Sgt Michael J. Aaron
23rd MP Company - Americal Division - Vietnam United States Army
SP4 Carl S. Aaron
25th. Division - 21st. Airborne Infantry - Vietnam War United States Army
Cpl James E. Aaron
Co L, 103rd Inf. Regt, 43rd Div - WWII - Philippines United States Army
Pvt Peter S. Aaron
Co A 319 Machine Gun BN - WWI - Meuse-Argonne, France United States Army
SP5 Russell C. Alderton
USAR Control Group - Vietnam Era United States Army
SP4 Richard `Dick` Alexander
5th Trans Co, ARCOM - Vietnam War United States Army
Pvt Pressley `PR` Alexander
99th Infantry Div - WWII - Battle of the Bulge United States Army
SP5 Robert W. Allen
HQ Co, USAGAR - Vietnam Era United States Army
TSgt. Duane G. Bashline
Co. I 142nd. Infantry Regt. 1st Armored Division WWII United States Army
S/Sgt Elie Blachier
463rd Bomb Group, 774 Squadron - WWII United States Army Air Forces
PVT Jordan River Booth
Co B, 169th Engr BN - Operation Inherent Resolve United States Army
Cpl Blaine W. Booth
1st Infantry Division - Korean War United States Army
SP4 Newton W. Booth
Comp C - 802 Engineer Battalion - Peace Time United States Army
Pfc Daniel G. Booth
Paratrooper - Medical Unit United States Army
Spc4 David H. Bowser
2nd Infantry Division, 2nd Engineer Battalion (CBT) - Cold War - Korea United States Army
SPC Brandon Scott Bunch
4th Infantry Division - Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Army
MSG Mark E. Campbell
316th ESC - Operation Enduring Freedom - Kuwait/Iraq United States Army
CPT Frederick L. Carl
383rd AAA Battalion - WWII - New Guinea United States Army
SGT Frederick D. Carl
A CO. 75th Ranger Regt. 3rd Battalion - Panama - Persian Gulf United States Army
SP5 Frederick R. Carl
Co A, 458th Engr Bn - Vietnam Era United States Army
S/Sgt Joseph `Pete` A. Champion
813th AAF Base Unit - WWII United States Army Air Forces
Tec 4 Don `Syke` Clark
Co C, 16th Tank Battalion - WWII - France United States Army
SSgt Cecil `Cec` Clark
352nd Fighter Squadron, 353 Fighter Group - WWII United States Army Air Forces
CPL Gerald `Perk` Clark
Co B, 263rd Med Bn, 3rd Engr. Sp Brigade - WWII - Pacific-Philippines - Korean War United States Army
SGT John Patrick Clark
339th Inf. 65th Div. - WWII - European-African Campaign United States Army
CW3 Harold `Spike` C. Clinger
Chief of Marine Maint. Division- Pusan Storage Facility - Vietnam War United States Army
Sgt Joseph Leo Clinger
Co E 29th Infantry Regt. - Korean War United States Army
CPL Ralph `Butch` Clover
Co. M, 307th Inf. - WWII - Asiatic-Pacific Theatre United States Army
RN Catherine J. Clover
Army Nurse Corps (ANC) - WWI United States Army
Pvt Ralph Waldo Clover
Co D, 15th Infantry Division - Spanish American War - WWI United States Army
Col James E. Clover
WWII - Pacific Theater - New Guinea United States Army Air Forces
Colonel Calvin Craig
105th Pennsylvania Volunteers (Wildcats) - Civil War - Siege of Petersburg United States Army
MSG Terry L. Cummings
Vietnam War United States Army
SP4 Gene (Butch) Cummings
172nd Infantry - Vietnam Era United States Army
PFC Wilbur Cummings
23rd Infantry - WWII - France United States Army
T/Sgt Donald P. Davis
WWII - Infantry United States Army
SP5 Harold `Randy` Davis
129th Engineer - 101st Airborne - Vietnam War United States Army
S/Sgt Oscar Harold Davis
38th DEP US Squadron - WWII - Europe-Africa Campaign United States Army Air Corps
SP4 Terry R. Dehner
HHC 3rd BN 70th Armor 7th US Army - Vietnam Era United States Army
SP4 Randy L. Dolby
HQ & Co A 307th Med Bn FORSCOM - Vietnam Era United States Army
SP5 Denny Edwards
Delta Co, 2/5, 1st Air Cav - Vietnam War United States Army
S/Sgt George L. `Ducky` Edwards
2nd Bn 19th Inf Regt - WWII - Philippines Liberation United States Army
SP5 Raymond A. Ewing
Co A, 458th Engineer Battalion - Vietnam Era United States Army Reserve
S/Sgt Glenn E. Fitzsimmons
World War II United States Army
SSG John Frampton
856 Engineer Company - Operation Iraqi Freedom - Iraq United States Army
S/Sgt John D. Fye
23rd Cavalry Division - WWII United States Army
S/Sgt Charles J. Fye
98th Quartermaster Company - WWII United States Army
PVT Edward P. Fye
World War II United States Army
Cpl Harry (Boots) S. Gates
52nd Ordnance Company - Korean War United States Army
Wagoneer Robert E. Gates
112th Infantry - 2nd Division WWII - AEF France United States Army
SP5 Harold `Ding` E. Gates
General Headquarters United Nations Command - Korean War United States Army
SP5 Ronald E. George
Co. A 458 Engineer Battalion - Peace Time United States Army
Sgt Cecil B. Gourley
Company B 65th Engineer Combat Battalion - WWII United States Army
Pvt Donald Edward `Butch` Grady
Vietnam Era United States Army
SP4 Kenneth L. Graybill
Co D., 4 Engineer Battalion - Peace Time United States Army
Sgt Dale R. Gross
WWII United States Army Air Corps
Cpl Harlan Elton Gross
Co. C, 14th Machine Gun Bn. - WWI - Meuse-Argonne France United States Army
SFC Richard R. Gross
Recon Team California - Vietnam War United States Army
E-4 Daniel Gruver
16th MP BDE ABN - Desert Storm United States Army
PFC Elcana A. Guntrum
335th Infantry Regiment - WWII United States Army
E-4 Jason Donald Guthrie
458th Engineer Battalion Iraq- Operation Inherent Resolve United States Army
Pvt Merrill L. Haines
HQ Detachment - World War II United States Army
Pvt Milo A. Haines
Med. Det. 56th Pioneer Inf - WWI - Meuse-Argonne Offensive United States Army
Cpl W. Duane Haines
407th. Airborne QM Co - WWII United States Army
Sgt Claude O. Hamilton
MP Platoon III Corp. - Italy WWII United States Army
SP4 Harry W. Hannold
4th Reg CIDC FLD OFC - Vietnam War Era United States Army
Pfc Harry W. Hannold
Btry D, 443rd AA AW BN - World War II United States Army
SP4 Robert `Gayle` Hanst
Battery C, 1/107th Field Artillery - Vietnam War Era - OIF United States Army
PFC S. Warren Harnish
HQ Btry, 208th Field Artillery Group - WWII United States Army
SSgt James A. Harnish
390th Bombardment Group - WWII United States Army Air Corps
Cpl Michael Richard Hartnett
Signal Corps, 4th Army - Korean War United States Army
Cpl Donald Frill Heasley
Bordeaux Air Base - France - Korea United States Army
Cpl Richard J. Heasley
H/S Co 73rd Engineer Co (CS) - Korean War United States Army
Pvt Fredrick W. Heasley
3rd. Armor Division - Korean Conflict United States Army
SPC R. Christopher Henry
CO. B, 29th Infantry Division - Operation Inherent Resolve United States Army
SSG H. Carter Henry
Vietnam Era United States Army
Clarence G.W. Hetrick
American Expeditionary Forces (AEF) - WWI - France United States Army
PFC Harry `Pete` C. Himes
Co. B 945th AAA (AW) - WWII United States Army
SGT Robert L. Himes
European Theatre - WWII United States Army
PVT Blake E. Hinderliter
462nd Base Unit - WWII United States Army Air Corps
PFC Ray L. Hollenbaugh
522nd Air Service Group - WWII United States Army
Sgt Eugene F. Holler
4848th SCU - Field Artillery - WWII - Korea United States Army
PVT George M. Dallas Johnson
149th Infantry Bucktail Division - Civil War United States Army
PVT Francis `Junior` T. Johnson
1505th FVC Battery - 69th FA Battalion - Korean War United States Army
Sgt Mark D. Kahle
Co. C, 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment - Peace Time United States Army
SSG Broc N. Kemmer
3rd. Infantry Division - Operation Enduring Freedom - Iraq United States Army
SSgt Forest E. Kemmer
Co G, 359th Infantry Division - WWII United States Army
SP4 Larry E. Kemmer
Vietnam Era United States Army
S/Sgt Lawrence M. Kemmer
334th Company 84th Division - WWII United States Army
E-4 Donald E. Kindel
Headquarters Starcom Station 6600 - Vietman War United States Army
SFC William B. Kinter
HQ 51st Armor Infantry Division WW11- Korea United States Army
Pvt George B. Kirby
Army Medical Corps - AEF - WWI - France United States Army
PFC Richard C. Kirby
Battery B 320th F.A. 82nd Division A.E.F. WW1 United States Army
Cpl Donald H. Knapp
Co. B 245th Engineer Combat Battalion - WWII United States Army
E4 Robert `Skeet` Kunselman
F-Troop, 17th US Cavalry, 196th Light Infantry Brigade - Vietnam War United States Army
Cpl Bob Larson
2nd Infantry - Desert Storm United States Army
SP 4 Fred A. Larson
4th Infantry - Vietnam War United States Army
T/Sgt James F. Larson
HHC SP TRPS - Infantry - Vietnam War United States Army
SP5 Louella J. Larson - Nichols
Joint Support Command - Vietnam Era United States Army
Lt Col Richard L. Lasher
1877th Engr. Aviation Battalion - WWII - European & Asian-Pacific Theatres United States Army
S/Sgt Raymond E. Leadbetter
818th Tank Destroyer Battalion - WWII United States Army
Pvt Charles H. Leadbetter
WW1 United States Army
PVT James T. `Jay` Lewis
1340th Service Detachment - WWII United States Army
SP5 Tom Lewis
Vietnam Era United States Army
CSM Don Lewis
8th Army - Korean War United States Army
TEC5 William C. Lewis
WWII - Sicily - Italy United States Army
TEC5 Paul W. Lewis
283rd ORD Maint. Co. AA - World War II United States Army
Cpl Harold Lockom
51st Signal Battalion - Korean Conflict United States Army
S/Sgt Fred L. Martz
127th Infantry Regiment - WWII - Japan United States Army
PFC William L. Mauthe
Company G 5th Cavalry Regiment - Korean War United States Army
Sgt Robert Lee McDevitt
4345th Svc. Co., 102nd Infantry Regiment - Korean War United States Army
Private Harry W. McGuire
HQ Detach Group 2 - WWII United States Army
PVT Ray T. McKissick
American Expeditionary Forces (AEF) - World War I United States Army
CPL Ray T. McKissick
1740 HQ Battery 5AAA Battalion - Korean War United States Army
SFC Kevin B. McKissick
Troop E, 1/7 Cav Sqd, 1st Cav Div - Vietnam Era - Persian Gulf United States Army
Sgt L. Paul `Cud` McNaughton
HHC - WWII - Japan Occupation United States Army
T/5 Gerald E. Miller
388th A.W. Battalion - World War II United States Army
Sgt. Charles (Chick) R. MIller
69th Armor Division - Peace Time United States Army
Tech 4 Charles L. Mohney
HQ and HQ Det, PW Camp, SCU 1457 - WWII United States Army
Cpl John Monrean
Co. M, 175th Infantry Regt - WWII - European Theater United States Army
Pvt Samuel T. Morrison
1st Division - Company B - World War I United States Army
PFC Samuel T. Morrison
Korean Conflict United States Army
Tec 4 James L. Neal
306th FA, 77th Div, Service Btry - WWII - Philippines United States Army
SP4 Arnold `Pook` B. Neiswonger
HHC 54th General Supply Group - Vietnam War United States Army
PFC S. Arnold `Tony` Neiswonger
Co B 204 Inf Regt. Asiatic Pacific Theatre - WWII United States Army
PVT Harry `Ed` Neiswonger
4345 Trans Co. 1277th SU - Korean War United States Army
SP5 Greg Peterson
HHT 3rd Armored Cavalry - Vietnam War United States Army
S/Sgt Lynn A. Peterson
Co A 2nd Bn 64th Armor Regiment - 11 yrs. of Service United States Army
PVT Carey Isaac Rader
Co. K, 162nd Infantry Division - WWI United States Army
E-4 Amber Leigh Rawson
665th Engineer Detachment - Iraq - Operation Inherent Resolve United States Army
Sgt John N. Reed
226th Signal Company 8th Army - Vietnam War United States Army
M/Sgt Gerald (Hap) Reinsel
WWII - Philippines - Cuban Conflict United States Army
SP4 Leroy `Bill` Renninger
HC, 1st Brigade, 25th Division - Vietnam War United States Army
Cpl Darwin `Dutch` Robertson
777th QM Svc Bn - WWII - Panama United States Army
PFC Dakota `Zac` Roller
10th Mountain Div - Operation Inherent Resolve United States Army
SP4 David R. Rosenquest
A Battery, Fort Bliss Texas United States Army
PVT Joseph F. `Fuzz` Salisgiver
Peace Time United States Army
Pvt Richard J. Schmader
Co D, 3rd MTB, 33rd Armor Division United States Army
Sgt. Clem L. Seigworth
WWI 128 Engineer Battlion United States Army
SGM James E. Selman
Military Police - WWII - Korea United States Army
Cpl Robert L. Shettler
43rd Division 169th Infantry Regt. - Korean War United States Army
SP5 Howard A. Siebka
D Btry 6th BN 80th. Arty Vietnam Era United States Army
MAJ Melvin `Mel` L. Simkins
261st Ordnance Battlalion WWII United States Army
Cpl Richard E. Simpson
12th Infantry Regiment - Korean War United States Army
E4 Francis A. Smathers
WWII United States Army
Sgt Thomas B. Smith
2nd Bn, 75th Ranger Regt - Afghanistan - Operation Inherent Resolve United States Army
Sgt Karen Eileen Smith-Humphrey
HHC Special Troops - Vietnam War United States Army
E-4 Joseph C. Snyder
665th Engineer Co. - Operation Inherent Resolve United States Army
SSG John J. Stahlman
25th HC Det, Special Troops - WWII United States Army
Sgt Josie N. Stitt
665th Engineer Utilities Detachment - Operation Inherent Resolve - Iraq United States Army
T5 John `Jack` H. Summerville
243rd Engr Battalion WWII - Europe - Africa United States Army
Sgt. H. Merle Swartzwelder
28th Calvary Recon Squad - WW11 United States Army
Maj Ronald `Stretch` E. Sweitzer
25th Infantry Division - Vietnam War United States Army
Sgt Arthur `Pud` Thompson
7 ENGR Bk 5th Infantry Div. FC United States Army
E3 Edward H. Townsend
2nd Brigade, 21st Field Artillery - Peace Time United States Army
Sgt Terry L. Wensel
HHC. 5/32 FORSCOM FC - Peace TIme United States Army
PFC Keith Wensel
Company C, 1/172 United States Army
S/Sgt Harry D. Williams
151st Infantry - WWII - Pacific - Phillipines United States Army
PFC Joseph A. Wilson
Europe-Africa-Middle East Campaign - WWII United States Army
Cpl Emery A. Young
Combat Engineer - Korean Conflict United States Army
Cpl Bill Young
Korean Conflict United States Army

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who are or have served this country through our banner program.
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HTM Designs

PO3c Melvin F. Aaron
9th Amphibian Division - World War II - Hospital Corpsman United States Navy
AR3c Frank Augustine
Scouting Squadron - Pacific Theatre- WWII United States Navy
UT2 Edward Harold Campbell
4th Naval District - Korean War United States Navy
MoMM3c Wilmer `Ike` Ernest Champion
USS Audrain (APA-59) - WWII - Pacific Theater United States Navy
PO2c Thomas W. Chapman
Cuban Blockade United States Navy
SM2 Robert Paul Corbett
WWII -European - African Threatre United States Navy
MM2 James P. Curll
USS America (CV-66) - Beirut, Lebanon - Peacetime United States Navy
GM2c Paul E. Goheen
USS Abner Read (DD-526) - WWII - Asiatic-Pacific Theater United States Navy
SK3 Harlan Elton Gross
USS Coral Sea - Korean War United States Navy
Y2C Eleanor F. Haines
WAVES - World War II United States Navy
BT1 Blake I. Hinderliter
USS Gridley (DLG 21) - Vietnam War United States Navy
SO3c Max Jay Husted
USS Dashiell (DD-659) - Korean War United States Navy
S1c Willis J. Jones
USS Lake Champlain - WWII United States Navy
E-4 Eric L. Kemmer
USS South Carolina - Desert Storm United States Navy
QM3 Shawn Klepfer
USS Concord AFS-5 Desert Shield United States Navy
OTA3 Michelle R. Larson
Desert Storm United States Navy
Pvt Merlin Luke Leadbetter
WWII - Seabees - Aleutian Islands United States Navy
S1C Don Mauthe
LST 576 - World War II United States Navy
F1c Harry Kenneth McCleary
World War II United States Navy
MM3c W. Keith McFadden
USS Gainard (DD-706) - World War II United States Navy
MM3C Gifford Blaine Menteer
125th NCB - USNCTC - WWII United States Navy
S2c Merwin `Dan` Neiswonger
World War II United States Navy
PO3c Leroy M. `Bill` Renninger
WWII United States Navy
ET3 Edward Shpakoff
LST 983 - Korean War United States Navy
S1c Paul Leroy Simpson
USS LST-786 - WWII United States Navy
S1c Walter E. Simpson
USNTS WW11 United States Navy
PO3 William `Bill` P. Simpson
B Division No. 1 FireRoom - Vietnam Era United States Navy
PO3 Anthony Sims
107 CMT - Operation Inherent Resolve United States Navy
SM2c Eugene `Snuffy` Smith
USS LST-316 - WWII United States Navy
MM1c Donald James Songer
USS LST-912 - WWII United States Navy
BM2 Jesse Wendell Sowers
WWII United States Navy
E4 Blair `Richard` Spangler
USS Wabash - Persian Gulf - Peacetime United States Navy
AVR3c George Stahlman
World War II United States Navy
SMN1 Marianne `Murr` Theiss
Peace Time United States Navy
AMSAN John Earl Wareham
Strike Fighter Squadron Desert Storm - Kuwait United States Navy
HM3 Robert E. Wensel
Persian Gulf United States Navy

Sgt Melvin F. Aaron
Helicopter Maintenance Squadron 16 - Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Sgt Lisa Barger Dixon
1st Marine Aircraft Wing - Air Traffic Control - Peace Time United States Marine Corps
Sgt Richard Oscar Greenwood
8th Engineer Battalion - Vietnam War United States Marine Corps
Cpl Benjamin Henry
2nd Battalion, 1st Marine Division - Operation Inherent Resolve United States Marine Corps
Sgt. Douglas Himes
USMC -2nd Marine Aircraft Wing (M.A.W.) Libya Conflict 2011 United States Marine Corps
Sgt William R. Leadbetter
1st Battalion 9th Marines - Operation Inherent Resolve - Afghanistan United States Marine Corps
LCpl David P. Lucas
MABS-29 MAG-29, 2d MAW - FMFLANT - Vietnam War United States Marine Corps
Sgt Michael Magda
Embassy Security Group - Persian Gulf - GWOT United States Marine Corps
CPL. William `Bill` Menteer
USMC 5th Bn, 10th Marines - 2nd MAR DIV. - Persian Gulf - Grenada United States Marine Corps
SFC Brandon Paul Moore
3rd Battalion - 2nd Marines Operation Enduring Freedom - Iraq - Afghanistan United States Marine Corps
Cpl Daniel R. Murphy
Persian Gulf United States Marine Corps
PFC Roy C. Myers
1st Marine Division - Korean Conflict United States Marine Corps
PFC. Robert `Slick` Wilson
Vietnam Era United States Marine Corps

SRA Jacob W. Allen
25th Intellgence Squadron Persian Gulf United States Air Force
SrA Brian J. Clark
Aerospace Engineer - stationed in Guam United States Air Force
SSG Lawrence G. Fitzsimmons
428 Tac Ftr Sq - Vietnam Era United States Air Force
Sgt Thomas A. Hollis
30554 Tiger Flight 405 Security Police Squadron - Vietnam Era United States Air Force
SSgt Kassandra Lee Kaelin
347th Communication Squadron - Operation Inherent Resolve United States Air Force
A1c Aaron `AJ` Knight
Operation Inherent Resolve United States Air Force
S/Sgt James F. Leadbetter
Korean Conflict United States Air Force
A1C Colton Lewis
Security Forces - Operation Inherent Resolve United States Air Force
Sgt James T. Lewis
Security Police - Persian Gulf United States Air Force
Sgt Fred Lewis
Security Police - Desert Storm United States Air Force
S/Sgt Kenneth R. Miller
355th Field Maintenance Squadron - Vietnam War United States Air Force
Sgt Robert `Spade` Miller
474th Tac Squadron Vietnam War United States Air Force
MSgt Walt L. Neal
438 MAW, 319th BW, 911th Airlift Wing - Vietnam Era United States Air Force
Major Andrew G. Puckett
11th Surgical Operations Squadron - Joint Base Andrews - Global War on Terror United States Air Force
SrA Anthony David Rawson
509th Security Forces Squadron - Operation Inherent Resolve United States Air Force
SSgt Stephen M. Reddick
645th Medical Group - Desert Storm United States Air Force
Major George `Newt` Reed
431st Bomb Squadron 11th Bomb Group - WWII United States Air Force
SSgt James `Jamie` Reed
436th Transportation Squadron -Vietnam War United States Air Force
SSgt Paul `Bud` Reinsel
Vietnam War United States Air Force
Sgt Roger Shea
432nd TFW/5th AF PACAF Operation Inherent Resolve United States Air Force
A1C Michael Staley
436 AMXS - Operation Inherent Resolve United States Air Force
A1C Jonathan C. Wenner
96 FMC SAC - Vietnam Era United States Air Force

SN Ross E. Rankin
WWII Merchant Marines