Cpl Vince Amon
World War II United States Army Air Corps
Cpl William Andrews
2nd Infantry - World War II United States Army
TEC5 Nick M. Antonelli
World War II United States Army
Cpl William V. Antonelli
Korean War United States Army
PFC Eugene Battista
Military Police - World War II - Rhineland/ardennes/central Europe United States Army
Pfc Timio Battista
World War II - Philippines United States Army
Pvt Raleigh Beardsley
World War II United States Army
Cpl John Bednar
64th Airdrome Sq. - World War II United States Army Air Forces
SP4 Edward J. Beliunas
11th Armored Cavalry - Vietnam United States Army
S/Sgt Charles J. Bellay
106th Infantry Division - World War II United States Army
Sgt Julius Caesar Bilecky
Third Army - World War II United States Army
SP5 Alan M. Bilecky
82nd ABN Division - Vietnam War United States Army
TEC5 Peter J. Bill
583rd Signal Air Warning Battalion - WWII - Pacific Theater United States Army
Pvt. Tech 5 Frank J. Blumling
World War II United States Army
PFC Stanley J. Boronsky
World War II United States Army
LTC Walter R. Boronsky
World War II United States Army
Sgt Andrea J. Bruno
BTRY C, 214th CA BN (AA) - World War II United States Army
SPC Judith Burroughs
A-Company 2nd Foward, Support Battalion - 8th Infantry Division United States Army
Lt Col August F. Carioto
World War II United States Army
SP5 Anthony R. Castelluci
Alaska Medic United States Army
PVT Nicholas C. Cercone
World War II United States Army
S/Sgt Larry Cersosimo
333rd Infantry - World War II United States Army
Cpl Vincent J. Cersosimo
Korean Conflict United States Army Reserve
Pvt Salvatore N. Chieffe
204th Antiaircraft Artillery Battallion - World War II United States Army
TEC4 Michael Cifrulak
Battery B 465th Antiaircraft Artillery - WWII United States Army
Sgt Stephen Cifrulak
1920 Service COMD Unit - WWII United States Army
Cpl Nicholas Cifrulak
World War II United States Army Air Forces
PFC Jack Collins
619th Aircraft Control & Warning Squad - World War II United States Army Air Corps
TEC5 Regis Conlon
World War II United States Army
Cpl Victor J. Costanzo
Heavy Mortar Co, 22nd Infantry - Korean War United States Army
PFC Tucker Cypher
Armored Division - Korean War United States Army
Sgt William Czyzewicz
World War II United States Army
SP4 William C. Davis
459th Signal Battalion - Vietnam United States Army
PFC George Derzipilski
555th Field Artillery Bn 24th Inf Div - Korean War United States Army
PFC Raymond Dhanse
Cuban Missile Crisis United States Army
PFC Norman W. Dillinger
78th Eng BN United States Army
1st Lt Michael Dobda
573rd Bomb Squadron, 391st Bomb Group United States Army Air Corps
SPC Robert P. Ellek
102nd Signal Battalion - 1956-1960 United States Army
Pfc David A. English
Korean War United States Army
Pfc William E. Estock
United States Army
PVT Joseph Famoso
United States Army
TEC4 Frank P. Feiertag
CO.A, 753rd Railway Shop Battalion - Tunisia Rome-Arno - World War II United States Army
SP4 Frank Paul Feiertag
213th ASHC USARV - Vietnam United States Army
Thomas A. Ferenc
75th Infantry (Red White and Blue) - World War II United States Army
Cpl Joseph Nicholas Ferraro
345th Infantry Regiment - WWII United States Army
Sergeant Jerome F. Fox
World War II United States Army
SP3 Simon L. Frischmann Jr.
Korea United States Army
Corporal Mitch Galiyas
W.W. II European Theater - Battle of the Bulge - Patton''s 3rd Army United States Army
Major Vincent M. Gargaro
8th Weather Squadron - World War II United States Army Air Corps
S/Sgt Jack Gasper
Vietnam United States Army
Pfc Albert E. Geisler
World War II United States Army
Sgt Carl `Gimp` Giampolo
World War II United States Army
Cpl Alfonso Gieri
11th Airborne Division United States Army Air Corps
Sgt Thomas C. Goughler
9th Army Infantry -Vietnam War United States Army
Sgt Richard Green
Vietnam United States Army
Sgt Howard F. Green Jr.
Vietnam Era United States Army
SP4 Robert W. Gregory
Quartermaster Corps United States Army
E-5 John Gyory
A Battery, Artillery - Vietnam United States Army
Corporal (T) Arthur E. Hartley
Korean War United States Army
SP5 Harry J. Hartung
1st Signal Brigade - Vietnam United States Army
SSG William G. Houy
37th Engineer Battalion, 2nd Infantry Division - OIF - OEF United States Army
Corporal Michael Hruch
Battery A, 324th Field Artillery Battalion - World War II United States Army
Sgt Nicholas Hryadil
Operation Noble Eagle - Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Army
Cpl Robert H. Huchel
Trans. Army Res. Signal Corp. - KOrean War (German Occupation Force) United States Army
Sgt Robert A. Huchel
14th Engineer BTL - Vietnam United States Army
SP5 John Hudson
Co. A 4th Engr Bn FORSCOM United States Army
Pvt Robert Hughes
Battery B - 501st AAA - World War II (Saidan) United States Army
Cpl Louis J. Jakiel
Second Army - Artillery - Korean War United States Army
SP 4 Garret P Jones
USARPAC / Vietnam War United States Army
Pvt Peter P. Kacsur
Korean War United States Army
PVT Samuel J. Karpa
86th Fiv. RWY GD / World War II United States Army
Sgt (T) Alvey V. Kaufman
RA INF - Vietnam United States Army
Sgt Henry Kearney
17th Airborne - World War II United States Army
S/Sgt Eugene A. Kelly
WWII - South Pacific United States Army
Sgt Bob Klein
101st Airborne - Paratrooper - Vietnam (1967-68) United States Army
Pvt Robert F. Klein
E Co. 515th Prcht. Inf, 101st Airborne, Paratrooper - World War II United States Army
SSgt John Kopay
World War II United States Army Air Forces
PFC Edward J. Krall
MP - Korean War United States Army
Sgt Andrew Kriska
World War II United States Army
Captain Joseph John Kulik
WWII United States Army
S/Sgt Charles Roy Kunsman
WWII United States Army
SP5 John Kutchmark
Southern European Task Force United States Army
SSGT Patrick F. Kutschbach
Operation Enduring Freedom United States Army
SSGT Patrick F. Kutschbach
United States Army
PFC Robert R. Kuzma
Vietnam - 27th Infantry United States Army
SP4 Paul D. Kytic
USA Engineers, Armorer - Wurzburg, Germany United States Army
Cpl Raymond J. Less
119th Army Airways - World War II United States Army Air Corps
Spec/4 Joseph J. Lewis
1st Logistical Command, 86th Maintenance Battalion - Vietnam War United States Army
Pvt Michael L. Lucente
World War II United States Army
SP4 Bernard J. Lueck
Medic - HQ Co., 4th Bn, 35th Armor - USARSEVEN United States Army
PFC Henry J. Majewski
World War II United States Army
S/Sgt John D. Marks
15th Airforce, 464th Bomb Group, 776th Squadron - WWII United States Army Air Force
S/Sgt Walter Masilunas
8th Air Force 562nd Bombardment Squadron 388th Bombardment Group - WWII United States Army Air Force
Cpl Frank Matuza
Korean Conflict United States Army
John Medwid
World War II United States Army
Dorothy Meyer
World War II United States Army Air Forces
Cpl Peter Mochnach
World War II United States Army Air Forces
Cpl Ross J. Mollica
Military Police - Korean Conflict United States Army
T/5 James N. Montesano
World War II United States Army
Pvt Joe Morrone
85th Division, 3rd Regiment - WWII - Europe (Bronze Star) United States Army
S/Sgt William D. Morrow
World War II United States Army
Ronald Mudryk
5th Mechanized Infantry Division - Vietnam United States Army
E4-Specialist William Murray
MP Communications United States Army Reserve
S/Sgt John Nalesnick
Infantry Regiment - World War II United States Army
T/Sgt John Olenik
852nd Ordnance Heavy Automotive Maintenance Co. - WWII United States Army
LtCol Donald A. Orsini
1st Cavalry Division - Vietnam War United States Army
Sgt Ralph V. Palermo
Co. C, 9th Medical Bn, 9th Infantry Div - WWII (Bronze Star) United States Army
Sgt Albert Palermo
Squadron K - WWII - Kingman , AZ United States Army Air Corps
1LT Edward J. Pastin
Occupational Forces United States Army
Pfc Lawrence P. Patton
World War II United States Army
Cpl Edward S. Pelc
1st Cavalry Division, Battery C, 61st FA BN - Korean War United States Army
PVT Ventura F. Perri
World War II United States Army
PVT John F. Peters
World War II United States Army
Alfred R Peters
World War II United States Army
Sgt John Petrosky
World War II United States Army
TEC5 James V Petrucci
World War II 70th Infantry United States Army
Col Paul A. Platek
Desert Shield/Storm United States Army
MSgt John A. Polny
World War II United States Army
T/4 Fred Porta
Signal Corps - World War II United States Army
Pvt Thomas W. Porta
World War II United States Army
Corporal Frank Preininger
65th Signal Battalion - Company A - World War II United States Army
PFC Joseph Prince
Parachute Infantry - World War II United States Army
PFC John Pryslock
356th AAA Searchlight Battery - World War II United States Army
Sgt John T. Quinn
77th Infantry Division - World War II United States Army
SP3 Robert R. Raymond
United States Army
Cpl John Redmerski
139th Airborne - Paratrooper United States Army
PFC John F. Reichl
World War II United States Army
Sgt Edward G. Robyak
Korean War United States Army
SP-3 James Philip Rodi
71st Inf Div, 4th Inf Regt - Korean War United States Army
PFC Bill Roedler
596th Engineers - Korean War United States Army
Pfc Robert J. Rosenwald
Co C, 27th Infantry, 25th Division - Vietnam War - Killed in Action 2-21-68 United States Army
Pfc Joseph P. Ross
WWII (POW) United States Army
Pvt William J. Roy
176th Artillery, 2nd Missile Battalion United States Army
S/Sgt Ralph W. Schmalzl
Co. C, 304th Infantry Regiment, 76th Infantry Division - World War II (European Theater) United States Army
PFC Rudolph M. Schott
330th Infantry - World War II United States Army
Cpl M.P. (Hap) Seibert
Signal Corp/Fort Monouth, NJ - WW II United States Army
Edward Sergi
64th Military Police United States Army
PFC Donald Lee Shaw
Korean Conflict United States Army
Cpl Joseph B. Simmers
14th Armored Division, 68th Battalion - World War II United States Army
Anthony L. SInicrope
United States Army
Tech 5 Edward B. Skalski
82nd Airborne Division - WWII United States Army
Pvt Thomas J. Slanina
WWII - Normandy United States Army
Sgt Mitchell D. Slusar
466th Reinforcement Company, 82nd battalion, 14th Depot - Normandy, Northern France, Rhine land, World War II United States Army
S/Sgt Frank J. Smigiel Sr.
World War II United States Army
Maj Carole & Capt David Smith
Vietnam United States Army
Corporal Wilbert Snyder
World War II United States Army Air Corps
Pfc Elmer Soltez
World War II United States Army
Sgt Rich Spanard
Korean War United States Army
Lt Col Rick Spanard
Enduring Freedom United States Army
Capt Russ Spanard
7th Field Hospital - Korean War United States Army
Pfc Michael J. Stangl
Battery B, 243rd CA - World War II - 1943 United States Army
Cpl Joseph H. Stetzer
World War II United States Army
PVT James R. Stierheim
Company F, 124th Infantry Regt. - Southern Philippines Liberation United States Army
Sgt Robert Patrick `Rollo` Streiner
Vietnam War United States Army
Sgt Joseph L. Sullivan
World War II United States Army Air Corps
Cpl Donald W. Super
4th Armored Division United States Army
Cpl John F. Tapler
Korean War United States Army
LtCol Harmon J. Thomas
United States Army
Cpl George J. Tkach
World War II United States Army Air Corps
M/Sgt Thomas Trapuzzano
Korean Conflict (1953-1955) United States Army
Sgt Victor M. Turkle
Korean War United States Army
Sgt George J. Van Jura
World War II United States Army
Cpl Joseph A. Vater
World War II Battle of Corregidor United States Army
Tech 4 Luke Vavrek
3rd Infantry Division - WWII (Bronze Star w/ OLC) United States Army
Pfc Ronald N. Vresko
Korean War United States Army
United States Army
PFC Peter Weilersbacher
Vietnam War Era United States Army
Cpl Robert J. Weismann
Artillery - Korean War United States Army
PVT Donald Whitling
World War II United States Army
PFC William W. Wills
117 Infantry Regt. 30 Division - World War II United States Army
Tec 5 Richard E. Yahner
World War II United States Army
T/Sgt William J. Yost
World War II United States Army
Cpl Albert Zizza
WWII United States Army Air Force
CPT Alexander L. Zubritzky
World War II United States Army
Lt Jeanette C. Zubritzky
Nurse Corps, World War II United States Army

Kennedy Township is proud to honor our men and women
who are or have served this country through our banner program.
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HTM Designs

A2C James P. Breen
6986th Radio Squadron Mobile - Japan - Vietnam War era United States Air Force
Frank Ciangiarulo
Korean War United States Air Force
Louis Ciangiarulo
Korean War United States Air Force
Felix A. Ciangiarulo
8th Air Force/94th Bomb Group - World War II - Korean War United States Air Force
SSGT Burt Cifrulak
Vietnam War United States Air Force
A3C Walter (Allen) Cumpston
42nd Air Repair Squad - World War II & Korea United States Air Force
PVT Walter M. Fedyshyn
Korea United States Air Force
Sgt Thomas M. Fenio
United States Air Force
Colonel Val W. Finnell
Medical Corps - Global War on Terrorism United States Air Force
A1C NIcholas Fyfitch
95th Fighter Squadron United States Air Force
M/Sgt William F. Juergen, Jr
Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Air Force
AIC Daniel P. Kerin
Aerospace Medicine / Medic United States Air Force
MSgt John `Juna` Klein
Eighth Air Force - World War II - South Pacific - Korean - Vietnam United States Air Force
SSgt Harry Klein
Vietnam United States Air Force
SMSgt Thomas Knight
Vietnam United States Air Force
Ronald S. Lyscik
Vietnam War United States Air Force
E-3 Samuel A. Medvitz
United States Air Force
A1C Frank Nicholas
SAC Base United States Air Force
MSgt Nicholas J. Obusek
Operation Enduring Freedom United States Air Force
PFC William Olivani
Vietnam United States Air Force
Cpl Irene Panizzi
United States Air Force
SSgt Donald T. Pritchard
Vietnam (1969 - 1970) United States Air Force
Capt Sean M. Ruane
Combat Rescue Helicopter Pilot United States Air Force
SrA Arnold N. Slovick
42nd TRS United States Air Force
Sgt Clyde G. Smith
1607th Air Transport Group, Dover AFB - Vietnam War United States Air Force
Major John G. Van Jura
Air Combat Command - Operation Desert Storm United States Air Force
SSgt Kenneth A. Victorelli
3703 SAE Base - Second Supply - Vietnam War United States Air Force
Pfc George L Watchek
Vietnam United States Air Force

S2c Bill Alex
Korean War United States Navy
FN Charles Anderson
U.S.S. Guadalcanal (LPH-7) United States Navy
EM2 Robert J. Andrews
World War II United States Navy
AMM3 Lorand K. Balazs
Patrol Bombing Squadron - World War II United States Navy
YN2 Carl Bauer
VP-21 - Vietnam War United States Navy
S1c Jack Blayney
Air Crew - World War II United States Navy
Captain Arthur L. Bradley
United States Navy
SN John Bui
World War II United States Navy
HT2 David Carioto
Vietnam United States Navy
SN Pat Catanzarite
United States Navy
PO2 Russell V. Cersosimo
World War II United States Navy
FN Charles Ciamacco
U.S.S. Antares (AKS-33) United States Navy
Y3 John J. Conlon Jr.
World War II United States Navy
S1c Jack Delfaver
World War II United States Navy
PO3c Ralph Daniel Deltondo
USS LSM-352 - World War II United States Navy
PO3 Larry K. Dickson
Supply Division - Vietnam United States Navy
MM2 Ian P. Donovan
USS Gonzalez (DDG-66) United States Navy
MM3 Paul Enick
World War II United States Navy
AD2 Joseph A. Fedyshyn
United States Navy
CT2 Robert J. Frankl
U.S. Naval Security Station - Washingon D.C. United States Navy
PO3 Carmen Fratto
Korean War United States Navy
Y1 George J. Gawaldo
Fourth Naval District - WWII United States Navy
CPM Saul J. Glick
WWII United States Navy
SM3 Howard F. Green, Sr.
World War II United States Navy
S1c John F. Gutt
World War II United States Navy
PO2 Ronald L. Harris
Vietnam War United States Navy
GM1 H.R. Jack Havern
USS Duluth, USS Cone - WWII / Korean Conflict United States Navy
SK1 John A. Hopay
WWII United States Navy
EN3 Paul Johnston
Cuban Missile Crisis United States Navy
E-5 Lawrence R. Kaib
United States Navy
AK1 John Kellerman
Korea United States Navy
HA2c John L `Jack` Kernan Jr.
World War II United States Navy
QM3 Andrew Kocis
USS Scanner (YAGR-5) - Korea United States Navy
CTACS Thomas P. Lachowicz
Korean War United States Navy
Seaman 2nd Class Robert C. Lang
U.S.S. Franklin D. Roosevelt - World War II (1945-1946) United States Navy
S1c Henry Macek
Seabees (NMCB 40) - World War II United States Navy
MM2 Earl Meyer
Seabees - World War II United States Navy
Lt Lawrence E. Mient
Swift Boats - Vietnam United States Navy
PO1 William G. Mitchell
Korean War United States Navy
SKD3c William Murray
USS Norton Sound - World War II United States Navy
AE3 Al Patrus
ATTACK SQUADRON (VA-176) - Vietnam Era United States Navy
CM3C Anthony Petrella
115th Naval Construction Battalion - WW II - US Navy in Pacific United States Navy
E-5 Bob Ramsey
World War II United States Navy
BMC John S. Rapp
USS LCI(L)-1001 - WWII - Asiatic-Pacific Theater United States Navy
S1 Walter Sarafin
World War II United States Navy
Edward H. Sebastian
World War II United States Navy
ACM3 Robert M. Sehn
World War II, Korean War United States Navy
SA M.P. (Bo) Seibert
USS Forrestal (CV-59), G Division, Aviation Ordinance United States Navy
AT3 Michael Sklarsky
Korea United States Navy
Sgt Joseph G. Sobeck
Korean War United States Navy
CM2 Anthony D. Tomcik
EODMU, Babers Point, HI United States Navy
CM2 David J. Tomcik
MM - Class A - 1958-1962 United States Navy
EM2 Joseph Tucci
U.S.S. Cocopa (ATF-101) - Vietnam War United States Navy
COX Frank Ulanowski
World War 2 - Pacific Theater United States Navy
EMC(SW) James Van Dyke
Desert Storm United States Navy
Radioman 3rd Class Frank Vertullo
World War II - Pacific Theater United States Navy
Captain Joseph Wasek
Desert Storm / Noble Eagle / Enduring Freedom United States Navy
CEG3 Joseph Wasek
Seabee - World War II / Korean War United States Navy
CAPT Joseph Wasek
Desert Storm - Noble Eagle - Enduring Freedom United States Navy
CEG 3 Joseph Wasek
Seabee - World War II, Korea United States Navy
CEG3 Joseph Wasek Sr.
World War II & Korea United States Navy
2nd Class Walter I Wickline
World War II United States Navy

GySgt George Anderson
Operation Southern Watch United States Marine Corps
Cpl Joseph C. Cirelli
Vietnam War United States Marine Corps
Capt Daniel W. Conlon
14th Marines - Operation Enduring Freedom United States Marine Corps
Sgt Donald G. Coultas
Vietnam War United States Marine Corps
MGySgt Timothy J. Cush
MALS-40 - Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan) United States Marine Corps
Cpl Scott DeAngelis
Platoon 3027 - Beirut Lebanon United States Marine Corps
Cpl Alfred R. Downs
World War II United States Marine Corps
Cpl Andrew A. Dzurek
VMF-222 World War II United States Marine Corps
MSgt Walter H. Emrich, Jr.
World War II - Korea United States Marine Corps
Cpl Joseph Ferenc
MAG-29, 2nd MAW, FMF Atlantic - Vietnam Era United States Marine Corps
Cpl Andrew S. Gregory
HMLA 773 - GWOT United States Marine Corps
Pvt John W. Haas, Jr.
United States Marine Corps
Sergeant William E. Hess
2nd Battalion, U.S.S. Northampton - 3rd Battalion, H&S Company, Montford Point United States Marine Corps
LCpl Edward W. Kocyan
2ND MAW, MAG-14, MWSS-271, MCAS Cherry Point United States Marine Corps
Cpl Matthew T. Kost
8th Engineer Support Battalion United States Marine Corps
Cpl Justin M. Moses
MSG - Embassy Security United States Marine Corps
LCpl Richard Panizzi
United States Marine Corps
Sgt Gerald P. Ruettgers
Airwing United States Marine Corps
T/Sgt Richard Schwartz
World War II United States Marine Corps
SSgt Chad Skaggs
Infantry Training Battalion - Afghanistan (2 tours) United States Marine Corps
Sgt. E5 Grover L. Smith
2nd Marine Div. - 3rd Marine Div. - Vietnam War United States Marine Corps
Cpl William R. Wagner
Supply Division United States Marine Corps
LtCol John Wasek
Desert Storm/Iraq United States Marine Corps
Lt Col John Wasek
Desert Storm/Iraq United States Marine Corps
Cpl Thomas A. Wasniewski
World War II United States Marine Corps
PVT James V. Webb
4th Division - WWII - Iwo Jima United States Marine Corps
Sgt Walter B. Weimerskir
1st Combat - Korean War United States Marine Corps
Lance Corporal Walter S Wickline
3rd Marine Division - Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Sgt Steve Wolota
Vietnam War Era United States Marine Corps
PVT Christopher Yost
United States Marine Corps

E-4 Donald Loushil
Company C 728th Maintenance Battalion Army National Guard

E-4 Alexander Aversa
Vietnam War United States Coast Guard
GM2 Richard Ernst Havern
USCGC Minnetonka - Korean Conflict United States Coast Guard
SN L. Wayne Hirschinger
World War II United States Coast Guard

S2C George Dudash
Tanker S.S. Palo Alto - World War II Merchant Marines