Sergeant Carmen J. Archangel
188th Quartermaster Service Company WWII United States Army
Tech 4 Raymond A. Ashmead
106th Division - World War II United States Army
M/Sgt John J. Barilla
Aircraft Mechanic - World War II United States Army Air Corps
Private John Barrett
Co F, 25th OVI Civil War United States Army
Colonel Corina Mayo Barrow
Bravo Company Eisenhower Army Medical Center United States Army
Private First Class Arthur D. Bender
WWII United States Army
SFC Ronald H. Beresford
Army Security Agency - Korea/Vietnam United States Army
Sgt Frank J. Bernert
Signal Corps - Korea United States Army
1st Lt John R. Bernert
361st Fighter Group, 374th Fighter Squadron - WWII United States Army Air Corps
Pfc William L. Bertram
Co C, 2nd Battalion, 13th Infantry - West Berlin, Germany United States Army
PVT Dominic Bianco
13th Armor WWII United States Army
PFC Albert Blackburn
Campany B 781st Military Police Battalion WWII United States Army
PFC Herbert E. Boley
82nd Airborne WWII United States Army
Sgt John N. Bosela
61st FA BN - Korea United States Army
Spc 4 Timothy Lee Bottegal
United States Army
SFC Victor J. Bottegal
2nd Army Division Korea United States Army
Private Louis Bottegal
WWII United States Army
Sergeant Aldo Bottegal
86th Squadron WWII United States Army
S/Sgt Harry J. Buffone
82nd Airborne, 505th Parachute Infantry - World War II United States Army
Cpl William Robert Burchfield
607th Medical Clearing Company Seperate WWII United States Army
Private First Class John Busana
168th Infantry Antitank Co. WWII - European Campaign United States Army
E-4 Charlie Busana
1st Infantry Vietnam United States Army
Private James J. Camperelle
180th Infantry Company E Rifleman WWII United States Army
Private First Class Robert S. Carnahan
Korean War United States Army
Tec 4 Peter `Pete` C. Cashioli
World War II United States Army
Private Peter Castellano
WWII United States Army Air Forces
T/5 Victor C. Ciancetta
543rd Field Artillery Battalion WWII United States Army
Sergeant Stephen Peter Collaros
WWII United States Army
Sergeant Jack P. Collaros
WWII United States Army
Sergeant Anthony Constantine
Americal Division 23rd Infantry Division Vietnam United States Army
Private First Class Elmer V. Cornelius
WW II United States Army Air Forces
Private Antonio Cozza
Company B, 9th Infantry WWI United States Army
PFC Robert R. Crites
25th Infantry Division United States Army
Pfc Perry Cunningham
WWII United States Army
Sergeant Frank A. Cunningham
1040th AAF WWII United States Army Air Corps
PFC Vito J. D`Aurora
Infantry WWII United States Army
Pfc Thomas DeChristopher
Korean War United States Army
Sgt Paul `Moe` DeJaro
3rd Division World War II United States Army
Private First Class James L. DeLeonardis
17th Airborne WWII United States Army
Sgt Kashmir K. Deptula
Co. B, 81st MD BN, 11th Armored Division - WWII United States Army
Pfc Frank A. DiAlbert
1560th Service Command Unit WWII United States Army
John A. DiBenedetto
E Troop, 94th Constabulary Squadro - WWII United States Army
Raymond DiBerardino
Korea United States Army
1st Lt Margaret Jean Young Dimit
Nurse Corps - WWII United States Army
1st Lt Frank S. Dimit
8th Airforce, 95th Bomber Group, 412 Squadron WWII (1943-45) United States Army Air Corps
Special Class 4 David M. Dumbola
94th Battalion Engineer Company B Vietnam United States Army
SP 4 Thomas R. Duncan
United States Army
Staff Sergeant Paul H. Eft
85th Signal Company WWII United States Army
Private First Class John H. Engel
Anti Tank Co. - 168th Infantry WWII United States Army
SP4 Anthony Fabian
United States Army
Corporal Joseph E. Fahey
MP Platoon 1st Infantry Division WWII United States Army
Master Sergeant William G. Fellows
1341st Engineer Combat Battalion WWII United States Army
SP4 Ronald L. Ferguson
510 Tank Battalion Germany-Lebanon United States Army
Cpl Robert L. Ferguson
Battery A, 544th ABN FA BN - Korean War United States Army
1 Lt Rita Bahen Firm
General Duty Nurse WWII United States Army
Sergeant / T4 Harry Jay Firm
WWII United States Army
SPC Michael Francis
463rd Engineer - Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Army
Albert Garfie
Pacific Theater WWII United States Army
Sgt Darrell Gaylord
4th Infantry Division WWII United States Army
Private First Class Lou Gentile
2nd Infantry Korea United States Army
Pvt Louis John Giannamore
World War II United States Army Air Forces
PFC James P. Gillespie
17th Infantry Regiment/7th Infantry Division WWII United States Army
SP5 Anthony `Giv` Giovannone
ARTY - Vietnam United States Army
Pvt Anthony `Chatta` Giovannone
162nd Division - World War II United States Army
Corporal John Griffo
Korean Germany - Sherman Tank Mechanic United States Army
Sergeant Paul Gundrum
746th Army Air Force Base Unit United States Army Air Forces
Pvt Peter J. Harvilak
Automotive Maintenance Co. - World War II United States Army
1st Lieutenant Paul E. Hauser
WWII United States Army
Staff Sergeant Joseph Holliday
11th A.C.R. Vietnam United States Army
Pfc William E. Isleman
Infantry - World War II United States Army
T-Sergeant Edward R. Jack
16th Infantry Regiment WWII United States Army
T/Sgt Frank Januszkiewicz
6th infantry Division - WWII - Pacific Theater United States Army
Sgt Charles F. Joyce
1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile) - Vietnam United States Army
TEC4 Charles F. Joyce
45th Division - World War II United States Army
Corporal Joseph T. Kaczmarek
Radar Operator WWII United States Army
Sergeant James W. Kaufmann
82nd Airborne 507 Infantry Division WWII United States Army
Pfc Albert G. Kearney
99th Infantry - World War II - Battle of the Bulge United States Army
Cpl George Kerr
306th Signal Co. Warning WWII United States Army
Tec 3 C.N. `Gus` Kirlangitis
273rd Ordnance Maintenance Co. Anti-Aircraft - World War II United States Army
Pfc William A. Klein
581st Signal Company - Korean War United States Army
Private Clarence P. Kolling
WWII United States Army
Corporal John Robert Koniski
WWII United States Army Air Corps
PVT John F. Kramer
WWII - Korea United States Army
Aviation Cadet John W. Lafferty
3704th Army Air Forces Base Unit WWII United States Army Air Corps
Private Leo F. Lanaghan
82nd Airborne Korea United States Army
Corporal Leo P. Lanaghan
17th Airborne WWII United States Army
S/Sgt Armand L. Lanciault
713th Squadron, 448th Bombardment Group - WWII United States Army Air Corps
Anthony T. LaPrete
World War II United States Army
Private First Class Charles F. Lash
United States Army
Sgt Donald Llewellyn
Vietnam United States Army
Staff Sergeant Edward `Pooch` Lloyd
WWII United States Army
Staff Sergeant Thomas Lloyd
Vietnam United States Army
Private Charles Locascio
United States Army
Nick (Fagan) Longellotto
WW II United States Army
Private First Class John Lund
40th Division Headquarters Co. WWII United States Army
Technical Sergeant Sidney P. Macre
WWII United States Army
1st Sgt Sylvester Rudolph Macri
22nd Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division - WWII United States Army
Sergeant Albert D. Macri
WWII United States Army
SP4 Richard Maloney
377th Heavy Lift/Tank Transporter Co. United States Army
Tec 4 Constantino G. Mascio
Company B 2nd Armored Signal Battalion WWII United States Army
Private John U. Mascio
WWII United States Army
Private First Class Vincent E. Masters
Infantry WWII United States Army
Corporal Jules Mastroianni
8055th Mash Medic Korean United States Army
Specialist Four E4 Herbert Ruben `HR` Mayo
Vietnam United States Army
Private James B. McDonough
Co. B/260 Engineer WWII United States Army
PVT Richard F. McDonough
Cannon Co, 409th Infantry - WWII - Normandy United States Army
PVT James C. McDonough
303rd Engineering - WWI - France United States Army
S/Sgt George T. Mehalik
Troop H, 5th Cavalry - World War II United States Army
Cpl Franklin T. Merryman
4th Signal Battalion - Korean War United States Army
PFC Anthony J. Mickey
94th CEB-Outlaw Company GWOT United States Army
Staff Sergeant Nick Milankovich
Air Transport Command WWII United States Army
Sergeant James Grant Monteith
WWII United States Army
SP4 Theodis Montgomery
Vietnam War United States Army
Cpl Robert Moran
2nd Infantry, 15th Field Artillery - WWII United States Army
Domenick Mucci
United States Army
Private First Class Carl Noble
337th Infantry, 85th Infantry Division WWII United States Army
Corporal Vincent J. Nocera
110th AAF Base Unit Arial Gunner WWII United States Army Air Corps
Staff Sergeant William H. Owens
3rd Army WWII United States Army
Corporal Benjamin J. Owens
Paratrooper Korean War United States Army
Louis Pagnanelli
WW I United States Army
CWO4 Edward V. Pagnanelli
World War II - Cuban Missile Crisis United States Army
PFC Edward J. Palombizio
3rd Armored Division 36th Armored Infantry WWII United States Army
T/Sgt Stanley J. Paprocki
15th Service Group - World War II United States Army Air Forces
Technician 4th Grade Gracia Parisi
WWII United States Army
Tec Sergeant Joseph R. Pasquarella
Signal Corp. WWII United States Army
Ramo Perrone
WWII United States Army
Cpl Joe Perrone
82nd Airborne Paratrooper WWII United States Army
T/Sgt Pete J. Petrides
Army 37th Infantry Division WWII United States Army
Tec 5 Joseph J. Pierro
25th Calvary 4th Armored Division WWII United States Army
Pfc Anthony L. Pinevich
Company C, 518th Military Police Battalion - World War II United States Army
Cpl Attilio Pizzoferrato
Korean War United States Army
Pvt Richard Eugene Poe
Engineers - World War II United States Army
Private Bernard A. Ravasio
4th Armored WWII United States Army
PFC William E. Recinella
130th SIG BN NC ARNG Vietnam United States Army
1st Lt Arthur A. Resch
328th Squadron, 93rd Bombardment Group - WWII United States Army Air Corps
PFC Eddie E. Riley
HQ Co, 64th Quartermaster Base Depot WWII United States Army
Corporal Howard C. Robb
Aviation Mechanic WWII United States Army Air Forces
Carl J. Rose, Sr.
World War II United States Army
PVT Rinaldo Saccoccia
787th Anti Aircraft Artillery WWII United States Army
PVT Joe Saccoccia
82nd Airborne WWII United States Army
Pfc John F. Saggio
17th Airborne Division - WWII - Battle of the Bulge United States Army
Sergeant E5 William T. Shively
Sharpshooter United States Army
SP5 (T) Frank E. Simmons
Vietnam United States Army
Ulysses Simmons
WWII United States Army
E4 Robert E. Smith
261st Signal Company United States Army
Corporal Daniel J. Sohovich
6th Armored WWII United States Army
Sergeant John S. Spear
3rd Division WWII United States Army
PFC George Stepanovich
WWII (1942-1945) United States Army
SP4 Charles Robert `Bob` Strean
91B10 Medical Specialist - Vietnam United States Army
Private First Class Walter Szydlowski
81st Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron WWII United States Army
2nd Lt Edmund F. Szypulski
15th Air Force, 449 Bomb Group - World War II United States Army Air Corps
Pfc Joseph J. Tedeschi
Trp. H, 107th Armored Cavalry Regiment United States Army
Pfc Dominic A. Tedeschi
Korean War United States Army
Sergeant 1st Class Alex Ulasiewicz
3rd Armored Division Tank Commander Korea United States Army
Sgt Joseph V. Vallone
Engineers WWII United States Army
Sgt Nelson Ronald Vecchione
101st Airborn - Desert Storm/Kuwait United States Army
S/Sgt Tony `Footie` Venci
42nd Infantry Rainbow Division WWII United States Army
Pfc Frank A. Villamagna
1st Armored Division, 16th Combat Engineers - WWII United States Army
S/Sgt Anthony T. Violi
95th Artillery Division - World War II United States Army
SP5 Paul W. Walker
1st Cav Vietnam United States Army
Private First Class Merle J. Waltz
Quartermaster WWII United States Army
Sgt Ronald K. Westfall
25th Infantry Division Golden Dragons Vietnam United States Army
Pfc Barry Wilson
1st Infantry Division (Big Red One) - Vietnam United States Army
Corporal Fred Wilson
11th Airborne United States Army
First Sergeant Gerard A. Wolpert
3336 Quartermaster Truck Co. WWII United States Army
Tec 4 William Workman
WW II United States Army
Pfc Max Yeske
9th Infantry Division, 60th Infantry - World War II United States Army
SSG Phillip Yoders
82nd Airborne - Korea/Vietnam United States Army
PFC Douglas Yoders
Artillery Division - Vietnam United States Army
Sergeant Johnson Young
HHC, 1ST BN, 40TH AR, 5TH INF DIV United States Army
Eugene Zrinyi
101st Airborne 3/506 Air Mobile Infantry Unit Vietnam United States Army

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HTM Designs

SM1c Joseph R. Andresen
USS Frank Knox WWII United States Navy
Robert C. Antill
United States Navy
S1c Stella Gipalo Bender
World War II United States Navy
James Elwood Burchfield
WWII United States Navy
Machinest Mate 3rd Class Richard D. Campbell
WWII United States Navy
Seaman John Canella
677th Company WWII United States Navy
MM3 Wilfred L. Cox
Pacific Fleet - WWII United States Navy
Nickie Dom D`Anniballe
WWII United States Navy
Anthony `Tony` Deptula
WWII United States Navy
AOM2 Joseph A. Domanico
WWII United States Navy
PC3 Bobby Giammarco
Admin Division - Vietnam United States Navy
Petty Officer Third Class George G. Griffith
United States Navy
Seaman Yeoman Jeffrey Larry Hawkins
JAG Vietnam United States Navy
Lieutenant John Elliott Irvine
JAG WWII United States Navy
Seaman First Class John Januszkiewicz
WWII United States Navy
SN Alex J. Kamarados
United States Navy
BM2 James M. Kosek
Vietnam United States Navy
SN Stanley `Moe` Kowalsky
AVP-41 'USS Greenwich Bay' Suez Crisis United States Navy
MoMM2 William F. Lafferty
USS Minivet WWII United States Navy
ML2c John F. Lemal
WWII United States Navy
BT3 Lawrence Libetti
Vietnam United States Navy
ST3 Terry Lee Long
Vietnam United States Navy
S1c Fred S. McGinnis
United States Navy
HM2 Frank Louis Petrola
Hospital Corpsman Korean United States Navy
CDR Stephen Portenlanger
Vietnam United States Navy
RM2c John H. Rankin
World War II - Korean War United States Navy
GM1c John H. Ravasio
WWII United States Navy
BMG3 Robert B. `Bernie` Sinclair
WWII and Korean War United States Navy
Petty Officer 2nd Class John R. Smurda
Aviation Machinist''s Mate 2nd Class WWII United States Navy
CM3 Francis J. Szypulski
Philippines - World War II United States Navy
AMM2 Raymond W. Szypulski
Aviation Division - World War II United States Navy
S/1c John W. Thompson
World War II United States Navy
SCPO William H. Timlin
USS Argonne South Pacific WWII United States Navy
E3 Anthony Derek Trimiar
United States Navy
PO2 Benjamin H. Turnbaugh
USS Cogswell (DD-651) - Korean War United States Navy
PO3 Robert L. Tuttle
LST Ship - World War II United States Navy
SF3c USN-1 Joseph M. Valerio
107 Seabees Mighty Dozen WWII United States Navy
T/Sgt P Howard L. Wedlake
WW II United States Navy
AB3 Lester C. West
United States Navy
HM1 Robert L. West
SEE NOTES BELOW United States Navy
3rd Class Petty Officer Robert C. Wise
S-3 Vietnam United States Navy
SN Randy Yoders
USS Barnstable (LST-1197) - Vietnam United States Navy

Cpl James F. Bernert
Korean War United States Marine Corps
PVT Abe Bryan
4th Division, 3rd Battalion, 25th Regiment WWII United States Marine Corps
Pfc Samuel `Red` Chaytor
United States Marine Corps
PFC John Collier
WWII United States Marine Corps
Sergeant Thomas `Red` Coulter
Korea United States Marine Corps
Sergeant Richard J. Davison
Korean War United States Marine Corps
Cpl Ralph J. DeJulio
Golf Company 2nd Battalion 1st Marine Division Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Technical Sergeant Michael DiCarlo
Served from 1942-1945 WWII United States Marine Corps
Gerald Dickinson
Second Division United States Marine Corps
Corporal Edward F. Emery
2nd Marine Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Sgt Mark A. Ensell
1st Battalion, 4th Marines United States Marine Corps
Corporal William G. Fellows
2nd Battalion / 26 Marines Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Sergeant Major Walter Andrew Mason
Retired in May 1986 with over 25 years of service United States Marine Corps
Private First Class Thomas F. Mastroianni
3rd Marine Division, 1st Battalion, Rifleman, Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Cpl George J. Mavromatis
4th Division - World War II - Asiatic-Pacific United States Marine Corps
Sergeant Charles Fredrick Montgomery
Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Staff Sergeant Joseph Aaron Montgomery
6th Marine WWII, Korea United States Marine Corps
Private William Mooney
A.E.F. 4th Brigade WWI United States Marine Corps
LCpl Kenneth C. Musgrave
United States Marine Corps
Corporal John T. Petrilla
6th Marine Division - WWII - Guam United States Marine Corps
Cpl Julius A. Ravasio
2nd Marine Division WWII Pacific Theater United States Marine Corps
Master Sergeant David Skiviat
Operation Iraqi Freedom / Operation Enduring Freedom United States Marine Corps
Sgt Robert E. Spear
Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Pvt Dave Stacy
Korea United States Marine Corps
Cpl Jack Hay Stauffer
4th Division - World War II United States Marine Corps
Cpl Orlando Frank Vallera
1st Marine Division - WWII - Korean War United States Marine Corps
Cpl Glenn R. Yanik
3rd Marine Division - Vietnam United States Marine Corps

Cpl Philip `Butch` Antol
Korean War United States Air Force
E-5- Staff Sergeant Barbara Bottegal
United States Air Force
A2C John A. Collier
Vietnam United States Air Force
Sgt Ron Crouch
84th Air Rescue Squadron - Korea United States Air Force
Sergeant David F. Dent
31 Munitions Maintenance Vietnam United States Air Force
Sergeant Henry W. Giralico
Vietnam United States Air Force
A1c David E. Harris
United States Air Force
Staff Sergeant Robert J. Haskins
Korean United States Air Force
1st Lt John Kirlangitis
Jet Bombardier WWII United States Air Force
A1c David G. Paul
509th Bomb Winged Unit United States Air Force
Colonel Earl Rosenblum
Flight Surgeon WWII United States Air Force
Amelio M. Saggio
Tower Operator United States Air Force
Robert J. Tempest
17th Glider Battalion WWII United States Air Force
Wardell George Tempest
335th Aerial Squadron WWI United States Air Force
Colonel Vincetta Tsouris
911th AES Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Air Force
Airman 1st Class Nicholas Vergis
8th Communications Construction Squad United States Air Force
Major Joseph H. VerStraten
CAPTF-A Afghanistan United States Air Force
A2C Peter J. Vojvodich
SO G-33 Air Policeman United States Air Force
Airman 1st Class Private Jasper Wamsley
United States Air Force