SSgt Joseph R. Ackerman
World War II United States Army
SP4 Albert Bianchini
44th Medical Brigade - Vietnam War United States Army
SSgt John W. Brady
4th Bomb Squadron, 14th Bombardment - WWII United States Army Air Forces
Cpl Thomas E. Brady
619th Transportation Company - Guadalcanal, Pacific Theatre United States Army
PFC Kenneth R. Brannigan
39th Squadron, 6th Bombardment Group United States Army
T/4 Albert J. Brusco
9th Medical Unit, 9th Infantry Division - WWII United States Army
Cpl Donald K. Clark
Co D 32nd Inf Regt - Korea United States Army
TSgt George A. Coccaro
75th Signal Company (SP) - WWII United States Army
SP4 Joseph F. Coccaro
Vietnam - 1970 -1974 United States Army
PVT Edmund D. Cybulski
3rd Infantry - WWII United States Army
SP4 Edmund T. Cybulski
48th Group, 446 Transportation Company - Vietnam War United States Army
PFC Patrick J. Davis
189th Field Artillery Battalion, 45th Infantry - WWII United States Army
PFC Carmelo J. DiFiore
WWII - HQ Btry, 18th AB Corps United States Army
Cpl John B. Duffill
4th Battalion 1322 Service Command - WWII United States Army
E4 Albert R. Duffy
Vietnam War United States Army
SP3 Russell J. Flaherty
Korean War United States Army
Stanley S. Gaston
Vietnam - 2d Bn, 7th Cav, 1st Cav Div United States Army
Patsy Gianella
United States Army
Sgt Paul G. Gich
United States Army
Captain Henry J. Gitnik
WWII - Philippine Liberation United States Army
PFC Rodger P. Herbel
USA SEP TRF PT (WOUSOT) FGGM MD FORSCOM - Vietnam United States Army
Sgt William H. Kelly
14th AA CMD Int Team Det - WWII United States Army
PVT-2 William M. `Bill` Kennedy
279th INF 3rd Armored DIV - Korean War Combat United States Army
Cpl Anthony Liebro
25th INF - Korean War United States Army
TEC4 Edward Machajewski
AAA Battalion - WWII United States Army
Sgt E-5 James L. McGrath
2/14 Infantry. 25th Infantry DIV - Vietnam War United States Army
PFC Paul J. McGrath
United States Army
SGT Thomas P. McGrath
Co.C. 16th Signal Battalion, 7th Army United States Army
SP 4 Robert J. McKenna
USAMPS - Vietnam War United States Army
PVT Edward Moore
USARV - Vietnam War United States Army
PVT James Moore
101st Airborne Division - The Cold War United States Army
MSgt Frank Nolan
World War II - Battle of the Bulge United States Army
Sgt Paul O`Donnell
300th AAF BU - WWII United States Army Air Forces
SP4 Donald R. Rall
1st Air Cav Div - Vietnam War United States Army
PFC Charles G. Riley
1097th TC - Vietnam War United States Army
S/Sgt Raymond F. Rusnic
436th Bomb Squadron - WWII United States Army
TEC4 Albert Russo
P-965 M.A.W.V (3rd Echelon) - WWII United States Army
Tec 3 William J. Shields
97th Signal Bn, 3rd Army - WWII United States Army
SP4 David A Spinelli
United States Army
PFC Francis `Bud` Stang
5th Army - World War II United States Army
Sgt James T. Strutt
82nd Airborne, 503rd Infantry - Vietnam War United States Army
PFC Donald M. Tarr
17th Field Artillery Battalion SVC Battery - Korean War United States Army
Pvt Joseph J. Verzi
18th Infantry Regiment - WWII United States Army
SP4 Walter Walicki
Vietnam War United States Army
Howard E. Ward
World War II United States Army
Alan C. Young
1st Cavalry Division - Vietnam War United States Army

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HTM Designs

PO3 Francis J. `Fran` Abate
7th Fleet Pacific - WWII United States Navy
BU3 Kenneth R. Brannigan
103rd Naval Construction Battalion United States Navy
S1 Francis J. Caparelli
Armed Guard - WWII United States Navy
GM3/c Henry C. Caparelli
European/Pacific Theaters - WWII United States Navy
ADC Brian A. Coccaro
COMMACCL Wing NFLK United States Navy
EM3 Leo L. Dilley
World War II - Philippine Liberation United States Navy
AOM 2 Joseph A. Dilley
World War II United States Navy
PO1 Russell Ebert
USS LST-1041 - WWII United States Navy
PHM2/c - Phm3/c Andrew and Katherine Gich
4th Marines - 6th MarDiv United States Navy
S1c Louis C Krauth
WWII - Philippine Liberation United States Navy
MM2 C. Hubert Metzler
Seabees - WWII, Guam United States Navy
PH1 Lawrence J. Schohn
US Navy Training Station - WWII United States Navy
COX William Stickman
Pacific Fleet, USS New Jersey - WWII United States Navy
S1c Rudolph Svrcek
WWII - USAT Aconagua United States Navy
Joseph M. Tighe
33rd Seabees - World War II United States Navy

CPL Joseph R. Ackerman
Vietnam United States Marine Corps
PFC Daniel J. Birmingham
3rd Marine DIV, 21st Marines - WWII United States Marine Corps
Sgt Thomas L. Clibbens
MAG 11 Bulk Fuelman - Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Cpl Gerald D. Conley
3rd Marine Division - Vietnam War United States Marine Corps
Cpl Paul Cusick
Vietnam War United States Marine Corps
LCpl Thomas Cusick
M-4-12 Artillery - Vietnam War United States Marine Corps
CPL Thomas Cusick
WWII United States Marine Corps
PFC Edward W. Duffy
2nd Bn - 10th Marines - 2nd Mar Div United States Marine Corps
Sgt Richard Ebert
1st Marine Airwing - Vietnam War United States Marine Corps
1SG Walter M. Harris
RETIRED USMC United States Marine Corps
Cpl James W. Jones
6th Marines, 2nd Tank Bn - Beirut Lebanon United States Marine Corps
Cpl James G. Nolan
World War II - Iwo Jima United States Marine Corps
Sgt Paul Nolan
World War II - Okinawa United States Marine Corps

SMSgt Anthony J. Abate
USAF, PA ANG - Global War on Terrorism United States Air Force
Sgt Daniel P. Birmingham
54th Weather Reconnaissance - Vietnam War United States Air Force
Sgt Patrick Cusick
2046th Comm Gp, Air Traffic Control - Vietnam Era United States Air Force
Sgt Nicholas J. DiFiore
Vietnam War United States Air Force
Sgt Dennis J. Downey
Vietnam War United States Air Force
Sgt Robert J. George
TAC - Korea (Pueblo Crisis - 1968) United States Air Force
S/Sgt Robert C. Griffin
Korean War United States Air Force
MSgt Charles P. Koerber
911-TAG - Vietnam War, Desert Shield/Storm United States Air Force
SSgt Keith J. Kostosky
Air Defense Command - Vietnam War United States Air Force
SGT Joseph E. Milcarek
SAC-HQ - Vietnam United States Air Force
SSG Anne Pisano Massucci
911 TAG United States Air Force
Major John B Sullivan
34 Tac Ftr Sq United States Air Force

SPC E4 Stanley F. McCluske
28th Infantry DIV, 107th Field Artillery Army National Guard

SK2c John Hallahan
North Atlantic Conflict United States Coast Guard

William C. Gaab
WWII Merchant Marines