John `Jack` Aloisio
Vietnam War United States Army
Cpl Tony J. Angotti
World War II United States Army
SGT Carl Bartosch
WWII United States Army Air Corps
SP4 George R. Bercik
38th Artillery Brigade, Air Defense - Korea United States Army
Corp Anthony J. Bernardo
3rd ; Korean War United States Army
E-5 Sam Brnilovich
172nd MI Det ; 173rd ABN; Vietnam United States Army
SGT Kenneth A. Bruce
1st Cavalry - Vietnam War United States Army
PVT William A. Bruder
Second Army - Korea United States Army
Sgt Steve J. Catlos
Office of Strategic Services - WWII United States Army
PFC Lou Cerqua
CoF/8thIR/4thID United States Army
Cpl Joseph Cheplic
WWII United States Army Air Force
SP 5 Joseph S. Cheplic
Vietnam United States Army
Major Mark Cheplic
99th ARCOM - Gulf War United States Army
Cpl Boyd `Chris` Christofel
Signal Corps - Korean Conflict United States Army
PFC Vernon Christofel
WWII - European Theatre United States Army
SPC Matthew F. Colbert
1st Cavalry - Operation Iraqi/Enduring Freedom United States Army
E5 Robert Cope
1st Infantry Division - Vietnam United States Army
TSgt Robert Lee Correll
WWII - African European Campaign United States Army
PVT - 2 Alfred Dauk
Company A; 2nd Battalion Medic - Korean United States Army
Sgt Samuel A. DeMaio
WWII United States Army
Pfc David M. Densmore
the4leyas@verizon.net United States Army
James Robert Devine
Korean War United States Army
Sgt Martin W. Dowling
Korean War United States Army
PFC James A. Dowling
United States Army
SP4 Eugene Esken
1st Armored Division - Vietnam War Era United States Army
Joseph Estock
World War II United States Army
PFC Michael Albert Fabian
29th Infantry Division - WWII United States Army
PFC Edward John Ference
2nd Infantry - WWII United States Army
Sergeant Frank H. Fiser
AW Battalion - WWII United States Army
CPT Marlin Foulds
28th Infantry Division; Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Army
SP4 Timothy C. Friday
82nd Airborne United States Army
Capt Robert A. George
11th Armored Cavalry Regiment - Vietnam War United States Army
Sgt Henry Godlewski
Korean War - 185 Inf 45th Div Heavy Tank Co United States Army
Pfc Howard W. Graham
WW II - CBI Theatre United States Army Air Force
SPC Roy Grant
4th Infantry Division United States Army
Sgt Michael Hiscar
Merrill's Marauders - Burma United States Army
Cpl Richard E. Hutchison
Korean War United States Army
CPL Thomas Karg
Signal Corps ; Korean War United States Army
PVTI John F. Kelly
Infantry - Korean War United States Army
Sgt Homer V. King Jr.
Vietnam United States Army
Colonel Edwin C. Klein
WWII United States Army
T Sergeant George Klucick
World War II 306 Bomb Squad United States Army Air Force
Specialist Dannie C. Knox
509th Ordinance, 122nd Maintenance Battalion, Vietnam United States Army
Sergeant John A. Kosar
WWII United States Army
M/Sgt Joseph M. Kroll Jr.
99th Inf. Div. -WWII - Battle of the Bulge United States Army
S/Sgt George J. Kuftic, Sr.
311th Field Artillery Battalion, Battery B United States Army
PFC Max William Leake, Sr.
Co. L, 120th Inf., Reg., 30th Div. - WWII United States Army
Sgt Frederick P. Leonard
HQ BTRY, 3rd BN, 27th ARTY, 79th INF DIV United States Army
Lt George F. Leya
9th Airforce - WWII - European-Pacific Theatre United States Army Air Corps
SSG George Mackulin IV
ARCOM AAM - Iraq - Persian Gulf United States Army
Sgt Paul J. Malecki
3rd Army Vietnam War United States Army
PVT Daniel F Marra
3rd Armour United States Army
Corporal William G. Mattes
WWII United States Army
Private Don Matthews
WWII - Battery A 739 Field Artillery Battalion United States Army
SP4 Howard R. McBride
707th Maintenance/Vietnam United States Army
Sgt. Major John W. McCay, Sr.
Patton's Third Army - WW II United States Army
SP4 Paul McIntosh
30th Ordnance Company United States Army
Corporal Harvey Scott Meadows
World War II 160th Field Artillery United States Army
SFC E-7 William W Miller
Vietnam United States Army
Clair E. Miller
First Cavalry - WWII United States Army
Sergeant Steven P. Mitrisin
Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Army
Fred W. Moninger
1/83RD Artillery - Vietnam United States Army
Spec 4 George A. Moresea Jr.
237 Engineers 7th Army United States Army
SFC Edward W. Morningstar
Korean War - 11th Airborne United States Army
Louis F. Ney
United States Army
TEC4 Charles 'Don' Ney
3022nd Company 622nd Ordnance - WWII United States Army
S/Sgt Raymond W. Ney
Company B TDS Bn - WWII United States Army
CPL Michael J. Nikolic
WWII United States Army
M/SGT Phillip Parella
WWII - Korean War 2nd Infantry Wolf Hound Division United States Army
S/Sgt David M. Paterson
WWII - Battle of the Bulge United States Army
PFC Gerald (Jerry) Peconi
Vietnam - 173rd Airborne United States Army
PVT Robert W. Scott
Second Army Area; Korean War United States Army
Sergeant Robert Seleski
Korean War - 25th Division, 27th Regt. United States Army
Specialist 4 James A. Shaffer
1st of the 87th - Vietnam United States Army
Sgt Wilbert H. Shuback
WWII United States Army
SGT Bruce Smith
First Calvary Division - Desert Shield, Desert Storm United States Army
Pvt Herman B. Smith Jr.
Communications - World War II United States Army Air Forces
Cpl John F. Spargal
Korean War United States Army
Sgt Alexander Spark
WWII - 630th Tank Destroyer Battalion United States Army
Sgt Alexander Spark, Jr
630th Tank Destroyer Battalion - WWII United States Army
John W. Stonick
WWII United States Army
Sgt Paul A. Strepay
144th Field Artillery Group - World War II United States Army
PFC James F. Sweeney
Btry C, 3/71 ADA - Vietnam Era - Germany United States Army
Cpl John T. Sweeney
WWII - Pacific Theatre United States Army
1LT John H. Taucher II
Vietnam United States Army
Sgt Kevin A. Uhrinek
Field Artillery - Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Army
Spc Jim Vekosky
Cold War United States Army
Cpl Robert Leo Voelker
Military Police - WWII United States Army
TCpl Robert K Wilson
WWII - Battle of the Bulge United States Army
MSG Richard Wojnar
Vietnam Era to Operation Enduring Freedom United States Army Air Force
Spec 4 Lester `Herb` Wright
541st Engineer Company United States Army

Sgt Ronald Burris
876th Engineer Battalion Army National Guard
SRA Benjamin P. Elder
Operation Enduring Freedom Air National Guard

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who are or have served this country through our banner program.
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HTM Designs

PO3c Jack C. Barton
Bay of Pigs - Guantanamo Bay United States Navy
SN Edsel E. Barton
Korean War United States Navy
E4 Joseph W. Booth
Vietnam United States Navy
PO2 Donald Brown
USS Albany United States Navy
RD2 Steve J. Catlos, Jr
Vietnam War United States Navy
PO3 Hugh Richard Cleary
SEACONRON 21 United States Navy
FN Joseph W. Covelli
Korean War - USS Wright United States Navy
CPO Corey Danzey
United States Navy
SN Wayne Dauk
Strike Fighter Squadron 137 (VFA-137) - Iran - Iraq United States Navy
Lt Ronald E. Densmore
USS Ticonderoga (CVA-14) - Vietnam United States Navy
F2/C Pasquino A. DiCarlo
World War II United States Navy
SN Robert E. Dowling
World War II United States Navy
SN Edward R. Dowling
Korean War United States Navy
MM3 Fred Fisher
WWII United States Navy
HM3 Jacob C. Fisher
F.A.S.T. - Operation Enduring Freedom United States Navy
S1c Robert W. Fleet
WWII - CBI Theatre - USS LST-207 1943-1945 United States Navy
RD2 Anthony `Tony` Gallo
USS St. Louis - WWII United States Navy
SN Raymond Girman
WWII - USS Donald Wolf United States Navy
Roy A. Grant
USS Bremerton (CA-130) - WWII United States Navy
SN John A. Henderson
USS Belleau Wood (CVL-24) - WWII United States Navy
SN Francis Richard Hinkle
United States Navy
S2c Fred L. King
WWII United States Navy
PO3c Theodore Lipnicky
Fleet Air - WWII United States Navy
Torpedo Man, 3rd Class David J. Manns
World War II United States Navy
Llewellyn Maple
Seabees - WWII - Okinawa United States Navy
RM3 Richard Mastracci
WWII - USS Haggard United States Navy
ADM 3C Frank B. McMahon
World War II United States Navy
LT Guy Everett Mills
World War II United States Navy
Fred W. Moninger, Jr.
USS Tripoli - Gulf United States Navy
S1c Joseph Moresea
USS Mobile (CL-63) - WWII - Pacific Theater United States Navy
ACAD Norman `Bud` Nuss
Aviation Cadet - WWII United States Navy
ET2 Ronald M. Petrovich
Electronics Communication (Submarine) - Vietnam United States Navy
EM2 LeRoy A. Rogerson
WWII United States Navy
Ralph Ryerson
Seabees, WWII United States Navy
MS3 Scott Schademan
USS South Carolina United States Navy
CM3/C Walter W. Severns
WWII - Pacific Theatre United States Navy
SM2 Raymond R. Severns, Jr.
World War II United States Navy
AD3 Robert E. Sherman
VC41 World War II United States Navy
QM2c Alfred Soncini
WWII - Normandy Landing United States Navy
AOM Ned Trbovich
Patrol Bomb Squadrons 25 and 100, HEDRON 14-1 - WWII United States Navy
E-5 Scott A. Welsh
V2 Division - Libya United States Navy
MOMM2C Donald E. Wilson
World War II United States Navy
SN Blandon Withers
United States Navy
MA3 Joseph Yvorra
Naval Security Forces - Global War on Terror United States Navy

Lt Paul B Airhart
Persian Gulf War & Desert Shield / Desert Storm United States Marine Corps
Cpl Robert J. Cloherty
Marine Aircraft Group 11 United States Marine Corps
Corporal Josephine Fedela
World War II United States Marine Corps
Sergeant George H. Fedela
World War II United States Marine Corps
Corporal Timothy Flaherty
Supply Logistics United States Marine Corps
Sgt Julio J. Giangarlo
Korean War United States Marine Corps
SGT Shawn Kosanovich
2nd Division Small Craft Company and Boat Platoon United States Marine Corps
Sgt Timothy McNichol
1st Marine Div - OIF I and OIF II United States Marine Corps
Cpl Homer 'Red' Ramsey
Korean War United States Marine Corps
Corporal Arthur Schiebel
Okinawa - Vietnam Era - Third Marine Division United States Marine Corps
SSgt Mark C. Sluk
Second Marine Division/Operation Desert Storm United States Marine Corps
Sgt Ronald Strang
Operation Iraqi / Enduring Freedom United States Marine Corps
Sgt Michael J. Svac
Korean War United States Marine Corps
Cpl James A. Wright
2nd MAW, MACG-28, MASS-1 United States Marine Corps

SGT Robert Ray Brown
44th ARS - Korea United States Air Force
Sgt Danny Ray Bucy
346 TAC, 347 TAC, 534 TAC, Det 2 - Vietnam (1966-1970) United States Air Force
SrA Peter Greco
Air Research Development Command (ARDC) United States Air Force
Sergeant Roy C. Hoak
World War II United States Air Force
Sergeant William J. Mattes
Vietnam Era United States Air Force
Airman Madison E. Myers
51st Fighter Wing United States Air Force
A1C Sophia R. Natter
United States Air Force
A/2C Ronald L. Ruffing
3598th Flight Line United States Air Force
CMSGT Robert E Wilson
Vietnam - Operation Young Tiger - Operation Arc Light United States Air Force
TSgt William J. Yardas
Vietnam United States Air Force