SSgt Paul L. Adams
Drill Sgt - 21st Infantry United States Army
Sgt John Paul Adams
Operation Enduring Freedom United States Army
A1c Edward J. Almasy
Cuban Missile Crisis - Vietnam United States Army Air Force
Sgt Frank J. Ambrosic
WWII United States Army
SP5 Robert Ammon
1098th Transportation C. - Vietnam United States Army
Sgt Richard G. Armstrong
Signal Corps / Lineman - Vietnam War United States Army
Pvt Maurice C. Arnold Sr.
WWII - 4th Infantry Division United States Army
E-4 Thomas Aul
693rd Engineer Company - Vietnam United States Army
Sgt Lowell C. Baker
Signal Corps - World War II - Pacific Theater United States Army
PFC Clifford Edmond Baker
Company A 817th Tank Destroyer Battalion - Battle of the Bulge - WWII United States Army
Pfc Anthony Balistreri
Korea United States Army
Sgt Andrew Barati
WWII United States Army Air Corp
SP 4 Andrew E. Barati
65th Engineering Batt, 25th Infantry - Vietnam United States Army
Cpl Earl M. Barner
52nd Armored Engineer Battalion, 6th Armored Division United States Army
Sgt David Basher
WWII United States Army
Sgt Nicholas Baum
28th Infantry (2000-2008), 316th Expeditionary (2008-2012) - GWOT United States Army
PFC John J. Bidoli, Sr
Ft. Meade, MD - WWII United States Army
Cpl Robert Bihler
United States Army
PV2 Paul A. Bischoff
United States Army
Pvt Theodore Bleklenski
WWII United States Army
Cpl Louis Boff
51st Ord Bn, Berlin Conflict United States Army
Cpl John Boff
2nd Battalion, 10th Infantry - Panama Canal Zone United States Army
Sgt Pellegrino J. Bosco
WWII - Infantry United States Army
Cpl Charles W. Bower
WWI - 518 MTC United States Army
Sgt James 'JB' Bradburn
WWII United States Army
SSgt Steven Brickell
1-28 Fires - Afghanistan United States Army
Sgt Wilbur 'Rabbit' Broadus
WWII - 4103rd Quartermaster United States Army
Pfc Robert H. Brodt Sr.
WWII - POW United States Army
Pfc Paul E. Carbaugh
Company C 310th Infantry Reg. WWII United States Army
1LT Kevin M. Carpenter
779th Engineering Company - Inherent Resolve United States Army Reserve
Pfc Herman Cecala
Heavy Mar Co. 102 Inf Reg 43rd Inf. United States Army
1LT Chester J. Cecotti
Vietnam United States Army
Sgt Donald W. Cleary
Vietnam Era 2nd Battalion 75th Infantry United States Army
Spc Nick Cleary
Afghanistan 1st Battalion - 2nd Infantry United States Army
Sgt William J. Cleary
WWII United States Army
Cpl Gisto Clerici
940th Field Artillery - WWII United States Army
TSgt Joseph Coleman
WWII - Company D 561st Signal AW 12th Air Force United States Army
Cpl Bernard Dino Comis
Infantry United States Army
Pfc Frank Comis
WWII Panama Canal Zone United States Army
Pvt Charles H. Conner
WWII - Combat Engineers United States Army
Pvt Charles Coward
Civil War United States Army
SP4 Charles Cusic
1st Missile Division United States Army
Sgt Joseph Cusic
Infantry - WWI United States Army
Spc Eric Davis
O I R United States Army
SP5 Lance M. Dickey
Vietnam United States Army
Sgt Joseph P. Dissen
WWII - 440th Flight Squadron United States Army Air Corps
Sgt Louis J. Dominick
HQ Co, 3rd BN, 175th Infantry European Campaign - WWII United States Army
SFC William A. Dugan
Infantry - WWII -Korea United States Army
LTC Mary Elko
Korean / Vietnam United States Army
Pvt Ed Engelhardt
362nd FG, 379th FS - WWII - Europe, England, France United States Army Air Corps
Sgt Joseph Englert
Infantry - WWII United States Army
Cpl F. Robert Ericson
40th Division - Korean War United States Army
SP-4 Richard Evans
VIetnam United States Army
Spc Chad Evans
Middle East Intelligence United States Army
S/SGT Joseph Faraone
387th Fighter Squadron - European Theater - WWII United States Army Air Force
Pfc Joseph E. Ferrelli
Combat Engineer - WWII United States Army
Sgt Joseph Ferrelli
Vietnam - 4th Infantry Division United States Army
Sgt Michael P Fircak
Company F, 137th Infantry - WWII United States Army
SPEC-4 Thomas M Fircak
2nd Battalion, 11th Artillery - Vietnam United States Army
Pfc Raymond E. Fischer
984th Engineer Company - Korea United States Army
Sgt Hilary Flaus
101st AirBorne 3rd Armored Div. United States Army
1st Sgt George G. Fontanesi
WWII - B Co 509th ABN United States Army
Pfc Romeo Fontanesi
WWII United States Army
Sgt 1c George W. Fontanesi
101st Airborne Vietnam Era United States Army
Cpl Gerald A. Fosbaugh
Vietnam - 513th MP Det. United States Army
T4 Sgt Eugene Frediani
Dog Battery 70 Div. CR Artillery United States Army
Sp4c David Fuchs
Vietnam - 508th MP Division United States Army
Corp Spec 4c Richard V. Funaro
Korea - 1st Cavalry Division 348th Quartermaster Company United States Army
T4 Aldo L. Furno
WWII - Signal Corps United States Army
SPC5 Larry J. Gasior
Korea - I corp/8th Army United States Army
Pfc Stanley W. Gierlack
WWII - 42nd Inf Div United States Army
Pfc Frank J. Gierlack
WWII - 22nd Inf Div United States Army
Captain Henry J. Gitnik
WWII - Philippine Liberation` United States Army
S/Sgt Peter Glumac
Army Ranger - World War II - Special Forces United States Army
TSgt Joseph Grantz
WWII - 11th Airborne United States Army Air Corp
Cpl Vernon G. Greber
WWII - 13th Major Port HQ United States Army
Sgt William E. Griffith, Sr.
Military Intelligence - Korean War United States Army
SSGT Larry E. Guess
Vietnam Era United States Army
Pfc George Haba
WWII United States Army
Sgt Pete Haberstock
Korea United States Army
SP/4 Joe Hanlon
HHC 39th Trans Bn - Vietnam - 1966 - 68 United States Army
Cpl William L. Hartlep
Motorpool - WWII United States Army
Cpl Earl D. Heaton
Korean War United States Army
T/5 Edward A. Hillegas
16th General Hospital - WWII United States Army
SSgt James N. Hindman
WWII - 47th Infantry Reg United States Army
Cpl Jerry Lee Hunter
Co. B, 709th M.P. Bn (1956-1959) United States Army
Sgt Calvin Hurl
Panama Canal United States Army
PFC Thomas Inks
2nd Constabulary Squad - WWII United States Army
Sgt Thomas L. Irwin
128th Assault Helicopter Co - Vietnam - B-876th - PNG United States Army
Frank 'Chick' Jakobe
European Theatre WWII United States Army
Cpl James 'Big Gus' Johnston
Asiatic / Pacific THeater United States Army
SP5 James 'Jerry' Jones
HQ Transportation Group - US Army United States Army
Pfc Cyril H. Jouver
WWII - Battle of the Bulge United States Army
SP4 Lawrence Jouver
H Battery, 29th Artillery - Vietnam War (1970-1971) United States Army
TEC 3 Harry Kelly
1435th Engineer Searchlight - WWII United States Army
Sgt Thomas F. Kenavey
WWII - Pearl Harbor United States Army
SSgt William J. King
Vietnam United States Army
SP5 Raymond A. Kircher
2/35 Infantry 4th Infantry Division Vietnam United States Army
SP4 Edward G. Kissel
Honor Guard (1962-1965) Old Guard United States Army
Pvt Albert F. Klose
WWII 232nd Infantry Regiment United States Army
Sp5c Steven Kopcho
Vietnam - 56th Transportation Div. United States Army
Pfc Joseph Frank Kostyak
WWII United States Army
Cpl William J. Kozel
WWII United States Army Air Corp
S/Sgt Vincent E. Kozel
581st Signal Air Wing - WWII United States Army
Cpl John Kubina
WWII - 30th Armored Infantry United States Army
Cpl Paul Kubis
9th Army Air Corps. WWII European Theater United States Army
TSgt Robert R. Lewis
WWII - 3rd Armored Signal BN United States Army
Cpl H. Alan Lewis
Korean War - 31st Ord. M.A.M. Co. United States Army
Sgt Clarence Leydig
WWII United States Army
T5 John H. Long
99th Inf., 394th Reg., Co I - WWII - Remagen, Germany United States Army
SP-5 John Lott
Africa - Vietnam Era - 12/65 - 9/69 United States Army
Sgt Robert Luznar
423rd Field Artillery, 10th Armored Div. - WWII United States Army
Sgt Frank J. Luznar
Co A, 630th Tank Destroyer Battalion - WWII - Battle of the Bulge United States Army
SSG Daniel A. Maceno
Desert Storm - OIF - OEF United States Army
SSgt Alfonso Markiewicz
WWII United States Army
WWII United States Army
Cpl Thomas F. Martin
3rd Armored Division - Korea United States Army
Pfc Kenneth G. Martin
Korean War Era United States Army
Cpl James O. McKee
Korean War United States Army
SP4 Cheryl A. McKee
307th Military Police United States Army Reserve
Pvt Jeffrey A. McKee
United States Army
Capt Edward G. Mellon
122nd Field Artillery Bn, 33rd Division - World War II - Pacific Theater United States Army
Pfc Henry Melnik
932nd Field Artillery Bn. Battery A. - WWII United States Army
E3 Frederick A. Mikush
Vietnam United States Army
Spc Marc Mirenna
Operation Desert Storm United States Army
SSgt Edward A. Mitchell
WWII - 75th Bomb Squadron United States Army Air Corp
Cpl Bruno Montana
WWII - 559th Field Artillery Bn United States Army
CPL John Thomas Moran
Battle of Normandy - WWII United States Army
Sgt Albert Munsick
WWII United States Army
Sgt Lawrence L. Nagel
WWII - 106 Inf. 424th Reg. C-Co. 1st BN United States Army
Pfc Paul Eugene Naugle
WWII - 84th Inf. 333rd Reg. E-Co. 2nd BN United States Army
Sgt John T. Needham
Military Police United States Army
Gordon Niceswanger
101st Airborne Division - Vietnam United States Army
Cpl Paul Normile
Korean Era United States Army
Cpl Eugene C. Ocepek
WWII United States Army
SP4 Richard H. Opferman
Vietnam United States Army
Pfc Steve O'Ross
82nd Airborne, Rifleman Normandy - WWII United States Army
Pvt Richard Painter
WWII United States Army
Sgt Gregory J. Parris
557th Light Maintenance Engineer - Vietnam United States Army
Sgt Frank J. Pasqualini
Engineer - Cold War - Germany United States Army
Cpl Frank Pasqualini
741st Tank Battalion - World War II United States Army
Cpl Bernard Pasqualini
Engineer - World War II United States Army
Pvt David Pasqualini
World War II - England United States Army Air Corps
LTC James R. Pasqualini
Corps of Engineers - Cold War - GWOT United States Army
Pvt James J. Pasqualini
Horse Cavalry - World War II United States Army
Sgt Robert L. Patton
Americal Division - Vietnam War United States Army
SP-4 Thomas A. Pavlik
Germany United States Army
SSG Chad I. Pehowic
Operation Iraqi / Enduring Freedom United States Army Airborne
Pfc Joseph Pelan
37th Division - 148th Infantry - WWII United States Army
Pfc Frank 'Chuck' Peternel
WWII United States Army Air Corps
1st Lt. Louis Norman Petrossi
Korean War United States Army
Pfc Paul P. Petrun
82nd Airborne Paratrooper - Korean War United States Army
Pfc Joseph T. Polome
KMAG 8202 AV SPTNG REST 30 ARM. Div. - Korean War United States Army
LT Norman A. Pontello
WWII United States Army Air Force
Spc Jonathan Ponton
Afghanistan - 307 MP Company - Operation Enduring Freedom United States Army
Sp4 Ralph D. Pust
Signal Corps United States Army
Pfc Clifford Raleigh
Vietnam - 5th Armor Division United States Army
SP5 James F. Rau
1st Aviation Brigade - Vietnam (1968-1969) United States Army
specialist 4th class artillery Richard M. Rendulic
Vietnam United States Army
SPEC Marcus Richardson
Operation Enduring Freedom United States Army
Pfc Joseph L. Riepole
6th BN US, 77th Artillery - Cuban Missile Crisis United States Army
S/Sgt Charles Ritchey
Co D, 330th Inf., 83rd Div. - WWII United States Army
TSgt Carl Henry Ritz
WWII - 3012th QM Company United States Army
Pvt Henry 'Duke' Roznowski
Military Police - WWII United States Army
Sgt Edward C. Sammel
3rd Army Div. - WWII United States Army
Pfc Louis A. Schinosi
Korean War United States Army
Cpl Regis A. Schoedel
Korean War - Signal Corps United States Army
TEC 5 E. James Schwartz
76th Infantry Division - WWII United States Army
CPL Ronald W. Schwartz
82nd Airborne Div - Vietnam Era United States Army
SSgt Paul J. Schwindt
Korea - 599th Field Artillery 35th Gp United States Army
Pvt Frank H. Scott
WWII United States Army
E-4 Rick Self
Korea - Vietnam United States Army
Pfc John Semko
WWII - Demolition Man 533 - POW United States Army
CPT Laura Sendacook
DDEAMC Nutrition Care Div. - Global War on Terrorism United States Army
Specialist Ryan Sikora
519th intel & electronic warfare bat;525th expeditionary brigade (CORPS) United States Army
Cpl Edward Skerbetz
WWII United States Army
SP4 Henry Granville Smith
Vietnam Era United States Army
Cpl Stanley A. Smith
27th Infantry, 25th Infantry Div. - WWII United States Army
SFC Thomas R. Smith
I Company 14th Infantry 25th Div. - Korean War United States Army
Spec 5 David K. Smith
Vietnam - 1st Cavalry United States Army
Cpl Tom Snead
28th Division - WWII - Battle of the Bulge United States Army
Sgt Phillip Soukup
Korea United States Army
SP4 Philip H. Spano
11th Airborne United States Army
Pfc Robert James Stich
Korea United States Army
SSgt Ronald 'Joe' Stilley
1st BN, B Co., 4th Infantry Division - K.I.A. March 2, 1968- Korean War United States Army
Sgt Philip J. Stipa
WWII - European/Pacific Theatres 3rd & 9th Armies - 1637th Eng United States Army
Spec4 Paul F. Susko
25th Infantry - Vietnam United States Army
PFC Walter Karl Swatko
503 Engine Company, 7th Army - Cuban Blockade United States Army
SP4 Thad A. Szwalek
Signal Corps - Vietnam Era United States Army
Sgt William H. Thomas, Sr.
82nd Airborne - Vietnam War United States Army
SPC James Underwood
Vietnam - 82nd Airborne Div United States Army
Pvt Eugene J. Urbanowicz
40th Infantry Division - Korean War United States Army
PFC Bruno L. Valdisera
42nd Infantry Division - WWII United States Army
Cpl Paul C. Valdiserri
Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Army
Sgt Paul A. Valdiserri
WWII - Army Tanker Division United States Army
Sgt Charles Waggett
28th Quartermaster Co. - WWII - ETO - POW United States Army
E4 Charles R Waggett
Militar Police Vietnam United States Army
Pfc Joseph E. Wagner
WWII - 533rd Motor Ambulance Co. United States Army
Sgt Raymond C. Walbert
WWII - Co. B 744th - Lt Tank BN United States Army
SPC4 Daniel R. Walbert
Vietnam - 162 Assault Heli Company United States Army
Cpl Francis Walbert
379th Infantry - Cannon Co. - WWII United States Army
Sgt Stanley J. Weaver
Vietnam - Co-C/229th AHB 1st Cal. Div. AM United States Army
Spec 5 Joseph Weiss
2nd Armored Division United States Army
SP/4 Kenneth Wetzel Sr.
21st Engineering Group United States Army
Sgt George Wielgoleski
WWII United States Army
Sgt Roger 'Snake' Williams
United States Army
Sgt Kenneth J. Williams
Vietnam Era United States Army
MSgt A.W. Wills
WWII United States Army
SSgt Stanley ''Butchie' Wills
Vietnam - Americal Division Hondorus - Task Force Bravo - Desert Storm Era United States Army
Sgt Charles 'Buzzy' Wilson
Vietnam Era United States Army
Sgt William G. Wilson
Vietnam Era - Korea United States Army
Sgt Robert Wisniski
WWII - Bomber Gunner United States Army Air Corp
T5 Harry D. Yacoboni
WWII - 800th Military Police United States Army
TSgt Frank E. Yelenchic
U.S. Army Signal Corps - WWII United States Army
Sergeant David Zabkar
Korean War United States Army
E4 Michael Zayac
92nd Engineer Battalion - Viietnam United States Army

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HTM Designs

OS1 Maurice C. Arnold Jr.
Vietnam - River Squadron 55 United States Navy
RM3C Chester Balistreri
Cuban Blockade United States Navy
ABH2 John Richard Bean
USS Franklin D. Roosevelt (CVA-42) United States Navy
SN Steven Bickar
Southwest Asia Persian Gulf 111 Fighter Squadron United States Navy
BM Craig M. Bihler
Naval Reserve Manpower Center - 911-Water Trans. Occup. United States Navy
PO3 Rudolph Boff
Vietnam - Sub Sq. 6 United States Navy
SK2 Robert J. Boff
Cuban Missile Crisis - Bay of Pigs United States Navy
SN Louis B. Boff
6th Fleet USS Mercury AK42 Lebanon Crisis United States Navy
MM3 Rudolph J. Boff Sr.
USS Ozbourn (DD-846) - Korean War United States Navy
SN3 John H. Boland
Ship Services - Vietnam Era United States Navy
SH Richard Paul Bottles
Korean War United States Navy
YN3c Charles W. Bower
WWII United States Navy
SN/1c James Breisinger
WWII - Philippine Liberation USS Canberra United States Navy
SN Joseph 'Joker' Bruce
WWII United States Navy
CDR Jon J. Brzek
USN Chaplain Corps (1993-2017) United States Navy
ETN2 David C. Carpenter
RC Division - USS Texas (CGN-39) 1973-1979 United States Navy
WT2c Anthony Chiocchio
World War II - USS Tuscaloosa (CA-37) United States Navy
MM3c Thomas A. Cingel
WWIII - U.S.S. Neshanic United States Navy
Boatswain 1/c Robert Cleary
WWII - South Pacific Desron 22 - Destroyer DD 569 United States Navy
SA Thomas Cummings
Vietnam United States Navy
Thomas J. Curry
Seabee - WWI - USS Leviathan United States Navy
BM 2c Paul Doots Danilo
WWII United States Navy
ETN2 James R. Danner
Vietnam - USS Robison (DDG 12) United States Navy
EM2c Nick Defalle
Engineering Division - WWII United States Navy
EM2 Domenic A. DiPilato
NR Surface Division 1-32(L) United States Navy
PO3c Abbey Duffy
Operation Enduring Freedom United States Navy
E2 Jack T. Duncan
Korean Conflict United States Navy
PO2/HM2 Kathryn Parris Finnern
United States Navy
Edward T. Fircak
USS Waldron (DD-699) - WWII United States Navy
SF3/C Charles J. Fircak
WWII - USS ARD Pacific Fleet United States Navy
PO3c John Foley
Vietnam United States Navy
PO3 Bruno Fontanesi Jr.
Vietnam - Mobile Riverine Force United States Navy
PO3 Bruno Fontanesi Sr.
WWII United States Navy
Radioman 2c Merle J. Frederick
5th Beach Battalion - USS Fayette (APA-43) - WWII - Asiatic-Pacific, Philippines United States Navy
PO3 Albert C. Gallagher
Engineering Submarine - Vietnam Era United States Navy
E-5 EM2 Frank W. Gibbons
Vietnam - USS Piedmont United States Navy
Andrew Guta
WWII United States Navy
PO2 Jon Heller
Desert Shield - Desert Storm United States Navy
FP1 Ellery H. Hubbard
USS Olmstead APA 188 United States Navy
AMCS(AW) Gerard ``Gerry`` Hungerman
Vietnam Desert Storm Eras 10/1970 - 1/1993 United States Navy
Coxswain (T) William H. 'Bill' Jones
Asiatic-Pacific Theater - WWII United States Navy
EA5 Charles J. Jordan
Vietnam - MCB-3 SeaBees United States Navy
Photmate 5c Barney R. Jordan
WWII United States Navy
SF2 George Elton Kirschman
Shipfitters 2nd Class Petty Officer WWII United States Navy
SK1 Benjamin Kowalsky
USS ARD-27 - WWII - Asiatic-Pacific Theater United States Navy
F1c Andy Kubis
United States Navy
LT William E. Linn
TBF Pilot VT-16 USS Lexington - WWII United States Navy
Master Chief Anthony David Lopez
Vietnam War United States Navy
SN/1c Robert J. Love
LST 1129 WWII United States Navy
Lt. Col. Charles R. Luke
United States Air Force Reserve United States Navy
SN Walter Mahoney
Ship Service - Vietnam War United States Navy
SN Walter Mahoney
Vietnam War United States Navy
F1c Stephen R. Markovich
USS ARD-16 - WWII United States Navy
Lt John Marshall
Vietnam United States Navy
SN/Pfc Joseph Massimino
United States Navy
S1c Roy A. Mattes
USS Wasp (CV-18) - World War II United States Navy
E3 Leonard G. McArdle
Vietnam United States Navy
CDR Roger A. McCormick
United States Navy
FM1c James Metz
USS Pittsburgh United States Navy
SN William Allen Molton
WWII United States Navy
Coxswain Robert W. Montooth, Jr.
USS McCaffery (DD/DDE-860) - Korea United States Navy
SN Ronald W. Neil
United States Navy
E4 William T. Oates
VW-4 Huricane Hunters United States Navy
ARM3 Walter P. Ozesky
WWII - KIA - Airship K14 United States Navy
CM2/c William (Bill) Parker
Battle of Peleliu - WWII - Seabees United States Navy
S3c Samuel Pasqualini
World War II - Pacific Theater United States Navy
Coxswain William 'Mitch' Petrosky
WWII United States Navy
MM3 David Glenn Phenicie
USS Essex (CVS-9) - Vietnam Era United States Navy
SN Thomas M. Purtell
United States Navy
MM3 Shannon Ritter
USS Enterprise, Reactor Mechanical Division, Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation Enduring Freedom, Global War on Terror United States Navy
Harry E. Roadway
WWII United States Navy
AE1:AW Thomas E. Roithner
Operation Iraqi / Enduring Freedom United States Navy
Petty Officer Andrew V. Roman
Company 050 - Vietnam United States Navy
SN/1c Edward J. Russell
WWII United States Navy
SN Paul R. Sanders
WWII United States Navy
GM3 Paul J. Sanders
Vietnam United States Navy
EN3 Raymond C. Sanders
Vietnam United States Navy
TM2c John Schmitt
WWII United States Navy
PO 1C Norman P. Schohn
Desert Storm / Iraqi Freedom United States Navy
SN/1c Howard James Sedan
WWII United States Navy
DC3 Michael J. Seybert
R Division - Persian Gulf United States Navy
PO2c Kenneth L. Smith
WWII - Pacific Campaign USS Yorktown United States Navy
SN G. Thomas Sonick
USS Allagash (AO-97) - World War II United States Navy
E5 John Larry Stubenraugh III
Operation Enduring Freedom United States Navy
E-6 Louis Joseph Toner
Medic - Vietnam United States Navy
YN Martin Toth
Mine Warfare - Cuban Conflict United States Navy
GM3c Lotus E. Ventura
WWII United States Navy
E5 Kevin D. Wanzie
Reactor Laboratory - Submarine Duty (2011-2017) United States Navy
PO1 Charles Wattik
LST Troop Landing - WWII - Pacific Theater United States Navy
V6 Howell G. Williams
WWII United States Navy
EM 2c Thomas Reece Williams
Korea United States Navy
Harold Zibrat
World War II United States Navy

Sgt Brian W. Allen
32nd MAU - MAG 26 - Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Sgt Gerald Anton
Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Sgt Lawrence P. Arrigo
MACS 7 - Vietnam United States Marine Corps
LCpl Kevin Berkeybile
Alpha Company United States Marine Corps
GySgt Louis Boff
HMLA-469 - OIF/OEF United States Marine Corps
SSgt John W. Brenchak
Korean War United States Marine Corps
Cpl Roy Bruno
WWII United States Marine Corps
Pfc John Busowski
United States Marine Corps
Cpl Colton John Carmen
1st BN 2nd Mar Div Alpha Co OEF United States Marine Corps
Pfc Liguori 'Buck' Conley
1st & 3rd Air Wing (MAG-32) - WWII United States Marine Corps
Cpl Chad Cooper
Operation Enduring Freedom. 2nd Recon Bn - Afghanistan United States Marine Corps
Eric Crofford
Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Pfc Edward Louis Drexler
WWII K.I.A. United States Marine Corps
Pfc John Elko
WWII Pacific Theater 22nd Marine Division United States Marine Corps
Sgt Franklin J. Enos
Vietnam - Kilo Co. 3rd Marine Div. United States Marine Corps
Cpl Arthur G. Green
Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Sgt Ross G. Guidotti
2nd Military Police Company - Desert Storm United States Marine Corps
1stSgt Tom Hamilton
United States Marine Corps
TSgt Charles A. Heisler
WWII United States Marine Corps
Cpl David J. Herforth
United States Marine Corps
CPL Edward H. Heyl
United States Marine Corps
Cpl Martin Hungerman
WWII United States Marine Corps
LCpl Richard P. Jakell
2nd DBN, 4th MAR 2nd Marine Division United States Marine Corps
Cpl George B. Kebles
Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Cpl Walter Klein
Korean War United States Marine Corps
Pfc Robert A. Mistick
2nd Marine Division - WWII United States Marine Corps
Sgt Joseph P. Montuoro, Jr.
1st Marine Division - Vietnam United States Marine Corps
James Olsen
1st Marine Aircraft Wing - Vietnam Era United States Marine Corps
Sgt Bernard T. Paiano
1st Marine Brigade United States Marine Corps
Cpl John Pelesky
WWII - Okinawa/Peleliu Battles. 1st Marine Division, 3rd Battalion United States Marine Corps
Cpl George Pelesky
Korean War United States Marine Corps
Cpl John F. Pennick
2nd Marine Division - Lebanon / Beirut United States Marine Corps
Sgt John 'Jack' Robbins
Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Lcpl Jesse L. Robbins
Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Marine Corps
Sgt Larry E. Sammel
3rd & 2nd Marine Div. - Vietnam United States Marine Corps
LCpl Norman P. Schohn
Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Cpl Frederick A. Serratore
2nd Maintenance Battalion United States Marine Corps
Sgt Robert M. Soldo
Korea United States Marine Corps
Sgt Paul Soukup
Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Pfc Raymond Spinneweber, Jr
World War II - 6th Division United States Marine Corps
Corporal Carlos Trinidad
4MARDIV 6th communications BN Global war on terrorism United States Marine Corps
LCpl Brandon Umenhofer
1st Battalion - 8th Marines United States Marine Corps
Pfc Charles Verno
WWII - Marine Air Squadron 11 United States Marine Corps
Sgt Robert M. Verno
WWII - 4th & 5th Marines United States Marine Corps
Cpl Charles Edward Vey, Jr.
Korea - 2nd Marine Div. 2nd Tank Bn United States Marine Corps
Sgt Raymond Wesling
3/25 Kilo Co - Iraq & Afghanistan - OIF OEF United States Marine Corps
Sgt Ronald Wayne Wilson
Vietnam - 3rd Marine Div United States Marine Corps
Sgt Joseph Yelochan, Jr.
Anti-Aircraft Artillery - WWII - South Pacific (1942-1945) United States Marine Corps

TSgt James Albright
Vietnam United States Air Force
A2C John `Jack` H. Atkinson
7272nd Air Base Wing - Cold War United States Air Force
SSgt Robert J. Bastianini
Korea United States Air Force
Sgt Drummond Beach
Vietnam War United States Air Force
Sgt Edward Bickar
Vietnam - 6091 Recon. Sqdn United States Air Force
TSgt George Bishoff
171 ARW - Desert Storm, Desert Shield, Afghanistan United States Air Force
CMSgt Robert H. Brodt
171st Air Refueling Wing United States Air Force
Maj Constance T. Carpenter
1155 TOS Squadron - McClellan AFB, CA United States Air Force
SSgt Henry Alan Cecere
Vietnam 438th Military Airlift Command United States Air Force
Sgt Thomas Cernetic
435th Tactical Fighter Squadron - Vietnam United States Air Force
TSgt Joseph Coleman
Co D, 561st Signal AW 12st AF WWII United States Air Force
Airman Matt Dees
United States Air Force
SrA Bill Dees
United States Air Force
MSgt - Retired Kenn Engelhardt
Operation Enduring Freedom United States Air Force
A1c Aaron J. Funaiock
81st Mission Support Group United States Air Force
TSgt Merritt M. Gill
Vietnam 463rd United States Air Force
Sgt Bruce T. Gordon
Vietnam - 483 Cobra SP OPS United States Air Force
E4 Jeffrey Michael Guerriero, Jr
911th Airlift Wing - GWOT United States Air Force
E-4 Ryan Herman
171st Squadron - Operation Enduring Freedom United States Air Force
A1c Sal La Barbera
Radar Operator - 3702nd Basic Military Training Squadron United States Air Force
SSgt William C. Logan
6520th Air Police Squadron United States Air Force
SSgt Dylan Magnotta
Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) United States Air Force
Major Calvin F. Marquis
Vietnam - 525th Fighter Interceptor Squadron/Intel United States Air Force
A2C Samuel Flick Marshall
United States Air Force
Captain Daniel J. McBride
Vietnam - S.A.C. - B-52 Pilot United States Air Force
Cpl Gabriel W. Paul
WWII - Guam, Saipan, Tinian Campaign United States Air Force
Sgt James S. Petersen
Strategic Air Command United States Air Force
A1c Howard Pope
Korea - England United States Air Force
SSGT John T. Roberts
Strategic Air Command - Vietnam United States Air Force
Sgt Gerald M. Saylor
354th Air Tranportable Hospital (ATH) - Bright Star - 1982 United States Air Force
MSgt Dominick Taboni
WWII United States Air Force
Sgt Gutrie Taboni
United States Air Force
A1c Dale A. Vogelsberger
50th Supply Squadron United States Air Force
SSgt James J. Wabby
China - Vietnam United States Air Force
A2c James A. Warden
Cuban Missile Crisis United States Air Force
Captain Wallace W. Warner
Pilot - Strategic Air Command (SAC) United States Air Force
AN Donald Richard Weingartner
HQ 504th Civil ENG GP (AAC) - Korean War United States Air Force
SSGT Joseph M. Zipfel
WWII - Air Transport Command United States Air Force

Sp4 Dave Buchewicz
28th Signal Corps United States National Guard
SMSgt Kathleen A. Laboon
171st Air Refueling Wing - Desert Shield/Desert Storm United States National Guard
MSgt Wayne L. Wilhelm
171st Air Refueling Wing, Cold War, Persian Gulf, GWOT Air National Guard

SN Roger Eyrolle
Vietnam United States Coast Guard
E2 William J. King Jr.
Cape May, NJ United States Coast Guard
SN John P. Lienert
Maritime Security Division United States Coast Guard
E 5 Edward T. Opferman
Vietnam War United States Coast Guard