Staff Sergeant Roy E. Abrams
969 Engineers, WWII United States Army
SP4 Lawrence Anter
218th Ordnance - Vietnam Era United States Army
Private First Class Jack V. Arwine
WWII United States Army
Private First Class Robert Bailey
77th Fighter Squadron Jet, WWII - Normandy United States Army Air Forces
Master Sergeant Richard M. Bainum
World War II United States Army Air Corps
William G. Bainum
Vietnam War United States Army
PFC Henry B. Balzhiser
Pearl Harbor United States Army
Private First Class Darryl P. Barnes
Co. G, 116th Infantry, WWII - Normandy United States Army
Corporal David W. Bickett
WWII United States Army
Cadet LT Donald Blair
West Point Military Academy United States Army
S/Sgt Donald Blair, Sr
WWII (Occupation of Japan), Korea, Vietnam United States Army
SP/4 Ray Block
HQ Co 82nd SIG BN, Vietnam Era United States Army
Specialist Clifford R. Boggs
216th Eng. BN Global War on Terrorism United States Army
Sergeant Carl John Burger
3rd ID, Medic DET, WWII United States Army
CPL Richard O. Burgess
WWII - 19th Air Base United States Army
Private First Class Raymond Burnett
3rd Army - WWII United States Army
Private First Class Earl Burnett
Korea United States Army
Sergeant Robert H. Burnett
WW II Okinawa United States Army
Sergeant Edwin Byrd
Vietnam War United States Army
Private First Class Larry Cadwallader
43rd DIV, 1st BN, 11th INF REG - Korea United States Army
Specialist 5 John R. Cooper
633rd CC&S Co, 69th Maint BN - Vietnam United States Army
Specialist 4c Kenneth Edward Craig
HQ, HQ BTRY 2D, HOW BN 3rd ARTY United States Army
PFC George W. Craig
Service Command Unit 1953 - WWII United States Army
Technician Third Grade David C. Cribbet
World War II United States Army
Robert S. Croswell
WWII United States Army
TEC 5 Robert F. Cummins
World War II Asiatic-Pacific Campaign United States Army
SP4 Robert Stephen Cummins
547th ORD CO, Vietnam Era United States Army
Georgia O`Dell Danbury
WWII Nurse Corps - Cincinnati General Hospital United States Army
Technician 3rd Class Lewis J. Danbury
WWII Philippines 831st Amphib Truck Co, 7th Army United States Army
Specialist 4 Jeffery L. Dean
Delta Co, 16th Engineer Battalion United States Army
Corporal Clark Deel
Signal Corps, Korea United States Army
Private First Class Harry Donaworth
526th Armored INF BN, WWII Europe, Africa, Middle East United States Army
Sergeant Kevin J. Dyer
C Co, 148th INF, Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Army
Major General Gordon L. Ellis
38th Infantry Division, GWOT Afghanistan, Iraq, Kosovo United States Army
Technician Fifth Grade Bob Fee
WWII, Philippines United States Army
First Sergeant Robert Fee
1st ID, Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Army
Corporal Jack E. Fee
958th Ord Fld Maint Co. Korean War United States Army
Private First Class Thomas F. Fetters
World War II United States Army
SP5 William A. Fisher
Vietnam United States Army
SP4 Stephen N Foster
US ADLB SCTY GD Co Vietnam United States Army
Private First Class George N. Foster
HQ Co 25th Armd Engr BN, WWII United States Army
SP3 Donald Gatch
78th Tank Co. Korea United States Army
Specialist 4 Michael A. Glass
HOW BTRY 25th SQDN, 11th ARMD CAV, Vietnam United States Army
Private Ray Hamblin
World War II United States Army
Specialist 4 Danny L. Hamblin
Co B, TRP CMD, USAD CRB, Vietnam Cam-Ranh Bay United States Army
PFC Garrett Hamm
9 SIG Co, 9th INF World War II United States Army
SSG E-6 Jeffery Rowe Hanawalt
MHC WRMAC Washington, D.C. Panama/Grenada United States Army
Private First Class William H. Hancock
82nd FTR GP, 97th FTR Squad - WWII - Balkans United States Army
PFC James Lee Hansel
Co. B, 147th Infantry - WWII - Asiatic-Pacific Theater United States Army
SGT(T) Michael Harbottle
Vietnam United States Army
Specialist 4 Lawrence Hartman
25th Infantry, Vietnam War United States Army
Sergeant Eldon Hauck
World War II United States Army
Private Royal J. Healey
Stockade Det, World War I United States Army
E-4 Melvin Heffner
Vietnam 101ST AB DIV Korea United States Army
Technician 5th Grade Earl R. Hennies
191st Signal Repair Co. - Assam, India - WWll Bronze Star United States Army
SP3(T) John M Hurdle
MED DET, 3rd Engineering Battalion, Korea United States Army
SPC Eric N. Hurdle
4ID, Raider Brigade, 3/66 AR Mortars, Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Army
Specialist 5 Edwin Jones
Vietnam United States Army
SP4 Carl W. Jones
CO-C, 714th TRANS United States Army
Private First Class Mervin (Gene) Jones
Korea United States Army
TEC5 George T. Jones
World War II 534th Engineer Boat / Shore Regt United States Army
SPC (P) Carol Jordan
2nd ID, 702nd MAINT BN, Camp Casey Korea United States Army
Pfc Charles Jordan
Newfoundland United States Army Air Corps
PFC Richard C. Kennedy
82nd Airborne WWII France Bronze Star United States Army
Sergeant Dana J. Kissinger
285th Co, MP Division, Vietnam United States Army
SP5 William C. Lewis
Vietnam United States Army
Sergeant Theodore R. Liggett
947th Ord Co - WWII United States Army
Major Walter S. Liming
4th Combat Cargo Squadron - WWII United States Army Air Forces
Private Second Class Jerry Lindsey
Vietnam United States Army
Cpl William Luke
Korean War United States Army
Staff Sergeant Robert E. Lykins
816 Ordnance Depot Co. WWII Victory Ribbon United States Army
Major General William Lytle
War of 1812, 7th Ohio Militia, Founder of Williamsburg, Ohio United States Army
Sergeant John W. Lytle
WWII - Northern France HQ CO 2ND BN 263RD INF 66TH DIV United States Army
Specialist Kristen Maham
101st Airborne, 3-187 F Co. Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Army
Pfc Dan Maham
WWII United States Army
Specialist 4th class Lawrence N. Malott
589th Signal Co, 41st Signal Bn - Vietnam United States Army
SP4 Ronald Melton
504th QM Co, 3rd Army, Vietnam United States Army
Sergeant Ivan P. Miller
HQ 2nd Signal Service Group - Korea United States Army
Specialist 4 Danny L Miller
5/42 ARTY, Vietnam United States Army
Captain Tom Miller
Vietnam United States Army
Sergeant Hubert Dean Milton
1st Infantry Division - Vietnam United States Army
Sergeant First Class Rodney W. Moore
19th Engineers, Co C, 194th Brigade Retired United States Army
Corporal James Morris
12th Infantry United States Army
Cpl Charles Morris
90th Quartermaster Co, Korea United States Army
Sergeant Marvin E. Morris
3rd ID, 3rd Recon, Korea - Chosin Reservoir United States Army
Private First Class John B. Morris
562nd ARTY, 2D MSL BN United States Army
Specialist 5 Donald James Morrison
25th INF DIV, Vietnam United States Army
M/Sgt James Morrison
90th INF DIV - WWII United States Army
Pfc Kenneth R. Osborne
4th Infantry Division, Korea United States Army
Private John Pope
WWII United States Army
Corporal Glen Pope
23rd Infantry - Korea United States Army
Specialist 3 Earl L. Pringle
82nd Airborne United States Army
Specialist 5 Ernie Ramos
1st Cavalry Division - Vietnam War United States Army
Sgt Raymond H. Ramos
Germany United States Army
Staff Sergeant Gabriel T. Ramos
101st Airborne - Iraq/Afghanistan United States Army
TEC 4 Joseph L. Ramsey
WWII Bismarck Archipelago, Luzon New Guinea United States Army
SP4 Robert W. Ring
B-5-56 United States Army
Staff Sergeant Joe Dale Roberts
25th Infantry - Vietnam United States Army
Sergeant Charles `Fat` Rose
7th Division WWII United States Army
Staff Sergeant Bryan P. Ross
4th BN 3rd SFG, Operation Enduring Freedom United States Army
Corporal Stanley Schaefer
Korea United States Army
SP4 Jerome (Jerry) Schaefer
609th Trans Co - USAIC AVN Command Viet Nam United States Army
Technical Sergeant Albert F. Schloss
476th Engineers Shop Co. - WWII United States Army
PFC David R. Schuler
52nd Artillery Vietnam United States Army
SPC Donald Scott
2/92 Artillery, Vietnam United States Army
Jerome Scott
United States Army
Technician Fifth Grade Liveo C. Scovanner
20th Armored Division - WWII United States Army
Albert Sipple
World War II - Philippines United States Army
Specialist 4 Ray Sipple
82nd Airborne - Vietnam Era United States Army
MP Leslie R. Smith
WWII United States Army
Ronlad Snider
Vietnam United States Army
SP5 Dennis Spencer
9th Infantry - Vietnam United States Army
Sergeant Richard Strathmann
Bravo Company, 147th Infantry, Korea United States Army
Sergeant Melvin B. Tarvin
Korean War United States Army
CPL(T) Donald L. Tarvin
148th Infantry Regiment - Korea United States Army
SSgt Steely `Bud` Taylor
WWII United States Army Air Forces
Technician 5th Grade George Thompson
845th ENG AVN BN - WWII - Africa, Europe United States Army
Specialist 4 Dexter Thornberry
545th Trans Det, 52nd Bn, 1st Avn Bde - Vietnam United States Army
Robert Thornton
World War II United States Army
TEC5 Herbert B. Wallace
36DIV 443rd AAA, WWII, African, Middle Eastern, European United States Army
SP/5 Allen Ray Walsh
TRP B, 4th CAV, Vietnam United States Army
PFC Glenn R. Wegner
4th US Missile Det, Vietnam Era United States Army
SP4(T) William J. White
2nd Army, 116th Transportation Co. - Vietnam United States Army
SP3(T) Eugene M. Wilson
Co. B, 793rd D, MP BN United States Army
Specialist 4 William A. Winkler
525th Ordnance Company United States Army
Specialist Lloyd E. Wood
52nd ARTY, 2nd Missile Battalion United States Army
Sergeant Arkie Wright
94th ARTY, 108th ARTY Group, Vietnam United States Army
Specialist Jim Wright
5th Infantry, S&T BN United States Army
Sergeant Richard L. Zurmehly
4th Infantry Division, Vietnam United States Army

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HTM Designs

Chief Warrant Officer 4 Tom Arwine
Vietnam United States Navy
SK2 James E. Arwine
Vietnam United States Navy
ABH2 William V. Arwine
Vietnam Era, USS Guadalcanal United States Navy
Harold Behymer
WWII United States Navy
LCDR David T. Boyd
Korea United States Navy
Petty Officer 3rd Class Thomas Chapman
Airdale United States Navy
Aviation Machinist Mate David Harvey Connor
Korean War United States Navy
Seaman 2c Johnnie Leeds Craig
USS Santa Ana, WWI United States Navy
Torpedoman 2nd Class Donald Danbury
Atlantic Fleet, Korea United States Navy
S2C Fredrick L. Dingus
USS Cowell, USS Willard Keith, WWII, Asiatic-Pacific United States Navy
PO2 Matt Dingus
USS Frank Cable, Submarine Squadron 4 United States Navy
Y3C Kenneth E. Flisher
WWII, Leyte Gulf United States Navy
Seaman 2nd Class Clemis Fox
World War II United States Navy
MM 2/C Ralph Goetz
Vietnam Era United States Navy
Seaman First Class Clifford Hathorn
USS Daly - WWII - Asiatic-Pacific, Philippines United States Navy
Petty Officer 2nd Class David P. Hess
USS Saratoga (CVA-60) - Vietnam Era United States Navy
Coxswain Robert Alvin Hess
USS New Jersey, WWII United States Navy
Petty Officer 3rd Class James Horwarth
Vietnam Era United States Navy
Seaman 2nd Class Estle Jones
WWII United States Navy
Water Tender 2nd Class Joseph H. Kirby
WWII Asiatic-Pacific Campaign United States Navy
Y2 Charles William Kirk
World War II United States Navy
Radar Technician 3rd Class Paul Eugene Kreimer
USS Alabama 123A / USS Providence C182 WWII Italy-France United States Navy
James E. Lefferson
WWII USS Indiana BB 58, Iwo Jima, Okinawa, Surrender of Japan United States Navy
RM2 Tom Lefker
Comphibron 12 United States Navy
Dale L. Malott
WWII, Korea United States Navy
Seaman 1st Class John R. Malott, Sr
Harbor Defense Unit United States Navy
CPO William D. Marshall
52nd Naval Construction - WWII United States Navy
MM 3/C (T) Anthony F. Pangallo
124th Naval Construction Batt., WWII - Asiatic Pacific United States Navy
Fireman Third Class Janis Perkins
USS New Jersey - WWII - Asiatic-Pacific, Philippines United States Navy
Chief Pharmacist`s Mate Robert Prewitt
USS Fomalhaut (AK-22) - WWII United States Navy
AK3 Oakley V Rhoades
Attack Squadron 152, Vietnam United States Navy
SR Jerry Robbins
USS Catamount (LSD-17) United States Navy
Seaman First Class Robert William Stanley
USS Gilbert Island, WWII Asiatic-Pacific, Philippines United States Navy
S1c Raymond Still
USS New Jersey (BB-62) - WWII United States Navy
Seaman James V. Walls
Korea United States Navy
LT Steve White
Underwater Demolition Team 21 United States Navy
S2 Darrell Whiteman
World War II United States Navy

Corporal Glen Bailey
HMM-261 (Raging Bulls) United States Marine Corps
Corporal Daniel Bolender
4th Marine Corps Rifleman United States Marine Corps
James Burger
World War II United States Marine Corps
Fred Dyer
WWII United States Marine Corps
Corporal Fred Frey
4th BN, 11th Marines, Vietnam United States Marine Corps
PFC Harold G. Harry
WWII - China Marine United States Marine Corps
Corporal Rick Healey
HMT-301 MAG16 3rd MAW United States Marine Corps
Corporal Ronald J. Healey
4th Marine Division United States Marine Corps
First Lieutenant John H. Hornback
Korea and Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Corporal Stephen Hoskins
3rd Marine Division, Desert Shield, Desert Storm United States Marine Corps
Lance Corporal David L. Huffman
3rd MAR DIV, Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Staff Sergeant Kyle C. Jones
United States Marine Corps
SGT Robert A. Jordan
WWII United States Marine Corps
Lance Corporal Joe B. Lainhart
3rd BN, 6th Marines - Operation Desert Thunder United States Marine Corps
Sergeant Patrick McNamara
3rd Marines Radar Spec. Vietnam United States Marine Corps
LCpl Alfred Guy Murray
6th Div, 29th Marines - WWII United States Marine Corps
Sergeant Michael L. Obermeyer
VMFA-232, Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Sergeant Daniel L. Pangallo
3rd BN, 10th Marines - Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Marine Corps
Private First Class Charles R. Prine
WWII - Invasion and Occupation of Guam United States Marine Corps
Cpl William Puckett
4th Division - Vietnam War United States Marine Corps
Gunnery Sergeant Edward A. Shannon
2nd Marine Division, Operation Desert Thunder (Iraq), GWOT (Afghanistan) United States Marine Corps
Lance Corporal Gerald Spoonamore
HQ Co, HQDN MCS, Quantico United States Marine Corps
Corporal Charles `Pete` Vice
Korean War United States Marine Corps
Corporal Nicholas L. White
3rd BN, 21st Marines, 3rd MAR DIV, WWII - Guam, Iwo Jima United States Marine Corps
Captain Jim White
4th Marines - WWII - Guadalcanal, Guam United States Marine Corps
MGySgt Earl Whiteman
Air-Wing VMFA 323, Vietnam United States Marine Corps

Sergeant Gregory L. Bickett
21 TAC AIR SPT 59, Vietnam United States Air Force
SSGT Curtis L. Blair
Det. 4 United States Air Force
Sergeant Ronald Chapman
355th CES, Tahkli, Thailand Crash/Rescue Viet Nam United States Air Force
Sergeant Daniel J. Cordts
Vietnam United States Air Force
Sergeant George C. Ellis
Squadron 37D1, Korean War United States Air Force
Staff Sergeant Carl E. Ely
3510th USAF Hosp ARTC United States Air Force
SGT Bill Everhart
463rd FMS - Vietnam United States Air Force
Airman 1st Class Donald L. Fisher
Korea United States Air Force
Captain Charles R. Frost
USAF Regional Hospital, Shaw AFB United States Air Force
MSGT Homer Hatcher
SAC, Korea, Vietnam United States Air Force
Sgt Roy Honeycutt
Refueling - Vietnam / Direct Support United States Air Force
Major Kenneth R. Hughes
389th TAC FTR SQDN, 366TH TAC FTR WING, 7th AF - Vietnam United States Air Force
Sr Airman Stephen G. Jordan
8th Air Force - Global War on Terror United States Air Force
Donald H. Lawrence
Korea United States Air Force
Ronald Louallen
Vietnam Era United States Air Force
Sergeant Rodney P. Osborne
SAC 15th Recon Squadron, Vietnam United States Air Force
Airman 2nd Class Jerry D. Ramos
Germany United States Air Force
Airman 1st Class Thomas A. Schuler
8th Tactical Fighter Squadron, Vietnam Era United States Air Force
Airman Jennifer Lynn Schuler
Global War on Terrorism United States Air Force
Sergeant Ronald D. Warman
480th TAC Ftr Wing PACAF Vietnam United States Air Force

Sergeant Clifford Boggs
216th Combat Engineers - Operation Iraqi Freedom Army National Guard
Specialist E-4 Henry C. Marshall
337th GEN SUP Army National Guard

Seaman John R. Kelsey
WWII United States Coast Guard
PO1 Sammie Ray Malott
Vietnam Era - United States Coast Guard United States Coast Guard