S/Sgt Jack P. Alexander
1505th AAF- WWII - Asiatic-Pacific Theater United States Army Air Corps
Pvt Clyde V. Ashpaugh
Co D, 103rd Infantry Batt, 26th Regiment - WWII United States Army
Cpl Eugene Baker
5th Armored Division, Korean Era United States Army
SP4 Freddy D. Barker
15th Field Artillery Regiment, 8th Missile Battalion (HAWK) - Cuban Missile Crisis/Vietnam United States Army
PFC Melvin Batterman
Co G, 381st Infantry - WWII - Pacific United States Army
Sgt Leroy Otto Bauer
Co. D ES Bn. 532nd EASR APO 38 - Korean Era United States Army
SGM John S. Blehm
25th Inf. Div. 27th Regiment (Wolfhounds), Korean War United States Army
SPC Jason W. Bond
B Company 2nd Battalion 1st. Infantry Regiment United States Army
Sgt Terry Lee Bookout
507th USASA Group - Augsburg Germany United States Army
SSG Gary Don Brankel
Operation Just Cause United States Army
Cpl Duane E. Breuer
4th Engr BN Co. C - Korean War United States Army
PFC Robert Owen Brittain
Btry A 2nd Bn 130th FA FC - Operation Enduring Freedom United States Army
PFC Buddy A. Brixey
205th Military Police Co. - Korean War Era United States Army
SPC Jeffery L. Bromlow
Iraq - Kuwait - GWOT United States Army
SP5 Phil Brown
Vietnam War (1970-1971) United States Army
CSM - Retired Wayne E. Brown
HQ Co 2nd Bn 95th Inf Division United States Army
PFC Joseph E Bryan
Co L 14th Inf Reg 71st Inf Div WWII Central Europe Rhineland United States Army
Tech 4 Johney R. Bryan
427th Transportation Co, 32nd Combat Engineers - WWII - Northern France United States Army
SP-5 Gene Bryant
554th Engineer BN. Co.A United States Army
Sgt Larry Buehler
HHC 7th SFGA, 1st CONARC - Vietnam Era United States Army
Pvt Robert Max Byers
8116th Army Unit - Korean War Era United States Army
PVT Ed Byers
Co. A344 Machine Gun Bn WW1 United States Army
SFC J.C. Byers
Hq. HqCo Special Troops Vietnam War United States Army
TEC5 Eddie Byers, Jr.
458th Engineer Depot Co.- WWII - Naples-Foggia Rome-Arno United States Army
LTC Melvin R. Camp
368th Engr, General Service Regiment - WWII United States Army
Captain Robert W. Carter
Finance Corps 4th Army - Vietnam Era United States Army
Pfc Alfred A. Chill
Co H, 114th Infantry Regiment, 44th Infantry Division - WWII United States Army
Sgt Sam Christopher
Co. E, 123rd Maint Bn, 1st Armd Div - Korea (1964-1967) United States Army
Cpl Freddie Lee Clark
615th WM Sub Depot Co - Korean Conflict United States Army
Cook William M. Clayton
Special Casual Co. 66 - World War I United States Army
PVT Jonathan C. Couch
14th Battalion - Missouri Cavalry - CSA - Civil War - POW United States Army
Major Melvin A. Cruzan
Hq Svc Btry 1st Bn 78th Arty., Vietnam Era United States Army
PVT Ernest L. Cullop
HQ. Battery 209th AAA - WWII - Asiatic-Pacific Theater, Occupation Japan United States Army
Captain James H. Darden
877th Bomber Squadron - WWII United States Army Air Force
MSG L.D. `Bud` Denney
152nd Field Artillery Bn - WWII - Pacific Theater United States Army
Cpl Jimmie L. Draper
Co. C 320th Engr Bn - Korean Era United States Army
Cpl Manuel `Bulldog` Duran
730th Bombardment Squadron, 452nd Bombardment Squadron - WWII United States Army Air Corps
Tec5 Bobby E. Eaton
Battery B 472nd Field Artillery Battalion - WWII - Liberation of Philippines United States Army
S/Sgt Norman D. Enns
2nd Div, 9th Infantry - WWII - Normandy Invasion, France, Rhineland United States Army
PFC Paul Franklin Evins
European Campaign World War II United States Army
1LT Dennis `Pete` Farris
Rotary Wing Aviator United States Army
Sgt Gerald W. Ferguson
HHS Co, 13th Signal Battalion, 1st Cavalry Div - Vietnam War United States Army Reserve
SGT Marvin Fritzler
21st. Ord Co - Korean War United States Army
PFC Frank M. Fuentes
Co. A, 290th Infantry - World War II - Rhineland United States Army
PFC Augustine L. Garcia
Co. B 62nd Engr BN United States Army
SSG Adam Con Garrison
LRSD 82nd Airborne Division - OEF, OIF United States Army
1LT John L. Garrison
1/17th Cavalry, 82nd Airborne Rangers - Vietnam Era United States Army
1st Lt Johnny C. Gilliland
9th Air Corps - WWII - Europe United States Army Air Corps
Cpl Con Gilliland
Company E 79th Infantry - WWI United States Army
PFC Carl Goble
HHS Co. 307th Infantry, 77th Inf. Div. WWI United States Army
Pfc James E Gotcher
59th Fighter Squadron - WW2 Japan, Burma, China United States Army Air Corps
PFC Loren E. Gribble
44th Air Dr DT A 8th Air Vehicle Repl SQ WWII United States Army Air Forces
Cpl John G Grice
21st. Rcn Trp, Asiatic Pacific Theater WW2 United States Army
Cpl Everett M. Hager
377th TC 53rd Truck Battalion - WWII - Pacific Theater United States Army
SPC Kyler R. Hand
DET 1 HHC 1/279th (WPTBT1) - GWOT United States Army
PFC Claud Hankla
Demobilization Group - France - World War I United States Army
SPC Adrian C. Herrera
4th Brigade 4th Inf. Div. 1/12 Inf. Alpha Co 1st. Platoon, Afghanistan United States Army
Pfc Lenard Hill
387th Bombardment Squadron - WWII United States Army Air Corps
1st LT Tom J Hinchey II
1st. Battalion 364th Infantry Intelligence Officer, WW2 United States Army
Pfc Clarence M. Hohweiler
Co. G 407th Infantry - WWII - Rhineland Campaign United States Army
T/Sgt Bill Howell
390th Bomb Group, 8th AAF - World War II B-17 Radio and Gunner.U.S. Army Air Corps United States Army Air Corps
2nd LT Luke James
Iraq United States Army
SP4 Jimmy Jamieson
Armor Intel Spec 2d MTB 112th Armor 49th AD United States Army
Cpl Mont H. January
72nd Air Service Squadron - WWII - China Burma Theater United States Army Air Corps
SP4 Paul S. Jenkins Jr.
82nd Airborne, Vietnam War United States Army
PFC George W. King
Co G, 301st Infantry Regiment - World War II United States Army
SGT Jason A King
413th Civil Affairs Battalion Bosnia United States Army
S/Sgt Gerd W. Kleffman
1051st AA Base Unit - WWII - EAME United States Army Air Corps
Sgt. Everett R. Kneeland
Btry A, 544th AAA AW Bn - WWII - Normandy and Northern France United States Army
Sgt Chet Krone
A Btry, 1/8 Arty, 25th Inf Div - Vietnam United States Army
SP4 Ronald Ray Lewis
101st Screaming Eagle Hawk Recon Vietnam War United States Army
TEC 4 Alva L. Lindsay
1885th SV Command Unit - WWII Era United States Army
CPL Edgar Lobit Jr.
Asiatic Pacific Theater United States Army
SSgt Keith Logan
1st BN, 245th Armor Regiment United States Army
SSgt Richard D. Loughridge
95th Division Training, Vietnam Era United States Army
Sgt Joe David Martinez
Drill Sargent, US Army Reserves. Peacetime United States Army Reserve
SP4 Robert K. Mason
4th/23rd Mechanized Infantry, 25th Inf. Div. Vietnam War United States Army
SGT Prentis M. McKee
MP Company - Vietnam War United States Army
SGT Prentis M. McKee
MP Company - Vietnam War United States Army
1st Lt Carl Lee McKinnon, Jr.
B-24 Pilot - WWII - European Theater United States Army Air Corps
PFC Gaylon Mendenhall
8579th DU - Korean War Era United States Army
PFC William `Bill` Miller
5th Army / 11th Air Assault United States Army
SP5 Carlos Miller
207th Signal Co. - Vietnam United States Army
Sgt Jerry D. Mitts
3rd Bn 22nd Inf 4th Inf Div - Vietnam United States Army
SP4 Walter L Neigebauer
HQ Co USA Garrison Fort Leavenworth KS 1960-1963 United States Army
Spc 4 Cara Briana Nelson
778 Combat HET Company GWOT Operation Enduring Freedom United States Army
SSG E.Lee Nichols
91st Bomber Group 324th Squadron - WW2 United States Army Air Corps
Tec4 W.H. `Stub` Northrup
1467th Engr. Maint. Co - WWII - Rhineland - Germany United States Army
Sgt J M `Jim` Osborn
Co A, 14th Engr C Bn, 1169th Gp - Korean War United States Army
Pfc John Padilla
3rd Army Division Korean War United States Army
SPC Joshua M. Pearce
Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Army
1st Lt Ivan `Si` Perkins III
Transportation Corps (TC) Testing Board - Vietnam United States Army
MSG Ken D. Perrin
1st BN MP 104th RGT, Afghanistan GWOT. Retired United States Army
Tec 5 George `Jack` Pratt
Battery B, 274th Armored Field Artillery Battalion - WWII United States Army
Pvt Chasten J. Randolph
Co A 233rd Engineer C Bn, WW2 Asiatic Pacific Philippines United States Army
Colonel Max Reed
HHD, 2nd Signal Group - Vietnam War - Retired 26 years. United States Army
Capt Earl H. Remmel
447th Bomb Sq. 321st Bomb Gp. - WWII - KIA Italy United States Army Air Corps
PFC Cyrus Hayes Reust
76th Infantry - WWII United States Army
Pfc Wayne A. Rhodes
A Co, 2nd Bn, 22nd Infantry, 25th Inf Div United States Army
SPC Jeremy P. Rodriguez
3rd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, GWOT United States Army
SFC Gene Romero
Btry A, 6th AW BN (SP), 200th ARTY GP - Korean War United States Army
Sgt Stacy J. Ross
101st Airborne Division - Berlin Brigade United States Army
Flight Officer Ken Rothschopf
2534th AAF - WWII United States Army Air Corps
SP5 Keith B. Salrin
Co A 725th Maint. Bn APG 25 - Korean and Vietnam War United States Army
S/Sgt Gus L. Schott
2nd Combat Bombardment Wing - WWII - Europe United States Army Air Corps
Major Bill Schott
E Company 14th Infantry, Vietnam War Retired United States Army
Sgt Tanner L. Shields
2nd Security Force Assistance Brigade (SFAB) 3rd Squadron (CAV), GWOT United States Army
Sgt Danyel D. Shields
35th Signal BDE (TT), 50th Signal BN (EXP) Charlie Co. GWOT United States Army
SP5 Loyd P. Shrum
75th Field Artillery - Vietnam War United States Army
SP4 Thomas Allen Stephens
Ft. Sheridan, IL Cuban Missile Crisis United States Army
PFC James V. Stewart
Bat C, 641st Field Artillery Battalion - World War II United States Army
SP4 Robert E. Stout
82C, Field Artillery Surveyor United States Army
PFC William `Bill` Sutherland
Det-1, HQ Co, 763rd Trans BN (Rwy) - Korean War Era United States Army
Sgt Donald R. TeBeest
127th Military Police, 98th Battalion - Vietnam War United States Army
SPC Mitch Tharp
3 Btry 2BN 18FA United States Army
SP 5 Marvin L. Tharp
2nd BN 44th Arty. Vietnam War 11mos, 26 days United States Army
SPC Brian Thomas
5/3 FA Fort Sill Oklahoma, Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Army
Cpl Cliff W. Thornton
45th A Btry, 145th AAA AW Bn - Korean War United States Army
Cpl John C. Tuttle
1377 AAF - WWII Era United States Army Air Corps
SFC Carlos Urias III
62nd Medical Brigade - Operation Desert Storm - OIF United States Army
Sgt James R. Weaver
589th Eng. BN - Vietnam War (Retired) United States Army
SP4 Robert E. Weaver
Opns. Co. USAJSC Vietnam War Era United States Army
SSG Bill Wicker
SchSpt Co. USAAVNS Vietnam War United States Army
CW2 Heidi D Widows-Hintenach
110th MEB GWOT-Kosovo, Operation Enduring Freedom United States Army
SGT C. J. Wilkinson
HqBtry 1st HowBn 10th Arty APO 36 USAREUR United States Army Reserve
PFC Elmer Dee Wilson
Btry C 35th How Bn Arty United States Army
Pfc Donald A. Winter
5th Armored Division - Germany - Korean War Era (1951 to 1952) United States Army

PVT David George Garcia
ARNG of New Mexico Viet Nam Era Army National Guard
LTC Miles Clay Smith
278th Armored Cavalry Regiment Operation Iraqi Freedom Army National Guard

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HTM Designs

PO 2 Johnny Duke Arbuthnot
USS Saratoga CV-60 Kuwait Liberation Desert Storm United States Navy
AE2 R. Max Baker
USS Midway (CV-41) Berlin Conflict Eighth Naval United States Navy
EM3 JD Beckley
Seabee Combat Warfare Retired, Vietnam War United States Navy
SK3 Mike Bostic
USS Sylvania (AFS-2) Vietnam War United States Navy
MM3 Frank W. Bugner
USS Catamount (LSD-17) Korean Conflict United States Navy
ME3 Gene `Harv` Carter
USS Bennington CVA-20 Korean War Era United States Navy
MM1 Johnny Mack Claycomb
USS Detroit (AOE-4) - Gulf War - USS Constellation (CV-64) United States Navy
S1C Henry `Hank` Eidson
USS Henrico (APA-45) - WWII United States Navy
BT2 David L. Evans
B Division USS Joseph P Kennedy DD-850, Vietnam War United States Navy
LT William R. `Billy` Gilliland
NATS VR 11 Pilot - WWII - Asiatic-Pacific Theater United States Navy
TM2 Manard Gregory
USS La Jolla (SSN-701) United States Navy
ME2 Forrest H. Grider
WWII Era and Korean War Era - American Theater United States Navy
GM3c Jack Hankla
Gunners mate on USS LST 246, Pacific WW2 United States Navy
S1c Wes Hankla
USS LST-133, Material Salvage Unit 6 - Bikini Beach (1946-1947) United States Navy
SSMT1 Homer R. Holland
34th Const. Battalion - Seabees - World War II United States Navy
AE3 Larry January
Helicopter Combat Support Squadron 1, Det 3 - Vietnam War United States Navy
AG3 Jessica Korotetska
USS Bonhomme Richard (LHD-6) United States Navy
AMM3C Robert George Lewis
Fleet Air Wing 12 (FAW-12), Bombing Squadron 133 (VB-133) - WWII United States Navy
AN Dale L. Lively
Attack Squadron 87 - Vietnam Era United States Navy
MMC Larry A. Loughridge
USS Dixie (AD-14) Engineering Department Vietnam War United States Navy
LCDR Kimberley R. Lovelace
Yokosuka Naval Base Hospital Yokosuka Japan - GWOT United States Navy
CPO Glenn H. `Bub` Martin
US Naval Air Station, Moffett Field, CA. Vietnam Era Retired United States Navy
HM3 Jodi Lynn McIntyre
HM-8404-Medical Field Service Technician United States Navy
IC2 William James McIntyre
USS Howard W. Gilmore (AS16) United States Navy
YNT3 C J Mouser
Occupation WWII Europe USS Leyte - China Service USS Princeton United States Navy
IT2 SW Jimmy W. Mull
USS Independence (CV-62) United States Navy
AC2 Steve Munson
Air Controlman - Vietnam Era United States Navy
ADE3 James R. Norris
USS Intrepid (CVA-11) - Korean War (1952-1956) United States Navy
ME2 Johnnie Pracht
USS Natchaug 54 - Korean War United States Navy
HM2 Chris Monroe Pyle
Vietnam War United States Navy
LTJG Francis H. Ramstad
USS Bowie ( APA-137 ) - WWII - Asiatic-Pacific Campaign United States Navy
MM3 James S. Riggs
US Naval Construction Force - Seabees WWII United States Navy
LSSN Dakota Sparks
Logistics Spec. - GWOT United States Navy
GM3c Bob Strother
USS Ticonderoga - WWII - Asiatic-Pacific Theater United States Navy
PN3 Larry Hugh Swager
VAQ 130 NAS - Vietnam United States Navy
ET2 Dana Cullop Teubner
USS McKee (AS-41) United States Navy
HM2 Dwight R. Weeks
Navy Hospital Corpsman - 1st Med Bn - US Marines Vietnam United States Navy

Cpl Mitch Beckley
3rd. BN 7th Marine 1st Marine Div. United States Marine Corps
Sgt Wayne Beckley
2nd Amphibian Truck Co. FMF, CNLC - Korean War United States Marine Corps
Pfc Alvin E. Boyett
8th Marine Corps, Korean Era United States Marine Corps
PFC Bob Clark
5th Marine Division 27th Marine Regiment - WWII - Iwo Jima United States Marine Corps
LCpl James Wesley Dacy
Vietnam War United States Marine Corps
Sgt Frank G. Etter
4th Marines Guard Patrolman - WWII United States Marine Corps
Cpl Arlo W. Gibson
5th Marine Corps WW2 United States Marine Corps
PFC Harvey A. Matter
Co. I 3rd. Battalion, 2nd Marines Div. Fleet Marine Force WW2 United States Marine Corps
Cpl Dale Sassin
III MAF-2nd CAG-CAP 2-9-2, Vietnam War United States Marine Corps
CPL Christopher A. Smith
State side Plus Japan United States Marine Corps
Cpl Brian Lee Stone
1st Marine Div - Operation Enduring Freedom, Iraqi Freedom 1 & 2 - 2 United States Marine Corps
MGySgt Pablo `Bud` Trujillo
1st Bn, 13th Marines - Battle of Khe Sanh - Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Sgt Henry Jesse Witt
3rd Battalion, H Co, Machine Gun Squad - Korean War United States Marine Corps

MSgt Jerald D. Barker
319 Airborne Missile Maintenance Squadron, Retired - Vietnam Era United States Air Force
SSgt Gene Barker
3575th Plt Training Wing Vance AFB Oklahoma, Korean War United States Air Force
MSGT Billy E. Brewer
4449 Mobility Support Sq (TAC) - Operation Desert Shield/Storm United States Air Force
MSGT Paul Brisbois
SAC Strategic Reconnaissance Wing Korean & Vietnam Era. United States Air Force
TSGT Leroy Lee Carson III
374th AGS (MAC) Vietnam War, Desert Storm United States Air Force
A2C David Cody Christopher
7350th Air Police Sq. (USAFE) - Vietnam Era United States Air Force
A/2C Robert Lee Dahl
797th ACW Squadron United States Air Force
SrA Shane Evans
938 EIS (AFMC) United States Air Force
MSgt Ted Leo Fields
3795 Stu Sq - SAC - Korea and Vietnam Eras United States Air Force
A/1C Norman R. Fuerstenau
3561st Maintenance Squadron United States Air Force
A2C Hervey J. Gilliland
7th Bomber Wing, 14th Air Force - Korean War Era United States Air Force
Major Michael O. Harris
552nd Air Control Wing Squadron - GWOT, Retired United States Air Force
A1C Frank Haynes
4050th FLDMAINTRON ( SAC ) Korean Era United States Air Force
Lt. Col John L. Lee
1st Provisions Marine Brigade - USMC - 523rd TAC Fighter Squadron - USAF (Retired) United States Air Force
Lt Col - retired J. C. Lewis
Command Pilot - Korea (1952-53) Vietnam (1968-69) United States Air Force
MSGT Alva L. Loughridge
812th Civil Engineering Squadron, Vietnam War Era United States Air Force
Colonel Robert James Lucas
Korean War Era - Vietnam War Era - France United States Air Force
General Jerry P. Martinez
US Central Command Kabul, Afghanistan United States Air Force
AA Alfonso Ortega
5th. Security Forces Squadron. GWOT United States Air Force
MSGT Dana Belle Parr
382 Training Sq (AET) Global War on Terrorism United States Air Force
SrA Codi R. Rocha
87th Logistics Readiness Squadron - McGuire AFB NJ - GWOT United States Air Force
MSG Dana C. Shoemaker
Global War On Terrorism United States Air Force
Major Vic Shrock
96th BMW (SAC) - Vietnam and Cold War United States Air Force
A3C Merrell Taylor
84th Materiel Squadron (MATRON) Korean War Era United States Air Force
SrA Edwin D. Van Dyke
49th Civil Engineer Sq. (ACC) - Operation Desert Shield/Storm United States Air Force