Tec4 Chester K. Allen
744th Railway Operating Battalion - WWII United States Army
SGT Raymond E. Applegate
A Btry, 1st BN, 3rd Arty, 2nd Armd Div - Vietnam United States Army
SGT Elwood D. Ayres
3rd Bn, 147th INF - WWII United States Army
SP4 Robert Bentley
Co C 125th Sig BN 25th INF Vietnam War United States Army
SPC William Seth Blevins
27th Inf Regt, 3rd Bde Combat Team (The Wolfhounds) - Afghanistan United States Army
PFC Wallace (Wally) Boden
533rd Ordnance Co. Oct.58-62 United States Army
SSG Harry W. `Butch` Bowman
66th MP CO, 16th MP Group, 18th MP Brigade Vietnam War United States Army
PFC Herman A. Carter
WWII 39th Div. Co.E United States Army
Sgt Johnnie V. Carter Jr.
WWII United States Army
Sgt Larry J.`Joe` Clinger
Military Police Btry E, 2D BN, 562D Arty Vietnam War Era United States Army
SFC Dean Collins
660th Transportation Co Desert Storm United States Army
Cpl Ralph G. Cooley
Co C 13th Medium Tank Bn Korea United States Army
Lt.Col. Everett Cottle
WWII Pacific United States Army Air Corps
Tec 5 Carl C. Curtis
63rd Traffic Regulatory Battalion WW II United States Army
Tec5 James `Oscar` DeAtley
Co. A , 744th Railway Operating Battalion - World War II United States Army
SGT Merrill C. Downey
Co B, 96th Signal Bn - WWII - China Burma India United States Army
Tech 5 Clyde 'Shorty' Eshom
Battery A 225th AAA - WWII - Normandy, Northern France, Rhineland, Central Europe United States Army
PVT William Evans
42nd Rainbow ID, 83rd IB, 166th Inf. REG WWI United States Army
SFC Frank E. Fisher
75th Combat Support Battalion United States Army
Spec/4 Ronald F Fiste
Signal Corps Canal Zone 1959-1961 United States Army
S/Sgt Marvin R. Floyd Sr.
1550th SCU - WWII United States Army
SSGT David `Catman` Francis
CO E 725 Maint BN US Army Pacific Vietnam Era United States Army
PVT David C. Francis
WWII United States Army
PFC Frankie E `Gene` Greene
1st Bn, 3d Armd Cav United States Army
PVT James C. Griffith
United States Army
SSG Harold H. Grooms
2117th Service Unit(aviation) WWII/Korea United States Army
Cpl Loran D. Grooms
Two Rock Station (ASA) - Korean War United States Army
SP4 Gregory D. Grooms
Co A 249th Engr BN United States Army
Sgt Geoffrey D. Grooms
Intel & Security Command (INSCOM) - Misawa United States Army
Pfc Harry S. Hairris
World War II - EAME Theatre (1942-1945) United States Army
SP4 Harry R. `Butch` Harris
1st Bn (MECH) 5th INF 25th Div - Vietnam United States Army
PFC Charles W. Hayslip
Asiatic Pacific WW II United States Army
PFC Jess E. Hesler
Company C, 321st INF, 81st Division,Asiatic Pacific, WWII United States Army
CPL Thomas A. Lang
141st Army Airways Comm System - WWII United States Army
SSG Dennis W. LeFrancois
216th Combat Engineering(Iraq) / 299th Chemical Company(Afghanistan) United States Army
PFC Paul L Lewis
230th Field Artillery Bn,Medical Dept. WWII United States Army
1SG Charles M Mack
Co.L 148th INF WWI France,Belgium United States Army
PFC Roy E McGovney
B Btry 1st FA Bn 28th Arty United States Army
CPL Rodney Dale McGovney
Co L 34th INF Korea United States Army
PVT Harold E. Mitchell
WWII United States Army
Spec/4 James W. Morgan
HQ CO 2d Medium Tank BN 67th Armor 4th AD United States Army
PFC Howard L. Morgan
Asian Pacific Theatre WWII United States Army
SGT Jeremy K. Napier
5th SBCT 2nd ID Global War on Terror Afghanistan United States Army
SP5 Larry M Napier
169th EN BN Vietnam United States Army
Tec4 Lee Roy Palmer
Infantry - WWII (1941-1945) United States Army
1st SGT Jack E. Pettit
Co B 216th ENGR BN/ Korea United States Army
PVT Jessie E Pollard
104th INF CO B 2nd BN/ WWI United States Army
Pfc Russell Pollit
8th Armored Division - WWII - EAME United States Army
Cpl Raymond L. Pollitt
521st SIG Base Depot , Korea United States Army
SP4 Timothy D. Ratcliff
330th Army Security Agency (Europe) Vietnam Era United States Army
SPC Channing D. Richmond
US Central Command Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Army
SP4 Justin D Richmond
300th MP CO Iraqi Freedom/Enduring Freedom United States Army
Sp4 William F. Rigdon
11th Armored Cavalry Regiment,1st Sq, 11th Cavalry, A Troop -Vietnam United States Army
Sgt John W. Shelton
Infantry Replacement Training Center - WWII United States Army
Tec 5 Charles N. Shelton
1388th ENGR Forestry Co. Central Burma WWII United States Army
SP4 Marion Lee Shelton
A BTRY 3D MSL BN 71st ARTY (USAREUR) United States Army
PFC Harry W. Shelton
87th Div. Co K 345th Infantry - WWII United States Army
Sgt William D. Sparks
101st Airborne Div, 1st Bn, 501st Inf, B Co. Vietnam United States Army
Cpl Sammy S Spradling
Co B 3rd CML Mortar Bn Korean War United States Army
Sgt Andrew J. Steadman
24th Infantry - WWII - EAME Theater United States Army
Sgt Frank C. Tolle
Longshoreman - WWII - New Guinea, Luzon United States Army
Capt Wilbur F. Trotter
147th Infantry - WWII - Asiatic-Pacific United States Army
SP3 Kenneth N. Walker
HQ Co, 85th Chemical Corp - Ft Bragg, NC United States Army
SP4 Roger W. Whaley
Military Police - Korea Vietnam War Era United States Army
PVT Robert H. White
Battle of the Bulge WWII United States Army
Spec/4 James H. Woolard
4th Infantry Division, 6th Battalion, 29th Artillery, B Battery, Vietnam United States Army
PV2 Steve R. Yavorsky
D Battery, 1-509TH ABCT (SETAF) Vietnam Era United States Army Airborne
S/Sgt Edward `Perk` Young
147th Inf. Co. E Guadalcanal WWII United States Army

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HTM Designs

S1c Earl P Ayers
LST-657 WWII United States Navy
S1c Junior Basil Ayres
USS Hancock (CV19) WWII United States Navy
RM2c John D. Chandler
USS LCS (L) (3) 90 - WWII United States Navy
EMP1 Gene P. Cluxton
USS Des Moines (CA-134) United States Navy
CT2 Timothy W. Downey
USS Franklin D. Roosevelt (CVA-42) - Vietnam Era United States Navy
MM3c Richard L. Dryden
WWII United States Navy
FCCS John E. Hare
USS Harry S. Truman, Global War on Terror United States Navy
EM3 Harry R. `Bobby` Harris
USS Glenard P. Lipscomb (SSN-685) United States Navy
SAO1 James W. Kimmerly
USS Medusa - WWII - Pearl Harbor Survivor - 2/4/1941-4/27/1946 United States Navy
S1c Willard `K.K.` Kiskadden
Naval Shipyard, Mare Island, CA WWII United States Navy
PhM2c John E. Lewis
Fleet Hospital 114 Philippines WWII United States Navy
HMC(SS) Alpheus W Lewis
2nd Battalion 4th Marines 3rd Marine Division, Vietnam United States Navy
AOM2c Velton Scott McGovney
USS Franklin D. Roosevelt(CV-42) WWII United States Navy
ETN2 Woodrow C. McQuitty
USS Grand Canyon (AD-28) Vietnam Era United States Navy
F1 Howard Rivers
USS Sirius - WWII United States Navy
S1c Frank Charles Roush
USS South Dakota - WWII - Pacific Theater United States Navy
SM3 / EN2 Eugene Carlos Shelton
USS LCM-252 - WWII - Asiatic-Pacific (1945-46) / USCG (1948-52) United States Navy
E6 John E. Thomas
USS Hancock (CVA-19) - Vietnam War United States Navy
CWO4 James W Trotter
USS Catskill (MCS-1) Vietnam United States Navy

SGT Marvin R. Floyd Jr.
3rd Recon Bn. 3rd Marine Div. - Vietnam United States Marine Corps
SSgt Harry D. Hawley
USMC - WWII, Korea - Ohio National Guard - Co B 216th Engr Bn (1956-1965) United States Marine Corps
Lt.Col. William E. Mack
3rd,4th Divisions,Pentagon,CINCPAC WWII,Korea,Vietnam United States Marine Corps
LCpl Tony Ray Yates
Co C 2nd Amtrac Bn Vietnam United States Marine Corps

CPL William Ayres
Korea Army National Guard
SSG Roger W Lewis
216th Engineering Battalion, Ohio National Guard Army National Guard
MSG Edwin Deloss Mack
WWII - 216th Engineer Battalion (1947-1974) Army National Guard
PVT Robert Mathews
42nd ID Rainbow 83rd IB 166th Inf Reg WWI Army National Guard

MSgt Jonathan Friend
509th Bomb Wing, 8th Air Force SAC United States Air Force
AB Clyde A. Kennedy
Korea United States Air Force
A1C Meriann Kennedy
Korea United States Air Force
SSgt Estel L Ratcliff
Hq Sq Sec 3650th Medical Grp. Korean War United States Air Force