SP/4 William C. Allan
First Logistical Command / 446th Transportation Company - Vietnam United States Army
Sgt Glen A. Bootay
3rd Infantry Division - Iraqi Freedom United States Army
Sergeant Harold W. Braum
Korean War United States Army Air Forces
SP4(T) Andrew J. Broniecki
2nd Evacuation Hospital United States Army
PFC Samuel D. Brown
8th Cavalry Regiment - Korean War United States Army
Cpl Frank J. Bullock
Korean War United States Army
Cpl Peter P. Carilli
106th Infantry Division - World War II United States Army
PFC 'Bimbo' Cecconi
172nd Division - Korean War United States Army
Col Dewey Chillcott
Quartermaster Corps - Korea & Vietnam United States Army
Cpl Donald R. Eckert
Korean United States Army
Lt. Paul S. Fancsali
12th AAF/310th B-25 Bombardment Group European Theater - WWII United States Army Air Force
SP4 Richard M. Fawcett
1st of 32nd FA United States Army
SP4 Robert B. Fuller
Co.B 69th SIG BN United States Army
Sgt John F. Garofalo
Medic - Korea United States Army
PFC Paul J. Giegerich
Korean War United States Army
Cpl Edward Grassel
2nd Armored Division - Korean War United States Army
PFC Ed Handshue
8th Division 13th Infantry - WWII - Europe United States Army
Lieutenant Fred Hopkins
World War II United States Army
Pvt Anthony Kacerik
Battle of the Bulge and Maginot Line United States Army
Cpl Hugh Keller
Korean War United States Army
Sgt Robert A. Legler
WWII - Japan United States Army
SP4 Edward Lestitian, Sr.
HQ BN, 6th Field Artillery- 3rd Armored Div United States Army
SGT George Machesky
4th Infantry Division - Vietnam United States Army
PVT Donald J Martin
Vietnam War United States Army
Sergeant Robert W. Martin
Vietnam United States Army
SP-4 Craig R. Martin
367th MP Co. - OEF United States Army
E-4 Thomas Matey
1/9 Infantry Division and 2nd Platoon- Gulf War United States Army
Pfc Ronald L. McAchren
101st Airborne, Company A, 2nd Battalion, 501 Infantry United States Army
SP4 David P. McClelland Jr.
11th Armored Cavalry - Vietnam United States Army
Private 1st Class James McElheny
343rd Army Security Agency/Vietnam War United States Army
Pvt Richard McKee
Korean War United States Army
Sgt. John A. McKee
Armored United States Army
PFC Albert L. Morrone
Tactical Air Command - WWII United States Army Air Corps
Cpl William Mowry
World War II United States Army
Sgt Lawrence L. Nagel
WWII 106th Infantry, 424th Regiment, C-Company, 1st Battalion United States Army
PFC Paul Eugene Naugle
WWII 84th Infantry, 333rd Regiment, E-Company, 2nd Battalion United States Army
SGT Robert J. Nelson
Vietnam United States Army
Cpl Albert `Angie` Papa
101st Airborne Division United States Army
Specialist 3rd Class Regis D. Purcell
Military Police United States Army
Pvt Norman Rump
Military Police (Railway Guard) - WWII - Germany United States Army
Lieutenant Robert J Sagwitz
WWII United States Army Air Forces
Cpl Joseph G. Sirokie
WWII - 1385 Engineer Petroleum Distribution Company United States Army
SP4 Mark P. Smith
101st Airborne Vietnam United States Army
Cpl William A. Smith
25 Div. 14 Infantry Reg. - Korean War United States Army
Staff Sergeant Stan Smith
Asian-Pacific Theater WWII United States Army
Tec 4 Charles H. Snyder
WWII A Company United States Army
Pfc Frederick John Speidel
RA ASA United States Army
Specialist 4 William F. Steffen
Tank Co., 47th Infantry/ Korea United States Army
S/Sgt Norman J. Stein
390th Bombardment Group H Continental Europe - WWII United States Army Air Force
SP5 Ronald P. Stevenson
Vietnam United States Army
Major Charles A. Thatcher
Coastal Artillery WWII United States Army
SP4 Edward Totin
Korean United States Army
Tec5 Joseph F. Urban
WWII - Co E 276th Infantry 70th Inf Div United States Army
E4 David Urbaniak
Southern European Task Force/Vietnam War United States Army
CPL Milan J. Vlha
Co. D, 2nd Battalion, 29th infantry regiment/ Korea United States Army
Specialist 5th/ Medic Dennis Wert
34th Engineering Battalion/ Vietnam War United States Army
T/Sgt Edward S. Will
15AAF, 463rd Bombardment Group, 774th Bomb Squadron - WWII United States Army Air Forces
George L. Yacisin
World War II United States Army

Sgt Adam Koisor
Operation New Dawn United States National Guard

CPO John Caliguire
Vietnam War Era United States Coast Guard
E2 Michael Kearns
Sault Ste. Marie, MI (1969 - 1973) United States Coast Guard

1st Engineer Joseph W. Friedemann
WWII Merchant Marines

Pleasant Hills is proud to honor our men and women
who are or have served this country through our banner program.
How can you get involved?
Simply click the Pleasant Hills Military Banner link above

World War II and Korean War-era veterans are recognized for their service at Saturday’s dinner at the American Legion Post 712 in Pleasant Hills. The post, with more than 1,000 members, is the largest in Western Pennsylvania.
The Legion is planning to decorate the hall
with decor as it appeared when veterans returned home:
banners on the building declaring
“Welcome Home” and “The War Is Over”
and inside signs for
“Mess Hall” and “Boot Camp.”
Glenn Miller and Tommy Dorsey records will provide background music.
Technical Banner Questions
Contact Harry Munson
Click to email Program Development
Services provided

HTM Designs

S1c Ned Barbarich
USS Briscoe - WWII United States Navy
AMS2 Harry M. Bochter
Airborne Early Warning Squadron FOUR (VW-4) - Vietnam War United States Navy
PO3 Thomas Bodner
Weapons Division Vietnam ERA United States Navy
CE2 Joseph P. Bodner
Seabees - Vietnam United States Navy
E6 James P. Braunger, Jr.
U.S.S. Ingraham (FFG-61) U.S.S. Haleakala - Operation Desert Storm/Shield (AE-25) United States Navy
PO3 Joseph Crecco
Operation Enduring Freedom United States Navy
S1C John J. Danscak
USS Intrepid WWII United States Navy
ABH-3 Mike Dischner
V-1 USS Ranger Vietnam United States Navy
E-4 Justin A. Dodds
USS NIMITZ (CVN-68) United States Navy
Robert Downey
United States Navy
QM-3 Robert Edkins
Vietnam - Naval Support Activity United States Navy
Ensign Harry P. Fallert
WWII United States Navy
Guy A. Fazzoni
WWII United States Navy
E4 Donald Garrett
USS Guam - Operation Desert Storm United States Navy
E-3 Robert `Buz` John Handshue
United States Navy
EM 3rd Class Robert T. Hodgson
USS Chanticleer/Korean War United States Navy
Machinist Mate Rex D. Hough
AM Division United States Navy
SOM2 William O. Jacky
USS Purdy (DD-734) - WWII United States Navy
P03 Lawrence ''Larry'' Jageman
Vietnam United States Navy
PO3 Thomas Jageman
World War II United States Navy
RM3 Stephen Jantz
USS Koka (ATA-185) - Vietnam Era United States Navy
QMSN Joseph M. Kenney
USS Pollack (SSN603) Cold War United States Navy
AWF2 Francis Langan
VRC-30 (DET.5) United States Navy
RM3 Frank A. Lipowcan
WWII United States Navy
Rm2 Bruce M. Marchetti
Destroyer Squadron 32 - Vietnam United States Navy
S1c Robert L. McAchren
Navy Intelligence - WWII United States Navy
Ensign John A. McCormick
World War II United States Navy
E-9 Rick McKee
VP.66/171 Air Refueling Wing United States Navy
RD3 Jack W. Rudolph
Aboard Mine Sweeper USS Design 219 United States Navy
PO2 Brett Salera
USS Hawaii United States Navy
RM/2C William A. Sharkey
World War II - South Pacific United States Navy
S1c Vincent J. Simeone
PT Boat Unit 26 United States Navy
E-3 Charles P. Simon
Seabees - Vietnam War United States Navy
SN Michael A. Tima Sr.
OI Division (Radarman) - Vietnam War United States Navy
Capt Joseph G. Warhola
USS Pritchett Destroyer - Korean War United States Navy
SM3 Alvin Kerr Waugaman Jr.
SS Clement Clay - WWII United States Navy
E5 Mark Westerbeck
US 10th Fleet United States Navy
LT Edward H. Williams
USS Bennington United States Navy
CTT3 David Wuenschel
Vietnam War United States Navy

S/Sgt Joseph P. Bodner
Marines/Airborne Division - WWII - Pacific Theater United States Marine Corps
Cpl Hal Brandt
3rd Marine Division - Vietnam Era United States Marine Corps
Cpl Charles Braun
III MAF Vietnam United States Marine Corps
1st Lieutenant David Charles Bruggeman
Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Cpl Edgar J. Dawson
3rd Marine 3rd Engineering Battalion - Vietnam Era United States Marine Corps
Cpl James D. Dorsey
1st Marine Air Wing - Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Sgt Bryan Englert
2nd Battalion 6th Marines Weapons Company - Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Marine Corps
Sgt Darryl J. Fluhme
2nd Marine Div - Camp LeJeune 3rd Marine Div - Vietnam War United States Marine Corps
Pfc Steven Freund
KIA - Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Marine Corps
Pfc Anthony J. Garcia
Korean War United States Marine Corps
Captain Stephen Warren Graffam
2nd Marine Division United States Marine Corps
Cpl Steve Greiner
2nd Light Armored Reconnaissance United States Marine Corps
LCPL George D. Haeck
Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Sgt. Matthew Hoff
OIF and OEF United States Marine Corps
CPL Theodore A. Jordan
1st MAW Vietnam United States Marine Corps
PFC John F. LaFrankie
Pacific Special Forces/ WWII United States Marine Corps
Cpl George Lee
3rd Marine Division - Vietnam Era United States Marine Corps
Cpl David Arnold Merenick
Tank - Vietnam United States Marine Corps
LCPL Clifford A. Metz
Platoon 2051 Vietnam United States Marine Corps
LCpl David Parkinson
1st Bn 3rd Marines - Vietnam United States Marine Corps
Cpl Richard A. Ressler
2nd Bn, 9th Marines, 3rd Div - Vietnam War United States Marine Corps
Sgt Edward J. Smithson
Air Wing - WWII United States Marine Corps
Cpl Robert Smithson
Air Wing 3rd MAW Peace Time United States Marine Corps
Sgt Brian D. Thatcher
Operation Iraqi Freedom United States Marine Corps
Capt Michael Thatcher
1st Bn 6th Marines - Operation Enduring Freedom United States Marine Corps
Cpl Charles E. Vey
Korean War/ 2nd Marine Division, 2nd Tank Battalion United States Marine Corps
Sgt William J. Voelker
1st Division - Vietnam War United States Marine Corps

A1c Charles Barry
801st Installment Squad - Greenland United States Air Force
Sergeant Fred Bonno
113th Fighter Squadron - Vietnam War United States Air Force
LtCol Thomas F. Connolly
49th Bomb Group WWII - Korean War - Vietnam United States Air Force
T/Sgt. Warren E. Cooley
United States Air Force
A1c Jerome C. Crist Jr.
6332 Supply Squadron Korea (Okinawa) United States Air Force
Sgt Michael Horgan
Air Weather Service Operation Just Cause / Operation Desert Shield/Storm United States Air Force
Staff Sgt Dale Kregenow
Korean War United States Air Force
Corporal George Lamars
Military Police United States Air Force
T Sgt James A. Lauso
171st Squadron - Operation Enduring Freedom United States Air Force
E-2 Charles G. Nadzam Sr.
United States Air Force
A3c Geraldine Orebaugh
MATS (Military Air Transport Service) United States Air Force
Sgt. Donald N. Restauri
Air Force REGAF - 1954 United States Air Force
SSgt Brian Rock
171st Air Refueling Wing - Operation Enduring Freedom United States Air Force
Staff Sgt Charles `Chick` Sherman
Sqdn 3741 Honor Flight/ Korean War United States Air Force
SSgt Walt Wilson
698 1st Radgrumo, USAFSS United States Air Force