, Sicily, Battle of the Bulge, Tunisia United States Army
SP4 E-4 Lou Poliziani
74th Ordnance Company - Vietnam United States Army
Sergeant Donald Pritchard
1st Division Alpha Troop 1/4 Cavalry - Vietnam United States Army
Technical Sergeant James Pugliese
86th Infantry Division - WWII United States Army
PFC (T) Harry Karl Rahner, Jr.
Hq Hq & Sv Co 76th Tk Bn United States Army
PFC Joe Ratay
Philippines / Ordnance - WWII United States Army
SGT Ronald A. Ravenstahl
Vietnam United States Army
PFC Frank P. Rizza
Battery C 74th Coastal Artillery Anti Aircraft BN - WWII United States Army
SPC Craig A. Romanovich
First BN 30th Inf. Rgt. 3rd Inf. Div. United States Army
Sgt Norman C. Rosfeld, Jr.
462nd Bomb Group, 768th Squadron, 58th Wing - B-29 Radio Operator - WWII United States Army Air Corps
1LT Louis Sautel
Transportation Corps - Asiatic-Pacific Theater - WWII United States Army
SSgt Donald R. Schenck
WWII United States Army Air Corps
Captain Theodore Schroeder
90th Infantry Division, 358th Infantry Regiment - WWII, Korea United States Army
Specialist Ronald L. Schuler
First Armored Division - Cuban Crisis United States Army
Corporal Andrew Seibel
CO. L, 319 Infantry - WWI United States Army
PFC Herman Seibel
CO. K, 47th Infantry, 9th Division - WWII United States Army
Corporal Robert M Sentner
12th Infantry - Korea United States Army
Spec. 5 S. Robert Serakowski
Combat Engineers/Vietnam United States Army
Sgt Nicholas Shaw
7th Division H Company Heavy Weapons/Machine Gunner - Korean War United States Army
Sgt Joseph B. Sinicrope
WWII United States Army
PFC Donald C. Snyder
USAR-AMEDS/Army Reserve - Korean War United States Army
Sp. 5 James Story
562nd Supply - Vietnam United States Army
Pfc Frank C. Stratico
Korean War United States Army
Officer Jeremiah B. Sullivan
Counter Intelligence Corps - Korean War United States Army
Corporal George B. Tait, Jr.
775th Tanker Squad - WWII United States Army
M/Sgt Henrietta Thomas
Administrative Specialist - WAC - Munich, Germany United States Army
S/Sgt Fredrick R. Urbanek
63rd Division - 605th Squad United States Army
First Lieutenant Robert D. Vollmer
Eighth Air Force - 100th Bomb Group United States Army
SGT Harold John Walker
381 Bomb Group - WWII United States Army Air Corps
Staff Sargeant William A. Werwie
Korea United States Army
SP4 Thomas Mark Wilhelm
Vietnam United States Army
Lt John M Yount
Civil War United States Army
E-4 Keith E. Ziembicki
D Co 1/64 Armor United States Army
Pvt Edward Ziembicki
United States Army

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who are or have served this country through our banner program.
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HTM Designs

Petty Officer William Agnew
USS America (CVA-66) - Vietnam United States Navy
LCDR Eugene S. Brem
Vietnam United States Navy
PO2 Russell A. Dettling, Jr.
Radar Operator- Vietnam War United States Navy
LT Thomas Donahue
Pilot - F-8 Crusader United States Navy
CT2 Daniel A. Gall
Naval Security Group Vietnam United States Navy
SK2 C. Irvin Gracey
USNTS, Newport/LSC-60-D-23 - WWII United States Navy
PO3 Frederick Henefeld, Jr.
Company 244, 21st Battalion, 2nd Regiment - Korean War United States Navy
Ship Fitter Second Class James F. Horgan
South Pacific, New Hebrides - WWII United States Navy
S1c Jack LaQuatra
Submarine Rescue United States Navy
PO3 Joseph Okrutny, Jr.
Korean War United States Navy
Seaman First Class Robert O. Pickens
10th Regiment - Third fleet - WWII United States Navy
Seaman John F. Scanlon
Seabees - WW2 United States Navy
E6 John Siwa
Airborne Command & Control Squadron One One Six (VAW-116) - Operation Inherent Resolve United States Navy
Fire Controlman, First Class Don P. Story
USS Vulcan; USS Tutuila; USS Cowanesque - WW II United States Navy
Howard Super
WWII United States Navy
Lt Annika Thomas
USNA 2010, SWO, USS Eisenhower CVN-69 - Operation Enduring Freedom United States Navy
Lt. Aubra Thomas
USNA 2007, SWO, USS Steven Groves FFG-29 - Operation Enduring Freedom United States Navy
1st Class Petty Officer James Welsch
Aviation United States Navy
Y1 Harry Wengryn
USS Lyra - USS Fargo (CL-106) - USS Taconic (AGC-17) - USS Noble (APA-218) - World War II United States Navy
S1c Raymond A. Werwie
Deep Sea Salvage Diver - WWII United States Navy

Cpl James Andrews
Iwo Jima United States Marine Corps
Corporal Allan Braithwaite
3rd Marine Division - Korean War United States Marine Corps
Private First Class Dominick P. Fani
Mariana Island South Pacific - WWII United States Marine Corps
Sgt Brent Johnson
Charlie Company, Marine Support Bn - Vietnam United States Marine Corps
CWO-4 Paul T. Kirsch
Fourth Div. Korea United States Marine Corps
PFC Andrew J. Kukuruda
3rd Marine Division - Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Cpl Dorothy J. Leith
WWII United States Marine Corps
PFC Stephen J. Patrick
1st Marine Division - Flash & Sound - Korean War United States Marine Corps
Cpl Robert J. Priganc
2nd Marine Division United States Marine Corps
Cpl Robert E. Stout, Jr.
1st Marine Div. HQ Bn. Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Sgt Dan Yount
WWII United States Marine Corps

SMSgt William J. Devine
Radio Engineer - WWII, Korea United States Air Force
Captain Tom Duda
Pharmacy Officer at KI Sawyer Base United States Air Force
SSGT James Allen Graham
319th Air Commando Sq. (TAC) United States Air Force
Airman Thaddeus F. Krantz
United States Air Force
TSgt Stanley J. Krantz
Det A, 10th Air Repair Squadron, WWII United States Air Force
A1c Walter W. Long, Jr.
5th Airforce - Tachikawa, Japan United States Air Force
SSGT Arturo ''Tory'' Rivero
Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Air Force
SrA Scott D. Thompson
744th Communications Squadron - GWOT United States Air Force
SGT Chris G. Volk
55th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing - Vietnam United States Air Force
E-4 Senior Airman Adam Wagenhoffer
11 Security Forces Squadron Joint Base Anacostia Bolling AFB United States Air Force