M/Sgt Wilbur H. Anders
Paratrooper - 101st Airborne United States Army
T/5 Ray M Armstrong
WWII 499 QM Car Co United States Army
Pfc Charles R. Arrasmith
Co C, 8th Armored Infantry Battalion - WWII United States Army
PVT Harold E. Barnett
Vehicle Mechanic - 518th Engineer Co. (1965-1971) United States Army
PVT Jack C. Beam
WWII Japan United States Army
Cpl Kermit C. Beedy
330th Engineer Regiment - World War II - Asiatic-Pacific Theater United States Army
PVT Glenn I. Bentley
WWII United States Army
1st LT Dr. Paul Bernard
WWII 1944-1945 Veternarian caring for service horses United States Army
PVT James P. Bernard
BatteryA 6th BN....5Th Divison !3D20 FA Rocket. United States Army
Col Gary G. Bishop
101st ABN, 1st Cavalry - Transportation/Logistics - Desert Storm United States Army
PFC Cletes C. Blanton
145th Infantry Div. - World War II - Luzon Campaign United States Army
SP4 Terry L. Bradley
11th Armored Cavalry ...Vietnam United States Army
PFC Roy Brandenburg
World War II - Luzon, Philippines United States Army
Cpl Tasha J. Brown
101st Chemical Company Desert Shield 1989-1992 United States Army
Cpl H. Dean Carnahan
WWII - Asiatic-Pacific Theater United States Army
PFC Charles O. Combs
Co. B, 709th Tank Bn, 3rd Armored Div. (1955-1957) United States Army
SP4 Michael Cooper
72nd Military Police Detachment - Vietnam United States Army
MSgt Kevin L. Dawson
U.S. Army (1981-1984) - 34th Support Bn USAF (1984-2017) - 906th Fighter Squadron Operation Enduring Freedom United States Army
Pfc William C. Drake
504th Parachute Infantry Regt, 101st ABN - WWII United States Army
Cpl Olaf P. Dunn
Korea United States Army
CW2 Phillip W. Everman
Medic, 502nd Infantry Regt, 101st Airborne - Vietnam United States Army
Cpl Larry Fair
4th Ordnance Battalion - Korean War (1953-1955) United States Army
Cpl Richard Gaskins
41st Div 116th Eng. Australia-New Guinea, Battles of Biac & Hollandia United States Army
SFC Keith A. Gates
Co B 795th MP BN PTC - Iraq United States Army
SP4 Howard F. Gates
110th QM Co USAG Bn (OVAA) - Vietnam United States Army
SP4 Carl Gilmore
1956-1959 Crypto Spec United States Army
SP4 Edward Junior Griffy
7th Bn, 8th Arty - Vietnam Era United States Army
S/Sgt Roy E. Haines
HQ Battery, 174th Field Artillery Battalion - WWII - EAME United States Army
SP5 R. David Haines
USARPAC - Vietnam United States Army
T/5 Edward Tiffin Haines, Jr.
Motorcyclist MP - Expert Marksman - World War II United States Army
PFC Maynard Romaine Harris
WWII 439th Aircraft Good Conduct 6 Bronze Servic e Medals United States Army
Cpl John V. Hart
Company B, /171st Field Activity Battalion, 45th Infantry - Korea United States Army
Spec 4 Donald Hawk
Vietnam United States Army
Cpl Dale Hiles
71th Bomb Squad, 15th Air Force - WWII - Italy United States Army Air Forces
Sgt Donald Lee Hodge
1537th AAF BU - WWII - Asiatic-Pacific Theater United States Army
Cpl Albert Howard
WWI United States Army
Pvt Wayne Howard
World War II United States Army
PFC Charles Lanman Jr
769th Army Air Forces Unit United States Army Air Forces
Pfc Joseph E. Laycock
WWII - 10th Mountain Division (1944-1946) United States Army
Cpl Eldon Lee
WWII 784th Tank Battalion United States Army
SP4 Charles W. Long
United States Army
Pfc Ralph Long
World War II - Infantry (1942-1945) United States Army
PVT Laura Christine (Chris) McFadden
WWII Tinker Air Force Base WAC United States Army Air Corps
Cpl Edgar B.(Lefty) McFadden
WWII Tinker Air Force Base United States Army Air Corps
E5 Larry M McWhorter
9th Division, Vietnam United States Army
SP4 Robert Lee Michael
Co D 13th Engir BN (Inf Div)APO 7 Sharpshooter United States Army
Spec 5 Larry Miller
Army 1967-1970 United States Army
PFC Lucine Loren Mongold
WWII Rifleman Asiac Pacific Theatre United States Army
SGT Austin M. Moreton
Afghanistan/Iraq - Infantry United States Army
Pfc Harold E. Morris
World War II - 37th Division United States Army
PVT Patrick O`Leary
Company F, 5th Corps, Artillery Park WW1 United States Army
Sgt Robert F. Olds
1st Cavalry - Korea - Ohio Air National Guard (1957-1977) United States Army
PFC Robert Dale Pratt
Co. L, 272nd Infantry Regt, 69th Inf Div - World War II United States Army
PVT John E. Pratt
WW II Medic 30th Station Hospital 1942-1945 United States Army
Pfc Harley N. Reese
Luzon, Philippines - 34th Infantry, 24th Division WWII (1944-1945) United States Army
SP4 Ryan J. Reese
101st Airborne, 1/187th - Afghanistan War on Terror (1998-2002) United States Army
T/Sgt James L. Reese
963rd Eng Maint Co WWII - Asiatic Theater (1943-1946) United States Army Air Forces
Pvt James Watt Rice
Signal Corps Telegraph Operator - Border War (1909-1912) United States Army
Pfc Albert T. Riddle
Company E - World War II - Battle of the Bulge United States Army
Cpl William Rittenhouse
Radio Mech - WWII (1943-1946) United States Army Air Corps
PVT Larry D. Rittenhouse
Co B, 2nd Battalion, 506th Infantry (1966-1972) United States Army
PVT Pearl Rittenhouse
Battery E, 16th Field Artillery - World War I United States Army
SP4 Jack Rittenhouse
Btry B, 3D AW Bn, 62nd Arty (1958-1960) United States Army
Sgt Connie Sue Roberts
Deputy Chief of Staff - Intelligence Berlin Occupation Sharpshooter United States Army
SP3 Kenneth A. Roberts
Korean War 537th Ord Div Sharpshooter United States Army
PFC Henry (Hank) Sanderson, II
Surgical Tech, 503rd Parachute Infantry Regiment - WWII - Corregidor United States Army
SP4 Leroy Shaffer
2nd Battalion, 4th Artillery - Vietnam United States Army
CPL Glen Stamler
Battery C, 60th AAA Battalion United States Army
PFC Clarence T. Taylor
45th Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop World War II United States Army
Cpl Frank Thoroman
WWII United States Army
LT Mildred Thoroman
US Army Nurse Corp WWII United States Army
Cpl Charles Simeon Villars
Wagon Co 3, 23rd Engineers - World War I United States Army
TEC5 Bernard L. Vineyard
World War II United States Army
T/5 Delmar (Doc) Vineyard
World War II United States Army
Cpl Ogel D. Vineyard
3rd Armored Reconnaissance Division - WWII United States Army
PFC Earl B. Vineyard
3194th Ordnance Ammunition Company - WWII United States Army
SSG Jeremy Wical
1-319 AFAR, 82nd Airborne - Iraq - Afghanistan United States Army
Sgt Herbert Wical
724th Ordnance Battalion - Korean War United States Army
Sgt Russell D. Wilson
866th Engineers Aviation Battalion - WWII - Luzon United States Army
T/Sgt William H. Wilt
World War II United States Army
S/SGT Byron L Wilt
WW II United States Army
S/SGT Jack M Wolfe
WW II Army/Air Force Airlplane Armorer Gunner. Bronze x2 United States Army
SP4 William E. Young
United States Army

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who are or have served this country through our banner program.
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HTM Designs

MoMM2c Roy Arrasmith
USS YMS-275 World War II United States Navy
HM3 Timothy Bosier
USS John Paul Jones (DDG-53) United States Navy
CTIC Thomas L. Breakfield
Crypto Tech Interpreter/Translator - Vietnam Era (1957-1977) Navy Commendation Medal (4) United States Navy
HM2 Thomas E Carey
USS Sanborn (APA-193) United States Navy
E-3 Nichols (Nick) Estell
FASRON THREE United States Navy
ET3 Gary L. Goodman
Propulsion Plant Operator - Nuclear Submarine - Desert Storm United States Navy
LT Josephine Marie Gray
WWII Nurse United States Navy
S2c Clarence Hargrave
USS Mount Hood (AE-11) - WWII United States Navy
Seaman Denver Hargrave
WW II United States Navy
EMC Richard Howard
Vietnam United States Navy
PO3 Derek Sean Jamison
Desert Storm United States Navy
AT3 Herman F. Newman
Korean War (1950-1954) United States Navy
BTFN Darrell L. Nolley
USS Yorktown 1967-1973 - US Army National Guard SSG 1980-1985 United States Navy
SN Robert E Reiley
Pacific Fleet - WWII United States Navy
BM2c Guy E. Riddle
World War II - South Pacific United States Navy
ET3 Delbert Wayne Rittenhouse
World War II (1943-1946) United States Navy
MoMM2 John H. Shoemaker
Diesel Mechanic - Pearl Harbor - WWII (1943-1946) United States Navy
SN William E. Stewart
Korean War (1951-1955) United States Navy
STG2 Jon A. Stewart
USS Gallant (MSO-489) Dolphin Trainer - Sonar Tech - Vietnam Era United States Navy
AMM1 Vernon C. (John) Stewart
Flight Engineer PBY Plane - World War II United States Navy
S1c John Elsworth Thomas
USN/USNR WWII South Seas United States Navy
AME2 Edwin K. Williams
Blue Angel Team Mechanic United States Navy
SK3 Donn Lee Willis
USS Nemasket (AOG-10) United States Navy
COX Orlyn L. Wilt
World War II United States Navy
ET2 (SS) John W. Woodmansee
United States Navy

Pfc Ryan D. Bernard
United States Marine Corps
Cpl Dion E. Brown
1st Marine Div Desert Storm 1987-1991 United States Marine Corps
SGT Steven D. Gates
HOCO HOSVCBN MCB Quantico, VA - Communication Intelligence United States Marine Corps
Capt George C. Gray
WWII Communication Officer 4th BN South Pacific Asiatic Medal Purple Heart 1944 United States Marine Corps
GySgt Ken W. Johnson
Vietnam Era Desert Shield \Desert Storm MALS 31 MCAS Beaufort SC United States Marine Corps
Sgt Jonce B. Kessler
2nd MAW MACG-28 Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Marine Corps
Cpl Adrien V. Lenk
2nd Marine Division - Operation Enduring Freedom United States Marine Corps
Cpl Gary R. Riddle
FLC/1st FSR - Da Nang - Vietnam War United States Marine Corps
Cpl Grant T. Shoemaker
2015-2019 United States Marine Corps
PFC Millard Ray Spradlin
Korean Era Proof Tech Assistant (1952-1954) United States Marine Corps
LCpl Joseph Charles Stanforth
1st Bulk Fuel Co, 8th ESB, 2nd FSSG, FMFLANT United States Marine Corps
Pfc Lawrence (Larry) Starcher
1st Marine Corps - Vietnam Era - Truck Driver United States Marine Corps
Corporal Edward E Stephenson
3dMarDiv Viet Nam United States Marine Corps
LCpl Brett Wightman
4th Marine Division 3/25th Lima Company United States Marine Corps
MSgt Neil W. Wilt
Korean War - Vietnam United States Marine Corps

SSgt James M Armstrong
Combat Support Squad United States Air Force
MSgt Craig Boggs
Iraqi Freedom United States Air Force
Pvt William R Dunn
Korean War United States Air Force
A1C Lawrence Edward East
Det#1 4th Weather Group-Mats. Cold War United States Air Force
TSgt Arthur Ray Elmore
Vietnam Air Rescue/Aircraft Mechanic United States Air Force
Major Thomas (Tom) Everman
345th TAS - Vietnam War United States Air Force
Sgt William Forrest
6th Strat Wing (SAC) Eielson AFB United States Air Force
SSgt Dennis Haines
302nd Air Lift Wing (USAFR), 906 Weapons System Security (OANG) United States Air Force
SSgt Sammy Hill
1954-1959 United States Air Force
MSgt Henry L. Hoadley
Air Force/OANG 145th Air Refueling Squadron Air Tech United States Air Force
SSgt Jay L. Laycock
Vietnam Era - Medical Admin Specialist United States Air Force
MSgt Eldon W. Marsh
Personnel Specialist - Vietnam War (1968-1969) United States Air Force (1955-1975) United States Air Force
Senior Airman Tanner (Stewart) McCulloch
628th Security Forces Squadron United States Air Force
Sgt Chuck McMillan
49th Tactical Fighter Wing - Vietnam United States Air Force
1st Lt Thomas J. Mitchell
18th MAS (Military Airlift Squadron) Navigator, C-141 United States Air Force
SrA Steven S. Monroe
9th Fighter Squadron - Holloman AFB, NM 1993-1997 United States Air Force
PVT M.E.Terry Moore
World War II United States Air Force
CMSgt Joe Patton
Desert Storm USAF/OANG United States Air Force
MSgt Thomas Richard Quick
WW II Korean War United States Air Force
TSgt Phillip D. Rider
Vietnam War United States Air Force
Amn Phil Rolfe
Plumber - Air Force Reserve (1968-1975) United States Air Force
SSgt Estel Shoemaker
Korean War 1951-1955 United States Air Force
SMSgt Samuel K Valentine
907th CES USAF/USAFR. Tele Tech Comm United States Air Force
MSgt Robert Vandemark, Sr.
302nd Troop Carrier Wing - Korean War United States Air Force
Sgt Michael Walls
Vietnam United States Air Force

ET2 Noel Garber
USS Comanche - WWII - North Atlantic (1942-1946) United States Coast Guard