Hardin County Chamber & Business Alliance

Military Banner Application

Kenton Historic Courthouse District

Sgt Ty Acheson
82nd 4th BCT 782nd BSB - OEF
United States Army

Cpl Gordon `Mick` Acheson
MP Company, 8457th DU
United States Army

Cpl Melvin Wilbert Agin
812th Bombardment Sq - WWII EAME
United States Army

E-4 Eric Alexander
United States Army

PFC Jack Alexander
Korean Conflict - 3rd Armored Div
United States Army

PFC Bill Allen
75th Div, 3rd Army - WWII - EAME Theater
United States Army

Cpl Donald Anderson
Artillery - Korean War
United States Army

Pfc William Andrews
60th Inf, 9th Inf Div - World War II
United States Army

PFC Robert W. Angier
WW II - 610th Ord BN, 506th Ord Hvy Maint. Co.
United States Army

1LT Fred L. Ankerman
WW II - Pacific Theater 874th Bomb Squadron
United States Army Air Corps

Pvt Daniel M. `Mac` Anstine
National Guard - Kenton Ohio Unit - WWI
United States Army

TEC 4 John M. Anstine
656th Tank Destroyer Bn - WWII - EAME Theater
United States Army

PFC John Lee Appleton
WW II - EAME 28th & 8th Infantry Div
United States Army

SP5 Edward S. Armentrout

United States Army

PFC Basil Armentrout
37th Division - WWII - Battle of Munda
United States Army

Cpl Jeffrey R. Arthur
4th Infantry DIV - Cold War
United States Army

SSgt Robert A. Bailey
WWII - Burma - Pacific Theater
United States Army Air Corps

Cpl John C. Bailey
4th OVI Co. D - Civil War
United States Army

Sgt Leigha Bailey
371st Sustainment Brig - 2 tours Kuwait
United States Army

1st Lt Mondo L. Baldwin
WW II EAME Theater- 398th Bomb Grp, 8th AF
United States Army Air Forces

Pfc Oliver W. Barrett
WWII - Pacific Theater
United States Army

Sgt Herbert A. Barrett
WWII - European Theater - 3rd Army
United States Army

Cpl Harley Baum
Company E, 148th Infantry - Korean Conflict
United States Army

Pvt Ray Baum
544th Engineer Boat & Shore Regiment - WWII
United States Army

Sgt Robert W.  Baum
1st BN, 1st CAV - Vietnam War
United States Army

PFC John Wm. Baum
37th Infantry
United States Army

Cpl Leroy `Whitey` Beale
World War I
United States Army

SFC Charles L. Beale
Military Police - Korean Conflict
United States Army

SP4 Dorothy `Gipperich` Beale
HQ So Sp Trps
United States Army

PFC William R. Beaman
104th Timberwolf Infantry - WWII - Germany
United States Army

Cpl LeRoy J. Bernard
World War II - Battle of Munda - D O W
United States Army

SP 4 John S. Berry
C Batt, 1st Div, 44th Batt - Vietnam War
United States Army

SP5 Ronald E. Black
1st Air Cavalry - Vietnam War
United States Army

Sgt Russell L. Blue
30th ORD HV MA Int.Co. - Korean Conflict
United States Army

1st Lt Lloyd Blume
Cavalry - D-Day - Battle of the Bulge - WW II
United States Army

SP4 Mark Boday
21st Sup Com - Cold War
United States Army

PFC James E. Boday
Cold War
United States Army

PFC Curtis Bolen
Korean Conflict
United States Army

 Norman `Ray` Bolen
Korean Conflict
United States Army

 Michael Bolen

United States Army

Sgt Lance Bolen
31D Dealer Co - 2 BAT/69 Armor - Operation Iraqi Freedom
United States Army

1st Lt Etta Betty Bondi
Nurse Corps - WW II
United States Army

Sgt Frank J. Bondi
9th Division - WW II
United States Army

Sgt Joseph Henry Bower
2539th AAF BU Sec C - WW II American Theater
United States Army Air Forces

Sgt Jerrod Bowman
1st Infantry Div - Operation Iraqi Freedom
United States Army

Sgt Delbert Bowman
Korean Conflict
United States Army

Sgt Jerrod Bowman
F-Troop 4th Calvary 1st Infantry Div - Operation Iraqi Freedom II
United States Army

Sgt Bradley Boyle
1-174 ADA - Iraqi Freedom, Noble Eagle, Enduring Freedom
United States Army

Sgt William T. Britton
37th Division, Co. E - WWII - Battle of Munda
United States Army

E-4 Michael Dale Brown
2nd Squad, 3rd Armored Cavalry - Iraq
United States Army

Sgt Robert Burgbacher
8th Army
United States Army

TEC4 Richard M. Burgbacher
253rd Sig Const. Co. - WWII - Pacific Theater
United States Army

TEC 5 William C. Burgbacher
Btry B, 7th Fld Arty BN, 1st Div - WWII - EAME
United States Army

PFC Justin F. Burkey
European Theater of Operations - WW II
United States Army

SP 4 Jerry L. Burris
304th Supply - Vietnam War
United States Army

Sgt Lawrence E. Burton
World War II and Korean Conflict
United States Army

SSG Robert E. Butcher
Americal Div, 11th Brig - Vietnam War
United States Army

T/Sgt Herbert K. Byrne
Co. G, 10th Infantry - European Theater - WW II
United States Army

Sgt Frank Avery Cannon
World War II - Pacific Theater
United States Army

Sgt Billy J. Carl

United States Army

Capt Nelson Carmean
WWII - European Theater
United States Army

E5 John Carson
25th Div 21st Combat Support
United States Army

Cpl Stanley E. Casper
1st BN/15th Inf - Korean Conflict
United States Army

PFC Jack P. Castor
37th Division, Co. E - WW II - Battle of Munda
United States Army

Sgt Harold D. Christopher
Korean Conflict
United States Army

Cpl Harold S. Christopher

United States Army

Capt Dr. Noah Christopher
DENTAC - Medical Regimental Corps
United States Army

Sgt James E. Clark
United States Army

SP4 James A. Clark
11th ARC - Vietnam War
United States Army

PFC Lester Clark
Infantry Qmstr - WWII - European Theater
United States Army

PVT Charles Clevenger
37th Division, Co. E - WW II - Battle of Munda
United States Army

PFC Curnie Collins
7th Infantry - WWII - Pacific Theater
United States Army

SP4 Ray Combs
Transportation Div
United States Army

SP 4 Jeffrey L. Conley
C Co, 124 MI BN, 24th Mechanized Infantry Div
United States Army

Sgt Floyd D. Conover
Co.B, 319th Medical Battalion - WWII
United States Army

PVT William K. Cook
Post WW II Occupation Forces Pacific
United States Army

Cpl Robert D. Cook
WW II Pacific - Gen. MacArthur's HQ
United States Army

Sgt Paul F. Cook
328th Army Air Force - World War II
United States Army Air Forces

PFC Everett Eugene Coulson
Korean Conflict
United States Army

SP4 Allen Reed Cox
HHC 3rd Brid 2nd Inf Div - Vietnam/Korea
United States Army

Sgt Everett E. Crabtree
430th Engr Const Bn - Korean Conflict
United States Army

T/Sgt Keith F. Crooks
WW II - American Theater
United States Army

PVT Arthur L. Crowe
37th Div, Co F, 12th Quartermaster Regt
United States Army

 Vern Cummins
Korean Conflict
United States Army

PVT Howard P. Currence
WW II EAME - 489th Qtrmstr
United States Army

Spec 4 Chad Dappert
1st Batt, 81st Armor Regiment - Southwest Asia Ceasefire
United States Army

 Earl L. DeLong
Vietnam War
United States Army

 Harold Derr
WWII - Pacific Theater
United States Army

Spec 4 Gary Derr
41st Infantry - 2nd Armored Div
United States Army

SP4 David S. Dick
Vietnam War
United States Army

T/Sgt LaVern D. Dick
437th Group, 86th Squadron - WWII - EAME Theater
United States Army Air Corps

 Henry Joe  Dick
United States Army

Cpl Harry Dickson
Co B, 20th Infantry
United States Army

Cpl George W. Dickson
Korean Conflict
United States Army

E-3 Edwin Donathan
82 ABN - MFO 1983 Siani
United States Army

SPC Rodney E. Doornbos
HHC 1st BDE - Ft Wainwright AK
United States Army

Cpl Robert L. Douglas
8th Army HQ - Korean War
United States Army

T/4 Phillip A. Drumm
35th Sig Co, 35th Inf Div. WW II - EAME - Normandy
United States Army

SFC Donald Dugan
A Troop - 1st Cavalry - 1st Armored Div
United States Army

PFC Joseph Dulin
Co. L, 9th Inf - WW II - Germany Campaign
United States Army

Sgt Donald M. Dunahue
5th Div - Recon - Vietnam War
United States Army

Cpl Andrew J. Dunahue
148th Inf. Mounted Division - WWI - France
United States Army

T/Sgt Russell A. Dyer
37th Division, Co. E - WWII - Battle of Munda
United States Army

PFC Merlyn R Dyer
1st IND HQ 243rd Sig Opn Co
United States Army

SP5 Thomas Bruce Eddy
AR MN/RP MN - Vietnam War
United States Army

Capt Donald W. Ehlen
314th Bomb Wing - WWII - Engineer Div - Korean Conflict
United States Army

SSgt Harry E. Ellis

United States Army

SP5 Jerrold Elsasser
378th Maint Support Co - Vietnam War
United States Army

Captain David Elsasser
World War II
United States Army

Cpl Lloyd Elsasser
89 Dep Rep Sq AAF - World War II
United States Army Air Forces

S/Sgt Carl Elsasser
SGN C Roswell Air Force Base - World War II
United States Army Air Forces

Sgt Charles Elsasser
WWII - Battle of the Bulge - P O W
United States Army

PVT Leo J. Emberling
WW II - EAME Theater
United States Army

TEC4 Karl B. Engelhardt
38th/738 Ord LM - WW II - Pacific Theater
United States Army

SSG Daniel J. Erwin
1st Signal Brig - Vietnam War
United States Army

Pvt George Fahl
Ohio 8th Cav - Civil War
United States Army

 Stephen Fay
Vietnam War
United States Army

 William Frank Fields
9th Air Force - World War II
United States Army Air Corps

TEC4 Jack H. Fink
United States Army

Cpl Charles L. Fitzpatrick
Co 1, 146th Inf, 37th Div of Ohio - WW I - Belgium
United States Army

SP4 Albert Joe Fleece
111th MP Co 3rd Army - Vietnam War Era
United States Army

PFC Albert Gene Fleece
3rd Army 71st DIV MP - WW II
United States Army

Sgt Nevin K. Flinn
WW II - 26th Antisubmarine Wing
United States Army Air Forces

Col DeBow Freed
Korea - Vietnam - Middle East
United States Army

Sp 3 Philip Fry
Co D 746th AIB
United States Army

SP4 Eugene Fulton
Vietnam Era - 2-41 Arty 3rd Div
United States Army

Sgt Theron Gammon
37th Div. B1-134FA - Afganistan Oper. Enduring Freedom
United States Army

Cpl Leonard L. Gardner
728 Bombardment Sq - WW II - European Theater
United States Army

Sgt Walter A. Gardner
United States Army Air Corps

Cpl Rowe F. Garmon
Army National Guard
United States Army

PFC Max L. Getz
Vietnam War
United States Army

SP5 Frank C. Gibson
HQ Co A, 19th Maint BN - Europe
United States Army

1st LT James P. Gibson
World War I
United States Army

Pvt1 James F. Graham
3rd Armored Div - Korean Era
United States Army

SPC Sharrah Graham
Desert Storm - Desert Shield
United States Army

Tech 4 Maurice L. Gratz
WW II Pacific and European Theaters
United States Army

SP5 Jerrol C. Gratz
2nd Bat 5th Artillery - Vietnam War
United States Army

Pvt Dewey Gray
Co. E, 4th Regt. - Mexican War (1914-1916) and WWI (1918)
United States Army

SP 4 Shirley A. Green
Cold War - Valley Forge Army Hospital
United States Army

Sgt Harry A. Griffin
Co. E 343rd Engr - WW II - EAME Theater
United States Army

 Jason Guinn
Infantry - Cavalry - World War I
United States Army

 Arthur Junior Gullett
World War II
United States Army

SP 4 Donald A. Halsey
25th Infantry Div - Vietnam War
United States Army

PFC Phillip M. Hamilton

United States Army

Pfc Edwin Hamilton
82nd Airborne, 508th PIR - WWII - Battle of the Bulge
United States Army

Sgt Everett L. Harbison

United States Army

SP4 Albert `Joe` Harp
396th Transportation Co - Vietnam War
United States Army

Pfc Merle E. Harvey
462nd Bomb Sq
United States Army Air Corps

Pfc Ruth E. Harvey
66th WAC Hospital Co
United States Army

Sgt Thomas E. Healy
B Trp, 1st Sq, 11th Armored Cav - Vietnam War
United States Army

 Robert Height
Korean Conflict
United States Army

Sgt Lowell F. Heilman
Fort Hood - Transportation
United States Army

Cpl James K. Henkle
WWII - European Theater
United States Army Air Forces

Cpl Eugene Hinebaugh
WW II Pacific - Co E 37th Div 148 Inf
United States Army

S/Sgt Orval Elwood Hinton
6th Mobile Transport Squad - WW II, Pacific Theater
United States Army Air Corps

PFC Jerry C. Hipsher
Korean Conflict - Infantry
United States Army

Sgt Gary E. Hites
199th Infantry Brigade - Vietnam War
United States Army

TEC5  Gerald L. Hites
Co A 171st Engineers C Battalion WWII EAME - Combat Engineer
United States Army

Sgt Vernon Hoffman
Korean Conflict
United States Army

Cpl Gordon Holbrook
Korean Conflict
United States Army

Sgt Abe Hollan
Yokohama, Japan - Korean Conflict
United States Army

Tec 5 Willard R. Holland
128th AA Artillery - World War II - European Theater
United States Army

SSgt Chalmer Holliday
A Co, 82nd FA BN, 1st Cav Div - Korea
United States Army

Pvt Walter S. Hommel
307th Field Artillery - WW I
United States Army

Sgt George Hoppe
WW II - European Theater - 4th AD
United States Army

PFC Raymond Hord
5th Div - WW II - Battle of the Bulge
United States Army

Sgt Glenn L. Horner
Co E, 148th Inf, 37th Div - World War II
United States Army

MP Charles D. Howe
WWII - European Theater
United States Army

SP4 John Michael Howell
Vietnam War Era
United States Army

SFC Conrad W. Hughes
Korean Conflict
United States Army

SP5 Stanley E. Hunt
Co B 802nd Engr BN Co Tranf
United States Army

Tech 4 Marvin L. Ickes
767th Field Artillery Batt - WW II
United States Army

Sgt Merl D. Inmon
134th Quartermaster Co - Vietnam War
United States Army

Maj Calvin Jackson
Medical Corps 51st Div - Baatan Death March - WW II
United States Army

Cpl Lauren E. James
Korean Conflict - 23rd Infantry
United States Army

Cpl Maxwell James
1st Infantry Div - World War II - Nomandy - Battle of Bulge
United States Army

PFC Henry C. Jarnagin
Vietnam War - 5th BN
United States Army

Cpl James Willard Johnson
Korean War
United States Army

TEC5 Burton E. Johnson
3261st Sig Sv Co - WWII - EAME Theater
United States Army

TEC4 Chester Jordan
WW II - Pacific Theater - 233rd AAA
United States Army

PV1 Carl C. Joseph
Cold War - Combat Engineer
United States Army

SP 4 Wesley N. Kanzig
Tank Mechanic - Germany
United States Army

SP4 Merrill Kaufman
Army Security Agency, 8th RRFS - Vietnam War
United States Army

PFC John K. Kearns
1st USASA - Korean War
United States Army

Pvt Vincent E. Keckler
173rd Btry Field Artillary - WW II EAME Theater
United States Army

E-4 Jeffrey Keel

United States Army

SP6 Bernard Keller
WW II & Vietnam
United States Army

Col Kenneth E. Kellogg
Korea - Vietnam - Iran - Panama
United States Army

Pfc Robert W. Kindell
Engineers - WWII
United States Army

Sgt Robert W. Kindell
Vietnam War
United States Army Reserve

Pvt-2 Don Kinnear
2nd Army
United States Army

Spec 4 Donald `Torch` Kinney
Co. A, 69th Signal Batt - Vietnam War
United States Army

SSG William A. Kirk
101st Airborne - Vietnam War
United States Army

Cpl Earl R. Kissling
233rd AAA Searchlight BN - WWII - Philippines
United States Army

S/Sgt Calvin W. Kraft
WWII - Pacific Theater - Honor Guard
United States Army

S/Sgt Robert O. Kreinbihl
123 SR I Co - WW II Italy & Africa
United States Army

1st Lt Clayton Kritzler
World War II
United States Army

Spc 4 John R. Kuaile
Artillery - Vietnam War
United States Army

1st Sgt Billy G. Lamb
1st Infantry - 2 tours Vietnam War
United States Army

Cpl Jack Norman Lamley
USAR Sig C - Korean War
United States Army

SP 3 Clair S. Latham
10th Div, 702 Ord
United States Army

E-5 Harry Lautenschlager
577 Construction Engineers
United States Army

Sgt Jack L. Lawrence
A.S.A. - Vietnam War
United States Army

Sgt Ralph A. Lawrence
Co E, 148th Infantry
United States Army

PVT Marion Lawrence
D 31st Infantry - Korean Conflict
United States Army

PFC Richard C. Lawrence
World War II
United States Army

S/Sgt Dale P. Layman
WWII - Flight Mechanic
United States Army Air Corps

Sgt Charles W. Leoffert
7th Base Post Office - WWII - Asiatic-Pacific Campaign
United States Army

Cpl Joseph F. Leveck
Spanish American War
United States Army

Sgt Max H. Leveck
World War II
United States Army Air Forces

CPT John `Pete` Lichty
United States Army

Cpl Clyde G. Linke
60th Field Artillery Battalion - WWII - North Africa
United States Army

Pfc Frederick Long
37th Division, Co. E - WWII - Battle of Munda
United States Army

SFC James A. Long
Korean Conflict
United States Army

Sgt Robert A. Long
3rd Attack Grp 89th Sq - WW II
United States Army Air Corps

SP4 Wayne Arlen Lowery
TRPA 1st Sqdn 11th ACR - Vietnam War
United States Army

SP4 John David Lowery
Co A 440 Sig BN - Germany
United States Army

PFC Floyd Q. Madison
WWII - Pacific Theater
United States Army

PVT Floyd A. Madison
Vietnam Era
United States Army

2nd Lt Robert E. Mallow
414th Inf Reg, 104th Inf Div - WWII - European Theater
United States Army

E-4 Haulie Marshall
Vietnam War
United States Army

SPC Ronald Marvin
Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm
United States Army

Sgt Shane J. McDougle
OIF Iraq - 706th TC 454th TC 762nd TC
United States Army Reserve

PVT Wilbert T Mckean
152nd Inf - WW II - Pacific Theater
United States Army

Spc 4 Richard McKinley
Engineer Corps - Korean Conflict
United States Army

Spec 5 Michael L. McLane, Sr.
173rd Airborne - Vietnam War
United States Army

SPC Philip E. McNeal
5th Inf Div FC
United States Army

 James L. McPherson
Korean Conflict
United States Army

 Wayne A. Mendenhall
Vietnam War - Co C, 8th Engineer, 1st Cavalry Div
United States Army

Cpl Charles `Chuck` Mitchell
United States Army

SSgt James E. Modd
Military Police - Korean Conflict
United States Army

Cpl Charles R. Mohn
37th Division, Co. E - WWII - Battle of Munda
United States Army

Pvt De Lano Morey
82nd OVI - Civil War
United States Army

Cpl Richard E. Morris
HQ 32 Inf APO 7 - Korean Conflict
United States Army

TEC 5 Lloyd E. Morrison
WWII - Burma - Pacific Theater
United States Army

Cpl Richard E. Morrison
M Co, 32nd Regt, 7th Div - Korean Conflict
United States Army

SP5 Sammie Mullins
Vietnam War
United States Army

General John `Mike` Murray
Commanding General, Army Futures Command - OIF / OEF - retired
United States Army

 Frank I. Mustain
WW I - Europe
United States Army

SPC Michael Mustain
82nd Airborne Div, 1-505th PIR
United States Army

Cpl Jesse Earl Newman
52nd Artillary
United States Army

SFC Edward Newton
3rd Batt, 338 Regiment - Operation Iraqi Freedom
United States Army

 T. Melvin Nickell
64th Div Inf Co M - WW I Europe
United States Army

SP4 Abraham Oates
BN1, 11th FA
United States Army

1st Lt Richard H. Onions
Korean Conflict
United States Army

SP5 Phillip G. Osborn
1st Aviation Div - Vietnam War
United States Army

SP4 Garey R Osborn
Co A 51 Sig Bn - Vietnam War Era
United States Army

TEC5 Richard J. Osborn
749th Eng. BS - WW II Pacific Theater
United States Army

E-4 Larry G. Osborn

United States Army Reserve

Sgt Dale Wm. Overs
Vietnam War - MACV
United States Army

 Robert Overs

United States Army

 Roger Overs

United States Army

SSgt Thomas E. Palmer
Germany - Korea - Vietnam
United States Army

TSgt Charles `Chuck` Palmer
3d Armored Cav - Germany/Arlington Nat''l Cemetery
United States Army

SP4 Michael Dean Palmer
Germany - Vietnam Era
United States Army

Sgt Melvin B. Parcher
8th Army Heavy Tank - Korean Conflict
United States Army

Lt Jacob Parrott
Co K, 33 OVI - Civil War
United States Army

E-3 Michael S Patton
5th BN, 2nd Brigade
United States Army

E-4 Sarah Patton
5th BN, 2nd Brigade
United States Army

SFC Marc Paugh
101st Airborne - Multiple Conflicts
United States Army

Sgt James E. Pauley
Korean Conflict - Cavalry
United States Army

SP5 Allen E. Peoples
Vietnam War
United States Army

PVT - E-1 Floyd Peoples
C Btry 15th AAR - Korean Conflict
United States Army

SP4 Thomas R. Petitt
M.I. Co, 1st Special Forces Group
United States Army

PFC Duane M. Phillips
HQ 3rd Armored Div - Korean War
United States Army

Sgt Paul A. Poland
WW II - European Theater - 112th Infantry
United States Army

PFC Tim Poland
Co. C - 249th Engr BN
United States Army

SPC David T. Poling
4th BN 6th Inf Mechanized - "Just Cause" Panama
United States Army

Cpl Robert H. Pope
WWII - Pacific Theater
United States Army

SP4 Daniel R. Pope
11th Inf Brigade - Delta Co -Vietnam War
United States Army

SFC Russell Prater
597th Transportation - WWII & Korea
United States Army

1st Lt Paul W `Mike` Prater
37th Division - WWII - Battle of Munda - DOW
United States Army

PFC Lacy L. Prater
C Co 192 Tank BN - WW II - Bataan Death March
United States Army

Cpl Robert R.  Purcell
Tank Division - Korean Conflict
United States Army

Pfc Paul H. Purcell
Korean Conflict
United States Army

Sgt Harold L. Purcell
WW II - European-African-Middle Eastern Theater
United States Army Air Forces

Cpl Emery M. Rader
Hq Batt, 36th FA BN - Korean Conflict
United States Army

SPC Bryce A. Rainsburg
Operation Enduring Freedom - 43rd Sustainment Brigade
United States Army

Spec Vicki Ramirez
13th Sig BN, 1st Cav Div.
United States Army

Pfc Marlowe C. Ramsey
71st Inf Div, 66th Inf Reg, Co E - World War II - EAME Theater
United States Army

Lt Robert Paul Ramsey
WW II - 320th Bomber Squadron 441
United States Army Air Corps

PFC Richard E. Ray
Co E, 148th Infantry - Korean War
United States Army

SSgt Stephen Reese
101 Air Assault, 3rd Sq - Desert Storm / Iraqi Freedom / Somalia
United States Army

E-4 Preston A. Ribley
101st Airborne - C Company
United States Army

Tec 4 Charles Richardson
Co. A, 89th Signal Op Batt - WWII - Pacific Theater
United States Army

PVT Fred Rish
World War I - Btry B 12 Regt
United States Army

Cpl Pearl `Bud` Risner
1844 C Btry 206 FA BN
United States Army

Pfc Kenneth O. Risner
Para 2 SO 186th Hq 55th
United States Army

 William C. Ritchey
C Co 278th Engr BN - World War II
United States Army

Brig. General James S. Robinson
4th and 82nd OVI - Civil War
United States Army

 Emery Roby
World War II
United States Army

Spec 5 Ronald M. Rogers
251st Transportation
United States Army

 Frank E. Rogers
120th Anti-Aircraft
United States Army

S/Sgt David E. Rolston
World War II
United States Army

Pvt Arlie J Romick
WW I - 348 MG BN 91st Div Co D
United States Army

PFC Eugene Royer
7th Med. Tank Batt. - 3rd Armored Div. - Korean Conflict
United States Army

Sgt James O. Rush
83rd Div - WW II - EAME - Normandy/Battle of the Bulge
United States Army

CW4 James D Salyer
174th AVN Co - Vietnam War
United States Army

PEC4 James D Salyer
HQ Btry 82nd FA BN - World War II
United States Army

E-4 Neale Sanderson
32nd Sig BN - Vietnam War Era
United States Army

Cpl Bernard H. Schneer
World War II
United States Army

MSgt Francie Scott
Korean Conflict - 3rd Infantry Division
United States Army

PVT Henry J. Scullin
Ohio Volunteer Infantry - Civil War - Numerous Battles
United States Army

 Douglas Seiler
Big Red One 2nd Batt. 28th Inf. "Black Lions" - Vietnam War
United States Army

Major Collins M. Shaw
Adj General''s Dept - WW II - Pacific Theater
United States Army

SSgt Oliver Shepherd
60th Fighter Sq, 33rd Fighter Grp - WWII - Pacific Theater
United States Army Air Forces

SP5 Gary Shepherd
Vietnam War
United States Army

Cpl Wilkie Shepherd
WW II - Field Artillery
United States Army

PVT Dean K. Sherman
31st Inf Reg - Korean Conflict
United States Army

S/Sgt Justin Hastings Sherman
WW II - Pacific Theater - Honor Guard
United States Army

Sgt Eldon C. Sherman
86th Infantry Division - WWII - France
United States Army

S/Sgt Dale B. Sherman

United States Army

PFC Jack E. Shirk

United States Army

PVT Paul `Glen` Sidener
Korean Conflict - MP
United States Army

PVT Edward `Buck` Sites
WW II - EAME Theater 8th Inf. 12th Eng.
United States Army

Sgt Ralph `Snuffy` Smith
Korea and Germany
United States Army

PFC George F. Smith
3rd & 45th Infantry Div - Korean War
United States Army

 R. Gary Smith

United States Army Reserve

E-4 Douglas D. Sorgen
82nd Airborne
United States Army

Spc Blake Southward
The Old Guard - 3rd Inf Reg.
United States Army

PFC Walter E. Sparks
WW II - Pacific Theater - Hq Co. 246th Ord
United States Army

A2C Fred Sparks
Co. E - 148th Infantry
United States Army

SP5 C. Burt Speicher
Big Red One - Vietnam War
United States Army

 Ralph Spradlin

United States Army

Cpl Elbert R. St Clair
Batt C, 55th Coast Artillery - WWII
United States Army

PFC Bruce L. Stober
3rd Armored Div - Vietnam War
United States Army

Cpl John C. Striker
136th Inf Regt, 47th Sig Co, 47th Inf Div - Korean War
United States Army

S/Sgt Russell C. Strobel
United States Army Air Corps

Sgt Joseph G. Teeters
37th Div, 148th inf, Co. E - WW II - South Pacific
United States Army

Sgt William K. Thompson
37th Division, Co. E - WW II - Battle of Munda
United States Army

SP4 Ed Thompson
A Batt 6th BN 21 ACT
United States Army

Cpl Otis Titus
11th Troop Carrier Sq - WW II
United States Army Air Corps

PFC Colin Tobin
Military Police
United States Army

Sgt Eric C. Trachsel
82nd Airborne - Operation Iraqi Freedom
United States Army

Cpl Jack L. Umbaugh
278th Infantry - Korean Conflict
United States Army

Sgt Ralph G. Van Atta
Burma/India - WW II
United States Army

SSgt Joshua Vermillion
101st Airborne 1-506th Infantry Reg - Iraq/Afghanistan
United States Army

S/Sgt Russell H. Vertner
Combat Engr 97th Inf. Div - WW II
United States Army

Sgt William `Bill` Waggoner
101st Airborne 3rd Brig - Vietnam War
United States Army

Cpl Clayton B. Walden
WW II - 17th Armored Div
United States Army

BBG Moses B. Walker
31st Regiment OVI - Civil War & Military Occupation of Texas
United States Army

Pfc-T Frank Warehime
Co D, 422nd Tel BN - WW I
United States Army

Cpl Russell Warmbrod
Bt C 547th Armd FA Bn
United States Army

PFC Dale R. Warmbrod
WWII - 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment
United States Army

CW2 Emily Warren
82nd Airborne Div. - Blackhawk Pilot - Middle East Conflicts
United States Army

Pvt Carl Wells
112th Inf, 28th Div - WW II - EAME Theater
United States Army

SP 4 Alfred Wells

United States Army

SP4 Lowell Wells

United States Army

SP 4 Lawrence Wells

United States Army

Spec 4 Delmar Wells

United States Army

Cpl William J. Wentz
106th Inf Div 423rd - WW II - Battle of the Bulge
United States Army

Pvt Dana Westervelt
United States Army

E-4 Isabel N. White
United States Army

E-4 Kash E. White
United States Army

Cpl Edmund S. Wierzba
71st DIV - WW II - European Theater
United States Army

Sgt Richard `Dick` Wilcox
Vietnam - 55th MP Co, 93rd MP Bn
United States Army

Cpl Norman L. Wilkerson
Transportation Div - WW II
United States Army

SP5 Garry Winegardner
442 Signal BN - Vietnam War
United States Army

Sgt Zachary `Woly` Wolowicz
101st Airborne, 187th Reg. - Oper. Freedom Sentinel & Resolute Support
United States Army

Pfc G. Wilbur Worthington
719th Railway Oper BN - WW II EAME Theater
United States Army

Tec 4 Byron Worthington
19th Infantry - World War II - Pacific Theater
United States Army

Pvt Amos Wroten
45th O.V.I., Co B - Civil War
United States Army

Sgt Terry L. Wuethrich
7th Division - 32nd Infantry
United States Army

T/Sgt Sidney A. Wuethrich
WWII - Pacific Theater
United States Army

SP4 Harold Yoakam
864th Engineer - Vietnam War
United States Army

Maj Wilson H. Yost
United States Army

Pfc Jerry O. Young
18th Inf - 1st Inf. Div - Vietnam War
United States Army

PVT Wendell I. Zaring
5th AF/6th Emerg Rescue Sq - WWII - Pacific Theater
United States Army Air Forces

Hardin County is proud to honor our men and women
who are or have served this country through our banner program.


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Technical Banner Questions
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Services provided

HTM Designs

S2c Edward Althauser
USS Harwood - USS Miami
United States Navy

CTR3 Daniel M. Anstine
NAVCOMMSTA - Vietnam War
United States Navy

HM1 Richard A. Axline
2nd Marine Div, 3rd BN, 10th Marines - Vietnam Era
United States Navy

E-3 Charles L. Badertscher
Cuban Missile Crisis
United States Navy

MM1 Wayne W. Bahr
USS Enterprise - Vietnam War
United States Navy

A1C Clifford Bailey
Air Force during Korean Conflict
United States Navy

QM2 Raymond Biddiscombe
Vietnam War
United States Navy

MM3c John Richard Black
World War II
United States Navy

CWO4 Michael Bolen
Desert Storm - Iraqi Storm
United States Navy

PO2 Kent Bragg
Operation Desert Shield / Desert Storm
United States Navy

SK1 James Bramble
Supply - Vietnam Era
United States Navy

PO3 James E. Bridenstine
USS O`Hare (DD-889) - Vietnam War
United States Navy

FTG1 Michael Kenneth Brown
USS Tecumseh - Vietnam Era
United States Navy

S1c Earl L. Burd
WWII - Seabees
United States Navy

S1c Ray Burgbacher
World War II - Pacific Theater
United States Navy

MM3 Wayne Wright Burnworth
Vietnam - USS Halsey
United States Navy

RM1 Dwight Comstock
Korean Conflict
United States Navy

DC2 Lauren L. Comstock
Korean Conflict
United States Navy

 Birchel Paul Conley
USS Iowa (BB-61)
United States Navy

RM3 Carl `Gene` Cornell
USS Saratoga
United States Navy

TM3 Jack W. Cramer
USS John R. Pierce - Korean Conflict
United States Navy

SN Justin G. Critchfield
USS Salamonie - AO-26
United States Navy

RM3 Clayton D. `Tim` Critchfield
WW II - Pacific Theater
United States Navy

MM3 Robert L. Dick
USS Rochester (CA-124)
United States Navy

FA Omar `John` Dyer
USS Cone (DD-866)
United States Navy

PO1 Peyton L. Dyer
United States Navy

SN 1c Clinton Elmo Dyer
Seabees - WW II - Guam
United States Navy

SN James H. Fay
USS Blue Ridge - Vietnam
United States Navy

S1c Harold `Red` Fillinger
WW II - Pacific Theater
United States Navy

HT3 Richard Lindsey Fleece

United States Navy

BTG3 Richard Lee Fleece
Korean Conflict
United States Navy

PO3 Jerry Fleece
Vietnam Era
United States Navy

S1c Richard C. Frater
WWII - USS Topeka
United States Navy

Fireman 1st Cl Harlan W. Gammon
United States Navy

 Richard E. Gardner

United States Navy

MM3 Harold Gardner
World War II - Asiatic-Pacific Theater
United States Navy

AO3 James William Gould
WW II - Pacific Theater
United States Navy

ENG 3 Charles L. Green
USS Staten Island - Artic & Antartic
United States Navy

QMC - CPO Robert E. Grindell
USS Pickerel - WW II, Korea, Vietnam
United States Navy

S/1c Jesse W. Guinn
World War II - Pacific Theater
United States Navy

YNSN Larry E. Gullett
Vietnam War
United States Navy

MM3 Roger L. Guyton
Cuban Missile Crisis
United States Navy

BM2c Willis E. Hager
WW II - USS Yukon & USS Omaha
United States Navy

GM James C. Hale
USS English - Cuban Crisis
United States Navy

HC1 Willard Hale
World War II - Pacific Theater - Iwo Jima
United States Navy

RD2 Howard H. Hamm
WWII - European and Pacific Theaters
United States Navy

F1 John  Hill
USS Montpelier - South Pacific - WW II
United States Navy

TM3 Brandon Holbrook

United States Navy

WT2c Jack Holycross
WW II -Pacific Theater
United States Navy

S2c Laurel `Pete` Hommel
WW II - Pacific Theater USS Hardwood
United States Navy

CE2 Perry F. Hopkins
Seabees - Cuban Quarantine
United States Navy

SKC Albert H. Horn
WW II - Pacific Theater
United States Navy

E-4 Dale Hudson
Weapons Gunnery Div - Vietnam
United States Navy

HM 3c Charles `Chuck` Keller
Korean Conflict
United States Navy

YN Michael Kuykendall
Vietnam War
United States Navy

F1 Edward Paul Lightner
USS Mt Vernon - WW II
United States Navy

FC2 Kyle A. Linke
USS Nicholson, USS Hawes - Operation Enduring Freedom
United States Navy

RMD3 George `Jack` L. Long
WW II - Pacific Theater
United States Navy

YN1 William D. Madory
Cuba - Lebanon - Korea - Europe
United States Navy

ABF3 Cody Magann
Iraqi Freedom / Enduring FreedomV4 -
United States Navy

FN1 Norman J. McCune
World War II - Pacific Fleet
United States Navy

HM1 Mark A. McPheron
Korean Conflict
United States Navy

GM1c Walter G. Modd
USS Vincennes - World War II
United States Navy

LNC/E-7 Rodney Moore
Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm
United States Navy

 Jack R. Moore
USS Randolph - Cuban Missile Crisis
United States Navy

MS3 Jeffery A. Morris
USS Stein (FF-1065)
United States Navy

SN Leo G Motter
Korean Conflict
United States Navy

AWS2 Ryne R. Mueller
Iraq OIF
United States Navy

SN Michael Calvin Mustain
USS Woodworth - World War II - Pacific Theater
United States Navy

DTC Steven M. Mustain

United States Navy

CPO Robert `Bob` Mustain
Vietnam War
United States Navy

S3c George F. Mustain
World War II - Pacific Theater
United States Navy

PO1 Lawrence `Moon` Newland
Submariner - WW II - Pacific Theater
United States Navy

Lt Mark T. Nichelson
Persian Gulf - HSM78 - Blue Hawks
United States Navy

S1c Ward `Bill` Parsons
World War II - ComPac - Hawaii
United States Navy

Lt Richard W. Pees
Coastal Sq 1 PCF-3 (Swiftboat) and USS Tripoli - Vietnam War
United States Navy

EM1 Russell D. Pfeiffer
WWII - Iwo Jima
United States Navy

Captain Herbert F Pfister
WW II Atlantic and Pacific Theaters
United States Navy

Lt Gerald W Pfister
WW II - Pacific Theater 33rd ACSG
United States Navy

 John W. `Skip` Pifer
Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squadron Eleven
United States Navy

MM3 Nelson G. Plott
USS Bache - Cuban Crisis
United States Navy

SN Troy Poe
Korean Conflict
United States Navy

AN Elliott Prater
USS Wasp
United States Navy

SFM3 Eddie J. Price
Vietnam War - USS Vogelgesang
United States Navy

 Eugene Price
WW II & Korean Conflict
United States Navy

E-3 Deborah G. Purcell
Hospital Corps - Vietnam
United States Navy

LTJG Phillip J. Rapp

United States Navy

S1c Franklin E. Reef
United States Navy

SN2c Paul J. Richardson
WW II - Pacific Theater
United States Navy

S2c David A. Rish
7th Fleet - WWII
United States Navy

GM2 George A. Robinson
USS Wadsworth - WW II Pacific Theater
United States Navy

SN Brian Roby
VQ-3 - Gulf War
United States Navy

RD2 Robert `Bob` Rodabaugh
Vietnam War - Saigon River
United States Navy

MM1 Wayne Rogers
Korean Conflict
United States Navy

MR2 Charles E. Rogers
A Div - USS Worcester - Korean Conflict
United States Navy

EN3 James R. Rowe
USS Tortuga
United States Navy

SC3 Donald G. Schutte
WW II - Pacific Theater - SeaBees
United States Navy

LTJG Raymond Scott
Bombing Squadron 150 (VB-150) - WWII
United States Navy

SA Harold D. Sexton
Vietnam Era
United States Navy

YN3 Jeffery G. Shape
USS Saipan
United States Navy

MEB2 Howard C. Shepherd
Metal Smith - Korean Conflict
United States Navy

E5 Earl Shepherd
Silent Service - Cold War/Vietnam Era
United States Navy

Lt Henry C. Shepherd
World War II - Seabees
United States Navy

SF1 Earl F. Shepherd
Korean Conflict
United States Navy

PO2c Willis H. Shepherd
WW II Amphibious Forces
United States Navy

SN Stanley G. Spath
WW II - Pacific Theater - LST730
United States Navy

S1c Paul W. Steiner
WW II - EAME Theater
United States Navy

ET1 Lacey Mueller Stevens
USS Enterprise
United States Navy

BM Wilbur E. Stout
WWII - Philippine Liberation - Pacific Theater
United States Navy

AMM C.E. Stub Struble
WWII - V-5
United States Navy

Medic Wilbur `Dean` Tackett
Bay of Pigs - Cuban Missile Crisis
United States Navy

SC1 Vernal F. Terry

United States Navy

SN Joseph M. Thompson
USS John F. Kennedy
United States Navy

CS2 Brian E. Thompson
Naval Air Base - Guantanamo Bay Cuba
United States Navy

AO1 Everett F. Warehime
World War II and Korea War
United States Navy

Lt John D. Wheeler
WWII - Atlantic Theater / Korean Conflict - USS Valley Forge
United States Navy

E-3 Clair B. Williams
USS General Anderson - World War II
United States Navy

E2 John F. Williams
Beachmasters Unit 2 - Vietnam War
United States Navy

SN2c Marion E. Wirbel
USS Algol, Iowa & Columbus - WW II
United States Navy

ET4 Steve Wykes
Submarine - Von Stuben
United States Navy

GM3c Chester N. Young
WW II - Pacific Theater
United States Navy

SN1c Lester D. Young
WW II - Pacific Theater USS Lexington
United States Navy

Sgt Clifton Wallace Ansley
Korean Conflict
United States Marine Corps

Capt Richard L. Basinger
363 MMH - Vietnam War
United States Marine Corps

LCpl William E. Bopp
2nd Div, 1st Bat
United States Marine Corps

Sgt Jeffrey L. Brown
1st BN - 7th Marines - Cold War
United States Marine Corps

GySgt Toby Lee Brown
Military Police - Career
United States Marine Corps

Major Robert J. Butterman
3rd Marine Air Wing - Vietnam
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Doug Camper
Vietnam Era
United States Marine Corps

Sgt Shelby R. Carroll
RS Columbus
United States Marine Corps

Sgt Ronald Chamberlin
2nd Marine Div - 2nd Anti-Tank BAT - Vietnam War
United States Marine Corps

Sgt Rob Dix
2nd BN 4th Marines - Operation Sharp Edge & DS/DS
United States Marine Corps

PFC Robert J. Dorsey
3rd Marine Div - FMF
United States Marine Corps

Sgt Zeno Mark Fissel
3rd Marine Div - Vietnam War
United States Marine Corps

Capt Bruce G. Flinn
1st Marine Air Wing - Vietnam/Desert Storm
United States Marine Corps

 Eugene E. Friedel
World War II
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Scott Fry

United States Marine Corps

Cpl Craig E. Fulton
2nd Marine Div - Iraqi Freedom/Enduring Freedom
United States Marine Corps

T/Sgt Dano E. Gibson
422nd Air Wing - World War II - Pacific Theater
United States Marine Corps

LCpl Grant Good
3rd BN, 6th Marines
United States Marine Corps

SgtMaj Oren J. Hogan
United States Marine Corps

SSgt Donald L. Horner
1/9 Mar, 3rd Mar Div - Vietnam
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Albert L. Horner
L Co. 3rd BN, 1st Marines - Vietnam War
United States Marine Corps

PFC Melvin E. Hoyt
4th Division (Fighting 4) - World War II
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Chris Johnson
3rd LAAM Battalion
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Douglas Johnson
1st BN 1st Marines - 4 tours Middle East
United States Marine Corps

Capt Jack E. Kettle
World War II - Korean Conflict
United States Marine Corps

Capt Keith W. Kinnear
Vietnam War
United States Marine Corps

Col Richard E. Madory
1st Marines - Korean Conflict
United States Marine Corps

CPL Adam Magann
HMLA-269 - Iraqi Freedom
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Harold I. Modd
Marine Barracks - Newport RI
United States Marine Corps

Cpl John P Murray
Korean Conflict - Machine Gun Sq
United States Marine Corps

Sgt Dennis Musser
2nd BN, 7th Marines, Echo Co.
United States Marine Corps

GySgt Richard T. Onions
Desert Storm - Kosovo - Irag - Afganistan
United States Marine Corps

PFC Edward E. Oxley
2nd Battalion - Korean Conflict
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Hobert Lee Perkins
World War II - Pacific Theater
United States Marine Corps

Pfc Gene A. Perkins
72nd Spcl Inf Co - Korean Conflict
United States Marine Corps

LCpl Thomas Petitt
4th Landing Support Bt
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Douglas L. Putnam
3rd Eng BN - Vietnam War
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Gene Ratliff
C Co - 3rd Div - Vietnam War
United States Marine Corps

PFC Ronald James Scharf
F BTRY, 2/11 Marines, 1st Marine Div, III MAF - Vietnam War
United States Marine Corps

PFC Robert Elliott Schutte
3rd Marines
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Elmer `Red` Scott
Korean Conflict
United States Marine Corps

Sgt Rodney J. Seabert
E Co,. 2nd BN, 7th Marines - Vietnam War
United States Marine Corps

PFC Bob R. Sexton
Vietnam Era
United States Marine Corps

SSgt John W. Shepherd
1st Division - Vietnam War
United States Marine Corps

Sgt Terry Shirk
HMM-161 1st MAW - Vietnam War
United States Marine Corps

LCpl Joe Sloan
8th Mar, 2nd Mar Div - Vietnam War Era
United States Marine Corps

PFC Robert Eugene Strahm
3rd Marine Division - Vietnam - KIA
United States Marine Corps

SSgt Harvey E. Strickland
4th MCRD - Korean Conflict Era
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Gene Winegardner
MAG-12 ATC Det B
United States Marine Corps

Cpl Marion `Ike` Wirbel
2nd BN, 5th MAR, 1st MAR DIV, FMF - Vietnam War
United States Marine Corps

AB John Gaylord Acheson
365 4th Training Sq
United States Air Force

A1C Paul Edward Adkins
4750th Field Maint Sq
United States Air Force

E4 Dennis Alexander
507 TAC Carrier GRP
United States Air Force

SSgt Frank Donald Bailey
34th Bomb Sq - 50 Missions over Korea
United States Air Force

SSgt Rodney A. Barrett
919th CES/EOD 88th SFS - OEF
United States Air Force

SSgt Gary L. Braun
Vietnam - 305th Bomber Group
United States Air Force

SSgt David E. Burd
8th Air Force, 17th Bomb Wing SAC - Vietnam War
United States Air Force

Sgt Robert J. Burris
151st Field Maint - Vietnam War
United States Air Force

Sgt Charles Byers
2046th CIG/AFCS
United States Air Force

Sgt Greg Byers
17th DSES/ADCOM - Vietnam Era
United States Air Force

MSgt Donald E. Conkle
Korean Conflict
United States Air Force

SSgt Gregory J. Critchfield
4533 TTSg TAC - Vietnam
United States Air Force

SSgt Robert R. Davis
Strategic Air Command/MMS - Vietnam War
United States Air Force

SSgt Robert T. Davis
Operations Support Squadron - Afghanistan
United States Air Force

SSgt Terry  Fancher
4th CRS (TAC)
United States Air Force

 Jack F. Fields
Vietnam Era
United States Air Force

1st Sgt Jeremy France
310th Security Forces - Iraq & Afghanistan
United States Air Force

E-4 Paul Fry

United States Air Force

A1C Pearl Thos. `Tom` Fults
452nd Fighter Sq - Korean Conflict
United States Air Force

MSgt Patrick C. Gates
Global War on Terrorism - Operations Enduring/Iraqi Freedom, Allied Force
United States Air Force

E-3 William E. Gunther
305 Bomb Wing SAC - Vietnam - Cuban Missile Crisis
United States Air Force

SSgt Timothy R. Haley
317th TAS - Vietnam Era
United States Air Force

A1C William Hamilton
Vietnam and England
United States Air Force

SFC David Lee Harp
Panama - Vietnam Era Ohio National Guard
United States Air Force

TSgt George R. Harp
Vietnam War
United States Air Force

A2C Joel F. Headington
Cuban Missile Crisis
United States Air Force

E6 Russell Height
916th Squadron - Desert Storm Era
United States Air Force

A1C Donald Hensley

United States Air Force

A2C Russell E. Hogue

United States Air Force

Sgt James R. Holmes
7005th Air Base Squadron
United States Air Force

Sgt Gerald L. Horner
37th Transportation Squad - Vietnam War
United States Air Force

A2C Robert Hosack
Military Police
United States Air Force

Buck Sgt Dennis R. Kindle
561st Tactical Div - Vietnam War
United States Air Force

Colonel David Kretz
Persian Gulf - Op. Iraqi Freedom - Op. Enduring Freedom
United States Air Force

A1C Robert Lambert
Air Defense Com
United States Air Force

A2C Carolyn Mundey Lambert
Air Defense Com
United States Air Force

SMSgt Shannon R. Last
618 AOC - OIF, Operation Southern Watch, Korea
United States Air Force

MSgt Russell W. Ludwig
388th Fighter Wing - Vietnam War
United States Air Force

MSgt Larry E. Mankey
Ghost Squad - Vietnam War
United States Air Force

A1C Taylor McCafferty
355th CMS
United States Air Force

Capt Edward Dean McCann
558th TFS - Vietnam War
United States Air Force

A1C Raymond Mohn
Korean War
United States Air Force

Sgt Richard A. Morehart
16th Weather Squadron - Vietnam Era
United States Air Force

E-5 Frank Mustain
Security Police
United States Air Force

Airman Forest L. Palmer
6175th Material Squad - Korean Conflict
United States Air Force

MSGT Zachary Parshall

United States Air Force

A3c Philip F. Perkins
75th Bomb Sq - Korea
United States Air Force

 Greg Puckett
Gulf War
United States Air Force

SSgt Kelly Puckett
441 Trans Sq - PACAF
United States Air Force

Sgt Gerald L. Purcell
7 AF 480 TFS - Vietnam War
United States Air Force

E3 Stephen R. Radway
HQ Command USAF - Vietnam War
United States Air Force

Tech Sgt Kim Alan Reffner
Strategic Air Command - Cold War
United States Air Force

Sgt Mike Risner
674th Radar Sq
United States Air Force

A1C Gregory K. Risner
2750 Logistic Sq
United States Air Force

SSgt Marvin Sallee
8 TFS (TAC) - Vietnam War
United States Air Force

Sgt Martha Skeens
USAF Med Center
United States Air Force

SrA Floyd `Bud` Smith
Alaska Air Command
United States Air Force

SSgt Donald B. Sorgen
Vietnam - Combat Control Squadron
United States Air Force

Sgt Jessica Sorgen-Osborn
49th TAC Fighter Wing - Cold War Era
United States Air Force

E-4 Gregory Brian Spearman
Military Police
United States Air Force

SSgt Glenn A. Sprang
Korean Conflict
United States Air Force

A1C Jack Stauffer
United States Air Force

SSgt Gordon Strickland
49th Orgn Maint Sq, TAC - Vietnam Era
United States Air Force

A2C Ronald Thomas
341st FMS (SAC)
United States Air Force

Lt Col Greg Timmons
Protestant Chaplain
United States Air Force

SrA Sean M. Tyler
Iraqi Freedom
United States Air Force

SSgt Drew Vent
78th LRS - Operation Inherent Resolve/Enduring Freedom
United States Air Force

Lt Col David M. Boyle
Co E, 148th Inf - World War II - Korean Conflict
Army National Guard

Cpl Earl Brehm
Korean Conflict
Army National Guard

Major Richard `Dutch` Cannode
Co E, 37th Div - WW II Europe - Korean Conflict
United States National Guard

E5 Howard L. Currence
Det. 1-1487th Trans - Iraqi Freedom
Army National Guard

Col Robert D. Hubbell
1st BN 23rd Regt 2nd Div - Korean Conflict
Army National Guard

 Cloyd Jones
Transport Unit
Air National Guard

Spcl 4cl Arthur G. Joseph
Co E - 148th Infantry Regiment
Army National Guard

PV2 Charles Prater

Army National Guard

PFC Floyd L. Smith
37th Div., 146th Infantry - WWI - France
Army National Guard

S/Sgt Charles T. Sorgen
Co E, 148th Regt, 37th Div
United States National Guard

1SG David Wilson
228th Sig Batt. Vietnam-Iraqi Freedom-Enduring Freedom
Army National Guard

E4/BM3 Mark Butterman
Desert Storm
United States Coast Guard

 Charles W. Rodabaugh
WW II - Atlantic Fleet
Merchant Marines