PVT Charles Wayne Allen
US Army WWII United States Army
PFC Jerry E. `Zip` Anderson
Company B, 24TH Division Supply and Transportation United States Army
TEC4 Harry B. Anderson
Rail Road Brakeman - Rhineland - WWII United States Army
PFC Jerry `Zip Anderson
24th. Supply and Transportation United States Army
PFC Tom Applegarth
4TH Division Recon Vietnam War United States Army
E-4 John Applegarth
9TH Engineer Battalion Combat Engineers Vietnam Era United States Army
SGT Carroll Ault
Korean War 1953-1955 United States Army
Pfc William Baird
Battle of Saint-Mihiel - World War I United States Army
Pfc Chuck Baker
8th Engineers Battalion, 1st Cavalry - Vietnam United States Army
SGT David D. Barcus
1485th Trans Co. - Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Army
SGT Cory Robert Barnes
84th Engineer Combat Bn, 372nd Eng Group - Iraq United States Army
2LT Robert George Barnes
Eighth Air Force - World War II United States Army Air Forces
Tech 3 Bill Barnes
Medic - World War II United States Army
Cpl Clarence G. Bates
101st Airborne Division - Korean War United States Army
PVT Robert Harold Beatty, Jr
326 AAF Base Unit WWII United States Army Air Forces
T/Sgt Ellsworth Richard Bell
United States Army World War II 1938-1945 United States Army
PFC George Bell
Transportation Corps - WWII - European Theater United States Army
PFC Martin R. Bell
299th Engr. Bn. WWll United States Army
PFC Patsy A. Bernabei
Co. C 1/46 Infintry United States Army
SGT Paul Bilchak
303rd Bomb Group - World War II United States Army Air Forces
CPL John P. Blackburn
Co.B, 12th Armored Infantry Bn - Korean Conflict (1951-1953) United States Army
Major Asa Oliver Blackburn
WWII and Korean War, served 22 years United States Army
SSGT Andrew J. Blaner
WWII - Asiatic-Pacific Theater - Luzon Battle(1942-1946) United States Army Air Corps
Sgt Willard Burke Blanton
517TH PRCT, Company B - WWII United States Army
Sgt Daniel J. Blood
3RD BCT, 10TH MTN DIV, D CO 710TH BSB - Iraq/Afghanistan United States Army
SP4 Michael T. Bodnar
101st Airborne - Vietnam United States Army
Pvt Michael A. Bodnar
111th US Infantry, 28th Div. - World War I United States Army
Sgt Michael A. (Bo) Bodnar
7th Army - World War II United States Army
Sgt Keith W. Bodnar
101st Airborne - Sinai, Egypt United States Army
Spec 4 Mark R. Bodnar
Americal Division - Vietnam United States Army
PFC Peter Bonfine
World War I United States Army
Capt Michael E. Bongart
1st Aviation Brigade - Vietnam United States Army
Sgt Gary Bonnizzio
Telephone Technician Germany 1969-1972 United States Army
T/Sgt Nick C. Bonnizzio
Pearl Harbor Survivor - WWII 1941-1945 United States Army
John H. Brannon
Tank Commander Vietnam Era United States Army
PFC Eugene W Bridges Jr.
Charlie Co.312 United States Army
Pfc Carl E. Buchanan
Co. B, 4th Ranger Infantry Bn - World War II United States Army
PFC James E. Burchfield
9301 TSU DET3 HQ DET WWll United States Army
Sgt Larry L. Byers
82ND Airborne Vietnam United States Army
Sgt George Bud Byers
United States Army Air Corps
SP4 David R. Carnahan
50Th Engr. Co. West Point, NY United States Army
1LT Robert L. Cattrell
World War II United States Army Air Corps
SGT Joseph D.M. Chadwick
Army Air Force WWII United States Army Air Forces
2nd Lt James E. Chisholm Jr.
Co K, 393rd Infantry - WWII - European Theater - KIA in France July 28, 1944 United States Army
T/Sgt Clarence `Pete` Churchman
2nd Infantry Division - World War II United States Army
Cpl Edwin P. Coil
254th Combat Engineer - WWII - D-Day, Battle of the Bulge United States Army
PVT Charles H. Colvin
Co.K 125 Infantry WWI United States Army
Cpl Phyllis Conner Newbold
Telephone Operator WWII United States Army
PFC Harold Donovan Coulter
807th AAF Base Unit WWII United States Army Air Forces
SGT Ronald J. Dacko
3rd Armored Division - Vietnam Era United States Army
Sgt Andrew Jackson Daugherty
ERC, Artillery - Korea United States Army
PVT James Davidson
35th Infantry Division - WWII - Germany United States Army
Cpl James Earl Dayton Jr.
Fifth Infantry WWII United States Army
Pfc Joseph DeLuce
826th Tank - Korea United States Army
SGT Martin D. Dennis
A Battery, 3/16 Artillery, Gunner on Howitzer - Vietnam United States Army
Sgt Robert Thomas Dent
82ND Airborne Afghanistan/Iraq United States Army
SFC Ernie Dilley
3/68th ATC BN (1967-1989) United States Army
William Donofrio
World War I - Co. L. 147th Inf. 37th Div United States Army
1LT Harold Donohue
Pilot, 28TH Troop Carrier Squadron WWII United States Army Air Forces
Pfc John Dormer
World War II United States Army
T/Sgt Steve Dougherty
34th Div, 168th Infantry - WWII - North Africa, Italy United States Army
TEC4 Jim Dougherty
588th ENGR BN - WWII United States Army
Sgt Michael O. Dougherty
9TH Infantry Division Vietnam 1968-1969 United States Army
Pfc Joseph L. Dougherty
338th Inf Regt, 85th Inf Div - World War II - Italian Campaign United States Army
1st Lt Stephen O. Dougherty
Infantry, Invasion Of Europe WWII United States Army
Corporal Zane Dougherty
Field Artillery United States Army
Cpl James B. Dunlope
1959-1962 United States Army
PVT Edmund `Ike` Eisnaugle
98th General Hospital Germany World War II United States Army
E-4 Eric Emery
Persian Gulf War United States Army
S/Sgt Raymond C. Eshbaugh Sr.
3rd INF DIV - World War II United States Army
CPL Joseph John Exterovich
World War II - Tunisian Conflict United States Army Air Corps
T/5 Clifford Fetty
World War II - Tunisian-Naples, Rome United States Army
PV2 Kyle R. Fetty
5-4 ADA Air Defense Artillery United States Army
E5 Richard Lee Fetty
179th Aviation Battalion - Pleiku - Vietnam United States Army
Pfc Edward L. Fingers
Vietnam United States Army
Spec 4 Todd B. Firm
101st Airborne - Vietnam United States Army
Sgt G. David Firm
5th Command Service O.S.S. - World War II United States Army
SP4 Ron Firm
24TH Inf. Div .Arty Vietnam War United States Army
Pfc James C. Fisher
WWII United States Army
PFC George Thurman Fisher, Sr.
Normandy, D-Day Omaha Beach Initial Wave Big Red One United States Army
T/4 James Edwin Foster
11th Airborne Paratrooper - World War II United States Army
Sgt Robert (Bob) Fouts
82nd Airborne - Korean War (1951-1954) United States Army
Sgt Hugh W. Fullerton, Jr.
Co. 348 Camp Pike, Arkansas WWI United States Army
Sgt Anthony J. Gabis
11th Armored Div - under Gen Patton - WWII (1942-1945) United States Army
S/Sgt Robert B. Gabriel
12TH Armored, 56TH Infantry Battalion-Hellcats, Battle of the Bulge WWII United States Army
Cpl Chester E. Galaszewski
European Conflict WWII United States Army
T/5 Ralph (Red) W. Gilliland
Aleutian Islands Campaign WWII United States Army
T/5 Kenneth L. Glass
Co C, 1341st Engrs - Schofield Barracks, Pearl Harbor United States Army
Cpl John W. Gooch
3RD Armored Division Company D 367TH Armored Korean War United States Army
PFC Cecil Gray
1596TH and 1257TH Army Air Force Base Unit WWII United States Army
Cpl David C. Grimm
USAR Ready Reserves Korean War United States Army
Sgt Norman Lee Gritton
IX Corps, 2nd Army - Korea United States Army
E4 John T. Hannan
Army United States Army
TEC5 Martin Harasimik
World War II United States Army
SP5 David A. Harvilak
H H C 4th Transportation Command Vietnam War 1966-1967 United States Army
PVT Clarence B. Hawkins
134th Machine Gun Battalion, 37th Division - World War I United States Army
Pfc Rendal E. Hawkins
103rd Infantry Division - WWII United States Army
PVT Glenn Hayes
Korean War United States Army
Lt Myles Henry
1st Cavalry Div, Gunship - Vietnam (1967-1968) United States Army
PFC Robert M. Higgins
Co G, 511th Infantry Parachute Regt, 11th Airborne Div - WWII United States Army
S/Sgt George Hodovanic Sr.
Battery B, Harbor Defense of Key West - WWII United States Army
TEC 5 John D. Holmes
World War II United States Army
PVT2 Walter D. Holmes Sr.
76th Ord. Stock Central Detachment United States Army Air Forces
Pfc Art Holsinger
January 1947 - June 1948 United States Army
Sgt G. Dale Holtzmann
Co H, 2nd BN, 417th INF REGT - WWII - European Theater United States Army
SP4 George E. Horkulic
Korean War United States Army Reserve
PFC Carl Dale Horne
U.S. Army European Theater Austria WWII 1944-1947 United States Army
Eugene Householder
1st Military Govt. Batt. Rome-Arno/Southern France Rhineland/Central Europe WWII United States Army
SGT Steven Hubbard
4th Ivy Div, Co D, 4th Engr Bn - 1975-1986 United States Army
Sgt Rick Hughes
HHC USA CDCEC Fort Ord California - Vietnam United States Army
E-5 Richard M. Hughes
94th Engr Bn GRR Vietnam 1961-1964 United States Army
PVT Orville W. Hupp
878th Port Co, Transport Corps - WWII United States Army
TEC 5 Earl R. Hutchison
83rd Armored Field Artillery Battalion, Tank Division, WWII - KIA - Troop Carrier hit by German 88 United States Army
Sgt Jessica R. Ighnat
307TH Military Police Co. Operation enduring Freedom-Cuba United States Army
E-4 Terry L. Jones
25th Inf Div - 4th Cav - Vietnam United States Army
TEC4 Charles Joy
Med Det 275TH Inf., Medic Central Europe WWII United States Army
SP4 David Julio
25TH Inf.Div. Co.B. 25TH AVN. Battalion Vietnam United States Army
Anthony June
US Army Germany/Korea 1971-1991 United States Army
SP4 Bob Kaniecki
196TH Lite Infantry Brigade Vietnam 1966-1967 United States Army
SFC Donny Kaniecki
CO D 6/31ST Inf 9TH Div USARV Vietnam 1969-1970 United States Army
PVT James R. Keenan
3508th AAF Base Unit - World War ll United States Army Air Forces
Sgt William B. Kelly
Squadron B, 2114TH AAF Base Unit WWII United States Army Air Forces
SPC Caden Kelly
762ND Transportation Company United States Army Reserve
PFC James Kenny
69th Chem, 1st Armored Div United States Army
T/Sgt Raymond W. Kidder
3rd Armored Div. (Spearhead) - WWII - European Theater United States Army
E4 Katrina King
HHD 437th MP Bat United States Army
Sgt Brawnley C. King
101ST Airborne Vietnam United States Army
Cpl Lloyd E. King
24th Infantry, 34th Regt - WWII - Asiatic-Pacific Theater United States Army
SP4 Max King
Korean War United States Army
SP4 Clifford Knight
77th HEMCO - Germany United States Army
Pfc Robert E. Koehnlein
177th Ord Depot Co. - WWII - Asiatic-Pacific Theater United States Army
Cpl Frank J. Kondik
173Rd Field Artillary WWII United States Army
SP4 Richard Koski
459th Signal Bn, Co A - Vietnam United States Army
Andrew J. Kovarik
US Army WWII United States Army
TEC5 Frank A. Krajovic
845th Aviation Battalion WWII United States Army Air Forces
PFC Bill Kruise
72nd Signal Bn Karlsruhe, Germany 1983-1987 United States Army
E-4 Ralph Kruise, Sr.
Paratrooper, Ft. Benning, GA - WWII United States Army
Sgt Sean M. Kulstad
459th Engineering Co - Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Army
Sgt Elizabeth Kuntz
162ND Infantry Brigade Combat Medic Afghanistan United States Army
TEC5 Don `Lee` Laizure
United States Army Battle of the Bulge United States Army
TEC4 John T. Lamantia Sr.
83rd Infantry Division - WWII United States Army
Pfc Philip F. Lamantia Sr.
North Africa, Italy WWII United States Army
SP4 David W. Lawrence
Co C 2nd Bn 11th Inf Fifth U.S.Army United States Army
SP4 Courtney J. Lease-Blood
C. Co. 864th Engineer (STB) - OIF/OEF United States Army
S/Sgt Gerald K. (Curly) Leasure
Army Air Corps WWII United States Army
PFC Uel Mitchell LeMasters
1957-1959 United States Army
SP4 Gary Lemmon
MP Vietnam United States Army
SP3 Robert (Bob) E. Lewis
B Battery United States Army
Sgt Richard Lewis
Korean War United States Army
Sgt. David A Lippert
Corp of Engineers Desert Storm United States Army
T-SGT Thomas J. Lowery
78th Infantry Division, WWII, Battle of the Bulge, Central Europe United States Army
SP/4 Eugene Michael Lucas
HQ Co, 1st BG, 9th Inf - Alaska 1960-1962 United States Army
Sgt Paul Lukacena
140th Air Force - World War ll United States Army Air Forces
S/Sgt Nicholas Lukacena
World War ll United States Army
PFC John Lukacena
2nd Airborne Division - WWII United States Army
PFC Joseph Lukacena
67th. Chemical Company WWII United States Army
SGT Robert D. Lynch
6th Bomb Sq, 29th Bomb Grp - World War II United States Army Air Corps
Sergeant John Mackov
HQ 312th. Field Artillery Battalion WWll United States Army
PVT Joseph R. Martaus
2nd Infantry Div, 462nd AAA Bat - WWII United States Army
Sergeant Carl L. Martin
94th. Constabulary Squadron WWll United States Army
Private Charles E. Martin
191st Tank Battalion WWll Battle of the Bulge United States Army
Sgt Kenneth L. Mayhew
380th Bomb Group, 529th Bomb Squadron - World War II - Pacific Theater United States Army Air Corps
SFC Kevin Mayhew
3rd Armored Division, 4/8 CAV - Vietnam Era - Desert Storm (1971-1991) United States Army
Spec 4 Barry McCart
25th Infantry Div, 3rd Battalion, 13th Artillery - Vietnam United States Army
SP4 John S. McCart
United States Army
PFC Wilma (Jeanne) McDanield-June
WAC 1925th Service Command Unit - WWII - Truck Driver United States Army
T/Sgt John S. (Jack) McFeely
World War II United States Army
S/Sgt John H. McFerren
World War II - CBI Theater India/Burma United States Army Air Corps
COL Donald McFerren
82nd Airborne, 505th PIR - WWII - Korea - Vietnam United States Army
PVT William A. McFerren
PFC Louis W. McGrath
World War II United States Army
Sgt Walter `Dean` McKnight
Med Co. 65th Infantry, Combat Medic Korean War United States Army
S/Sgt Ted Meredith
Cannon Co. 395th Infantry European Theatre WWII 1942-1945 United States Army
E-4 Deborah Merritt McTheny
K-9 Officer/Military Police Oct 1992- Oct 1997 United States Army
Capt Charles Robert Meyer
4TH Infantry Division Vietnam United States Army
M/Sgt George Miclea
Korean War and World War II, Wounded in Battle of Bulge United States Army
T/Sgt Nicholas A. Mihalik
390th Bomb Group, 570th Bomb Squadron - WWII - POW United States Army Air Forces
Cpl Leonard E. Minor
United States Army Korean War United States Army
Pfc Clarence E. Morris
Battery C, 566th Anti Aircraft - World War II United States Army
T/5 Martin V. Motto Sr.
1635TH Engineer Const. WWII United States Army
E7 James M. Murray
169TH Engineering Battalion Vietnam United States Army
PVT Hiram Mushrush
30th Regiment Co. G Ohio Infantry Civil war United States Army
SFC Joe D Nemitt
503 Airborne Infantry Regiment Korean War United States Army
Cpl Cornelius M. O`Brien
207th Army Air Force, Aerial Tail Gunner - WWII - European Theater United States Army Air Forces
Cpl John T. (Josie) O`Brien
World War II - European Theater United States Army
Pvt James R. O`Brien
103rd Army Air Force - WWII - Geiger Field, Washington United States Army Air Forces
SGT Joshua Obertance
4th ID - OIF - Afghanistan United States Army
CPL Everett Parsons
HQ Co, 323rd Field Artillery - World War I United States Army
PVT Clarence `Red` Paules
World War II United States Army
Cpl Ralph Pavia
WWII - Battle of the Bulge United States Army
Sgt Clark E. Payne
World War II United States Army
CPL Edward J. Perun Jr.
Field Artillery World War II (Battle of the Bulge) United States Army
MSgt Gerald R. Peters
WWII, Korea, Vietnam United States Army
PVT John E. Petras
Co K, 116th Engineers - WWII - Battles St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne United States Army
T/Sgt Regis Patrick Phillips
WWII, Korea, Vietnam Retired from U.S.Air Force United States Army Air Forces
Sgt. Thomas L. Piatt
419 th Fighter Squadron WWll United States Army Air Forces
Corporal Richard A. Piatt
Korean War United States Army
SP4 Kenneth G. Platko
5TH BN 11TH Infantry Vietnam United States Army
S/Sgt William E. Potts Jr.
451ST Bombardment Group WWII United States Army Air Corps
Pfc Clarence `Frog` Prosser
Medic - Korean War United States Army
PFC Eugene `Jeep` Prosser
United States Army-Korean War United States Army
Sgt John G. Radvansky
3rd Squad, B Troop, 3/4 Cavalry, 25th Infantry Div - Vietnam United States Army
Sgt John J. Ramer
10st Airborne (1956-1958) United States Army
SP4 Harry Rawson
Ammo Storage Specialist - Germany United States Army
E-4 Douglas A. Rawson
United States Army
PFC E. Boyd Rawson
M.P. Oct 1963-Sept 1965 United States Army
Sgt James Reed
1970-1973 United States Army
CPL Burnard L. Reed
Infantry - World War II United States Army
PVT Clarence (Butch) Reese
BTRY A 1ST BN 73RD ARTY 1ST Armed Div United States Army
PFC Harry A. Reese
Battery D, 744th Anti Aircraft - WWII - Southern Philippines United States Army
PFC Wendell B. Reese
Military Adv. Group - Korean War United States Army
James Austin Reynolds
U.S.Army European Theater World War II United States Army
SGT Edward G. Reynolds
Persian Gulf Command - WWII 1942-1945 United States Army
PFC Clifton Rhodes
5th Army - World War II United States Army
E-4 C. David Rhodes
5TH ARMY 1967 Vietnam War United States Army
CPL Theodore E. Riffle Sr.
Korean War 1951-1953 United States Army
PFC Arthur R. Robertson
1120th. Engineers WWll United States Army
S/Sgt Robert J. Rock
Co. C 517TH Parachute Inf. WWII United States Army
S/Sgt Edward M. Rock
India-Burma - World War II United States Army Air Forces
Paul Romey Sr.
United States Army World War II, Korea United States Army
Cpl Russell R. Roth
59th AART, 17th Infantry, MP - WWII United States Army
TEC5 John Roth
1579TH ENG SVC CO WWII Aleutian Islands, Alaska United States Army
Cpl. James E. Rudder
72nd Tank Battalion, 2nd Infantry Division Korean War United States Army
E-4 Frank Russell
758 Support Group 1st Air Cav & Armored Division Vietnam 1968-1969 United States Army
SFC Richard C. Ryan
5TH Special Forces SOG Hatchet and Mike Force Vietnam War United States Army
Pfc John B. Scalley
1st Infantry Division (Big Red One) - World War II United States Army
PVT Harry Robert Schevlin
Company D, 147th Infantry, 37th Div - Korea United States Army
SP4 George W. Scott Jr.
U.S. Army Vietnam Era 1957-1961 United States Army
Sgt Robert W. Shepherd
400TH Air Force Base, Crew Chief, WWII United States Army Air Forces
Pfc Samuel B. Shevelow, Sr.
Korean War United States Army
Sgt Thomas A. Shimmel
Company L 19th Infantry Regt Korean War United States Army
Sgt Earl `Doke` Simpson
Co B, 35th Infantry Division - WWII - Normandy, Rhineland United States Army
Cpl Walker Sines
1225TH ASU & HqDet. 1/3/1942-3/8/1951 WWII, US Army Air Corps United States Army
Robert M. Skeeles
United States Army World War II United States Army
PVT Harry Charles Smith
Co D, 7th BN, 2nd Training Brigade - Ft. Jackson, SC (1962-1964) United States Army
E-5 James Cephas Smith
4th Bn, 9th Infantry, 25th Infantry Div - Vietnam War - Manchu United States Army
T/Sgt Harry L. Smith
CO 5 444TH Signal BN United States Army
TEC4 Merle J. Smith
302 Port Company Railway Traffic - WWII United States Army
E-5 Colleen Smith Fey
K CO. 158TH AVN 13 COSCOM 1982-1990 United States Army
Sgt John J. Smurda
Tank Driver - WWII - North Africa, Algeria, Tunisia United States Army
PFC Joseph M. Sokol
Military Police - Okinawa United States Army
T-SGT Michael P. Sokol
Battle of the Bulge WWII United States Army
SP4 Michael S. Sokol Jr.
Specialist 4th Class Military Police Vietnam War United States Army
SPC Justin Starr
E-4 Specialist Iraq, Afghanistan 2007-2014 United States Army
SFC Dennis Starr
101ST Airborne Division 1STB United States Army
PVT John Matthew Stipec
Co E, 6th BN, 2nd Bde - WWII United States Army
SP5 Henry E. Stovall
2nd Armored Division Vietnam Era 1969-1972 United States Army
SGT William R. Straka Sr.
12th Field Station - Japan - Korea Intercept Operation United States Army
Cpl Jack E. Swearingen
Medic - World War II United States Army Air Corps
E-4 Jay T Swearingen
5TH Infantry Div. Mech. Berlin Crisis United States Army
PVT Edmond C. Swearingen
US Army WWII United States Army
Cpl Steve Swick
Co. A. 402ND Combat Engineers WWII United States Army
Sgt Norman Talamine
5TH Division World War II United States Army
Private Wayne E. Tharp
Co. A 16th Engineer Battalion United States Army
SP4 Gary Lee Tice
15TH ENGR CO 31ST ENGR BN USARMY Vietnam United States Army
PFC Lino John Tizziani
387TH Engr Sq S2 75 ASG WWII United States Army
PV2 Alvin S. Todd
66th Engr Topo Co. - Germany - Korean War United States Army
Cpl Joseph Trifonoff
United States Army World War II United States Army
Sgt Mike Trifonoff
310th Infantry, 78th Division - WWII United States Army
SP4 Bill Trimmer
173RD Airborne Brigade, Combat Medic, Vietnam War United States Army
SP4 Teddy R. Troski
14th Cavalry - Vietnam Era United States Army
PFC Teddy C. Troski
4th Infantry Div - WWII United States Army
S/Sgt Ernest A. Troski
22nd Ordnance Co - WWII - Asiatic-Pacific Theater United States Army
Pfc Anthony Francis Tyska
19th Infantry - World War II United States Army
Sgt Frank J. Vanihel Jr.
407th Infantry Regiment - World War II - EAME (1941-1945) United States Army
E-2 Thomas H. Vantilburg
D Co, 1st Engineers - Panzer Kaserne, Boeblingen, Germany United States Army
PVT Richard Varagliotti
1ST Infantry Division Vietnam United States Army
Cpl Stephen J. Volsky
Anti-Aircraft Gunner Served under Gen. Patton WWII United States Army
E-6 Robert S. Volsky
463RD Engr Bn.Combat Eng. Ballad, Iraq Airborn Fort Bragg United States Army
Gerald Wagner
1st Cavalry - Korea United States Army
Spec 4 Gerald `Gus` Walker
8th Missile Battalion, 3rd Artillery, Vietnam United States Army
Pvt John R. Watts
86th Division (Blackhawks) - WWII - European & Asian Theaters (1944-1945) United States Army
S/SGT Robert Wellington
25th Infantry Division - Korean War United States Army
Corporal Larry A. Westbrook
82nd. Artillery Americal Division Vietnam United States Army
SGT Dewey Westbrook Jr
54TH Troop Carrier Squadron United States Army Air Forces
Cpl John Wherry
Vietnam United States Army
E-5 Chuck White
24th Infantry United States Army
Pvt John W. Winstel
693rd Ord Ammo Co - WWII - Philippine Islands United States Army
PFC George Wise
I Corps, C Battery 1st Obsn Bn - Korea (1957-1958) United States Army
TSGT Clark Wise
United States Army Band WWII 1940-1945 United States Army
CPL Robert E. Wymer
Co A, 415th Infantry - WWII United States Army
T/Sgt Edward T Yanik
6TH Armored Div. 125TH Engineer Combat Bat. WWII United States Army
E-4 Carl H. Yarosz Sr.
MED DET 342ND INF WWII United States Army
Sgt John S. Yaskanich
WWII Battle of the Bulge United States Army
Rizzie Yazbek
504TH Military Police World War II United States Army
Mary `Mickey` Young
Medical Corps - World War II United States Army
LT Col John W. Young MD
Medical Corp. Cavalry - World War II, Korean War United States Army
PFC Michael E. Zdinak
Regimental HDQ Company 310TH Infantry Regiment WWII United States Army
1st LT Raymond Zorbini
Armored Division - Vietnam United States Army

MSgt Thomas M. Anderson
U.S.A.F. Fire Protection February 1997-August 2017 United States Air Force
Airman David Ault
Airforce 1987-2011 24Yrs Service United States Air Force
A1C Richard Balser
United States Air Force Korean War United States Air Force
MSgt Bruce W. Barcus
Strategic Air Command Vietnam Era United States Air Force
Sgt Samuel T. Beckett
43rd Air Base Div, Security Police Squadron - Guam United States Air Force
A/1c George (Gee) Bodnar
Korean War 1950-1953 United States Air Force
E-3 John R. (Itchy) Bodrog
86th Air Division United States Air Force
SrA Harry Robert Bowers
Vietnam Era United States Air Force
Donald J. Brannon
Airforce United States Air Force
SGT Richard E. Burns Jr.
436th Aerial Port Squadron - Vietnam United States Air Force
A1C Nicholas `Nico` Butler
Panama Crisis United States Air Force
Lt Col William Cervenak
United States Air Force WWII United States Air Force
TSgt Chad N. Clark
United States Air Force
MSgt Chad Coil
United States Air Force (Retired) United States Air Force
Lt Col Daniel Coil
United States Air Force United States Air Force
MSgt Michael J. Czeszlyicki
United States Air Force
Sgt David Lee Dials
Vietnam United States Air Force
Sgt James E. Dials
Korean War United States Air Force
MSgt Beverly (Byers) Ellard
383 TRS Nursing Squadron - Gulf War United States Air Force
Major Elwood A. Fitz
Strategic Air Command WWII United States Air Force
SSgt Clarence James Galleher
Radio Operator Korean War 1954-1955 United States Air Force
Captain William R. Glass
Navigator Viet Nam United States Air Force
MSgt Brian M. Graham
77th Fighter Squadron - Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Air Force
Cpl Elbert A Grill
3RD Air Division WWII United States Air Force
SSgt Matthew O. Hannan
27th Tactical Fighter Wing - Operation Desert Storm United States Air Force
A1c James R. Harris
United States Air Force
CMSgt Robert J. Haught
823 Red Horse, Civil Engineer, Korea/Vietnam 1947-1971 United States Air Force
SSgt Tom Ighnat
Korean War United States Air Force
A1C Richard `Dick` Jewett
6550TH Operations Squadron (ARDC) Korean War United States Air Force
Sammy Johns
Operation Southern Watch - Cuba United States Air Force
SSgt Gasele Sines Krauss
Hospital - Vietnam United States Air Force
E-4 Brett Kruise
Iraq United States Air Force
Sgt James A. Lowery
467th Combat Support Group - Vietnam (1968-1969) United States Air Force
E-4 George L. Lukacena
Military Demand Pacific Theater Viet Nam Era United States Air Force
MSgt Myles Mayhew
1st Infantry, Combat Advisor - Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Air Force
E4 Pat McCourt
Vietnam War United States Air Force
E4 Robert E. McGrath
Vietnam United States Air Force
E-3 John Richard McTheny
Air Force 1960-1964 - Navy Reserve 1958-1960 United States Air Force
SSgt John McTheny Jr.
Security Force, Combat Arms Instructor May 1995-Aug 2006 United States Air Force
Staff Sergeant Stephen A. Miles
Ramstein Base Supply Squadron United States Air Force
A1C Kenneth W. Miller
Vietnam 1963-1967 United States Air Force
Sgt Wayne Morris
SAC/Mun Maint Sq 1968-1972 Vietnam United States Air Force
Sgt James E. Morris
67 ARRSQ United States Air Force
MSgt Wayne Morris Jr.
Aircraft Structual Iraq Freedom USAF 1993-2014 United States Air Force
SSgt John L. Olesky Jr.
USAF Presidential Honor Guard Vietnam United States Air Force
SSgt Craig A. Peters
Persian Gulf United States Air Force
A1C Forrest `Bob` Phelps
85TH Air Base Squadron Korean War United States Air Force
SGT John Edward Prosser
Security - Vietnam (1972-1976) United States Air Force
A1C Blaine T. Rawson
802nd Security Forces Squadron 2016-present United States Air Force
SSgt Norman K. Rawson
Hurricane Hunters United States Air Force
MSgt Therese Richardson
23RD Tactical Fighter Wing Feb. 1971- Mar. 1991 United States Air Force
A1c Charles S Rogers
Korean War United States Air Force
TSgt Robert J Samuel
Robins AFB 116th & 461st Squadron United States Air Force
MSgt William C. Scheel
911th SFS - Operation Enduring Freedom United States Air Force
MSgt Daniel Schultz
8th Civil Engineer Squad - Iraq, GWOT - Retired United States Air Force
SrA Richard Schultz
823rd Red Horse Squadron - GWOT United States Air Force
Major Patrick Sines
28th Bomb Wing, 910th Airlift Wing - OEF/OIF/OIR United States Air Force
TSgt James D. Sloane
56 Combat Squadron Vietnam 1967-1975 United States Air Force
A3C Donald R. Smith
Travis Air Force Base, California, Korea United States Air Force
SrA Harry Taylor
20TH ADS/6TH MWS United States Air Force
A1C Michael J. Timko
32nd BM. SQ, 301st (SAC) Bomb Wing - Korea United States Air Force
SSgt James B. Whalen
United States Air Force Korea United States Air Force
A1C James O. Wilson
A1C United States Air Force Korea United States Air Force
A1C Edward John Yanik
U.S. Air Force 1956 United States Air Force
William Thomas Young
WWII European Theater United States Air Force

PO2 Zane Boyd
PSU 309 United States Coast Guard
MCPO Bryan Sines
USCG Retired United States Coast Guard

John R. Watts, 69, of Toronto, OH, passed away Sunday, March 22, 2020 at UPMC Shadyside Hospital.
John was a proud 1969 graduate of Steubenville ‘Big Red’. After graduating, he proudly served his country, for eight years, in the United States Navy. John has been the Fourth Ward Councilman in Toronto since 2012. He was a proud Veteran and a member of the Toronto American Legion Post #86. He was instrumental with the new military banner program that started in 2019. John spent countless hours with others hanging the banners throughout the city. He loved the city of Toronto and felt it was his true home.
Toronto is proud to honor our men and women
who are or have served this country through our banner program.
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Contact Harry Munson
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HTM Designs

PO3 Bob `Andy` Anderson
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba YTM275 (1968-1969) United States Navy
PO3 Ronald C. Anderson
Vietnam United States Navy
Harry C Andrews
Korean War United States Navy
PC3 Gil Arehart
USS Zelima (AF-49) San Francisco, CA. United States Navy 1958-1961 United States Navy
E-5 Charles William Argentine
7th Fleet Amphibious/Eastern Div. - Virginia, Vietnam Era United States Navy
Charles William Artman
Vietnam United States Navy
E6 L. David Atchison
Vietnam War - Retired United States Navy
Mark Anthony Augustynowicz
United States Navy
TM3 Henry M. Barto
USS Rodman DMS-21 Okinawa WWII 1943-1945 United States Navy
IC2 Gregory G. Barto
USS MacDonough (DDG-39) Destroyer Squadron 24 1977-1981 United States Navy
SM1c Vincent S. Bengar
WWII 1941-1945 United States Navy
HT2 Neil P. Blanton
USS Enterprise CVN-65 United States Navy
SA Alton Dallas Brand
USS New Jersey - Korea United States Navy
CDR Theresa Buratynski
MD.PH - Afganistan United States Navy
AMM1 Raymond Buratynski
World War II - Asiatic-Pacific Theater United States Navy
SN Dean (Diz) Byers
USS Gainard (DD-706) - Korean War United States Navy
SM2 Calvin C. Carnahan
World War II United States Navy
M3 Floyd B. Cusick
WWll United States Navy
AE2 Jack Daniels
USS Oriskany (VA-153) - Vietnam Era United States Navy
SF1 Ralph E. Donofrio
USS LSM 230 World War II United States Navy
S3 William Dougherty
United States Navy WWII United States Navy
LTJG Agnes Dougherty
Navy Nurse Corps WWII United States Navy
ABF3 Raymond `Charlie` Eshbaugh Jr.
USS America (CVA-66) 1966-1970 United States Navy
Thomas G. Esken
Vietnam War United States Navy
E-3 Thomas B. Exterovich
Iceland, Vietnam Era United States Navy
Cox Raymond J. (Whitey) Exterovich
Asiatic-Pacific WWII United States Navy
S1c Lawrence W. Gillis
World War II (1944-1946) United States Navy
Wick Grafton
Y3 WWII United States Navy
F1 Ellsworth S. Graham
USS Sussex (AK-213) - World War II United States Navy
S2c Paul Grimm
WWII United States Navy
AMH3 James L. Grimm
Vietnam USS Ticonderaga, USS Ranger, USS Coral Sea United States Navy
BU2 Andrew Gulla
Seabees - Operation Enduring Freedom United States Navy
S1c James R. Hannan, Sr.
World War II United States Navy
SN Robert `Huck` Hanuscin
USS Compton (DD-705) United States Navy
GM3 Jared E. Hawkins
WWII (1944-1946) United States Navy
SK2 Michael L. Heiss
Vietnam United States Navy
ARM James A. Henry
Aviation Radioman WWII United States Navy
RM2 Ralph J. Hickey
USS LSM(R)-199 - WWII - Asiatic-Pacific Theater United States Navy
S2c Robert E. Holsinger
World War II (1945-1946) United States Navy
EMC Maurice `Sparkey` Horne
USS Suwannee CVE-27 WWII 1941-1962 Retired United States Navy
EM3 Raymond L. Horne
U.S. Navy USS Galveston CLG3 1956-1962 United States Navy
John Hostina
United States Navy 1944-1946 WWII United States Navy
CPO James W. Hunt
Troop Transport WWII United States Navy
CPO William M. Hutchison
Aviation Metalsmith 3/c, WWII United States Navy
AMM2 Robert H Jacks
WWll United States Navy
F1 Anthony Raymond June
World War II United States Navy
E-4 Shawn P. Keenan
R Division - USS Saratoga United States Navy
EM1 Leonard G. Kestner
World War II United States Navy
E-3 David J. Kireta
USS Barney (DDG-6) - Vietnam United States Navy
ASM3 James R. Klink
Patrol Squad One Korea 1948-1952 United States Navy
PO3 Thomas Kruise
Seebee''s Vietnam Era United States Navy
E-4 Ralph Kruise Jr.
Vietnam United States Navy
E5 Tony Lamantia
USS Pueblo, POW North Korea, Vietnam United States Navy
E3 Philip F Lamantia
USS Shasta, Killed in Accident on Board Ship United States Navy
Capt Brian D. Lawrence
EO/Deputy Supervisor Operations U.S.Navy 1989-2019 United States Navy
Cox(T) James E. Liddick
USS LSM-181 Asiatic Pacific-Philippine Liberation, American Theatre United States Navy
E5 James R. Litva
Desron-8 (DD-831) Cuban Blockade - Med Cruise United States Navy
S1c Frank Lukacena
World War ll United States Navy
PO3 Adam Lyons
United States Navy
HN Ronald James (Doc) Manning
1st Bn, 3rd & 9th Marines - Vietnam - KIA United States Navy
William (Bill) Manning
WWII and Korean War United States Navy
SN John M. Manning
1947 United States Navy
CPO Donald E. (Doc) McCue Jr.
Gunners Mate, Shore Patrol - Vietnam (1967-1987) United States Navy
SOM3C James A. McGraw
USS Yokes (APD-69) - World War II United States Navy
COX Jay R. McVann
Mobile Amphibious, Base Repair - WWII United States Navy
Susan R. Mercer Blanton
Medical Corps United States Navy Vietnam United States Navy
PO2 Rob W. Merideth
USS Mississippi Nuclear Cruiser Soviet Union Cold War United States Navy
MUS1 James L. Metcalf III
World War II - Atlantic - Asiatic-Pacific Theater (1940-1946) United States Navy
PO1 Donald Murvine
Korean War 1953-1956 United States Navy
S2 Paul E. Newbold
WWII U.S.N.R. United States Navy
GM3 William J. (Bill) Paris
USS Nicholson (DD-442) - World War II United States Navy
S1 Richard Payne
United States Navy World War II United States Navy
Donald Jay Payne
Construction Division Heavy Equipment Operator - Korean Conflict United States Navy
Paul A. Perun
World War II 1944-1946 United States Navy
MM2 Richard Podwell
USS Thresher (SSN-593) - Eternal Patrol United States Navy
Coxswain Edward Pope
UDT #5 WWII United States Navy
PO3 Andy Powley
Korean War United States Navy
EM2 David T. Price
United States Navy WWII United States Navy
E-4 John (Jack) Price
World War II United States Navy
SN Keith Price
Vietnam Era United States Navy
EM3 Joseph Radvansky
Electrician - Vietnam United States Navy
CTA2 Joseph Radvansky Jr.
Desert Storm Iraq War United States Navy
SF3C Howard M. Rawson
Asiatic/Pacific Theatre WWII United States Navy
Howard David Rawson
United States Navy
CPO Aaron L. Rawson
NAVAIR HQ-HC4 Heavy Lift Combat Squad United States Navy
EM1c Gerald Blaine Richards
World War II (1942-1948) United States Navy
ADJ3 Timothy R. Robertson, Sr.
Attack Squadron VA 85 Vietnam United States Navy
BT3 Lawrence E. Rock
USS Fort Snelling )LSD-30) Vietnam Era United States Navy
SN Darius `Doc` Rogers
USS Aldebaran (AF-10) Mediterranean Sea United States Navy
Gerard Romey
United States Navy United States Navy
FC3 Henry E. Sheets
USS Guilford (APA-112) - World War II - Asiatic-Pacific Theater United States Navy
Michael Joseph Shimmel
World War II 1945 United States Navy
E5 Hugh W. Shipe
2nd Marine Div, FMF - USMC United States Navy
SN Gerald Sines
USS Pivot July 12th 1965-April 19th 1970 Vietnam United States Navy
PO1 John G. Skrabak
USS Nields WWII United States Navy
FN1 James D. Smith
USS Franklin - World War II United States Navy
RD3 Newell E. Smith
USS Everett F. Larson (DDR-830) - Korean War United States Navy
Merlin D. Starkey Sr.
USS Ralph Talbot (DD-390) - World War II United States Navy
AN Clell Starr
Korean War United States Navy
S1c Chester Stasiulewicz
USS General ML Hersey - WWII United States Navy
AE2 Kenneth Eugene Stevens
CAG 5/VA-22 1967-1971 Vietnam United States Navy
BMSN Robert F. Stock
Vietnam Era United States Navy
S1c Albert A. Straka
USS Essex - WWII United States Navy
S2 Charles Chape Straka Sr.
World War II United States Navy
RD3 Gregory Swick
USS Wood County (LST-1178) 1968-1972 United States Navy
CPO Richard `Rick` Tipton
Vietnam and Persian Gulf War Retired US Navy United States Navy
SN Paul P. Voltz
USS Ingraham (DD-694) Cuban Missile Crisis United States Navy
FN1 William `Del` Walker
3rd and 5th Fleet, Const. Batt., USS Oklahoma City - WWII United States Navy
MM3 John Watts
M-Division, USS Lexington (CVS-16) - Vietnam United States Navy
SK1 Roger Watts
(USNR) 1955-1979 United States Navy
EM1 George M Wenner
Nuclear Sub Service- Vietnam War United States Navy
HM1 Robert L West
US Navy and USMC WWII and Korea United States Navy
AB3 Lester C. West
Korea United States Navy
PO2 Edwin J. Westfall
Damage Control - Vietnam United States Navy
SF2 Ralph G. Williamson
Pacific Theater United States Navy
George Eddy Young
Destroyer Escort USS Chatelain WWII United States Navy

LCpl James (Jim) Allen
1959-1962 United States Marine Corps
Cpl James Howard Allen
United States Marine Corps WWII United States Marine Corps
PFC Larry L. Argentine
United States Marine Corps
Pvt Dale G. Blankenship
Vietnam United States Marine Corps
CPL Frank Edward Board
United States Marines Korean Conflict United States Marine Corps
Pfc John J. Bodnar
4th Marine Division, Medic - World War II United States Marine Corps
LCpl Brant Boka
1ST Marine Div. 3/1 Mike Co. Vietnam War United States Marine Corps
Cpl Timothy Carl Buchanan
Vietnam War United States Marine Corps
Cpl Bill Burchfield
1st Marine Division - Korean War United States Marine Corps
Cpl Thomas Wayne Byers
1st Motor Transport Battalion - Quantico, Virginia - Korean War United States Marine Corps
SGT Dohrman (Doc) Byers
Korean War United States Marine Corps
SGT Walter W. (Bill) Byers
World War II - Asiatic-Pacific Theater United States Marine Corps
Major Trisha (Myler) Carpenter
Second Marine Expeditionary Force - Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Marine Corps
CPL Samuel K. Crawford
Aviation Mechanic, Attack Squadron - Korean War United States Marine Corps
LCpl Kashmir F. Deptula
Vietnam Era 1961-1967 United States Marine Corps
Sgt William Doyle
2nd MAR DIV, Amphibious Assault Bn, Camp Lejeune (1973-1980) United States Marine Corps
Sgt Robert `Yogi` Eddy
4th Bn, 12th Mar, 3rd MarDiv (Rein) - Vietnam 1967-1975 United States Marine Corps
SGT Frank Ferraro
15TH MEU HMLA-267 Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Marine Corps
Cpl Bruce W. Fogle
Vietnam War United States Marine Corps
PVT Jeffrey Ford
Rescued POW''s after Vietnam War United States Marine Corps
Cpl Robert J. Freeman
Combat Engineer USMC Vietnam United States Marine Corps
LCpl Blaine Freeman
United States Marine Corps Vietnam 1969-1970 United States Marine Corps
Cpl James G. Gettings
6461 Aviation Crash Crewman (Fire Marshal) United States Marine Corps
LCpl Pat Green
2ND BN. 3RD Marines Vietnam 1967-1969 United States Marine Corps
CPL Thomas A. Hannan, Jr.
A Co, 2nd Bn, 2nd Marine Div - Vietnam United States Marine Corps
PFC Thomas A. Hannan, Sr.
4th Marine Corps Detachment - Korea United States Marine Corps
PFC John T. Hannan, Sr.
Korean War United States Marine Corps
Sgt Warren Hawkins
2nd Battalion, 7th Marines - Korea United States Marine Corps
E-3 Tim R. Hawthorne
1st Marine Division Platoon 287 Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Cpl Erle Heaton Jr.
Desert Storm United States Marine Corps
Cpl Kenneth (Bill) Heckathorn
United States Marine Corps
Sgt Joshua M. Herrick
8TH Comm II MEF Iraq United States Marine Corps
CPL Russell T. Hodgkiss, Jr.
United States Marine Corps
LCpl Robert J. Holmes
USMC Reserves United States Marine Corps
LCpl Ed Hosey
4th CAG - Vietnam War 1968-1971 United States Marine Corps
Cpl George T. Hudok
World War II United States Marine Corps
E-4 Alex Jones
H&HS-28 Mechanic - Vietnam United States Marine Corps
PFC Robert J. Jones
Korean War United States Marine Corps
MSgt David John Karaffa
Desert Storm United States Marine Corps
Corporal Mark King
1st. Marine Division Tanks United States Marine Corps
Cpl Kent Leasure
2nd Battalion, 4th Marines (Magnificent Bastards) United States Marine Corps
MSgt Clyde Loshbaugh
2nd Marine Div - Desert Storm - 1971-1991 Retired United States Marine Corps
Sgt Andrew Lukacena
FMF 2nd. Div. United States Marine Corps
Capt Harlan E. Major
15th Co, 6th Machine Gun BN - World War I United States Marine Corps
MSG Doris M. (Reinhardt) Mann
Control Tower Operator WWII United States Marine Corps
M/Sgt (Joseph) Jay F. Mann
Marine Aviation Separation, Unit One -WWII and Korean War United States Marine Corps
Cpl Shane Maple
31st Marine Expeditionary Unit Operation Enduring Freedom United States Marine Corps
LCpl Robert E. Maus
Vietnam War United States Marine Corps
PFC Robert W. McGrath
World War II United States Marine Corps
SSgt George B. Meyer
World War II United States Marine Corps
Sgt Bob Patterson
2ND Marine Division 1955-1959 Shore Patrol United States Marine Corps
Cpl Robbie A. Peach
Gulf War United States Marine Corps
Sgt Wayne T. Peckens
6TH Marines 1962-1966 United States Marine Corps
Sgt Franklin D. Popp
1st Marine Division United States Marine Corps
Cpl James Porter
USMC 1958-1963 United States Marine Corps
Pfc Donald G. Price
Korean War United States Marine Corps
CPL Brian K. Rawson
5th BN, 11th Marines 1993-1997 United States Marine Corps
LCpl Michael R. Rice
Motor Transportation - Okinawa Japan (1972-1974) United States Marine Corps
Ronald James Riggleman
1st 90 MM AAA Gun Battalion, Radar Repairman - Korea United States Marine Corps
Sgt Nathaniel S. Rock
Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Marine Corps
Cpl. Pat Rosser
1st Co. 2nd. Bat. Viet Nam Era United States Marine Corps
Sgt John E. Sabados
H-3/5, 1st Marine Division - Korea United States Marine Corps
Cpl Shawn M. Sherwood
2nd Batt, 7th Marines, Fox Co. - Desert Storm United States Marine Corps
PVT Paul Simpson
Korea United States Marine Corps
Cpl John Skrabak
Bravo Co. 1ST BN 9TH Marine Battle of KHE SAN Vietnam 1967-1969 United States Marine Corps
MSgt John Glenn Stiles
Korea, Vietnam (Retired) United States Marine Corps
Cpl Glenn R. Swearingen
2nd Aircraft Artillery Grp - World War II - Pacific Theater United States Marine Corps
LCpl Edward R. Umpleby
Vietnam, Battle of Khe Sanh United States Marine Corps
PVT George M. Vadjinia
4Th Battalion Vietnam United States Marine Corps
PVT Harry H. Vogelsong
111TH Regiment American Expeditionary France 1918-1919 WWI United States Marine Corps
PFC John Walker
Korean War United States Marine Corps
SSG Norman W. Winstel
Charlie Co, 3rd Recon BN, 3rd Marine Div - Vietnam War United States Marine Corps
SSgt Gerald Wirth
1st Marine Corps - Korea United States Marine Corps
PFC Pius J. Yanik
Trumpeter WWI United States Marine Corps