Recent Local Fallen Heroes O'Hara Township, Pa December 10, 2012 ~~~
Major Benjamin H. Follansbee

Army Special Forces Green Berets (Airborne) ~~~

SPC James G. Blandford
HHC 46 Support Group United States Army
SSG Stevon A. Booker
Company A, 1st Battalion, 64th Armored Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division - Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Army
COL. Charles H. Booth Jr.
458th Bomber Group //2nd Air Division // WWII // England United States Army Air Force
1LT Delbert J. Brown
70th Engineer Battalion - Vietnam (1966-68) United States Army
SPC4 Angelo Bruni
First Armored Division - Cuban Missile Crisis United States Army
Pfc Alfred E. Cecchetti
39th Infantry// WWII United States Army
S/Sgt Frank Ciuffoletti
Field Artillery - WWII - Asiatic-Pacific Theater United States Army
SGT Joe Clark
WWII United States Army
Sgt Ralph Coscarelli
Chemical War Services, 87th Div of General Pattons 3rd Army WWII United States Army
PFC Charles R. Delaney
Co. B 53rd. Armd. Infantry Bn.// WWII United States Army
Pfc Raymond J. Derbaum
99th Inf. Co. C, C/324 medic//WWII United States Army
Pfc Edward G. Derbaum
Co. K 306th Inf. Regt 77 Div.//WWII United States Army
S/Sgt James DiMuzio
330th Bomber Squadron - World War II United States Army Air Forces
MSG Angelo S. Enciso, Sr.
HQ Co 5th Maintenance BN // Vietnam United States Army
Sgt Dennis Gianotti
US Army HQ // Vietnam War 1971-1972 United States Army
Pvt Joseph E. Gigliotti
45th Div. 130 Inf. Oklahoma Thunderbirds// WWII United States Army
S/Sgt Richard W. Jackson
Company H 387th Infantry Regiment // WWII United States Army
SP5 Abraham J. Kabazie
Green Beret United States Army
SGT John G. Kuchta
79th Infantry Division - 315 Regiment Co. B - WWII - ETO - France United States Army
SSGT Robert J. Ledoux
86th Infantry Blackhawk Division - WWII United States Army
SFC Allen L. Linderman
D CO, 1st BN, 1st INF DIV - Vietnam (2 tours) United States Army
Cpl David B. Mann
Infantry// WWII United States Army
PFC Clarence E. Marshall
Fighting 69th Infantry Division// WWII United States Army
Sgt Loyd Mattern Jr
100th Infantry Divison United States Army
Sgt Randy McFall
Infantry United States Army
Sgt Woody McGregor
Korean Conflict United States Army
Cpl William E. Molnor
Korean War United States Army
Sgt Gerald D. Myers
2nd Cavalry Recon//WWII United States Army
Pfc Gabriel E Namey
188th Parachute Inf.11th Div// WWII United States Army
Sgt John A Novakoski
3rd Army / Vietnam 1965-1967 United States Army
Cpl David F. O'Connell
5th Infantry HQ Company // WWII and Korean Conflict United States Army
S/Sgt Rev. ASA W. Roberts
3rd Army Infantry//wwII United States Army
CPL (T) Frank R. Ross, Jr.
HQ 16th Infantry United States Army
Major Daniel H. Rowe, Sr.
WWII United States Army Air Force
Tech 5 Ernest `Bucky` Sauro
Recon. Co.//899 Tank Destroyer Battalion//WWII United States Army
Sgt Kenneth C. Scherf
European-African-Middle Eastern Theater - WWII United States Army Air Corps
Pfc Warren `Red` Shaw
866th Engineer Aviation Battalion// WWII// Pacific Theater United States Army Air Corps
Capt. Dr. Paul C Shiarella
165 Station Hospital Hiroshima, Japan //WWII United States Army
SP5 Frank J. Skubel
330th Radio Research Company - Vietnam United States Army Reserve
Sgt Frank S Skubel
Battery A, 48th Coast Artillery BN - WWII - Asiatic-Pacific Theater United States Army
SP4 (T) Robert E. Sprumont
HQ Company United States Army
E-4 Mark A. Starr
Co. B 2nd Batt. 72nd Div. Armor United States Army
SFC David L. Stone
1st Cavalry Division 101st & 82nd Airborne Division - Afganistan - Iraq United States Army
SP2 Raymond J. Uric
Co. M, 23rd Inf.Reg.// Korean War United States Army
PVT Sanders J. Williams
WWII United States Army
PFC Stephan Wingfield
1st Signal Brigade - Vietnam United States Army
Pfc Larry Zeiler
497th Engr. Co.// Vietnam United States Army

CPT Timothy J. Blandford
Transportation Corp / Operation Joint Guardian Army National Guard

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Recent Local Fallen Heroes Monroeville, Pa December 9, 2012 ~~~ PO 1 Nicolas Checque
 Naval Special Warfare Unit Navy SEAL SEAL Team 6 ~~~

PO3 Joseph Allen
Scouting Squadron 31// WWII United States Navy
E5 Joseph Nick Bia
Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club (CTF-77) - Vietnam United States Navy
SN Glenn H. Gensler
USS Dobler (DE-48) - WWII United States Navy
ET2 Christopher R. Gillespie
USS Monterey (CG-61) United States Navy
PO3 Laura Hickman-Fratangeli
United States Navy
CS3 Gerald M. Johnson
USS Oklahoma// Vietnam United States Navy
SHSR Donald ''Keith'' Lyle
United States Navy
HMCS/E8 Fred Matthews
MAG11 1st MAW//Vietnam United States Navy
RD3 Franklin D. Olszewski
USS Chilton (APA-38) United States Navy
GM3 Eugene Pagliari
Pacific Theater // WWII // USS BRIDGE United States Navy
MAM3 James Pagliari, Sr.
Pacific Theater // WWII // USS Badger United States Navy
PO1 Jesse Radvansky
Korean War United States Navy
SN Jack Dea Razey
WWII _ Korean War United States Navy
S1c Richard Rosenberger
United States Navy
PhM1c Russell L. Schmidt
USS Copahee// ww2 United States Navy
CPO Charles L. Smith
WWII United States Navy
Y3c Ross G. Walker Jr.
WWII// Pacific Theater// Guam United States Navy
PO3 Ronald P White
United States Navy
YN2 Raymond L. Williams
USS Wasp (CVS-18) - Vietnam Era United States Navy
SN Michael J Yeasted
USS Midway United States Navy

Gunnery SGT John Basilone
1st & 5th Marine Division - WWII - Iwo Jima United States Marine Corps
Cpl Sam Bruni
5th Marine Div. - Panama Invasion - Philippine Insurrection United States Marine Corps
Cpl Ralph H. Clee
Korean War United States Marine Corps
PFC Phillips G. Davis
51st Defense Battalion //WWII United States Marine Corps
John Kuba
Korean War United States Marine Corps
John Kuba
Korean War United States Marine Corps
PFC George A. Link
3rd Marine, 1st Amphibian Tractor (Amtrac) Battalion - Vietnam United States Marine Corps
PFC James H. Meyers
Co. F, 2nd Bn, 6th Marines United States Marine Corps
Sgt Vinson A. Pelisari Jr
3rd BN, Mike Co., RTR - Parris Island United States Marine Corps
Sgt Vinson A. Pelisari Jr
3rd BN, Mike Co., RTR - Parris Island United States Marine Corps
Cpl Reed Yeasted
2nd fleet Marines Charlie Company United States Marine Corps

MSgt Mark Ansani
911th Air Wing - Operation Enduring Freedom United States Air Force
SM SGT Angelo S. Enciso, Jr.
19th Air Lift Wing - Desert Storm // Desert Shield // Kosovo Air War// Bosnia United States Air Force
SSgt William A. Everhart
Korean War United States Air Force
Cpl John W. George
22nd Comm and 16th Comm - Korean war United States Air Force
TSgt Raymond A. Naviglia
171st Air Refueling Wing// Operation Desert Storm United States Air Force
A/2C Guthrie B Thurman
78th Airfield Maintenance & Electronics United States Air Force