S/Sgt Eugene W. Adamczak
475th Fighter Group - WWII United States Army Air Forces
E-5 Daniel J. Barefoot
2nd Infantry Korean War United States Army
S/Sgt Willard J. Barefoot
173 Airborne Vietnam War United States Army
SP4 Harry James Bateman
815 Engineers - Vietnam War United States Army
SGM Leroy R. Battista
28th Sig BN - Vietnam United States Army
TEC5 Stephen A. Bertovich
551st Signal Battalion - World War II United States Army
M/Sgt David B. Black
2nd Chemical Motor Bat. 33rd Artillery Bat. - Korean War United States Army
SP4 John L. Bodnar
Co B 1st MTB 1st Cav Vietnam United States Army
SP4 Victor A. Boff
CO.D 3rd Bn AHA Vietnam United States Army
PFC Ralph Bogatay
257 IFT WWII United States Army
Sgt. Gary Paul Book
HQ Battery 6th Battalion 59 Arty Vietnam United States Army
SP4 Richard A. Borecki
88th ORD. Co. - Vietnam Era United States Army
T/5 Frank Burianek
World War II United States Army
PFC James L. Burns
Aircraft Engine Maintenance / Keesler Air Force Base / WWII United States Army Air Forces
S/Sgt Harold Ross Burton
84th Infantry Division - WWII United States Army
Pfc Rachel L. Byrge
A CO 128th Brigade Support Battalion - War on Terror United States Army
Spc Robert E. Cairns
Co A, 350th Infantry - WWII - Retired United States Army
1st Lt Nancy Calhoon
US Army Nurse Corps - Korean Conflict United States Army
Sgt Antonio N. Cannella
Battery A 67th Armed Field Artillery CCB 3rd Armored Div - Korean War United States Army
T/5 Bronson A. Cole
3286th Ord. Base Depot Co. WWII United States Army
SP4 Thomas R. Connell
57th Transportation Vietnam United States Army
Cpl Albert R. Correia
Company O, Signal Air Warning Battalion - WWII United States Army
Cpl Donald F. Curran
6th Armored Division - Korean War United States Army Air Forces
SP4 Lawrence R. Davis
5th Bn 6th Inf 1st Armed Div Vietnam United States Army
Sgt Lawrence R. Davis
1575th Heavy Equipment Engineers - WWII United States Army
Cpl Raymond J. DeLia
Company B, 8th Tank Battalion - WWII United States Army
Cpl Domenico Dellemonache
ASU INF - Korea United States Army
Cpl Frank Delouis
Army Security Agent - Korean War United States Army
PFC Julius C. DePaolo
515th Parachute Infantry Central Europe WWII United States Army
CWO Guido DiMarzio
Marines / Army - 30 Years of Service United States Army
Cpl Daniel J. Dolence
Battery C, 324th Field Artillery Battalion, 83rd Division - WWII United States Army
Cpl Daniel T. Drexler
323rd Field Artillery Bat. WWII United States Army
S/Sgt Henry J. Drexler
Co A, 7th Bn, ARTC - WWII United States Army
Cpl Ernest W. Drummond
8th Infantry - Korea United States Army
Sgt Isadore F. Dupin
709th Tank Battalion 3rd Army WWII United States Army
Cpl Rocco Frank Esposito
France - Rosenberg Crisis - Korean War Era United States Army
Cpl William John Ewonce
44th Field Artillery Battalion - Korean War United States Army
Sgt Ralph `Cal` Feitt
HQ, 531rd QM GP - WWII - Central Europe United States Army
LTC Aaron Felter
4 BCT, 82nd ABN DIV - Iraq, Afghanistan, NATO United States Army
Sgt Eugene R. Fillipone
Co. B. 723 TK BN Korean War United States Army
SP4 Lawrence Froehlich
228th Ordnance - Vietnam United States Army
Cpl Joseph M. Furmanek
526th QM CO. Korean War United States Army
SP4 Mario Gigliotti
CO. C 51 MNT BN USAREUR Vietnam Conflict Germany United States Army
Cpl Robert E. Giles
8th Army, 24th Infantry - Korea United States Army
SPC 4 Edward Robert Glance
4/61 Artillery - Vietnam United States Army
Sgt Edward Matthew Glance
82nd Airborne - Iraq United States Army
PFC Clyde J. Gollihue
Co E, 185th Infantry, 40th Division - WWII - Philippine/Luzon Campaign United States Army
Sgt Thomas Charles Goughler
9th Infantry Vietnam United States Army
Sgt Roger H. Hahn
182nd AAA Gun Bn Korean United States Army
Sgt Frank `Max` Handlovitch
9th Inf Div 47 Regiment Co. B Korean War United States Army
SP4 George Herbert
438th Transportation Co. - Fort Eustis - Vietnam United States Army
E-5 Bernard I. Higby
1st Signal Brigade - Vietnam United States Army
S/SGT Francis J. Holleran
3480th Ordinance Co. WWII United States Army
E-4 James Alan Hough
240th Field Artillery Detachment (Radar) - Vietnam United States Army
Sgt Patrick Hugar
Military Police Iraq War United States Army
CWO3 Stanley Jackson
582d Air Support - WWII / Korean War United States Army Air Corps
E-4 Kirk Jackson
125/Signal Afghanistan Conflict United States Army
PVT James E. Jenkins
853rd. Engineer Bn. Avn. Corps - Korea United States Army
Cpl Donald M. Jenkins
Co F, 47th Infantry Regiment - Korea United States Army
M/Sgt Lee `Doc` Jones
90th Infantry Division - WWII United States Army
SP4 Arthur R. Kaczmarek
627 Supply & Service Bn. Vietnam War United States Army
SPC Kevin Kappeler
Desert Storm United States Army
SP4 Thomas P. Karabinos
101st Airborne - Vietnam Era United States Army
Sgt Thomas Paul Karabinos
44th General Hospital - WWII - Pacific United States Army
Sgt George Kashmer
577th AAA AW BN WWII United States Army
Sgt James Edward Kennedy
486 Fighter Squardron / 352nd Fighter Group WWII United States Army Air Forces
Cpl Murel Haines Kennedy
HQ OISE INTER SEC. WWII United States Army Air Corps
SP3 William J. Kisow
HQ Btry, 13th AAA Gp - Cold War United States Army
Cpl Robert J. Knoll
Signal Corp Korean War United States Army
S/Sgt Joseph W. Kolence
132nd Infantry - Americal Division - WWII United States Army
Sgt William P. Krull
Bomb Salvage Tech WWII United States Army
S/Sgt Joseph R. Lamping
Military Police - WWII United States Army
SP5 James F. Lewellyn
5th Infantry Division United States Army
SP4 John Thomas Lugaila
Co. B. 3rd Ba. 7th Inf. Berlin Co. Vietnam United States Army
Cpl Steven Luzik
WWII United States Army
SP4 Richard Macek
4th BN, 1st Tr. Brigade Ft. Jackson - Vietnam United States Army
Sgt Paul E. Manfredo
8th Battalion, 2nd Infantry - Vietnam War United States Army
S/Sgt David Marchetti
1st Med Bn, 2nd Bn / 16th Inf ``Rangers`` - Vietnam United States Army
S/Sgt Frank Joseph Marko
World War II - Pacific Theater United States Army Air Forces
PFC Kenneth Marks
Vietnam War United States Army
PFC Vincent Marks
World War II United States Army
SP4 Randy D. Marshall
479th Field Artillery Brigade 1987-1996 United States Army
MSG David Paul Marshall
CS HHC Area SPT GRP FC Iraq United States Army
Cpl Eugene A. McCleary
101st Airborne - Korea United States Army
1st Lt William A. McCormick
5th Air Force - WWII - South Pacific Theater United States Army Air Corps
Sgt Paul McCurdy
101st Airborne/Air Assault, 1st Brigade United States Army
CPL Hugh Paul McGuire
1666 Medical Detachment - Korean War United States Army
Pfc Pierce (P.H.) Meixell
78th Engineer Battalion United States Army
PFC Frederick James Messner
531st. Quartermaster Co. WWII United States Army
Sgt Gerald J. Miklos
Vietnam Era - Korea - 2nd Infantry Division United States Army
1SG George William Millerschoen
1st BN 6th ADA Vietnam/Gulf War United States Army
S/Sgt George W. Millerschoen
315th Infantry Regt. Europe/France WWII United States Army
T/Sgt Thomas Oliver Milles
China - Burma India Theater WWII United States Army
Cpl Elmer C. Mondell
3702nd AAF BU - WWII United States Army Air Corps
Sgt Paul G. Morgan
16th Signal Operations Battalion New Guinea WWII United States Army
SFC James R. Morris
443TASG Vietnam Era United States Army Reserve
SP4 Ramon A. Muia
Intelligence Pentagon - Cuban Missile Crisis United States Army
Pfc Eugene Thomas Murphy
101st Airborne - WWII United States Army
Sgt Eugene Thomas Murphy
2nd Battalion 94th Artillery - Vietnam United States Army
Sgt Thomas E. Nolfi
World War II - European Theater United States Army
PFC Eugene Onoffrey
1st Armored Division - Cuban Crisis United States Army
PFC John P. Owad
Tank Commander, Fort Knox Cold War United States Army
EM1 Joseph A. Pace
724th Anti Aircraft Battalion - WDE Destroyer Escort Korean War/Coast Guard United States Army
SP4 James H. Pastorius
1st Cavalry Div - Korea / Vietnam Era United States Army
S/Sgt John F. Petkovich
1st Armored Div. WWII United States Army
SP4 Harry Phillips
46th Armored Rifle Battalion - Cuban Crisis United States Army
Col Paul A. Platek
99th ARCOM - Desert Shield / Desert Storm United States Army
T/5 Pete Podnar
726th Signal Aircraft Warning Co. WWII United States Army
Cpl Harry Postufka
TK Co. 21st Inf REGT Korean War United States Army
SFC John M. Primorac
36th Field Artillery Group WWII - Korean War United States Army
SP5 Harry J. Reed
Co. B, 3rd USA – Vietnam War United States Army
Sgt John Revtai
World War II - South Pacific United States Army
PFC Andrew Revtai
Medical - WWII United States Army
Pfc Lawrence G. Roberts
Radio Operator World War II United States Army Air Corps
TEC5 Floyd Roppa
24th Field Hospital - WWII - Asiatic-Pacific United States Army
Cpl Robert G. Rudy
586 SIG CO USARV Radio Operator - Vietnam United States Army
Sgt John `Curly` Ruprecht
83rd Infinity WWII United States Army
Sgt Rudolph J. Sambolt
Co K 424th Infantry - WWII United States Army
Pfc George A. Sanda
1st Battalion, 509th Infantry - Vietnam Era United States Army
Pfc George Sanda
2nd Battalion Co. E 31st Infantry Philippine WWII United States Army
Sgt Max M. Sella
23rd A G Postal Co. Operation Enduring Freedom United States Army
TEC5 Max Sella
2nd Inf. Division WWII United States Army
Cpl Herbert Shaffer
Korean War United States Army
Sgt Nicolas Anthony Sicilia
Engineer Battalion 1 - Operation Iraq Freedom United States Army Reserve
Sgt. Frank P. Sicilia
U.S Army Ranger WWII Pacific Theatre United States Army
Pfc Stanley A. Sikorski
Battery A, 908th Field Artillery Battalion - WWII United States Army
SPC Daryn Michael Skeath
1-7 Cav, 1 BCT, 1CD - Operation New Dawn United States Army
Cpl Frank Skwarcha
8th & 15th Air Force - WWII United States Army Air Corps
PFC Joseph W. Smarsh
Robinson Nike Site United States Army
PFC Edward J. Spisak
World War II United States Army
Tec 5 Thomas R. Spisak
World War II - Burma United States Army
Sgt John A. Stasko
Battery C, 756 Field Artillery Battalion - Korea United States Army
Sgt Stanley A. Stavish
841st Engineer Aviation Bn - WWII United States Army
S/Sgt Joseph Stavish
42nd Division - WWII - European Theater United States Army
S/Sgt Chauncey H. Steele
44th Bomb Group, 8th Air Force - WWII - European Theater United States Army Air Corps
T/5 Thaddeus J. Stepek
Co. K 120th Inf Reg 30th Div WWII Central Europe United States Army
T/Sgt Paul A. Stinner
550th Airborne Infantry Battalion WWII United States Army
David A. Suehr
Quarter Master Corp. United States Army
SP4 Carmen A. Tarquinio
59th Arty APO 36 United States Army
SP4 Anthony R. Terabasso
4th Infantry - Fort Sill, OK - Sharpshooter United States Army
CPL Francis `Buddy` Terpack
Unit 370 2d WWII United States Army Air Forces
SP4 Donald J. Theis
Berlin Wall - Cold War - Cuban Missile Crisis United States Army
SP4 Donald G. Tidball
72nd Transportation Company Operation Blue Bat United States Army
PFC William M. Tidball
Fire Brigade KoreanWar United States Army
SP4 James W. Tielsch
82nd Airborne/ Paratrooper - Bay of Pigs United States Army
1SG Gerald Tomaszewski
28th Infantry / 28th Signal Platoon - Cold War - Army/Army National Guard United States Army
SPC Edwin J. Trillow
8th Army, 28th Infantry Division - Vietnam United States Army
SPC Andrew Scott Vietmeier
2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division Global War on Terror United States Army
T/Sgt James N. Wagner
XIV Corp Pacific - WWII United States Army
Cpl William Watt
229 Signal Corps, 5th Army - WWII United States Army
LTC Jerry W. Wessel
4/12th Cav - Vietnam United States Army
Cpl George J. Wickline
97th Airdrome Squadron - WWII United States Army Air Corps
Sgt John A. Wilkinson
HQS 40th Infantry - WWII United States Army
SP4 Edwin Thomas Wojcik
7th Signal Brigade - Vietnam Era - Europe United States Army
SSG Matthew R. Woodbury
A Btry, 1/107th FA, 28th ID - Operation Iraq Freedom II United States Army
Tec Sgt Charles Wovchko
3157th Ordnance Company 607th Battalion WWII United States Army
CPL James Edward Wydra
USAR INF. Korean War United States Army
T/Sgt Samuel T. Yanna
Normandy WWII United States Army
PFC Celeste (DeVenzio) Young
S.H.A.F.E. HQ France Cold War United States Army
PFC Richard A. Young
40th Signal Co - Korean Conflict United States Army
Spc John Zello
Co D 9th Medical Battalion WWII European Theater United States Army

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HTM Designs

S1c Walter J. Baker
Camp Perry - WWII United States Navy
CT3c Edward J. Beck
WWII United States Navy
LI3 John D. Bevan
USS Missouri Atlantic Fleet - Korean War Era United States Navy
EO2 Perry Wayne Bonasso
Seabees - Peacetime United States Navy
PHM3 Paul Joseph Branagan
World War II United States Navy
CWO 5 Richard A. Brasko
Kuwait Liberation, Operation Comfort, Persian Gulf War, Global war on Terrorism USS John F. Kennedy United States Navy
S1c Ralph C. Brawdy
Air Transport Squadron Four WWII United States Navy
PNSN John R. Cairns
Attack Squadron 42 (VA-42) - Vietnam United States Navy
QMC SS Eugene Camarota
USS Blackfin - WWII / Korean War United States Navy
SF3c Frank Caristo
USS Implicit (AM-246) WWII United States Navy
PV2 Harry M. Carr
Helicopter Combat Support Squad Vietnam United States Navy
EM1 Gregory Cianchetti
Pearl Harbor - WWII United States Navy
M1 Carmen Cianciullo
4th Naval District - WWII United States Navy
SN Robert DiYanni
Pacific Theater - WWII United States Navy
MM3 John Fallat
USS Fitch - WWII United States Navy
S1c John Fratto
USS Medusa - WWII United States Navy
BUCN David E. Gieske
Seabees - NMCB 133 Iranian Hostage Crisis United States Navy
Theodore H. Josey
USS Columbus CA-74 United States Navy
RM2c James C. Koslow
USS Sciota WWII United States Navy
WT3 Thaddeus M. Krajewski
LST 293 North Atlantic, Normandy Invasion WWII United States Navy
Steven C. Lengyel
Naval Air Station - Global War on Terrorism United States Navy
RD2 William M. McNamee Jr
USS Joseph K. Taussig - Vietnam United States Navy
EM2 Robert Monyak
USS Saint Paul (CA 73) - Vietnam United States Navy
WT3 Charles R. Moran
USS Springfield - USS Astoria - WWII United States Navy
MM2 Laurence C. Pash
USS Yosemite - Korean War United States Navy
CM3 Edward L. Peters
CBMU-302 (Seabees) - Vietnam United States Navy
S1c James Francis Petrilena
USS Antiean (CV-36) - Operation Crossroads - WWII United States Navy
RM2c Walter J. Postava
USS Vestal - WWII - Pacific Theater United States Navy
SFC Frank Thomas Ruperto
USS Saratoga (CVA- 60) United States Navy
HM1c Arthur Schmidt
Hospital Apprentice 1c SV- 6 USNR WWII United States Navy
ADJ3 Clyde A. Schneider
USS Guadalcanal (LPH-7) United States Navy
RD3 Carl William Schott
World War II - Asia-Pacific Theater United States Navy
Petty Officer Howard J. Snyder
WWII Normandy Invasion LST-310 United States Navy
AD2 Stephen J. Tancraitor
Helicopter Support Squadron 2 - Iraqi Freedom / Global War on Terrorism United States Navy
BM3 Joel D. Thomas
USS Gunston Hall LSD #44 War on Terror United States Navy
Joseph Vincent Topol
Seabees - WWII - Korean Conflict United States Navy
EMP2 Michael Anthony Vinci
USS Intrepid / Sixth Fleet - Korean War United States Navy
PN2 John Wardzinski
USS Yellowstone - Korea United States Navy
EOD2 Dustin Weaver
EODMU5 (EWS/FPJ) United States Navy
HM2 Dennis Wilkinson
Naval Reg. Med. Cnt. Peace Time United States Navy

PFC Fred E. Baird
6th Division Special Services Unit 1 - WWII - China Theater United States Marine Corps
Cpl Gary Bayne
1st Marine Division - Desert Storm/Gulf War United States Marine Corps
Sgt Joseph Salvatore Bianco
Korean War United States Marine Corps
Jessica Brisbon
VMM-162 United States Marine Corps
Pfc James Marshall Dabney
World War II - South Pacific United States Marine Corps
Cpl Richard D. Froehlich
Shore Party 8th Engineers - Vietnam War United States Marine Corps
PFC Frank Gianino
Platoon 1004 A Company United States Marine Corps
Sgt Michael J. Herbst
1st Marine Division - Vietnam War United States Marine Corps
1st Sgt William E. Kerakos
Korean - Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Cpl Austin K. Kisow
6th Marine Regiment - Afghanistan United States Marine Corps
MSgt Charles M. Marks
Engineering - Korean War United States Marine Corps
Cpl Daniel J. Monaghan
Tanks/Heavy Equipment Vietnam United States Marine Corps
LCpl Bethany R. Podnar
3rd Law Enforcement BN War on Terror United States Marine Corps
Cpl Jacob A Podnar
Marine Air Control Squadron 4 War on Terror United States Marine Corps
Pfc Ronald J. Sanda
HQ CO, 9th COMM BN - Vietnam Era United States Marine Corps
Cpl Martin J. Scanlon
Scout Dog Handler / 3rd MP Battalion - Vietnam United States Marine Corps
LCpl Chester J. Scott
2nd Battalion 3rd Marines (2/3) – Vietnam War United States Marine Corps
SP5 Charles Rodgers Simm
BTRY A, 2nd BN 176th ARTY - Korean War United States Marine Corps
Cpl Katherine Skwarcha
3rd Div Med Battalion - Global War on Terror United States Marine Corps
Cpl Eugene K. Smoller
Vietnam War United States Marine Corps
SSgt Joseph H. Stangl
4th Marine Brigade, 1st Amtrack Battalion, Alpha Company - Vietnam War United States Marine Corps
PFC John Strongosky
World War II United States Marine Corps
Private 1st Class Frank J. Symsek
Cold War United States Marine Corps
LCpl Dante M. Vezio
1st Battalion, 6th Marines, Charlie Co. - Active Duty United States Marine Corps
Sgt Thomas Welsh
Marine Corps Honor Guard - Peace Time United States Marine Corps
Sgt Clare R. Wilson
Korean War United States Marine Corps

Sgt Philip P. Adamczak
Tuslog Det 46, Karamursel CDI, Turkey - Vietnam United States Air Force
SSgt Eugene W. Adamczak
US AF Security Service Cold War Veteran United States Air Force
SSgt John A. Bigger
171 Security Force Squadron Operation Enduring Freedom/Noble Eagle United States Air Force
A1c William J. Blank
2727th Air Munitions Sq. - Vietnam Era United States Air Force
Staff Sergeant (E-5) Dave Bregon
49th Mobility Support Squadron (MOBSS) United States Air Force
SSgt Dennis M. Campbell
507 TAIRCW (TAC) United States Air Force
SM SGT Charles F. Campbell
Vehicle Operations Superintendent Korean and Vietnam War United States Air Force
Cpl Elizabeth J. Campbell
131st Air Base Group United States Air Force
MSgt Charles F. Campbell II
CRS (ACC) United States Air Force
SrA Ryan M. Cieslak
29th Intelligence Squadron War on Terror United States Air Force
AN Richard J. Davis
67th AMO 18th AGS Desert Shield / Storm United States Air Force
MSGT Samuel W. DeWitt
Medic Desert Storm United States Air Force
SRA Samuel W. DeWitt
Medic War on Terrorism United States Air Force
Cpl Charles James Drexler
393rd Bomb Squadron, 509th Composite Group United States Air Force
MSgt William E. Dudash
379 FMS (SAC) - Vietnam United States Air Force
S/Sgt Leo J. Ehland
Radar Site - Vietnam Era / Cold War United States Air Force
CMSgt Joseph Filloy
112th Tactical Fighter Group United States Air Force
2LT Judith (Karabinos) Ingelido
14th Aerospace Force Vietnam Era United States Air Force
A1C Henry Dale Jenkins
604 ONS MAC Vietnam United States Air Force
MSgt Alfred E. Kutschbach
171st ARW Civil Engineer Squad - Iraq / Persian Gulf United States Air Force
A1C Leon Eugene Louis
The Flying 40th Air Force Reserves United States Air Force
1st Lieutenant Joseph Maggi
1931 Communications Wing Cold War United States Air Force
A2C Victor Mancini
551st PDMAINTRON (ADC) - 1956-1960 United States Air Force
1st Lt Anthony John Marko
342nd Base Unit - WWII United States Air Force
SMSGT David F. Matergia
112th TFG /171 ARW Cold War / Desert Storm / Kosovo United States Air Force
SMSgt Ken Ochman
319/384 AEG - Desert Shield/Storm - Global War On Terrorism United States Air Force
Sgt Charles Pollard
9th Special Operations Squadron - Gulf War United States Air Force
A2c Oliver J. Riddle
377th Air Police Squadron - Vietnam United States Air Force
Sgt Kenneth J. Rieder
42 ns MMS Nuclear Weapons Vietnam War Era United States Air Force
A1C Albert Robyak
AFRes Korean War United States Air Force
SMSGT William Randolph Sambolt
8 A-23rd Logistics Group Vietnam / Persian Gulf United States Air Force
CMSgt George Schob
Vietnam War / Desert Storm United States Air Force
SSgt Anthony J. Stavish
379th AEW, Det 1 - Afghanistan United States Air Force
SMSgt Stanley J. Stavish
447th Air Expeditionary Group - Iraq United States Air Force
CPT James R. Stewart
112 TFG/21 TASS - Cold War - Gulf War United States Air Force
A2C Joseph Waslousky
Korean War United States Air Force
A1C Michael C. Webster
Logistics Readiness (AMC) Afghanistan United States Air Force

MSGT Frank A. Manslow
193 Special Operation Wing Operation Iraqi Freedom, Noble Eagle, Inherent Resolve Air National Guard
SPC Thomas M. Rippole
28th Sig BN, A CO - Operation Iraqi Freedom Army National Guard
MSgt Kathy J. Stewart
112 TFG/171 ARW - Cold War - Gulf War Air National Guard
E5 Ronald Victorelli
Nike Site Robinson Twp - 1957-1977 Army National Guard