Recent Local Fallen Heroes O'Hara Township, Pa December 10, 2012 ~~~
Major Benjamin H. Follansbee

Army Special Forces Green Berets (Airborne) ~~~

SSG William C. Barnes
25th Infantry - Artillery - Korean War United States Army
Sgt Walter C. Brown
Battery A, 1st Field Artillery Battalion - WWII United States Army
Sgt Thomas Burchett
WWII - Co B 704th Tank Destroyer BN United States Army
E5 Joseph Butcher
2-7 Cav, A co. 4 BCT, 1 CD. - Operation New Dawn, Iraq, OEF, Afghanistan United States Army
PVT John P. Fabyanic
CO A, 385th MP BN United States Army
SPC Robert Hagerty
Headquarters Company, 197th Infantry Brigade United States Army
PFC Charles A. Honaker
90th Infantry Division - WWII United States Army
PFC Roger L. Javens
Southern European Task Force Italy United States Army
Norman A. Kimble
WWII United States Army Air Force
PFC Norman C. Kittner
3rd Div Co. B 15th Inf - Korean War United States Army
PFC Paul J. Klein
CO M, 16th Infantry - WWII United States Army
SP4 John Malack
A-Btry 1st BN 40th Arty Vietnam United States Army
PVT E-1 Roy J. Mazzei
Vietnam, 765th Security Platoon/Apo 96291 US Army United States Army
T/Sgt Ralph D. McCaughtry
Co. B, 62nd Signal Battalion, 5th Army - WWII United States Army
Cpl Edward Murphy
504th Military Police Battalion - Korean War United States Army
Sgt Donald E. Paff
40th Division - Korean War United States Army
Sgt. Raymond Rimoldi
WWII United States Army
Pfc Robert J. Rose
Battery A, 574th Antiaircraft Armored Battalion - WWII United States Army
MSgt John A. Rudi
343rd QuarterMaster WWII United States Army
PFC Harry R. Sanders
CO F 475th INF REGT United States Army
CPL John P. Sawyer
3028th Army Air Force Base Unit WWII United States Army
Cpl Charles L. Schriver
18th Field Artillery - Korean War United States Army Airborne
Cpl Charles L. Schriver
18th Field Artillery Airborne - Korean War United States Army
Spec 4 John Simecak
154 Transportation - Vietnam (Long Bihn) United States Army
PFC Harold (Skip) Sorenson
23rd Infantry - Vietnam War United States Army
E4 Steve Zachewicz
South Korea United States Army
Tech Corporal Jerry J Zalmanek
552 Engineering, Korean War United States Army

SSgt Dylan Elchin
26th Special Tactics Squadron - Operations Freedom / Sentinel United States Air Force
M/Sgt Edward Ellefson
Radio Communication - Korea, Vietnam, Japan (Fire Island) United States Air Force
SGT Edward Frankovich
Det. 1 56th Sp. Op Wing - Vietnam United States Air Force
Sgt Terry L. Hall
Civil Engineering Sq (MAC) 1400 United States Air Force
MSgt Scott G. Jackson
TF134-Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Air Force
TSgt Aaron McCutcheon
910th Airlift Wing - Iraq - Afghanistan United States Air Force
Staff Sgt. Don M. Rimbey
Korean United States Air Force
Sgt Larrry Seidler
Ammunition Squadron - Vietnam War United States Air Force
SFC Nicholas Simecak
966 AEWC Sqd. - Vietnam United States Air Force
MSgt John JR Steklachick
506th Air Expeditionary Group, Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Air Force
SrA Gerald Steklachick
Vietnam War United States Air Force

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HTM Designs
Recent Local Fallen Heroes Monroeville, Pa December 9, 2012 ~~~ PO 1 Nicolas Checque
 Naval Special Warfare Unit Navy SEAL SEAL Team 6 ~~~

PhM2 W. Paul Brooks
World War II United States Navy
Harry G. Davis
WWII United States Navy
Edward Kraynie
WWII United States Navy
MM3 Merlyn R. Lindsley
USS Chukawan (AO-100) United States Navy
SN1c William `Dutch` Petti
Seaman 1st Class WWII United States Navy
Paul F. Schwartz
WWII United States Navy
E-1 Roger L. Sipe
Vietnam War United States Navy
E-4 C. Terry Thorne
Rota, Spain - Vietnam United States Navy
Coxwain James A. Young
WWII United States Navy
E-6 - Retired Gerald J. Zachewicz
Bay of Pigs - Vietnam Era United States Navy
CBM Stephen Zachewicz
USS Wyoming - WWII United States Navy

Capt John R. Cooper
United States Marine Corps
Sgt Charles L. Herman
2nd Bn, 2nd Mar., 2nd Div., FMF United States Marine Corps
SGT Hubert J. Kovalesky
Korea United States Marine Corps
Cpl Jason Oliver
2nd Tank Battalion Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Marine Corps
Cpl Matthew Straub
HMLA-267 Ordnance - Operation Enduring Freedom United States Marine Corps