PFC Peter P. Adamski
98th General Hospital - 1945-1947 United States Army
Sgt Leon F. Adamski
17th Engineer Battalion, 2nd Armored Division - 1975-1979 United States Army
PFC James Adragna
20th Armored Division United States Army
Corporal James C. Alessio
Korean War United States Army
PFC Robert Jerome Amend
Medic - World War II United States Army
Sergeant James T. Barr
20th Armored Division World War II United States Army
Second Lieutenant Francis L. Barr
HDQ 97 Bombardment Group - World War II United States Army Air Forces
PFC Robert Barr
USSTAF Glider Division - World War II United States Army Air Forces
Corporal James M. Bassano
Korean War - 52nd Signal Company United States Army
PFC Egbert C Beck
WWII - M Company - 305th Infantry, 77th Division United States Army
TEC5 Harry Frank Bodnar
2nd CO TNG Group Armored School WWII United States Army
MSGT John M. Bogdan
1st Squadron - 221st Cavalry United States Army
PFC Pasquale `Pat` Borgesi
WWII - 135th AAF Base Unit United States Army Air Forces
Capt Charles W. Briggs Jr
353rd Fighter Sqd - World War II United States Army Air Forces
Military Police Kenneth J. Bryan
Operation Urgent Fury Grenada United States Army
Corporal Harry Bunio
981st Field Artillery - Battery A United States Army
PFC John 'Red' Butera
Co A 565th Signal Aircraft Warning Battalion - WWII United States Army
S/Sgt Pompeo A. Caiuzzi
32nd FA BN 1st INF DIV - WWII United States Army
SFC A. Cantley
Operation Restore Hope Somalia, Desert Storm Kuwait, Operation Enduring Freedom Afghanistan United States Army
Sergeant James Vincent Cartisano
World War II United States Army
SSG Robert S. Caruso
Vietnam - 3 / 34 Artillery, 9th Infantry Division United States Army
Cpl Harry Henry Chapman
MP United States Army
Pfc Joseph R. Ciarletta
Korean War United States Army
TEC 5 Armando V. Cincola
WWII - Asiatic Pacific Theater United States Army
Captain William A. Clancy
WWII - 15th Air Force - P.O.W. United States Army Air Corps
Staff Sergeant Thomas G. Collins
314th Infantry - World War II United States Army
SP4 Kenneth A. Collins
25th Infantry - Armor - Vietnam United States Army
Sgt Patrick J. Cooney
8th Army - Korean War United States Army
Sgt Norman H. Cridge Jr
9th Air Force United States Army Air Force
Cpl Edward Joseph Crivaro
WWII 96th Fighter Control Squadron United States Army
PFC Eugene Crivaro
WWII United States Army
Sgt Anthony J. Crivaro
WWII 126th Squad G United States Army Air Forces
Cpl Rudolph Crivaro
WWII Artillery United States Army
SP4 Donald Cupp
Company D, 87th Infantry - Vietnam United States Army
Corporal Dennis S Daniels
SV Company 16th Infantry Regiment - Korean War United States Army
Sgt James S. DeMarco
720th MP Battalion United States Army
Cpl Alexander F. Dempster
463rd Air Forces Base Unit - WWII United States Army
Sergeant James Diminno
WWII - 319th Quartermaster Boat Company United States Army
Cpl Frank Dlugos
773D Amphibian Tractor Battalion WWII United States Army
Sgt John Robert Dlugos
WWII United States Army
Sgt Walter Dlugosz
United States Army Air Corp
Sergeant Frank S. Drogowski
WWII Air Transport Command United States Army
Sergeant Walter Dunbar
WWII United States Army
SP4 Philip C. Evans
1962-1965 United States Army
PFC Arnold E. Falcioni
41st FTR GP 35th FTR Sq United States Army
PFC Anthony Falleroni
Medic - 78th Lightning Div, 303rd Medical BN - WWII United States Army
Sgt Amedio Falleroni
534th Amphibian Engineers United States Army
PFC Gaetano `Tom` Ferrante
Korean War United States Army
Sergeant Francis `Frenchy` Freshwater
World War II United States Army
T/4 Basil A. Funaro
WWII - Pacific Theater United States Army
Cpl Bob Gabig
World War II - Southeast Asian Theater United States Army
T-5 Joseph Galla
WW II 8th Air Corp United States Army
MSGT James F. Gannon
35th Fighters Squad United States Army Air Force
SSG Frank D. Gerrero
332nd Bomb Squadron, 94th Bomb Group - WWII United States Army Air Force
Pfc Robert J. Graser
565th Army Air Force Base Unit United States Army
Pfc Nicholas R. Guilbert
Instructor, Ordnance School - Aberdeen, MD United States Army
M/Sgt Robert G. Hall
Military Police - WWII - Guarded German and Japanese POWs United States Army
Pfc Constantine 'Les' Hanczar
14th Armored Division - WWII United States Army
Pfc Andrew J. Hanczar
6th Armored Division - WWII United States Army
T-5 George 'Arco' Hanczar
309th Infantry - Sharpshooter - WWII United States Army
Pfc Michael Hassick
United States Army Air Corps
Cpl Sam Hassick
Medical Corps United States Army
Corporal William Hoag
WWII United States Army
Pfc George W. Hoffman
309th Infantry – 78th Lightning Division - WWII United States Army
SSG Joshua R. Holden
Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Army
Sgt William C. Huehn
24th Infantry, 4th Brigade, 10th Mountain Division United States Army
Sgt Frank Iorio
864th Engineers Aviation Battalion - WWII United States Army
SP4 Thomas Story Jester
C Co, 2nd BN, 39th Inf, 9th Inf Div United States Army Reserve
Cpl John T. Kane
WWII United States Army
PFC Frank S. Kolodziek
WWII - 9th Division Co L 60th Infantry - Normandy United States Army
Sgt Woodrow Brown Kolodziek
WWII - Co C 726th MP Bn 104th Div United States Army
T-SGT Nicholas Komen
746th Railway OPR BN - Central Europe - WWII United States Army
SP4 Nicholas Komen, Jr.
25th Infrantry Division United States Army
Sgt Walter F. Korpiel
73rd Bomb Wing - WWII United States Army Air Force
TEC 5 Metro Koss
WWII European Theater Operation Medical Corp United States Army
Sergeant Peter Koss
WWII - Battery D 542nd Anti-Aircraft Artillery Batallion United States Army
PFC Joseph S. Kovach
H/S Co. 284th Engineers Combat Battalion WWII United States Army
Sgt Albert Michael Kovanis
WWII - Pearl Harbor Survivor United States Army
Tec4 Theodore Kulick, Jr.
Med Det 313th Inf Regt 79th Div - WWII United States Army
PFC Stanley C. Kulik
WWII - Normandy - S19 AAA Gun Battalion United States Army Air Corps
SP3T Robert John Kuzemko
3rd Armor Division, 4th Tank BN Co. B Korea United States Army
Cpl Richard Lornier
WWII 7th Division United States Army
Sgt Carl P. Lupi
3rd Armored Division - USAR United States Army
Tec4 Victor J. Maksa
WWII United States Army
E5 Sergeant Emilio V Malizio
United States Army
PFC Steve N. Marchetti
WWII - 788th Tank Battalion United States Army
1st Lieutenant David Marshall
813th Fighter-Bomber Squadron | WWII United States Army Air Corps
Cpl Florio Masciantonio
WWII United States Army
PFC Robert Mauti
Battery C, 557th AAA (AW) BN - WWII United States Army
E4 Paul Alan McCurdy
United States Army
Pfc Fred McFarland
771st AAFBU - WWII - Philippines United States Army Air Corps
SSgt Daniel J. McGrogan Jr.
Company I, 104th Infantry United States Army
Pfc Oliver McIntyre
WWII United States Army
Cpl William P. McLaughlin
WWII United States Army Air Forces
T/Sgt Joseph Robert McLaughlin
Asiatic-Pacific Theater - World War II United States Army
TEC 5 Robert Morelli
WWII - 95th Infantry Division United States Army
Sgt Raymond Moretti
World War II 576 Battalion United States Army
Spec 5 Edward R Morris
163 Armor Vietnam United States Army
T/5 Elmer Paul Mulholland
95th Division 379th Infantry United States Army
Pfc Anthony F. Muraco
Company G, 117 Infantry - WWII United States Army
T/5 Dominick E. Muraco
HQ Co. 3rd Bn 3rd Inf. Regt United States Army
SSGT James E. Muraco
WWII Medical Corps - 10th Field Hospital 7th Army United States Army
TEC 3 John J. Musiol
WWII - Algeria-French Morrocan & Rome-Arno Campaigns United States Army
Sergeant Clarence B. `Bud` Nixon
Military Police World War II United States Army
CPL Tech 5 Leonard J. Palmosina
SVC-Unit World War II United States Army
Cpl Frank E. Palombi Jr.
Korea United States Army
Pvt William Patterson
MP Battalion United States Army
SP/4 Richard W Perdue
272nd Military Police Company - Vietnam United States Army
PFC Gilberto Pesci
759th Railway Operating Battalion - WWII United States Army
SP4 Giuliano Petrocelli
693rd Engineer - Germany/France United States Army
Corporal Merico `Rex` Pica
World War II United States Army
Sergeant Frank A. Pitrone
64th Field Hospital - WWII United States Army
T5 John Popivchak
102nd Inf Div - 380th Field Artillery Batt - WWII United States Army
Private George Popivchak
82nd Airborne Div, 507th Parachute Inf. - World War II United States Army
Staff Sergeant Stephen Popivchak
573rd Signal Air Warning Battalion - World War II United States Army
Captain Charles W `Doc` Popivchak
US Army Dental Corps - World War II United States Army
Cpl Jack Previte
381st Field Artillery Battalion - WWII United States Army
Sgt Roy `Rocky` Raco
Company B, 702nd Tank Destroyer Battalion - WWII United States Army
SP4 Carl V. Raspanti
Vietnam - 4th Infantry Division United States Army
Private Robert Reed
World War II United States Army
TEC 5 Harry T. Rettinger
World War II United States Army
Pfc Thomas 'Tucker' Roberts
WWII United States Army Air Force
Paul Rodi
WWII - Battery B, 107th Field Artillery, 28th Division United States Army
S/Sgt David P Rosenfield
WWII - Medical Detachment 317th Infantry 80th Division - Bronze Star Medal United States Army
SP David J Sams
Ranger - Afghanistan-Operation Enduring Freedom United States Army
Cpl Charles Sams Jr.
United States Army
Sgt Dominick Santavicca
WWII - M.P. United States Army
Tec5 Anthony Santavicca
WWII United States Army
Sgt George Anthony Santel
9th Field Artillery Battalion - Korea United States Army
Capt Kenneth G. Scantling
WWII, Corps of Engineers United States Army
CW3 James J. Scarfone
Helicopter Pilot - Americal Division United States Army
Corporal Jacob Schade
Company B, 82nd PA Infantry - Civil War United States Army
E4 Richard ''Max'' Schaffer
United States Army
MP William E. Scheib
1327th Service Command Unit United States Army
Pvt Dominic A. Schepis
WWII (1942 to 1946) United States Army
T/Sgt Dominic J. Schepis
World War II United States Army
Spec5 Sam Schmek
B Trp, 1st Rec, 4th Cav, 1st Inf - Vietnam United States Army
Cpl John Scott
93rd Air Depot Group United States Army
MSGT John Sekelik
Engineer Battalion United States Army
SP4 Russell Sekelik
3rd Armored Division United States Army
SP5 Harry Sekelik
3rd Armored Division - Korean War United States Army
Sgt Frank W. Sgro
Panthers - 66th Infantry Division – WWII United States Army
Nathan A. Sgro
WWII - Battle of the Bulge United States Army
Cpl John A. Shimshock
CO L, 21st Inf. Regt. - Korean War United States Army
Pfc Walter J. Sienicki
World War II United States Army Air Corps
PFC Joseph F. Sienicki
Co G 116th Infantry - WWII United States Army
SSG Thaddeus A. Sienicki
102nd Infantry Division - World War II - The Ozarks United States Army
Pfc John G. Sienicki
United States Army
Sgt Gary Daniel Simms
Vietnam War United States Army
Tech4 Edward Simons
358th Infantry Regiment - WWII United States Army
SSgt Saul Spivak
WWII - 4th Bomber Squadron, 34th Bomber Group, Heavy United States Army Air Corps
PFC John Spotti
World War II - 4th & 8th Infantry Divisions United States Army
PFC Joseph P. Stasik
WWII - 18th Infantry - Northern Africa Campaign United States Army
Walter R. Stasik
Infantry - World War II United States Army
T5 Peter Steranka
Co B - 826th Amphibian Tractor BN United States Army
Pfc Robert Ellis Story
Company B 562nd Engineer Boat Maintenance Battalion - Korea United States Army
PFC Joseph C Tasz
Finance Det HQ Batista Field Cuba WWII United States Army
Cpl John A. Torchia
634th AAA (AW) Battalion - WWII United States Army
SSG Frank A. Torchia
Infantry United States Army
PFC James Torchia
Infantry, 5th Mechanized United States Army
Sgt. Lou E. Torchia
140th Tank Battalion / 40th Division United States Army
Pfc James W. Trainor
3rd Armored Division (Spearhead) - Germany United States Army
Pvt Bernard Trombetta
70th Coast Artillery (AA) - WWII United States Army
Sgt Joshua J. and SSG Jesse J. Valentine
Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Army
Sgt John J. Vittore
100 Quartermaster Training Co. United States Army
T/Sgt Bill Wallis
83rd Signal Company - World War II United States Army
Pvt Andrew `Andy` Warholak
644th Bomb Squadron, 410th Bomb Group - World War II United States Army Air Forces
SP/4 Thomas H. Weikel
Vietnam War United States Army
SSGT George L. Whitaker
Company B, 221st Battalion, 68th Armor Regiment United States Army
T/5 Robert N. Wilsher
World War II - Asiatic-Pacific Theater United States Army Air Forces
SP4 Walter B Wojciechowski
Signal Corps - Vietnam War United States Army
Lieutenant Colonel Thomas J. Woodall
82nd Airborne Vietnam United States Army
Sergeant Stephen Yarmeak
11th Fighter Squadron | World War 2 United States Army
Pvt Steve Yeager Sr
WWII United States Army
PFC Steve J. Youschak
38th Air Engineer Squad United States Army
Pfc Joseph Zajicek
26th Infantry. 1st Division United States Army
Flight Officer - Navigator Mike Zinski
B-29 Bomber - Super Fortress United States Army Air Corps
Sgt Paul Zozula
WWII United States Army
Pfc Paul C. Zuk
United States Army

PSCM Ronald Bogdan
United States Coast Guard
Commander Steven Reed
Vietnam United States Coast Guard
PO2 Scott Reed
USCGC Osage - Desert Storm United States Coast Guard

SFC Richard R. Cornish
Operation Enduring Freedom Merchant Marines
David Robert Jones
Merchant Marines 1943-45 ~ US Army 1954-1956 Merchant Marines
Fred Pica
Merchant Marines
SN John Zatezalo
WWII - Korea - Vietnam Merchant Marines

Carnegie Borough is proud to honor our men and women
who are or have served this country through our banner program.
Services provided

HTM Designs

MS Duane Adams
USS Niagara Falls and USS Midway United States Navy
S1c Walter Graham `Buzz` Austin
World War II United States Navy
SN3c Clarence V. Baux, Jr.
Pacific Flotilla 24 / LCI 652 United States Navy
RD3 James L. Bennett
USS Franklin D. Roosevelt (CVA-42) United States Navy
LCDR John C. Bigham
Pacific Theater, World War II - Korean Conflict Subchaser Commander - United States Navy United States Navy
Petty Officer Aviation Mechanic Zack Bryan
2nd Gulf War United States Navy
SN2c Raymond W. Buehler Sr.
United States Navy
S1c Lawrence A. Byerly
USS Parks (DE-165) - World War II United States Navy
YN3 Lawrence F. Carilli
VF-14 Tophatters United States Navy
AE3 John D. Chapman
Glynco NAS - Recip Division United States Navy
SN John C. Connolly
United States Navy
CM3 August D. Covi
19th Construction BN - 1st Marine Div. - WWII Seabees Pacific Theater United States Navy
AMM3c William Crivaro
WWII Air Transport Squad 12 - USS Ranger and SS Jericho Victory United States Navy
FN1c Joseph Crivaro
WWII United States Navy
Seaman Richard Lewis DeBar
FN Fireman Apprentice United States Navy
Signalman 1c Ernest Enrietti
USS Langley - WWII United States Navy
S2c John C. Faingnaert
United States Navy
Machinist Mate 1st Class Emmett L. Freshwater
World War II United States Navy
SN1c William Gerrero
WWII United States Navy
PO3c Robert P. Heinrich
WWII - Korean War United States Navy
SM2c David A. Kelsey
WWII United States Navy
SN Joe Masciantonio
WWII - Seabees United States Navy
MMM2c Kenneth McIntyre
USN / Coast Guard United States Navy
RT John McIntyre
WWII United States Navy
S1c William `Chuck` McIntyre
LST-1089 - World War II United States Navy
PO3 Garry McKenna
Korean War United States Navy
Frank D.A. McLaughlin
Seabees - World War II - Okinawa United States Navy
SN2c Stanley R. Mitkoski
WWII United States Navy
S1c Joseph B. Pantuso
United States Navy
QM2 Paul Perhosky
Korea United States Navy
AO1 Dennis E. Pierce
USS America - Desert Storm United States Navy
AO2 Anthony Previte
WWII United States Navy
PO1c Raymond C. Pulaski
Amphibious Forces United States Navy
SFC John J. Puleo
Korean War United States Navy
FT Philip F. Salvato
WWII United States Navy
CM2 Thomas R. Scantling
Seabees - WWII United States Navy
PFC Howard Schade
Patrol Squad 45 - WWII United States Navy
Radioman James W. Schulze
Vietnam War United States Navy
SA Leo F. Sienicki
WWII - USS Indiana BB58 United States Navy
LCDR Edward Sienicki
US Navy Aviator United States Navy
FC1 Don P. Story, Jr.
USS Vulcan, USS Tutuila, USS Cowanesque - WWII United States Navy
Coxswain SV6 James J. Traci
WWII United States Navy
S1c George Walton
WWII United States Navy
PO1c John L Red Welsh
USS William Ward Burrows (AP-6) United States Navy
SC3/C Norbert J. Witwicki
WWII United States Navy
SN Clyde J. Woods Jr.
WWII United States Navy
CCS George Edward Wortley
USMC World War I - World War II United States Navy
PO Gabrielle Yeager
Global War on Terrism United States Navy
SN Gabrielle Yeager
S-2 USS Nimitz - GWOT United States Navy
EM3 Steve Yeager Jr
Vietnam Era United States Navy
EM3 Steve Yeager, Jr.
E Division - Vietnam Era United States Navy
Anthony F Yuska
Machinists Mate WWII United States Navy
PO1 John Richard Zatezalo
Vietnam United States Navy

Pvt John Robert 'Bob' Bryan
Vietnam War United States Marine Corps
Private William Cochran
WWII United States Marine Corps
Sgt Ryan Curtin
7th Communication Battalion | JTFE United States Marine Corps
LCpl Brian T. D'Amico
United States Marine Corps
SSGT Bond S. Davis
Parris Island WWII United States Marine Corps
Sgt Matthew B. Dlugos
Pacific - WWII United States Marine Corps
Sgt G. Foster Doak
WWII III Amphibious Assault Corp United States Marine Corps
MGySgt Ralph Warren Emerson
WWII - Korean & Vietnam Wars United States Marine Corps
Corporal Leonard Facciotti
WWII - Guam United States Marine Corps
Corporal Joseph Facciotti
WWII United States Marine Corps
SGT Fred J. Francis
2nd Division WWII United States Marine Corps
Cpl Stanley A. Hanzel, Jr.
United States Marine Corps
LCPC Fred Herrmann
2nd Recon BTN - Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Sgt James D. Hoag
5th Marine Division - WWII United States Marine Corps
Sgt Matthew Koss
WWII Pacific Theater Operation United States Marine Corps
LCpl Kenneth Kozy
United States Marine Corps
PFC Jack Kress
WWII United States Marine Corps
LCpl Carl Kunkle
1st Marine Division - 1st Marine Battalion - Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Cpl Howard Lamb
HQ Battery 10th Mar. Regt. 2nd Marine Div. - Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Pfc Frank J. Lupi
Philippines United States Marine Corps
Cpl Joseph B. Magliocca
2nd Marine Division - Air Wing United States Marine Corps
Cpl Guy E. Masciantonio
WWII - 9th Infantry Division United States Marine Corps
Sgt John Edward McCarty
WWII - Pacific Theater United States Marine Corps
Pfc Leo W Mitkoski
United States Marine Corps
GySgt Anthony J. Palombi
1983-2010 United States Marine Corps
Cpl James F. Pfeffer
Mike Co., 3rd BN, 1st Marines - Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Ronald J. Rafalski
United States Marine Corps
SFC Scott Reed
OEF/OIF United States Marine Corps
Cpl Paul E. Sarsfield
2nd Marine Division United States Marine Corps
Pfc Thomas R. Scalise
D Co. 1st BN 5th Marines - Vietnam KIA 1968 United States Marine Corps
Cpl Robert W. Scarfone
United States Marine Corps
Sgt Stanley J. Sienicki
WWII and Korean War United States Marine Corps
Capt D. Sean Simms
1st Marine Expeditionary Force - Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan United States Marine Corps
Cpl Thomas C. Snyder
Bravo Co. 1st BN 9th Marines - Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Sergeant Terrence M. Steiner
1/3M Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Pfc Thomas Steiner
1st Battalion, 2nd Marines United States Marine Corps
Lt Col Leonard J. Szafranski, Jr.
1st Marine Division - Vietnam War United States Marine Corps
Corporal Carmen N. Talmonti
Vietnam War - Motor Pool - Platoon 265 United States Marine Corps
Sergeant Robert S. Wade
Headquarters Battalion Greencore, Arlington, VA United States Marine Corps
Sgt Thomas M. Walton Jr.
Vietnam War United States Marine Corps

Sgt Paul P. Adamski
2152 Comm GP - Naha, Okinawa 1967-1971 United States Air Force
Pfc Harry Chapman III
United States Air Force
MSG Darryl K. DeAngelis
911th Tactical Airlift Wing - Operation Desert Storm and Enduring Freedom United States Air Force
A2C John W Filipek
MATS 1955-1958 United States Air Force
Sgt Anthony Frank Iorio
2750 Air Base Wing - Air Policeman - Vietnam Era United States Air Force
E-4 John D. Iorio
Air Training Command (ATC) United States Air Force
Major William E. Lee
6003rd Support Squadron - Vietnam United States Air Force
SSgt Jack Loeffler
Tall Gunner B-24 WWII United States Air Force
MSGT Charles J. Lynch
United States Air Force
MSGT James McKean
United States Air Force
CMSgt Lawrence Nicoletta
1965-1995 Retired United States Air Force
MSgt Ryan M. Novakovsky
123rd Special Tactics Squadron - Afghanistan United States Air Force
MSgt Roger Paradis
Aircraft Loadmaster United States Air Force
SSgt Joan Reale
Detachment 210 Recruiting United States Air Force
Sgt Jeffrey A. Rettinger
January 1981 - January 2001 United States Air Force
Sgt Mark J. Rettinger
August 1981 - August 2001 United States Air Force
Col Robert Ralston Sawhill
555th Tactical Fighter Squadron Air Defense Command - Vietnam United States Air Force
Captain James J. (Jim) Sienicki
9th Military Airlift Squadron, 436th Airlift Wing, Military Airlift Command United States Air Force
A1c Raymond E. Stephenson
United States Air Force
A1c Roy J. Wyke
United States Air Force
Sergeant Robert Stephen Zubik
4442 Field Maintenance United States Air Force