Harold Ahles
475th AAA AW Battalion - WWII United States Army
SSgt Dean C. Allen
40th. Division, 224 Battalion, Korea United States Army
SFC Lyndon ''Sarge'' Allman
24th Infantry Division - Korean War United States Army
Robert Franklin Amos
WWII, Germany United States Army
SGT Patrick L. Anderson
Korean War United States Army
SGT Thomas Angelo
Pentagon - Vietnam Era United States Army
SGT Charles J. Angelo
Co C, 201st Infantry - WWII - Aleutian Islands United States Army
SP3 Angelo C. Anile
France, Korean War Era 1952-1955 United States Army
Cpl Patsy Aria
58th. Engineer Floating Bridge, Korea United States Army
Sgt George Ash
101st Airborne Division - Vietnam United States Army
Tech 4 Edmund Guy Ashbee
21st QMC AR CO. - WWII United States Army
Corporal Ray Paul Baker
Communications, Korean War United States Army
E 5 Fred Baldt Jr.
80th. Division, Cannon Company WWII, Europe United States Army
Sgt Joseph Ballas
1st. Division, 31st. Squadron, Korea 1964-1965 United States Army
PFC Samuel Francis Ballato
Infantry - Korean War - Battles of Pork Chop Hill and Old Baldy United States Army
Tec 5 Michael P. Ballato
24th.Tank Battalion, 13th. Armored Div. WWII, Rhineland, Central Europe United States Army
E5 William E. Barkley
196th Transportation Co, 11th Battalion, Heavy equipment operator United States Army
E4 Chester R. Barnabei
Artillery - WWII - Occupation Japan, Battle of Philippines United States Army
PFC John M. Bartolovich
Co. B, 61st Signal Batallion, WWII, Rhineland Central Europe United States Army
Sgt Anthony A. Battista
43rd Construction Battalion - WWII - Asiatic-Pacific Theater United States Army
Cpl Ralph Bell
5th Air Force, 309 Air Engineers, Japan WW II, 1946-47 United States Army Air Force
PFC Camden Joe Bennett
HV Mortar Co. 38th Infantry Div. - Korea United States Army
SPC Anthony J. Bernabei
101st Infantry Division, Airborne (ASSLT) - Afghanistan United States Army
T/5 John W. Berryman
Division 923, WWII United States Army
SP5 Larry ''Jim'' Bissett
1st Cavalry Division/Artillery , Vietnam United States Army
Sgt Richard D. Blanc
199th. Light Infantry Brigade, Vietnam 1968-69 United States Army
Tech 3 Raymond Blanc
Btry B, 357th Artillery SL BN, WWII, Europe, Rhineland, 1944-1946 United States Army
S/Sgt Norell M. Blankenship
82nd Airborne, 505 Para Inf Reg - WWII, D-Day, Battle of the Bulge, Holland, Ardennes, Rhineland, Central Europe United States Army
PFC Roy B. Blankenship
7 th. Infantry Division, Korea, KIA, April 17th.1953 United States Army
SP5 Ronald L. Boggess
442nd Transportation Co. - Vietnam (1969-1970) United States Army
Cpl Kenneth B. Boggess
Co D, 702nd MP BN (Z/I) - WWII (1941-1945) United States Army
Sgt George P. Bohach
Co A, 376th Inf - WWII - Northern France, Ardennes, Rhineland, Germany United States Army
Tec5 Alfred John Boniti
799th ORD (LM) Company, WW II GO 33 WD 45 Normandy United States Army
CPL John R. Bright Sr.
Infantry, South Pacific, WW II United States Army
SFC Lisa Burk
HHC/463 Engineer Battalion - OIF - OEF - Afghanistan United States Army
Cpl Jim Byers
QMC, Fort Knox 1959-1960 United States Army
Pvt Angelo Canei
101st Airborne Division, 501st Parachute Regiment - WWII United States Army
Captain Emil Capito
Medic, WW II, Algiers, Italy, South Pacific United States Army
T/Sgt Dominic A. Carducci
13th Armored Division, Military Band, WW II, Germany United States Army
PFC Anthony Carpini, Sr.
Company F, 242nd Infantry - WWII United States Army
Tec 5 Stanley B. Cashdollar
Transportation Railway Operating Battalion, Korea, Occupation of Japan United States Army
PFC Pete Cenker
Coast Artillery, Guadal Canal, WWII 1941-1945 United States Army
Pfc Guy Ceraolo
2nd Armored Division, 41st Armored Infantry Regiment WWII United States Army
Cpl Earl E. Chappell
423rd Infantry Regiment 106th Division - WWII - Battle of the Bulge United States Army
Cpl Arthur Chappell
169th Infantry Division - Korea United States Army
E 5 Wm. M. Mike Churchman
Hawk Missile Radar and Battery Control Central, Korea, Vietnam Era United States Army
Corporal Henry J. Ciotti
3rd. Infantry Division, Rifle Co. Korean Conflict,and WW II United States Army
Sgt John R. Clancey III
2nd Armored Division United States Army
1SG Floyd `Harper` Clark
Btry C, 718th Field Artillery Battalion - WWII - Normandy, France, Rhineland, Europe United States Army
Cpl Melio J. Conchel
16th Armored Field Artillery, 9th Armored Division - WWII - European Theater of Operations United States Army
Sgt Patrick F. Conley
Military Police - Bosnian War United States Army
1LT Chester Conley
Pilot, WW II, European Theater (Germany) Army Occupation Forces United States Army Air Corps
Sp 4 Jerome Patrick Connell
Engineer Supply Specialist, 39th Engineer Group United States Army
SSG Robert S. Connell
329th 'Buckshot' Infantry Regiment, Thunderbolt Division - WWII United States Army
E-4 Edward T. Connell
12B Combat Engineer, Grenada, Falkland Islands 1981-1984 United States Army
Captain Joe Copenhaver
25th Infantry Division - Vietnam War United States Army
SP5 David L. Cork
1st Logistical Command - Vietnam (1966-1967) United States Army
Major Zach Corke
WAR ON TERROR - General Douglas MacArthur Leadership Award United States Army
PFC Joseph P. Costello
KIA, 187th. ABN Infantry Regimental Combat team, Korea United States Army
SP4 Roger A. Criss
HQ Company, Military Intelligence - Pentagon United States Army
PFC Robert W. Culler
10th. Mountain Division, 5th Army. WW II, European Invasion Italy United States Army
Sergeant Thomas A. Czernek
Co. A, 41st. Tank Battalion, 11th. Armored Division, AR Dennes,Rhineland,Central Europe United States Army
Pvt Joseph D''Alesio
Company C, 201st Infantry, Aleutian Island Campaign, WWII United States Army
Sgt C. William ''Bill'' D''Alesio
573rd. Pers. Svc., Cat Lai, Vietnam 1966-1967 United States Army
SSgt Albert D. Daugherty
1st. Division, 26th Regiment C. Company, WWII France, Belgium, Germany United States Army
E 5 Joseph DeCollo Jr.
Vietnam Veteran United States Army
Tec5 Robert J. DeFelice
164th Combat Engineers,WW II European Theater United States Army
Sgt Craig T. Delanta
1st Infantry Division, C. Company, Vietnam 1967-1971 United States Army
PFC Allen Derby
WWll, Hawaii United States Army
SSG Terry DiBacco
352nd MP Company, Desert Storm 1990-1991 United States Army
LTC Danielle DiBacco
Commander 519 M.I. Battalion, War on Terror - First Female in U.S. Army history to command 519th United States Army
Cpl John B. DiBacco
503rd. Military Police, Co. A, 82nd. Airborne, Vietnam Era United States Army
SSG Jerry DiBacco
Combat Engineer, Operation Desert Storm United States Army
E-5 Robert J. DiFonzo
A BTRY, SPT CMD, F.C. Mech (NH) United States Army
SGT Paul F. DiLorenzo
WWII - 11th Field Hospital, Sicily,Naples-Foggia, Rome-Arno, Southern France United States Army
Sgt. Raymond Emidio Dintini
Combat Infantryman, MKM M-1 Rifle, WW II, Rome, Arno United States Army
SP4 Bennedetto DiPietrantonio
Bravo Company, 94th Engineer Batallion, 18th Engineer Brigade, Darmstadt, Germany 1983-1989 United States Army
Sgt. Leo C. Dodd
8th. Army, Korea United States Army
SFC John R. Donnelly Sr.
7th. Inf. Div.,31st. Inf. Regiment, Medic, 82nd Airborne - Korean War - Battle of Pork Chop Hill United States Army
Sp 4 George F. Drane
HQ,Co.Bn (M) 54th Infantry,2nd Div. Armor Intel.Spec. Germany United States Army
William Drennan
Battery D, 198th Coast Artillery Regiment - WWII United States Army
SP5 Perry Duckworth
1st Aviation Brigade - Huey Crew Chief - Vietnam United States Army
Pvt Paul T. Duffy Sr.
France (1952-1954) - Korean War United States Army
Sp 4 Thomas S. Durkin
1st Infantry Div./ 2nd Bn (Mech) 2nd Infantry Company A - Vietnam United States Army
PFC John T. Edwards Jr.
Airplane and Engine Mechanic 747, WW II, Central Burma,Asiatic Pacific Theater United States Army Air Corps
Sp 4 Chuck Elliott
Military Police,Vietnam War 1962-1964 United States Army
2LT Laurence J. Enrietti, Jr.
Bomber Pilot - WWII United States Army Air Corps
Sp 4 Harry R. Evans
11th Armored Cavalry (Black Horse), Vietnam United States Army
T-5 Milton ''Mike'' Fabianich
793rd, Military Police, Pattons 3rd. Army, Nuremberg Trials, Germany WW II 1944-47 United States Army
SSGT Robert Lee Faulkner
4th Infantry, 2nd Division - Korean War United States Army
PFC Forrest W. Felton
WWll, Truck driver United States Army
Pfc John M. ''Jack'' Fenske
24th Infantry Div. 21st. Regiment, WW II, Pacific Theatre, Philippine Islands, Mindanao United States Army
Cpl George B. Ferrari
3rd. Armored , 86th Heavy Tank Battalion, Korean Conflict as Radioman on Eastern European Border United States Army
PFC Walter L. Ferrari
KIA - WWII United States Army
CPL Ralph P. Foster
Infantry - Camp Rucker, AL 1951-1953 United States Army
SPC James L. Fox
82nd Airborne Division - Operation Desert Storm United States Army
Pfc Kenneth R. Fulmer
342nd Inf, Co. G - WWII - European/Germany - Pacific/Corregidor Island United States Army
SGM William Furda Sr.
328th Fighter Group - WWII United States Army Air Force
Cpl Harry Gaillas
1st. Infantry Division ( Big Red One) - Germany (1953-1955) United States Army
T/5 Filbert A. Gain
301st. Infantry, Company K., WWII, Northern France, Rhineland United States Army
PFC John Garan
89th Division - WWII - European Theatre United States Army
PFC George Garan
25th Infantry, Korea United States Army
MSG - retired Lawrence D. Gaston Sr
US Army Rctg Command (USAREC) United States Army
SPC Lawrence D. Gaston, Jr.
4th Inf. Div. - Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Army
Major C.P. Gaudreau
Co.B, 309th Infantry, Battle of the Bulge United States Army
Cpl George N. Gerbo Sr.
82nd Airborne Division Band - Korean Conflict United States Army
Sp 4 James Walter Gettinger
25th Infantry Division - Vietnam - 1969-1971 United States Army
Pfc Richmond Gibson
United States Army
LTC Charles Gilliam
196 Light Infantry Brigade, Vietnam War United States Army
Sgt John W. Grimm Jr.
1/501 of 101st Airborne - Vietnam War United States Army
Sgt Chester P. Grossi
Squadron W, 3701, AT-10, B-24, B-29 Flight Engineer/Mechanic - WWII - Aviation Cadet United States Army Air Corps
Col - Ret Darlene ''Dee'' Grubor
Air Force Nurse Corps - Vietnam - Desert Storm United States Army Air Force
S/Sgt Mark A. Grubor
Tactical Air Command - Desert Shield/Storm United States Army Air Force
TSgt Michael Grubor
191st Tank Battalion - WWII United States Army
Osvaldo S. Guglielmo
WW II United States Army Air Corps
PFC Amedeo Guglielmo
WWII, 126th. Armd. Ord Maint. Bn. Normandy, France, Rhineland, Ardennes, Europe United States Army
E4 F. George Gurrera
1st. Calvary, Vietnam 1966-1969 United States Army
Sp 4 Ernest Randall Guthrie
2nd Armored Division, Vietnam War Era United States Army
E-5 Willis Haines
Btry C, 3rd Missile Bn, 1st. Arty, Guided Missile Site, Pitts. Air Defense Command 1965-1968 United States Army
1st Sgt Howard Allan Hair
153rd. Engineering Division, WW II United States Army
SSgt Earl E. Hall
SB-17 Flying Fortress - Belle of the Brawl - POW - WWII United States Army Air Corps
SFC Wayne Allen Hall
115th CSH - Operation Inherent Resolve - Kuwait United States Army
E-4 Robert Allen Hans
1st Cavalry Division (1977-1980) United States Army
David Martin Hargest
134th Assault Helicopter Co - Vietnam War (1960-1969) United States Army
2nd Lt David M. Harris
44th.Bomber Group, WWII United States Army Air Forces
PFC-T Jack Herkle
Ground Forces; Medical Corp,, Pau-Gol, Korea 1953 United States Army
SPC William Yarnell Hicks
Hospital Co. EVAC Team - Alaska - Vietnam Era United States Army
1st Sgt Fred J. Hicks
Ground to Air Radio Operator, WW II United States Army Air Corps
Cpl Andrew James Hirkala
Hq.& Serv Co.. 3 d Engr., C, Bn, Apo 24, Korea United States Army
SSgt Robert J. ''Bob'' Horvath
Btry B, S & F Bn. Hawk FC Mechanic, Vietnam Era United States Army
Sp 4 John H. Howell Jr.
1st Infantry Div.,1st Battalion, 26th Infantry, Vietnam United States Army
Sgt Joseph Hruschak
9th Air Force HQ Squadron - WWII (1943-1945) United States Army Air Force
PFC Michael Hvizdzak
112th AAF Base Unit, Philippines, Luzon, New Guinea United States Army Air Corps
E-6 John J. Jackson
B-17 Tail gunner,8th. Air Force, Germany, WWII ( POW) United States Army Air Forces
E-5 John Jackson
5th L.E.M. - Vietnam - TET Offensive (1967-1968) United States Army
Captain - Retired Roderick Jamison
3rd Squadron, 5th Division (Black Knights) - Vietnam United States Army
T/Sgt Charles E. Johnson
1571st, AAF-BU, WWII - Philippine Liberation 1941-1945 United States Army Air Force
William W. Johnston
WWll, Korea United States Army Air Corps
SSG M. Scott Johnston
82nd Airborne Divison, June 1979- July 1989 United States Army
Cpl John K. Jonczak
Military Police - Korean War United States Army
Sgt Johnny B. Jones
5th Armored Division, Belgium, WWII United States Army
Sp 5 Chester R. Kaczmarek
7th Cavalry, Personnel Carrier, Korea 1962-1966 United States Army
CPT Michael S. Kaczmarek
101St Airborne Div. West Point ''93, F.A. NATO-Bosnia United States Army
Major Peter G. Karavanic
Coast Artillery Corps, WW II United States Army
1LT Mabel C. Karavanic
Nursing, WW II United States Army
SSGT Frank T. Kazienko
WWII United States Army
Sp 5 John E. Keen
Americal Div, 198th Light Infantry - Vietnam United States Army
Cpl John (Bob) Kelley
WWII, Pacific Theater , New Guinea, Philippines (1942-1945) United States Army Air Corps
Cpl John Kelley
Korean Era, 1951-1953 United States Army
PFC Bernard V. Kelly
Army Signal Corps - WWII United States Army
Sgt. Larry L. Kimble
Military AST Command, Vietnam War 1960-1971 Advisor for the South Vietnamese United States Army
Sgt. Richard M. (Dick) Kimmel
9th Army,474th Fighter Group, 429th Fighter Squadron, (The Retail Gang) WWII, European Theater United States Army Air Corps
Sp 5 (T) Robert R. Klakos
564th. Trans Co. USARPAC, 64B20 Hvy Trk.Driver, Vietnam 1966-1968 United States Army
SP4 Harry Michael Kochman
Co.A,5th Bn.31st INF,197 INF. BDE3A, Vietnam United States Army
PFC Edward J. Kochman Sr.
Co. C. 63rd Infantry Regiment WWII, New Guinea, Luzon, Asiatic Pacific Theatre United States Army
SSGT Walter William Kolosky
WW II, 1949-1945 United States Army
Sgt John P. Krzys
497 Armored Field Artillery Battalion - WWII - France and Germany United States Army
Sp 5 Paul Frank Kuhns
AR635-200 SPN 411,Army RA AGC, Admin Sp., Vietnam 1966-1968 United States Army
Pfc Eugene A. LaButis
Signal Corps - Korean War United States Army
Tec 5 Dominic Lancia
332nd Quartermaster Truck Co.,42nd Quartermaster Batallion, WWII, Asiatic-Pacific Theater United States Army
PFC Auggie Lellie
Korean War United States Army
PFC Robert G. ''Clem'' Lemasters
6th Armored Division, Motorpool Transport, Korea 1953-55 United States Army
E5 Gary L. Lemasters
Fort Knox, Armored Tank Division United States Army
Pfc Norman E. LeMasters
WWII - Army Ground Forces Replacement United States Army
Tech 4 David G. Lemasters
463rd. AAA Batallion, 9th Armored Div. WW11, Germany, Battle of the Bulge United States Army
Pvt John Lengyel, Jr.
WWII United States Army
Sgt Alvin D. Lenhart
60th. Regiment, 65th. Division - WWII United States Army
PVT Frank Leppar
7th Regiment, 3rd Division, 5th Army - WWII United States Army
CPL John C. Linkesh
Korean War 1949-1952 United States Army
SP5 George E. Livingston
Army Security Agency (ASA), Korean War Era 1954-1957 United States Army
Sgt Samuel J. LoPresti
375th Military Police, Escort Service - WWII United States Army
E-3 John Lucas
Construction Battalion, Electrician United States Army
PFC Raymond Ludewig
Germany 1950's United States Army
PFC Mustafa ''Mickey'' Mallas
Machine Gunner B-29/ Marksman, WW II United States Army Air Force
LTC Robert W. Marsh
49th Armored Div. Texas, Berlin Crisis of 1960-1962 United States Army
Cpl Thomas A. Matthews
3rd Armor Division 5/5 Cav - Operation Desert Storm United States Army
SP4 James E. Mawhinney
Ground Troops, Vietnam United States Army
CPL Thomas B. McDonald
Corporal Headquarters, 3rd. Bomb Group, WWII, South Pacific, Asiatic-Pacific Theatre, United States Army
Sgt. Joseph E. Meador
2nd. Division, 10-6-1948 to 10-5-1951, Korea United States Army
Cpl Donald J. ''Ducky'' Melvin
Co G, 147th Infantry, 37th Division - Korean War United States Army
CPL (T) Donald T. Mentzer
Co. C 724 Trans Bn. - Korean War Era 1952-1954 United States Army
SSG Fred B. Michell
26th Div 101 Regt HQ Co - WWII United States Army
PFC Joseph James Mikula
WWll United States Army
CPT Christopher P. Mikula
Apache Pilot AH64,US Army 10 Mtn Div, Iraq United States Army
PFC Ralph A. Mills
Co. K, 136th Infantry, WWII, East Indies, New Guinea,Luzon United States Army
SP3 James Edward Moore
HQ Battery, 10th Artillery, Germany United States Army
E-4 Kristopher R. Moore
193rd Engineer Support Platoon United States Army
PFC John C. Moore Sr.
69th. Infantry,271st. Infantry, 2nd. Battalion,Co. F.,European Theater, London Blitz, Rhineland United States Army
MSG Matthew Moroz
ODA 964, Co.C 2nd. Bn. 19th SFG, Task Fork Dagger, War on Terror, Afghanistan United States Army
SP4 Leonard R. Murchland
Air Defense Artillery United States Army
Sgt Ernest M. Nicholas
Demolition, 1092 Combat Engineers, (1947-1951) Korea United States Army
1st Lt Edward M. Nogay
Combat Wounded in Battle of the Bulge, WW II United States Army
Corporal Walter W. Nogay
Tank Division, WW II, Germany United States Army
Cpl Kenneth H. Norman
462nd. Engineer Depot Co., WW II United States Army
PFC Philip M. Nutter
508th MP Battalion Co. B., Munich Germany United States Army
Staff Sergeant John Ohalek
101st. Airborne Division, Korea United States Army
Sgt John David Olenick
Company C, 3rd.Batallion, 196 Light Infantry Brigade of the Americal Division, Vietnam, (KIA) United States Army
PFC Antonio C. ''Tony'' Orecchio
Co.D, SIG C, 21st Signal Co (SVC) Livorno Italy, Southern European Task Force 1955-57 United States Army
SPC Darla (Kaczmarek) Osaba
371st Medical Detachment - Operation Desert Shield/Storm United States Army
T/Sgt Frank Paul
1067th Army Corps Engineers - WWII United States Army
SP4 George R. Payne
7th Army, 97th Signal Battalion - Germany (1963-1965) United States Army
Sgt Leonard C. Pensis
9th AAF, Radio Operator, WWII United States Army Air Force
Pvt John J. Pete
Company E, 117th Infantry,WWII, conflict France, Belgium, Holland United States Army
S/Sgt Lawrence Petrella
Rifle Instructor United States Army Air Forces
MSG Ronald L. Pittman
Medical Corp - Vietnam 1968 - Retired 1988 United States Army
Sgt Frank (Yakunich) Porec
Battery C,501 Armd Fld Arty Bn., WWII, France, Germany, Central Europe United States Army
Sgt Frank T. Porec
1st Signal Brigade,459 Signal Bn.,C. Company, Vietnam War United States Army
PFC Robert E. Powelson
Company E, 301st. Infantry... Special Guard at Nuremburg Trials in Germany, WW II United States Army
CPL William R. ''Ray'' Powers
Btry A 556th AAA AW BN, WW II, Landed Utah Beach 19th,Sept. 1944 United States Army
Pfc Troy L. Pratt
101st Airborne (Paratrooper) - WWII United States Army
Sgt H. Richard Pratt
USASTRATCOM, USAREUR SIG SVC,Vietnam War 1967-1969 United States Army
Sgt Dewey Provenzano
Co. L. 3rd. Regiment ASFTC, WW II United States Army
T/Sgt Dwight L. Ralston
5th Bomb Squad - WWII United States Army Air Corps
Leon ''Butch'' Raveaux
WWI - wounded in France, 1918 United States Army
T/Sgt Michael F. Redish
968th. Air Engineer Squad,WW II, European Theater 1942-45 United States Army Air Corps
Cpl Harry J. Reitter
General Offices, WW 11, 1942 United States Army
George W. Rendulich
WWII - Burma Conflict United States Army
Sp.4 Robert P. Riggle
Finance Clerk, Ft. Hamilton, N.Y. Viet Nam Era United States Army
Cpl George Risk
Screaming Eagle - Korean War United States Army
PFC Leonard W. Robertson
83rd Infantry - WWII - POW (Germany) United States Army
PFC John J. Rocchio
Ninth Army - WWII - European Theatre United States Army
Pvt Edward S. Rodak
309th Infantry Regiment, 78th Infantry Division - WWII United States Army
E-7 John Joseph Rodgers
104th Infantry Division (Timberwolf) - WWII United States Army
E-4 Thomas Michael Rodgers
Infantry - Vietnam War United States Army
E 4 John Daniel Rodgers
Vietnam War United States Army
Private Leonard J. Rogowski
Company A, 7th. Infantry, WW II, Operation Torch, Anzio United States Army
PFC Rudy M. Rosnick
198th Signal Photo Company, WWII, European Theatre, Rhineland, Southern France, Britain United States Army
SSG Herb Ross
28th Infantry Div. 1st Armored Div., Persion Gulf War, Global War on Terror United States Army
Sgt William ''Bill'' Roth
169th Infantry, Co. H, Crane Operator. WWII, Luzon, Japan, Philippine Liberation , United States Army
Cpl. Louis A. Ruiz
10th Infantry Division - Korean War United States Army
Sp 4 Robert A. Rusinovich
Radio/ Communication, Vietnam War United States Army
Sgt Eddie Ruszkowski
2nd AAF BU - WWII - 1942-1945 United States Army Air Corps
Sergeant Douglas A. Rutherford
1st Air Cavalry, Grenada - Germany and Korea - June 1980 - Sept. 1989 United States Army
SFC Mike Rutledge
2/8 Mech. Inf., 4th Inf. Div. - Vietnam (1968-1990) United States Army
Private Leonard Salerno
1st. C1 Gunner, WWII United States Army
Pfc Paul Louis Salerno
KIA - Vietnam United States Army
Sgt Howard J. Satterfield
Heavy Weapons, Co. M.7th. Inf. Regiment, Korean War United States Army
PFC John A. Saxon
AGAO-C 095 Army Engineers, Pacific Theatre, WW II United States Army
WO1 Brandon L. Scott
11150 AVN C. Co., Operation Dawn United States Army Reserve
Sgt Charles Seabright
WW II, US II Corps United States Army
1st Sgt Charles W. Seabright
U.S Army Signal Corps, Vietnam United States Army
S/Sgt John Selip
HQ Squadron 321st Air Service Group - WWII - Philippines, New Guinea, Northern Solomon United States Army
PFC Michael Senker
15th AAF, B 24 Liberator heavy bombardment group, North Africa-Italy, WWII 1942-1945 United States Army Air Corps
Pfc James Shreve
Co D, 2nd Bn, 16th Inf, 1st Div - Vietnam United States Army
PFC Timothy Alan Shultz
101st Airborne Division 1980-1983 United States Army
PFC Carroll Dean Shultz
Radio Operator, 2nd Cav Scout United States Army
SSgt Walter Sikora
Co A, 47th Infantry, Battle of Attu - WWII United States Army
PFC Stanley Simich
Armored Tank - WWII United States Army
Sgt Henry Skulski
WWII United States Army
SP 3 Lennie Smith
Radio Operator, Korean War 1952-1955 United States Army
PFC Alfred X. Sokolowski
82nd. Airborne, 505 Parachute Inf., WW II United States Army
Dale L. Sole
Germany - WWII United States Army
Cpl John F. Soplinski
3rd Army, France - WWII United States Army
Cpl. Joseph E. Spetek
28th Infantry Div.,Co.K. 112th Inf. Regiment, WW II United States Army
CPL Albert J. Stasko
Co D,492nd Port Bn, - WWII - Asiatic-Pacific Theater United States Army
PFC Albert T. Stefan
9th. Armoured Battalion, WW II, Normandy, Northern France, Rhineland, Air Offensive Europe United States Army
PFC Robert Lee Summers
Korea United States Army
SPC Joshua R.D. Taflan
4-5 ADA United States Army
Sgt Floyd R. Tarr
569th Bombardment Squadron, 390th Bombardment Group, Heavy, Eighth Air Force, WWII., England. Ball Turret Gunner B-176 Flying Fortress United States Army Air Forces
Cpl Louis A. Tassey
110th AntiAircraft Artillery Battery B - WWII United States Army
PFC Dominic J. Tassey
Co. D 179th Infantry Div - WWII - European Theatre United States Army
Cpl Daniel T. Tenaglio Sr.
69 th. Division, Shelby Miss., Burma, Asiatic, European Theatre, WW II United States Army
Colonel Daniel G. Thomas
463rd. Engineer Batallion Commander, Served in Germany United States Army
SP4 Kamel `Cookie` Thomas
United States Army
Pvt. Harold K. Tice
Reconnaissance Trooper,Invasion of N. Africa, Sicily and Italy.1942-45, WW II United States Army
Sp 5 Paul J. Tokash
7th. SFG (ABN) 1st. Special Forces, Vietnam 1966-1969 United States Army
T/Sgt William Tompos
43rd Division, 169th Artillery Battalion - WWII United States Army
Sgt Anthony ''Torch'' Torchio
Supply Company, Army Band, European Theater - WWII United States Army Air Force
T/Sgt Norman A. Troia
5th. Armored Div., 71st. Armored Field Artillery Battallion, WWII,Normandy, Northern France,Ardennes, Rhineland, Central Europe United States Army
SSgt James G. Truax
101st Infantry - Vietnam United States Army
Pvt George S. Vargo
Company A. 302nd Infantry - WWII United States Army
Pfc James J. Velto
169 Infantry, Co F,43rd Div., New Guinea, Philippines, Luzon - WWII United States Army
Pvt William R. Virtue
Co. B, 1285th Engineer Combat Battalion - WWII - Germany United States Army
Cpl David J. Waggoner
19th Division - WWII United States Army
SFC Ted Wagner
7th Infantry Division, Korean War United States Army
Sp 4 William A. Wallace
1956-1958 United States Army
PVT Clyde E. Warwick
Co. F 60th Infantry - WWII - European Campaign United States Army
E 4 James ''Jim'' Wells
4th Infantry Division, Viet Nam Era 1962-1964 United States Army
SP4 Robert L. West, Jr.
HHC 78th Engr BN United States Army
E 4 Dale A. Whear
1st. Batallion, 40th Artillary, 1966-1968, Vietnam United States Army
Sp 4 William A. White, Jr.
463rd Combat Engineers, Company B United States Army Reserve
PFC Mario J. Whitehead
780th. Amphibious Tank BN., WWII, Asiatic-Pacific Theater United States Army
Sgt Russell Wickham
25th Division, 27th. Infantry Regiment, Korea United States Army
Sgt. Ben A. Will
Korean War United States Army
Tec 5 Jack R. Winwood
306th Engineer Combat Battalion, WW II, Southern Philippines, Western Pacific 1943-46 United States Army
Pfc Earle V. Wittpenn
82nd Airborne -World War II United States Army
Sgt Dan Wolverton
196th Light Infantry Brigade, Vietnam United States Army
PFC Peter S. Wounaris
Order Supply Spec., Vietnam United States Army
PFC Bob Wright
7th. Army, 11 Bravo Europe, Framce. Germany 1942-1945 United States Army
Sgt Edmund Wypasek
5th Infantry Division, 5th. Recon Co - Korean Conflict United States Army
S/Sgt John R. Yeager
49th Fighter Group - WWII United States Army Air Corps
Sgt John R. Yeager, Jr
101st Airborne Division, 502nd Infantry - Vietnam United States Army
T/Sgt Albert Louis Yoklic
3439th ORD. MAM Co. - WWII - Battle of the Bulge - Ardennes, Normandy, Rhineland, Northern France, Central Europe United States Army
Private Delbert G. Yost
Front Line Weapons Provider, Korean War United States Army
Lt John J. Zidzik
19th Troop Carrier Squadron - WWII United States Army Air Corps

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HTM Designs

HM2 Jules E. Adam
3rd Battalion, 5th Marines, Medic, USS Tallahatchie - Vietnam (1966-1970) United States Navy
SN Graydon Lynn Allen
POW, WWII United States Navy
MOMM1/C William Clay Allen
Motor Machinist Mate 1/C SV6, USNR,Asiatic-Pacific Area, WW II United States Navy
LCDR James E. Allen Sr.
WWII, Korea United States Navy
RD3 Robert Ellsworth Amos
Cuban Missile Crisis (1960-1966) United States Navy
RM3 Robert Franklin Amos
Radioman 3rd Class, Operation Desert Storm 1991-1995 United States Navy
YN3 Gary Anderson
VAW-88, Vietnam Era 1970-1976 United States Navy
CWO3 A. Michael Balister
Seal Team 1, 2, 4, 6 and SpecOps - Cold War, Panama, Iraq, Kuwait, Afghanistan United States Navy
MM1c Michael Baly
WWII United States Navy
SN Nick Banda
Sub Grp 1, TexGrpLantResFlt United States Navy
PO2 Boyd K. Barker
Supply Company, Korean War United States Navy
LCDR Chad E. Barkley
VP-10 United States Navy
LCDR Chad E. Barkley
United States Navy
BM2 Franklin Deloyd Barkley
WWII United States Navy
E5 Domenic W. Barnabei
USS Renshaw - Vietnam United States Navy
PO2c Raymond E. Barth II
Gunners Mate, WWII Pacific Theater United States Navy
S1c Frank T. Battista
New Guinea - WWII United States Navy
MAM3C Joseph S. Bengier
USS Conway - Korea, Japan, Vietnam United States Navy
SH2c Guilio Bernola
Ships Serviceman (L) WW II United States Navy
Nelson R. Black
WWII United States Navy
E 5 David T. Bloomer
USS Mars, AFF1, Shipfitter 2nd class, Vietnam 1965-69 United States Navy
CTACS Matthew C. Burskey
NSA, Senior Chief Cryptologic Technician (A) - Persian Gulf United States Navy
ABE3 Shawn Alexander Carper
USS Nimitz (CVN 68) 1992-1994 United States Navy
MASN Eric Ciaverelli
Bravo Section, NSF, Bahrain United States Navy
MASN Jillian Ciaverelli
Antiterrorism Division United States Navy
SO Harry J. Ciccarelli
Special Forces - Afghanistan United States Navy
PO2 Roy R. Coates
Radio Operator - WWII United States Navy
S2c Mario Colantonio
Company 939, WW II United States Navy
RM3 Timothy C. Connell
Radioman, LST 1163, USS Waldo County 1965-1968 Vietnam Era United States Navy
2nd. Class Petty Officer Daniel P. Connell
VF-84 Fighting Tomcats United States Navy
PO2 Robert 'Sonny' Connell
Air Traffic Control, U.S.S. Nimitz United States Navy
AVG 3 Robert F. Connell Sr.
Flight Deck Gas P.O.(1953) U.S.S. Ticonderoga, Korean Era United States Navy
S1c Alden C. Cork
NSD 134, Brisbane, Australia. WW II United States Navy
FC2 (SW) David M. Crow
Surface Warfare Specialist, Fire Cotrolman, Iraq War Era United States Navy
E4 Charles R. Cumberledge
Operation Eagle Claw, 1977-1981 United States Navy
PO3 Edward J. Davis
USS SC1324 - Mediterranean - WWII United States Navy
EM3 Edward J. Davis, II
USS John F. Kennedy (CV-67) United States Navy
S1c John DiBacco
S.S. John Marshall, Battleship Gunner, WWII United States Navy
ARM2C George H. Evans
VR-11,VR-13, Aviation Radioman, WWII, Pacific Theatre, Philippines. United States Navy
MMO2 Joseph Fabianich
WWll - South Pacific - Combat, Aircraft Carrier and Mine sweeper United States Navy
PO1 Rex B. Fisher II
USS Kennedy, USS Eisenhower, Gulf War, Desert Storm, OIF United States Navy
PO2 William D. Freeland
Sub Squadron 6, Machine Repairman, 1974-1981 United States Navy
EOCN William B. Freeland
Seabees - NMCB One - Gulf War United States Navy
SN Edward Gialluco
Bainbrige Md. - Korean War Era United States Navy
LCDR Robert A. Gill
Surface Warfare Officer United States Navy
YN3 Winona Pleasants Greenlief
National Naval Medical Center - Korean War United States Navy
SA Daniel P. Grossi
WWII ERA United States Navy
E-4 James Hans
Gummers Mate, WWII United States Navy
LCDR Carl 'Chirp' Iannetti
USS Charles S. Sperry - Vietnam War United States Navy
CSM Johnny R. Jackson
Vietnam, Bosnia, Iraq - Marines, WV National Guard United States Navy
ADR3 Omar Jenkins
R6D-1 Military Air Transport Service 1955-1959 United States Navy
BTFN Kenneth Jerrel
Vietnam United States Navy
SN Theodore T. Jonczak
WWll United States Navy
PO1 Gerred L. Jones
USS Midway - Desert Storm, Iraq, Afghanistan United States Navy
E-3 Randall Keister
U.S.S. Fearless MSO 442, Ocean going Minesweeper, Vietnam War United States Navy
S1C Joseph Kelley
WWII - Pacific Theater - 1944-1946 United States Navy
E 3 Elizabeth L. (Myers) Kelly
Supply USNAS, Anacostia, D.C., Vietnam Era 1957-1962 United States Navy
OS3 Pete Kemeliotis
OI Division, USS Oklahoma City (CLG-5), Gun Fire Support United States Navy
Pete Kemeliotis
World War II - Normandy Invasion United States Navy
AMM3 Mitchell E. Klukowski
Patrol Squad 91, WW II, Asiatic Pacific United States Navy
LCDR Alison Knight
Medical Service Corps. 1989-2009 Retired United States Navy
PO2 Thomas W. Knutsen
USS Amphion (AR-13), Vietnam War, 1959-1962 United States Navy
PhM1 William C. Lind
First Class Navy Diver - Philippine Islands - WWII United States Navy
MOMM 3/C Joseph T. Mankowski
Motor Machinist Mate USS PC 612, WW II United States Navy
S1c Tony Marinacci
WWII United States Navy
FP1 George Martich
Oiltankers - Canisteo and Alikomin - Korean Conflict United States Navy
LTJG Dorothy (Connell) Martin
Medical Staff - Korea United States Navy
BM3 Frank B. Mateusiak
USS Quadalupe - WWII 1942-1948 United States Navy
EN3 Richard E. McKitrick
Engineman, U.S.S. Jason ARH-1, Korean War 1951-1954 United States Navy
MM1C Russell J. Meadows
WWII, Philippines United States Navy
John A. Micklos
WWII United States Navy
WT2 Philip Archie Minor
USS John Rodgers (DD-983) - WWII United States Navy
E5 Charles W. Mitchell
Radioman Petty Officer 2nd Class United States Navy
SKG3 William F. Moore
USS Fulton (AS-11) United States Navy
E-5 Jason A. Mull
USS Stump (DD-978), Kennedy Battle Group - Desert Storm, Desert Shield United States Navy
Lt Gayle J. Murchland
Helicopter Pilot United States Navy
Seaman 1st Class Henry E. Myers
Gunners Mate, WWII, Germany United States Navy
SR Kevin M. Neverly
Company161 United States Navy
SN Kenneth Orlando
3rd. Division,Boatswain's Mate, USS Newport News, Vietnam United States Navy
F1c Joseph F. Palcic
USS Turandot, WWII United States Navy
LCDR Richard E. Parks
Naval Academy Flight School United States Navy
RM2 James Pauchnik
Submarine Service, SSBN 659 - Vietnam United States Navy
RM 3 Robert Pavel
Radioman, USS Saratoga 1976-1980 United States Navy
HM2 Anna Pavel-Smith
Hospital Corpsman, 2nd Class, Vietnam Era United States Navy
PO2c Wenceslaus ''Whitey'' John Pawlowski
Motor Machinist Mate - WW II United States Navy
GM3 Michael R. Petrovich Sr.
USS Wood County (LST-1178), Vietnam Era 1967-1969 United States Navy
SA Joseph ' Larry' Ramsey
Storekeeper,Sixth Fleet, Destroyer USS Hank, Italy, France,Spain United States Navy
EMC Kenneth F. Richmond
WWII, Pacific United States Navy
S1c Samuel E. Robbins
USS Yosemite - WWII United States Navy
LT Stanley A. Robinson
USS Sumpter, Service Warfare Officer. Vietnam Era United States Navy
E5 John B. Rowe
Engineman, P.T. Boat, Aleutian Islands, WWII United States Navy
Y2c Walter Ruszkowski
NABU-7 - Navy-135 - WWII - Philippines United States Navy
PO3 Paul Schultz
USS Sperry (1952-1954) United States Navy
E-6 Joseph R. Scott
HCT-16, Vietnam War 1974-1983 United States Navy
FN2 George P. Slanchik
Pacific Fleet, WWII United States Navy
E 4 Gary Soplinski
USS Saginow, LST 1188 - Vietnam Era United States Navy
CM2c William R. Sweeney
USS Wintle, USS Maddox - WWII - Pacific Theater United States Navy
LCDR Clifford J. Thompson
WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War United States Navy
PO3 Frank `Mel` Vorhees
Medic - Korean War (1951-1953) United States Navy
QM3 Donald ''Bucky'' Walter
Signalman - Korean Conflict (1952-1956) United States Navy
CT2 Robert M. Waltz
Naval Security Group, USS Liberty 1967 United States Navy
BM2 Robert J. Watson
Boatswain Mate 2c - WWII 1943-1945 United States Navy
CPO Wallace A. Weigand
USS Snowden (Destroyer Convoy) - Korea - Pacific United States Navy
HM1 Robert Leland West
WWII - Korean War United States Navy
BMSN H. Clyde Wright
USS Brown, DD-546, Korean War 1950-1954 United States Navy
TM3c Alfred J. Wudarski
USS Thomason (DE-203) - WWII United States Navy
MM3 Ralph Wyatt
USS Tutuila (ARG-4) - WWII United States Navy
MM Warren F. Yingst
USS Hooper Island ARG 17, Korean War 1951-1955 United States Navy
LTJG Edward A. Zagula
U.S.S. President Adams (APA-19), Troop Carrier in Pacific, WW II United States Navy
CPO George Zapotoczny
Chief Petty Officer Operation Specialist,Desert Storm, Kosovo, Afghanistan United States Navy

Pfc Thomas Adams
3rd Marine Division - Okinawa - Philippines United States Marine Corps
Cpl William G. Alstadt
Machine Gunner, 2nd Battalion, W-Company 1970-76 United States Marine Corps
Cpl Robert J. Austin
I Co, 1st. Plt, 3rd. Bn, 7th Marines - Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Cpl Albert `Manny` Barkhurst
3rd. MAW/VMA 311, Vietnam Era United States Marine Corps
LCpl David. J. Barkley
A Co, Headquarters Battalion United States Marine Corps
Pvt. Alex Barrett
PLT. 81- 4th Rec. Bn., WWII, MP, Guam United States Marine Corps
M Sgt Raymond C. Barth
2nd. Marine Div., Iraq United States Marine Corps
Sgt. Raymond E. Barth III
1st Marine Division, Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Sgt James ''Jim'' Brecht
1st Marine Div., 4th.Marine Div. WWII, Marshall Islands, Korea, Iwo Jima, Saipan, Tinian, ROI, Namur United States Marine Corps
CPL Joseph E. Castaldo
Sharpshooter - WWII United States Marine Corps
PFC Ruth Campbell Coates
AWRS-9,MCAS Mar Air West, El Toro, Calif. Aviation Machinist Mate, WW II United States Marine Corps
Cpl Mark D. Cool
H&S Co.1st. BN, 26th Marines, 3rd. Mar.Div, III MAF, Vietnam United States Marine Corps
PFC Clyde L. DiAngelo, Sr.
4th Defense Batallion, Pearl Harbor Survivor, 1938-1945 United States Marine Corps
LCpl Raymond Eugene Dintini
2nd. Marine Division FMF, Camp Lejeune, Vietnam 1967-1969 United States Marine Corps
L/Cpl Harold D. Elliott
3rd. Marine Division, South East Asia 1961-1965 United States Marine Corps
Cpl Bernard D. Fair
1st Marine Division - Korea United States Marine Corps
Pvt Sundo J. `Sandy` Fuscardo
3rd. Batallion, 5th Marines,1st. Division,Second Squad, Vietnam 1963-1967 United States Marine Corps
S/Sgt Mike Garan
Marine Observation Squadron 251, WWII, Pacific Theater including Philippine Islands Campaign and Capture/Occupation of Okinawa United States Marine Corps
PFC Howard Smith Gatrell
WWII United States Marine Corps
PFC William E. Green
4th Battalion, Platoon 440 - Korean War - Expert Marksman 1952-1954 United States Marine Corps
Cpl Alex Gryskevich Jr.
FMF-PAC, Marksman; Guam, Peleliu, Marshall Islands, WW II, Pacific Theatre United States Marine Corps
Cpl Chester Haber
2nd Marine Division - WWII United States Marine Corps
Cpl John (Jack) Hatala
Headquarters Company - Camp Lejeune United States Marine Corps
Cpl Bruce R. Hornick
3rd Batallion,7th Marines,Vietnam 1967-68 United States Marine Corps
Captain Peter A Jaskiewicz
3 Bn 4th Marines I Co, Operation Iraqi Freedom, Iraq War United States Marine Corps
SGT Christopher Jonczak
Kilo Co. 3/25, 4th Marine Div. - OEF/OIF United States Marine Corps
LCpl Richard L. Kimball
1st ITR, MCB, Camp Lejeune, N.C. Nov. 1967 United States Marine Corps
Sgt Karl Manson Klink
1st Marine Aircraft Wing - Vietnam (1967-1973) United States Marine Corps
E-4 Walter C. Komorowski
HQ Co, HQ BN, 2nd Marine Div - Vietnam (1964-1967) United States Marine Corps
E-5 Ronald M. Komorowski
HQ BN, 2nd Marine Div - Cuban Missile Crisis (1962-1966) United States Marine Corps
Cpl Mark E. LeMasters
3rd Batallion, 7th.Marine,1st Marine Division...DaNang,Vietnam 1968-1969 United States Marine Corps
Captain Rick Lemasters
FLSG-Bravo, DongHa, Vietnam 1968-1970 ( 2 tours) United States Marine Corps
Cpl Frank D. Lemasters
Headquarters Batallion,1st Marine Div...DaNang,Vietnam 1968-1969 United States Marine Corps
Pvt Gilbert Eugene Littleton
2nd Marine Division FMF, Korean War Era United States Marine Corps
Cpl William K. Livingston
4th. Marine Division,4th.Motor Transport Battalion Company A, Iwo Jima, Saipan United States Marine Corps
CPL Matthew Magnone
2nd Marine Division, 8th Regiment - WWII - Pacific Theatre United States Marine Corps
Sgt Edward J. Malinowski
4th Division - WWII - Asiatic-Pacific United States Marine Corps
E3 Mike Martinovich
5th. MCR and Recruitment Div., Korean War United States Marine Corps
Sgt James E. McConaughey
2nd. Battalion, 5th. Marines - Korean War United States Marine Corps
Sgt Frank A. Merico Sr.
United States Marine Corps
Cpl Grace E. Haun Millich
Clerk/Typist, Camp Lejeune, Washington D.C., WW II United States Marine Corps
Sgt Felix Pawlowski Jr.
Marine Torpedo Bombing Squadron (CVS) 233, killed during maneuvers, Radio Gunner,WW II United States Marine Corps
Sgt Ray P. Powers
ServCo, HQ Bn, 1st Marine Division - Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Cpl R. Steve Roberts
Hotel 2nd. Batallion, 5th. Marines United States Marine Corps
Sgt. Robert R. Ross
VMO-2 USMC,Air Combat Wings, USMC. AES 33rd,USAF, Aero Medical Evac C-130,USAFR Vietnam, Desert Storm United States Marine Corps
PFC Dwight V. Ryan
3rd Marine Division, (Guam, Iwo Jima) WWII United States Marine Corps
Staff Sergeant Richard Sakara
Guantanamo, Cuba 1957-1960 United States Marine Corps
SSgt Samuel Spano
WWII - Korean War United States Marine Corps
Pfc Jack Stevens
Marine Wing Service Group 27 - Ordnance (1956-1958) United States Marine Corps
Sgt Arthur D. Taverne
Sharpshooter, Korean War United States Marine Corps
Sgt. Joseph D. Tokash
WWII, Korea United States Marine Corps
PFC. Domenick J. Tonacchio
A Company Batallion, Korean War 1952-1954 United States Marine Corps
Pfc Jack Truax
First Marine Division, Korea United States Marine Corps
LCpl Ronnie L. Underwood
United States Marine Corps
Cpl Michael Volosin
Engineering United States Marine Corps
Pfc Harlen Waggle
76th Rifle Company, FMF, USMC, Gulf War United States Marine Corps
Sgt Loren 'Dwight' Walters
Korean War United States Marine Corps
LCpl Jack Wright
K.10 Co.3/25, 4th Marines,Infantry 0351, Assault, Afghanistan, Saigan 2010-2011 United States Marine Corps
PFC Levi Wright
2nd. Marine Division, Infantry 0311, War on Terrorism United States Marine Corps
Cpl Warren Wright
3rd. Bn, 4th Marines, Grave Registry 9051, Fallujah, Iraq, Operation Iraq Freedom. United States Marine Corps
Pfc Nicholas Yoklic
Armorer Air 911, WWII United States Marine Corps

Sgt Brian L. Allen
Military Airlift Command United States Air Force
AFC Charles J. Baker
3705 Squadron,Flight 4688, Medic, Korean War 1950-1953 United States Air Force
SrA Steve R. Balog
792d Aircraft Control and Warning Squadron - Korean War United States Air Force
A/2c Douglas Banda
301st Field Maintenance Sq, 301st.Bombardment Wing(M) SAC United States Air Force
SSgt Donald R. Billham
407th Airborne Group - Korean Conflict 1951-1955 United States Air Force
Sgt, .E4 John A. Blackburn Jr.
58th MAS - MAC - Vietnam Era United States Air Force
Master Sergent David L. Byrd
Presidential Honor Guard, Secret Service, Executive Branch..Vietnam, Desert Shield, Desert Storm 1966-1992 United States Air Force
Sgt Gordon L. Colson
Telecommunications Specialist - Vietnam United States Air Force
RE-3 John J. 'Jack' Connell
604th. Camron (ADC), Radar Repairman, 1954-1957 United States Air Force
A1c Thomas E. Connell
Aircraft Hydraulic Repair,Nellis AFB, Las Vegas United States Air Force
Major Jonathan Clark Criss
Iraq, Germany.Bethesda Naval Hospital, Elmendorf AFB, Alaska United States Air Force
M/Sgt Michael Paul Criss
Iraq, Italy, S. Korea Crew Chief Instructor F-16 Thunderbirds, United States Air Force
SSGT Carla Cumberledge
46th Air Defense Wing (ADW) Air Operations United States Air Force
Sgt Dearl H. ''Bud'' Drury
Pacific Air Forces, Vietnam United States Air Force
SrA Mark J. Fancalski
DET 15, 2140 CG (AFCC) Electrical power production specialist United States Air Force
Colonel Norman D. Ferrari Jr.
Liaison Officer - 30 years United States Air Force
Senior Airman John N. Flowers
1st. Tactical Missile Squadron - Korean Conflict United States Air Force
SrA Lawrence C. Gareis
416th OMS - Desert Storm United States Air Force
A1c Joseph R. Gil
55th Fighter Bomber, 20th Fighter Bomber Wing - Korean Conflict (1952-1956) United States Air Force
SSG Christ S. Gillette Jr.
530th Airborne, Japan - Korean War 1951-1956 United States Air Force
A1c Hayden D. Greenlief
SAC, Castle AFB United States Air Force
Sgt Gary M. Helba
Vietnam War United States Air Force
Sgt Steven Blaine Jones
6915 SCTY GP, Fire Prot. Specl. Germany, 1966-1970 United States Air Force
Major Thomas J. Jones
Pilot, B-29 Superfortress, 21st Bomber Command, WWII Pacific Campaign United States Air Force
Lt Roberta Knight
Nurse Corps, 1959-1961 United States Air Force
1LT John J. Kraina
8th Air Force,480 Bomb Group,Navigator B-17, WWII, Germany United States Air Force
Cpl Louis Kuntupis
3700th Medical Group - Korean War United States Air Force
SSgt Walter Larch
78th. Fighter Interceptor Squadron, Korean War United States Air Force
Colonel Joseph B. Magnone
1974-2001 United States Air Force
A/1C (P) George James Makricostas
83rd.USAF SUFRON (TAC) ,Petrl Sup Spec 1, Korea 1953-1956 United States Air Force
Sgt Thomas A. Matthews
821st Security Police Squadron - Vietnam United States Air Force
1st Lt Raymond Mazur
Navigator/Pilot, Korean War Era 1953-1956 United States Air Force
S/Sgt Pete Neo Melonas
360th Bomb Sq., 303rd Bombardment Wing - Korean War Era United States Air Force
Sgt Joseph J. Mikula
817th. Medical Group, Vietnam War United States Air Force
S/Sgt Bernard Charles Morgan
1949-1952 United States Air Force
SSgt Anthony R. ''Tony'' Paolo
445 Bombardment Sq.,321st. Bombardment Wing (M)(Sac), Korean War United States Air Force
A/2C Frank Joseph Perrone
3415th Motor Vehicle Squadron - Korean War United States Air Force
SRA Christopher Michael Petrovich
Ground Equipment Mechanic F111, Desert Storm,1988-1993 United States Air Force
Sgt E-4 Duke Provenzano
ACFT Air Force Jet Mechanic, Vietnam United States Air Force
Sgt E-4 Reginald ''Reggie'' Roth
336 TFSq. TAC Hydraulic Technician, Vietnam United States Air Force
SRA Khris Roth
560th Flying Training Squadron and 4950th.Test Wing, Desert Storm United States Air Force
Captain Joseph Charles Rumora
Bombardier Navigator, Korea, WWII United States Air Force
Sergeant Timothy J. Samples
Bombing Range, Avon Florida 1985-1989 United States Air Force
MSgt Ryan L. Scott
911 Air Wing/ 911 Logistics Readiness Squadron, Operation Southern Watch, Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation Enduring Freedom United States Air Force
A1c Donald Lee Scott
Korean War United States Air Force
Sgt Wade Louis Sikora
2750th. ABW (AFLC), Electrical Power Production Specialist, Vietnam Era 1971-1974 United States Air Force
LTC Sarah M. Six
Vietnam United States Air Force
A1C Justin R.D. Taflan
497 OSS United States Air Force
Sgt Rick L. Tennant
17th Bomb Wing, SAC, Vietnam United States Air Force
Colonel Michael Waggle
Deputy Commandor for 89th. Maintenance Group, Iraq War United States Air Force
Captain Ryan W. Weld
PRT Zabul, Afghanistan United States Air Force
SSgt Brent M. Zuccolotto
Special Operations Command, Iraq and Afghanistan, 3 tours of duty United States Air Force

E6 William D. 'Bill' Courtney
171st ARW - Vietnam, Operation Desert Storm Air National Guard

BM2 Patrick ''Fish'' Finnegan
Coxswain/ Boarding Officer, Cold War Veteran 1977-1997 United States Coast Guard
PO3 Paul Herkle
USS Savage - WWII Era (1942-1946) United States Coast Guard
RM1 David A. Nixon
United States Coast Guard
SN Jenny Beagle Regalia
Search and Rescue - Oak Island (1979-1983) United States Coast Guard
SN1c Patsy Robb Jr
Harbor Patrol - New York City United States Coast Guard
S2c Edward Joseph Sikora
Fifth Naval District, WWII United States Coast Guard

George Kapiris
WWII Merchant Marines