Sergeant Vincent Abate
OIF 2/3 United States Army
E4 Samuel R. Abbott III
Vietnam 1970-71 United States Army
Specialist 3rd Class Ronald A. Adams
United States Army
TEC 5 Karl E. Albert
2 Bronze Stars, Europe African Middle Eastern Ribbon, Roma Arno Campaign, Naples Foggia Campaign United States Army
SP4 Thomas E. Albert
Vietnam War United States Army
SGT Richard Alexandroff
United States Army
Colonel Robert Anderson
PA Reserves- Civil War & Mexican-American War United States Army Reserve
TEC4 John J. Andreyo
WWII United States Army
E-5 John J. Asmonga
Vietnam Veteran United States Army
Sergeant David Asson
World War II United States Army
1st SGT James `Al` Baird
WWII Philippines 640th Tank Destroyer Bn United States Army
Cpl Lawrence Baker
United States Army Air Force
SSGT Clarence A Bandola
29th Division - WWII - Normandy D-Day United States Army
CPL Dick Baptie
Korean War United States Army
PFC Stephen J. Baran
World War II 1942-46 United States Army
SFC Paul W. Baran
WWII Pacific Theatre United States Army
Staff Sergeant James R. Barefoot
Vietnam War United States Army
CPL Joseph P. Barlas
Korea 101 Airborne United States Army
SSGT Lawrence F. Barr
WW II United States Army
Cpl Art M. Barrera
Korea United States Army
Cpl John E. Barron
Vietnam- Purple Heart, Bronze Star United States Army
PVT Ernest J. Bausch
United States Army Air Corps
CPT David Grant Beistel
Vietnam-Infantry Platoon Leader United States Army
Cpl John C. Belan
WWII United States Army
PFC George Berta
WW II Pacific Theatre United States Army
Corporal Michael A. Beseny
China and Panama United States Army
E-4 Sonny Bezak
Vietnam United States Army
SP5 Michael J. Bilcsik
United States Army
SP5 Michael J. Bilcsik
United States Army
Specialist 4th Class Joseph R. Bileck
United States Army
PFC Harold `Pete` Bissell
WWII - Korea United States Army
SP4 Keith Bissell
Desert Storm 72 Signal Bn United States Army
E-4 Howard Bittner
Vietnam War United States Army
E-4 Melinda Bittner Wilcox
475th Quartermaster-Operation Enduring Freedom United States Army
PFC Charles C. Black
WWII United States Army
SGT Stephen P. Black
Military Police United States Army
PFC Paul Blasko Jr.
United States Army
SSGT James Blocher
WWII United States Army Air Corps
CPL Ray Bodnar
Korean conflict/Operation Hailstorm United States Army
SP3 Donald F. Bodnar Sr.
United States Army
Private William Bohin
WWII-Normandy Invasion United States Army
Lt. Col Daniel E. Bohr
United States Army
PFC Edward G. Bohr
WWII - Germany United States Army
Sergeant Creola Bolden
United States Army
S/Sgt Creola Bolden
Korean War United States Army
Cpl Gustave Bonacorso
WWII United States Army
PFC Jack Bosko
Korean War United States Army
PFC Michael Boytim
United States Army
Pfc Donald R. Boytim
4th Armored Division- Germany United States Army
Ernest R. Brady
United States Army
LTC William W. Breen
Vietnam War United States Army
PFC Lester V. Brickner
WWII HQ Co. 359th United States Army
SGT Bernard George Brody
WW II Bronze Star 325th Airborne Okinawa United States Army
Surgical Tech Abraham S. Brown
United States Army Air Corps
Spec4 Jack Brown
4th Infantry Division - Vietnam War United States Army
PVT William Jennings Bryan
United States Army
SGT Daniel C. Bugel Sr.
WWII United States Army
Clarence Bunecicky
United States Army
SGT Herbert Burechson
World War II United States Army
E-6 Tammy L. Burwell
United States Army
SP4 George M. Butko
United States Army
Private First Class George Buzard
United States Army
Sergeant Edward Michael Buzinka
Airborne Division, Paratrooper - Korean War United States Army
PFC John `Jack` Byrnes
WWII 329th Infantry 83rd Div United States Army
PFC John `Scotty` Caldwell
WWII United States Army
William V. Campbell Jr.
United States Army
CPL William `Bill` Capp
WWII Normandy Campaign United States Army
CPL Mike Cavicchia
196 TC Truck Battalion United States Army
SP4 E4 Gregory Cavicchia
Military Police 571st MP Co. United States Army
PFC Michael J. Cerra
WWII 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment United States Army
PFC Bernard T. Cheslock
United States Army
Second Lieutenant Joseph J. Chiodo
WWII Normandy United States Army
Tech 3 John Paul Chir
United States Army
John G. Chontas
WWII United States Army
Pfc William A. Chontas
WWII United States Army
PVT Edward A. Chuba
Korean Conflict United States Army
Cpl Edward J. Chuha
WWII United States Army
SGT Michael A. Cibula
Gulf War - Desert Storm United States Army
Tech 5 William M. Clifford
WWII - Pacific Theater - India-Burma Campaign United States Army
PVT Archie Coles Sr.
WWII, 15th Infantry, Buffalo Soldiers, Italy Campaign United States Army
SP4 Edward P. Corbett
United States Army
E-3 Mark Cornyn
United States Army
Captain H. Edward Corwin
World War II United States Army
Sergeant Robert W. Cox
WWII Aerial Gunner United States Army Air Forces
SGT James W. Craven
World War II United States Army
Tech 5 Herbert W. Crawford
Tank Destroyer - WWII United States Army
SP4 John `Jack` Crawford
Military Police United States Army
SGT Francis (Dutch) Crawford
WWII Europe United States Army
Sergeant James Morris Crouch
WWI United States Army
PVT Albert Csider
Korean War - Army Engineers United States Army
1LT Lawrence A. Cullen
WW II United States Army Air Corps
Sergeant John J. Deak
Vietnam United States Army
SP4 Raymond Delgado
Vietnam United States Army
Tech 3 Chester K. Derby
WWII United States Army
SPC Ronald Deutsch
United States Army
CPL Robert T. Dietzen
United States Army
SGT Francis Albert DiLucia
WWII United States Army
Tec5 Ronald J. DiLucia Sr.
WWII Military Police United States Army
PFC Michael Dobo
United States Army
SSGT John Dobo Jr.
WWII Victory Ribbon, Am. Theatre Service Ribbon, Asiatic Pacific Theatre Service Ribbon United States Army
Staff Sergeant Thomas A. Donaldson
WWII United States Army Air Corps
Corporal John E. Donaldson
United States Army
Paul A. Dongilli
United States Army
CPL Robert S. Dospoy
World War II United States Army Air Force
Staff Sergeant Charles E. Douglass
United States Army
SP5 Mary C. Drane
Vietnam Era United States Army
SFC John R. Drane
Vietnam War United States Army
SP5 Robert L. Drane Jr.
United States Army
PVT Edward J. Drozd
WWII Battle of the Bulge EAME & American Campaign Medal United States Army
Corporal Francis R. Dudas
WWII Company B 40 Tank Bn United States Army
PFC Merle E. Dunmire
WWII -135th Infantry United States Army
SGT John Dzurikanin
WW II United States Army
PFC Walter V. Edmunds
WWII Victory Medal, Good Conduct Medal United States Army
PFC William `Jack` Edwards
WWII Heavy Machine Gunner United States Army
LTC James Edwards
United States Army
PFC John Joseph Ellis
United States Army
SP3 Andrew Scott Erskine Sr.
United States Army
PVT Edward Esper
WWII United States Army
PVT Joseph Esper
United States Army
PVT WAC Mary Esper
WWII United States Army
James Esper
United States Army
John Robert Esper
United States Army
Sergeant Edward J. Evancho
Korean War Era United States Army
William Daniel Evans
Korean War United States Army
Pvt William P. Exacustides
WWII United States Army
SGT Daniel Faiello
WWII Europe United States Army
Staff Sgt Anthony J. Falce
Medic United States Army
Private First Class Louis Falce
WWII United States Army
SGT Mark Fallon
CAJIT United States Army
SP5 Timothy J. Farley
Vietnam Era United States Army
Sergeant Joseph Fedor
Vietnam War- 9th Infantry Division United States Army
Pfc Paul J. Fedor
United States Army Air Corps
PFC Patrick J. Feeney
Company K, 3rd Battalion, 29th Infantry Regimental Combat Team - Korean War - MIA United States Army
SP5 Stephen Fenner
United States Army
SSGT Edward R. Ferchak
Korea United States Army
Specialist 5 John A. Ferron
United States Army
CPL Robert A. Fertelmes
Korean War Commendation Ribbon United States Army
Sgt James Pappy Findlay
WWII B17 Tail gunner- Heavy Bomber Group United States Army Air Corps
Sergeant Russ Firestone
United States Army
SGT Russell Fish
WWII United States Army
SFC Matthew A. Flaherty
10th Mountain Div. Operation Joint Endeavor/Operation Enduring Freedom United States Army Reserve
Sergeant Robert Fleming
Vietnam War 173rd Airborn United States Army
SSGT Rodger D. Ford
United States Army
Private Harold Foy
WWII United States Army
SP4 Barrett Franklin
Military Police - Vietnam Era United States Army
TEC4 Joseph R. Freda
World War II 1941-1945 United States Army
SGT John E. Fudalla
WWII United States Army
E4 Thomas W. Fullard
Vietnam United States Army
Tech 5 Steve `Pip` Gajdos
WWII Purple Heart United States Army
Sergeant William J. Gallagher
Korea United States Army
SGT John Gamble
Asiatic - Pacific Campaign - WWII United States Army
CPL William S. Gamrat
Korean War United States Army
Captain Carl J. Garbelotti
United States Army
Corporal Waldemar Garrison
United States Army
CSM Kevin P. Garvey
United States Army
PVT Clark Wray Gaut
WWI Headquarters Co. 21st Engineers United States Army
PFC John R. Gerek
WWII Bronze Star United States Army
CPL Pierino J. Giovannini
Korean Conflict United States Army
PVT Paul Glunt
Vietnam War United States Army
SP4 Walter `Gene` Grimm
Military Police United States Army
SGT James Grisante
Korean War United States Army
PFC Joseph Z. Grobelski
World War II United States Army
PVT Arthur E. Guerra
United States Army
Private First Class Richard Guidos
United States Army
Jeff Gula
United States Army
E-4 Henry Haddad
United States Army
SP4 David P. Hahner
United States Army
SP4 Charles J. Hahner Jr.
United States Army
SSGT Harry `Bill` Haney
WWII EAME Ribbon Air Medal United States Army
PFC William E. Hanlon
WWI 320th Motor Transit Corp United States Army
SGT George Hanus
United States Army
CPL Andrew `Andy` Harbodin
WWII United States Army
SSgt Eugene Hardy
WW II United States Army
SSGT Andy Harhai
WWII Pacific Theatre United States Army
PVT Marshall J. Hartsell
United States Army
SP5 Ray Henry
1969-1972 United States Army
PFC Darrell J. Hess
United States Army
PFC Albert Higham
United States Army
PFC Timothy Hill
United States Army
PFC William E. Hilla
WWII 17th Infantry 12th Armd Div. United States Army
CPL John C. Hirko
WWII United States Army
SP4 Denis M. Hirkulich
United States Army
Francis Hlasnick
101st Airborne United States Army
Pvt Frederick Hobbins
United States Army
CPL William W. Hogg
WWII BTRY B 145 FLD ARTY United States Army
PFC Frank E. Hogg
WWI 28th Infantry United States Army
SGT Charles `Bob` Hogg
Battle of the Bulge - WWII United States Army
SGT Russell Hogg
United States Army
T/Sgt Ray Hornak
WWII United States Army Air Force
CPL Harold Hough
WWII Co B. 301st Signal Operations Bn. United States Army
CPL John C. Hrabic
United States Army
PFC Andrew Hreha
Company B, 18th Engineers - WWII - Alcan Hwy, Alaska United States Army
PFC Michael Hrico
WWII - Battle of the Bulge United States Army
1st SGT George Hritz
4th Division 12th Infantry - WWII - Normandy United States Army
Staff Sergeant George Hritz
United States Army
Cpl Patrick J. `Red` Huber
WWII United States Army
SSGT Andrew Hudak
United States Army
SP5 Darryl W. Hunt
Vietnam Era United States Army
Major Shakir Thomas Ilyas M.D.
World War II United States Army Reserve
SGT David F. Inglis
WWII United States Army Air Corps
CPL Paul V. Isaacs
United States Army
PVT Franklin `Kink` Jackson
United States Army
PVT John W. Jakopac
WWII-Battle of the Bulge United States Army
PFC Frank Jakubcak
United States Army
Sergeant John J. `Cup` Jenkins
WWI Meuse-Argonne United States Army
CPL Richard Jennings
Korean War United States Army
SSGT Raymond Jones
United States Army Air Force
Pvt Harry Kainaroi
WWII Purple Heart United States Army
CPL William A. Kalla
WWII United States Army
SP4 John E. Kallay
Berlin Crisis 1960-62 United States Army
E6 John W. Kapp
United States Army
Private First Class Norman Kasko
United States Army
PFC Regis S. Kasprzak
WWII United States Army
PFC Robert F. Kearns
Vietnam War United States Army
SGT John D. Keeler
WWII - European Theater United States Army
CPL Henry J. Keesecker
WWII United States Army
PFC Paul E. Kelley
WWII United States Army
CWO Lawrence L. Kelly
United States Army
PFC Eugene Khorey
WW II Bronze Star United States Army
SGT Russell M. Kight
WWII United States Army
PFC Henry A. King
WWII United States Army
SP5 James P. King
Vietnam War - 9th Division Artillery (1965-1967) United States Army
Sergeant William J. King
Military Police United States Army
PFC John Steven Klimenko
WWII Occupation Medal Victory Medal United States Army
SP4 James Kline
Vietnam United States Army
SSGT Stanley J. Klocek
United States Army
PVT Sylvester A. Knapp
United States Army
PVT Harry A. Knipp
Korean War 82nd Airborne United States Army
CPL Edward Koehler
Korean War United States Army
PFC Robert Kondas
United States Army
PFC Raymond R. Kondas
United States Army
PFC Julius L. Kondis
WWII - POW United States Army
Corporal Walter G. Konish
Signal Corps - World War II United States Army
SSGT William Kontra
World War II - B-17Armorer Gunner United States Army Air Corps
SGT Robert J. Kosko
WWII 339 Engineers Leyte Gulf United States Army
SGT William F. Kostkas Jr.
United States Army
PFC John Kostrub
WWII MP-61st Military Police Co. United States Army
1LT Harry P. Koury
WW II United States Army
SGT Christ Koutsavlis
United States Army
Private First Class John Kovacs
World War II United States Army
Edward August Kraft
World War I United States Army
TEC4 Andrew W. Kraft Sr.
WWII United States Army
Steven J. Krivijanski
United States Army
SSGT Eugene Kubancsek
WWII, USAAC, 440th Troop Carrier Group United States Army
1LT Daniel T. Kubasak
WWII Purple Heart-Silver Star /// Korea- Bronze Star United States Army
Cpl David S. Kubick
WWII United States Army
SSGT John Kuklinca
World War II United States Army
Sergeant Stephen Kura
WWII United States Army
PFC Tony LaFrance
Korean War United States Army
Corporal Joseph A. Lapinski
88th Military Police Co, Korean Conflict United States Army
SGT Edward Lapko
United States Army
SP5 David R. Laughlin
United States Army
Sergeant Daniel Laughran
United States Army
Helen L. Laughran
WWII United States Army
PFC William `Skeets` Lawson
WWII Europe United States Army
SP4 Thomas D. Lee
United States Army
CPL Lawrence J. Leskanic
United States Army
E-4 Lawrence Leskanic
United States Army
1LT Joseph Lesko
963rd Field Artillery Bn - WWII United States Army
1SGT David L. Lesser
Gulf War 82nd Airborne Bronze Star United States Army
CPL Paul `Buddy` Lesser
Korean War United States Army
PVT Bernard H. Lininger
WWII United States Army
SSGT William Linsenbigler
WWII United States Army Air Corps
SP5 John T. Listak
United States Army
CPL Joseph M. Lizik
WWII - European and S. Pacific Theatres United States Army Air Corps
CPL Richard E. Lloyd
United States Army
Private First Class Albert D. Loposky
Korean War United States Army
Private First Class Warren Loy
WWII-Okinawa United States Army Air Forces
PVT Charles Lucas
United States Army
Stanley C. Lucas
WWI (see notes) United States Army
SSGT John F. Lukowski
D-Day Omaha Beach 121st Combat Eng.- WWII United States Army
Corporal Raymond R. Luptak
WWII United States Army
PFC Edward Andrew Lutheran
9th Infantry 2nd Division - Korea United States Army
Sergeant George MacBeth
Gulf War United States Army
SGT Richard P. Mader
Korea Purple Heart United States Army
Corporal Edward A. Manfredi
Korean War United States Army
SGT Eugene Mannella
United States Army
PFC Marcelino L. Manso
United States Army
SGT Howard J. Maresch
Korean War United States Army
CPL Nick Markoff
WWII - 33rd Field Artillery Brigade United States Army
Sergeant James L. Marone
United States Army
SGT James K. Martin
United States Army
PFC Francis G. Martin
United States Army
Michael Matik
United States Army
PVT Joseph Matta
United States Army
PVT Edward Matthews
WWII United States Army
Albert Mattis
World War II United States Army
CPL John B. Mayor
United States Army
Private Wilbur `Don` McAuley
United States Army
Corporal Frank McCann
Korea United States Army
PFC Regis A. McClosky
Korean War United States Army
1st Lt Alan J. McElhinny
United States Army
Sergeant Moe McFarland
United States Army
SGT Joseph E. McKinney
WWII United States Army
SP4 Ronald R. McMullen
Vietnam War United States Army
SSGT Donald G. McQuade
WWII POW United States Army Air Corps
SGT George `Mickey` McShane
WWII B-25 Tailgunner United States Army Air Force
SP4 Hugh McShane
Cuban Missile Crisis United States Army
Staff Sergeant James A. Mehaffey
United States Army
PFC Tay Meister
54 Engineer Combat Bn. United States Army
Anthony A. Mele
United States Army
SP4 Guy A. Melocchi
United States Army
PFC John `Bo` Merichko
Vietnam United States Army
TEC-5 John L. Merichko
WWII - Purple Heart 5 Bronze Stars Bronze Arrow United States Army
Corporal Francis Milko
WW II Battle of the Bulge 17th Airborne Div. United States Army
SSGT Norman E. Miller
Korean War United States Army
Private Paul A. Mitrick
WWII-Pacific Theater United States Army
Pvt John Molinda
50th Signal Bn, 16th Corps - Korean War - 1951-53 United States Army
Dr. Fergus T. Monahan
US Navy/ Retired US Army United States Army
TEC 5 William J. Monahan
WWII 127th Infantry Co K Purple Heart United States Army
SGT Thomas C. Morrison
WWII KIA Purple Heart United States Army Air Force
CAPT Wiliam R. Mortimer
Dental Corps United States Army
PFC Frank Mosallem
WWII United States Army
MSGT Michael Mulheran
7th Army - WWII - ETO United States Army
SSGT Joseph Mulhern
WWII, D-Day Normandy United States Army
PFC Robert Mulligan
WWII United States Army
Cpl Francis Mulligan
WWII United States Army Air Corps
1LT Mary `Mame` Murphy
WWII Army Nurse United States Army
MSGT William J. Murphy
WWII Korea United States Army
Sgt John T. Murray
Vietnam War United States Army
Pfc Thomas `Tucker` Muse
United States Army
SPC Rami Nassar
Desert Storm United States Army
Private First Class Earl P. Nau
World War II United States Army
Private First Class James M. Nemeth
WWII United States Army
PVT Robert A. Novak
United States Army
Private First Class Michael L. Novotny
WWII United States Army
James O`Hare
Vietnam United States Army
SP4 Robert O`Leary
United States Army
Captain Bill O`Rourke
Transportation Corps United States Army
SP5 William A. Olack
Vietnam United States Army
CPL Russ Orr
Desert Storm-Communications United States Army
1LT Gene Paterlini
D-Day - Normandy - WWII United States Army Air Corps
1st SGT John Patsko
WWII 5th Army Italy United States Army
Cpl Elmer Pavasko
United States Army
SFC Barry Pavasko
82nd Airborne Division United States Army
SP4 Michael P. Pavasko
United States Army
SGT Larry `Elvis` Pavasko
Drill Instructor United States Army
PVT John H. Pearson Jr.
United States Army
1LT William R. Pelger
WWII B-17 Pilot United States Army Air Corps
SGT Frank A. Perlaky
United States Army
Pvt Francis J. (Pete) Peterson
Korean War United States Army
SP4 Ronald B. Phares
Vietnam VSM VSC United States Army
SP4 Charles Phares
United States Army
SP4 Dennis Guy Phares
National Defense Service Medal United States Army
E4 Carl G. Phares
United States Army
MSGT Leonard L. Pherigo
Korea Bronze Star United States Army
Cpl Mike Phillip
Korean War United States Army Airborne
SGT Martha Vandergraft Pickard
United States Army
Staff Sgt Joseph S. Pilot
United States Army
SP4 Gus Piskor
United States Army
Sergeant Emil Piskor
Vietnam United States Army
SGT Paul `Pat` Pohuly
Vietnam Era United States Army
SGT Paul Pohuly
Korean War United States Army
PFC Anthony `Soupy` Pokrifka
Korean War United States Army
Specialist Luke John Pollack
Iraq United States Army
Private D. Curtis Porter
United States Army
Richard G. Portis
United States Army
CPL Stephen W. Povazan
United States Army
PFC Joseph A. Prascak
WW II United States Army Air Force
M/SGT Michael E. Price
WWII United States Army
S/SGT William H. `Bill` Price
WWII United States Army
Pfc Joseph A. Prokopovitsh
WWI United States Army
PFC Frank S. Puchalski
World War II Purple Heart United States Army
E-4 Anthony Pusatere
Vietnam United States Army
1LT Christopher Retsch
United States Army
PFC Ronald Retsch
United States Army
E-4 Thomas J. Rettger
United States Army
SP3 George E. Revak Jr.
Korean War United States Army
T/Sgt Edward A. Rock
World War II China-Burma-India United States Army
Cpl Vincent P. Rodgers
United States Army
PFC John Rogy Jr.
WWII 301st Signal Corps, Co. B United States Army
CPL Paul P. Rojtas
Korean War United States Army
SGT Edward W. Rottman
WWII Purple Heart, Bronze Star, Combat Infantry Badge United States Army
SP4 Donald W. Rottman
Vietnam War Combat Infantry Badge United States Army
SP5 Bernard J. Rousher Jr.
Berlin-Cold War United States Army
Peter Rowkosky
WWI United States Army
CPL Alexander Rozgonyi
United States Army
SSGT Louis W. Rozgonyi
United States Army
SFC Francis T. Rozgonyi
Iraqi Freedom (2004-05) United States Army
Staff Sergeant Joseph Rusnak
United States Army
Cpl James A. Ryan Jr.
United States Army
PFC Russell L. Sadler
United States Army
Spec 4 Edward W. Sage
Vietnam War United States Army
Corporal Steve John (Pip) Salay
WWII Occupation-Germany United States Army
Tec4 Edward P. Salley
United States Army
PFC Stanley S. Sams
WWII - Battle of the Bulge United States Army
PFC Dominic F. Sargo
United States Army
SP4 Raymond and Rita Saunders
Vietnam United States Army
Staff Sergeant Peter Savolskis
United States Army
PFC Joe Sawl
Korea United States Army
SGT Albert Schamus
WWII Military Police United States Army Air Force
T/5 Philip J. Schavone
328th Infantry Reg. - WWII - Battle of the Bulge United States Army
SP4 Louis W. Schempp
Vietnam War United States Army
SGT Karl W. Schlaich
Korean War United States Army
Sergeant Michael J. Schloer
284th Engineer Combat Battalion United States Army
CPL Henry (Heinz) Schneider
United States Army
MSGT Paul `Bud` Schuster
759th Military Police Battalion United States Army
SGT Thomas Richard Schwab
WWII South Pacific Occupied Japan Bronze Star United States Army
Corporal Charles R. Seckel
Medic United States Army
CPL Eugene Senich
United States Army
CPL James J. Senich
Korean War Purple Heart United States Army
SGT Joseph W. Severa
WWII United States Army
PVT Wayne A. Shacklock
Vietnam War United States Army
Cpl Milan Shimrock
United States Army
Specialist 4 Frederick P. Shirokey
Vietnam Era- 41st Transportation Co. United States Army
T/Sgt Vincent G. Shumber
WWII United States Army
Charles `Skip` Siegworth
United States Army
SGT Milton A. Siesky
593rd JASCO - WWII United States Army
CPL Robert Sikora
Korean War United States Army
Corporal John R. Simko
Korean War - 84th Div. AAA Armored United States Army
SGM Freddie Siyufy
OIF/OEF Veteran Bronze Star United States Army
PVT Robert `Bob` Skyrmes
United States Army
SGT William `Bill` Skyrmes
WWII Purple Heart United States Army
SFC John Slaby
World War II United States Army Air Corps
PFC Thomas R. Slater
United States Army
PFC Melvin L. Slater
United States Army
Pfc Theodore `Teddy` Small
Vietnam- 82nd Airbourne United States Army
Major Charles T. Smith
Airborne Ranger, Legion of Merit Medal United States Army
SP4 Robert J. Smith
Vietnam War United States Army
Sergeant Andrew Richard Sninsky
United States Army
Corporal Donald Richard Sninsky
United States Army
2LT Edward Raymond Sninsky
United States Army
Corporal James Albert Sninsky
United States Army
Corporal John George Sninsky
United States Army
SSGT Michael Solomon
WWII United States Army Air Corps
Captain Andrew Somiak
Engineers - WWII United States Army
Captain Nancy Somiak
US Army Nurse Corps - WWII United States Army
PFC Michael J. Sotak
WWII Bronze Star United States Army
Corporal Walter Speicher
United States Army
SGT Joe Spellman
United States Army
SGT John R. Spelman
WWII 5 Bronze Stars United States Army
1LT Charles C. Sprumont
United States Army
PFC Joseph A. Squires
Korean War Army Engineers United States Army
SGT Joseph R. Stafura
WWII 15th Army Air Force 5 Bronze Stars, 1 Silver Star, Battle Cluster United States Army Air Force
SP4 Charles R. Stahl
Korean War Military Police United States Army
Private William Stasko
United States Army
Sergeant Bob Stasko
World War II & Korean War United States Army
Private Ed Stasko
Tank Division - World War II - European Theater United States Army
SP5 Joseph D. Stecik
Vietnam War Era United States Army
Jack Steiner
WWII United States Army
SGT Andrew Stupar
United States Army
CPL James Stupar
218th Anti-Aircraft Artillery United States Army
William `Bibsy` Sullivan
Korean War United States Army
Private First Class Francis W. Sullivan
Vietnam War United States Army
T5 William V. Tatrai
WWII 504th Gun Bn Philippines-Okinawa United States Army
CPL Thomas T. Tiboni
Vietnam United States Army
CPL Fred Tiboni Sr.
World War II United States Army
Mike Tirpak
United States Army
PVT Elmer W. Toth
WWII United States Army Air Corps
Private First Class Michael John Totin
WWII United States Army
Tech 5 George T. Tracy
WWII 291st Infantry 75th Division United States Army
Staff Sergeant Eugene Tutko
United States Army
SGT Richard Tuttle
Korean War United States Army
PVT Jack R. Ulrich
United States Army
PFC Regis N. Urban
United States Army
CPL Anthony J. Urban Jr.
WWII Battle of the Bulge - POW United States Army
SP4 Rudolph Valiska Jr.
Vietnam Era United States Army
PFC Robert E. Valocik
WWII United States Army
SP5 David Vandergraft
United States Army
CPL Joseph L. Vavrek
Korean War United States Army
Corporal Cyril E. Vavrek
Korea United States Army Air Corps
Corporal George J. Vereb
World War II 1941-1945 United States Army
Sergeant Eugene J. Vereb
United States Army
2nd Lt Joseph R. Veslany
World War II United States Army Air Forces
PFC Edward Vinay
United States Army
Master Sgt. John R. Vojtko
WWII United States Army
SPC Adam Votedian
United States Army
SP4 Andrew M. Votedian
United States Army
SP4 Richard Votedian
United States Army
SGT Albert Walter
United States Army
SP4 Mark A. Wasik
Vietnam 1967-1968 25th Infantry Div/ Cu Chi Vietnam United States Army
CPL Ronald G. Watkins
United States Army
TEC 5 Roy O. Weckerle
WWII Normandy, Northern France United States Army
SP4 James Weckerle
Military Police United States Army
SP4 Roy Weckerle
United States Army Reserve
SFC Craig Westbrooks
Desert Storm United States Army
Cpl Lawrence Wiesen
United States Army
Specialist 4 Embry Williams
Corps of Engineers United States Army
Sergeant Charles H. Williams
11th & 82nd Airborne Division 1953-1956 United States Army
Corporal Leo A. Wingerson
United States Army
SGT Eugene Wintner
WWII United States Army
Pvt Norman R. Wise
United States Army
Pfc Earle V. Wittpenn
WWII - 82nd Airborne United States Army
PVT Henry A. Wittress
Ft. Leonard Wood Btry E-119FA United States Army
PFC Henry M. Wittress
WWII Korea Infantry United States Army
PFC Henry M. Wittress
WWII Korea Infantry United States Army
CPL James W. Wriede
United States Army
TSGT Edward J. Yarkovsky
World War II United States Army Air Forces
SP4 David Younkins
United States Army
PFC Albert Zabik
United States Army
Private First Class Vincent Zacchero
World War II United States Army
Colonel Michael J. Zagnacky
United States Army
PFC Mal Zakis
Korean War CIB Presidential Citation United States Army
SPC William E. Zapf
Operation Iraqi Freedom 101st Airborne United States Army
SP4 William Zilionis
United States Army
Specialist 4 Dennis Zuger
United States Army
Joseph J. Zupancic
United States Army

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who are or have served this country through our banner program.
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HTM Designs

MS3 Jeffrey B. Allen
United States Navy
S2 James Paul Ballog
WWII USS Birmingham/USS Vincennes United States Navy
Petty Officer 3rd Class Richard A. Ballog
United States Navy
A02 Gary T. Barlas
VF-14 Tophatters United States Navy
ASM-3 Robert J. Barlas
USS Eisenhower (CVN-69) United States Navy
BM2C Ray Barna
WWII United States Navy
MM1-SS Steven E. Beiter
USS Tucson (SSN770) USS Newport News (SSN750) United States Navy
Carpenters Mate W.J. `Buddy` Bennett
USS Lamons (DE-743) - World War II - 9 Battle Stars - Pacific United States Navy
YN3 P. `Spike` Bennett
Cold War United States Navy
BM3 Donald A. Berger
United States Navy
Seaman First Class Francis R. Bezak
United States Navy
Ray Blasko
United States Navy
SN Robert Blasko
United States Navy
SN Keith Blasko
United States Navy
PO2 Kirk Blasko
United States Navy
SO3 Louis `Lou` Blattner
WWII - Pacific Theatre United States Navy
GM2 Tom Bodnar
WWII - Philippine Liberation - Asiatic-Pacific United States Navy
Frank R. Bogus
United States Navy
SK3 Tim Boyle
Vietnam Era USS William M. Wood (DD-715) United States Navy
AN Eugene E. `Gene` Boytim Sr.
Korea United States Navy
S1c Thomas Breznai Sr.
WWII United States Navy
William Bryan
United States Navy
DC3 Paul Butler
United States Navy
CDR James J. Campbell
Vietnam VF-11 Top Gun United States Navy
SN William V. Campbell
WWI United States Navy
Raymond A. Casper
United States Navy
S1c William Casper
WWII - American Theater United States Navy
Seaman Carmine Caveeck
WWII - USS St. Louis United States Navy
ME2 Michael J. Cerda
Korean War United States Navy
George Ceyba
SEABEE United States Navy
Radioman 3rd Class Andrew `Andy` Cherevka
World War II United States Navy
S1C George Cibulka
United States Navy
HA1C John B. Clifford
Pelelue, Okinawa, 1st Marine Div. United States Navy
YN3 William S. Coles
Korean War United States Navy
Chief Personnel Man Lawrence M. Conard
WWII/Korea Aleutian Islands United States Navy
WT3 Joseph M. Connors
WWII - Asiatic-Pacific Theater United States Navy
BM3 William H. Cook
United States Navy
ST Patrick `Abit` Costello
United States Navy
GM1c Jack E. `Red` Cotter
USS Saufley (DD-465) - WWII United States Navy
S1c D. Craig Craddock
WWII United States Navy
S1c Charles `Chick` Davies
United States Navy
Roy T. Davis
WWII United States Navy
Seaman First Class Vernon DeMillion
WWII-Battle of Leyte Gulf United States Navy
SK-2 Charles Dennis
United States Navy
Yeoman Edward P. Didzunas Sr.
United States Navy
S1c James E. DiLucia
WWII United States Navy
Coxswain Vincent S. Dimsa
WWII United States Navy
S1c John J. Dindak
WWII - Korea United States Navy
S1C Robert L. Drane
WW II Pacific Theatre United States Navy
SM3c Al Dzuka
Korea United States Navy
S1c John `Pete` Dzurilla
United States Navy
MM1 Frank G. Ehrin
WWII United States Navy
MOMM3 Donald G. Ellenberger
WW II Philippine Liberation Medal / Asiatic Pacific Campaign Medal United States Navy
S1c Albert `Kandy` Esper
WWII United States Navy
S1c Michael Esper
WWII United States Navy
S1c Joseph Falce
WWII - USS Eldorado United States Navy
QMQSN William J. Fallon
Korean War United States Navy
MM1 Joseph L. Fernandez
United States Navy
James Fidler
United States Navy
S1c Charles Joseph Fleming
Korean War United States Navy
Airman Norman L. Floyd
Vietnam USS Roosevelt Bronze Star United States Navy
Signalman 3/C William W. Fowler
USS Spiegel Grove LSD-32 Lebanon Conflict United States Navy
Petty Officer 3rd Class Raymond George Gamrat
United States Navy
Corpsmen Robert W. Garrison
Vietnam War United States Navy
S1c Louis A. Gilgovan
World War II United States Navy
William C. Glenn
United States Navy
William S. Glenn
United States Navy
Coxswain Michael Goda
WW II United States Navy
MM3C Edward C. Godec
WWII Pacific Theatre United States Navy
PhM2c George Irvin Green
WWII United States Navy
Henry Haddad
WWII United States Navy
Seaman 1st Class Charles J. Hahner
United States Navy
S1c Edward J. Haley Sr
WWII United States Navy
S2c Clarence `Honey` Harris
14th ND Group - WWII - Asiatic-Pacific United States Navy
Seaman 2nd Class John Hashtak
World War II United States Navy
William C. Hess
United States Navy
Charles Hinkle
United States Navy
MM3 Elmer Hofmeister
USS Forrestal United States Navy
CPO Michael P. Horvat
WWII United States Navy
SC2 Andrew `Mex` Hrico
United States Navy
CPO Michael Hruska
WWII United States Navy
QM2 Alex `Tush` Inglis
WWII United States Navy
PO3 Frank J. Jasko
United States Navy
Keith `Pete` Johnston
United States Navy
SP1 Millard F. Jones Jr.
WWII Korean War United States Navy
Petty Officer Michele R. Jugan
United States Navy
GSMS Delbert C. Keener
Vietnam Era United States Navy
PO2c Daniel James Kelly
United States Navy
S1c Edward Khorey
WW II - USS Harcourt - 1944-45 United States Navy
Marty Kingwell
World War II South Pacific United States Navy
BM Sam Koutsavlis
USS Waldron (DD-699) United States Navy
AB2 Bernard A. Koval
United States Navy
Levine Barrett Kraft
World War I United States Navy
Edward A. Kraft Jr.
WWII United States Navy
LT Michael Krak, M.D.
United States Navy
Michael Kranack
Korea United States Navy
MM3 Albert N. Krehely
WWII Victory Medal United States Navy
Lawrence Kudis
United States Navy
LT (JG) Mike Kundravi
United States Navy
F1 William P. Kusek
United States Navy
CWO4 John D. Lacko
Cuban Missle Crisis/Vietnam/Submarine Service United States Navy
BMSN Daniel J. Lally
Vietnam War Era United States Navy
Commander Scott P. Lawry
United States Navy
RM1 Lee Leech
World War II, Korea United States Navy
FC3C John S. Listak
World War II United States Navy
Seaman 1st Class John H. Little
World War II United States Navy
Airman Richard Lloyd
Plane Captain United States Navy
LT Milton A. Lucas
see notes United States Navy
William Macosky
United States Navy
Seaman 1st Class Luke F. Madden
WWII Pacific Theatre Ribbon (2 Stars), Philippine Liberation Ribbon, USS LST 571, USS LSM 99 United States Navy
CHSCLK Mike Majsak
WWII United States Navy
Captain Nicholas Markoff
F8 Crusader Carrier Jet Pilot United States Navy
BM Kenneth B. Marsh
WWII United States Navy
MCPO Lynn Martin
United States Navy
Seaman 1st Class Bernard Walter Martin
WWII-Pacific Theater United States Navy
QM2/C Stephen Maszle
WWII United States Navy
LT Thomas Joseph McAteer
Vietnam War - USS Kearsarge United States Navy
E-3 Thomas `Mac` McCarthy
USS Forrestal CVA-59 United States Navy
BM1 Edward `Mac` McKinney
South Pacific 7th Fleet Pearl Harbor United States Navy
PO3 Roger Meehan
Korean War United States Navy
AMMP2 Joseph M. Mercuri
WWII United States Navy
YN3 Mike Mihalchik
WWII United States Navy
S2 Stephen Mitro
Korean War Seabees United States Navy
Michael Mitro
Korean War United States Navy
George Molinda
Aircraft Mechanic Naval Air Weapons Station 1946-48 United States Navy
Thomas Monahan
Vietnam Era United States Navy
SN Donald `Red` Monroe
United States Navy
MM1c Howard T. Moore
WWII United States Navy
IT2 Jason Moss
United States Navy
Honor Guard David Mrazik
United States Navy
Specialist X John Mrazik
WWII United States Navy
Gunner John V. Mrazik
United States Navy
LTJG Robert G. Murdock
WWII Pacific Theatre U.S.S. Nestor United States Navy
QM3 George W. Myford
WW II Torpedo Survivor United States Navy
PO Donald Nemchick
USS Constellation - Vietnam United States Navy
RDM3c George J. Nestler
United States Navy
QMQ2 Bob Noroski
United States Navy
SF3 Edward O`Hara
WWII United States Navy
CWO4 Jack O`Leary
1964-1994 United States Navy
S1c Bill O`Rourke
World War II United States Navy
SN Marty O`Toole
Korean War United States Navy
S1c Mike O`Toole
WWII - Pacific Theatre United States Navy
WT2 John `Beef` O`Toole
USS New Jersey United States Navy
SC2 John J. O`Toole
World War II - Asiatic-Pacific Theater United States Navy
Machinist Mate 2c Thomas `Timmy` O`Toole
United States Navy
EM2c William `Spanky` O`Toole
United States Navy
E-5 Emory Papuga
USS James K. Polk United States Navy
Seaman Don `Flash` Pastirik
Cuban Crisis United States Navy
YC Demeter Patsko
WWII USS Puffer United States Navy
SA Anthony Peneff
United States Navy
ENS Ernest J. Pido
United States Navy
MM3 Ernest M. Pido
United States Navy
Seaman Edward R. Piskor
United States Navy
Walter Pitchford
WWII United States Navy
PO3 Robert Portillo
United States Navy
CPO James E. `Mort` Price
WWII United States Navy
Seaman 1c William (Bill) Price
United States Navy
Seaman John W. Race
WWII United States Navy
S1c William H. Rager
WWII United States Navy
AMH3 Terry Rannigan
United States Navy
HM3 Georgeann Reid
Hospital Corpman Navy Reserves United States Navy
Donald W. Rettger
WWII United States Navy
SH3 Harry L. Ridgway
United States Navy
Tom `Robby` Robson
WWII Pacific Theatre U.S.S. Nestor United States Navy
AMM3 Bernard J. Rousher Sr.
USS Ticonderoga - WWII - Pacific Theatre United States Navy
CMM William `Bill` Rushe II
United States Navy
MM3 Robert M. Safko
1948-52 United States Navy
SF2/C Michael Sako
WW II Victory Medal, WW II American Campaign Medal, Philippine Liberation Medal with 2 stars United States Navy
Airman Ray Salvo
United States Navy
Joseph W. Sams
WWII United States Navy
S1c Angelo R. Sarraino Jr.
Korean War United States Navy
HA1c Albert J. Savolskis
WW II United States Navy
S3c Edward C. Savolskis
United States Navy
AW2 Robert P. Saylor
United States Navy
S1c John Schrading
WWII - South Pacific United States Navy
Donald D. Scotillo
United States Navy
James Sherlock
United States Navy
S1c Thomas F. Shields Jr.
United States Navy
AE3 John J. Shupik
United States Navy
Hospital Corpsman Howard J. Skelton
United States Navy
FP2 Frederick Smith
United States Navy
Boatswains Mate William Joseph Smith
WWII USS Charles Carroll United States Navy
Seaman 2nd Class George Sninsky
United States Navy
Yeoman 2nd Class Frank G. Snyder
WWII (Asian-Pacific Campaign) United States Navy
Stan Sobocinski
World War II United States Navy
Joseph Stackawitz, Sr.
World War II United States Navy
RM2 Gabriel Stafura
United States Navy
S1c Thomas R. Steiner
WWII United States Navy
S1c Chuck Stoebe Sr.
WWII United States Navy
Albert Paul Stricko
WWII-Pacific Theater 1942-45 United States Navy
S2 Albert E. Stuart
United States Navy
YEO3 Charles Sullivan
WWII USS Buck United States Navy
Seaman John M. Swiatek
World War II United States Navy
PO2 Tim Tichon
United States Navy
FN1 James J. Tomsula
WWII 1943-1945 United States Navy
PO1 Robert L. Toner
WWII Submariner-Pacific Theatre United States Navy
Ronald Roy Trbovich
National Defense Service Medal United States Navy
GM2 James M. Ujevich
Lebanon/Beirut Conflict United States Navy
ETR2 Michael J. Vehec
United States Navy
SF3 Paul G. Vereb
United States Navy
AE3 Ronald J. Vereb
United States Navy
PO1 Henry & Steve Vinay
United States Navy
SK2 Bill `Baldy` Voit
United States Navy
Gunners Mate Albert Walnick
United States Navy
EM3 Jack Walters
United States Navy
RM3 David Wantuck
United States Navy
GM2 Warren `Butch` Wehrer
World War II United States Navy
S1c Russell D. Wehrer
WWII United States Navy
PO1 Wayne G. Wehrer
Vietnam War United States Navy
SM2c Paul H. Weir
United States Navy
E3 Regis Raymond Williams
USS Henley (DD-391) USS Dupont (DD-941) United States Navy
Coxswain Robert A. Woolley
United States Navy
Joseph J. Yano
Korean War United States Navy
PO3 Edward J. Yarkovsky
Vietnam War United States Navy
GM3c Bernard J. Zambron
WWII United States Navy
PO3 Thomas J. Zivic Sr.
Seabee - WWII United States Navy

Corporal Bruce A. Bartko
United States Marine Corps
PFC William H. Beatty
WWII United States Marine Corps
CWO5 (Ret.) Kate (Pido) Beauchamp
OP DS/DS (1991) OIF-Iraq (2006-07) United States Marine Corps
LCpl Breanna J. Behrle
United States Marine Corps
CPL John F. Behun
WWII Pacific Theatre United States Marine Corps
Pfc Kenneth M. Belcher
United States Marine Corps
Cpl Wade R. Bennett
United States Marine Corps
LCPL Donald E. Beseny
Bay of Pigs United States Marine Corps
Cpl Drew Blasko
United States Marine Corps
CPL Francis `Butch` Boross
United States Marine Corps
SGT George Bradley
WWII - Pacific Islands, Saipan & Tinian, Iwo Jima Korean War - Chosin Resevoir United States Marine Corps
Robert Paul Brady
United States Marine Corps
PFC Richard `Foo` Brennan
United States Marine Corps
CPL Dick Capp
United States Marine Corps
Sergeant Daniel E. Capp
United States Marine Corps
SGT Richard Cavicchia
1953-1956 United States Marine Corps
SGT Andrew Cibula Jr.
United States Marine Corps
Lance Corporal Jason Collins
United States Marine Corps
LCpl Marty (Butch) Connelly
White House Honor Guard United States Marine Corps
Captain William F. Coyne
United States Marine Corps
PFC Frank Delgado
Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Cpl Nick Albert DiLucia
WWII Military Police United States Marine Corps
Sergeant Joseph Dobos
WWII - European and Pacific Theaters United States Marine Corps
E-3 William S. Dolney
United States Marine Corps
PFC Joseph F. Dorko
United States Marine Corps
CPL John M. Dorko
WW II United States Marine Corps
Sergeant James F. Dorney
United States Marine Corps
Raymond Dunn
Vietnam United States Marine Corps
PFC Albert `Al` Durica
WWII United States Marine Corps
Lance Corporal Edward Estok
United States Marine Corps
CPL George F. Evans
WWII United States Marine Corps
Lance Corporal Gerald P. Fox
Vietnam War United States Marine Corps
Sergeant Robert T. Gambal
United States Marine Corps
SGT Raymond George Gamrat
United States Marine Corps
SSGT Mark S. Gamrat
United States Marine Corps
Corporal Bryan E. Gardner
United States Marine Corps
Private First Class John Gula
United States Marine Corps
CPL George M. Harchar
Vietnam Presidential Unit Citation United States Marine Corps
GySgt William C. Hart
3rd Marine Aircraft Wing United States Marine Corps
SGT William Jeffcoat
Combat Veteran United States Marine Corps
LCPL Theodore Johnson
Vietnam War KIA Purple Heart United States Marine Corps
Cpl Zackary M. Johnston
United States Marine Corps
Corporal Charles J. Karadus
Vietnam United States Marine Corps
LCpl John David Keeler
United States Marine Corps
Pfc John D. `Jack` Kelly
Company C, 1st Battalion, 7th Marines - Korean War United States Marine Corps
Pfc John D. `Jack` Kelly
Company C, 1st Battalion, 7th Marines - Korean War United States Marine Corps
Private Mercer Keyes
United States Marine Corps
Private Dave Kolesar
United States Marine Corps
Corporal Jack Lavelle
War on Terror United States Marine Corps
Gregory S. Lyons
United States Marine Corps
Corporal Mike Mannella
United States Marine Corps
Cpl Charles R. Martin
United States Marine Corps
SSGT Joseph G. Maszle
United States Marine Corps
LCPL Greg Matthews
High Speed Morse Code Operator United States Marine Corps
PFC Donald F. McCallister
United States Marine Corps
Sergeant Curt David Thomas McDonald
Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation Enduring Freedom 1999-2004 United States Marine Corps
PFC John R. McMichael
WWII - Pacific Theatre - Okinawa United States Marine Corps
MSGT Glenn G. McNeish
WWII - Korea United States Marine Corps
SSGT Andrew W. McNelis
Vietnam United States Marine Corps
SGT Charles E. Miller Jr.
Vietnam Purple Heart United States Marine Corps
SGT Donald L. Mills
United States Marine Corps
LCpl Robert Morrison
United States Marine Corps
Sgt Thomas W. Morrison
United States Marine Corps
SSGT William `Skip` Moser
WWII Okinawa United States Marine Corps
CPL Michael D. Needham
United States Marine Corps
Stewart S. Noble
United States Marine Corps
PFC George A. Novak
WWII United States Marine Corps
E4 Stanley J. Nowowiejski
Vietnam War United States Marine Corps
Lance Corporal Derek J. O`Neal
United States Marine Corps
SSGT John K. Ondo
United States Marine Corps
MSgt Richard Pacelli
Iraq & Afghanistan United States Marine Corps
Cpl George Patsko
Iwo Jima Para-Marine, WWII United States Marine Corps
GySgt Daniel Pavasko
United States Marine Corps
CPL Samuel C. Petrucci
WWII United States Marine Corps
CPL Eugene E. Pido III
Afghanistan United States Marine Corps
CWO3 Eugene Pido Jr.
Distribution Management Officer United States Marine Corps
1st Lt W. Timothy Pitchford
Vietnam War United States Marine Corps
SSGT Mark J. Powell
Operation Desert Storm Gulf War United States Marine Corps
PFC Charles J. Price
WWII - Bougainville Campaign United States Marine Corps
CPL Thomas J. Price
WWII United States Marine Corps
Corporal Paul Francis Rager
WWII United States Marine Corps
Sergeant Derek Ruffing
Afghanistan United States Marine Corps
Cpl Rich and Al Sauerwein
Vietnam War United States Marine Corps
CPL Larry Schamus
Vietnam War United States Marine Corps
CPL Charles F. Seaman
Korean War United States Marine Corps
PVT Frank Seaman
World War I United States Marine Corps
SSGT Sara Serenka
Drill Instructor - Parris Island 4 yr. United States Marine Corps
SGT Joseph E. Serenka Jr.
Korean War United States Marine Corps
Captain Vincent J. Shumber
United States Marine Corps
LCpl Ron Skillpa
United States Marine Corps
Charles E. Steele
United States Marine Corps
Albert J. Stegena
United States Marine Corps
SGT Fred Tiboni Jr.
United States Marine Corps
PFC John Tichon
United States Marine Corps
PVT Andrew Tirpak
United States Marine Corps
Staff Sergeant Don Everette Todd
United States Marine Corps
LCPL Alexander `Pat` Varley
Seagoing Marine USS Des Moines United States Marine Corps
Private First Class Thomas Vavrek
Okinawa - 1982 United States Marine Corps
SGT Robert A. Vavrek
United States Marine Corps
SSGT Paul Vernon
HMM-163, MAG-16, 1ST MAW, III MAF - Vietnam War United States Marine Corps
LtCol William G. Waldron
See Notes United States Marine Corps
SGTMAJ John R. `Bob` Waldron
Korea United States Marine Corps
SSGT John James Welsh
World War II United States Marine Corps
Sergeant Dennis Wilcox
MAG-26HQ United States Marine Corps
SGT Raymond Zilko
United States Marine Corps

SGT Eugene (Chip) Conrad
Iraq Army National Guard
Senior Airman Keith Farmerie
Air National Guard
PFC Kenneth V. Murray
United States National Guard

Chief Bill Barnes
Vietnam United States Coast Guard
Frank Bodnar
USS Pride (DE-323) - WWII United States Coast Guard
Capt Francis `Tom` Boross
United States Coast Guard
Gunners Mate 2C Joseph A. Chuba
United States Coast Guard
Petty Officer 2nd Class (PO2) James Craycroft
World War II - South Pacific United States Coast Guard
Seaman 1st Class George Danscak
World War II United States Coast Guard
E-3 Harry J. Esken
United States Coast Guard
EN-1 Robert F. Grandetty
Korean War United States Coast Guard
Joseph Hritz
United States Coast Guard
SN Bob Kolesar
Vietnam United States Coast Guard
FN1 Demeter `Dan` Lucsko
United States Coast Guard
S1c Jack Maddigan
United States Coast Guard
PO1 Shane Maddigan
United States Coast Guard
CPO Regis A. McClosky
United States Coast Guard
SN Michael Mrazik
United States Coast Guard
Ensign John Ondo
World War II United States Coast Guard
SN Lawrence D. Rock
United States Coast Guard
BMI Curtis R. Sloan
United States Coast Guard

Capt George Henry Albrecht
Vietnam War United States Air Force
A1c Robert Ballas
United States Air Force
S. Tom Biroscak
Vietnam United States Air Force
SGT Michael S. Blasko
Security Police United States Air Force
SSgt Milan `Milo` Blazevich
United States Air Force
SSGT Frederick R. Bonomo
United States Air Force
Staff Sergeant Richard F. Bost
Korean War United States Air Force
Captain John R. Bottesch
Vietnam War United States Air Force
A1c Terry Brown
Korean War United States Air Force
CMSgt Jeffery Wade Burgwin
United States Air Force
SGT Ray Butko
Desert Storm United States Air Force
SSGT Mario Sam Catena
Korea United States Air Force
SSGT Paul W. Cherep
Vietnam War United States Air Force
A2c Ed Churma
United States Air Force
T/SGT Donald V. Collins
Korea-Vietnam United States Air Force
William Davis
United States Air Force
SGT Michael John Dobo
United States Air Force
SSGT George Dunay
Korean War United States Air Force
A2c Clyde Forsythe
United States Air Force
Jacob Frye
United States Air Force
Master Sergeant John Gardell
Afghanistan United States Air Force
SrA Daniel F. Hartnett Jr.
Korean War United States Air Force
CPL Lee Hill
United States Air Force
SMSGT Jim Holgerson
United States Air Force
TSgt Jim Holgerson
United States Air Force
Staff Sergeant Michael J. Hornyak
Korea United States Air Force
MSGT Daniel G. Isaacs
United States Air Force
SSGT Dennis E. Isaacs
United States Air Force
Airman 1st Class Clayton R. Jesse
Vietnam War Era United States Air Force
SGT Gerard H. Johnson
United States Air Force
CMS Charles Johnson
United States Air Force
SSGT Michael Juba
WWII United States Air Force
Master Sergeant Paul G. Jugan
United States Air Force
Colonel Timothy J. Kaufman
United States Air Force
Sergeant Edward A. Klinger
United States Air Force
Lt Andrew Kondas
United States Air Force
SGT Edward Lapko Jr.
United States Air Force
Staff Sgt Frederick Lebeda
United States Air Force
Staff Sergeant George A. Lucky
United States Air Force
MSGT David Martin
Desert Storm United States Air Force
E-5 Edward Masley
Korean War United States Air Force
Airman First Class Norm Matta
Vietnam Era United States Air Force
TSgt Brandon May
United States Air Force
SSGT William R. McLaughlin
United States Air Force
SGT John W. Mitchell
Vietnam 1967-71 United States Air Force
William `Gary` Monahan
Vietnam Era United States Air Force
SGT Dick Morrissey
Korean War United States Air Force
E-4 Benjamin M. Murry
United States Air Force
Master Sergeant Wm. S `Bill` Newton
Vietnam Era, Gulf War l United States Air Force
A1c John R. Phillip
Korean War United States Air Force
Kenneth L. Rankin
Vietnam United States Air Force
A1c Harold `Bud` Reed
Korean War (1951-1955) United States Air Force
Major Robert Retsch
United States Air Force
SGT Gregory S. Robes
United States Air Force
MSgt Terri M. Robes
United States Air Force
SSGT Michael E. Schwab
United States Air Force
CM Sgt Anthony Semak
Korea, Desert Storm United States Air Force
SGT Chris M. Severa
United States Air Force
Joseph (Jimmy Joe) Stackawitz, Jr.
Vietnam War United States Air Force
SSGT Michael J. Stofko
United States Air Force
MSgt Donald C. Sypolt Jr.
United States Air Force
SrA Charles T. Thompson
Korean War United States Air Force
Sergeant Andrew C. Tichon
Vietnam War Era United States Air Force
SGT Mary Ann Vallus
Vietnam Era United States Air Force
SSGT Michael P. Vehec
Korean War United States Air Force
SSGT Robert `Red` Wilkinson
WWII B29 Tailgunner United States Air Force
Airman 1st Class Lawrence Yanyo
Korean War United States Air Force
SSGT Edward W. Zeigler
WWII 546 Bomb Squad United States Air Force

William Kinavey
WWII Merchant Marines
Captain Anthony (Al) Rizzo
Merchant Marines